BARGAINS THE jYou don't have to wait get your money's worth at ' ' NEW YQRK RA CKE1 THE Their special sales aro on every business day in the year. Sec our lines 01 biui, LXOTIIING, HOSIERY, .UNDERWEAR, LACES, EMBROIEERY LACE CURTAINS, HAMMOCKS, II ATS, SHIRTS AND NOTIONS. Special values in silk front shirts for the hot weather. ' Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store E . T. BARNES, V. ANNUAL I 10 per cent, discount on all shoes. One year ago we inaugur ated our annual shoe sale. Our customers will remember the wonderful success of our monster shoo sale. This month we will! mvo the greatest shoo sale ever heard of. Ten per cent, discount on all shoes. All goods are marked in plain figures. i 94 STATE CLAIMED BY DEATH JUDGE E. I). SIIATTUCK PASSED " AWAY IN r OUT I. AND. One of the Most Prominent Jurists of Oregon Served Eighteeu Yearn on the Beuch. PORTLAND. July 2d. Judge-Era -niis D. Shall tick, one of the 1est Jnown of Oregon, died today, aged 7t. lie .canto, to Orcgou iu l-So3, from Vermont. For three successive- terms, covering eighfeeti years, he was elected state circuit judge without . opposition. Till: SOAP WORKS. Thef attach-, im jit of tho Capital City Soap Works was mads in favor of Mrs. Frederick Muths, the mother of one of the pro prietors. Clias. X.' Muths. She became alarmed oil account of the reported neglect )tf business oi fitts outer pari ner. It Is to be hoissl that the busl ui'nifi inay'lw adjusted and the factory go on With. Its business sooit: Mr. Muths hopes to le aide to accomplish this very noon. He has always enjoy ed a iTputatlou for fair and honest 'dealing, ami lie hoi.M?H to deserve such a reputation here in Salem. hates Ann increasing.-p ie St. Olniey, .manager of .district 1, of SATURDAY SURPRISE Dress Goods, Silks, 1 Handkerchiefs, i . i Mrs. Flovrcr, the hair drcssrj rilill at our store i YEAR 'ROUND for a special sale to Proprietor SHOE SALE SHOE STORE STREET the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacilie coast. was in the city yester day. He reports that the insurance companies hi tl Fast are raising 'the rate on certain classes of ; proerty, especially ou manufactures, for the reason that alt; the companies, except four, in the United States lost money last year, t ltd no foreign companies, operating lit; tin- United States made a profit during ISyn. . I ; GONE. Tt ; WA S 1 1 1 N GTO X . G enrge G. Shirley and family have ftiiiic to Pullman. Washington, where they will hereafter reside. He shipped his mt soitnl effects from this c ity yesterday, having taken a car for his jroods. In addition to Ids household - jroods '.the car contained three tine Jersey nnvn, two full-blooded' registered Jersey Imll i-nlvi's' hint Hnvwiil illiT Vlllll:lll auimaK Mr. Shirley owns a line largo' i i . . . . ia..ii..... . .-1 i wncai i.irm ; near i uitiiiaii, wiit-n.- in will, hereafter, make hi lioiue.' X KOIU'ST PEACIIVnf .Tones,of Mission. I'ottotn, brouscht a sample, of his Crawfonl ioches to the States man oliice yesterday. The one lrotigiit njeastired nine inches in circumference ami had it been left on the tree' until i fully tna lured it would have pushed ! I lie world's record of thirteen inches I pretty close. Mr. Jones will have a ! goodVrop of peaches this season. ; TO AN ASYLUM. Xew York. July 2t. Charles II. Hoyt ! the playwright a ud theatrical manager. has lnn adjnugea iusitne ai naruoru. t'oiin., and taken to, a retreat there. Ills condition Is critical. Second Atlantic Cable Was laid 34 Years Saturday we will offer a line line Petticoats worth 1.50, $1.25, 89c Each 9- " . f . " Wash Goods, Fancy Wrappers, srnrL waists, o vyuu,, ; Crash Skirts, Tailor-Maae amis ior auius, . Parasols, Etc., all at Propara- tion Sale Prices. CHINESE WAR A PROBABILITY faith of the Powers In Pekln Gov ernment's Honesty MAS RECEIVED A SERIOUS SHOCK Admiral Kexnpff Reports to the Kary Department Ills Seasons fur flla Aetiona at Takn.- WASHINGTON, July 2d. There were no developments today lo war rant the assumption that there was the slightest improvement lu the Chinese situation. Indeed, the general tenor of such new as found the light, wan to add to the steady growing doubt as to the good faith of the Chinese Gov ernment, as manifested in its acts. Admiral KenipfTs letter, given publici ty ; by the Navy Department today, made the direct statement that the Im perial authorities were in sympathy with the'Hoxers, though he added that the Government was afterwards para lyzed and Incapable of controlling the situation. This was the first official declaration to reach our I Jovernuieut contradictory of- the Chinese represent ations that the Imperial Government had steadfastly and front the first op posed the Boxers movement and our Government is Itouml to accept the wurf of Its own officer until that Is overcome by irrefutable evideuc. The exchanges that are in -itonstant jrogr-ss lH-twe-n the Poweits irv tend ing more and more to cast a suspicion upon the genuineness of many com tmiuicatioiis that have came from Pe kin through Chinese Governmental sources. If it' should le finally estab-' Jlshed that there has lKen aa attempt on their part to practice a gigantic fraud uiKin the world, that fact may call for a change of attitude on the part of the United States Government toward China, This would not affect that military policy already under way but merely the 'technical relations be ttveen the two Joverninents which probably would closely approximate a st p of formal war. . KFMPFF'S REPORT. j Washington, July -H!. The Xavy Ie pa i t meat lias made public the follow ing additional chapter in Admiral Kempfl's reiMu t: , "Taku, June Referring to' my rt-cH-iit actions in declining to lake part in Jhe taking of the Tskn forts, and in afterward making common cause wU4i tlie foreign fotces iu the protection of foieimi life and proswrty, 1 v.onhl iii-siHH-tfti'iy stale tliat the Chinese Gov ernment is now paralyzed, and secret edicts show that It is iu sympathy with the Boxers. "In the Ixnnbaiilmcnt of the forts the Mouoeacy was fired uion and struck, --without having recelvel pre vious warning. : "It Is necessary to join with. the oth er foreign itower for a common din fettse and preservation of J he foreign people and the honor of our totintry.,; ! "I refused Id join In taking poss---siott of the Imperial Chinese railway stntiou, and also declined to join In the demand .for, a temiorary occuiki tion of the Taku' forts, for I thought it Ago Today. of Summer 1, for Ribbons, Underwear, S"e ottr 78-ceut silks. l - ! would be against the policy and wish es of our Government to Is entangled with other foreign powers iu sndi a step and. also because it endangered the lives of the people In the Interior, In advance of absolute necessity; for np to the early morning of June 17th. the Chinese Government had not com mitted, so far as 1 am aware, acts of open hostilities toward the foreign al lied forces.:--' "' ."!-';;. f In, my opinion,1 In firing without warning, an act :of war was commit ted. Uuder, these circumstances 1 re garded the situation as one requiring the protection of the National honor and the preservation of our people, and liaye acted accordingly." FEELING IN LONDON. I Lqmlon, July 27- All the Powers ap pear to have received an Identical appeal for mediation, but iu the ab sence of definite news regarding the fate of tlie Ministers, and of any reli able indications of the real origin of the appeal. It seems that-Lord: Siilis bury cousldereil It was not even nec essary to publish the fact that the ap peal, had been received, or to do any thing beyond formally acknowledging It, with, perhaps, an intimation that nothing could be done until the news from Pekin had arrived. It If could be ascertained beyond a doubt that the reports of tlie massacre at PekTn. were unfounded, and "there is a disiositiou here to -beliere that the Ministers may. after all. be held as hostages. Lord Salisbury's jKillcy would proliably t incline, more toward tlie conciliation attributtnl to Waslilng: ton. than to the revenge attributed to Berlin. : But while there is no cessa tion of the deluge, of rumors, it is lieginnnlng to le liclieved at Shanghai, Canton and other points, that the Vice roys are as completely in the dark as to the affairs in Pekin as the Euro peans theraselves. Meanwhile, the doings of LI Hung Chang are regarded with. ever Increas ing suspicion, while the situation In the Southern provinces daily grows worse. ' .; " ' With the; reiwrt that the allies will begin to advance on Pekln fn a fort night, and "in view of Admiral S'y mour's visit of inspection - to" the Ynngtse ICiang.' the feeling is that no great time 'will flapso lief ore natters assume a more detluite shaiie. ! ON THE WAY. IxtMlon, July 20. The. Shanghai cor respondent of the '-'Daily Telegraph says: "LI 1 Hung Chang now state. that some members of the legations have already left Pekln, and may be expected shortly." MORE BRUTALITIES. Iondon. iJidy 2d. The Hong Kong correspondent of tlie Ially Express wrres as fliows; "An Italian priest has just arrived here from. Hen Sin Fu. Southern I loan, where tlie Italian bishop and three priests have lieeu massacred af ter revolting tortures. This took place on July . 4th. Six hundred converts were massacred after tlie women bad been subjected- to hideous brutalities. The priest who escajd hid in a cotHn on Irnard a river boat for se veuteen days." '!- TOOK SUMMARY YlNCEANCE. A X A M KI I C A X SOLDIER TREACH EROUSLY KILLED. A Company of Infantry 'Punished the Miscreants by Killing Eighty ' nine of Them. MANILA; July 2(1. At Oroquieta, In XortlMfu Mindanao: two soldiers en tered a native store for the puriose.of buying foVnl. While there oiie of them was killed by ia bolo, and his head sev ered from his lHdy. The other escaped and gave the alarm. ' A conipaui' of the Fortieth Infantry repaired V to : Oroquieta and killed elghtr-uiue . natiws, thirty-eight of them lieiug In a single house, i WILL HE FREED. Military Convicts at Alcatraz Who i Are Deserving of Clemency. Sani Francisco. July 2d. Under In structions front the War Department, General Signer has apoiiited a board of officers which Is onlertnl to meet on Alcatraz 'Island today to examine all general prisoners in confinement at tiiat station and submit recommenda tion looking to the. release of such prisoners as deserve -lemency. The board is instructed to makeVaref nl In quiry Into -the merits of each case, so far as can lie done with the light of theTe-ords on file. When jiossible the statements will be taken of any wit nesses, lw they prisoners or others ' -ocniMut of the facts. Tins reiKrt 01 the imam is to ie ren deretl as soon as jsjssible and In the recoumiendatlons sjiecJal consideration is to te -given to the conduct of prisotn ers sifw-e utitiucnicut. and to cases of rouns men i convict el of purely mili tary i offensis. There are about . 5W military prisoners on the Island, many of them, it is said, having been con victel of trivial offenses. WITH A GUN. Chicago. I July 21. The f nneral of Charles Newbery, a prominent real estate dealer, over whose tKsly Ids widow stooI guard with a revolver to prevent the hokllng of an inquest, has taken place. Mrs- Newbury was fin allv'Drevailed uton to permit the In quest. ' The coroner had stated be would not allow the funeral to pro ceed nnles be was first permitted to determine the cause of the death of Nowbnrr. whose iKsJr was found In lb? bith tab at the family, residency Motioar. i "' liv "-' ' --''" The eoroner'a Inqust showed that death wascausd by locomotor ataxia. occurring while Newbury wa bath log. - ; .- '--", - -; '---- : :'- Two beads may lie'lw-tter than one over an important newspaper article. TROOPS HOLD NEW ORLEANS Mobs of Whites and Negroes De fied. MI Law and Order. STATE MILITIA HAS BEEN CALLED To Sai press Diot'pj In the Bnsiuere Portion of the Citj Trade of ; the City Paralyzed. s NEW ORLEANS, T., , July 21-In the rioting last night and today one negro was beaten to death, six were so badly woundetl that their lives are despaired of., and about a score of peo ple, white and black, male and female, have been more or less seriously wounded. Disorderly acts, following the dis turbances of last night, were commit ted throughout "the city today, and re sulted In the swearing in, bj- the may or, of 500 special poliecuien, and the ordering out of ot)0 state militia uiou the orders of .Governor Heard, who re sponded promptly to the appeal j of Mayor CaiHleville for useistanee In sup pressing 4tlic existing lawlessness, ami In preventing "t he-recurrence of the jvl olence of last night. I Hiring t he (ay at tat ks have Ikmmi made by im'siMUisl ble whites upon the black clement, and tlie negroes, ls'fore nightfall, had Wrn completely cTiased front tlie streets. rhe effect of the: disorders has put a practical stop to business In the whole sale districts and on the river front. and this means a serious crippling of the trade of the port. The business elements rallied in force and -hundreds of white men responded to the appeal of the mayor for assistance in preserv- ng order. , The police have been practically helpless throughout the disturbance. But aside from this was the indigna tion among jue members of the depart nfeut over the killing of Captain Hay and Patrolman Lamb by' a negro, Rob ert Charles. ! Further, there Is a strong resentment n the part of working people against the steamship agents and contractors because of the employment of nfgro lalsir trf the exclusion of whiles! on public works audon Ihc levee fronts. EXICTING TIMES. j New Orleans. July 'Jd. After Is-lng in the hands of lawless mobs for sev eral hours, with the isilice apparently powerless to maintain order. New Or leans, at tlaybrenk again assumed a peaceful and orderly condition. : tlie vloletn-e apparently finally ceased.;, I lie disturbance occurred nlsmt 5 o clock. when a white baker, h'w name Is unknown, was shot In the leg, while a crowd of rioters were chasing a; gang of negroes. The mayor and police are arranging totlar to take precautions against a recurrence of last night's scenes of disorder. The mob was eomiosed of bovs and hoodlums. 'and was without a leader. The rioting grew out or the Intense feeling engendered by tlie. mur der of Captain Day and Patrolman Iiinb and the wounding or omcer Mom bv desoerado Charles.' The oc currence of fast night are greatly de plored by the liost elements of the community. They represented. In no sense, an uprising ot an ouirageu community against wrong. One man was killeil. thre others win di? and 15 were wounded. i The dead: Unknown negro, clubbed and shot to death. Fatally injured: Louis Hughes, col ontl. shot four times: Ilaptiste Fileau. colored, ageil 75. stabbed; Oswald Mc- Mahon, white, 10. shot: Frank Shep herd, white, 42. shot; Alexander Rutr- raan. Fullmnn car porter. . wiot; Joseph Ieeds, white sliof. F. J. Davis, motor man. shot: J. Clnny, conductor, clul- leil: Joseph Iewls. i colore-l. ageti li, dublied: korge Morris colonel, cut and shot; Daniel White, colored shot; Henry Daurin. white, shot; William Armstrong, colore!, shot: unknown baker, white, shot. j A deleeatimi of citizens today went to the city hall and the mayor,! either to call ont a issse of citizens , or a IsMtl to tlie Governor to order out the militia. The mayor decidd to preimre a proclamation calling foe 5fs"i volun teer citizens to assist tue , iHiice m preserving order. . , Wild report have reachel police headquarters from various sections of the city giving information of the beating of negroes. Work on the levee Where negro lalior is largely employed, has lieen suspended. The big grocery and produce houses are also practical ly doing nothing, t wean we they cannot get their negro drivers, to run meir lives.' - IRON AND STEEL. Leading Manufacturers Attempt to Se cure a Temporary Shutdown. New York. July 2). Discussing tbe condition of the iron and steel Indus- ttics at the meeting In Chicago today tbe Iron Age, In Its weekly review says that tlie gravity of the situation Is Indicated by . the 'arrangements which have te-o made for this confer ence of the leading steel and IScssemer ilg Iron Interests, which is to be held in the office of the Federal Steel Com lany, Chicago. . The cstll Is signeil by E. II. Gary, of the Federal Steel Company; t M. Ki-hwab, of t lie Carjtegie tte-l Cotn IKWiy. and Joseph trTltntler Jr., rtpre seuting the ltossemer Furna-e Assih-I-atlon aud states that at a former meet ing of the presidents, of the leading steel companies 1t was thought advis able to call this, meeting to go over the situation and see what tftruhl bo done to Improve It. . ; Tbe Iron Age says: "The plan proposed Is to cut down the prtHluctiouu as much as jHissible. Every blast furnace controlled by teese Interests Is to be closed under acreemeut for one mouth, the Federal Steel Coni'iauy, Carnegie Steel Com pany and other large compauies agree ins to do this if the others will. The success of suck a plan will deiond up on the" unanimity with which it is ac cepted. The dissent of a single Import ant luterest'would probably be fatal." LI HUNG CHANG. The Shrewd Chinese Plotter Takes Re fuge in an Arsenal. London, July iM. Telegrams from ShRiighal report that Li Hung Chang has taken up his alnsle at tlie arsenal, as a men sun of precaution. It Is not stated whether ho' feared.-'attack by Chinese or attempts of tlie Fowers to curtail his liberties. " Apparently the foreign Consuls at Shanghai have In formed the Viceroy that unless he ob tained deilnite dispatches from l'ekin within live days they would conclude the Ministers -had been luurtlercd, and act accordingly. " Washington. July J Mr, Ye, the (Torean Charge liens took to the State' Department tills moritlng n ilisjialclt from' his Government denying posi tively the published stories that tlie Roxer movement had extendml to Cor- a. or -that, any Chinese Itoxcrs had Tossed the Coreau ftxiuthTj- London, July 2).-It. Is reHSrtel here that Russia has borrowed dearly ill!. imni.immi sterling .'from' tlie liuMrial- I'.ank of. Russia since -the commence meut of the troubles "In China. ' DIED WHILE FISHING. I.o Angeles, tal.. Jid.v -t. Edward ischer. nf Whatcom. Wash., 'who with his wife has 'been staying on Cntallua Island for the. past six weeks. Ikm-hiim nui-otisi-lotis while out fishing and died wo. hours later. He was a sufferer. from Hright's disease. He was l.irge- y engaged . in mining and spent IS earn In China and Janau. Ile'.was Russian Consul at Kobe. Japan, for a number of years; was with the Jardinc- Mathesnb Company In the silk and tea trade, doing business at Hotig KoUg ami Shanghai, and later 'engaged1 in the same business on his own account. and had filled large contracts fin arms for the governments of China and Japan. - LIKE I'RAIRIE FIRE. Fire Swept the Tundra at Nome, De- siroylng Many Homes. Seattle, Wash., July 2Ll-Cape Nome was- treated to a great contlagratloii early this month. Miles and mile of ti intra was bnrtiiMl over, and inauy native homes destroying The fire be--gan close fo the eastern suburbs of Nome and swept the cou n try from Hie outer edge of the sand ImvicJi to the fool hills and far lielow t aM Nome, so that the surface looks like a vat prairie that has leeii burned over. A N E X 1 "A N S I O X 1 ST. Cardinal GIMmius 'Favors Holding -the u Phulppluc Islands. St, Paul. Minn., July 2d.--Cardinal GiblNins, who has been visiting In tl(o NorthwesL spout today in this city as the .guest or J. J. Hill. Asked for his views on expansion the Cardinal said: "Of course, wc cannot abandon tho Islands we have acquired, at least not until a sufflcieiiiJy jsiwerful home gov ernment Mis lsen established. In caclt of our new possessions.") AMATEUR OARSMEN. New York. July A nfocting of the regatta" committee of the -National As sociation of Amateur Oarsmen will Im. held at the New York Athletic Club Honse. at whh lrlt Is exm-cttsl , that u declsUin will Ik announced Iu the mat ter of sending the AnierlcMu crews which won the sts-clal trial races at the recent regatta to Paris to compete In the i international regatta n xt month. liii WANT SURGEONS. Physicians for the Army Are Needed i in tue orient. Washington. July '2d. Surgeon-Gen eral Sternls-rg says that TO additional medical officers are Mnnted by Suf- grm General Fordiity In the Philip pines aud China, lie says, only grad uates of reputable medical coIIcks. with some experience, and tinder forty, tare of Mgv,, will lie accepted. - 5iore RKrrixa. Ixndon, July 2d. A'dlspatch has tK-en received from missionary sources, dated Shangliai, July 2tli, saying: Rioting has broken out at Aiiuen Fu, the capital of the provlm-e of Shan SL There are no details. Rioting has also tK-curreil at Hual Ih, south of Chi Li. 11 the missions have been destroyed. Our friends safely escaped to tbe country, but are still in danger." FREK P.APTISTS. Old Orchard, Me.. July 2d Tbe Free Baptist assembly bejran Its session here today which will continue until S1temler 1st. Prominent men of this creed are In attendance from all sec tion, and the meeting are of an in teresting character. - Services are con ducted forenoon, afternoon and even ing of each day.