'Jin -ISSUED IN.. SEAII-WEEKLY 5ECTJONS ..EACH TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. ooboooooooooboooocxo i i i k0 SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1900. SECOND SECTION EIGHT PAGES . i flX I I I I I VJF- I I y I 1 11 - - s , . . 1 . - S(SS Il wli AT THE NEW YORK RACKET They're solid comfort fi Hnta o t - " '"ucr. x rices pc, i. ei.oo and un Summer underwear for everybody. Just the kind, ydu U113 weather. 'JMen a stiitnmoe onnU ;n ki.u ui j' , , . . "ja? m uioiK, ujuo ana era v. rr rices SS2S- SP SQvlts ??-40- and .eS.', Men's ilk front r'4;- .uwano.ine coolest shirt on the market; Prices 60c, 75c, and $1.! Crash hats from 25c up. Wo do business on the spot cash plan and can save you from 15 to 25 per cent, onl nearly erery thins m onr line. Don't frrt no wi,an it r shoe. Best values in the city in p. m. daring the summer months. Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store E. T. BARNES, ANNUAL 'SAtE 10 per cent discount email shoes. ; One year ago we inaugur ated our annual shoe sale. Our customers "Will remember the wonderful success of our monster shoo sale. ' This month we will have the greatest shoo sale ever heard of. Ten per cent, discount on all shoes. All goods are marked in plain figures. cA SHOE STORE i i i 94 STATE Belgian I have just received auother shipment of .Belgian. Hares. I can supply your wants in any price. -Will guarantee gbods a? represented. Write us your want?. Engle Wood Rabbi try , C.D.MNTON, - - - Proprietor n All TTCH f kVcr. Vs! The rre rindr for nrtmi pritrtio n4 U dlee Of th tMi(mtlT 1 ? onnuu ot ither mi, ticti Nrrooa PrmtrUon, FftlUn er Loi Maabood. VT . t ui.kt i. KmlxliuiL Vnnthfnl Error. MOBUl Worrr. tKmlft aM i mi" ' to.. .....7w.. .kl.k l.rl nivilnf!ff. Nicrhtl 1 ' of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption tad loftaniiv. With I CTm ittfVQ i order wo runraau-A to fum r r-f-jn' th monT. Sold a $ 1 .OO pe W I W USI.Mj. c boxes fo ea.O J. 1U. HlOTTfl t UliJIICAL CXM ClaToianM 1 1 J-UK bAL,L liX FINE JOB PRINTING I LEGAL BLANKS 300K WORK . 266 CemmerclMl Street. SiTATCnAn JUD UrrtC. Geiieral Wood Opposed we: t.i T1i .mHt n IVasti Goods 5c Beautiful Lawns In all colors. 10c Conletl Iiwns worth 13 cents. 1p NVw Dimities lavender, pink and JUblue floral designs, worth -Jc. Cc Dinaitiea worth 2Tc a yard. r,:rs. flower ;ls still withes. Come and see liefV fi BS r - : . these lines. Store open' until 7 ; Proprietor STREET 5 UITALITV i. rvniinmntinn ftnfl Inumu. With rt Br ita. ALL. Military Government of Santiago liM Hares gi ve: tcjp nr .Mill rt HtiM'k of HflO DlniitU'H. OrSTHfHl !-!, I-rtWIlM ?tr. Yes give It up frefly and cln"erfully to our customers. Beta use we want to close them all out without delay. We are not the kind to stand and grumble, we do a big business even tiiese doll days because we are giving up the profit ami more to. lAnSolid pInk.Mne. lavender, yel Utlow etc.. very fine qualities worth Hoc. (C Jaiane8e C'r,nk,'?8 wortl ?5c WAR IN CHINA Russia Has Proof ol Pek in Massacre. Horrible Details Given -1 by a Chinese, Latest Jtpauese Report from th B ' ' leaered Legations Cavalry " 6tarta for the Orient. ' LONDON, . July 20. "The Washing ton Idea of sending CoimnUslouer Rockhill to China. to inrestsato con tlitioiM there, nays The. Standard h11 torlally this morning, 1 an excellent one. ami nilgtit adrantaseouly Ik imU ta ted ; hy th British ' a nd ot her Go r- erunier4ts.' The , Chinese ' aMertlou! that'lnembera of tht fprelgn legations are atlll Bafe lMtvufj bep!,' o often re peatixl, that' theyi are 'again befdnnlng to raise hopes In some tjnarters. Ac cording to the Dally Telegraph's" St. Petersburg correspondent, however, the Russian government Is already in possesion of defiuite news that all for eigners ia I'cklu were massacred Jnly Uth. " ' : M. Iel Casse's circular only goes to prove that so far Powers have .failed to arrive at any concerted plan of ac tion. The Yokohama correspondent of the Pally Mail nays: . "The Japanese txrrespoiV(lents charge the Russian soldiers with apfal'J? ! barity toward tlie Chinese. They de clare that Pel -Ho Is full of corpw-s of women and children; 'atwl tlmt the Russians loaded 30UO boys' on a Junk and burned them." ' HORllB&in41 5 Ixndon, July tX-tThtf SUanghal cor respondent of the Daily Express says: "Intense: Indignation Is felt here at the honors ; in Hong Kong that have been accorded to IA Hung Chang, who is looked nion In , Shanghaiitis -tlui originator of the whole fiendish, antl- foreign plot. "A Chinese nierclant, !wtio has Just arrived from Pekin, gives horrible le tails of the massacre. He Kays he saw European woman hauled Into th street by nhripklng. Boxers, who Btrip- ped them and hackel t hem to pieces Their dismemlereI limlw were tosse to the crowd . and carriel off ' with howls of triumph. Smim were alread; dead, having leen shot by foreign civilians. He says he saw Clilns soldiers carrying bodies of white Chil dren aloft on their spears, while their companions shot at the bodies." A JAPANESE REIORT. WnKhlnoion. Jnlr 10. The Jananese loiratlnn here has made nubile the lat est ; communication - recelvetl from Baron NIssl. tlie Japanese minister to itin Thi telerrram was received trwlnr. nt i hi lcirnt Ion. from the JniMtn- es -minister of foreign alTalrs. and is imiiortant because of tne oate given. Tlie telegram was tiateu J my urn bv the nender. the Jatmnese consul at Che Foo. anl Is as follows: "I received on the lUlh, a IIsiiatcii from NIssl, dated Pekln, June 21h. The letter was brought by a special messenger a Chlnestv who left Pekjn Two Years Ago Today. Wash Goods lfrF'ne Imiorted Organdie worth 4Ut a yard. Qp Cordwl Lva blue and white JW worth 15c. 20cf Navy Blue Organdie worth 23c yard. 45C! Fine Silk finished novelty worth GO cents. I3C Plue Dimity with bow knot JU- terns worth 20 cents. A professions! tzlr dresser and demon strator Is atcsrstcre July 1st .and managed to make the Journey with difficulty,, Tire substance of the letter is as follows: The situation at IVkln Is extreme ly crit lea L-The foreign legatkmx are snrroundel on all sides ly - Cliineo Hddiers. and bumtiotrtled day apd ntctit. The Immediate disiatch f reinfon-e-ments is ; necegsary for rescue from our precarious condition, CAVALRY STARTS. St. Iaul. Mtnn July ltl. TwLiy the War i; Departuieut ha Ihxmi in com munication with CSeueral Wade, in command or the- .Department of the Dakotas,; to hurry the First cavalry through to Seattle not later than July 2tlth, and to sail from that port not later than July 28th. A Lirge shli uient of horses for this regiment left for Seattle today;. While the First cavalry Is nnder or tlers ostensibly for: Manila, but the regiment will probably be diverted, to China. , - European; bickerincr. Washington, July 10. In the ab senee of direct news from China, this morning, attention was directed main ly to the more, orlen seculatlve stor les emanating from European capltot.v Indicative of discord among the .Pow ers..' It Is realized that these little ebulltlons of mufnal suspicion always characterize allied inovements, and are to be exiecteil in the present crisis It can lie stated that, so far as the official record discloses, there is abso lutely no ground; for them. There is not the -slightest diiosition on the part of our Government to' follow the example of certa in ; Europeau powers. and restrict" In any uvea sure the liber ty of the Chinese minister i here. Mr. WU, In communicating jwlth the Chin ese viceroy, ami whatever remains or the titular Chinese t2overument. It war should attualy and formally oinm btween Russia 4nd China, that fact might oblige the other Powers 1o du one of two things either Join In the declaration of war. or withdraw their forces from Chinese soiL The developments j In the military situation were the formal designation of Brigadier Oeneral Chaffee as , a Major- Senera 1 of Volunteers, and the maklug of other arrangements for a prolonged campaign on a large scale in China. . THE CRANK CROP. 1 Washington, July 10. The tlovern ment authorities; are finding, the pre eut'j Chinese agitation is having an tiKiutl effect of stimulating cranks and agitators, and many of the highest officials are receiving a noy nonius let ters containing threjits. The Cbinene. otticials also are victims of foolish ef- fnsinos. They are not onslderel ser iously, however.' and the officials ljs niltt. tlietu as from Ignorant persons. THE ITjALtAf TREATY. Washington. July 10.-The State DeiOTrtuietit s! toilay made public tho text of the reciprocal commercial agreement between the United States and' Italy. ''..j-,?:v-:;. '.' ....': FOUND HIS -COWS. W HT Salvage, who' lost his five fiiie Jersey cows, n last "Monday, and who feared that his fine animals bad !eeu stolen, yester. day iH-overed the lost Jersejs, finding them, near home, but somewhat the worse, lor wear. Near Mr. Savage's home a large amount of cordwood. le loiiging to the insane asylum, had tecu Btncsed up"u two pjimllel piles, eight feet high, the fHice ltwe!ii the piles varj:lng from four feet 1o six im-lies. The cows lil jiassed in ls'tweeu thes ricks of wonI, . presumably for shade, and had wandennl In 13i feet, when, arriving at' n narrow place, lieyond which they (Willi not. pass. tlM-y stoj stl. unable to pet out, and here they had stood three days when accident ally discovered; last evening by !. A. Clark. Mr.U'Isrk hastily ii.MitJel Mr. KavageV and help was'at .oii-secured to extrhwte the -ows from tleir tm eomfurtable' iKwItloti.- which was done by lmcklng them oirt from Ix'tWi-cn the piles of wood.- If the -ows bad tMft Ken found soorn death would have rer stilted -front Twant of ftssl and drink In a short tlnw. . ;' - '-! "'-! WflV TItK. I't'lVTIio rtitIlflWA Indian" Itoys yisferday defeatel the Oregon City uasetmii trim at (iiaa utone Park, by a wore of 1H to 8. there by winning the Chautauqua cup. tin? ,Au .r.r nitt mi lir hi AtuUM-iil tloll i j-i . . -. - - - - ror these events. ! nemawa,-,has an unbroken rtMrd of victories won this Mmn. every club: coming up against tlet rindlawt having met defeat. This makes four cups carried off by Che- dLiinond. three from the CliaiitaiKina Association In as many years, ami one for defeating the Mult nnmaht oft Jnlr 4th. On toDiorrdw iKntnniDvl ' afternoon the Chemawaa and the TorpeUeft of Portland will play an exhibition; game at tiiaustone I'ark. :t : ,- ei li t vrV ' KriATlR. T Is. re- nnrtMt that tV-nil OHMCS of SlliallnoX. In mild form, have appeaml at Imle- iwndenee-. '; antl tnat tne resiaenis that place are taking the .greatest n-niitt.n a?atnfit - tike dlsense T . ; spreading. A man named Owen, a saloonkeeper., who reeenuv reinrueu rr.n. P.n. Vnrap It In nd id. lit tieliev- ed to nave lironglit; the disease" with him, while another story lays it at tne door of another retnrnetl Nome gold seeker. A numler, of icopI near Inde pendence are said to liave teen exfios; eok and. vaccination, as. a preventive Is uemg resoneu io. r POINTEID j PAR AG R APIIS. The thorns -remain long after the ...... M - J - : . rose- oar nw.i An outward laugh ofttlmes conceals sin inward groan. i oroe people seem to enjoy deprive imr others f enjoyment. . . i ' There are evidently too many doc tors or. not enough Invalid . No mas Is. able to see all the sides of the simplest question. . w r But few things that are worth ha v lag are to be bad for the asking. . SATALLifilf Kentucky Democrats in a Con Yen t ion Fail to Perlect Tiieir Or ganization. Kx-Senalor Dulwi Unable tu Control the Ffislotilsta in Idsho-rWill Try il ieatu. I.EXINtiTON. Ky.. July t. A large and disappointed.1 audleuee.-was IhUI all night berv at the pavilion.; The state Democratic convention had taken a recess at till H:3tl p. m., exiRH-t-ing the comnilttces to report In the; evening, the cauveiitiou to conclude under a btillutut lluui!u:itloii with the nomination of tiovcruor lH-kham. But, Use comiulttei-s on credentials and '"resolutions were unable to agree on their reports, and the large audi eiwt wus kept waiting in vain ail night for the c'rowniug event.. THE IDAHO FUSIONISTS. Pocatcllo, Idaho, July 11). The three silver Conventions sis-nt all day walt lug for their committees. The confer? ence committees came to u dendltnk on the Qiiesriou of uom illation of a United States Senator. They tinally ivfertcd the matter to their respective conventions, the Silver Republicans declaring there should le no apiH'ttlou mcnt of offices until It was tlecldetl that the Senator should 1h noiuinatctt, aud tliat the olflct! should 1h appor tioned iu the division of ollices. : Tlie Populists and Silver Republicans at once ; imissh1 resolutions favoring the nomination of a Senator. . The matter -a me into the Democrat ic convention at 8 oVltiek this evening and the project to nominate a Senator was defeated by a vote of 123'to 121. The Vote disposes of Dubois' eham-es. according to the opinion of the iollti al lerders. . - . ; The lustunt the vote was nnnonnced, a demand was made from Bingham for a recount, the claim being liuide that the totals did not correspond with the figures. Unanimous consent was lack ing to grant a reeiftr. iye .Dulwls eafs Hngfeg.tlo at he e SeuafVr oohis. and plnus to defeat, the result are being drawn. The fight will be MHiied again In the morning and an effort made to undo the work of to night,, .-;::..t ...'' "--' '.-- - '-?: DAKOTA DKMOCRATS. tlrand Fork. N. Dak.. July Itl.-The North Dakota state Democratic . anl Independent Democratic iwirtles. in Joint convention tislay. nominated M. A. wIpiHTinan, for dovernor. i ,r TO HIS REST. Akron. O.. July 10. Hon. Sidney Fdgerton. agel 82, died Iwre today. He was first 'Just ten. of the Supreme Court of Idaho, aud first Coyernorof Montana, having ,lieeu appointed by President Lincoln. He V was twice elected Congressman from this dis trict. , -. t ' , : .' WITH ATHUiTICS. Americans at Paris Kxttosltioii Were : ' IlandicapiNsl. " ' Paris, July 10. The manner In which the: American athleb hatl been sweep, Ing ttte field In the Internal lousl games. In connection with the 1'uris Kxposltlon, oiKnel the eyes of the or ganization, and the result was shown in the handicapping of the day, which practically left the Americans out in the cohL The effect uiiou the Ameri cans was demonstratetl by the fact that, whereas on the previous days they had secured four-fifths of the games, today, out of niue events, they captured only, one first, with lfour seconds and five thirds. ' DROWNED IN ALASKA. Thirty People Lose Their Lives In the . Waters of 'the lukon. Seattle. "Wanli., July 19. Thirty teo- iIe are reorteil to lwve leen""drownl in tlie Yukon, Iwtween Its mouth and Anvlk, during the mouth of June. The news was brought down by J. C. Cham!ers. who arrlveil here today on the Setinola frdin Nome. Cham Iters learned tle names of only two of the dead. -Tliey wer; Shorty Powell and a man named Armstrong, both of Ml nook. They were going down the river In small boats when overtaken by a storm. ... ARIZONA IS SAVED. Rains Break the Drought and the Feo- pie Are Happy. : Tboenlx. Artz.. July B. The great est drought in the history of Arizona was broken today by light showers in the opper part of the Salt river val ley. and tonight heavy storms are gathering. Tlie drought has liwn' ex cessively damaging to stock and busi ness of all kinds. HORSELESS ARTILLERY. CbW-ago. July A piece of borse- less artillery, otherwise a :lfs rapid tire gun, tuouuted on an automobile of special construction,, today started on an experimental trip from Fort -Sheridan to Washington. The vehicle Is driven by gasoline. The endeavor la made to deiiKnstratei that the Inven tion Is practicable for use -In actual warfare. TO CARRY TROOPS. Victoria. R. C July. 10. Won! was icceivcl here today by the local agents of the Niptoir Yuscn ' Kaishii line, eon ucctinc With tlie mt Northern rall road,' that two of their vessels, the Tomi Marti and the Klnshiu Mam, li.id Ihm'H lmpresml by the Japanese tlov crenieut to carry tnsis to Taku. Only one vessel Is left ill the service. . ANOTHER VICTIM. The Willamette Claims a Young Man at Portland. . Iortland, Or.. July 10. Philip C. Cox, collection teller. in IjkM & Til- . . -. i . . I . . .i.i.. ..jr..... lull n twilK, nun um (ini linn niii'i- uoon while swimming in the Willam ette river. He was pelxcd with craiups WANTS TO FUJIIT. (.'hh-ago. 111... July 10. (General Jo seph Wheeler, commander' of the le iNirtmrot of the Iakes, has nskeil the War Dejartment to assign hlui to duly 1 in Claia. WENT TO CANTON. Washington, July 'ID. President Mo- Klnley left for Canton.- Ohio, toniglit. COST OP "PILOTAGE. HKI'ORT OF f ILOT CfiMMISSIOMKRS riUD WITH THK UUTEKSOK. Schooner la Cm Sadly In Meed of Bplr Receipt from VeU Catered and Uepitrted. S. Farrell, K. W. Tallaiif and Martin Foard.-the Pilot-Commissioners of Or egon, yesterday Hhnl thir animal re port for- the 'year.- ending June 3th. The rctsirt says in iKtrt; Imrlug the year the loard made the regular seiu I annual tours of Inspec tion, finding the 'pilot' service elliclent and witlK?.ictory. The following pilots now hold branches ismied by this lioard: '.'..''' - - - River pilot s-"iJ. Reed. W. If. IVpe. W, IL' Smith, A. U Pense, V-' A. Belts, IL- Kraklns, P. fi' FercneiiV W. II. Pat terson. J. L. Turner, T. II. Cratig. A-i-Balley. H T. Vroves, 13. Sulllvau. f Bar piiotHk-iJ.'J.-Mc Vicar, M. D. Staples, P. C. Cordlner, H. A. Math ews, , K. Joliiison ' A. K. Cann, C 8. Gtindersou. The schooner, San Jose,'' belonging to the ntate, and the schooner Joseph Pil Iit.r.er, ' owned by. the bar pilots, have Ihhmi outside 'the-bar pilotage grounds constantly, affording as gool service as iioHsihlc to tin commerce tf the river; the San, Jose Is outside nt I ho present time, but is not. In the condi tion 'she ought to lie for winter weath er, owing to the last legislature's fail ure to make an appropriation for the malnleriaiHe of her; at the same time this lioard. In order to keep her sea worthy, was obliged to e.MMid a little money on her or tie her up. and tin Marine Insurance had also to le paid. all of which, the same ln-Iug a very small amount, we trust to the nxt Ieglslature to-provide-an approprla-" tlon for; we" also wish to t all jour at- lenton to tlie fact that, on acctiuiit,of there lKIng no appropriation matle by the last-lycgtslatnrc for the pnrpone, the Kcliooticr has not Imh-ii kept in the repair that she should have lx-eii. nnd at the 'prewnt tliiw her sails are In tt very bad condition, and the' pilots ar ciiutluually notifying us of the same; so. In order to keep her In cominlsMloii. some money will have to be exis-udr-d on her shortly. (The pilot charges for the Ilwal t.ir ending June as reported' by tho pilots, are as follows: - Inward bar pilotage. ..... . .f l'i.wr. 4.T (lutward bar pilotage. ...... lZ.V.Ki 7 Total.. .. .. .. .. .. ..f-'Mil 13 Up river pilotage. ....... ....$1218 11 Down river pilotage. . a.sxi 'jr Total.. i. .. ...$mVJ ai I Total pilotage.. .. . .i ..TJ.7(M IH ! The report shows the total toiinagt; enguged in foreign antl domestic trad it as follows: Vessel entered. No. Tonnage. ioniestlc. 'Jtr'CJ Foreign 4. ........ 1 19 r..;tr Vessel cleared. No.. Tonnage, tloiuestlc. ....... KFJ 17i.l;-' porelgn ..l."K) 2i2,V,'j 6RZA T BAX6AIX3 lit BtLblAXS. Writ tor prliea r enqmlr at 91tttmtn ,. . office. r. A. WtlCH, SLAiei. ORZhOX. fff B " " ';'- -. ' Nfcx . '4f fT 'cX