Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, July 20, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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The Government Has Now Mere
l!:pe of final Success
No Extra Session of Congress Will Be
Called at Present-Korcea to
Be Sent to Aeia.
WASHINGTON, July l'.-PccIdedly
a more hopeful feeling with regard ta
the Chinese situation was apparent In
all Administration circles this evening).
The tide of sentiment, which lias lieen
markedly Desslmlstle. turned With t"h
announcement of the victory of the al
lies at Tien Tsin. and the capture of
. the forts and the native eily, ami
7 gathered further strength from Minis
ters AVu's cablegram declaring that
. the foreign ministers at Pekln were
' safe on Jnly Oth. Aside from' these
disiMitehes the arrival of the President
aud a sieelal cabinet mating called to
. consider the situation, were the fea
tures of the day. Over lOO newspaper
men thronged the corridors, while the
cabinet was sitting behind closed doors
At the conclusion of the cabinet
meeting, -which lasted two aud a half
. hours, Secretary Root gave out the fol
lowing formal statement of the action
of the cabinet:
The President has determined that
.the facts known to us do not require
or justify the Vailing of an extra ses
sion of Congress. Should future Ie
velopments indicate that he is unable
to lo what is required, with the means
now at his couimand, and the action
of Congress Js necessary to furnish
either men or money, or authority, he
will not hesitate to call it together.
The decision that an extra session of
Congress was not demanded by the
existing conditions was the outcome
of a showing which loth Secntary
Root and Secretary Long were to
make, as to the force that can be
thrown iuto China without authoriza
tion of additional troops by Congress,
' and also tne decidedly more hopeful
feeliug eutertained by the President
" and memlers of the cabinet, as to the
safetj- of Minister Conger and otlier
foreigners in IVkin. due" to' the cable
' of Minister Wu,' reporting the safety
of the ministers on July Mil, two days
after their reiorted massacre. While.
'" this' cable Is ' not regarded 'us'mndui-
- 'lve,lt is accepted in good faith for the
' preseut. 'Hut the Administration, it
can le detinltely stateil, has set In mo
1 tion some machinery by which, it is
I' confidently predicted, absolutely .'au
thentic new ax to the. fate of our
minister and other foreigners at IV
..' kin, will be ascertained." ' Through
what chahuel the. Administration el
ects to ixH-elve this all important news
, Is not known, but the Una I settlement
of the situation in jFekin is daily and
hourly expected, can le stated with
utmost positlveness. Advhe. receiv
ed from Pekln. probably will le the
. determining factor in shaping the fu
ture course id this Government. If
Minister Conger has been murdered,
h-'au extra sennion of Congress seems lu
. ' evltable. Secretary Itoot furnished to
. the Cabinet a summary of the troops
available, not only in this country,
but in China and the Philippines. ' It
- 1 his opinion that letween lo.ooo and
lit.Ooo troop fa all could te xja?tl for
service In China. -These relnforce
tnents are to le rushed through at the
" earliest possible moment. Most, If not
. all of them. It I believed, can Ie laud
ed by the eud of August or early in
' Keptemlier. j
Washington. July 17. The Paymas
ter General of the War Deitartment to
day decided that the 'troop now in
China are doing war duty, whatever
may le the diplomatic view of the sit
uation. This secures for the enlisted
men their iS ier ceut increase, al
though It will not affect the officers.
Washington, July 17. The Adjutant
General's ottiee tonight made public a
detailed statement, showing the pro
vision made by the War Department
In the equipment of "the expeditionary
fonvs sent by the t'ulted State to
China. The strength of this force In
11 arms , of - the service aggregates
10.005. It Is possible this force may be
further augmented by 2000 or 3WXJ
men. -. ... - : . i - .
The chief- of ordinance furnishes a
list of officers and material whlehcjivtll
le available for use in China. lie re
ports that there is an abundant supply
of small arms and machine guns of
Mitall calibre on hand, for a prolonged
, war on a large -scale. . For siege guns
there are some -too to rs- rounds per
gun now available, and additional or
ders have been placed for more. Two
' complete six-gun .batteries, of twelve
' loind Vlckers-Maxim guns, with 3tV)
-rounds of ammunition ter gun. have
lieen ordered In England. Two et hex
' batteries of six guns each, one-pounders
of the same make, with lUM
rounds of ammunition per gun. have
also , been ordered In England, to 1
shipped to this country at the earliest
ossible moment.
San Francisco. July 17. Collector
' Jackson, of this tort, was today noti
; ..fled by Quarantine Officer KInyonn
that hereafter vessels from Honolulu
and Alaska would be subject to quar
antine inspection. The Alaskan ves
sels will be held tip because' of th
prevalence of a mild form of smallpox
at Cape Nome, and the Hawaiian ves
sels on account of plague.
FUGGLES HOPS.-Jillert & Pat
terson have a portion of their hop yard
near Lincoln, set to the Fuggles vari
ety of hops, and these will noon tie ripe
as can. be seen by a sample from that
yard, hanging in the Statesman show
window. This variety, of hops com
manded the highest price last year,
Messrs. Gilbert & Fatterson selling
their Fugglcs hops at 12 cents per
pound. They, however, are not as
profitable as other varieties, for the
reason that they produce only from t0
to lifl pounds per acre, while others
will produce from 100O to 1S00 pounds.
CUT HIS FOOT. The 14-year old
son i of J. C. MeFarland, IJving near
Clear Lake, six miles north of this
city, liad the misfortune on Monday
to cut a deep gash In his rignt root,
witfcan ax, while cutting brush; the
ax striking a stump and. glancing.
struck the boy's foot. The wound
made was an ugly one, the blade or
the tool having cut through the bone
of the large toe. The boy was quickly
given medical attention, but his root
will not be well for many weeks.
WAXTEI).-We can find room for
a connle of canvassers In the couu
tiT f" newspapers. Ulcycies iurmsn-
etlj If desired, 'the memc iome-
stel. the i Northwest's leading farm
paper. Apply to Scott Bozorth. in
quire at Statesman business olllee. Ayr.
STATE TAXES. State Treasurer
Clus. S. Moore is in receipt of a re
mittance from the treasurer of Cirant
county, for $2(iAKi, being the amount
dnc nu interest, on account of the de-
linquent taxes for the year lSlTJ. This
ttfiys Orant -onuty taxes in full to
date ' - '. . . - '
Is RE-ELECTEI. Miss Evelyn
Nash has returmnl home after teach
ing a successful term of school in St.
Ixuls. She will retnrn again at the
opeulng of the next school ear to le
gin another year's work in the same
STOLEN COWS. W. II. Savage has
lost his live Jersey cows, prolwibly the
Jiest laaud of eows of that lMed near
this city, and he thinks they may have
lieen stolen. His advertisement ap
pear in another column of this paper.
I 1 10CK tllS own Lire.
Sad Ending of a HlllslHro Real Estate
Iealer Yesterday.
(From Daily Statesman, July IS.)
jit. M. C. Ganlt, editor of the Hills
born lnlepndeut, arrlvetl in Salem at
11 a. in.', yesteniay to attend the ses
sion of the Grand Lodge, A. O. V. W.
of Oregon. " when, ' upon his reaching
the state house, he rwelvetl a tele
gram fronl his sou, to the effect that
his brother-in-hiw, S. Harrison Hum
phreys, had committed suicide early
yesterda3 morning, or tlie pneeding
night, by hanging. J
(Mr. (Jault was shocked by the In
formation of his relative's awful deil.
Deceased was a real estate broker
and had leen doing quite well, until
last spring, when he suffered a frac
ture of the right leg. which necessi
tated his abandoning his work for a
time. He. thereujion. I eca me finan
cially Involved, and it is irobable that
brooding over his troubles, financial
and - otherwise, ' his mind ' Itecame
temporarily , i deranged resulting
in his untimely demise.
i Iet'asel was a memlier of the I. O.
O. F. Encampment, and a Uhitel 'Art
isan. having .2kni insuraiure In the
order. He leaves a whlow and six
chili lien, four of them settled in life,
to mourn his sad and untimely end.
An Illinois Mob Commits Outrages on
j , Chinamen.
j Virden. UU Jnly 17. Enraged at tuo
tte,vs from China, a mob today attack
ed the Chinese laundry here., and de
liioli.lMtl the entire front of the build
ing. Six shots were fired at the two Chi
nese laundry men. but without effect.
No arrests have yet been made. 5
New York. July 17. The National
Wall Paier Company, which has lieen
known for more than alx years as a
National .Wall '.Paper trust, having
failed to control the liHlejierident man
ufacturers, has practically tecn driven
out of business by outside comiH'tition
and iu the near futunr will te dis
solved. '
In my lmyhood diij-s, says former
Postmaster General Thomas L. James,
there was a. text-book used In the
schools calhtl tlie "English Reader,"
widen, -alas! has gone out of nse. It
contalnetl a sele-tlon entitled "Tlie Hill
of Science." According to the story,
the first one who attempted to ascend
the hill was (renins, who made rapid
progres. but liecame quite tired to
ward the end of the, ascent, and fool
ishly stopped to rest while Applica
tion, patient and plodding, pushed
forwanl slowly -up the hill and at
tained the summit first. I have no
ticed tliat those who succeed in life
are not the geniuses; They are those
who apply themselves to whatever
business or pmfeslon they undertake
witli all their hearts, and by patient,
phnlding work, tmcked up by good
habits, succeed. Success. -
E. II. Town, who lives at Chnbbs
Crossing, comes to the front with prob
ably the longest unbroken row of corn
In the state of Vermont.' On his farm
I a big. cone-shaped knolL Commenc
ing at the base. Mr. Town drilled
round and round, cork-screw style,
clear to theummit. to so get one con
tinuous row that covers the whole
piecei ' .
There is none.
In all this cold and hollow world, no
fount , 7
Of deep, strong deathless love, save
that within
A mother's heart.
-'! r Mrs. Herman.
How poor, how rich, how abject, how
.. .august, . -,:
How complicate how wonderful. Is
, man! ..
How passing wonder be, who ' made
him such!
Young, "Night Thoughts.
Barler Does de razor pull, boss?
Victim Yes; but one of the frpiral
springs in the chair seems to be
s-rewel so deep Into my back that I
don't think the nir.0S' can drag' me
on to the floor. Judge.
Gilson Bvron Is the Name Given by
the Fellow Who Appropriated
, B. J. Irving" s Wheel.
From Daily Statesman, July IS.)
Chief of Police D. W. Gibson re
turned yestentay afternoon troiii Al
bany, having in custody a young fel
low civing the name of Gllsou Kyron,
and claiming to lie from Indeieudeuce,
who is wanted here for the larceny or
B. J. Irving' wheel In this city one
day last week.; Byron will 1 arraign
ed In ixliw court at lO oclo-k tuis
morning. . :
Yestenlay's Albany nera hi contain
ed the following ac-ouut of the young
man's capture in that city: .
"Ouite a ripple of excitement was
created yesterday afternoon on Second
street by several men going down the
street at a breakneck -speed. 1 he ar-
fair turned out to be tliat gunsmith
A. Schmidt, received a letter from Ben
Irvine, of Salem, stating that some
one had stolen his Katnber bicycle.
and glvlng'descriptlon and number of
the wheeh Alout -4 o clock yesteniay
alt ernoon a yon ns - nui n en tered M r.
Sehiniut's shop and told him he had
a srood wheel he ; wojikl wll cheap.
Mr. Schmidt examined the wheel care
fully aud saw it answere! the descrip
tion of the stolen property including
the maker's number, and told the
thief he would keep the wheel as it
was stolen In Salem, and told him he
would call In a loliecmau, when the
young man went out and started to
run. Mr. Schmidt giving chase. They
went to Burkhart & Lee's corner, then
to Second street and down that thor
oughfare. When they got to the Me-
Feron corner the thief was gaining on
his pursuer, file called in a relay man,
Bert Chauiberhiln. who overtook the
man near Skiptou's livery stable. r He
was turned over to the police, aud the
Salem ofliclals were notified and the
man. whose name could not 1h ascer
tained, will be taken to Salem tot lay
to answer the charge of larceny of the
wheel. Mr. Schmidt and Bert Cham
ler!aln received many .congratulations
for the heroism and speed in taking
in this thief." - ! '.
Knox & Murphy Awarded the Work
of Fitting the New Representa
tive Hall at the Capitol.
(From Daily Statesman. Jnly 18.)
The State Board of Capitol Building
Commissioners yesterday opened bids
for the plumbing and gas-fitting in the
new Representative Hall aud State
Library at the Capitol. Bids were re
eeived from the following:
Knox & Murphy 1. $lflTi
Beruanll & Duusford ... 270
Barr & PetzeL J... ........ i ... :il2
The. contract was awarded to Knox
tV -uiirpu.v. ?.. i i v .;
-The lMard also made a contract with
Lemon & Burt for painting the in
ment and main fiooi of the Canitol.
complete, for 121H. v , .; , ,..."
There's somefhin kind of pitiful alnxil
( a man tliat gnwls . i t ;'
Because the sun beats down too hot,
' lseause 1 he , wild wind howls.
Who never eats a meal but that the
' ' cream ain't ithick enough. ;
The coffee ain't been settled -right or
- else the meat's too tough ' : "
Poor chap! He's just the yiHim of
- 1 Fate's oldest, meanest trick-;' ; ''
You'll see by watchin' mnKs and men
they don't ueeI brains to kick.
The man who ciieered his soldiers' up
I . that time at Vallej- Forge,'
Ho didn't merely ' chew, a cud and
grunt around, by George!
Tlie man who gave his life to keep this
Union ltound In one"" ,
Had lots to iM-ar. but tried to take It
mostly all in fun: ;
Tliej-'d work to do, they done it, too,
aiiil I'm prepannl to stick
To tlds here proiosltion, that It don't
take brains to kick.
The man that laid t he cable so men
talk acnss the. isea
Was not lisguste4l with the world, or
or didn't seem to lie;
Tlie people that have done the things
? men like to talk abont
Were not the ones who thought man
kind was headed up the spout!
Watch men that act and them tliat
iion't and you'll see mighty quick
That God's .arranged the whole thing
so folks don't need brains to
l kick. ;
The ones that 'say the world" gets
worse and everything's iqiset
May make men happier some day, but
haven't done so yet;
It's easy for the ones who growl to
tell where things are wnng:
In huntin" sins and find W- faults they
show up mighty strong,
Put when If conies to helpin' on to 1h1-
; ter tilings they stick; ;
By watchin' mines and men you'll
fiml they don't ntH'd brains to
: . klCk.
And so I. say. I'm sorry Tor the feller
that's distressed
And spend his tlnie a talkin of "oiv
pressors' and 'oppnssod."
Who damns the gover'ment oue ,day
Uiinse it didn't do
The things he damns it! next day for
"so blindly stlckin to'
Poor chap. It ain't his fault' he's but
tlie victim of a trick ,
That Fate keci playln just to show
. folks don't neetl brains to kick.
S. E. Kher in Chicago Times-Herald.
Cursed le the man, the poorest wretch
in life.
The crouching vassal to the " tvrant
r- wife. :' ". -
Who has no will by her high permls-
sion; ... v
Who hss not sixpence but in her pos
session : .
Who' must to her his dear friend's se-
; cret tell;
Who dreads a curtain lecture worse
i .- than IielL.i - - . , . :- -
Were such a wife had fallen to my
- part.
I'd break her spirit or I'd break lier
' heart. -" - i.
Burns, "The Henpecked Huslwind.
Bridegroom (returnlne from the
honeymoon! Do you keep this ear
thoroughly lighted going through the
Brakeraan Yes. sir.
Bridegroom All right. I'll go and
get my wife. The Smart Set.
Needless Suffering.
There Is a clever story ly JV Mau-
oassaut which throws a searcii light
across the 'sea of suffering, and gives
a glimpse of the horrors hid leu in its
depths. It , is tlie story orj a young
French woman, not long f marriei.
whose hushaud held an official josl
tion. An invitation comes t& a gretit
la 11 and the young wife; lonrs to at
tend, but feels that she jfouhj not ven
ture upon so splendid a' Tunc Ion with
ous "jewels which she does not possess
and an not afford to buyj At this
juueture while calling on a 1 friend of
her fcchool days, not yet ar, away,
she tells of her desire and embarrass
ment. To her delight her ff-letid who
is wealthy, offers her the loan of a
beautiful diamond uec-klaed. She ac-
cept.s the loan joyfully and ! duly at
.,.,,1 , i..iii Huf hr'aiJ wr-ii -i)-i m-e
I mi7k j i,
"I - . : - i -
the necklace is stolen f ro n her. ; Not cures of diseased conditions of" the
(daring to go to her friendland confess womanly organs wliich local pliysi
jthe loss, for fear of unjnsjt suspicions, ciaus have fallinl to lenefit by their
she and her husband mortgage 'their, treatment, and which otlier medicines
futim to obtain a diamojid ne kjla-e, ; have .lieen iiowerless to remove,
as like to the one lost as possible.4 The i '"I was troubleil wjth , female weak-
Jewls-are returnel. Tlie iexchange is
uniioticHl by the school J friend ' who
Iscmio- after -sets "out to mike her res i-
deuce in another part of ,'tlie conntrV.
r " TIten lx gins the life-lonit struggle to
paV for the substituted Jewel. All
pleasures ha veto 1h: denldtl. .nie.'tnost
ligid econoiniy of dress a hd livingjiv
inncticed.' anil sloVly ii . long'-years
this debt of many thousand Tra ncs ls
cleared off. But this 'ig! 'struggled
deeply marks the c haractir'nT the un
fortunate wife.- She neglects herself
n iil'. loses her freshness fi nd f a irness.
f Ilef husband lecome a sloven. 1 Btth
are bitter of ieeclJ Tlwt niininiiess t
their living grows iiioif, them ' and
makes them mean, and .tyheit the debt
Is linnliy paid it rinds the still i young
woman. old iu looks and in tier way f
life. - ' I : -
i-Alxmt tliis -tlmrt the P-tjme school
frielul returns to iViris hud nlls are
exchangiL The healthy, radiaiit
young matron just 'hoimf again, -can
iianlly re'oguize in lie friend' the
sparkling young' woman jto ; whom she
lent the necklace. 1 1 '4;j
"What have you 1nhi doing with
yourself?" she cries. "Ydn lsk fadl.
old. ' worn-out, as If life f iad held the
cup of misery nnceash&ly to your
lips." ' J
And then the old-yonnr woman tejls
the stiry of the loss ofMhe tnVklaoe.
tln sulist it uted jewels ml the long
years of sacrifice and siijfferiiig: endur-.
t in-ttnler to iay the d'bt.
"Wlialf -ries her friefid, "you have
done all that! Why did jyoti not come
to me and tell tne? 1 coifUl S in ve 'sated
you all these years of us1ms suffering.
1 did. not' lend yon "the eal geius,: Iwitj
a paste imitation." i 3;rt
Fuicy the fe-liugs" off the unhappy
woman who iearns thai she lias sufr
ferod neelhssly. That
jail tne pleas-
ures and pursuits slie ns I wen shut
out fnim ' might have liir-eq hers; and
her face might yet; hate
Itceu fair and
her form . young If she
kept silent at that timei
had only not
of crisis.
Tliat was how one wo nan's life jvas
wastetl hi netMlless sacr lice and suf
fering. There -are thousinds ami fens
of tluuisauds of otlier wemen w1h lead
a life of suffering inor; pitiable; ajnn
even more iiniH'cessaryi Tliere are
women to whom each rucurring mouth
brings a time of- toraient; wniien
whose; vitality is oozii g ; away r ls-i-aus
of iHicheeked'dnfins tqwin vihe
womanly st lv'ugth; woiiieh wuo letve
lorne children at wichfa rM'n:ilty "of
pain that life has seanfely'a pleasure
left for them: women! again, win
know the -burning tornfent of iuflani-
mation aud the gnawing agony of 'ul
ceration, unfii the misery-: seems past
And -all this sufferingt Is needless in
ninety-eight ases out bf every Hun
dred. -.-'And In the two ;exmptionaI
cases the i-onditions -an le greatly
Nlnety-ilght snfferingf women 'n er-
erv hundred can 1h AmL That, Is a
very large statement If netHls support
by "facts and figures. I ); needs verify
ing. And. fortunately, nli'uing is easier
than such verification. In the past talr-
ty years and over. Dri UT V. Pierce,
..1. Mm unit! n w ltf-l4i n if T iv.
valids Hotel and Surelcal Institute. ;r: " . ' -W i . - "A " 1" -..t
v- v .-iL m. J thn in The People's' Common Sense
.. 1.. r.t iti'0 1,0-
t 1 J 4& 't XT r-j. MifiPi.i, iiaj 1 vti l
ed and cured more than half a milljon
women, and the reconlj of ; these cures
shows tliat only in two. cases out of
every hundred was there a failure to
make a perfect and pf-rroanent i cure.
Even in these cases tiere was.'i help
and alleviation of SHffe1ng, grateforiy
acknowletlgetl by worsen "Who were
glad to accept even, a! modified niar
tynlom. The scoih ami character of
tlie cures can lie judged by tlie state
ments. of some of the I ', '
,I was .1 gnat sufferer for six years
and doctored all the tiuie with a nuni-
er of different physicians but did not
leeeiVe anj U'tielir." writes Mrs. Ge.
Sgden oil ltouda Ft, Saginaw,
iSouthi Mich. "One day as I was
reauiug a paiier I saw your advertise
ment and, nltlHMigh I had given up all
hope of ever getting. IetTer. thought
would write to "you.'. When I receivetl
your letter,, telling me what to do, I
tuiineucetl to take your 'Favorite
Prescription-." atid ft 1 low your ailvl.e.
1 hae taken ten Isittles In all, also
five yials of the t'leasant IVllets. Am
now regular after having missed two
years and suffered "with pain in the
head1 a ml - back. I was so nervous,
could not eat or sleep. Now I can
thauk you- for my reovery."
? There is-a. case where a timely use
of Dr. Fierce's Favorite Prescription
would lmve,avel six long years of
suffering-?six years of iK'iidache. back
ache; and;sleeplessness. No' woman can
m healthy unless the perhsls u.re reg
ular, aud "there is im medicine can
compare with "Favorite l'rescription"
for" the iKrfect regulation of the ix-rl-txls.
and it regulates 10 stay, once and
Tor all. It Is a remarkable fact that a
large part of the cures eiteeted ny tne
use of "Favorite I'rescilntion are
ness for eight years, and suffered
inure than I can tell," writes 'Mrs.
Gust Moser. f Ovando, Ix-erhnige Co..
' mont. "My disposition was affe tei to
suchn extent, that to say a, phasjiut
word" .any one was almost an unios-
I had two operations performed by
me of the most' skUlfnl Surgeons of
tlie West, but did not tret relief. Then.
against my hx-tor strict orders, . I
coinmencl taking . Dr. Piere's Fa
vorite Prescription and 't'iolden ' MeiTi
ciil Dis4-oery,' aul also followetl- ihe
advice- given-: in the -Common Sense
Medical Advi?or.. , ,
,"I .-continued this treatment 'for three
mouths, and today am as healthy and
well as a woman can lw; ' I etinnot
thank Dr. Pierce enough-for his kind
letters to me." , , . . '
Of all , women "whose gratitude to
Dr. I'ien-e for his "Favorite. Prescrii
tion" seems lKundless and past ex
ress!ou. those who have known the ,
tttaj- claim to t and first. It is al
most increlple to a woman that a
medicine such as Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription,- , containing no stimulat
ing alcoiiol. ; nor nerve numbing nar
Htlcs, sut h as opium.-cocaine, chloral
aud Kiniilar drusrs, should xerclse a
tfnic effect so powerful, and should so
effectually banish pain. It strength
ens ail the womauly orgsins. removes
the strain whieli causes servousness.
and so quiet fli iiorves and induces
lia iural. healthful sleep. It makes
childbirth practically painless, and
gives to nursing 'mothers Hie vitality
mitleti to uurse aud nourish their
children. ' ; ,
Every aivK and ailim; woman is in
vlted to consult Dr. Pier-. by iMter,
fre. This. puis, within every ailing
Roman s nach. wltluut ft or charge,
the medical opinion and fatherly ad
vice of one of the foremost sitecialiKp
tn woman's dis-ass. No other ffer
of free iiHHlical advice has Itehind it
an institution if national repute svu-h
as is the Invalids Hotel and Surgical
Institute of Buffalo. X. Y.. with Its
tttedica! staff of nearly a score of phy
sicians, .each physician, having his
specialty In idteease. and eo-operatiug
With the cJiief consulting' physit ian of
this great fustitute. Dr. 1 V. pierce.
The st rieiyst privacy is oliservitl in
all correspondence, and the private
sorrows of women are sealel In the
sacred confidence of a phj'sician. to
whom scarcely any form of feminine
misV'f-y can 'em new o strange, so
whle has lieen the scojie of his ex
perk'nee in t he treatment. of female
ills. Write therefore without doubt or
hesitancy ter I Nr. R. V. Tierce. Buffalo.
X. Y. '-. - y. :. ... !.. ..
7 Sometimes ilealers are tempted by
the lit t7 more pro St in some Inferior
mtKiicine to try and sulistitnte it - for
"Favorite Pnelipt'ou. This Is an
attack On your Judgment, your purse
IJ,. Jl ,!l."5 J" !?
re- i
scriptlon" and prove it to le aiT it
Halms. "A; God -send to weak and
wornout - Women." ; It makeft weak
women strong, sick women well.
Is a reliable guide to health and medi
-Minlk-al AiTvlser. the life work of Its
author, Ir. R. V. Pierce. This, great
work containing 100S pages and 7V
illustrations' Is sent free to women on
reeeqt of stamps to pay expense of
mailing only. Snd 31 one-cent stamps
(for mailing only), if cloth binding is
desired, or 21 stamps for tlie lsxik in
paper eorer. Address Dr. R.-V. Piene,
Buffalo, N. -Y. .
I'll give you leave, to call me any
thinar If you don't call me spade.
Swift. -
A heart that has been often ten
dered is likely to lie tough. Tlie Smart
Set v . ;
PM From th( KITceU mi 6:30 O'CIock
Lilt ErcDloc-InqoHt To B
7 , ":; , : '. . ; Held T4l7i '.'.'! "
Pauline Phillips, a Salnt courtesan,
committed suicide at 8) 'o'clock yes
terday a fternotm by-taking a dse of
carbolic acid. Ihe factlthit the wo-
man lias for some time Men uieutullv
unbalanced, coupled .with her iufat na
tion for a local sporting man, who did
not reciprocate her affections, is as
signee km an exilanatIou for the wo
man's self -tlestr net Ion. I
The 'correct and maiden name of the
dead woman was Emma Reisner. but
she was the. divorced wife of James
McDogget, and was alsjut 21 years of
. 1. .1 1. ' , .... .
age auu uau i-eu a resiueui 01 Miieiu
for four years. The woman's parents
reside at No. Winter stre-t, Den
ver, Colorado. ... j
The Phillips woman for some time
past has lwen livlnglwith Madam Ma
giunis at .No. 142 Ferry street. Last
evening, while the otlier uu mbers of
the household were partaking of din
ner. 1'auliue, who remained in the
parlor, took the deadly; iisoii and 11 b
though I rs. J. D. Sliaw and C 1J.
lioliertson, who, were isuminoiuil. ar
rlved Immediately, they were unahle
to do anything for the woman, who
died In great agony at O-io o'chn k. just
an hour after administering tlie dose.
About ten .weeks ago. the I'liilitps
Woman, "insane from; a protruded
spree, smashed a Commercial street
plate glass window. , She was arrest
ed and committed to the Oregon hos
pital. for tlie insane when, after a nix
weeks' treatment, she, was released.
Since her discharge "from the asylum,
the woman has not appeared right,
mentally, and frequently declared-that
she wished she was dead. Her threats,
were not seriously considered aud her
associates endea vored ibr dissuade her
t 1 1 A . -
11 om carrying iiiem iinio-cxecmioii.
but employed ho means to restrain
her from ending her life. The woman
liad lecn unusually 'despondent for
several days, which, wjth the remorse
her unrequited, love occasioned, cans-d
her to end her life.
Coroner D. F. Ianejwill hold an in
quest over tlie remains this morning
and examine into the cause of the wo
man death. It is probable the wo
man win Ik buried by her associates
who last evening solicited subscrfii-
tlnna in flint lulm1f !
New Yory I'M vine Anno'umvs TTiat He
, .. Finds InqH-rialisni Popular,
New York. July ir,.-The Rev. Dr. It
S. MaeArthur, pastor; of Cavalry Bap
tist church, returiUHl yesterday mm,
a lecturing tour. of tlie suininer s'-1hmIs
and' Chautauqua assemblies of Kan
sas, Missouri, and Iowa. He addressed
large audiences. "and was greatly im
pressed with tlie prosperity lie found
every where, wit li the intelligence of
tlie farming iHjulatit;n. and with the
almost nniversal sentiment against the
. . . T .... ...i ... I. i ,1... I fc.. 111,.1 1 -
II 111 1-'A K1 ZISU'll J'lil lllk 111,- 1 ' "
ie platform. (
"Everywhere In fhe West." he said
to a reiKUteK "and sp'cially iu Kan
sas. I heard tlie fTfary of irosMrity,
Business Is flourishing. Eiiiployinetit
is g'iieral. and prosperity-rule. Aeoiii
pan'ied by friends I visititl wveral
farm houses. It was inost interesting
to ilea r the wives and daughters speak
of thefr bright prospects, and it was
escciaii.v iiiieret-iiiiK 10 near mom say
that, while they knew lietter than to
supjMise that MrKlnley was responsi
ble for the good harvest, yet It had so
happened that they could not lie! 1 as
sociating his administration with 'heir
present prosjierlty. One woui-iu ex
pressed the sentiment of a whole sc
tion when she said. 'Mckinley did hot
frive us the liarrnMt ' ,'lmt V 1 Ud 4t
him we got the harvest, and I am
willing 1o keep him as long as we can
keep the harvest. ' ! ,
' "While I know that expansion is
popular, I was not prepared for -the
enthusiasm I found on the subject. I
soke on expansion In Kansas. Mis
souri, and Iowa. I a m not exaggerat
ing when I - sjjy that the applause I
received was as generous as the senti
ment ever n'celved In New -York City.
The fact is, that tliere is nio-e expan
sion sentiment in some pnr'.R of tlie
West and Southwest than fliere Is in
the East." Dr. MaeArthur-was the
Wt at the Democratic convention of
some local delegates, and he-' expressed
himself as much surprised at the ma
chine, and : evidently' pn?arrauged.
methods of applause. --What impressed
idm most, lie said, after the evidence
of Bryan's "imperial" control, was the
dominance of the Southern men. He
said: "Another characteristic of flu
convent ion whieli uimtrliuwl ami inlor.
est:d me was the wail of wk of
which every sieech chiefly consistel.
Attendance for a few hours was de
pressing in the extreme. According t
the burden of the1 siteeclics. there U
hnr lltil..
o"p "i rv"l W-l UMIIll, tin
pul.'llc. Indewl. there is no hoi m of
doing so. except the Democratic party
be intrusted with the management 'of
the country s affairs."
A LOST MAN. The Statesman Is in
ncelpt of a letter from: Mrs..Thonias
Ie. of rortlaud, Inquiring as to the
whcnnbouts of her huslnind. Thomas
Ixe. who was last heard from In this
stH-tion of tlie valley. -Mr. Iah is urgi1!
. 1 . . t ... 1
10 come uoiue s uin moilier lias meii.
and his family is anxious to have him
at home. If -any reade'r of the States
man knows of the wherealiouts of the
man soturht. he -will confer a favor
by calling Mr. Lee's attention to thes
lines. ----- . - I" . '
.To . accommolate those who are
partial to the tise of atomizers in ap
plying liquids into the nasal passages
for catarrhal troubles, ..the proprietors,
prepare Ely's Liquid Cream Balm.
Price including the spraying tule is
TTi cents. -Druggists or by mail. The
liqnid embodies tlie medicinal proir
tles of the Solid preparation. Cream
Balm Is quickly alisorbed by the mem
brane and does not' dry CT the' secre
tions bat chances them fo a natural
and healthy character. Ely Brother.
5G Warren St, N. Y. i