WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, FRIDAY;! JULY 20, 1900. AllSE&ijNOt-vjlr IN. HARMONY Russia, England and Ger many Stupicious THE CHINESE ARE WEU PREPARED To Fight the . Entire Civilized World and jDisagreenient of Powers FartLeri Their Plam. -.. '" 'V-- ; I - . y LONDON, July mj-Whlh evidence accumulates dally, tkiat China has long tteon preparing a fUrmidable military organization in anticipation of the prsent eonfl.iet. and j that the area of retwllioti is eoutiuiioiisly,; extending, harmony among tint allies, which Is To nit et -nth a grave situation, i still deplorably lacking.) The Russians have refused.. Admiral Si-ymonrx: re iust to hand ovefithe restored Takn Tieii TUi railway tothe English com pany, and It I ruiuortNl that Germany pur'Ntse taking a k-tiou JiidejKrudent sti p. namely to patrol the Yangtso Klaugwith mcn-of war. Such a step wouhiljo greatly resenti-d by England. Germany and RUSSIA. Berlin, July lS.-.Froiu two distinct sources, the con-siM lident -of the Asso cl!.t.d Press today ascertained, that .Count Ton' Biiel'owj has finally siv cyded In ''-aliaylng; tW suspicion.- of Bisoa. aroused y Emperor , Wil liaai' recent speocacs and by .other fads, and that ,.jnj cnU-iiso regarding future action in China, iia I eii t e.ich--d ! 'Ha' foreign Secretary -"convinces Ii ssia. that . tJornjany whiihI In no wise interfere with her plans iu Mnn eh bin and N.rth-tii; Chlna.'a well as Co it:, and that Germany harltor.- no dere of territorial 'aggrandizement-. Inis-ua. m her parr. agrees- not to bierf-re with GcrV-iany's trade in Rus sia. iiiIuth of tntim-iiee in China.- af ter o der Las hc-ir cst:tl,lls!ieL The ini;sre si.ai in olli.-inl -tri-l? here Is t I:t r that situation in growing 'steadily w ise. nml tluit the anti-foreign inove iim ft Is spreading. : It is believed that Li Deng Chang is. playing fa le. , FROM -' VANCOUVER. Vaneotner Rarraeks, Wash.. Jnly IS. Company I L, Sett-nth Infantry, lias Ihh-ii ' ordered !tO! Han -Francisco, pre xti;i.ally for duty iu China. j s ' troops prom err. a. y ; Washington, J6ly1l8. Tlie' War IHu liarttnettt has decided to withdraw an oi her rcgi ment of j troops from Culw, for service Iit 'Chipa.' Tlila trill leave ' tudy -Jtx.Hi troops ju, Cuba. : j ALARMfi NEWS. Indon. Jylj' li.r-AartiHng, news h:s Ihii eotiveyedj to .the , laily . Ex liWs, from Tokiolfto tli flTecl that the apparent relniitancc of (Jermnny aniil'llu.-wia lu.conent to the, Japanese oniniaiMlers , reit-ist for . nn army orp, has let! tUj Japanese Covern tnent io delay tbtfi forwarding f tlie division already mobilized. The Stand ard, in an alarmist elitorlal. tiys: "It is nselew any Jnger to hide from ourselves the faetj that China has de clared war on civilization, and has liiiiifed into the conflict, with a Tabid fr nzy. It Is epi;dly futile to discuss, wlietticr the Hohiumi.-k are l:ng wag.'d by the ChhM'se fJMerumer.t." In -which it Is evident that hn administration of some kind exists.! . f Unless r.nmistak able evidence., eXt-ulpatlng the I'ekiti CoverntiH-tit. is promptly fortiicoiuing. th Powers should treat tTiina as in a H-Higerent Ftate. :cA net ac(-.!-dinrly." "A similar line Of cuyimeiu is takea by other morning pnjier. All a;ilM"d the course of Cotjct Von Euelow. Il.r tb-rnuin fon,dsrn Ht retary.i I:i stopping the Chinese .telegrams from te i'hi nese legation In Iterba. ami all Krp:e the other powers to Tollow tiertny's example. , If . A siKH-Ial disiwiiteh , from Tien Iwn ditrlbut the nniolwr or - those kilTinl at tlM' capture of ; the native city as follows: Russian! 1: Japaueye. 5.: r.ritish. 40. and A-iTban!. r.T. Tin--orresnindeut wlto fWnils t Ms averts that thousands fj Chinese -svere kilUnl and that flshtinaj .j tvas still go! ng on when his dispatch was Pent. , HIM'akfng', abotd i tie. Chinese nriiin inetits. the- Kreusd ZeltMtig siys: T.rltish ninhuflonirers of arms a-r lhnr enc:igi-l In S"Iiitr weamos tot'x Chinese, nn l they1 will eontinne to d ko until the indignation of the world stops them." : " CillXA WELL ARMED. St! VtersburjrJ ! Jnly IS. Kr ports have UH'n rH-eitel. by the IJusshin general staff, frtmi the Amur district showing that the iCbinse have ma le serious pnjva rat Jons there, ami are iow incentrate! on ,the railway line from Algun to Saglialiou. The are well supidiiHl with artillery, ami have lare- (itiantitieft of animnnitions. . AN I MPORTANT" CONTEST WVAlil' LAND j IN WARNER VAI . . LEY IS tX DISPUTE. . ; Sold by the- State of Oregon to Cattle Men. It Is Now Claimed by Homestead Settlers." W A S I II 'XOTOX; J uly IS. A hearing was lieguo toilay. and will bo continu ed tomorrow. leforo Commissioner Hermann, of the- Oeneral En ml Oflic. In the swamp land contest betwec" the Stale of Oregon and iinmcrous set tlers for the title to lands In Warner valley, Oregon. , Tbo state contends fttat the lands are swamp lanus. while a large number of homestead settlers, who hare located there, deny this- and pay that tne state bad no rtutliority to dispose of tlie jland to large cattle owners. The ttlers claim that at one time the valley was a large lake, and was reported as such by Ueiiten ant Fremont, In 1SI3, The issue to be swamp land act, of JS-ptember, lhJi. A irOT DAY. New York, July lS.-The hot wt-ath-tL 'a3i,an or contrmuted toward t lie death of more than seventx 1st sons In this city and vicinity. More than half the fatalities were atuoug babies and little children. Late tu nlsht the temperature moderated. On the streets the temijerature ranged from 3 to 10r. i THE STRIKE ENDS. Vancouver. B. July IS. The Csh crmen's strike, which has stopfMiI all work for two weeks on Frazer rivr. was praetieally settled this afternoon by the canners agreeing to ay a max imum of 20 cents and a minimum of 15 -ents ier fish for the season. COUNTY EliirKJES. County Jude John 8cotl"p-nt Tujslay afternoon in making an instiection of the bridges on Salem Irairie and In the vicinity of Rrooka tliat were reiortHl Io - le in need of repairs. Judge Scott found the structures as represented and the court will take steps to make the ne cessary repairs. In the construction and repairing of bridges, the present comiuitw iouers court Is resolved to employ. only the lest nia Serials and first-class workmen, flia t i the serv Ice and durability of the structures inay.1e prolonged. Judge Seort is In re-elpt of a - comtnuulcation Informing him that Linn -ounty r-onrt stamls raly to. assume her proportionate share of the exinse that will Tie necessary to repair the Stayton .bridge, and that structure will . receive tins prompt at tention of the two courts.- Tin cost of making the'reinircd repairs will ai proxlmate iJtWxfc r WITH THE ARGONAUTS risEi) LotKLEir if:sckiuks conui- ' TIOSS ON T1IK XOStK ItP.AClf. rrltnl Uw Prorliiimetl And Effort Matte 1 to lrotct th IVople from IUesse Katun' t anrral. NOME, Alaska. June ."A Edi tor Statesman: Fifty, feet alwive our tent lies the steamer .1W Ia thews. She 'was thrown there by a storm list July. To one sid. of her and farther back lies Home of the machinery ami other parts of the Sovereign, which was wrecked last fall. Thousands of tents, millions of feet of lumber, ami millions of 'dollars worth of freight, are lying, within a, few, feet of the water's, edge A storm on t lie IJering Sea. such as that which throw-the' Joe Matthews' high and dry, would carry away the larger part of all tin? freight and mo.t of the tents along the sea shore for ten miles in' both directions frtim 'ome, but still the weather k-eps lovely,, .tto rain, po fog. 1 rcgular Willa mette valley , summer wca titer, bnt oh I timers n:ty it Is unprecedented and cannot last for long. This morning I saw a-Very pretty sight. We. work from 12 oV-Im-k at nipht to IO a. in. At abont 1 the sky liegan taking on a faint tinge of dnlc. As dawn approached ' the pink dceis tied, salmon, pearl gniy, and oth er delicate tints aplHafel; at 2:27 tin sun rose from the low lying bills north of town. The' sun rises a little east of rut-til;. It lit up the anvil which marks Anvil : creek four miles distant, rose higher, and the P.eiing Sea, respond ing to its morning gr-efiiig. trembled led v .irklcd in its role of wa-srifii and molten silver. It was a sight I w;ll r.ot si Mn forget. Yestcrdav.. for ."the-first 'time In the history of Nome, a military patrol was established.- tSetiernl Itandall has placel the city under martial law. It was urgently ne ded for sanitary and other N-asous. The titter lack; of all san'tary -prw-anthins must inevitably re-ult In a great amount of sickness. Nome's' situation at I test Is very un i'e.ilthfnl. lVneath one's Uft the ttmdra quakes ami trembles.' Soni tin.es a mule will go down lielly-deep in the soft muck. Where i yon put yoiir rt. lor a yn1 or two the ground sinks and trembles. Already typhoid, j.ik ununiia and suialliox have broken 'out. . -. ' i t;rst hidignntfon is expressed over the action .of the captain of the Ore tron. Smallpox develoisil on lioard at Dutch Ilarlior. He kiit it quiet, and lauded the snfTerers on tlie tHach at Nome at 11 o'clisk at night, without flying the yellow flag or notl fving the quarantine otlh-er. He did 'not wish ''to Ih wtit to Esrg Island for 'twelve days, as the Ohio and Zonta 'once were. ; ' .The eleven cases of smallpox, tpotng cared for by the authorities are traced to the Oregou. A good many of the passengers who were afflicted with a mild form, probably varioloid, are walking the streets, with no restric tions whafever. This morning some one, -bearded like a pard," taprsil me on the shoulder. ; I turned around to find Bert Howard, son of "SI nunk" the sub-letter carrier. He had Just come in on a schooner from 'Frisco, Uft.v-three days en route. He bnught a team of horses, feinl - ami waeon, thauling is $10 an hour herer but they met a heavy storm which kllknl both of his horses. He is a good rustler and will soon make cood his loss. A block farther down Front street, as I was rushing along trying to dodge the dog teams and keep the flying dust out ot my month and eyes, I was bailed bv'Jimmy Culver, who asked me the news from the old town. A bit further down, near the N. A. T. & T. CVk, , I rriet Harry' Mlnto. who had just a r rlvinL He was with Anderson, who used to run the Fan saloon at Salem. cross the street a group of Salemltes were comparing notes. I joined tliem and found Herbert Farrar Clyde Prandenburg, M. E. Togue. and a few Others of the Salem contingent. I iw a lively "scrap" a day or two ago. Two men. Dan Kane, and E. P- Lonex. lu ,, ..h nf Nome's deadly 4Vro.l alioard as theKcouId carry. HJ V-nt osch otlier. : They .pollen their when Deputy MaTshal T"X" Qninlin and his brother- JShenrbotL" arrr The- i..rms IXnoty Cunn. interrercu n crowd, thiukins it would twi n" "iw.t idea td.tet them settle their awn, diffi culty, rescued them from tl officer. A bad man drew his gun on one of the deputies ami was knocked Insensible by a blow from the officer's short club. Then they pitched into the officers and nsed them rou-hly. One of them, af ter a rough and tumble, emerged with cut ami bleeding face ami ran to the barracks. InT a few moments a squad of soldiers arrived at a double quick, used the butts of their guns a little, re-arrested the men and marched them to the ba.-racks Oeneral Itandall has proclaimed martial Law for ioliee ami sanitary reasons, and an armed squail patrols tlie streets day and night. There are a great many kinds of people here, ami for one kind I have a profound symiiathy. Let me give yon a picture, not in the least over drawn. He is a young fellow, a clerk, nnuscd to rough ways. He coms from a little village In Ohio, ne couldn't save enough money to lift the mort gage, or get marrletl, or for some oth er old reason, so he came here to 1 one of tlie lucky ones who were going to strike It rich. When he landed, he eyed the sand closely. He expected 1" see a little of the far-sought golden sand. He went j5ow;i town and found a ixrfc-t ; Eedlam. Everj oue was cv Ins Into the saloons. He tlpicd his hat back and swaggered up to the bar and called, for a drink to show them that he was "it." All the old-timers, the "sour doughs." siju-d him up and i felt sorry for him. He went out on the street. Meals $3..10. He didn't have much left, so he hunted up a ? 1 " meal. Next day he felt pretty homesick He went down : the lNacli. ine thing seemeil to ipe a fixzjle. He stood on the corner, terribly 14msome: some one swore at him, "gangway there." "march along, "what . in do yon mean by blocking up the wav like that?" A Inmp was In his throat. He finds that there is very little prospct of work jon the ln;ach. He starts for Pinny rnn. on Cripple river, with a c-Vt. JTlie sand Is soft, and H Is kill ing work.. He has to go out (into the watr with his; enrtifo get around the pipes and piers .of the big steam dn-dges, etc. , A, big waye tips-liirt -cart, over. Wet. 'tllscoursgeil.' .hcf' .resiMies his gruMls. caiiips cin shore 'and 'gw I Kick to town. lie dechles to put his small! remaining capital into, a lwat and strike out for Toiicock or Oolovin Ray. lie buys a. pretty fair loat for $.". He puts his amp equipage" in. bnt liefore he can start lie finds be has paid his pmm1 inoney to a stranger who had no. title whatever to -the lHat. Kicking is useless, so he swallows the lump in his throat, unload his goods and next day, when I passed, I saw this sign: "Selling out at cost; lioots 2. shotgun $15. canned goods at Se attle prices." He got a few days, work ami with what he got for Ins outfit be Ipougbt a sterage ticket for Cod's country. - lie is not the only one. There are scores iu the same isisition. I saw a dozen outfits of disouraged Argonauts for sale the other day. . lots of. ex liensive machinery on this Is-ach will liefer Ik set tip. Some creeks are rich. Anvil ereekfor example. We have an offer of a layout on a 1 tench claim op losite Auvil cr'ck. We are going to phpqwt it. and if good, take jt.'np. We met Jo Cavauagh in town the other day. We took a patent gold scpnra tor wnh us, which was to sjivo-J5 ip-r cent of the gold. It cost us in the -vicinity .'.of ?5o. We liaye given it ,can ful trial and find by panning the tail ings, that as much seaites as is saved. We think the guarantee should have rifid; "Cuarahtccd to lost? f in-r c nt of the gold.' We are blooTled. We iw the galvaniwtl iron jot for a wasli tub. Might3' few ls-ople can afford a Jf.'st waUiitub. N--ssity is the mother of invention. I will give one example. We ; have three gold pans. We are short on large pans for cooking and other pur poses. so we pri'ss our gold pans into use for wash basin, dish pan, bread nan. bath tub, etc. At first, if lien had Iteen usfitg the pan for a luith Uth i was a little squesimish of the next batch of bread, but I have gotten bravely over that. .We .went out a few days ago and caught our gum lioots full of smelt, and a bad cold. The former we quickly disposal of; the latter we are getting rid of gradually. I met Jack Ityan on tlie beach this morning. II; lost his moustache and singed his hair in an adventure with nn oil stove. In which he came, out sH-ond liest. Earring the loss of his moustache It did him no harm. From our tent door I -an count over twenty vssels riding at anchor ltefore Nome. Near the bridge the other day, thereihung on a clothesline a baby's little pink wrapper. More than Lone-miiM-r. who left wife and 1p:i1V in' the stati-s, suddenly discovered he had gotten some dust in his eyes, or had a bad ooTo. which necessitated the use of his handkerchief. Strange, but; it affected my es'es, too. On the crest of a hill overlooking- the "Rring Sea stotsl, with bared heads ami tear-dimmed eyes, a group of Sa hmltes. on. Tune 2."M. Alstve, tin' white fl-ecy clouds drlfted'-by: under foot was the soft, springy tundron. Alovc the splash of the wares on the Itorieh. rse our yoics as we sang. "Nearer, my Coil. 'to Thee," over the srrave of one of our nnmber. Frank Kaiser. He was sick most of the time on the "voyage to Nome. The doctor pronounced bis malady typhoid fever, lie died at It o'clock a. m, June -23d. He was unconscious for several days preceding his death. Everything that could le done for his omfort was done. Rev. W. A. Lindsey conducted the fnneral srvlces. A fragrant cedar coffin was . made. Inside ' the coffin wery placel pure white wild flowers. On Ids coffin we wrote; "In my Fa tin er's house are many mansions. I. go to prepare a place for yon." It waa a very sad funeral." Gol grant that no more of our number lay down their life so far from home nd loved ones. FRED LOCK LEY JR. PLEADED CUILTV.-John rhilips. alias C.Ilson Eyron, the bicycle thief who was returned Tuesiay aueraoon frnm Albanv. where his capture, was effected on the preceiling day, when arraigned before City Recorder N, J. Judab yesterday morning, pleaded miiltv to t hecharge of the larceny or a bicycle, ami was sentenced to three months in the county Jail- The value of the wheel being less than $35. the theft of the bicycle did not constitute I felouv. BVron Is supposed to nave (come to Sakm from the vicinity of Dallas. Fine printing Statesman Job Office. SOME IDAHO CONVENTIONS Governor Stenneiibenr Defeated. 'i DUBOIS TO BE NEXT SENATOR Republicans Hold their Heeling and Natua a Fall Ticket for Electors and State Officers. rOCArELLO, Idaho., July 18.-After a bltti-f eouti'st lasting all the after noon, tlie state Deuneratic cinveuton. late tlais afteriKwm, s-atel what Is called jVKtr! tlelegatiou, from Sho shone pfwtunty. tthe I 'eur d Alettes,) Ijv, a vote tof; 122 to 1H. This delegation Is opiposed to Coveruor Steunenborg and It was supjiortel by those who favor the nomination of FrHl T. DidMfjUnipMl States Snator. The tovrpor: tppisl' the nomination of any candidate for Stnator. " Iul4is j was joined in the fight by J. H.jjllawley, also a candidate, for Senator. jThe result indic-ates that Du loIs will be nominattHl. A feature of the cmtest was the re leasiuj; of aomej of tlie dvlegat Ions from Uie; unit rule, placed on them by their t-otmtles. : Chairman Perky.' a Hawly knan. ruled that the delegates could -j vote as tliiey wishnl on the mo tlon t absolve the vote. which was practically the same as on the motion to s-:it W'hhVs delegates." At liej evening session W. II. Watt, of Elaine, was made the iermanent cliairiaia. A confjireiM-e -ommittie of one ff-oiiii each county was nainetl-for the fiiskm -:iucus. and the -ommlttee of notification was a!Miintel to notify the Pppullsts atnl Silver Republicans. The brder of - bdsiness provides that the cniunittee on; platform and resolu tiousrrejHirt the lir.st thing tomorrow, then ft lie nominations will follow. Jut at what rsiint in the pivcinntings the Attempt of1 tlie Dulntis men. to force'hls nomination for tlie Senate, will ( introluel, ihas not leaked out. . 1 REPUHL1CAN TICKET, ' Ros'.i Idaho. July IS. Thefstate Re publiisttar -onventiou today nominated tlie fallowing ticket: - " ' I'rsidential ele-tors !eorge Mi ParJ sons,' of Iemhi; Judge W. It. ITe.vburh. a nd fj . W. Rrwt,on.- of Idaho county: for Congress Jphn, T. Morrison, f Cah.fon; Supreme- Court Edgar C. .Mteeh. litali: rsovwrnor D.. W. Stan droi EaniKM-k; L'"Utenant-t5overtior A. A- t'rane. Ko.pten.il; S'eivtarv4 of State M. Patrle.! Fremont: State Treasurer George M. ICeshr. f Ness Perrfe: iStnte Auditor Harry J. Syms. Elmpre; Attorne.r-tJ'neral Ceo. E. ;tat, Oneida; Siisr hit emleitt of Pub lic Instruct ion Miss. Jessie. Reilly. of Blaise;: Muie; 1 usteetor N. ."Robert I-Ih Ciister. ;.V . . . - Tle, platform .renews, allegiance to the 'principles of Republicanism, and d-cljires its unqualified approval of the Nat)nal platform adopted at I'hil adIfihla. its adherence to the. prin ciphf representeil by tlie officbil act of tlie Administration of Win. McKin ley. faml philges itself to the supjHtrt of the sa tne. i " A DISASTROUS FIRE. Ponjeroy, Washington. Nearly WIiskI Out Yesterday. 1 Pomeroy. .Wash.; July IS. The most disastrous tire in the history of this towjt broke out-this afternoon. Tlie losjs aggregate more than fOO.lioo. The! fire originated from a gasoline cigar lamp in a sahton.' V.. H. SiH'ley bandy escaped alive by jumping from the Wfiond story of his building. O. Ii. CaiapU'll. E. M.;Ratich and R. L Stev eusn Were overome by the In'at ami werr oarlrpd away by friends. Janw-s Sfiawley and Z. K Zinn were severely buriM! altout tl fa and hand. The coiiDty; Ioss fltt.otio by the burning of the ji-oiirt house. Tlie Pomeroy. Mer canfilei Co. sufferel the heaviest loss, $:n.NNi, but It was fully insuml. fllE MILITARY STRirSOTIL Tell Million Men -'Available for War PuriKises. if Needed. , vTftshington. filly IS. The Adjutant General's ffic lias Issueil Its list of tle organized militia forces of the Uulred St ts, together with the num iKTtof mea nrallable for military duty, bnt unorganised.. The grand total of tbcf oi-ganizetr mllitianK-n in the sev eral states and trrritorh. at the last reirrt; was ltS.SnO. Those nnorgati lze4. bur available for military duty, agjh-egate 10,443,142. "Ii:. I BAD COLLISION AT SEA- TTtT STIlAiIERS- INJURED OFF ,SAN FRANCISCO HARROI i'T' '". - ' ' ' Nd Fatalities. Imt Roth Vessels Are injuretl A Dense Fog the Canse L of the Collision. . ' , saX FRANCISCO. Jnly 18. Tlie Rritish steanwr IWdglan King, under charter to the United States govorn meat from this city to Sattle. and th Norwegian seamer Tellus, from Coinox. R- C to this city, loaded with coal, collided head-on. at 1:40 n. m.. List night, fifteen milea sotttb of roln Arena. A dense-fog prevailed at tbe tinjie. i The Tellus is Itadly datnagevl. and the lielgian King Is leaking slight ly:' i ;1';" '-"':' -: Wltea. the collision occurred both vetuxds were! going at full speel astern. Tlie Belgian King cot through the Tellus Into her forehold. cutting down several feet under tbe water line. When the Belgian King pulld otrtl the Telia slieareil off as though shit was going to slut: Captain IVter MH and crew took t6 the lsats aisl went on board the Belgian King, whkh stood by untd4:30 o'clock this morn ing. The crew of the Tellus tlien re turned to their positions, and got steam u The lielgian King fastened a line on the Tellus, and brought her back to this city. The Tellus" fore bold Is full of water, and the Belgian King has several broken plates iu her bow. ORDERED TO CHINA. Yallejo. Cal.. Jnly IS. Commander Francis J. Drake. f Mare Island, who has I teen in charge of the ordnance de partment at this post for isome time, has lieeu onleretl to China. Secret ortlers. re-eived at the Stat lou. have len the t-ause of an Increase of tlie great activity on the . various ships now there, and also In other warlike preiarations. NEXT MEETING PLACE. I -: ' ' " . - ' Imln.'Jnly IS. Tlie World's Chris tian Endeavor Hnventhn ttslay se lected Shettiehl as the meeting place in I'.sil, and Manchester in llsrj. COULD GI YE NO REASON. An amusing im-ideut Is related iu conme tlou with the --capture at Alltany. on Monday afternoon of John I'lnlli,. alias Gilsoit Ityroii. the bicycle thief, who was yesterday sentenced to a ninety days term in the Marion coun ty jail for his crime. Byron attempted to sell the wheel to Mr. Schmidt, the Alltany gunsmith, but that 'gentleman tietng ftossessed of a description tf the wlieel, Itlenti'fieil it at once' ami inform ed the fellow that It was' a stolen wheel ami he would not permit him to take.it out of the building. This ang ered the Wily thief who deelard he would go and consult the sheriff. Mr. Schmidt remarked that w;rs just the eoifrse he was thinking of pursuing and on"erd t accompany the fellow to the marshal's otttce. The couple started-down the street, walking sidq by side until tlie first cross street -was reached when Byron lea mhI - from the walk ami dashed down the street with tlie agility of a deer. Mr. Schmidt gave chase at the same time sounding an alarm, but owing to his eorpulency was obliged to abandon , the chase af ter, running a few. bkteks. Two stone masons took up the chase and after a lively run, one of the men overtook the sitoedy similiter who turned on his pursuer and inquired "what do you want me for?" The interrogation staggered the captor for a moment but he cooly replied. "I'll !te d -d If 1 know." but kept his man cornered un til lielp arrival when the fellow was escort iil. to the city jail to await the arrival of the Salem officials. WANT OREGON PRUNES CALIFORNIA Hl'VClW IIKHIKE TO C'ON TKACT WKUKOOT CKOI. , t ''it .-! 1 - yill He e Kbortsee ot riia Crop In Oolil-Stt-A lSw Variety In 11J t '.'! XmVtoy. ... ; I. . -'.' : There will Ite a shortage in the "ali: fonija' prune crop this yeajaiid f buy-ei-s i from .that state are, already, visiting- the prune secrions of regon- ftr the puntose.of fon tract ing with Ore gon growers for this years, erp that they may lie able to supply onlcrs they have n-ceivwl. ' ' ' A representatlvo of Porter Bros., of. San" Francisco, has ..lieon In His vicin ity ftr seir-i-ral days and is anxious to write contracts with Orcgtni growers fv'r this years prune ' crop. It Is tuft known with what sin-Cess the agem has met but with 1he spirit of or ganization that so tmivi rablly exists among the growers of this sin-lion, it Is not likely that they will Ipe In any great iias't'e to contract their pnme at a nominal figure but rather investigate the Itciiefits to In derivi-d from eO-oieratioii. It is un lersto.nl contracting agents 'from Cal ifornia offer to contract for from tl1 to 4"-i ci'iits aeord!rig to the grade of the frnit to le deliverel. The shortage of the taliforni.T-prune crop, which until rei-ently promisil a good yield, s due to the unusual ex tent of tlie Jnno "drop" of the fruit. Growers in this county restrt a ,'tin slderable dropping of the fruit In this section.--which will to an extent re duce the yield in the Willamette Yal- James WInsfanley. who resides on the Marion county side of the Wit lam rtte a "few miles- north 'of Salem, yes terday had on exhibit at his office In this city a new variety of the prune family the Willamette' prune; The samples were plucked from a twit year old tree on Mr. Wlnsfanley's farm and represent the first crop. Tlie Willamette Is a swilling from the Ital ian ami "was Introduced in the valley altont four years ago by n Mr. Ilasklns. of Newlterg. There are not many tree of this Variety In the Yalley. In color, size and shafte, the Vlllaln ette very closely resembles the Italian; It has a finer flavor but Is not so tart as the Italian and nearly as sweet as the Petite. The Willamette riens altont two months earlier than tlie Kalian. It Is now ready for picking and can Ite harvested anil preserved before the fall rains and unseasonable weather conditions arrive. While the Willamette has an advantage In Its early ripening, the only objection and da ugcr there Is in Its cultivation is "that It flowers too early In the season its blossoms appearing In March si mu ultaneonsty with the peacb blooms, making it liable to injury from the late Spring frosts. It is barely- pos sible, however, that the Willamette may prove tlie prune for the Willam ette Yalley. after which It was named. Both tbe Italian and Petite varieties are : foreigners and tlie 'Willamette may supply the demand for a native prune. .. '...'. DANISH COLONY IN LANE COUNTY. Affairs Are Progressing Yery Favora bly Towards Its Establishment. Eugene Guard: ' , Rev. IV L. C. Hansen, of Portland, who Is Interesfetl In the location of a Danish colony In Jjine county, said everything Is very favorable. At tliej present time twenty-seven families have selected land and ftahl for tlie same, and will arrive altout Sptem!ter 1st. although some may come sooner. The first to arrive. Rev. Hansen states, will come from Iowa and Min nesota. They wish to dispose of their present realty hold lugs before moving to the West and thts is the reason they will mot eome sooner. Regarding ojt t Ions held on other properties aud ad jacent to that already purchased. Rev. Hansen Kay he fully exited It will all tie pun based In time. Of course some f the intending st'ttlers will await until the advance guard locates. and learn from them whether or. not they; are pleased. It may take two or three years to settle a colony of con siderable proport lows, but" It will sure ly (xmio, ' As an earntst of the Interest mani fested in this enterprise by-people tf the Middle West. Rev. Hansen In formed the rcltorter that he bad re ceived a letter of Inquiry from the manager of a large sash ami door factory lu one f tlie lake states who is hsiking for a hn-ation. and Ifits had his attention attracted to Eugene by. reason of the protosd hs-atioti of- the Danes in this -ouiity. : ' While on this trip ReV. Hansen will investigate the feasibility of the hea tioii of a m-w factory; at this jtoint. and reistrt to him. Rsv. Hansen says the gentleman has ample vapital to install a first--lass plant, and if he' decides 'to htcate here 'will ojnerate a factory u fhe. most iiUMleru inethotls. Rev. 'Hanson, from a slntrt surVy of tlie ootid it Ion here. Is Inclined to be lieve Hunt the location of another such factory In Eugene would In a very profitalile Investment. . -;' . BOUNTY FOIt SCALPS Sil'MHRlt Oty CLAIMS AO A INST TI1K KTATK IS IM-KKASIM1. TlKl'MtTbrniMonlht the-Moat Kspi i BlrcQanrtrr Klnc ttt Uw Wm ... 1 - i Kucttl. ' . 1 . " , . . j Soretnry of State F, 1. Dunbar yes terday gave out a statement, showing the iiumlNr of cttyote, wildcat and oth er seal its', for which certificates have lioen receivi! at his oiric'. and war rants drawn In payment therinf at the rate of for evtry scalp. This statement shows thixi i;5.!H scalps were i i id for during tlie quarter end lug June '.Ml. Unto, a jtotal disburse ment of $37.N!I. During the pn--od-tug qtiitrter the total mitnhcr of ticalps paid for was S.t".S. at a cost of $17. Jl. showing alt Increase 'during' the -last quarter, over-' tint preiMllii'g line, oi $Hi.57S. The total .'-'number of scalp paid for sim-e jhe law was en iidisl is Ki.4."iI, or a tidal expeuditrre of i:7S..ti r.. ' .'.'; Ph-1ow Is the table, showing the tnimltcr of scalps by ounllcs, present ed for payment, each jscalp represent lug ; al.so the nuinlH'r of scalps trcs cutiHl by a h county; Kineit Hie , lo w was in forc. mid showing tliat two eoiiltl ies.inu and . Wasliligloir-hil ve cvcr drawn vne cent fnoi tltit fund, .while Malheur Iia rt-ived tho larg ft amount, $s.33. iThe , .stateiio'tif hhqws that Ihc tiuiulpcr of ,scaljts pres 4'iUeil for payment Js increasing from one qiuirter to the m.-xf, and there lHHnrs. to' In no liiiiij; ( ,. N.4lJist -.Total No. County Ouarier. S-ulps. P.aker,.... ,,.,-t , v.r . );cm IteUtoll... ,.. . . . . . . 1.1 .5.1 Clackamas.. ..- Hi , .' K Clatsop,. .... .... -' . 1UO Columbia..,. 1. ., J !H - .: !-'t I'iNi.s. .... . . . . . . , " : t. 77 Crook;...-' .'. ..... K7T 2.JN14 Curry.. .. .... J :ir ' 7s Douglas.... .... us. . : 4'. Gilliam .. C- I-'tsT tJrant. ... .".7 ; l.HRt Harney.... ....... 7.:2 Jackson i.. . .. ... ,271 7.' 57 Josephine.... .. .. i Vl 1d Klamath.. .... ... ":v.r I.7o like .... .....li.ii:: :t.'; I-'llle. ... ..... ... j 'i:hi I 'j-27 Lincoln.. .... ..... '-j: Kl : i:;s Malheur. ., ..... I!i 4,1 l.'t Marion..... ... y. T 17 loo Morrow. ....... .'. ,f Kit -r 2.2!1 Multnomah. . .... I - Pi Sherman . . i 7J :is TillanwNik .-. .. ! 1!N- -fi22 I'maillla. .. , . . . Littii i 4.05I Union. .. ... . -j 'X l.llif Wallowa. . Wnwo. . , . Wheeler.', . Yamhill. Total. ,! . . I 2 Id . j 4nt . .".II . ! 4U .llfU7 trj Lull I.:'.;2 .K,4.H PROf. J. M. POWtll OtAO. Passed Away at Ills Home In Mou , mouth Yesterday-H-An Kducalor of High Standing I ir Oregon, (From Daily Statesman, truly 1ft.) News was received In .this city yes terday of the death, early yesterday morning at home lu .Monmouth of Prof. J. M. Powell. ! Prof. Powell was iu Salem last Week, when he, apiNjired to IhHii good hi'altli., lie was taken nick on Sunday hist, and was soon licyond hop. Ir. J. A. Richardson, of this "city, was Willi him the night of hi death, until a short firm ttefore he expirol. A long icrtod of overwork wns partly responsible for his death. - Prof. -Powell was well known nil over Oregon. He had taught In the puMIe schools, and had for a long time Is-eti connected .""with the State Normal SehooJ at Monmouth as oue of Its faculty, having formerly lieen Ytce President. lie serred for a time a prlnciial teacher of the Oregon State Reform School., in which ca pa rity his sorvh-es were liiKhly appreci ated. ' . . Irof. rowcll leaves- a devotel wife and two children, a liy and girl, lie lifld a large relationship In Unn -ouii-ty and throughout Hie state. - CASTOR! A For Infants aid Children. Tha Kind Yea K219 Alsajs E::.! Bignaturo of "What's the size of Morocco' stand ing armyT" "Alsmt 2r.biiO." . "Moor or less; I snitTtftst. X?iove Iand Plain Dealer. -