FPm empire y I " ..... i ii , J . I I ' """"UMllntvuiul.iii.,i i . ... I The lowest prices in the state. So lb. HALF GKOLKND..... 25cts K-o lbs. 1 1 A LF J ROUND ..... .4Scts; 50 Ihs. FINE DAIRY. .. .... . ."Jsct-s. 50 lbs. FINK WELLINGTON 43cts. 100 lbs, FINE WELLINGTON 85cts. BKEWSTER & WHITE ' Na. 9 Court Street 'Phone 1781 ; "The Feet! Men" DEALERS IN GRAIN. WHEAT! BOUGHT or exhaled fnrj fWmr and feed at ranch oflkc of Aurora Roller . Mills, warehouse on Trade street, near High. Sak-m, Oregon, j ' BICYCLE REKMR'NG. G. A. ROBERTS Bicycle Repairing ; New and Second-Hani Wheel l os STATE STkEET SALEfl, OK TINNING AND PLUMBING. T. S. BURROUGHS T1NNINU AND PLU.Y1BINU Gas ami S'eam fitting. Manufavt orer of Hop and Fruit Pipe, ioj States., tI s ilm. Or. ' BLACKSMI l lliNG. M. F. R SMITH EOiMOER JSD' CHiERAL BlUCOTil Carriage ami Wagonuiakinjr. special attention paid e itrtctlcring ami lame ness of horses, j . . 1H5 Conuncrciaj St., Opp. Brewery 'physicians. J. F. COOK, M O BOTANICAL DO -I OR Cures C;ji.MiiTipJ:n. Cairtr, Tumors Gravel and Kdtirv Troubles. Asthma Skin ami B-rre Diseases, without knife, plasters, posisoti or pain. Also Biinl oc. ' J Sa'ctn. Oregon D. D. KEELER VETEQIXAtlY SLRGEOS jratf STOCk 4SPCTCK.... Corner Center and Front streets, foo! of Steel Bridge, Salem Oregon. LIVERY STAIJLKSi LOUIS MILLER & -SON Proprietors bf th ...CLUO STAHLES. - - Best Singe and Double 1Uk in the city. - Jlest care given to hoarding and transient stock; Tdevhonc 241 Cor. Liberty and Ferry Sts.", Sakm. A. R. TAGE W. A. STEPHENS PAGE STEPHENS ".' Horj. veil f fed, good accommoda tions. Fine fogs. Good Rig -ioi commercial tern a Specialty. IIonc board d by day. week or nwmli Red fool liven, Feed end eocrdino sigdis 164 Cotnnicrcial St., Tel. 851. Sc'em willametetaSe South Commercial St , brtl ni, t'r- oi. illtvina; hoK'U V. I. lltilTijiaii's .Teed aixi Livery U'Ujh-j.Sv r h,-.ve re OTrd tt to h? - Willamette' Sial.les; oulh ol the, hn'i;e on -Onw:; r.-ial treet, where wc wiil br i' hiw1 pr. p-r-ed to serve the pnbiic in t4i !"t . f '. siblc manner, t We fjunivh rir f'r d: iv- Gen?le teaukv fr 1 lnl:.r-. ai:d ! accominodations for .tran-aTH eP'VIs; Board forr!! v a nr w-;k.- blacksoi'th sbof wtI ! rn:i v. loruicr- ton wh the rirn, rlfre y") cat . our horees sli 1 and ki:Kt i - pairing done, j All , v.oik .:i gii:ir;;nteel satisfactory. " , " HAROLD I'l YNOI DS , II A R N F.SS ?.! A K I'.KS. You Want first-class I! ARNI.S5. Cdl on ft w I am mak out in Salem. W JO H IS S ng the best ever . turned Call ami see tor yoursc'X. -1 restaurants: 20C PER MEAL at the 8HIIE BO! too State street. Salem. M'KIIiI.OP & BURKIiART, Props. GOOD Pfflffi FOB SALE From SG to $25 per acic These lands are in Marion county, Oregon, anl are offered on easy terms of payment.! They were taken under foreclosure by non-resident s. hence re' offered for less than similar farms held by resident owners. For full par ticulars ami description call on or address Macmaster & BirrelL ' SU Worcester block, l'ortland, Oregon, or I50Z0UTH BEOTHEKS SALEM. 0BF.G05. Pacific Homestead,' Salem, Or. Best farm papcr Issued weekly. $t a year. Tacific Homestead. Salens Or. Best farm paper, Issued weekly. $i a year. fine printing. Statesman Job Office. S4L77 r-! 1 V, "Castoria Is a harmless ; substitute for Castor OEU Pare goric, Irols and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It ' - contains neither Opium. Morpluno nor other Narcotic " Kubstanco. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures l)iarrliua aud AVind Colic. It relieves Teeth. ', ins Troubles and cures Coustipation. It regulates the Ktorxiaclt and liowels, givinc healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Use For 9 Lee's Lice Killer- 1 1 M WE KZ FPEE FROM I ICE. 1 I'lh-c on-.' onnrt, i'tSJv Oiiu tJaU Si. Half I'm- $1. SA VAGE REID, Seedmen 322 and 324 Commercial Street, North P i SWCD r McKlNNE onev 2Vll',. Jennie Mac ::!, Zombro 2:11. 1 You P.et 'J; 12. Hazel Kinney 2:121'.. MeZeus 2:i:i. Juliet It. 2:1.1, lr. ' Ihiefc 2:i:!4. Itaney Me 2:21$, tleo: W. McKinney 2:ll'S, tsito 2:114. and eight . others in the list. '.:-"..'" First dam-MIDDAY BELL. bytJOHSIPEU '2:1 IJ4. fclre of 2:11'.j. Miss Jes-sie 2:12 and ittbers. Sectmd dam-BUlAU BELLE, Alcrom sire of Riverside 2:I2' and Third dam Bv Mainbrinb latchcn o.S, the greatest brool mare in the world. j ! -Fourth dam By Almoiit 33. sire CAPTAIN JONES - i : I i - 0 - .- . H i ' ; Is ri bl rck .stallion foal-l hi 1Hir, sfau-ls 15 :, bauds higli, Weighs 1UK tounK has M-rfect trttfing .netfotfamt promises to be Mc Kinney's lnst son. t'ome and tun tin lsst bred ajel iim'st in livMiial ever seen !u Oregon. Captain .lo::s'i5 will make tie season of I!!. j I 1 from Jiily 1 to Sfplember I, at Terms, $25 Season $K fiayabb at of return.- time of wTviee ami .olanv end of season, "with JOV PHA'DER, A Tiiint TE. Yi",T .iv vot: f-o'.'id.- Hie Filioinos ;., ri5. rn-iN?eis a shrewd, M'm-lbie. ;li ! o?;e d;ll: nt. -1 ; ). (lllSH iTl l I !. .'! . , ...,1 ,v !,:;. ' Ti-e ! f -itrtinr;' . u it h ' A liter i tlt M v !r extremeiv y . ti'.t iean rellil.g Sdd;er.. into n ti.siit -Wah!nglou . uwfal addition lo 1 diefry of in- valhls in--E:giahii . fia.- jmii inajie in ti. i-!w;m? of Siler.5)i pjsrirhlgos. Which arc killed when in pHim eond-tion and f oircjicd frozi'ii by , sliJgb. rati and boat it Iffli'lo", They nn said to 1m i-mikab!y tender si ud delicate eat- ing. ' ' : ' y - 1 ' ' fill KKNCK POST, coatc-d with ..Carbolineum Avenarius.. wilt frtit mr CfMiir It Is nlso a Radical i:nily Apamat C'likkea Uce. . Its atjlioati'n to the tule wiiils or poul try nousi'S W'li iifrni""-nu , OTWinate ull LICI- 10U: Ilpalthy ChickMi Plenty B?s. Write lor circulars and prices aua mea tl'm thl pnpr. , K. U. WAUK.& CO.. Acent. - -SAUKAI. OHKOOX. DrJcncersGOLDEfJ REIIFF KJitl &olto,H tMii'i.-.um a r m m n m 0 T"I l1 I 35 F - C3 3 ii iJd K W,!W 1 fit Tia - - -L iiiASY pain lnsiue oa OUT By' Hotel Santiam At-Detroit.- OreKn- N' 0Pn for Summer Tourists. New Honsc. newly f'irniihed hrst-class accommodations, jiricc from $i.oo tc, $1.50 PerJ- - , II. Jacoui. Proprietor. SAIEMIRQNWORKS Your Work Solicited. GEORGE' t SLY, Sup't Fine printing. SUUmaa Job Office. - WEEKLY a OREGON 1 STATESMAN; IS Signature of Ove r 3 O Years. ..The ust of this preparation has lHM-ouie tut uui vor;!, ami results nro S4 SMitisfaetory, that tuoKt Itoultry-nisU-rs vould not 'know", how to ktHp hoiiw without It. It 1h ito longer ueeossary to dip or dust iuhry to kill the licv. A t-jin t Lien Killer, a I'MiinT- brusb. an.1 a few minutes' work in applying it - to the? i JriHwts, imauH all tin? exiK'n-w and la I or now yefssary to.kwp tlw fowl frt from Iioth milei ami boily Iit. A din f !t shouhl bo ia every, poultry-houstv It kills and 'prevents mite ami, liee. !', nu-.l ki-'pH the air in the poidtry-houM? pure aud sweet, killlnjr disoase jrernis and jireventins the oHier enennes of the poultrymeii rouini and cholera. y 2:11 1-4 'c F (;azclle by DON WILKES eight others. 2:21)4 (sou '.'. of sire ' , s of Altamont, the great Oregon sire, State fair Grounds, Salem, Or.! privilege Salem Oregon THE JESTER TI'IAL. Charge to tlie Jury in Missouri Murder the Famous Case. London, Mo.. July 27. In the trial for Aiexamier Ji-sirr. -cnargeu wim rn lnnrui r or tnieri itaies. nimy itirs sgo. Uhe court In t hargtiig the jury, said: - . .' - - , ' - "Where a ierson chargeft with a crime breaks Jail and --Intentionally escapes from the offieers to avoid trial, such esrie in the abs-m-e of qualify ln clrctnustam-es rais-s the prosniui tion of puilt." - ' ' : The defense had admlthil tiiat Jes ler broke out of the Mexico, (Mo. Jail" -' ". : J.'-- HE KNEW HIS MAN. ! tine of the Senate doorkeeiHrs sta tionePIn the hJrtiy next 'to the inarbh tornii had just warned a visitor, not to smoke the cigar which he cjirfio.1 in his hand. At that moment, say corresismdcnt of the New York Post, lite electric lells sounded the call for a vote, and Senator Lodge liastened In from a near-by committee? room. He was puffing vhdcntly on a long, black cigar. . i :. Why don't : yoq w-arn that man?' asked the Tisitor. , - "Ih-jHise I kuow my bnsinessT ans wertsl 1m cushwlian of tlwj door. "That Is the man who made the role, , In apiwn-nt fompiaiH- with a rule of tho Indian Instltnte of Homeojwthy that alt addresses before that lssly slwll If lelivered from manusTipt. Dr. G. W. Bowen appeared at a re- cnt meeting with a pile of paper which he turned over sheet by eneeu Tlx srtiele was w Rood that the . in stitute asked for the mannscripl only ta timl that the doctor had biw KM sheets of blank paper. ttark Howell of the Atlanta ConstJ- ut ion lias teen rHtminattHl by the rfeniix-rat as a candidate for the Stale Senate from the district w hich he resides. - in 1 Its fcrd lw Have ;ts izty. f ones -2966C TUESDAY, 1ULY u,iooa ' um course 0. study STATE MAXTJAI. AiTKEClJlTCp 11T v COOS COCXTT TEACI1E&S. i. GmtlalcmlSkBwa br tb Teachers ' thCoal7 iMtltate UIU U Marahfirld. . fFioin Daily Slate?n:an, July . 'Prof. J. II.' Aekerman,Suierinteiident of public Instnictloa. has returned from a woekV trip to the Coos Tiay country. lie spent several tlays at Marsh Geld, where he assisted in coa duetin a county Uachers : Institute. The ius-titttic was conducted by Irof. th A. arout, principal of the Park $t hoot, of Portland, aud was well at trifdcHl; over 'sixty teachers p:irtlcipat ctl, aud evinced great interest in the program. i P& one evening Profesor Grout de livered a lecture, and on the following evening Professor Ackerma n lectured, a large crowd being jreseut on both occasions. ' ' -j - ; The workj of the institute was luised almost, entirely on the state course of study recently doped and prescnlel by the State Board of Education. This pleased the assembled tesicher i very much, as It made the purioe and me thiuls of tile fctate course very inueu clearer.. " The teachers In that part of the state are . very enthusiastic, ami tk an nnosnal interest In the Institute, -j They nro all highly pleased with the iadop tion oirthc uniform "course-' of study, and can readily see the value of this In tho iiulilii- tti-hiMils of the state. j ThiXwiL'i'k the county instiiutes will Slx.-rlic!d at Eugene and ToIimIo. and Stiierintemlent Ackermau will attend Ioth of them, delivering hHrturvs nt each place, explanatory of the ; state course of study. .' NOTES OP A BXSTANDER. The.follbwing editoriel article from the Oregoniau of- Thursday last pre-ralhi-r a -ilark piciurc, and one that is worthy of stmly from every IHiiut of view: t A VKUY ;UAVE MATTER. Crime iiicreasi-s in our .country be jond the roportion of lucrea.se of ihi iilation. There Can 1m no tpiestiou atNHit It. f The "tendencies of modern society seem strongly In the diret-tlou of eucouragemnt of crime, not-repression' of if. ..The - reason is not far to seek. Tlie socialistic-tendency encour ages the iden that it is the right of the -ludiV'iduttl to live, and to have what he vauts. without effort of his own, mil of tlit social -orgauixathm. One, side of the fhristian religion for lie .Christ ia n religion on" one side tends strongly towards the doctriuc that the Worthless have a right to ls 'Piwrtil at tlie exiense of tlie indus tt ionsi ami 'elllcient gives to. this view imwcrfid impulse and Mippirt. '. The iloetrine is virtually taught that ijt Is hard, even wrong, to exiHt-t pet p!e; to work for a living, so long as others have plenty, or appear ..to have plenty, that can 1h got by-;. 'hook or crook. Our politics, under universal suffrage., are organized on this basis. Pusiuess Is beset by this spirit, which is organized Into action, from every side. --' - .' n Si niiK'h Is mixlwn life under this Influence that ; it ls,banl for employers t hold employes, in iositious of trust, r.p to the niuirrnients of honesty. The Jnry; will tell you that the employe Is poorand the employer can stand it. In most cases the money has been fqmindered In dissipation; but why 'shonhliit the Mr fellow have the in dulgences he wants? He gets littl? I nugh. ' anyliow. virtue and Imlus- told this-.In plain terms; but it Is what it; comes to. Yet it Is no kind i'ss fo delinquents. On flK contrary, it is the "flowery way that leads to the broad gate and the great fire." Onr economic writers are not mis f:il:?ii. ! Tl.iey - snpftort. Iheir jKsltkn with undeniable statistic. The late David A. Wi'lls. in his classical work, cntithnl "Hecent Economic Clianges." showel that M'lthin recent years crime 1I preitly .lncreas-d. .Henry M. p.oies in bis look. "rrisoners ami Pjih iers," ile hires that thcr has taken place of late an abnormal increase in tin' numlHTS of the criminal class. Willinm IWHKlas Morrison, tlie iiotefl KOKlish t'i'imiiiolojrist, fefers fo in crease or vrmie. pariicuiany m me Foiled Slates, as a fact ricognir."d and attesiel by every authority. And whit is the ieasi? Helaxathm of moral severity. Pity for the offend er, instead of pnnishmcut. These fig- t'ros are taken from tlie I niteu Mates census of the past live decades: prisoners Ier HnM" population. 29 :- ' c;i ::' k 117 132 Pri-orn-rs. . ii.7-57 ,RMS! .:t2.iwn Census. lHTif ... 1S70 .. 18IW . . It Is lelievsl that the census fign res or tlie presenr year.viu nw .even inre slartlinjr. It is de-ay of the Individual moral liber, relaxation of the ,imral forces of .society, that produces! these results. 'It is held by large nniuliers aud almost advocated as an axiom by a isditicaf party, that the man who has made accumulations by intelligent ami painstains industry may Is des Itoiicd; with or without form of law, for support of Indolence, Inefficiency or, nectly worthlessness. The doctrine is iirofonndly -swlalistic. ami It Is the source aud the sign of tlie conditions that make so strongly for Increase of crime. If not chocked through revival and growth of Itetter morals, it will land onr poll'"' anJ elal system In terrible conclusions. Look at the fig ures that prove the enornous Increase of crime, and judge, ir you can, how long this burden cart increase at soeli ratio awl ret carried by the coun try. The root of It all is tlmt men want things , without working for them; and the political trder, the so cial organization. relicSon itself, -'not oolr em-ourage the want, but sn lr"t it as a uw or less rightful claim. y - O O The Oresonian w riler touches, only rriler .1 om of the t longs necessary to ls done in order to decredse crime - and the proportionate number of prisoners, and only one phase of that, via: V re formation of the public sentiment that tends to excuse those who commit crime. - There must le a reformation of this kind, and there must Is? in ad dition a change of public sentiment in regard to the proinr treatment of t hot e convict etl of crime. Four th.ings must 1k doue. These are the four: Public sen timet changed. 'Criminals reformetL Environments of criminal classes improved. ' .. -: - - " Birth of criminals stopped. The ... Oregouian writer has said enough on one phase of the first re iu!rementr But the other phase is in regard to the treat incut of irisouers. I think this point is; well illustranil by a tight that s tiow going on In the state, of New York. It is the fight of the "yellow newsiKiier : press upon Z. 1L Brockway, the super! nteudeut of the Elmira Reformatory. That is the model prison of the world. It was cre ated by Brock way.'; First offenders In the discretion of the committing mag istrates, awd boys. for ment between the ages of 1U tnd 3t years, are sent to th? Elmira Reformatory, and thous ands of young men have been turned out to become useful "members of so ciety, after being trained there. But Mr. J'rockway has political enemies, ami they have for years worked upon the fceliups of the hysterical aud sen-linu-uial through the "yellow" press, charsins Mr. Brockway with luhu leanily Iscause it has lscn necessary for liiin to apply corporal punishment to tlie young "toughs' cimiuit ttl to his care from New York's Bowery dis trict and elsewhere. This same fool ish sentimentality has well nigh de stroyed discipline In many Institutions of the kind throughout the country. I -conclude, public sentiment In these two particulars must lw changed. It most 1m? educated. 2. Criminals must be reforrmsl. The old idea of vindictive or retributive punishment must 1k relegated to the dark past, from which it came. The whole system must Ik made reforma tory. '...-.'. 3. The environments of the criminal classes must lo .Improved.; The brand of cx-oon vict, must not bo ."burned into the foreheads of accidental criminals. This one fault of our society is worthy of a chapter; of a Iwok. Worthy the pen of a Victor Hugo lu his best days. 4. The birth of -criminals must lie stopiKtL It must be' done as effect ually as the birth of offspring from Insane or Idiotic ihtsoiis is stopped, and bv the same method tconriiiing them for life), or a cheaiKT method. I mean only the naturally criminal; the morally Insane 011 ImliecUe. Not accidental criminals. And stopping the birth of the crlmiiurf) classes .will help lo deerenBo the number of the oth er 'deifcndeut classes; for the morally and mentally sick, and the other de pendent classes, are closely related. Not always so. But lu a large proior tiou of cases. . . O O O It is too oxitensive to raise -criminals at the rate the Fuited Stales is raising them. Too expensive to keep on re producing, all the dependent classes. And the expense is not all from u purely ifuaucial jioiiit of view. It is expensive lu detracting from the. lev el of civilization. A BYSTANDEB. ! 1IOFSECLKAN LU TIME. Now doth the maid with towel-bound head . Reign quite supreme 'mid chaos dread Of dustpans, brooms, dirt, rugless lloors. , - -. K 0011 is dust-bloWu, and wide open doors. i The erstwhile fswofnl air is rife With sounds of the terrific silrifc; i That's waged "with tlirt and dust and grime " From early morn till late bedtime. . Anon the carehss man's Isdd feet A pan of sMisuds black do meet. Whennit the overturned contents flow Where all was cleaned a while ago. The air with measure! whacks re- Kouml ' As some one rng or carpet pounds; And Usk ing where the maid doth scrub The Jester murmurs, "Aye, there's the rub!" ' At noon: all hmldletl In a bunch. The household grain a sandwich lnnch. ; , Nor stois for finger Itowls. and then ' iltnit at It earnestly -again. At smh a time a man dofh find. Full many business deals that bind Him to hi office through the day, ;: AltlsAigb, to lielp, he longs to stay, The lawn hold an array immense Of furniture, while on the fence Aud porch rail scattered here and - . there Are rugs and draperies oat to air, Within. he endless strife Is wragwl. Kadi worker iM-Ing; so cntrajre That none olwcrvc th ra;nf that fall Till they're soaked furnitOre and all! TJs ten to one that 'mid this dia An nnexpt-etod gtiext drofts In, I'nherahleil by post or wire. And readetb consternation dire! Wlmt brnsh can ample justice do To this sweet springtime scene; or - Who Can adfjuatcly tell In rhyme ; The Joys of glad housecleaning time! .Colorado Springs tJazette. WHERE HiNORANCE IS BLISS. John D. Rockefeller, tlie Standard Oil magnate, usually travels ls-tween Cleveland, his former home, and New York in a private car, says the.Phil- ,i, ,it itnr.l.iv Eveiiins Post. On a recent trip from the former city one of Mr. Rockefeller s party .10mm .. in i the sleeping car two bkii frotn Clevehiud whom he knew very well. After a few minutes' cliat he inviieu. tbem Into the private car to meet Mr. i:-ckefeller. TUey lonnu me uu man ,l.,iilr iuterTste.l In. n game' pkiyetl with colored cards, which be was piling up Into stacks accomm t.; their color, lie exidainel the pas time to the young men, and then went on with the game. -IHd you ever play It?" sktsl Mr, Rockefeller. 1 "A great many t!uMs. But piever w ith -eoloml mnls. It is generally nlaved with playing cards, aud it is calicI solifalre." Scditalrer repete.I the oil man. "I never played with playing cards in my life. You must le mistaken" As the visitors left the car- they Raw -the -multi-millionaire deeii lu his game in aplte of thp waruing. . THE CHORISTERS, There's a little lwnd of slngi-rs Every ev en lug conies and lingers 'Ncnlh the window of my, cottage In ! the trees. ; . ' . -And with dark they raise their i " voices; - -. Whih the gathering night rejoices. And the leaves Joiu lu the chorus with The breeze. ' ; Then the twinkling stars come out i To enjoy the merry rout. Aud the squirrels -range themselves mon a log: I And "the iirctlles furnish light, i That they read their notes -artjiht The katydid, the crUket and the frog. . All the night I hear them singing; 1 Through my head their tunes are rimring - Straitjs of music straight from Moth er Nature's heart; vj Now the katydid ami cricket. T From the dH'p of yonder thirket. Then the croaking frog off yonder j drones his part, i By and by the moon a pi tears, . ! As the midnight hour , nears. And flwr smiles dispel the low'ring ' mist and fog; I Then the inirlh Is at lis height. And Jhey' gloriry the nljslit The katydid, the cricket ami the frog. Atlanta Constitution. FOUND IHS WAY HOME,. A hound was Itoiight In Missouri and shlpis'd In a closed express car to n ranch in Kansas. In a day or two It was missing. Investigation proved "that It had gone back to Its Missouri home. over-M.dlstnnce of .MM miles, on a road entirely uuknown to the dog. FIBS OF COLLECTIVE WOMEN. I11 England tbe'numlter of women returning themselves as .2ti to 2o years of age is always greater 'thaji . the nuiiilsr of girls reimiied at the pit? ceding census from lo to, l.i years old. And yet. pople can't be Istrn 2 years old. Boston Journal. Working Night and Day Tlie busiest and mightiest little thing th at ever was made is Dr. King's New Lite Pills. I'.veTy pill is a sujjar-coat-ed globule of health, that chanes weak ness into strength,- listle.snes into en ergy, brain-tfag into menial power. They're -'wonderful in Imildjng up the iirahh. Onlv 2c per box. Sold by DR. STONE, druggist. EARTH MAKES BEST FORTIFI CATIONS. Military engineers are agreed that no material for fort I Heat Ions Is su perior. to oarlh. . . The proosod. transpacific cable hn idliiiulaled Interest In anolher project, omv seriously considered and aban doned becnuw the time was not rlt for It. that, of biiiMiiiir a -able line a lout the Alaskan const, thence loop ing It In rhort lengths along the sfep-ping-ftone Islands of fhe Aleutian group, and over tlw Kurlle Islaml.4 to the' Jannese archiis-lairo. -This would give a transpacifle route that might licjs' to do a reiniinerallve business at Its Various stations. No stretch on this line would be more than STdt miles long, nor would any cnbV be laid In more than l.roo fathoms of water. . Its extreme northern point would 1m lu the latitude of Alsrdeeii. Scotland. .The only lje-tioii that i-nii ln iirKl 'nearnst sn-Ii n rfiute Is flint 4F dms' iiot fake In Hawaii and fJiiam.' It Is to is hopeil thai fhe itiussioii of tlie mailer which is now lsing . warmly carried 011 f will result in the layihsr of the iiorthfru cnblf nt onee. It Is tirgctifly neele3l. and from firesent Jndh-a lions a remunerative businesM awn its It. . ElfH-frle fire engins for New York have been suggested. On a truck of the weight. of the ordinary steam en gine con Id In placed a Mwerful pump with -an electric motor to drive It. capable of throwing several timer. th volume of waler furnlsbed by the steam engine. The larger 'parts 'of Itoth Manhatfan and Bnstklyn are so wituated that no building hi them is more than two or thm hundred ynrd- from a trolley line, at any Kilnt of whh-h one or fwo hundre1 horse pow er of current Is Instantly available. A -olI of cable would complete the mi chlit.. Artivisl at the fire this cable would !e aftached to fho nearest trol ley line overhead or underground or to the conductor of the eleraicd railway, and Instantly a ower equal, to Hist of many engines would lw available. The suggestion Is so sim ple (hat It might at least have ft trial. Miss Issle Burton. u assistant at the St., Elmo Jtestaurant. has gone to Scotts Mills for a well-earned outing. 'visit DR. JORDAN'S crcatI UUSEUL3 OFaQHATOLIi1 lMlIitStTkl.,HIFll5CISC,tlL I Tk, Or. A mmr.ri Wna h tKr nnra-m pnlllwlf i mii mi ,.y r .Mima . kj 4 ycr. trniMi tvrLri.ir m-t'tca , Wami. tf in. fiMiUm tp3H ma le? W!f'MW OnslaSn.frr mt4 mtfrr". Trmttnrftt 5f ft "- A tmrrm V 1m ..'.y ea I t MtaniiKr., m 41 Li o ecc (K nja4 bunk DH. JOKBUfl ft CO. tCSI ISaAet St., S. f. l y 3 m 4