Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, July 27, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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    APPEAL". .Of
Wants America to Intercede With
the "European 1owers
President WcKliiley Demand . ibat
Powers lie permitted to Ccm-' .
wunicate x?ith Ministers.
-WASHINGTON. July 2l.Tbe
lowing corrrsoitdci!-o iielxveen
Ihe President of I he; Pnited States aul the
j'inilKTor of China was made public-by
ths State Jiciviriiniint todav:
a. . ......... v. i... Vi ,1 ie:i 1 oti xew
. . . - - i - 1
iy xi mister xxuj amy i:kv from ;
tl'f.Tao Tal of Shanghai, dated July
HM: '.'
. w. , t 1 i 1 1 - .
Hare riMei.ed a tclegraui from f.v-1
ernur 1 tianr of Shan Tan- dattl 2:id
hiy of this iin-oik July V.i, v.iw luv-
re-eivl fi the I'rivji wwil I
, iu..i .1-. . 1 . r
ta. IVkito it dixpateh finlHMljnij; an ;
imi-t iial letter t the President of the
Toiled States,- has insti tu ted my to !
transmit it to your exc-elletn-y. Thv
iti'iK'rlal .'tiiessiistj la rsieet fully trati.s;
iiiil t d. as follows:
The P.nijK-ror of Chitui, to II is Ex--'llney.
the President of the l'n"i-.l
States tint'tiBi China has Ions
maintained friendly relations wiih the
PuittiIaState) and -is -deeply eonsi-sou
tnat theobJtH-t of the Vuiteil States Is
international eoiBiueree.; Neit!ir -ousi-
try entertains tlie least suiiciou
did rust towards the other.
Ueeent 'outbreak of inttttial antipathy
Is-tweeu the iMHph- ami t'hrl.-tlan mis
sions eausetl tli.! fir-i;?n I'wtTvVrs to
view 'with suspicion the position of the i
lutpci-lal tJovcrtmient tow ard the mis-!
siots, with the; result that tlie TaUu j
foils- were attacked and captured, j
iSutisctitiently. there has Iki-ii tut shins i
irf forces vfitlt' calainitous consequene-'
cs. 1 ite sjiuai ou lias occouii
and more, serious -and Critical,
have Just received a telesraphh
We j
iiterial from our euvoyV Wu Tins -Pans
siud It Is hisldy sMtifyius to us To
barn that tin iPnitod Slates tSoveni
tutiit, bavins lb view the friendly re
lations IietwcCii the two countries, has
taken a deep lutereiit; In the present
situation. 1
Now, Phiuit. drivenbyT!ie irresistible
cttur- of events, has unfortunately in
cu mil trell nish universal ludiSiiatio..
For seitbns M'e present dillicnity,
Phina places rxs ial reliance in the
PuiKsl .V.ats. i We address this ines -
Main, tn ri.nr exeellem r in all sim erity i
thivt !
iiiiu ca iioioin !s nu me !..,
, 1: 1... : t.-i I....
your excell
aiid take
...to .1.1 ....... i
initiative in brinsias
alout a conceit- of the powers.ior t'o
, . ... .. 'n,,!
resiorai iu in iumvi o' (""' 1
..r 4, 1 ,...!- !. i,-irn..l!v re-
uest,Hl aSid awaiKsl with tl. greaU
il II A !-. . i
Kuans Hsu. Ij;tii'-.yc8-r, sixth inoon.
day t.li:l.v Iff.
It Is. therefote, my duty to transmit
the alsive wllb the request that Your
i;.cel!eiicy lit' Irvspcclfu! oU dieuce of
lnip i T.il wishes, ill deliver the same
to its bish destiiiatlou and favor me
x. iih a n i'ly'. i
Tao Tai at Siiansh.b.
Kuans IIsu.l J;th year, sixth, mooiu
'Si. day t ruly tJ. lrv-ot.
This (-:ibiesliitn xvas at once com
municate.; to the President at t antou,
'Ohio, an.l'thejfidlowins i his reily:
The Pr sideiif. of the Fnited States,
, I..... i . ;
to the Pmpenir of China- tJrectis; I ;
have recelxedi i our r.rajesty's mesase
of July ltuh.i and am shel to know
that Your1 .Majesty reosuizos the fact
that the Ibmiiuueiit and the people
ot th Puitnf States desire of China
nothins iHit wh.it Is ju-t and i-quitalde.
The puriso! for xvhiili we .landed
triK.ps in Chioa was the rescue of our
Jsalhm fnuii srave danstr and tae
protection c.f Ihe lives stud prwrty l
Ano-ricaus xvbo xvcie sjturu!ns m
hm ill tb(s -enjoyment of rsi:'
suanint(HHl th in by treaty ud ty
Interna fiotutl bixv. The s.me pmioses
are publicly tleclaml by all te lHwers
wooa une yumni limitary loices In
Your .Majesty's .empire.. 3,
I aiu-to inter from Yotir Majesty's
letter that the malefactors xvho haxe
tlistiirUst tl pence f China. xU.o
have!murdernl the Minister f 'er
manv and a niemlnr of the Japanese
Is:lHon.and xvho now hold b.-Sies.d
bl'Pekiii those foreisn diplomats xvImi
still survive, have not only not receiv
ed anv farof or cmHHiras'nm'ntfrmii
Your Majcsly, but are actually in n?
Iiolliou asainst the tmorlal atithorltx.
'if this lw the c.i-c, I most solemnly
mse upon Yc.r M,t.hsty'e Covernment
tr. s've polUie assuran-n whether ti
t'oreisn MiniMccs are alive, and if .
in what comb I ion.
,Viin.lTi put the diplomatic repre
sentatives of the powers in imme.ii.ut
and free communication xvitlt their re
. i :.iT.-rnuKiits and to remove
all dinser lo their lives and lderiy.
Third -To ;placp ith- Inqsrial author
ities oT China in communication With
tlx relief exih'dition; that co-ocration
- may In secured ldwceit them for the
bUoath.lt of the IM loners, the pne
Yfctiouuof forcisners ind the rcstora-
t'iell of o;ilef. , . t
If these .bjs-ts are aceonipIiMied. It
" Is the txdief of this tlovcrtiutent that
no olNtacest will Ik- found b cxit on
tho-part of (he powers tt an amicable
FeUhnii-tit of all tli -quest jv.us arMng
out of the r. r ent trouble and the
triendly go n otiicc of ibis ;ovcrn
mont will, -with the absent of the other
poxvct. d,e c l'.wriilir placed at Ymr
Majesty's disposition for th.-:t purposo.
July 2, V.i.
ty tin President: JOHN HAY,
V. Secretary of State.
I"nt-i.ii!st:tiiti4ir:;il;ir of the Measure
Was Never Doubted by I-a.!
I Prom Dally Statesman. July 2.P
The iJcfMsio'i, rendered hi Corriaml
on Monday, by Judge Sear, that the
bicycle, tax law 1 unconstitutional,
was not miexp. cted !y local wheelmen
who. have always felt satisfied that
the measure would tint stand tin test,
but rather than foot the exjieue of
tin KtiSiit'on that would- !e required
to determine its validity, they prefer
red to pay the tas, inasmuch' as tie
lex itue derived therefrom was lwlns
expended f r the benefit of the Hvti.eJ
uen themselves. - Iist year Marion
t-ounty -,vH .--linen paid the tax. quite
"rad;ly, hut the manner of cyeh path
f eon -d met ion was quit" unsatisfactory.
rr-tusal tbw yea.
.I.,, ,,.,,.1 ..f
ta'e si-cat majority of
- , ' .
the wheelmen to jar the tax. ? lit
evening the records kept by. Sheriff-P.
' W. InirMn showed that 7-1 tag had
tleen issued while on tin same date
,.!St rr n; U:H, Sh, aL . ,
All of the inouer eo!le t.l on-this
''''Wt ajiroxlij;iti!i $-k. reuiuitj
Ml of ,!j riff Vl. -t-hoiild
tlie-iiurt.s ) limit. It eau 1 ro
In the aWem- from tlie ely of
herlr JMirl.In. I enuty-Sheriff if. P..
oittath . y tertiay sani iie vvoi;!! 1
;;riitel entirely Sy tite ortlers oC the
eounfy eoiniuisiojurs court-
lit eo!!U;ieiith!fr 011 ie effeet tS . d
elsioa would tiave on the eel!etien tff
the tax. ystrnl.iys Ore8fiiUyu;sahl:
"ill rt'jatiou to tin- nustftV Sheriff
Prazh-r Kthl that In- had ih ur.-rest
in the matter. 'and .voUM be jr-ddeti by
ilic .n-iioii iff tlie "eounty eonniil-js'on-
rs, -Wl -ab'ver : tuaw they ''- decided!
IHUHI It iil.-t 1 lil-tttl ilJIO tt JH!-SIM. Ju-
would follow. He ;id tii'sin J it test
to Iw nia.lc if the law. sime thro was
s mtieh eomphiiitt alutti! Ji. and wa.
re.lj- to conform to v!;aiv i tlie de
eis'iii of Hie anihorhits latht h-- lie
i.i only sh -;--ut - t utfi. iT; :in.j -would
attempt Jo ei.!h-t the tax: or ; re f n't In
from' collecting it, Su-eoniius .t in
stru-l inns. - .
, "Yesti rday af ter the tSeeisioti was
rendered tjuite a mtnilriitf persons
favorably disposed to lMyele pat its
calhtl at the sherifr.t ofliee and paid
Uiofr tax. 1 lie t-as- will be apjialed
to the sttprenu court ior a itnal deei
sien, and Ui the iiiea u: jntH it is pjiven
out that the collection of the tax wili
probably Ih continued. This decision
docs not restrain the e41ecUn, but
will dotiHiless have the etTf"i of loin'j?
av.a.v with conipuisory jiie.-isitrs."
,a lit.? irn.j
' TliU u.tKttts'Oisastcr siu.lide:ti (.wImmi
ai pl. tt to a fast expnss Jtraiti. It is
equally (th.'s w S n it tafors lo ix e
i;k wh :e WimkI Is disordcftxl and w'.io.
cnseinetiil.v have p;iiip!e and son .
i.luid itoiuats. tlcransod k 'slays.:' 'Weak
nerves and that tircst fecUns. lb!"
fvitsapai ilia puis !iv wilicels' ;l;;ek oa
the. track by nuikin.S' ti.-h : llts.I
ami curl ts .-1 hs 1 1 oiilikt. f .
P-ausrtipat-'on is enrtd hy H wl's Pi!l -;.
KicKh rt A iiousp.-Deii i,ree
the driver of . P-e!l' Air and olo. two
of tlie race horses now. .nt (he- 1-iiif
t.rotmdsvia traitans- met with
chh tit on Wednesday aiflernoo
u a :te-
n lii.ti
I came near ictas . eerioiis. aiti .. m.siu
lhave had fatal results. , Mr. Force led
x 010 out ol lo r stnii. .wian tfce mare
i playful nsool beiraol to fear atid
kick. -one 01 iter li't'l .sim.ins -" ''-
fori una tp dHver
head, and !;;
. Seiit 'it Vila
fell sen-des.
1 r.
nasiiiv setn ior. aim - iimi
laan tnvd-
.1. ,1.,,
pn!llptl 51 e tllf
Ier e. a tier b.
- - ;Vor sV t
- - - . . .
coiisciousneKs. sitnl ft is mnr; tlteci
he Is not very seriously injured, but
will Is able "to attend to hU' duties
.rat ii in a few (hi VS. lll-t M-.ttK' fll!V
serious injury was a!iai'tw one, !iow-
ever. -: .. i - :-'' - J ;. - V
Uosenstcin. of the Kibr IbtiZ f: t:c
pan v. is in the cby lei a few fkxye.
Mr. l:os-n stein's home is In ;.i .
1, trsivcls tor a (nlitmi'lTUHinu.'
ail over the cnmlry. He says ii
r... m. tKiInt where lei;if,ss s
ter or steadier and more whable than
it is in Siilcm... Ib- Is bishiy id ase i
xvitii our situation and climate, and
s-ivs he Is aiwavs .lel'sht'-Ub sj-i i
Tewdav In S itein. Mr. Ibee?f';d!t s
..,hI opinion of the apilal t My is
worth a S'"l deal, comititf liom a ctt re
fill le.ervcr -xvho Ses so ii:ilcS of. tiie
ci. nu'r;. - :t - :: ' j'.'i , -
t i.-ws: I'tH.TlMMlNKHY'. -- Comd)
T...'i.r l'-ilmer. if I.ilill colli! i.T, is !
- . . - -
iiinill'r llis odieial t"il
With lotu h
less poltfxonery than characterized his
mnmsKate pi edessor, Judge Ikirton,
If be has Ikcii correct lytreiM,rbI. .Ite
sji'isrieil that tlie princiIe ot put
t;ic r xv whcis in old xvasons Is not
a g7,Hl one aiidicdj.fo. bridges,': fratikly
admtis 1ls.it the Stayten bridge must
h nfu'!t cnilre. If P"in county op
ruisiit'u.ii is. tt'dee'd.
femoved llten thete
is hope of semn-jr m" r "" '
wbuh srsnis the S-inriam at this place,
remox-ed and tin its place . su-isetui.
over which the travelins lu.iic may
cross iu -safety,- Slaybm Mail.
-.- , 1 u:..i-..,.. ..1.1 I'r.ii.
STKAWS. The Statesman' y ester
dav nssdved a letter from 'Prank
Maev. formerly of this city. ,bitt now .1
resident of Seattle. Mr. Mac? says
!Wi tl.in-s: "1 hate been
IiW niMU a week. Settle i
1 ..... ...r I.iiuhm t-iHHl oet jIClvsil-
..... t;. l.ide Ui ihcre.nre satis
fUnl xvith Ihe present adnuoi-iratioo.
Vs one xvatKs ioii im
I-,',, be s.in. in.tbe xvnidoMS of -db-ferent
places tf business ?nd n sl
deiiWs, the -.iv.it rait of I're.-ab nt M
KinhyVl'''' 1 have fsib, to mc the
lt o. of Pryaiu Welast.u. wul
"o big for McKiulcy iu Nv,vemli.-r.
1 ... .. , : ... i, ,.i a 1 un.
Tor jjifaats and Children.
Hie Kind Yea Kaw teap Bcrght
Vteam the T7?r
Sigaature cf
Why I Amllfell
Mr. Jacob Weaver, of BastLnell wife of ex-cltr iaarbI
Weaver, has entirely recovered from the Ulnees which kept her
bedfast much of the time Car five or six -year past.
k lira. Weaver ts fiftv-lx years old. and has lived In Bosbnett
nearly thirty years. . 1 be story of her recovery is i aiervatiog.
I smffferPd for fl-ro or bIx yeara wtt"h the trouble that eomea to
-women at the ebane of life. 1 was mucii weakened, was nnabla
rccch of the time to do my own work, and suffered beyood iny
power to (Jescrlhe. 1 wasdown-beerteJand melancholy.
" 1 tootc many tiuTerent medicinea, but nothinx eeenied. to do me
any pood.
. "1 react abontDr. Williams' Pink Ellis for Pale People, and come
of my friends recommended them hie hly. 1 made uny mind to
try them. I bought the iim box In Marco, L?J7, aud waa beueated
.from the start. ' i
A box and a half eared rae eompjetely.cnd I am now rne;red
and stronc. I have not beea bothered witia my troubles t inco I '
bee-an tatm- the pii!. - ,'.-..-.---'! -
' 1 have recommended them to many Torn n who are mfTertne;
as 1 suUered. Tlicy ere tlie ooiy thing that helped me in the trlat
that comes toeo tuanr vromn atmy age." M u-i. J. C WlAVtu.
Pnbccribed and sworn to before me this 23d day of October, A. D.
JISJ7. ; - i ; : O. C lilCKS, SVuUtry J'uUtc
From tht Jlteortl, Buehnc'l, 111.
w k - MmM
: Fale People
At all drosrr'sts or direct trorn the Dr. WUIJanis Medtcin Company,
Saheoectady, N.V., p6vittlJ on receipt of price, 6 eta. perhoz.a bosrm, $2.30.
Din 'OfI1TitrT tT tm I T ?
I .- CiAO X EJLlfi . Ui t lltVl UiS
. -i-"- .' ' - : : - ' '':; . .'; ,. '': y !
llUr. i. W. GKAXXI VISITS A r3Bt-K 1
Suinpicra lyplcat Rtluli Tmrn-His Work
for Willamette Vuiversity la :
Vtry I'romlsinji.'
siJ'MITKi:. Or., "'.ttilv -Ktiiter
... . , ,' 1, 1 -, - i .
:v!11')kv in! (rested in a few of niy'ob-.ervatio?!-
, in tliis .inland .eniire.:
l.csyiiis Kiiieiu the liennd'S of June
3'tlJ 1 readied Ii Jiande at '. p." in.
of the same date. I sjent 'a d.sy v. ii";
he -..id boys" Of the O. A. II. bi
Iraide has pro war to Ik a . .thriving"
..u . . ......I....... -jmi 1 i it
" k
census of Ihe- district. Mielndins 1
(batideviu June bf 1S, The popula-!
latioii of the town then xvas" .Ml. ., The
eoxm'try around 1. as sept pace' x. iih ti
-itv. It would be hard to find au.v
wuelca more prosperous sect iun titan f
Cnnbl li'Utdo vuliey. The 'great sitgiir
licet' rettnery s located at Jj .tranvle.
The I'XiKS-t.i! ions of the farmers have ?
yd bet;n realiiied in the establishment" s
;.f the plant. To escnie tlt contract. i
entered into to -cultivate a cert am mini
her- 'of 'acres' -in leets, mauy of tltt
rartnera uaxe soi ui '.
The salts bid-- mostly been to Mcr; J
til lit.
li vill fjt!r be a few years nut
chr'ce seciiiius e the tlraiut
Ucdde valfey will b, owned by the d',,
pics of Joe Niei. il aim 'i !"'i:ii
Youiig. Or.i- constitniioii- pernsis cv-.
iiy nian to xvorship tod, by form of
h'H owii Chooslns- but' i..I 'conWiy
Lead tie- future by (he light of 1 h!
p i-i. Orcgiin wilt, cuve occastoti . to re--j
gic-t her folly -Mi opening'-ber doors to
a "sect with u insiery such as the -xur- r,i, r,p-d t i-ieveAton. :
iiio?.s list re. ' ; ..' , ! Tbesie t h: ee'coiiip'adkjs are in 'charge
' . Having s(k ii'. Sv.nday-- -. among tht i.u-ut. jiant -Colonel VVorsnop, xvho
t'rieods of twenty years a so i -:;;i4iif prottct thest uon uui.n lishetuien
i Irti nde. I started oo Monday tor .the iyVuiai e i xvidiug ilo siei-ept. -the tci-ins
W.;ihxx-a v.ill y. .Nppit'g at Mtmiui;
V il'e . rdsdt mi lee i-.-1 j-i,, the -strikers (leiiiaiiding 2- cents,
i rilrt ing town of pcihnf.s :0. !' S I iia. ,ns;10d .lpane had ih-cjd-ei'iade.
iu Walbxx'a county r ':U eb to goi out fldiias today, and ly'.tr.y
l ances liive- -lak.-n place. 1 he" V,ru
toxvu U Walbtxva' and" t-h. i J.-.istute.
.Htdcipr!" and Jo-d. In ell. of taer-e
towiH n w b!tdoU:ts artv going up. .n.o
seiistantial evhletfees of nta ten t i pros - -
m-sittv aloiid. In' Joseph. 1 sjei '
FoicrtTu enjeyins the httiu rs of the uc-
a tor -for ihe oc -ashuv . ' At Ua-t H
iiple .gat hi rpu in a grove xvesr u iu
town and gave respectful Rltentiou -1 i-jyiicvrH.hjiml as rthu .Litter refuse! ev
v.'ltat I' had to say. In " nurly all !1 Vt y S'ct''of tlie ii-aiuiers,, the Japanese.
ihe .itottun.:t Jes visited-1 l"ni:t i-ji
et t citizen:" of 'Salem. . .ill. prts.roiv
aed happy In their new :surreniiuiiSf.
This Is e.-cii.'j!lv tfije ot i.a r.i.ioe.
1 have visited all the towns In tbe
eopntlcs of Pitiufi. Wallowa and
A :, sjicttkllig- In efich pi t ee find ph ad
iS H e "cause of "Old Wil!ameSt." the
special object beats to s.eire SHldetits.
1 havi found so far aboirt Hiity yoiinc
pvbpb 'Who hit end to aitend H-hool in.'
cotnii'g y ar. All of those may not Is
tHtned to Willamette.. hut 1 am cot
dej;t nnr thanes to set tldo are much,
lierier for tin xverk 1 hare dune. H
has Is-eu iiiaiiy years since .'anything
,i.,i,e to Inrti the thoughts of
Ms ; Ms-lion to the old school, but
fl-W weeks go. 0'1 not KU'tw
exi!ed. I have- been received kindly
, - , 1 ........ . , 1 1 .. , I':
bv our pastors ai-d jieopie. ami y
ai.d in'o'tie. ami e.-o
b:is leen sown xvlucJi writ nr. as now.
.V1.0 lu i:.e meiHhs a I'd .u'iir. to cm.
.. - -.. . .. r - -. ,
Pake:' C;l is a ir.n-;-r.e..s cty
.u;'ri.iM Tiksi Mrnv- u-xv a. el b,.i
f:1 I tiildin 4 an Tr-ias creeled.. ,
Sri'iplcr is a t;,j.:ai Im oei tuiyii:"
town, v.ifh a pojrol.it h If of I'ei-iclp-'
-'.-.1 u (! !. All lines of busiti
ss li:i"
ifi'tl livrrill IU'. iieei e i:
. .. . 1 - 1
, . . t. .1
crv of i...ivt
s. 'i'S f re K a i
- '
i ie ari o :t:i -i
t eriasr" lu - Hi'
x : t er
jdy, but j
(loiI'S Iheil?
, (
sa!'!!'1 are
, . . I .1 r. -r- i-mi-1
.m-I t.b 1 IUV I.I," l.'tTl.l . I . . ' "
i. fie.;,i-i'M-. I pr-ach. d yis. rd
moneas ami "' "ins to s .l eo iu -gai
::" : 'at d have eome h .o:-?i i'f '
curing ai-f' w student .. .The odu s ,;
li ( fijlg tie i pectalicllS of their oWi?
.rt aid. bexoiil .;:?.. S';;t;pr and
i.-(.fv will :1k t.:;i. a gre.i riin-e
put men dfwttoh:s upon S7.-'r
.?id for a britis liad 1 tier i co:
ti iit to st:y where ti:f-y li'e. or J
j-Vee' jdar-e lie.h'S tt.l for 1:dr, . -;;J .;
y, r next two v.eidis I'.'wifj Is ie"
Td.lhol and from there will go !( "
tTraid sr.ntV. The be:it Is bd".!-! ami -the
dust a s:sld to Kihobh Put you
lliave to g"t up Is-fcre the xvjlld (I;a.f, 1
f' is not an. easy matter to U held if.
I lake the train when it sees niy w,ay.
aiivl on ttiiie to suit me; the balaneo of
tl-4' tlnuv I take the "wlieer for It. I
! o ake inueli Iiett4r time than tin stace.
and travel' with :nn:-o coinfort. ltut.
lcihe should fancy that I am out on a
jeenfe erct'rsiotu; . .
I have n vei" Im'cii more eonSident of
tli final smiths juf Willameiie liu
versity. but am i:nre and niore cm
vtjieed that time anid lots of iiard work
ls betMven tie-, present con. lit ion cf
the seiioel and tl.e success we all hope
''"or. The i:i.iu who stieeiMxls must
' have thv srnipatlv aid I y:)l (o-opern-
! tit. li- trf Salem s j.i,!iiess ineif. In a
;-tijiat?chif xvay,s..tnKt!iius will Is real
; ii'Ail from this MaterH-'Or;son section,
ils t not until we can set the loys and
i r?:4s- -In tlti sctwsd. for a, few years. I
' :'fpe.il to the citijceii' of Salem With-
1 -oft H'sms t to church or !oltth-al afiili
.! I - till. jr.-. . I'." ..i.i.. . ...-
nli.ii f . . iii ff.1.rm.-.il ! nnnnl' lift 111.
terests f
Willauie'tte and
neip iiiaK,
eoioms year toe very
3 1 s t or v
i" -
liespecl fully.
til.O. XV. tiKATylS,
bIanei;e ii-ded ix Pi sh Cor. the Can-
uerjs' xv hcii'. Pishe-i'uieu's Union
- " T'oenieiU'd A'iuleiivc
tdt!".ary liars hcCa.
C. ..tidy - 21. The
ailed otu io maiii-
titia order At-the Ushiu'g village of SUv
I :el-!ou. at the nio-uth of Praser river.
C-ju.-teeatuiles"- fixitn this ciiy, where
r;:ij, jivheruu u atiat iod to the forty-
i six'ea ctn:fteiics .are' on a sii:e, aud
;e preve-ubng -H) Japanese "-and I A-
i t -1, tun masrat:
! t as received at Vmivomvf early". this
iim;::, and' at" t a. lu. two companies
in-ilit'a, tueiid."rs of ivliich had len
huiricdly aroused, einbarkisl on the
i : tamer- tJonuox . for, t!e
scene cf : the
iitV di.derbuuces. Another
j jy( w . .SimijiieF has
also been
j t0-.r.ti py the canners of 2' ceutii isr
t .viros desire to do likewise.' Tie
,;Hk( .. ijaVe been tntitu'hlatius thcs;
i jj,,,.,,.w, ; '!ti.d turn -union..' whites, . and
Jiavt, j,re., i,ed; that if they go out
j u.r ,l,..ri-" telurn aliv. Th-
i-sttikcrsnre all at mod -witll rifl's. Tlse
j ;, ,,;,!!.. sia'e thul they hud waited
i , l ,.( v-e.ks for an adjusiiiH-u't of dif-
; '.yjji, .-,. vec Dicauwrs and tin
. ivi;dd, itur'iig' the iuuanee of tlie sal
,uniu si"rt.-ir-'n. li.ilt- aud sell salmon to
5 t.ai!I-n,.
b.i addition io Ihe m.btia, the pro-
!i ehil police, with tym iiecial const a-
b? -s. a'ir,al VSjevestoinf and if any v
Iciiiv U ai'empicd by llw striking lish-
eij.i.'iu there ."will (criaiitly Ik IdissI
I'iftisst hundred Japanese started
oi! tisldtig-1'roni Sfcx'estoii this ui rn-
i-ts. .under the prolec-lion -of 2.V) mill
I'iiiiii tt drawn un n:i the xvharf. The
strikers did (. hrt-tfcrt. Col. Wor
f!l-m, c.);iu;r.! Lug th tttiops.'had an
!!'iU'"', t eat his men -"had come there
ii'vt for i'HHtUM hm id. but for business.
i... t ,.-i.1. !.. h -.I 1 Went v-f.ur rounds
a ef 1 all cartridges, and that at
I (IIH I . o ( . f . . . - -
i and that ihe work would be short and
; ,.,,, k .
Tl;i' strikers thnaten to attack the
l.il.ai:-ee upon their returj with , the
ttii-h'ih it htH.i
; The strikers are furious at the pre
i'!t of tiM.iis, but were so iniicn sur
if l at th uddu apTieSirancc of
- ihe m lit ia iu town tltit all Idea of rh
I h-!:ce was temjH j-arily banishcit from
ti.e.r lainds. Il.e tr'ps were laudei
Siievestoii by lKat at 1 a. in.
San D:cgo. Cab, July 2b Thfr l
noiefi '-excitement. a!eis-the miners
iu lh -iistiern pirt of tios county an I
Il.e reid'! of Ymua vcr Hie dis
coeery of xvhil ?s l-!Ieve.f to lo a
Iwd of oil in the ixdhole d;.triet 011
rls '(!r.r:i' llicr. asnt l-" Tildes!
?Hrth of Yuma.' A rush w.w made .for
the " Fcene oT . tl.e diseovery and a
su niinlde for laud within Hie ldt !
roue so exciting that soi-ie of the
5irt loca Iocs xrere conifictlefl to us.
rilhs ru protts jmmi of t:etr rights. -
lint printing. Staief man Job OlTdce.
Dam Will lie Completed this Week and the
riant Prepared for Keeepttoa
' .'of Grain.
tProm Daily Statcsuiati, July4").)
Alnt August 1st the Salem Plour
Ins Mills Company wpl le luslalled iu
its property od North Pront street, by
wiiicli, time tlto warehouse 'will be
rt ady for the reception of grain.
C. i Koyal A: Stu xviU have the dam
at the old beadgate of North Mill
creek completes! by Saturday night,
when the xvatfr In the stream will Ik
turned off and the obstruction will Ik
permanently located and everything
placed Sa readiness for xxork Monday
moruSns. xvhei the water will le as;vin
turned into the creek. The dam will
be llxSJ feet! and ha rcspiired atnmt
HK feet of lumber for ItsA-onstruo
tion. Seven y-five old-proxvth oak
poles, cads '. iutvlnjj'. a diameter of
twelve- inches, mive bten-usetl for pil
ii?S. The iwlet were' -cat near Marion
::!! hauled to Salem by team. The
km xx iil Ik? Kilppl:sl by a 10-footdiead
i:ale by xvliicli the xvaler supply will
le rosulated. This xvill prevent an
ox-crtlow such as was exptrlenced in
the Mine locality faur years nso. ilr.
iToyal expts-tsjto comiilete the dam by
Sunday, wldcli will make just thirteen
days lalmr xvljils Ihe construction of a
':miar dam pt the same place. Ave
yi ars apv rejiircd fourteen dayx.
The till of rixt'tj feet that is lsin's
made ju the rank of the race about
'Jtiti yards beldxv the headsales, will Ik
r"nished tliis vtHk by IVntley & Co.;
who are doins the work. The fill con-.
talus alout cubic yards of earth.
At the warehouse txvo large cleaners
are lein esijiblislwHl in' the buildins.
while the ne-essa ry connections are
Ix ins made fir providins an adequate
supply of xvatcr fur motive poxver. The
lilant will Ik f ready for the reception
of srain by AjUgust 1st.
There is a j pretty custom in vosuo
iuTi'ntuark which nittlf with advnu
tase Is copiejil heije, says the Chicajro
News. I Minns 'he summer holidays
an ariansement is made iy xvnicn in-
tle OaitcM from brxvn -anl country
h-anse pla-es. The parents of town
iMldien scud their little folks eft to
he country, and receive iu exchange
oiiiilry -hddren. J lie result is tliat
the town children are strensthened
in.! skuhlened xvifh (imntry air sishls.
xx Idle tlie little rustics enjoy the
pVusi'ires f town life atid the festi-
vnls wlo ii are for Iheir lu'iieiits. I his
Chause svstetn results in 1M
ITidrefi' from 'Coeidiascii "tret tins a
country- hobdax-. and another , HUXM
ue biijihtened up by a visit to the
Uanish-capital. ,
Pngiins'is are "looking forxvanl lo
interesting devehijitnents of the gas
ttg'ine in latse sizes and isiwers.
Willie in xcry ceneral use for small
powers the gas engine has only of lain
been made m larjie sizes on account
f certain nu-chauical ditliculties noxv
lars-ely ..removed.."-.. As (listingMislied
from the steam ensine, tlie s:i ensine
(or more prois-rlr. Internal comlnis-
lion cnginei has no lMiiler. Its fuel
Is sas. xvfiicli is mixed in proper pro
portion xvith air drawn Into the eylin-
ler. compressed and ijrmliil or r.v
plodisL Anions the products of com
bustion of the hydroearlMni gases that
arc iiwtl is xvaler vapor, or steam. ho
that the. engine really xvorks by the
nansive force of steam. Some large
Installations have recently !hcji made
in Iiuvop. At Morgenrolh, In l,er-
liiany. -Iila st lurnaee waste sases-are
usrtl' to work six IV W horse jrowerjand
two 2dt 'horse- iower engines drlx.Jng
"t'cirical generators. At I'.asle, Swit-
xerlaud-. the electric light station Is
driyen by horse power gas cn
sines using low-grade xvatcr gas made
from coke on the ..premises. One
horse power hour Is obtained from
l.nd fioiHids of coke; The gas ensine
fs highly tK-oiioniieal. aud its nbility to
utilize waste sases bids fair to work
a yst Improvement' In several indus
tries. ' - ' - ." . . ;
"Tin heat and moisture of the fdiui
mer iiMintlis have a tendency lo rust
'Metals, mildew, laliries mid cover all
soils of snlistance viilli moTild." writes
Maria Parloa of "Ihe Care of tne;
Douse' iu Suuimcr' in ; tlie Ladies 1
Home J.iuiiial. "Pennentatioii ami
outrit.-ietioii devi li rapidly In vegeta
ble and animal substances if Ovoy are
not "careful v w:Uc1ms1. I Jim and char
coal' are two aid tovxar.l keeping tin
j,,,,,,. wtft and d-y. and the house
kcs r should. If possible, provide her
self Willi both of these ic. ltel ials. ' .
binrel each of lime and charcoal h Ihe
cellar -wili timl to keep that 4a it id
the !iowe dry and swcd. A Iwixvl of
lime- iu a (hmip closet xvill dry and
swieten ft. A dish of charcoal In a
chi.-c? or refrigerator will do much 1 to
tvned makins -these place sxvect. the
poxver of cbareosil to alisorb odor fs
uiiieh cresiler dirs tiy after ft has lsn-ii
,iirm-d l ha it wIm-ii it has ln ex
iK.seil fo Ihe air for a length or time.
Charcoal' ieav 1 '.purlib-l and usiil
again and again by he-) ling It to a red
heat. The lime must 1st kept in n
place xv here there is no chance of Its
gctling wet, and not exposed to air.
Shtps that pass in the night, and speak
fucli other in iijissing.
sliowu and a distant
.. Vidce-ln tie (kjrklles:
So ;u i-tlw ocean of jbfe. we pass and
, ixp(ak one another,
ttn'y a look and a voic. tfien dark
ihh again and a H'dence.
To live iu hearts we leave hhlnd. Is
not Ho die. .
rbrro is liothiilg liew except what Is
forgot t cti.- .MadeiuoIs-iK iw-rtin. -U,
-y..ill .,i"l " - '
Head of the t.'reat Merenirt'de Agency
Critically HI at ."ewfiort.
. i t:. fmn. head of the I'un lwrcaii
tib ageocie and senior , tiiemiKT or
the firm of II. H. Don Ac Co., of New
vr.rk 1 Mtioielv ill at his snmuer
hoiiM at Narrasaiisett Pier ami it is
brlSeved-by th-se fully Informed mat
tlie end Is a question of only Hf few
weeks, if .ot days, say a Nexvisirt dis-
0:1 fell. . -
por years Mr. Dun ha suffered from
sout, nvA of late a dropsical cop'prci
tiou has Isvn adddl." . Hi' reached
inmmere more than n month apo in
comiwinv .with lr. Ferris, of New
York, his private physician, who i con
stantly iu attendance. Trtpplns l'"11
constantly lcn resorted to for relief,
but even this has failed for several
days past and lie has been unable j to
leave his room. -
Salt Lake City. Utah. -July 21. A
freisht train on the Utah Central
braiK-h of the llio tlniude Western to
day got lM'yoml the control of the en
SiiHer and. striking a shan curve.
toppJ.l over. Knsineer J. P. Persuson
was Instantly killed, aud plrcman
Wiseman ladly seahbsl.
A re amenta Prearated It for lha 8airet
" Court Testerday-Ona Case Sub
Btlttedou lXrtefs.
tlaily Statesman, Salem, Or., July 23.)
In the Supreme Court, yestenlay, the
the case of John Mallis, plaintiff uind
apHUant, v. NclsotL Ilosmer et al.,
defendant nnd respondents, an ap
peal from Jackson county, xvas argued,
and ubniltlcd. Havls ltiwvi-r ujicitr
ing for HpiiellarK, and J. It.. Neil for
relKilllent. - ;
The intrpose of this suit was to ier
iK'lually enjoin the defendants from
entering, ' tipan plaiirlifTa lands, and
frnu interfering .with hi water ".dlte.li
and xxater rights, on Ids binds de
sctilH'l hi his bill, and fur a decree
declaring jdalut iff b be the sole; tfnd
exclusive owner" of th xvatcr ditch
and water right situated on his lands.
The "respondent set up Otree defences
on which he' relied,- to defeat appob
lants claim and title to tin xvatei
righl-and wa-iei-ditch and his right to
tlie use of the xvaler for mining and
for Irrigation. Pirst that hexxasthe
exclusive btt'iier of said xxater tight
and wafer ditch, by reason of a bill
of sale. Sstu.l. the plea of adverse
user for more t ha 11 ten years prior to
the commencement of this suit. Third,
tlie purchase of' the one half of the
Irrigating xvaler in I lie xvest brunch of
said Pools creek. The trial court Im
hw (bs ideil for defendant and plain
tiff iipiH'ahsl. -
The npxl of the case of Mary Pinl
son. apjM'llaiit. Vs. The Owyhee Hitch .
Company, respondent, an apMal from
Malheur comity, was- sulunit tisl on
brief, no oral argument lndug. pi-esi-nt-ed.
,.'."'"" ;
' t . ' -I '
.... - s
A Coimfry (Viiplo Which AeceptiHl
Ihe ..Direction Literally. ! "
This Is a tale of pressing the but
ton. "'"'- '
lllaine Yiles. of Skoxv began, tells it
tome. I don't know xv here he
the fact.' Couldn't haxe lieen in
Skowhegau. of (siurse. '
ltut wherever It xvas, a couple from
the country came to .Ihe hotel--of.
which tins tale Is told. Of course,
this may , have luipis'tied in Hob
Hal lies', hotel, for '1 toll has fold me
many time that It Is a ii I tern I edu
cation for man. woman or -child -.to
stop in his hotel live minute.
Uitral parties': lu. question askisl to
Im shown to a iiKiin. Iby ' escort il
iheiu up. licrtjlhcni standing in the
ci'iiter of the room looking, around.
0-er the ehs-trie puli-bnttni. of,
course, xvas the usual card directing 11
guest to ring once for . Ice xvaler.
txvlee for hot water, etc. It Is evident
that the first business of the new ar
rivals wa to -windy the card.
Iu alMiut fixe minute the Nil oil
the annunciator Iu the office com
menced to ring prin n tig. prin-n-iig--prln
ti ng, prlir-u lis! -giving Ihe hot
water call over and over. The nuni-,
1st shown xva the nniiitsT of tie
riMihi (s-euphsl by the rural pa'riie.
Tlie boy rushed Into the xvash risen
and drew a pitcher'"' of " hot xvat-r.
Still the Im'II kept Hounding steadily,
txvo l lug in quick sm-cessloii. ;
"Hit a move on," shouted the. clerk
lo the I toy. "Them parties 1 dune
teen must Is considerably fussed up
.. . . . . . 11 ... i ri.T..t
on. tin not water question. iv
must have cold feel.' I i
The lwiy xva already halt way up
stairs, ruuniiiK dike a (Jeer, J lie ikmi
(?44ll kct rtnging.
The clerk, craxeii ny me noise ,01
the bell. mkmI tip in a ciiatr. saying
thing In rapid succession, and held
his ban 1 j on the gong, dulling It
sound. ' j ; '' ' ."-v , . ..
The lov tore inter the rism xvith id
pitcher of liot xvatcr slopping. Me
new arrivals, man : ami wife, xveie
standing Iwfore the chs-trtc inn.....
Their eyes xvere on the earn. 1 ne
man held" a bowl carefully tinder me
billion.' witli Ins Head liinieo nvi.i.v.
s that the hot. water -wouldn't squirt
Into his eve, and the woman xvas
pressing lh - button with regular
stroke. They were doing ineir isi.
to get lnt xvatcr Klrlctly according to
dins-t ions. . .'"- f
"Here. Stop fhatr yelled Hie I my to
the woman. "Here" your hoi, water."
The man w II h the Imxvl lowered
that article and looked at f he loy. ,
-What: aay he-the man from Ihe
rural districts-"! 'ye have to bring
It In a pitcher iu. the old fasldound
way? Wal. I -.wiimi! What's the
trouble Villi yer water wrk here?
I've len pressiu' this 111111011 accord
In' to the rexvle here on the card,
and there hain't a darned drop of wa
wr cMiie out ylt. When things ain't
work In' ye ought to bang up a sign
say in 'Out of . Onbr. Thai' the
way thev do on the welghbl' m-ohim
up to Sile Cobb' grocery store."
And when-.the hell lmy came out of
Ids swimui he told the clerk, and the
clerk went gravely upstair with a
llnv vhdfinz card, on which he had
xvril ten.' "Not Working."
He cartbsl a Kpike and a haiaimer,
ami after gaining admission lb room
sevetdccii lo nailed 'up .the card with
th spike. . ,
The guetst .urxyeI Id work with
interest. ' :" ' ',
, "There, that' business." said the
n. -in from the rural district. 'Kf site
ain't workln, say o; ami ef M'a goin
to trouble ye any to fetch water up
here, me an the xComan xvill srome
down ter the sink and wash tip. Jest
a msm dexv It 'a not." Ivirwistou
i Journal.