Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, July 31, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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Tbey Rqolr Very IJttl Cm re. mud tb In
dustry la of Great ComBirrcUl 1
, VIU ; V
The P.clgian hare Indnidry is rapidly
growing in OrtgH), and wore residents
of every ; portion of. the Willamette
valley are engaged In the propagation
ami -are of tln-sW' 'little animal. Thee
jake little atteutiou, are most proline,
ami '.vw dlnglyt profitable, as the cost
"of raising ami keeping : them is very I
little, while their, value in the markets
of the world." for food put raises, is
great, and all P.elians Cud a ready
ale. The Industry iu Oregon lias not
reached the irnt where the Belgian
are raisd for the table, the specimen
thus far Installed .in the Oregon ral
bitrie lieing- too expensive - for table
u', having been purchased for propa-
Kalins purposes, with a vie vr of secur
ing . only animal 'having the liest
points, grading up well 'w ith the ehoic--est
to te found buy where In the conn
try. This is forjunatc, as in this way
only good stock jl lieing introduced to
till the state's rabl!tries, anfl the fu
ture of. the Ore; roil lielgiau is in this
way assunsl :i reputation that the
Hlaie may well le prond of.
. In some quan era it Is believed that
I lie Pelgiaus will take the place of the
hen, and that rabbit ries will .displace
the chicken yai;il. While the Itelgiaus
will soon ! foiuid an everyday table
delicacy, ant wild In-come an article of
consumption, there is little danger of
litem taking the; place of jioultry al
together, and there Is little 'doubt but
the liaro and the le ti will exist side by
side, and together help in feeding the
multitudes, L. I Mat-tin, of Amity,
writing in thej Pa el fie Homestead of
tbls city, iu laW wek issue, discus
es this phase j of tW question. !- and
tshow the profits in breeding Belgians
for the market a eomiared to the
.poultry 'Industry, ami while he proi
ably underestiiuates and undervalues
the hen a f rie." and overdraws the
cost ami i-urefof iultry raising, as
compared to tliat of breeding Belgian
he tells the truth nlioiit the value of
the hare Industry a a producer of
wealth. Mr. Martin writes: ,
"While there Is not one out of one
hundred person who Is raising oid
try that everl heard ; if the ltelglan
hare, yet the day is not far in the fu
ture when th hare' will be more, ex
tensively raided than wultry. and iu
'many places the poultry yards will be
transferted into rabbluies; not lie
cause jioultryfnUsing is unprofitable,
.lmt Uf-niw there is more nnaiey in
raisiilif h.'iris .iliil mt half the v' k
or expense. '-Statist ie show that there
Is more poultry or the product of poul
try consumed in the United States
than there is jrrain. and no doubt tlie
bare Mill Is raised far more extenstve
Iv. for .lt not ionly takes tlie place of
the fowl, but also Meef and pork.
There are today in tlie city of Io Au
,jrcles alone over tive thousand breed
ers of llelghm bait's, ami In the city
of Paris there am consumed over one
I Hind red and !. ninety thousand iiounds
of bares daily, and iu several of. the
old countries! the hare furnishes the
larger art of their meat supply; Itut
now we will; return to our sobjeet
which is the j most proli table, the hen
or the hare? !
' "The hen will not lay over S'C eggs
and raise three - dor.en chickens in a
year' at IlioU-st. the value of which
Avoidd lie. eirts J.1.r. chickens $15. I
think this a ery large
in many casis it would
Calculation, for
taken a dzeo
bens to do this.
"But what f the hare? S,he
raised forty 'youngsters worth' at
least .-calculation. Although
cuuttot tniiA any thing for eggs, tliwoji
will le enough of the yongsters nave
young to swell the muulier to one
hundred intend of forty. .
"This Is aSvcry lew estimate or the
1 wire, but it looks like the old hen Is
lidly left, for it takes just as mm-h
feed to keep the hen as it. -docs the
haw. for t Ik? hen must have grain,
while the h:re can thrive on hay in a
land!ox. wtilie M takes all outdoors
and -sometime indoor for the hen.
. it
Th bare is mucli easier careo ior nmu
tiie hen. aiwl the youngsters are no
trouble at all- All they do Is grow.
Itut What of the little chicks? They
need your t .'.nstant care for weeks,
and almost jlK'fori they are fealiered
out the litilf hares are no longer little
liarcs, but 1st tie bares mothers."
, :'.. " '
Th Sau
Francisco Post, in Us
cian hare pi
.nge, a tew oaj
a I W tacts regaroio
care of Pltan hares, which will
doubtless le f Interest 9 i-ne many
ranciers of tlse little animals in Ore
gou and to tho not onty who have
made a start in the Industry, but also
to anyone coirlemplatins engaging in
l.elgiati bare breeillna: iu the future.
The Post : . , i
The lU'liau hare Is doniesttc in It
iwtr.rxv Jt thrives In dose eontine
ment .eveit in Kinall boxes III back
vards. It is cleanly, easily kept, pro
iirtc. and its Uifat is one of the choic
est table delicacies. The meat can
pr.slttce.1 for less than Iwf.' mutton
or pork, when the comparative ab
sence of Uae aaI otner reiuse
ti jns is taken ito consideration: it con
tains the ery. highest amount of mi
tt imeut of. any meat, and the white,
delicate. delU-iorts and tenderfooil is
Juvat lablv : pn.nouuceil infinitely inon
of a luxury? than chicken, turkey, or
even the t.sthsmie quail. Hence tlie
title which ha leen applied to it of
tie rUrhut's luxury and the ioor
man's friend.' Thus It will be seen to
have a solid economic bash for busl
, tu"w purnos. ' - ,
"The P Igian hare will dress a
iMMimt for every - month of its age up
to six months. 'audit will furnish fl
ior the -.table-: from about the -.tenth
"week of Us existence. When. raised
for inark-.t panoses the most profit'
aide age to kill i the -tifth month.
Mid uoiiei ueetl fear that the business
t raising t he. Belgian for market will
ever ! overdone. . Americans are a
iiH'at-eatiag iMop!e. and they will aj-nre-L'.te
giHd an article of foinl as
the hate jfmnlshts. If they once taste
...i .irth le of diet Hie hare hai
ciamtry. The flavor of the meat is de
ItcwHi. far ttner than that of the let
xmry. AH of the flesb Is eatable. o
that there 1 absolutely no waste, if
the animal lias been properly dressed.
It lacks the heavy, oUy Kulstances
found iu chicken: and ducks. The
fiesn, being very nonrtKhing, mar W
taken with relish and pro lit by inva
lids, lieing grain feJ. it haa none of
tb strong, gaawy flavor fonml iu the
w ild rabbit, and is acceotable to the
weakest stomach.
The Knglewood rabbltry. X.' 471
Commercial street, is enjoying at pres
ent considerable prosperity in tlie mat
ter of atesi and ordVra tfor future de
livery. Mr. Mlnton has several vouug
i urn i oe laiuotis i;rtain buck. Ixrd
lerless. and from Yukon and Oold
P-ug docs. Tlds makes a combination
that is hard to beat, as the Yukon and
t'old Pug st rains add to tlie size 'that
is lacklug in the Pritain strain. There
are. perhaps, no other strain of the
Pelgians that have a exi-ellent suaies
as tlie lukuu. atol ihi i-.un.L-i uiti,
the perfect coloring of In-d Peerless,
of tlie Britain strain,, makes a com
bination that rdmuhl make7 some ; very
high Kforing animals. Tin young are
hcalt!y and vigorous and make a very
pleasing sight as they, scamper around
iu their hutches. ' r
A lover of fa my stock cannot help
but fall in love with the PIgian hare,
and becoaie Individually attached to
many of them.7- So do-ih and afTee
t loii.it e are they that they will often
leave their feed to b caressed by the
hand that attends them. Many in
quiries tire coming In from Eastern
Oregon it ud Idaho, ami several orders
are lieing bw.ked for fall delivery.
Mr. .Minion had a caller, yesterday,
from The Oailes. Mr. It It. Sinm.tt.
proprietor of the hotel at that place,
who has recently established a raiv
bitry in the rear of his liotel. This he
has loue for practical ivaMius, Wliile
he loves the interesting little animals.
Mr. Sinnott i determined to overcome
the exp-nslve meat bilN incident to
the hottl business ami at the same
time afford Ids guests a more deliesite
mat. He is a shrewd business man,
and was not slow to se the possibili
tieH of -the lielgjan hare and to 'apply
them. Mr, Minton find that the un
grounded prejudice against the Itel
giau is fast disnpiteariug.1 and that it
is taking .-a more practical turn. In
all. he sees no reason for disi-ourage-mcnt.
as the many ieoph- who at first
could s(h no more than M cents to 1
iu a hare, now readily see any reason
able price that may In asked for them.
Ife expects to make a tine exhibit at
the State Fair, and In this manner in
trodue tlnm to many ; i jMople tluit
scarcely know what a IVcIgian hare Is.
ountry fouph Whk-h AccejrteI
the Directions Literally,
This Is a tale of pressing the but
ton. - ; i
Itlaine Vihs. of Skowhegan. tells it
to m. I don't know where he. got
the facts.: Cottldn'4 have Ik-cu iu
Skowhegan, of ecursiv ;
But wherever It was, a coujde from
the -onmry came to , he hotel of
which the tale is tidtt. Of cours
this may have hapiened in liob
Haines hotel, for 1 toll lias told me
many times that it is a liliernl edu
cation for man. woman or child to
stop in bts liotel tive minutes.
Uural parties In qiKstiim asked to
iesI)own to a, room. -Itoy escort etl
thtmi up. Iyeft . tluin standing iu he
center of the room 'looking around.
."Over the electric push-button, of
eoursv was the usual card directing a
guest. j to ring once for Ice water.
twice for hot water, etc' It is -.evident
that the -first business of the new ar
rivals was to study the card.
In about tive , minutes the hell.' on
tlie annunciator in tin? office com
menced to ring-prin n-ng. prin-n tig
priu n ug. prin-n-ng!-givitig the liot
water call over, and over. The nuiu-
ler shown was the iiumlsr of the
room occupied by the rural partis.
.Tlie loy rushed into the wash nwun
and drew a pitcher of hot water.
Still the I ell kept sounding steadily,
two tin g hi quick sueiession.
- Sit !i nuive on " slMrtiteil the clerk
to 4he Imv. "Thoiu parties in Slum
tii-ii niust I k considerably fusil .up
on the hot water qilfstiou. They
mttst have cold f"ot." s
The 1kv was already half way up
tlr rimniii like a Iht. The Iwll
vHiii Loot rimriiig. m ' ' ; ; ;'
Tlie clerk, cmzeil br the noise of
the bell, stofsl nt in a chair, saying
in r!inil succession. 'and hold
Ids hand ou the gong, dulling
tore into tlie risHlt With his
ni teller of hot : water slopping. Tin
npri-t. man and - 'wife, were
-t-in.iinir lK-fim the elis'tritf but;....
Ti.ii ori. rr u IIH . uni. 1 1?
. . fri
man held a Ihw1 carefully under tin
kntion --with- hi, head'' turned away.
so that the hot water wouldn't spiirt
t.... t.i ..v.mt ami the woman was
fH-evsinir the button with regular
onL-e. Thev Mere doing their Iwst
t. net In water strictly according to
lir-tioiis. : , ,
it...... irt ttiatr velbnl the twy
your hot wnte..
ttii woman. "Hen
fh man with the: bowl
that article nnd kskel at the boy.- '
-Wbatr says bethe man from the
rnral district's Iyc; have to bring
It In a pitcher In the old-fashioned
war? Wal. I Kiiumt What's the
trouble with yer water works here?
I've 11 n pressiu' this button aecM-d-ln'-to
the rewles here on the card,
and there hain't a darned drop of wa
ter come otit'yit. When1 things aln t
workiu ye might to hang tip a sign
riu1 'Out of Onlerr That's the
way thev do on thft weighia machi;
.... . ii. rvtti'i( rroci-rv ft tore.
And when the bell loy came cot tt
ie told tlie clerfcu -nd the
cr.ivelv msu; r nnu
l in ..,. - ...
.t.,- run n? cant, on wiiicu
written. 'Nit Working." .
ii. ,-nrried a lke and a hammer.
and after gnUdns admishii to room
seventeen he naiteti tip '
t The,igest furveye.1 his work tvitb
5nThe that's ! bilges.- said tlie
man from the rural districts. Ef h;
a n t workiu', say ; and ef It's goin
. ve any .to fet h water up
..... .,. il woman
ecre. ue- . ...- .... T
.1 ...... l lie siiik
nun !' ' -
as soon
dew it u.. ,-
T1h small town of erda. In the
kingdom of I a homey, lit c lebrated
for its temple- of serpants. a long
building in "hich priests keep np
wanls of ld serpent f all s.xes,
v,tei, itiev fied with bints and frogs
ihein offerings by the
natives. .- ..
Fat tb Ctbce. Tarnlp. CarreU,
rm. Etc. Hald t Urn httort
. lived.
Repvrts come in from all sWles of the
damage the cut worm is doing to the
ganb ns and meadows., I. T. Brown.
gardener at 'tlie Asylum for the In
sane, was down town last evening.
and he report that the vegetables in
the "extensive gardens of the Institu
tion. lxt it around ilie main building
and ou the Pottage Farm, are s.iffer-
ing severely from the ravage of the
pest. Tbey eat the cabbage, the foli
age on the stato vines, and tlie ik-
tatoe in the hills, the carrots and
turnips, not only the leaves, but the
vegetables also, and the com. They
bore right into the corn stalks near
the ground, and seat out the heart, so
that it wilts. They do not eat the
fruit, exeeptiug the apples that fall to
the ground. Mr. Brown Intends to
make war on the worms on the -ah-bage,!
by having them picked up ajnl
killed. This will be tedious work, lnit
M r. Brown ha mor help t hau t he
average jfanlener.
George W. Wei-ks. the dairyman,
says; the worms are still at work ou
the ; gan lens and meadows out that
way, and that they have iu 'one ease
strippi-d tlie leaves off of several iear
tree. . ' ,: . j '
Herman S-helllerg of Sublimity,
was iu the city yesterday, and lie. re
ported that tlie worm are literally
taking the gardens in that noighlor
IioimL, and the farnwrs are discouraged
over this ami their- short erotis of
wheat and oats which they jire har
vesting and beginning to thresh.
P., S. Alatteson. of Turner writes In
the July issue of the Poultry Journal.
just published: "It apiwars that this
Willamette valley or at least this
liart of It is !eiug treated to anoih. r
Visitation of the climbing cut worm.
I hear of him. sometimes, as the army
worm from several localities. If your
cabtKige leaves are in scallops and
holes, dig over the ground around
them an inch or two deep, and you'll
lind him. ; lie is a night worker, and
hides in the soil iu day time. Jle
called here some fifteen
and. did a lot of mischief,
early that time. Now he
years ago.
- He ca me
Is late and
dies in the
for a nu lu
won't do much harm. He
fall ami don't come again
Ier of years, but
be is any tiling but
is here. I know of
desirable-when he
but one remedy. I circumvented hJni
ou his former visit by getting -a lot of
oyster cans, unsoldering them, andj
setting them around plants an inch or!
two bi the irmuuiL Mr. Cut Woriui
couldn't climb over and hadn't souse
enough to dig under, and he wa
licked. I tried ashes. Fulnhur. cou.i
oiL salt, and some other recommended
remedies, but to no goot. Oauningj
ine piauis sui"eiHieo.
Henry Fletcher rejMirts that tlie
worms have eaten the leave off of
four rows of his hop vines.'on tiw Sil
ver! on road, a Ik nit tive miles from Sa
lem. 'Iliere are resrts of their aji
nearance in other yards.
Siime bugologist over in Washing
ton has iubishel the statement that
the worms are shortlived." But -he
did. not sjsH-ify Just, how short. Some
one else has said that they will live
only twenty days. Hut they -have
liecu here that long already, and there
is nu sigu -of their departure as yet.
Some farms and gardens are entire
ly fr-e from the pest, ami those gar
deis that art' located near meaihiws
sii'iii to have the -most general and ex
tensive visitation-of them.
The Southern Pacific
...l.- I'..,.;i.i....l
Company; Plae
I lav .ioacU'S
On Its LilK-s. j
There, has lieen some iinproyentV'tit
!n the rolling stock equipment of Ibe
Siuthcrn Pacifle Company's traim
during the past few days, a lot f ln
proved 'pattern oacher lieing tmis
fernil lo the Shasta route. This ha
lieeii made isissible by the arrival ut
the California divisious of Ihirt-u
new pusM-nger day coaches from I-iy-ton.
Ohio. According to railroad offic
ials these are the finest day coaehe--ever
run on ihfs 'coast, and .are equal
tt any coach in Anierhn or elsewlwe.
They were constructed by Ifiei Itarney
He Smith Manufacturing t'onipaiiy.
The coaches are to le run on through
passenger trains. t
Twelve more cars similar to these
,. i!irc lieing construciei ai me fsimr;
M hen completed they will
i , , . Tl,. n,.-
day -Kicl.es add much to the pleasure
of " travel over the Southern Pacific
bin's. They are equipped with all
modern appliance and are thoroughly i
up b date. The coaches are sixty-one
feet in length, have vestibuled ends,
are lighted With IMntsch gas and heat
ed with steam. Tlie cars rest mi four
wheel trucks, with thirty-six inch steel
tired wheels. Steel nrnegie brake
ljeams are nseil. Tlie Interior i beau
tiful !v tinishel. Highly -polished wod
of pjt'tnfal tinish. with brass trimmings
S-arrit wats, with plush liottom and
lup-ks are se1. The windows are of
plate glass and are covered with cur
tains instead of blinds. The other
twelve coaehe are expected in few
day. - :.' -
The new c-oaclMM have elicited many
favorubh remarks froni residents or
the Capital tTity. ' They are a pro
noriwtI Improvement over the old.
diutrr - and uninviting alii lli.tt
have leen in the Company s servle
In the new regulations for the nav
igation of the Suez canal, which Imve
tnt lieen iimmnlgaled. is a provishm
that no vessel shall a through the
etina! unless it ha an electric searcti-
i5iit etinaltle of lighting the chanucl
l.bwi vanl ahead and also", eleetri
lights caKi!le of illuminating si area
of 21 yards arouml ttu vessel.
Among the late additions to the fac
nit v of Yale 1 John W. Foster, for
merly secretary of state, who has leen
chosen Storrs lecturer for next year.
-i Absolutely pur&: .
of finest flavor, light, sweet, appe
tizing, digestib e and wholesome.
Do not permit the grocer or peddler to
substitute any other brand in place of
the Royal.
V.rk Iue by the Trut lr. from r-nltn-
tlry, IMre-ted ly rarmr John .
,' - Porter. '.-.'
t Front Tiaily Statesman. July 20.1
When he Jisla litre, at its last ses
sion, appropriateil funds for the con
struction of .good roads to conrnvt tiio
several fctale iusiitutions near this -ily.
very . little : attention was paid to tlie
matter -by' the general public in this
vicinity," but the work of construction
Under that- act. which has-" steadily
lrosressedr"thi sctsini, has attracl'.'d
the attention of the citizens to no
small extent, and since the work f
tls" slate, carried ou with prisoner;
from the state nenlteiitiarv. has cul -
i,. -l... ..f .,
llitllil t III I1IC OII?IMIl lion in SliitWI,
a u
highway, bid It as only a -practical
road builder can make it. leaching a
lenson In tlie art of road ltuil.iiinr. ua
eii.illii hi this state in the past, the
public is suddenly awakening to the
fact that gol roads a re-needed in this
ctuintiy, and that the work of the
state,, as shown in the highways now
in course of construction, has solved
the road problem. Sand the handiwork
of the stale authorities will serve a
model for the balance of .tlie stale
in improving tlie states highways.
Yeiirs ago. when W. !!. ,,Weslantt
anu.wi J. Irwin pnrc'hased their dairy
rami southeast of tills city, they le
gau tlyrk of improving the Turner
road. leading out from tois1 city past
the Itefonfi School. At odd .time they
ex nded; bpsitlerable jnoilev and ?ia
br in making tlie road asahle; and
K.' C. 'rti.HS. .also. contrOiuiiisl l.lH-rady
toward Siiipro-b;ig the road, but tlieir
pi-rslsteut effortsCto luive irjgool high
wa.v lijillt out thatcay. mf'll only With
moderate success. Vhcn tlie state au
thorities lwgau building yoads lH.twc"ti
the several Institutions, this road was
one of those It was decided to Improve
irtid Sltpt. J. I. Ih, with the. assent
of ov. T. T. tJer. put his road build
ing force on this work alxnit a month
alio. ' -.-''
This road. leading from State street
to tlie Turner road, tlieiico on to the
lieform -i School, is nw fn course of;
construction. The; irison forc. itm
iiistlng of four team.' and a dor.en
trusty prisoners, wilii I .inner. Johti
Iirter overseeing the work, has cont-
pleted a section of i he Turner, road,
and the finest piece of road , work in
the slate lias resulted from their ef-
It was found that the road ran over
a gravel lied the entire distanc, from
the point ts here tlie extension of 2Trth
street Intersects tin road eat. ami
this gravel was n.tilla'! in buiblinx
lhe.TKMlway. The iriimty road scrap
er and wheel scraper were nsei in
making leep jreiM-he on each wide of
the toadway. the jgravel removcl le
Irg tiseil In filling , in the emliankmeEt
and landing b "I. " an average of
tHut three feet alHve tlie former
grade.; The roadway is graded up la
ta exciljeut manner. 'Is twenty ftet
wide at the crowa. and alnrnt tweuty
six to twenty-eight at the bottom,
packed solid, with fine gravel covering
the radway. . Tlie large, five-ton roll
er, belouefng to the city,, was used In
packing It down, and a smooth, broad
highway, almost as solid a Commer
eltl Mreet, well draimnl. Is the; result.
The f drainage rf this road was the
principal ditlk ulty. ami' this wa 'ac
complished by givipg tlM proper fall
to the ditches alongside the road, con
nection with Mill creek n.ar the city
Royal Baking Powder is the greatest
of helps to the housekeeper or cook in
preparing the tiest and (finest food.
labor and
makes hot breads, biscuit
Some baklnjr
limits, and carrying the water off tlie
road, thus insuring a tine. driveway in
winter, where iu the at a veritable
lake presented difficulties to travel, a
portion of each year, almost insur
mountable. This, work was oecouipfished yester
day, the force from. the prison, under
(lie direction of Mi. Porter, giving the
linishiug touches lo tlie road by roll
ing it. dressing the edges, and making
it a mmt ami xyumief rica! driveway,
broad as a street, and almost as solid
lis an asphalt pavement. All 1 he large
pieces of gravel were excluded from
the covering to the road, nothing but
tlie litier material Iteing used in tills
construction, and a "buggy or wagon.
pasing over it left scarce an Impres
sion on the-smooth, haudsome surface.
The connection ls-twcen State street
and this highway Will lie built this
vek. I lie slate's force having com
nleled all the work to be done on this
nad this 'season, with 1 he -exception
of one day's work, tomorrow, when
the foundation for the connecting road
will le" made by Mr. Porter's force of
.1 rustics, at the same time -completing
k.uie of the (intiu dilciies lonnei I trig
i'1" ciei-lv, near the I-;. l loss
Mill crei-k. near the F. i t
I slaughter house, w hich so far is iu an
incomplete slate.
. M
The remainder .of the work -will lie
done- by volunteer subscription: 1 he
connecting road, graded up. will be
covered with tine gravel. ' t
The completion of this road will give
Saleni one of the finest driveways in
the country half way to the Ueforin
School, twenty feet wide, ahsotulcly
solid. with no. danger from overtlow,
ami will .admit of hen vy loads being
brought into or taken out of the '.city
at all seasons of the year, without nny
danger of miring down. All thai wiil
Invrequinsl to make the roadway iMir-fi-et.
when Ihe 2Tith street extension
is completed, is to rnkiv - the large
gravel off Slate, street, from Foolcy'
stote to slri'et. when one of th"
smoothest ami liest drives in the coun
try will result.
It is cxtiectcd that, when the legis
lature meets next whiter, sufficient
fun is will le appropriated . to finish
this road to the ICi forio- Scliool. 11n,
teakilig the onlM-ilii.il ln'tweeli that
plrfce and the - Penitentiary' complete,
which C5in ! done, by prison la lr, at
a very low cost.
i Similar roads are--hieing constructed
Itctwecn the Penitentiary and tlie oth
er stale institntioiis, making highways
that tire. entirely passjible ail the year,
with heavy loads. The road lending
from the Penitentiary and Insane Asy
lum to the Asylum" Farm, which Is
contrt'ctcil lu a similar manner, was
completed by the same force of trusty
prisoners vvorklng under tl direction
of T. A, Farley, and here is found a
denionstrsitlou of what well directed
eiTorts can accomplish toward; road
beiMing in Oregon. I1h highway con
structed by Mr. Farley lx-ing an Ideal
one. -which is thoroughly atipreciated
by a,ll who have -aslon to pass over
it.. ::. ';- . -: -
'tis eat credit is dm Snpt. JT. I. !
and Warden J T. Jaues for detailing
the trusties to this work.- and especial
ly to Farmer John Porter for excellent
judgment and,, hi practical effort in
building tl'ce roads, thus giving a
living example of what rad M'tirk can
Ih ooiie by Intelligent effort, ami the
applu-at'mu of sound business methol
In carrying on an enterpfle of thi
character Vlload supervisors fnm
every parfvhf Marion .comity fchoiild
visit this roal. tfldy It 'onstrnctioii,
ami learn in' this way how a gosl
Iliighway may ) built at tle least
possible cost, and giviu; lii- ls-t
.slble resolt. '
Snpt. J. 1 I-ee .and Warden J. T.
j Jane Iuie-ted the - new road last
evening, aud pnuiouiicefl themselves
a highly pleased with the result atv
talr.ed. - 4.
After hi effort of many years to
secure a gsf roadway out from tlo
city, ?.Ir. Wentacott I-ifct evening ex
pressed himself as higldy pleased with
the results attained, and to show that
and cake
powders are clatmetl to Ik? dieaner.
; Tlicy can be cheaer only if made irom cheaper ma
tctials. " ChcajHrr " means interior. To t:heaen the
ctfeit of an article of bxxl at the expense of its health
fulness, as is dune in alum baking powders, L a crime.
he is not seltlsli In. the mailer, but. 'ad
vocate the building of good roads in
any tiortioii or the county, ne siaieo
that lie would contribute ." mt mile
for any ten miles. of as good road ns
the one iqiokell of aloVe. built out of
Salem, iu any tlri'ction. and lie hocs
to M'e. in a . few .yen rs. Tlie construc
tion of a dozen such roads radiating
from this .city Jo. Uie siirroumllnij
'iff eon Carloads of TJicse AnttnaU
Fn Route tod he Orient. Passed
Through Salem Thursday.
Fifteen carloads of mules were on
the nKtlilMniid freight, train over Ihe
Southern Pacific line which jtasSed
through Saleni last Thursday.--' They
were destined for Seattle, from which
Krt they will be sent on a t'lKlted .
Stall's Trausjiort. to China.
The mules liad servitl Fm le Sam In
Cuba for tin- iast yiar. They - were
recently shipped to New York, where
they- were kept severn! days, wh'u
Agent harreli of the tuartciniastcr's
1 ieiirlmeut received order -to report
with them at Manila In the Philip
pines. This Mqiocial train containing
the mules, -Im-ing drawn' by two i-n-
gines. left Washiugtoii. o. ;.. at r,-::
on the afteriKM.n f.ii!y 11th.. At
Ogih-li ti-legniphie order were riweiv
ed by Mr. Oarrvll nsciiidiiig the Phil
ippine order and ordering tlie animals
taken to. Seattle In preparation of a
trl to China.' -
The :K.- mules were all 111 excellent
shaiio when reaching Salem Thursday.
The. ear iu which they, lire hlpNs,
ate esMs iaIly provldisl. for Ihelr ship
meiit, coiUaining :fiil Imixcs, water
troughs on tlie side, ami oMier conven
ience for animal care.
Strange Fx perietwe of n
Physician Highly Value
. Wlnsl.
Hi .
"Or. F. A.. McAllister afid wife left
here Hevcral weeks ago for Florence
and insist M(ilil oil-their, bicycles."
say the Kugeiie Itegbifer.
"On arriving at Florence Mrs. .Mc
Allister toped to ylslt while the diH
tor. pnstHHbnl down tlie coast to the
mouth' of .the I'lniupia: thehec on to
oos liver. " 1-hkiplre City. Coquille,
M:trsldield timl Uamlott, taking attout
eight day for the trip.
..."On his r"4tiru. he left
at U a. in., exM-tliig
FloretM- that veiling.
I'niiMpi.i to call on. Or.
Fiopire City
to arrive at
lie went , by
iwrty. tliat was aniHI then
not reach Ten Mile creek
and did
until 7
o'clock, .when, be found the tide Iu and
the crei-k full. He was about ten
mile from '.Florence, and a he had
had nothing to eat that day it seem
ed quite necessary that lie should reach
that placed ho he weut up the creek a
nhort distance and attempted to cross.'
When nltout the center of the stream
he weDt under and a large wave com
fng from the K-ean nubuiergel him six
feet or more. To add to his- predlca
inent he found h!ins4'lf iu quicksand,
and here was where hi bicycle per
formed it mission. by resting on Jt
he could hold himself from going far
ther umUT .with .one foot while h"
pulled the other out.
"In striving to extrhtite hlms-ir
from hi tioriioti positJon lie lost all of
hi Is'longing icket bisik, medicine,
etC. .;' !
"Finally he uc-eHbl jn gettitig from
the stnini when be fell exli:instl ou
the luk. Iteing very dangerously
near the incoming tide lie struggled
manfully to 'reach safe ground, .which
be tinally did, where he lay for hour
unconscious, and on coining to a real
iz.'itioti of hi condition found hlmKelf
buriel in the vumL He finally suc
eeded in reaching Florence wlu-re ho
wa confined to hi bed two day Avlth
a raging fever.
""i he noctor jiy mat picycio hi ver
valuable to uiin.
advantarc that areas yet slightly un
derstood In the Eastern section of the
-' - ' - ' : -.' . :' 1 .'' '.''