A Vfv v -y rC Ax?v - ..- SEAU-WELKLY SLCTIQN3 mGACIIm TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. CCCC3CCCC3CCGGOCCCC3 I r Mil II i i 11 i . i i i VI . VOL. 49. NO. 24. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1900. FIRST SECTION EIGHT PAGES i i i nr. a rot King Humbert ol Italy Is Assassinated. Murderer ... f Came From New j Jersey. The Monarch Expired In a Few Vln utea After the Death-Wonad ' Wm Inflicted oe Him. MONZA. Italy.' July 30. King Hum bert ha Iieen assassinated. He was phot here last evening at 10:45 by a man named Angelo Bressi, and died at 11:30. ; . 1 ! The King had! been attending a dis tribution ofjprlzes in connection Will a gymnastic cbmietitioM atout 10 o'clock. He bad just entered his car riage with hi aidile-camp. amid the cheers, of the- crowd, when he was struck by three; revolver shots fired In quick succession. One pierced the heart of HIm Majesty, who fell back -and expired In .a few minutes. The assassin was Immediately ar rested and was with Home difficulty saved front fbe fury of the iMipulace. lie gave his name as Angelo Bressi, describing himself as of Prato, In Tuscany, lie cynically avowed his guilt of the crime, i THK KINV.',S DEATH., that when Kiug Huuiliert was wound ed he exclaimed: lt Is nothing. The royal carriage covered the dis tance between! the Gymnastic Society clubhouse. where the crime was com mitted, and the royal villa, at full lecd niiiunng but three minutes. The Kiug expired ou the way and. although placed in ld, was dead wheu the doctors arrived. Bressi is young, tall and swarthy. When Queen Margherita arrived at the villa it was still hofied that th King would survive. and wlien tho truth was broken to tier, a uearireuo Ing scene ensued. ;..; New York. July 30. Angelo Bressi lived In I'atrson. X. J.. for over a year. He . a p ten red to lave hail var ious names, tlie one he gave last night, when taken Into custody for the mur der of- the King of Italy, was one: another was Angelus Bressi. and still another, one by .which he was known hi in In Paterson. was Caetam! Bressi. He was em ploved In Hamil & Booth's sdk mills. His close friend them was Carilioiil Sperandio. a man who a few weeks ajro. shot down his foreman and then killed himself, leaving liehind a let ter telling how he had been selected by hit to kill King Humbert, and hav ing by choice, owing to his living so far away from Italy, killed the fore ....... in 1 a few months ago a rsu r-id to Im? Count Molebkl. head of the Italian anarchists, was in - Pater- son and durlag his stay Siieratmio ami Kkhi vr his com oan ions, and they showed bin about the city and intro duced him toothers In the city who were his mentors there. It would seem that bis friend Bressi took up his burden when peramno reiusi . and went across the ocean to carry out ...... t r mluirt lw killel. u....i ninniil the emlMOV Of liainll . nt. iv.t,.lr 8. JJo worketl steadily through to May 4. lpott. On tliat day he left the mill and wastu Patcrson. but sekiem ai'ri. May 22d. last he sailed for Kurone. I'aterson has long been a hotbed ol anarchists. Men here, who were am - iltar more or less with the wkbgs of the organization, say that for years Palerson. has contained more of he s.Hletr thau any other city. .will the possible except ion. of Chicago. ..;. iinl..iurt was Till rears of age. At an early age he obtained aa ; n- ih t into poiuicai and military life nder the guidance of his father. The si und youthrul ueir 10 we- imwiw V , - lv Cimnecte.1 with the .tnoreuientj'or the unifCHjUku of Italy which follow ed the events of ISTsk He took an ac .tlve iart la the war between rsaia Anetrh iii 1S0S be married at rrincess Marguerite, daughter of the Lite Duke Fentinaml. of tieiloa. He MuceeiU-il to tlte throne on the death or, tus latuer tu iai POWIRSON TKE STAND. GEORGETOWN. Ky July SO. Ex Secretary of State Caleb Powers took tiio atm'd in his own behalf today. but did not complete his testimony on .nr-r Trtinluation. He will be on the stand-all day tomorrow. His defense Is an admission that he organized the lsIy of mountaineers who went to raiikiort on everal ; occasions last winter, for influence with the State Contest Board and the legislature, but not to intimidate theui. He en tered a denial of the damaging charg esagain him by Witnesses Culton. tjolden. Noakes and others. Oa the Mand this afternoon he de nied that Youtsey had keys to his of fice on the day of the assassination, but aid there were two kevs t. hi office on the day of the assassination, one of which was in Possession of former Secretary of State Havidsnn and another in the iossession of Ben Itowe. Governor Taylor's colored por ter. Powers said that neither of these keys was ever in bis possession and that he had bis own keV in his iwx-k- et in IotiisvIIIe on the day of the as- sassiuauon. ltavldsun Is In the far West, supposed fo l in the state of Washington, and Rowe. the colored porter, is somewhere in Indiana, prob ably at Anderson. , is it right For An Editor to Recommend Patent Medicines? . From Sylvan Valley News, Brevrad, N. C. It may be a question whether the ed itor of a newspaper has the right to publicly recommend any f the various proprietary medicines which flood the market, yet as a preventive of suffer ing we feel it a luty to say a good word for Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy. We:4 have known and used this medicine in our family for twenty years and have al ways found Jt reliable. In many cases a dose of this remedy would save hours of suffering while a physician U await ed. We do not believe in depending lmpuc-iiiy on any medicine for a cure, but we do believe that if a bottle of Chamberlain' Diarrhoea Itemedy were Kept on hand and administered at the inception of an attack much suffering might be avoided and In very tnajjy cases the presence of a physician would not be required. At least this has been our experience during the past twenty years. For sale by F. G. Haas, Salem, Oregon. SMALLPOX AND TYPHOID. REVENUE- CUTTER OFFICERS MAKE REPORTS. ; Conditions on the Gold Beach Are Frightful Difficult ies in the Way of Authorities. WASHINGTON. July 30. The ofH- cial reports of Captain Tuftle. of the revenue cutter Bear, dated July tlth, at Nome City, Alaska, and of, Captaiu Robert, of the revenue cutter ? Man ning, dated July 14th. at Dutch Har bor, have been received at the Treas ury Department. Captain Tuttle re Iiorts an epidemic of measles and pneumonia at Sineoek. Port Clarence, Cape York ami Cape Prince of Wales. In concluding Captain Tuttle ays: "The situation along the whole-coasf I regard as very serious. It Is esti mated that at present there are. with in a radius of ten miles, li'i.OiMl eople. Most of them are living lit tents. either on the beach or the tundra. The.saultary condition of a portion of the city where the huts have oeen erected Is simply frightful. Typhoid fever Is raging, ami smallpox are steadily gainiug. All possible efforts are being made to stamp out the smallpox. but with so many thousands of tents, scattered over mil of ter- rltorv. It is impossible for the health authorities to keep track of all cases. As nearly as can be traced the disease Was Introduced from the steamer Ore- gon. I 1 ; We give no rewards. An offer of this kind Is the ineauest of deceptions. Test the curative powers or fjy s Cream l'.ahu for the cure of Catarrh. Hay Fever and Cold In the Head ami you are sure ; to continue the treat ment. Keller is imraeuiaie anu a curt folio ws. It Is not drying., does not produce sneezing. It . soirthes aud heals the membrane. Prhe "0 cents at druzarlsts or by mall. Ely Broth ers. 5t Warren Street. New York. TO FIGHT MeKIXI-EY. Senator Wellington, of Maryland, Has His Back Up. . CnmWrland. Md.. July 30. George I Wellington. United States Senator, i... . .iflnlt(4v announced his determin ation to oppose the re-election of President McKlnley. but has not mad. up his mind in what manner he wjll do It. In discussing bis position. Sen ator Wellington said today: ; "I am unalterably and forever op posed to Imperialism, which 1 shall !rht with all mr power. I am op posed to' President McKlnley because he has deceived In National affair, notand I shall oppose his re-election. t ..T. nnt nnwnrenarea to state wnai part I shall take in the campaign, but I wlli attenu. iossaui-. ntrtr (VMiirress at Indianapolis. I do not know whether I will snpport Rrvsn or not. There are some iniugs about him that I do not approve. V A BITTER FIGHT, nnubllcan Primaries in Seattle Are ' CUlSCiy lUUirsiru. stitle. Wash.. July SX The Repub lican primaries, held in this county tiuitr were tne rooi unicri rouirw el In the history of local politics, the contest being between Senator!. M. Frlnk and Mayor 1 nomas j. nuiurs rr endorsement for the gubernatorial ,inoiiAn Frink carried the city by - mll nlnrality. and it Is ciainwMi flllll 1UI B,ra- . that he will comro me wuu ; in ... i . . . MA vention. Theitumes iiir iw.iu their strengtn ues in lufi-uuuuj, that result is yei ia uou. A CCLWM WtDD:S5 CUE2AnD. The Enlovable Occasion" Participated i i,e the Children and -Grand children of the Happy Couple. The golden wedding of Mr. Chris topher CL Patrick and Harriet Ann Savage was celebrated at their resi dence In the Spring Valley near Zena. I'OiK county. Oregon, last Saturday. and was the occasion of one of the pleasantest gatherings In the meofory of the numerous friends fortunate enough to participate. " Mr Patrick is a. native of Xew York, born July US, 18255. He removed to Michigan in 184!i. , Mrs. PatrU-k was born In Ohio Xovember 27, 1831. com ing to Michigan, when six years of age. They both descended from Seeh-Irlsb ancestry, which has con tributed so large a share to the social fabric during the formative stages of the National life of the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick were married In Michigan, where they made their home till removing to Oregon in 1SSI. Mr. Patrick served two years In the Fourteenth Michigan battery during the Civil War and Mrs. .Patrick had four'brothers in the Union army, one of whom was killed during one of Morgan's raids. Of the large family of fourteen chil dren, six. are still living, Mrs. I .aura Griswold. of this city; Mrs. - Kate Coyle. Mrs. Edith Blxby, William. Albert M., and Mrs. Hattie Gibson. All were present at the golden wed ding except Mrs. Bixby. Of the twenty-six grand children, fourteen were present among them Misses Cora, Neva and : Maud Griswold. of Salem; and Miss Jennie Coy le. There are seven great graudchildren. " - The golden wedding celebrated was Indeed a bajmy occasion. An arlwr of tlr botiglis shaded the dinner table from the too direct rays of the noon day sun. The repast was bountifully provided by the children and partaken of by with stest and heartiest! eujoy- nient by more than sixty guests. DOXTS FOR BOOK LOVERS. Don't borrow toolis froul private li braries. Don't lend books. No one will treat your books as you yourself do if you love tbem. "Don't leave a book "face down," 1. , open.-- . Don't shut a !xofc up with anything bigger tlian a narrow riblon In it. Don't turn dmvn comei-s. Don't mark a book la any way un less It's your own. Don t scorn cheap tkioks if you cau not afford better publications. Ikm't buy cheap books if you can fford better ones. Don't keep books on open shelves if you can avoid it. Don t forget that l4okcases with dust-proof glass doors are lest. Don t forget that good Isjoks are the lest company In the world If read understaudlngly and appreciatively. Kansas City Times. . .1 - f' Red Hot From the Gun Was the ball that hit (. B. SteaJman ol Newark, Mich., in the Civil War. t caused horrible Ulcers that no treat ment helped lor so years. Then Bu:k- ens Arnica Jaive cured him. Cures Cuts.. Bruise.. Burn. Boils. Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. 'Best Pile cure on earth. 25 cts. a box. Cure guaran teed Sold by S. C. STONE, drug gist' - -."' '-' : - i- ASK FOR PAUIIOXS RENEWAL OF APrLICATIOS M TUB UEOBUK MOItKT CASK. rranlMt portbtud l'opl Crs Cliunry for th Cooleid Marlr r - Sm , Judges lr Gov. T. T. fiwr yesterday received a nnewnl of the application for the par- don of George Morey, convicted in!T)e,ior fuit-es of Iioxeis oil the way ortlaud. of the murder of Gns. Barry ! oil January 14, 1SSKJ, aud seoteiicetl to ..... . nr ti. ...n is HIT I Uiit IJio " ----- 7 said to be a model prisoner and mother Ls seriously 111. and anxious to see him. ..The petition, while giving few good reasons why clemeticf should lie shown. Is tjie strongest that has been presented In many years. Ie Ing signed and endorsed by a number f Influential wen. many of bom are eminent as attorneys aud some now serving on the circuit bench. Among hose signing or endorsing the peti tion are the following: , Municipal Judge Frank Hennessi-y, Judge M. it. Muuley, K. v. Kiiwanis, Frank McDermott. Juuge nenry. r4. McGinn, Judge John B. Cleland, Judge A. F. Sears J-r, K. L. Cotweiu jaeou Mayer. Herman Baumhare. Judge T. C. Moreland. B. E. Habersham, J. S. Seeii. J. P. O. Lownsdale. Edgar t oi pleton. B. P. Card well. E. T. John son. H. B. Brophy. R. A. Habersham, Sheriff W. Fratler. John O. uaiey. Wm. II. Barnhart. Au. C Kinney, stdner Smith. J. C Carson. Senator J. K. llaseltine. S. C. Spencer, Q. Voos. Juror; H. II. Newuall. juror; jouu Chauncey, Juror; II. W. Seott, It. I. Plttock. A tetition was also received for the pardon of John Lavecy. wll w rirtmi .-in iiarney couui j u 18fi. of the crime of assault with a deadly weapon, and was sent to fhe penitentiary Tor iff) years. iur -r-titlon Is signed by 4oO of the best cltl na r tinmpv conntv. a moil g them being ten of the trial Jurors, and the prosecuting witness, ixu u. -e u dress, and It Is endorsed by the dis trict attorney. The reason why clem slionld be exerclsetl In bis case as given by the petitioners. Is that no barm resulted rrom tne auegeu t-riiue, and that his mother, aged 8S years, who Is now lying dangerously til with a broken limb. Is grieving for her son and anxious to see him once more. WILL BORROW MONEY, j London, Jnly 3X The House of Commons today granted the Chancel lor of the Exchequer power to borrow 13,UO0,0UO. STIU ALIVE British Minister Semis News From Pekiu. Surrounded by Chinese ; Troops. The Legations (Jlosfcly Gaarded - Manj Hare Been Killed Hope of an Karly Eeseae. LONDON. July 31. Sir Claude Mac- Donald's welcome dispatch, dated Pe- kin.Mnly.i1st. aud received la cipher. Is accepted ou all sides aa dispelling the doobts that might still have ex istence regarding the genulneues,s of tlw dispatch- Owing to an error In transmission the message fails to show the uumlter of wounded. David Oli- phaut and Warren, two student Inter preters,' were wounded. The rest of the legation are well. MAClKKNALD'S DISPATCH. London. July 31. (Tuesday, l.-tCi a. m.) The admiralty has made public the following dispatch from Rear Ad miral Bruce, at TIeu Tslo: "Following message Is from Pekln: " 'Brjjtishi legation, Pekln, June 2th poJuly' 10th, repeatedly attacked by Chluesey, troops ou all sides. uotn ritie and artillery fire. Since July 10th an sirmlstice, but the cordon Is strict ly drawn on both sides of the posi tion. Chinese barricades close to ours. All Women and children in the Brit ish , legation. The casualties to date are :sxty-two killed. Including Cap taiu Stronts. ; A nuluber wounded in hospital. Including I Captain Halllday.' Rest of legation a H well, except Da vid OHphaut and Warren, killed July 21st. MacDoualdT HOPE REVIVED. . Washington. July 30.-fNow that the London foreign otlHe has heard from Slr Claude .Ma cDoua Id, the otBclals here contideutly expect that within a very short time .something will coutti from Minister Conger, if he be still alive. .- "1 ; OFFICIALS PLEASED. ; Washlfigton ' July . The effect of tlfci lays-uews from China was to freshen the hope that the Government can soon get in direct communication with Minister Conger. The mass of testimony! as to his being alive as .late as the 'SA lust.. Is now so great as to warrant the State lepartmfnt in re Suming projects fur t tie future. With all Its anxiety to get Mr. Conger aud the Aiucri-aus! In J'eklu s:;fely away, the Ih tuiciit Is proce-ding with pioiHr piHautiou. and Is by no means disMscd j to accept any proposition that rvvoohl unduly Jeopjirdize their lives.;- Such might be the result of the offhand acceptam-e tit the proio sitlon to have the Chinese Govern ment deliver the foreign Ministers at i 'Int.. t L.1 I t . 0. S .tin. . 1. . 111(IWl.Hj i,v su- to the sea. 'I lie State Department j has come to the conclusion that Mr. Conger himself Is the best person t to Judge of the conditions under which bis delivt-rance shall le etlected and. therefore. It Is agalu looking to the 1'P'uese ; Government to place It In coimnunhatiou with Mr. Conger, Itf" ortler tliat It may te advised by him. That reulretiHut was the first of the conditions : laid down by President McKlnley, in ids answer to the appeal of ; the Chinese emperor, so that the situation - diplomatically cannot be said to .have Heu materially changed by the developments of today. The State Department was Inclined to regard Consul Fowlers communt- cation a the most valuable piece of confirmatory evidence yet i received touching the safety of the Pekln dip lomats, i i FROM FOWLER. ' Washlnirton. July 30. The Secre tarr of State received at midnight a telecram from Mr. Fowler, Ameri can consul at Che Foo, dated July 2D, noon. Mr. Fowler sars: "A letter from the German legation dated 21st inst- received at Tien Tsin says the German loss Is ten killed ami twelve Injured. Chinese ceased their attack on the 12th. - Baron von Ketteler's body said to be safe. The Austrian. Dutch and Spanish legations destrored and the French partially. A letter from the Japanese lega tion, dated the 22d. arrived at Tien Tsin on the 2Tth. Ten tiattalions of Chinese shelled the legations conse cutively from the 20tb ot June and stopped on the 17th of July, but may renew. . The enemy are decreasing. The German, - Russian. ; American, British and hair the Japanese ana French legations still defended. ; The Japanese say they have food for six days, but little ammunition. The em peror1 ami empress are reported at rekln." RUSSIANS HARD PRESSED. St. Petersburg, July 30. The Rus sian general staff has ; received dis patches from various corn maimers, id dicating a serious state of : affairs thronghotlt Manchuria. The revolt In the neighlrhood of Mukden and the district northward has assumed such proportions that the Russian column had been compelled . to retreat from Mukdeu southward. Fighting .contiu-uou.-dy. the ; nUuiuu with dittk-ulty reached the station at ,AJasaudxian. Whr-te on July 8th t was surrounded by Chinese troops. Reinforcements wece seut and a withdrawal of the column was effected to . Daschlzao, with forty-eight casualties, killed, wounded and luis&ing. , KITCHENER AT WORK. Will Hasten to the Relief of General r a 1 ' .1 :. taueu-t oweu. Indon. . July '.-ft. The Moruihg leader assorts that Lord Kitcheuer has lieeu, dispatched from Pretoria to Krugemhtrp, to organize, a column to relieve General Badcu-Powell. now lesiegel by (Jfiwral lelarey at Rust enburg, In Western Transvaal. JIM WILL FIGHT. i New York, July SO. J. J. Corbet t ami Kid McCoy have been matched to Hsht twenty-five roxmds liefui"e the Twentieth Century Club. In Madison Spiare Garden, the' last week in Aug ust. AMBASSADOR TO ITALY. Washington. July t The President has tendered the apiointmeut of Am bassador of Italy to former Governor" Roger Wolcott,. of Massachusetts. RATHIWXE GAVE . RAIL. ? Havana. July Ho. Estes G. Rafh lione, formerly director of tost, now under arrest on a charge of fraud, furnished ball this evening. , v IN THIRTEEN ROUNDS. 1 New York, ''"July 30. McFaddeu wasjoughly human way: "If It had lieeu declare! the wluuer over O'Brien in the thirteenth round. The British Soldier. It is wild that the British sohU r wears such light clothing that his in ternal organs are often seriously In jured. Then when on the march his chest Is compressed by the weight of his knapsack, canteen, greatcoat and heavy cartridge belt. Usually tne stomach Is the first organ to suffer from over-taxing of any nature. Over work, abuse, neglect or lmproier food.' is lsHiud to prodiK'e dystiepsia and ills attendant evils. For any disorder of the digestive organs Hosteller's Spin ach Bitters should lie taken. This fa mous 'medicine will cure all ailments of the. stomach.- Try It for constipa tion, indigestion, flatulency, dyspepsia, nervousness or insomnia. ; It makes the weak , strong, and an occasional dose will keep the Ik) Wei regular, t POOR GRAIN YIELD. II. D, Mount, of Silverton. remrta that Two of the best fields of wheat in that lo cality were threshed last week, aad yielded but from 4 to ! bushels ier acre. He prcdlcts that oats in the Sil rertou nelghlMrhoMl will not average more than 15 or 'Jt) bushels per acre. The following crop Items are taken from the Eugene Ouard of last Satur day: "The threshing crews which started yesterday In the western part of the county are having a hard time of it, and cannot thresh enough at the usual price ier bushel to pay oiierat, Ing expenses. In fact they have giyeu tin the task., so It Is reorteu . . , . . . Thirty-five acres of summer-fallowed wheat was threshed on the .Mai new Wallis place, west of Eugene, yester day. It averaged f bushels, machine measure; 'M acres 01 oau niaue n hush- Is per acre. ENGAGING PICKERS. C. D. Jes- sup, hK-ai represenraiive ior uurw Bros., the California hop growers ami uyers. returned last eveuing from, a usluevs trip to isiiuts in iiuamooK county for the purjH.se of engaging pickers to harvest his firm's extensive field In Marlon ami 1'oik -county, Horst Bros, will pay 4 cents er Imix for picking again this year and Mr. Jessup reiHirts pickers plentiful at that price, but he espcts bands will lie scarce before the crop uas ieeu nar- vested. Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach. liver and, kid ney troubles as well as women, and all kel the results in loss ot appetite, pois- . a I t on in the iiiooo. uacKacne. nervous ness, headache and tired, littlesi, run down feeling. , But there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. W. tiani- ner, Idaville. inA He say: "tlec- tr c Bitters are tost the thing tor a man when be is all run down, and don't care Whether he .lives or dies. . It did more to give me new strength and good .ap petite than anything I could take. can now eat anything and have a new lae on life. Only 50 cents, at Dr. STONES drug stores, tvery bottle guaranteed. IS IMPROVING. Wm. England, who has been undergoing treatment at the Salem hospital. Is getting along nicety, and Is In a fair way to early recovery. Early yesterday morning he left hi room, being very restless. and proceeded to the front porch of the building, where be met the bouse physician, who,, finding the patient suffering from the cool night air; quickly returned him to his quarters. We Lave sold many different conga remedies, but none has given better satisfaction than a'iamberialn'it.' aay Mr. Char le Holzbauer, druggist, Ne wark, N. J. "It Is fierfectly saf and can lie relied upon in all cases of coughs, cold - oe hoarseness. Sold F. G. Haas. Salem. Oregon, m ixouji school utvicr. w. II. Cax Offered the Position of Superintendent at the Pierre, S. !., InstHutiou. W. II. Cox. who came here from Rosebud, South Dakota, last fall, at the time of' the serious illness of his brother-in-law. P. G. Maxon. since de ceased, returned front a visit to New port yesterday, after spending several days on the beach. Mr. and Mrs. Cox were for many years lu the Indian servb-e. Mr. Coxhavlug held the ssl tiou of Superintendent of a ho1uh1 in Oklahoma for six years, and later held a similar iKisitiou at the Kosebud Agency South Dakota, Mrs. .Cox rill ing the position of teacher. They re signed ' their charges last year, to hasten to the bedside of Mr. Maxon, wheu that gentleman lecame. ill in this city. Itst week Mr. Cox receiv ed a telegram from the Indian Bureau, tenderlug him the-positlou-of suiwriu teudent of the Indian School at Pierre. South Dakota, at ; a salary of l.srt sir year, and be accepted the place by wire, aud will soon return to the work, as he Is now awaiting orders. T. II. Jacksou, of this city, was re cently apiolnted carjtenter at the. Sa lem Indian Trsiuing School, having luissed the civil service .examination for the place. Mr. Jackson is now at work there, aud Mrs. Jackson Is mak ing preparations to remove- to the school, where she will join her hus baud. ' ' FOR AMERICAN SICK. Pritish Hospital Shh to Iok After Ninth Iufantry Sufferers. London. July 2S. The .hospital ship Maine connnltti-e has recelveti a do iiation of fTsMi from Mrs. .Alfred Corn ing Clark, of New York, with the re quest that It' lie 1 used for the relief of the Ninth Uulted States infantry sick and wounded lu China. POPE S SnARIV REPLY TO CARDI NAL, - i : It is rHordeil that Pope Gregory XVL offerel his snuffbox to a canll nal. who declined It, saying. i"NH jour holiness, I have not that vice," ' to which the pope replied In .a -t hoc- a vice you would have had It." ONE WILL PROBATED TUB UEOBUE WELLEK KSTATE Dll. X l'OSKU OE 11T TESTAMENT. Property Is Vslavd mt 7.SOO mmd Is J qiiMlhfd to th If Bttr of tfa V TMtator'a Fsnally. The will of George Weller, deceased, was yesterday admitted to probate by County Judge John H. Seott, upon pe tition of Charles .'Treller, one of the heirs of the deceased. George Weller died in Salem. January 11. .1; S! tit, aged S3 years, lea V lug an estate valued at $"", which he disjoined of by a will tlated Novemlier 2, 1S1I5. wltiM'sscd by Seth R. Hammer and Wm. Holcomb, both of whom are now deceased. The heirs to the estate are: - "j Llinira P. Wellec widow, aged 77 years. Salem. f Mrs. "Mary-E. Pat ton, daughter, W, Salem. , .. .- '! . -, h - Rose Chamberlln, daughter, 45, 8a- cm. - Charles S. AVeller, win. 42. Salem. Edward Weller, son. 3J, Salem. Eluia Weller, daughter, 31, Saletib The court appeiuted the petitioner, !liarles S. Weller, as eiceotor, ho te ng named as such In the will, to scrva without lsiuds, and. ordered that let- ers testamentary Is lssueil to him. The malii provisions of the Mill are as follows: j "First I direct that all my debts ! IKiid. . ' . Secoiiil, I give and lM'nucatli b my wife. Elmira F. Weller, one-fourth of all my projierty, lsth real and person al, that I may own and possess at my leath. "Third To my live children. Mrs. Mary A. E. Pat ton. Mrs. Rose Cham beilin. tMi.irleg H. Weller. Ddward Vel ler and Lima Weller, I give and be- iiuatli all the rest, residue and re mainder of my tmiperty, loth real and persona H share "and share alike! 'Fourth I hereby appoint Gharlt; S. Weller executor of this, my last will and testament ami direct that he shall not be required, to give bonds." Other orders made by the court lu the matter of probate paiK-rs filed, were: : Upon the petition of Lydcll Baker, administrator of the estate of Jose phine Sullivan. deceased.Xoiiuly tHerk W. W. Hall was ordered to pay to the Mlltiouer 111.11. the amount of Jose phine Sullivan iHH'tlon of the estate of Mair Ann Evert, now in the hands or the clerk. N. V. Cook, S."H. Russell and James Walker, appraisers of the estate of II. D. Osterhoiidt. deceased, filed their rejiort. showing the1 estate to; consist of real and s'rinal property! valued at fCt73.LtS. 11 J. Famham is the ad ministrator of the estate. . l)MrtU Elgastmr f 1 ltl I21J a Han Aiwm Bcul Herbert Spencer, now tut years IJ, is a sad sufferer from -insomnia and resorts to all sorts of devices, in order to obtain the amount if sleep that Is obsolntely necessary. On a recent night Journey to Scotland he bandaged his eyes and stuffed his ears" with cot ton, much to the astonishment of a traveling companion, who was una ware of bis affliction, but he failed to find slumber. Speaking generally, all the meat In tended for extort undergoes five "sep arate Inspections, four of them being nnder direct government supervision, and all meat Intended for home con sumption undergoes at least three Inspection. The Inspecting, begins at the time of the sale of the swine or cattle. . Fine Job printing, Statesman OfJce.