.WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN -TUES D A Y; JULYs 31,1 ooar ML 1 Liuo COMING NEWS Ilcprs fcr Safety cf the Lcsatlsns Arc Agala Very low. A MISSIONARY HAS VISITED PEKIN But ffu Prevented frr-m Seeinr the Foreign Ulaistfrs-Jlis Reports Are Eneonriffiujr. - LONDON. July 29. The hopes of Europe for the safety of at least some of the memtiers of tin legation at IVk In. which earlier In the week hail fomnnwl to revive, are nowf flick ering ami at the point of extingulsii incnt. There has been pointed out that there has leeu ample time to get nu- i ...... r . : . 1 .t.iAJj t. the Ministers. . This- J - the roiwum mat ion of the Chinese a.ssurnacog that will Ik acceptable. Until such adviees have leen received, or until the Min isters have lHen handed over in tln flesh, the general public ami the Gov ernments Interested will not attach any credence to further Chinese state ments, or consent lo may the prepar ations for the advance of the relief force toward Pekin. The latent Mtorjr originating in other than Chinese sources, I a njwHal dis patch from Che Foo. dated July 27th. according to which M issJonary Wilder. ... i l f ... 1. 1 .. ago. ha just returned and tejiorts that he found the tuqierial Chinese forces completely surrounding - the Tartar city. He tr unable to deliver a mes sage to the Legation, and in reply to his entratie the Chinese aa-id they . ..1.1 ..II . .. .. . .. . ... t .. I . .. i-i'iam jjpl itiitpvv ftujr tfiir- tit far iott foreigners. According to the report -the attack on the legation ceased on the afternoon of July lfth. Everything wan quiet during tne remainder or aiw finnary Wilder May; When he left on July 1Mb a decree had leen issuel commanding all person to protect for eigner In China. f UNFAVORABLE COM.MKXT. Berlin. July 2S.Emperor Willtant's . address to the Mo!iliTS coiu tiiilig the China expedition fornix the subject of general discussion today. The Enqier- it-a It,.. I tti.l Iri t .nn.A tt- eMniw.i and make n prisoner are condemned by nearly everybody one meets, and also by l ! pre. '-., The papers maintain that the "Em peror's liehavior la. likely to upHtuji the harmony of the Powers, as doubt less some Power 'will not agree to the Enicror' Inst met ions." The feeling against the United State N esiveelally bitter. Emperor Williain having expected that the United Stated would stead fa stly sih' with him iu le niauding adequate redress. RENKWKI) HOPES. ese Minister here, says he Is eonrine ed the Legation in Pekln are safe aud sound, although some buildings hare leen destroyed. AVhile this eonr let Ion Is not shared' by the orlieial and loli tleal world here, adrk-es from the Par Hast during the past week hare raised a renewed boie that Dome. If not all. members of the legation are still alive Minister Yu Knng asks that China lie jriven another five days credit to pro-, duce authentic and satisfactory news' of the I elation. , The foreign fJorernmenta Intend to disregard 14 Hung Chang's recom mendations whk-fi they beUere are made In tiail tatth"-not to march on rokin. On the tfrtitrary. 1 he Interna1 tlonal exielitioti will start aljout Ih mlddle of next nrr, following as closely as possibh the rail roarl. : j Although the Japanese Minister hen aeottts the Idea of an. aljianre lv 4 ween China and Japan, the possibility of such development Is taken Into con sideration by the foreign represtnt:i trves. , THE PRESIDENT ACTS. , Has Oi-dereil a . Quarantine Against Cape Nome and Hutch Harlsr. Washington. July 2.8.-Tbe IYesident bam promulgated an order, drafted by the Marine Hospital Service, establish ing a Natloual quarantine against Cap Nome and Hutch Harlmr. Alaska, be cause of. the epidemic of smallpox at those rnfrts. This order gives a legal status to the quarantine already in operation. " PROFESSIONAL - EAUMXOS. Comparatlre Advantages of the Law, Medicine aud tlie Clergy, s -t, ... ". I - . K , The law is probably the most profit? able -of the so-called learned profess Rions. say the Medical Record. There afe more and larger prizes ,to he gnlned by an acute nud ehxjuent dl.sci pie of the legal art than are open to the medical man or the minister. In this country and (treat Britain the in cines of the foremost advocates and of attorneys In lucnitlre practice for the most art overshadow the yearly earnings f 4be lest-known-r physi cians and surgeons, and to still greater extent those of our spiritual a I risers. Occasionally one bearsof very large firtunes being left by prominent, doctors tir William Oull, Sir Andrew Clarke. Toctor. PepHr nod Sir William Jeuner are cases Ja HIut; but these re exceptions, and sums accumulated , by meli al men cannot be comparel either. in mralKr oc magnitnde to tlie colossal amounts amassed by tlie members of the legal fraternity. - When, however, the aver age Incomes of these three classes of the community are considered, their re hi rive position in tJreat Britain and the United States will tie found to differ. Viewed thus, in the Pnlted Kingdom the 1ergynian Is at, the 4op of the list, the" lawyer second and the doctor last, while here the lawyer or doctor gets a larger Kha re of the 'Kmres and fishes,' and the minister lias to le content with the crumbs.' The average income of a 'physician tu large cities on thi cont iucnt may l e i laHHl at $2.(k.. in the smaller towus at $l.r4. and In the rural dis trict at $l.isi. Two r tlin-e New York physicians are said to - make AJiiU over f 100.WW a year, five or six alwnt $.VUiO, but the average income, al though rather higher than In Chicago and in other American large cities, doe not greatly exceed Jit! yearly. Tlie minister averages la the city per-, Imps $lit. and In the country cer tainly not niori than yearly. At regar1s living extenset. both the lawyer and minister have an advan tage over their professional brother. In New -York, for example, ofliee ac commodation suitable to a physician 1 very dear, in a good neighborhood costing" not less than 70 or a mooUi. which with board aud bulging and other necessary disbursements will represent a sum of f 120 month ly, n ; sufficiently weighty tmrtlen for a straggling youthful practitioner to Uar . ' The roung minister has no reut to pay. while the legal neophyte can reguhite hi outlay In Ils reieci aceording to the length of hi pnrs j Nevertheless the lot of the medical Iffeginner compared with that of a, pastor in a like situation has its com pensations. He is at least more or less independent. The l minister, on the contrary. I s.a mle iermitted to exercise his own will but to a lim it ed degree, and often 4s doomed to go through a lifetime of toil subservient to the caprices of censorious elders and deacons. An excellent descrip tion of : the trials of an American country minister and the Tariou un pleasantness : with which he has to contend at the hands of his congrega tion Is given In the Iauination of Theron Ware." the best novel written br the late Harold Frelerlc. f.WlK'ii nil is ssiid that can le said. e first few years of medical practice are years of arduous effort, full of disiliiifdoniuput anil dlsapinrfiitmeiit. The life Sir Andrew Clarke told 1 Joe tor -Osier: "Prom the vantage groumJ of more -than forty yertrs of hard work" I ean say that I luive striven ten jea-s toy bread.. tn years for bread and butter, and twenty years for cake end ale. The truth undoubtedly is. ed esHclHlly In the large centers of jMipuhttkin in America, that tlie ojv jsrtuniilcs for a physician to obtain ndeuate contpi'usjttion for his Serv-I jces ae yertrly Itecoming Ies. i j This is not due to any deterioration in the quality of the present-day prac titioner or an evidence of falling off In medical or surgical skill. .Tlie. fact' is Irrefutable that the nieilleal profes nion In this and in all civilized coun tries stands on a higher plane In the mutter of training and knowledge J ban ever lief ore. TJie reason for the decrease in medical Incomes is indu bitably almost wholly owing to tlie more eager onipet It ion among regu lar practitioners, to Hospital and lis lensary abuse and to. the lamentable, increase lu quackery. The supply of medical men Is grejiter than the de niaml; the market Is floodid, and the mpst isitcnt remedy we can suggest blr this evil is that, as has lieen uiany times ad visl In the. -Medical itit-onl. a uniform lulgh standard of medical-- elucatlon should be estab-f llshed in every state. WAS A FAILURE. Pauq:iet In Manila Embarrassed the American and Filipinos. Manila. July 2S. -A banquet in -commemoration of the amnesty prored a failure owing to a misunderstanding between the Filipinos tendering It aud the American civil and military au thorities regarding the speeches. ; s After two hours' delay the banquet was finally finished. Commissioners Tart and Wright and General Mac Arthur were In attendance.' No polite cal speeches were -made. : A BIO CONTRIBUTION. What Senator Clark Paid Into the Democratic Campaign Fund, f New York, July 28. W. A. Clark, of Montana, left today on the Lucania for a vacation in Euroiie. Before sail ing Clark said to an Ereuing World r!orter: -Yes. I may hare given a check for $l0.o lo the Deuiocratic campaign fund. Perhais It was for more than that amount. I sent & contribution." - THE LAW DEFECTIVE. California's Statute Prescribing Regis j t rat ion for Primaries. Falls. I San Francisco. July 2S. The Su preme Court of California lias declar ed that the Stratton law, which pro rides for the registration for primary elections. Is unconstitutional on 'the ground that the Legislature cannot-ln-terfere with tlie internal regulation of a K)litical party. - ; L". THE KENTUCKY TRIAL. - - f -- ' .- . Secretary of State Powers Will Testify 1 in, His Own Behalf. Georgetown, Ky.. July 2-H. The pro ecuWon in the trial of ex-Scretary of State Powers, charged with lieing an accessry to the murder of Win. Joe lel, eonelnded its evidence iu chief this afternoon. The defendant will take the stand Monday, and. testify In his own behalf. UNION IS TIRED. Declared the Strike of Fishermen Off In British Columbia. . Vancouver. B. C, July 2H.-t-The Fish ermen's Union of New Westminster, after a prolonged session this after noon, declared off the Frar.er river sal mon strike, bnt the membership -of that union Is not nearly so large as that of the union at Rtereston. The strike situation at Stereston remains the same. - Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one cencern in the land who" are not. afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The proprie tors of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten millian trial bot tles of rhis great medicine? and have the satisfaction of knowing it has sbso lutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma. -Bronchitis, Hoarse ness and all diseases of the ? Throat, Chest and Lungs are sureJy cured by it Call on STONE, druggist and get a free trial tottle. Regular size 50c and $1. Every bottle guaranteed,or price refunded. ' ' . f ; - W. R. Brown. Who lire near Mil ner, has a goose that Is nearly .TMJ years old. This goose has laid yearly for 40 years, and each year xlnee 1854 up to two year ago, she has hatched and raWed goslings. The famous old fowl was given to Brown bv her mother In 1851. m?mi vim IS NOV TAKEN Jtz Stctc C:?:rtr.tnt Enccnrascd to Expect Gcsi News. CHINESE MINISTER Will TRY AGAIN To Communicate with the American Eepresentatlre in Pek in Troops ' from Manila. ! WASHINGTON, July 28. Today brought forth the usual crop of edicts and reports from various quarters, aud the usual visit from Minister Wusto the State Department, bearing direct ly upon the welfare of the Ministers in Pekin. This constantly growing mass of assertion is beginning to have a cumulative effect upon skeptics, anil there la noticeably, a more hopeful view taken of state affairs today. Be yond the fact that It is scarcely con ceivable that the Chinese authorities should : persist In repeating and strengthening these stories up to the rapidly approaching moment when the whole truth most lie disclosed by other agencies, it a pieared,upon careful consideration of the reports, that there really, was a little more ground for hope as to the safety of Mr. Conger ami his colleagues at Pekin, today, than yiere was yesterday. ; The de pressing fact is always in mind that the Chinese authorities, by their state ments, are able to communicate with the Legat loners, but for some myster ious reason do not permit these tin fori una tes to communicate with their jjwn Government. Minister Wu's ex planation, that the Chinese met ins is are different from our own, is scarcely sufficient for the official here. The Minister. . however. 1 honestly; trying to get further communications through from Mr. Conger, and it may be that success in this undertaking will afford him a brilliant vindication. While the positive statement Is made that it is not tlie presint intention to send any more troops from Manila to China, at the same time It is known that all contingencies have been cau vasscd aud that If an emergency should arise in China which made it Imperative to have additional troops, they will lie drawn from the Philip pines for temjiorary duty,' at least. : General Mat-Arthur has been advis ed by Secretary of War Root to main tain sufficient traniorts to carry sup plies let ween Manila and Taku. WILL BUY CANNON. Washington. July 2S.-The War De partment will. purchase several addi tional batteries of mountain guns, for service in China. THE BITER BITTEN.1 A KENTUCKY OFFICER THREAT- ENED WITH ARREST. Has q Requisition for a Pendleton Teacher, and Find Some Diffl cluty in Securing His Man. . PENDLETON, Or., July , 2. War rants were Issued' today, at Weston, for the arrest of 'George Reynolds, of Weston: J. W. Dykes, of Milton, ami G. C. Moore, one of the Kentucky of ficers, charging assault with intent to kill. The complaint was made by Mrs. J. B. Rowlin, the wife of the man whose attempted extradition caused numerous exciting Incidents lately. Reynolds ivas arrested, and a constable started for Weston for Dykes, when District Attorney llailey instructed Justice Wood , to release Reynolds on his own recogniiM-e. and delay the arrest of the olhers tndihg a further Investigation.; Bowlin. who hid In the mountains two day and nights and ap peared here last, night for a short time, has again disappeared and Iris where abouts is now unknown. id. C. Moore, the Kent u.'ky officer, recently secured a state warrant from Gov, T. T. Geer, for J. B. Bowlin, upon a requisition from the tJovemor of Kentucky., charging Bowlin with ut tering a forged deed.- It seems Bow lin came to Oregon under an assumed name, but was hnnteil down. and. af ter leing 1 arrested tqon the. Kentucky om-er's request, managed to secure hH liberty, when, an attempt lteing made to again arrest Win. he mode a sensa tional escape and was shot at by the arresting officers, and the arrests, re ported aliove, followed). ENGLAND FEARS FRANCE. Exists War Between tlie Two by the Beginning of November. - New York, July 28. A dispatch to the Trlbuue, from IonJlon. says; The sky! Is so heavily clouded with the mystery or China, the interminable guerilla warfare in South'. Africa and the famine in India, that It is hardly necessary for Earl Wemyss to Imrrow trouble over tlie the eliaiicos of an in vasion of England next NovenilxT and the Insufficiency, of. the home defenses. Lord Salsibnry has attempted to break the force of these outcries of alarm by a Jest aliout danger Xroni shooting stars in that month, but Ixinl Uose bery lias rebuked him for illtimed optimism f - : 5 . Tlie curious dHtale in the Honse of Ix)nls yesterday has reflected the omi nous talk which" has lieen going on In the city for ereral days aUmt tbe chances of la sudden attack frrnu France, when the home defenses are the weakest ; . Proliably these alarms indh-ale the excessive strain to which Englishmen have been subjected dur ing the last ten months. Enormous purchases of. Welsh coal by the Paris government and well authenticated reports that Hover and other channel fortification hare been secretly surreyed and ; charted by trench naval experts aud reports made npon the defenses of Llvernool and other ports, are facts uon wliich the alarmists lay stress, but the stock marsets are not influenced by these sinister speculations. , HARVARD STUDENT, WINS BET. . Harry P. Perry, a New York mil ,v.,.? i Iff. . .ic.y.,,, -.v" : - irt . ft.-:. 1 Tl ? 'A lionaire in hi own right, won a $.",00O wager late tlie other night from Peter Gerry, son of Elbridge T. Gerry, of New York". Doth are Harvard stu dents. i Perry lwt that he veould run from the Hotel Ton mine to ithe irncr of Commouweiilth and LMassachusetts aveuues. alniut - tliree-rtmrths of u mile, inside of ! lulnutcs. This wager was made a week agonndiueaulnue. Without tlie knowledge1 of the two young iih'U. circulars were di-ttriluted among their classmates and social friends In the aristocratic section -ad vertising Perry as a wingeil wondei aud inviting all to turn out and see him sprint. Perry slartiil olT. n-tiiipMju'd bv t Jerry, the latter iu an automobile. but Ix'fore he had run llireu minutes there were 20 antomobiles. 1H car riages and oO bicycle nrtlowing him. Their oeeuants and rniers were of the swell set and nil cheei'ed him on. lie covered the distance in eight min utes and 'two seconds and afterward was wined uiitl dined. HAD. NO WITNESS Yesterday when the noon train arrived . from Portland a Lirge man. arrayed in n Pilm-e AllxTt mat, ami liearliig-the air of a minister of tii gospel. vnlight it!. nccoini);iuk'l by a lady. Tim hrvt thing the gentleman did was 'to en quire how tar it was to the city, and where tin- court house vv.is krt-atcd. Receiving the desired information, he, and his lair companion, boariltqf th. striM't car and toltl tne conductor lo "put tliem off at -the courM honse." It was divined from tlie actions of the couple that they were Keeking a ihiitt riage license, and invest igi; ion proved tins to 1m tlie case. . On arriving at- the i-ourt house; the gentleman approai'lK'd the connty clerk and askeil for a -marriage liceiiw.- tlmmlj(-Clerk HiimiiiA asked him for whom be wanted the license, and the -gentleman! called "the lady in tlie olih-e and said lit was for himself and her.- Mr. llamuier :iid he could not i.sue the license to itt rangers without a witHcs. The. vis itor lookiil duinlrounduil for ( a l!io ment, then with evident cmliarras meut trieil .fo c.Vil:iiti thati' lie was a minister of t he gosisd. that he knew of no one in Albany with whontlie was acquainted, but said that Mr, l'ammer nail certainly tiin ni or uini 1mm ore. Mr. Hammer was forced to confess hat he had not eveu had-the 'pleasure of hearing of the gentleman, and the stranger, with a look of hopeless -des pair on his face, 'turned to his compan ion and said he guessed they would liave to "foot it." With deep regret they tiled out of the court house with out tlie much desired ; license,:':- leing comielled to postione their nuptials until a brother could lie suiuiiioikhI from Hodarille to act as 'witness. Ver ily theeourse of -truSe love runneth not smoothly. Herald, (Alltauyj. SUES FOR BREACHA)!' PKOMISEi Plaintiff Asks $2H.fM Iamages Fron Wealthy IllimMs Farmer. Suit for $20.k damage for breach of promise has tMen : lirought.it IHv etitur. HI., by Ltwj' V. Sterrett against Jacob HaiM'S, a wealthy retired, farm er, prominent in twx-ial and ioiiticnl circles. Attorneys for the- plaint iff say she will claim that they had lieen engaged six mont hs, ; wlnni -. he sur prlsiil ler by ; marrying anotlier.; Aliottt a month ago it was .reported tliat Mrs. Sterrett awl Mr. ILim had lieen married at Indhinapolis. . 'Neither denieil it and the rumor was 'pul lished In a local iaper. Then Hane deniiil it and tlire days later was secretly married to Mrs. Irk-e. a wealthy widow of -Windsor.; 11L Itoth Mr.Hanes ami hi bride made effort to keep the marriage secret. WORLD'S RECORD EQUALLED. Cleveland.' O.. Jurr 28. Prin Alert todar won the 2.-01 iwf In Ktrjiiirht heats, "the second heat lieing male in 2.-frj flat, the world's record for pacers in hobbles. : i ' ! 1 4 : ..... I i ' ' I - ' - i ' 7 - , Chinese Troops Camped Near ;-"'l' '-" ''r ' ' ' 'I J" y e GOV. THEODORE ROOSEVELT Republican Candidate For Vice President ' It sftns to have ; been., tacitly ad ndttil"; by tngimMrs in this country t hat or tw. in cities the only form of power for atltotnofiih's Vvorth -or, sidetation'. Is electricity. Curiously enough,.- the "vast advantages of elec tricity a a motive power for snelr" vehicles when used in cities are coui led with such disadvantages and lim itations as to make it practically use less i for automobiles Jutendi'd for general use. The storagi', lottery whk-h Is the essential feature of .-the electric carriage, l very heavy and lu '-proportion to Its weight can pro jm'1 tlie vehicle .only, a wry-: short, dis tance. Furthermore Its weight menus considerable1 jiower exjxndKl in its own locomotion, and -necessitates a hea vhr const riK-t Ion for elect ric v hicles than U needed In crthei tyiies of automobiles. Notwithstanding all thise objections, tlie convenience, cleauliucKs.ai'ety ami generally Rails factory quaUties of ch-ctrlc isnvcr hare made it the standard for vehi cles of the urban type." It sns; howevr. that for plea-sum Vehicles pable of long-distance runs steam Is the most popular iwer.. One mison for this Is dnulitless- the com jeira live ly low eot of steam .vHiicles a com-' paml witli -electric carri;igf. Ia?o leiie automoliiU'H have never attained much popularity, in he Unltisl Suites, though they are kcvu in great min Imt on t he st m t4 of Pa tis. Tlicli most- unfortunate isvuliarity I tiieir odor: they fairly rik .with gasolene atMl tho. V!ijKrs pnidmiHl by it incom plete coiiilnjt4on." "Taking it all to gether, too electrical typo of autonu-- - i 5 . . - . -- Hi ( Pekln. ., A r bile bus every advantage save only tu weight ami short radius of oMrn tion. To Improve it in li-s' respects rewires the inveuthm of a light tat tery. At iircsent tlie only material known from. which a-satisfactory stor-nge- battery can Isv Hurftru-tl are lend and its eouqioMids, which are -all intrinsically heavy. J Doctor (weary with uiistjecessfnt efforts o i)re iiMent) Well, I ve Just one more remedy to try In your ca-se, and If this doosii t hclji you, irol biiigr wiil. . ' i I'aUent Whr didn't vou " frankly X i ' . . it il . A, ... 1. I . , .H V umi ii tii'ir lit i o iii hi m'li'i' iiin itri! If nothing will help me. I could have taken that at the start and saved" t lie ctpi-nse of yonrv attentions. Boston Transcript. " : 1 The sal. of the city dirifteries In Chh-ago Ims bwn proliiliit(d this ye.ir by: the publishers, it 'having becii.d tcrmiueil to lease them so as to lie.-id off .; certain .advertising schemes 'at h cxiienA of the company. The bok to lm returned at the cud of live years.: ; ' -: j 10 cotts aad S cr ats, at ell &txs stores.