Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, July 27, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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' V "' ' - -P9 '
Herman W. Barr
118 State St.
Salem, Oregon
j Manufacturer of -',.",-. -if.
Salem Improved j Grader and Pricker.
For green prune. "Practical, durable and cheap.
TUU'MPll GUADEU for dried prune. The Inst made. HOP liAR
KETS and fencing of all kind.-. Get our prices on SHINGLES, Poultry
Netting, and all kinds of. Woven wife fencing, t
Correspondence solicit. -d. f ;
SA LEM FENCE WOUKS, No. r! State Sr., Salem. ?
Hewitt Pays the freight
i )n all ordrrs
nitliln a radiiis
l.i in I. Itailroad
a Sp ialty.
of $2 a i. I upwat'tH.
of 1im iiiilw of Port
and ijgyiHf; i'aiuiw
No. IH3 Third Street. Portland, Or.
SalMl projMiiil4 will In' reidvnl at
the offiee f i'oiinfy .In le for 'Marion
totmtj', tJreon, until 2 p. in.. Auu-st
tl, P.i. for delivery at the Court limine
on of iK-fure S4 pt-iidH-r 1, TO M. ot iall
or any pJirt of im cords of tir wood,
cut while khm-u from dd rrivth Uly
llr, wihm! to Ihj well fi'ami"!t. cut. frm
HmlM-r, easily plit. Also . cord f
pruh mik to In a vera ire iz and 4 fm
ihi. All wod is to 1k closely cord
fd witlnmt lidkhejid-. The rirlit ,1S
Tiiwrveil to rejts-t any an I all hids.
joiix li. srorr,
' f'ouaty Ju l't
lori at Salem, Orcsoii, this twen
tieth day of July. Hnm. (L1-mv tf.
lUMtSH ;eiit!e. weisfht !Vi p iiii1ki.
HAIt.NKSS and P.l-tsijy. Wilt take
easdi, 'hI, sliex-p r other xuwtk.
Value fisTf. Kea-siu for HelJinpr: Otut
of the Hty
use ldrn.
o iiiikIi have no time,
: t
We hrtveMust ns-eiveff three erases
of cht apaind ki"! ware for hafeHiiliir,
also a Kivcly cheao II m. f Srlasswsre
and we au supply you with thejl
trades of eoffeif and teas that can he
found In the city for as Utile nioijey
Our Uakinsr I'owder is ln-yond phe
reaeh of all others and it cost t.u
otdy.atte-.er. iMiitnd. : '. "
IeuM'inlr our eonponsi - with fvrry
2Te purchase.
249 Commercial Street
I 'hone 11 11. Mack. Free Ielif cry
YOKOHAMft lift
u )
Have you noticed -some td those Tribune niers on The streets? , The
,Plue lsy. the wheel thaf runs o easy, the one they "all admire, the' preftyoiie.
the strongest and th( kind that s II. Cdiiic in and trade your old oiie, iri
on a Tritmue. ilitTeivnee can be iaid lu -ash or inlallmeut.
- S-vinjc iiiaehhsi crates. each. Pest Siern oil. cold roHeil steid
needh-s, and new part,? for all makes. Second hand uiuvhitics and birycles
1 1 A. WIGGINS, 307 Commercial St.
Opposite Postoffice, Salem.
We have sticceeld In potting aiw
fine bargain iu. the watch Hue. For
example we have a lady's goM-lilled.
case warranted 10 years, with good
Walt ham or Elgin work.-, for 10.
Gentleman's open-face, screw filial
ease, warranted, .10 years with 7 jewel
works ?7.ro. . "
Same watch Hunting case lfS.50.
A 2d-ye;tr filled case with 7 jewel
worts ?.). ' ;
A silverlne screw, case with 7. jewel
'. works $4... :
These are all bargains worth inves
tigating if lit need of a wateh It will
pay you to call on us. ;
The Paris
Shoe Store..
Two doors north of my old stand
Don't be misinformed. I have
no old stock, nor 'do I need a
branch house to sell my goods.
. f
Pt)()i:i:ST FOU YKAUS. i- Alex
Thompson, an extensive farmer of the
Waldo Hills, was in the city yester
day. He reports an unusually pmr
crop of jrrahi ih his wet ion.' in fact the
iHiorest in years.- f!rain of all kinds
east of Sil vert on ami Madeay, as evl
deneeI ly a trip tlii-ouprh that swtion
of the county. Is showin;? up in title
form. The rriiln has attained an ex
cellent prowth. is of a healthy appear
ance and is well headed, promising, an
excellent yield, not a very considerable
arm. tint of the grain in that --..'sect km
has Inn-it cut yet but is now thor
oughly ripe and awaiting the harvest
er.'" ' --;'
past to wei'ks the market price of two
bra lids-.of. coffee has advanced": cents
each, the advance consisting of two
raiss of l.jj cents each. -The advance
is attributed to the unsettled condi
tions hi the- far Fast and-a raise in
the price of teas from the Orient is
c.ie ted daily.
T'sually the .path'- of' the budding
genius is pretty well strewn "with
thorns. . . ' : J
The local market quotations yester
day vere as follows:
Wheat 1 C4-nts at Hie Salem Flour
ing Mills Co.'s office. . ...
Oat$ J ind 2$ cents (buying), i
I lay Cheat, buying 7 ta $7.50
tinotliy, $S-5o to ?to.
llour 70 and 75 cents per sack; $2.75
per lbf.
Mil! feed Bran. $13; shorts, $15.: -
Butter -t s to 17c, buying.
Kggs 15 cents, cash.
Poultry C'hickens, 7 to S isr c lb;
young chickens (friers) ioc. live weight.
Pork Fat, 4)4 gross, snet ' i
Pss-f Steers. 0)4, cows, ?V",
34c; good" heifer. 4c
Mutton Sheep, 3 to on fopt; shear
ed 2j to 3c. ;
Veal G j and 7c dressed.
Potatoes axfjijs cents, buying; new
otattM-:, VTh . v
Wool 15 to iG cents, market weak.
Mohair 25 cjnts. .. ,
Hop Twine 14 cents pofr pound.
California Oak-tanned Leather
Harness Oi etc.
! F. E. i MAFEK
State Street Salem, Oregon
Still they go Nothing
can stop them.
We'n looking-for your order for
one of our, Standard Kola rys tjrands.
We'll not have hard work getting it
if you only knew the exeelleiM-e f oar
Simula rd.'- You'll fiud them to be sill
we claim for them. . The .Standard
sales keep rtdliug along at a "good t
rate. i:eently we have sold two
Stamlard Tailloring machines,wheu the
tail. its pick them out of all the rest .
they must 1k the P.CST.
The Easimt Mountain Vam In the Cas
cade Iaufird On Now IVe Traverse
; -' : by the Public. :". .."
Captain K, It. Orinsby, RUiH'tintend-
ent of the Cascjtde Forest Itoserve, and
one of the most painstaking and effic
ient officers iu the service of the For
estry I h'partuicnt of the Federal Gov
ernment, yesterday made the state
ment that the "eld JHnto i rail, crossing
the Cascade mountains, lias just Jieeii
re-opcued by his forest rangers on the
resirve, jafJer this Toad through the
mountains, i the easiest pass through'
the Cascades, has been closed for a
uumber of years.. i - . i
This will, be welcome news to the
residents of this jortion of thei Wil
lauietto valley and of that iiart of
Fa.steru Oregon directly cast of Marlon
and Una counties 'as the opening of
this trail gives another line of "com
munication lietweeii .Western.' Oregon
and liistetu Oregon, where travel can
be had at no expense . for tolls, and
over the easiest grade of any of the
half dozen roads and trails connecting
the two sections of country.
The Minto pass was discovered by
Hon. John M into over forty years ago,
at his .instance it' was surveyed,
and he' led the work of opening the
trail through the mountains, connect
ing the Willamette valley with the
Eastern Oregon stock ranges.
trail was constantly in use until a few
years ago, when the Corvaliis & East
ern Railroad Company extended Its
line up to .Detroit, when a portion. of
me trail wa-s maiie liniiassable y rea
son of the load being eoustrncfed upon
it. Iast yeaf Captain .Ornisby d.fided
to reopen the trail, by enttiug a (nil
nection k'twen the valley and some
yohit 011 therail bo.voiid Detroit, and
four of thi' forest rangers, operating in
that vicinity, were ordered to do the
wi.uk. "Tboy performed the duty as
signed Iheia by cutting i through the
woods and building a :f trail, froni a
jKint beyoud Mi hama, where it leaves
the wagon road, up the Elkhorn. to the
North Fork of the Santiaul river, over
lie nitride ln't ween the North Sautlaiu
and Clackamas rivers, past Elk lake
and Hot Springs; .striking the Minto
trail at tlie Thomas place, six miles
cast of Detroit. This trail has been
completed, and thU year Superintend
ent Orinsby; ordered lus rangers to
clean out the trail from that point
across the mountains, ami a letter, re-
received by the superintendent vester-
day, reports "the completion of this
Iirt of the work, ami the opening of
the trail connecting the Willamette
valley arid the Eastern Oregon ranges.
.This, now, is the nearest -route of
travel from this portion of tlie Willam
ette valley to all points in Crook coun
ty. 1'he trad can lie reached from Sa
lem by going to Mehama, tlience by
tlte newly ojteneil trail tir the Thoina's
Place, tiix miles lx-youd Mchama, and
thence, by. the Miuto trail Ihrongh the
mountains to where the trail strikes
the wa gnu road 0:1 the Matolit river,
at tli Uiggs "place."'
The destruction f the old Minto trail
by -the consuie-flon. of the railro id ove
its western -end. caused a practical
abandonment of this route of travel
tfnoiigh the Cascade mountains, but
this favorite trail through the" most pic
turesque portion of the Cascades has
how been restored, without the' cost of
a cent to the public, anil travelers can
now go up the railroad to Detroit, se
cure jKtcIv animals there, and 'cross in
to the line grazing lands of. Crook
county. In Eastern .Oregon with little
I rouble- and hardship, , connecting at
the other end of the trail with the ex
cellent wagon roads of' that section of
Uk state. This way of going requires
a -partial trip by rail. ' Another, and
probably lite more iopular way of go-'Ing-would
to secure pack a2lm.il.
here In. the valley, go by way of Me
J'anei a u.l llie nevi trail, striking the
old Minto trail Iwyond Detroit. '...Supor
intemleiit Orinsby intended, in provid
ing this trail, to give travelers, who mo
.desire, an ! opMrtimity 't avoid the
railroad, and travel all the wav with
laek an'mals.
Superintendent Ornisby Tescrves
great commendation for his efforts in
li storing tliis old and popular road
through the mountain so that it can
agalnde used for travel and communi
cation Iwtween the 'valley and Eastern
Oregon, and many travelers who will
ue this trail during the-coining years,
w ill rretnemlM-r with gratitude the
painstaking Federal official, "who re
stored this old rondwaj-.to use and
ninde it possible for travelers to pass
over it, thus, in many instances, sjivlng
a wide '.del our, and giving them free
acrci tt some of the most picturesque
perilous of the Cascades on th'ir way.
to or from Eastern Oregon.
Yukon Ilivcr Steamer Destroyed
, Two Persons I irowned.
Satfl. Waslu July A special to
thesTimes from Skagway, July -'22d,
says: f
"The Upper Yukon Steamer Florence
S.. was y est enlay wrecked 5n. Thirty
Mile canyon on the Iewis river.' The
pitrM-r and two women jiassongi rs
Were drowned. The purser's name
was .Mali by.
Exhibits Coining to Salem Carried
f Free by Uail. '
Portland. Or. July L'lL-The South
ern Pacific Ittilroad Company bslay
annomu-e.l. that all iexhibifs for the
State Psiir in September will 1k trau
ported five over its lines in Oregon.
The lax assessors ; have ' found out
that there are . .NMk more pianos in
Kansas tMs. year than there-ever was
bcfoie.i;"!fhiiH,nd Times.
Two things that appear to lie 'mil-'
versnlly : "rendered", are , music and
lard. St. Ixutis 'lobe-Domocra t. - i
Hut go to FRIEDMAN'S NEW RACKET STORE where the weather is .cool and, comfortable, and
where jroods can be boujrht at prices that will suit the pocket book of all. Have just got in a handsome
-rt."ibln tAinnct' tVn 1 r rv tl 1 I d rwl t rkwrJa Lt 1 td i ni linrme rdri-ri ii t linn rf k i I If rd i fi nf
spll t hem fasi. A comnkte new
crash skirts parasols, fans and new dimities. , : ;
New crash and linen suits, new hats, an immense line of bicycle caps, sweaters and hose, new suits in
tweeds and other weaves, neckties, collarsilso a large assortment ef trunks, valises and telescopes, sus
penders, shirts, hop pickers' gloves, a complete stock ot .men's underwear and notions) in fact full lines
of everything kept in u well regulated dry. goods and clothing store.
At Friedman's New Racket Store
Corner State and Commercial Streets
I have secured several lines of new goods at
silk iinuersKiis, regiuar $i.zo, lor lioc; yarn wiae percale, only; 7 l-zc a yard;
large stock of shoes left. I am still selling ladies' $ iline shoes lor 1.25 a
pair. Ladies' oxford ties for 50c, 05c and 75c a pair; pearl buttons, 5c a doz;
bone buttons 10c a gross; silk mits, 15c a pair. Large assortment of laces,
ribbons, embroideries, corsets, gloves, hosiery and underwear for less than
Tl llvlvOlilv VUOW ...
Avoid nil 'drying inhalants and use
(hat which scleanses ami : heals the
membrane. " Ely's Cream Iiulm is such
a remedy and cures Cutiiprh easily and
pleasantly. Cold in'thoIiead vanishes
quickly. Price SO culs at idruggists
or by mail. ? ' . - ' ;i
Catarrh caused difficulty In ppf-aking
and to a great extent loss of hearing.
Py the use of Ely's Cream Palm drop
ping mucusjias censed', voice and hear
ing have greatly iiuprovisl.--J. W.
Davidson, Attl'y at Law, Monmouth.
New York. July 'Kl. Tlie trausjMrt
Crook will sail soon for Cuba to snip
the meinln'rs of the First l'iiitl: Slates
infantry, which is under order to re
turn to the', United States to prepare
for foreign service. A
for Conslipatio.i,
PI ELS No ; equal
"Jane, you know, very well that I
never told you a lie in all my life."
"Oh, William, you are such a la.
Kling exaggerator!" ! 1 .
I'oth '"t Ik .Pendleton scouring aill
woolen mills -are running full Jdat.
the scouring mill running both dn'y an 1
night, and . atxmt 75 men. oh botii
shifts. Tlie mill has a lot ofywool on
hand, and tiiey are scouring from
L'O.ixki to 2",.tK p!ittuls41aily. Unto'i
S, C. STONE, M. D.
Propriefor of
The stres, (two In ininil'er: are lo
cated at No. Jo anl ,ii:j"Coiiitiie''cial
street, .and are well sbtekod wjth n
cmnplet line of druzs uhd uit'r:e5iis.
toilet . articles, perfumery, brushes,
etc., etc., etc.
'Ml. STONE ;
Has had some '! years' exiMrience in
tlie practice of medicine mid iiow
ll!aks no charge for itonsultatioh, ex
amination or ireseriptioiu
THE PACIFIC .: n ' - A I. 5i
lem. Oreeron. is GIVING A NEV
cycioiKietlia I 'rit tunica, yaluabli; ltooks.
a Guitar, Mandolm. etc;; 'to thos wiio
will send in a certain iiumlter1 of sul
scriptions. You simply wend ' , the re
quired numlH-r and GET, THE PUES
ENT. Tlds is not open ; to ' regular
solicitors -to whom a commission is
paid. Wnte for parllculatH and a
copy, ot '.no pajjer. v i win pay a
nsh , c-onilnission to (hos who will
devote their time to soliciting for tlie
paper. Address i -i
Salem, "Oregon.
In 'the Circuit Court, of the Stafe
of Oregon, for the County of' Marion:
iH-pt. No. 2: . ;
T. T. ;er. Governor. 1 I. Dunbar,
Secret ;iry . of State, and C. S. .Moore,
Treasurer of the State of Oregon, ex-
itlicio The State Jind Itoartl of- the
State of regjoii. Plaintiff, vs.: J. M.
PeobIs anil It. M. I'eebles, Ids wife,
Defendants... '! . '- i. - i :.
To It. M. Pei'bles. defendant:, '
In the panie of the State of Oregon,
yost are hereby rejulrnl ttr appear hi
the above eiititled onrt . and iiiisttcr
the com plaint filed against yu in the
iilMive entitled suit on . or tx'fore the
7th -day-! of '-.September:, V.f), and if
you fail t to appear or answer, ss nh
citiiiplaint. for wan thetoof .the
Plaint in; will applj; to the s;iid -ou-t
for the relief demanded ia Mi1 omi
plaint herHn, to-wit: That fialntiT
have judgment- ataiust ; Defendants.
J. L 1VIIp and It. M, le-tdeK. f r
the sum of .$Iti. Gobi Coin of tim
United States, with' Interest' thereon
In like gold coin at the rate Of X r
i-i nt. er aununi from the 4th dav of
June. JKiS. nntil i iald. and for. tho
further rum of lOO altoniey's fws.
and for: the ctjrst and! disbursements
of this suit. Further tliat; IMainti'f
hive a de-m for the f ore dosure o?
its mortgage, exe'nteI? by1 said ' Ie
feudants. J. M. Pieblex "ami It. M.
Iecbles: to the tloard f Cmmi.ssion-
ers for (he sale of Schol and Unier
sity I.-tnds and for the investment of
the fund arising therefrom, of the
lino of ladies' neckties and pulley belts, handkerchiefs, and hot weather
Is adore Greenbaum
First door south oi Postoffice.
State of Oregon, said mortgage bear
ing -.date ''the 4th day of June, 1S!)S,
and iK'ing upon tiie following" tie.
scrilH'd premiss, ttewit: lU'ginning
at the NK. corner of See. 12, in T. s
south of range a west of W. M., and
running thence 'north 2S'i rods;
thence - -west lTJVt chains: theuee
north IT.oir cliains to the north boun
dary of Donation lmd Claim No.
Ulirj tfhiocu i Garrison ; thence west
along the north line of aid Donali :i
CUiiiil 42.oO chains; thence south -l.r.:i
chains to the south line of -See.. 1. said
township; thence '-east , chains to
'the place 'of '''beginning, save and ex
cept - acres heretofore:, deeded to
ylary C. Gardner ami 22'i acres' here -liofoie
leled to Samuel tlardner, all
off-lly east eml of siiil tract, leaving
a-ires' nioiv-or less, all in Marion
county, Oregon, and tli.it said prem
ises le sold as by law providol. and
that tlie money arising from said sile
In applied 'to: the satisfaction of Plain
tiffs judgment, as alcove set forth.
and that each of . the above d'Meii l
ants and all persons daiming througli
or under tliein since the 'said Itti dav
of June,, inns, the date of Pliintiil's
mortgage. de' forever ftire-hscd nf ;ilt
right of relehiiition in or to said jn
misesor any -part tinreol'.
This Suinmons is published by order
or the Hon. It. X', Hoise. -Jiulw of 'lie
a I ove ntitlel" t'onrt. made u tlie
UTlh day of July, V.RHK and tie- lirst
uublicai ion of fids numinous . is .made
oil the :
dat-, of
will be
i)ire in
!7th day of July, 1 1 h . and tin
tlie last
and 1 his
the 7th
publication lureoi
summons will c.v
day of Si'pteinb.'r.
PJh. '
Attorney for Plaintiff.
the Circuit t'omt of Ihe State of
Oregu, for
Marion County 1 upart-
inent No. 'J:
Frank Mi yiunkei-s and Iklle Mniik
crs this wife, Sopjda Simmons and
Ulvsses Silnmoiis titer .husband). Anna
Johnson, Mildred Folck, Walirr J.
M linkers. Anna llayter and Frank
llavter iher husband), and G rover
Fohk, plaintiffs v- It. F. M linkers'
and Susan J. M linkers. Josephliif
Johnson and II. C. Johnson thcr Iius
iKindt. Samuel T. Munkirs and Julia
Mnnkcrs (his wifei, Kate Herreii and
II. E. Hcrreu llier husbaudi, .Ella
Waller and T. F. Walker thcr hus
band. 15. HeiK-ii and L. 'M. 'llcrren
her hudand, Ualph Caries. Ineza
Carico. Iva Jlarnion. and Lou Harmon
thcr'. husband i. Charles Munkers. El
mer Munkers, Maud Denny and James
L. Denny (her husbandt. Walter
Munkers. Frank Munkers, Edwin E.
irieo and tail Munkers, defendants.
o It. F. Munkers. Susan J. Miink-.
-rs. - Ualph Carico. Ineza I'arico. Ima
Haiiiiou. Iva Harmon, Frank Munk
ers, Charles i -Munkers, Walter Munk
ers. Elinor Munkers. .Maud
Jamex Ia Denny and Edwin
ico. defendants iu the alsive
E. Car
entitled nM: ',.--;.,:- : ' -
In the Name of the State of Ore
gon you ami each of you-arc hereby
required to aiiMar lu said court in
the above entiilel suit and answer
Ihe complaint tiled therein asralnst you
by (he said plaintiffs on or tMfore Sat
urday, tlte l."th day of SeptemlM-r, A
D. V. (-, and you and each of you are
hereby notlieI that If you fail so lo
ap;i fir and answer s.a id complaint for
want thenid the said" plaintiffs will
apply to the court and take a decree
against you as follows, to-wit:
For the 'appointment' of . a guardian
nd -litem in said suit for said minor
defendants. Ralph Carico. Ineza Car
ico and Carl Munkers; and that tlie
defeiHlants, Eila Talker, Katie Ilef
ren, Frances Herren and Samuel T.
Munkers lie dfreed to Ih the owners
in fee shnide of tlieir certain respec
tive tracts of land set apart to them
by the1 last will and testa mctit ofW.
II. MunkerK, ih'ccascd. and by (lie con
tract between said plaint iffs nnd le
feed.uvts Teferred to in said complaint;
ti-at the s-nld defendant,' ltenjamiu F.
Alnnkers. Ik hs-reel to Is the owner
in fee simple of an undivided l-2,s, and
that Use plaintiff, Frank M. Munkers,
In deer ed t 1m the owner lu f-e
simple of. an undivided 4-S. and said
Waller J. Munkers In? de-rel to
Imj the ' ownir in ' f(H' simple of an
undivided 2-2X. and the plaint ifft Gra
ver Foh-k..ic deretHl to Ie the owner
in fit simple of an nhlivid-l 1-liS,
ami the idaintiff. Annie Johnson, 1
i'icre-l to Is (he owner in fee simple
m umUvMeti v-s, auu tne piainiiu,
t, .t.s .i...... . -i . ....l l... ii...
rim.i fMiiiiiioii- iw-.. 1 .i . - nit-.
owner tn Tee simple or an
1-2S, and the plaintiff, Mildred Folck,
1h decreed to In tlie owniT lu fee sim
ple of an untliviihil 1-2S. and the. de
fendant, Carl Munkers, be Ueerei'd to
nrira Ti n
Salem, Oregon
reduced rates, and will
be the owner iu fee simple of an
tbvhied L'-vs, and tin piaintin. Alma
llayter. be decreed to 1m tlie miier
in fie simple of rtn undivided L&s, and
the defendant. Ualph CaricoT be. -de--risil
to Ik the owner in feesimple of
an undivideil l-'.t.S. and tlie 'defendant,
Ineza Carico, 1m dcreed to lie tire
owner in fee- simple of an undivided
1-!)S. and the defendant Iva 1 l.-iriieiu.
be decreed to Is the iier in fee sim
ple of an undivided 1-4!. and the s.i id
defendant, Charles Munkers. le de
ci ed to 'lie the owner iu fee simple of
an undivided l-4'.l, and t lie said de
fendant, Maud Denny, Im decreeil to
be the owner iu foe simple of 'an un
divided l-t'.t. and that the said de-
'f Aidant. Waller Munkers. be decreed
(o Ik tlie owner in fee simple ef ait
undivided 1-1!, ami that Ihe xaid di'
l'ciid;)iil, Elmer : At tinkers, be ilei-reed :
to be the owner in fee simple of an"'
undivided 1-1!). and that the said de
fendant. Frank 1 Munkers, be decreed
to be the owner in, fee. simple of an
undivided 1-11 iiUvrest iu and to tin
hinds .and premises-.sit tiaijc in Linn
County, Oregon, deserilnt.l as follows,
to-wit: The "'south half of Section S,
iu T. lO. south. U. 1 Wist of the Wil
la.mctle '. Meridian,' in the County of
Linn ami Stale of Oregon, coniaining
.'") acres of land more or less, situate
in Linn County4 Oregon.
Thai ach of tlie sail defendants. ,
Iva Harmon. Charles Munkers, FJmer
Munkers. Maud Denny, Waller Munk
ers. ami Frank Munkers. Im decreed
to be the owner in "fee simple of an
undivided 1 -V.) interest in and to the
following described lands and pre
mises, to-wit:
1cginniiig at a ioiiit 1).oO chains
north. 21 degrees cast of the soiilh
east toriM-r of W. 11. Munkers Dona.-'
tion Land Claim. No. .".I, in T. 7 souili
raiige 2 west of the Willamette .Merid
ian, in Marion County. Oregon, thence
north 2H degrees, east :i.l.Ml ch.aiiH
along the cast line of the W. U. Menk
en" claim No.- ol; ttiei;ee north ile-jrris-s
15 inin. wi-st 41.s chains f the -
v;-t 1 !.' of ilaim 'No. "VI: Ih-Hi-e
soeih li'lie de-gi ecu livest 17-'5 -ia-s .
ah-iig tin west line of claim No.Td:-'
thence south 11 degriHK and ."o ntiii.
east 42 chains! to the place of bcgiti
ning. containiiig 4:1.7 1 acres; hitnaje
In Marion Count y, Oiigon.
That the said -plaintiff..-. Frank M...
Munkers. be dresl to Im the owner
in fee simple of an iindivideil 11
and that flie said defendant.' Carl
Munkers. 1k . deennil to 1m the owikt
In fn simple of, an ondivided 2-
and that the plaintiff. Anne llayter,
in- decreed to be the owner in fi-e sim
ple of an iindivideil 4-2S. and that the
siiid defendant. Ualph Carico. ! le
creed to In the owner in fee" -siiupl"
of an uiidivided 1-!S, and, that the de
fendant, lne.a Calico, be deers-d to
Ih the owner iti fee simple of an un
divided and that the ' plaintiff,'
Josephine Johnson, be decris-d to )
the owner In fee simple of an lunli
jrided 4-28 interest .-hi and to the last
above described tract of land, coutiin
Jng 4:5.74 acres, situate in .Marion
Count v, Oregon. .
And tltat it ls further dtsreed th'it.
the costs and disbursement and ct
penes of said suit shall 1m lioni"
ifpially by the said plaintiffs mid !
fendaiits, except that the said EH
WaTker and Katie llerren shall nt
required,, to' -pay a'ny costs or disburse
me'ts of said.sn'It.
You aed each of you are hereby -further
iiotitieil that the said piaintin"'
will take n deem' and judiiinent
against you for the whole of th. r"
lief demanded in saitl complaint and
uiwti .ifin'p furtlicr or different re-.-
lief iu the premises as to the court
shall seem meet with, equity -and Z'1
eoosidi'itee. ; .'
Tlit wti nt tnnn t Kcrvinl III toll J'"ll
liy pui.i:Ji I ion im-ii-in
t'tive ami sticci'sslve -weeks, prior t'
said flftJ-nth day of September, A.4'
IIXU), iu the 'Weekly Oresrnn Stat.mau.
a weekly newspajsT of general eircn
lat ion throughout s.iid eounly 'J
State of Oregon, printisl and pubhslw
a Ilv f K:i1itiM:ll-itll CeM''
r lit. - . " - .... .... ... ... .
Oregon, by order of Hon. It. P.
Jtidge ot-, S.1MI circuit inin. .
said onler Is-ars date of July 21 h.
D. P.nsoatsl that (he saio lion. ! j'
Poise. Judge of said Circuit' Court. n
said order' for the publication f t""
si'nunotiK i7ou you has""i.resi-rill "'
...... -.i.. w..... l..- v l. l!i.
Illieeniii o.iji i pi-iirnnn-i ' .
as the time on r lief ore which yon
shall api-ar mid answer fh ssiid cwu
plaint in said court. .
The date of the first puuiicanou
nnis sumiuoiis m mi a I'i
ii,,.- iti,iiit.'.ttiirinih fir juii.
1.1-T- ihviij-dv j . i
L.vn i ' '
Attorneys for rialuilff