Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, July 17, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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to fa memory. qr jrnK late t. m.
Laid to Best at Maclcay, July IS, I900
(From Daily Statesman, July 13.)
Oregon I kising ber pioneers. , :
; The funeral of P.: M.-'Kice-was con
ducted at the family home on llowell
.IT;Urie-on Friday.Iast at 2 p. m3irs.
Addie Short officiating. 'Tile address :
given by Mrs. Short was full of com
fort, to the sorrowing family. The
singing of approprkite. stings by Mrs.
and -jMr.ijOiarlev Short was rendered
tenderly, ami the obsequies were most
touching. -' ' J
A large '.concourse of friends attend
ed the retiialu to the Maclcay cem
etery, and Mr, Rico wa' laid. at. rest
by the-skle of his? ou Frank, wbo pre
cedfd hint some four years ago. . '
Mr. liice was married to Miss Eliza-ls-th
Stewart la 1834. Six, children
were given Jhemj fire sous' and one
daughter. Two wins, John and Frank,
ba re. lieen called up higher, ami those
remaining are Charles, Fred and Clyde
O. Itk-e and" Mrs. C. W. Stege. Tbe
.; mother is living and liears the afflic
tion with '.Christian, courage.
Mr. lUce was 1 torn in Tennessee 7l
years ago last April,-and while a young
man moved with ji'.s tatlurr's family to
Missouri. He came to Jhcguu ""the
plains across" J a, 18" 1. Returned to
Missouri in 1K"1. giinir by st amer Via
Cape Ilora, again I.Vavcd the" dangers
andrlals oi ' tuober emigrant .trbj,
eiira'tfiV to:Oreton in IS".;:. . ; -
He located in Unn county .alwiitt two
.miles south' of the 'present town n
'Scio. The writer rchitinbeH Weil tbe
spot wliere- the old :blaekiiiitli 'shop
Mood, built bvv Mtv I tie; in JUe early
.fifties, the boj being on the ' 'coimfy
road nearly opposite the pate b-adittg
Into the -'Frauki!ri ltiilt? Cemetery.
" Mr. Uhi prosecuted bis tnlc assid
uously for h nu is itcr of yearn, rumi'tig
blacksmith shops at : Sclo. Auinsviiie
aud Salem. Some twelve years us' he
purchased n farm on" 'Unwell prairie
and residd tm the same, continuously
since, leaving a line home a an .cart li
ly, heritage and a reputation that in
sures him a lieatriily 'home.
The testimony tof all who knew and
are familiar with1 lit? life work ca mint
Ih oilier than that Mr. Klco was a cowl
and tipriyl man..
Itelng a iucmler of the M. K. cbtircb.
be livl n, consIsfeut'Vlirlslian life for
more- than half n centursv ' .
lIls.illiM'' was of siiort (duniMpn,
i'eing trouKrd wiih, IJi" malady te
heart disease, be realiz-l that at any
trotiirut Hie ni'ssnger fidglit call him.
its was;evideiicel by: a' word: hom Atiux
on lawt Sunday. bo in -owpany witli
Jits .wife' visited his son Frank's grave,
be said: "I exMH-t souu to Is? laid at
resl by Frank's side." ' l
Heroic jTreatment.
I don't .airree with voul . I set? no
obligation , whatsoever. To, Im.jinUe
frank --;" . , r . , . ;
He iKiHscd abniptly.jr.- He. wasact
iiii lly blushl ug4 bnt tin? faipt tinge
radetl qukkly from his checks, and
left them uutistialiy palll.l.
"Yesr sahlj Lieutenant Winston,
encouragingly nud quite uiiblusliing-
iy. :V&r.: --'-' -' "'':
"Oh, I don't know!' staiumercl the
oflier man. "M you really serious?
If s6,'you nmsjMjiiirdnn me for
wiylngi so-U ltlief1 ihej most UVat'llesj
; lMggar I over aiel-of the iu -.st ali .unl
Jy Kcnsltive.' U: ' ' :-:'.V".- "
"In other word, a knave or a Mlth-!
ering idiot -chalet fonl. oi l cliapV" j
said Wiustou chorrlly
'lixactly! i inyM? it is. only a cri:
of temiMi'raty lusanify " . . , i '
, lr. : liford w .vW the ablest
of hc voitHC.-r1 plivsi !ans In tb West,
end of Itiib-': but. beinrr nl-o omf
of the most stupidly ml t f U'W -,
HM ti. ' his profl swtenal dmn' ln lv
sntliccit to pit yt Ike -rental nt bis rojai
Jn Grower ttrcet. - Sie day be m iy
dlseover that W Is jKVJ.t- t 1m- ovc--UMxlest
ami thst inward sel r d -tr-cistlon
leads to iH-iuiry, and tlwa lw
will remove to llarb y Mre t n
gin to make j progre.-:-. towar I "J-
. dots ; - s ; - " ' ' ..
Winston .Hit not fail to -observe t.w
tinge of cdor - on- the d ror s face.
rir m quic'x dis-ipptiniuc: but ju
pave no slirn ! of iH-.snMioii. Ne'e
iH-forc bad bo se.n bis r ol I c.dbg
hnui'Jook half si bamN ;e when
that fiiHting fbojv of.nsy cdor tint
ed the man's! checks tmr half so pa
thetically glum as whenjt vanishiM 1.
-She saved j my life I blnk you
will admit that, doctor? How many
women would have taken the risks
that she took? Would any other
.woman tu .Hie world h:m sacriti".l
berseir as sh did?" .
"Any nuniU-r of themr declarefl
the doctor, seiitetitloitsly.i althongh tt
flitting smile r uiHu Ida face said.
-Xoii of them, bless her. .
Your mediiiU men ;af tter1 f
Irearth- cynk-s' protest! Wlnstoit.
shruifffiiig bis bmid hwdder '
"I tierl v," ndmlttiHl .MetfortU ow .
I am so 'unroniantie as to attnlmi
your recovery chiefly to your cast iron
constitution, in r-ttllng gooil physi-eiau-mnst
swnd my owm m,,I"," t
if vou wont Mow -It for me-aml i Old
Nick'a merciful tonsleration. utr
cup of iniquity Is not yet quite brim
ful: vour liver and all the rest of you.
including your heart, are as sound a a
Ih-11." "V i ,-i--'.. , - . '
"I know will what I owe you. Mft
ford. old cbapr said the mmvalosccMf
In a grateful tone, and with an affec
tionate grasp of the biceps of tbe dn
- tor' nearest arm. " ou don't apiear
to be aware of it. but you're "a long
the cleverest - mcnu-ine man m
Iondon. beal and shoulders alove all!
tlie rest of 'cm. JT you wenii smn
a -onfoundeilly mobst least -" - '
"Skittles:wJnterJeCte4t lds physfcian:
In much confusion. "You -ant think
Jiow I bate, that kind of talk T V.
"Neyrlliclc.xs, .1 qwno It. old' cluip!
Just voii tlibk'the matter over seri-
ouilyiavellitii nrm-eed- LlU&5iL:
war m f VI nertd-wh' ly the
lolraiiiy poort stock
... ,. -. -tc .."
"a Tefy different from the onlinary
iSSSLl'UV M that-
tiiose weeks when inr tt
Wlieil IIIT Ton- mln,1ila
soteTvis i0,,lf r ,1ir!ad- he ab"
solutcly saerihced berself to save me.
, , f.' ' ' "- vunieij
miRrdevotioo. Not very complimeata-
rT tO TOIL Wlf ' - - : . i '
"Mrs. Trevelyan Is modestv and t-. I
crj oiner grace personiliedr decbirel
T: -.7 far 38 1 'oul,
but . .w:niiwii nerseii almost. If not
iuive, as magryncentiy as as the the
lWMl nurse. . . '
bat s it inav. tersistd wiri-lht
ston, "I liave chatted "the matter over!
ery wriousiy with my sister, and she
says, imprimis, that. Mary Wethered I
is, liartlng tbe.win-'s: an ahirel: m-c- !
omUy,. that; Ihe said ' angel t without
wings would" make a Jewel of a wife.
nrruiy ana Hiosi. trouHcsoui.-iy.irieU til year or so, I may let lier Into
that I-;smll , ls..the most: Tiuznittf til
wast pa .ea nil and the. ;stupint 'old
ouhit ;ir. t Iout;KrraLhtway flet 'the
uidy iknow r-tbmk.;so. Unfortnaarely.
as i protesteri to my sister.: :iud lian
admitted to you; I -an"t uiiejirlray
itwit l am th least' bit in . love with
Miss WethercfL I like her very much.
j-ou know, anil all that sort of thing
possiHy more than I like any other
girl of my acquaintance and I : have
reason to believe that she b not entire
ly Indift'erent to" me, and that V If I
only : ; . ' '
The doctor's lips curved scoriiTulIi'.
Involunfarily, and a glow of color that
was hardly a blush suffused bis face.
And Jess tells me," continued the
young oflicer S ImiK'rturbaldv. "'that 1
might do a very; much worse ! thing
tb'an- marry Alary ;Vethen L ; You I
fcftow, old cbap. I've led a devil of a I
life In India a no elsewhere! Terrible
lot of racketing We anirv men. voul
I?hov-; So, you see, old fellow, I-cr-j
oli-i-you know I well cr-love 4is for
me a it ream or thin joyful l pat..--aml I
pot i vision f the figure. Miss Weth-I
cri-r knawleidiie cf nursiuff micht !
invaluable to jiio." . i v t ? v
5 Met ford grostnetl audibly. i v
It niust not.lM-r be etclaiiiK'd.jn-
dlcnnntly. fSliall iiot lMr lie muttcr
ed itivardly.) "You ilon't love tlie cirl.
5'n ta-e ntlniittel It: you are not half
as find 'of h?r ns of that newest mm
of -onrs. il vi:iI1 iV.n to k.iv. iir half
a leon; -nfs pa In. ''and I don't sninHise
- -
l fflrcs a sraw for me. he reflected
bitterly,) I feel like kicking yonl?
lie looktl like kicking, likewise.
t -."K ick me. or tiiumn ute. or do what
von wlil, old chap! My feeling is just
this: I am a wortlde,s srt of fellow,
have gone the pace, end. ilon't deserve
tbe love of any woman in tis worid
"Wlat ma a ever did?" growled Met-
Oli. but you haven't a notiun what
l ti'orougn nan lot i vi is-cn; ionr
lorV so nubelievingr prK-HHled tlie :
kick worthy -oiivalcccnt. '! was eo-
!ac t tell you -Koitietbing that Jess
told me which. makes me .tolerably
sure that Mis AethereM wit, Jon
would only scoff. 1 never -knew such
a fellow as y;ou nioi my word! :
Mitford suiiletl illegibly.
The tKsitouJs a. very simple one.
b said. "Assuming that, from what 1
yourslster has lseu iarloii nu fori
saying so .ouwlsely susrstin$r to you,
Mary I. .mean Miss t Wethered-eares I
cuoukIi for you to marry you. n worth
ies , aud lietirtb'ss but tolerably gootl-
looking chap like you. who, as you
justly rtmark; don't leserve tbe love
nf linr-wnnuiiL nnr. for that !matter.
H " succession to one of tlie oldest and
wen ii u'!i iiji roi wt-ii" iu ciii:ii uu--
'He isihvihI, his' fa 'white' ami
drawn, lines visible upon it tliat were
not there when Ms debate began.
"You haven't any love to offer ; ber,
You don't know what love is. t You
irMTiiv want to cancel a suiiosel
debt of gratitude ty offering her your
looks, your wealth-cvery thing you
!ave except the only tiling tliat a wo
man likt .Mary wvtiiereu Hungers
for!"' - :
Fie was becoming eloquent, ' too elo-
qirent. rnd he xrceivel it.
"Iaivo will come lat-rVi Winston an-
cvcreil ccniidcntly: "vrmtitude is said
to ! nfcin to love. Tbe girl is not quite
:iy style, 1 admit; bur I like tier I
ii-n.il r iki. Old chap: She is Missaiiy
'oolbok;iig. although. I supiNise, one
.tmH hardly call her pretty
Jleiford tf!irtil. ii
'vlics well-su Hi clentiy. well, that K
Tnr drawing room purjH.wMs. TouI look
lH-ast ly 'scori! rut. ri . course you
i:Ut. aopriMiate " nnjliibig humbler
'1-a ti. It alia n op-ra. She .plays the pi
tf: bcarly as writ as .)f4 does, talks
Vttne-Uugly, bas, I must sny, the
rer't r't ' voJce I m:g j na bbv Whatever
yTm'n ay ch)oe to ff.ijv" you obi, calvo-J
fat'ns? i vnic. I am more inclinea. to
irr.'ce with mv sUlcr Jess that, if I
icturh to lud a 'Without asking .that
T'rf i 1-e mv wife I si.all 1m tlie stu
ru out and 1m the most
"nr. ..:in on tliMl': eartlu You won't
listen to my words ; of wisilom,
lonrse: for of all the pig headed,
stinate mules- " ;
-A somewhat ; inlxinl metaphor
lausheil Winston, unabashed.!
"Mixed metaphor be bangetl! lie a
,it. ami a ircntleman? t.o away nude
iin.il ami if. after roil liave bad six
moniliK to think aliout If. SOU feel
sonielhiiiR more than gratitiwie Stirrrnis
within voir ' rnsoiii. jrei six iuou
leave, return Jo Ingland. insert-, your
hiad Into the matrlmotilal uoose-anu
iniKtrixl to voU. ' v."-: . $
.1.1 rnir 'declarcil " the
i.i ii..iV.i..int :I like yonr onfomsl
in! iuipmkncejalklng alsutt lovel Why.
I do not Isdieve you iosses even the
rndlnn-nts ofva h.rtlTMtnnrtt gosl
chip, air tlie same! Yo shall Jhj my
liet man Tomorrow or the? next bty
1 shall Indite a byperl-dic epistle to
M iss M a nr. aski ng whether she ca res
enough for a fellow to wait for blm
until be gets his captaincy. 'It may be
yenrs. as tbe song says, but I flatter
mvself I am well worth waitrng Jor,
ami I don't propose to take the risk
f anv otiKr fellow-a cold blooded
cbap like yon. for Jnstam-e steopiDg
!... !. lists durinsr my alnoc.
Ar.ro.r.1 xvas sis-cs blcss with ron-
n, Winston slKuiI nave
: i . . . m t. .
proved" himself such an unmitigated
v -' -
it was that Miss
m1o was takinc a brief rest
. I inside, reeeive.1 two letters by
.. " ,.iion friHi the "nil-
.f thanking ber "ever
p'dest mit uiigraterul and most coin- itoesn t mean a norse.
cmptble' lieast cn cnrtlu" . I - plmh-ed It tbs-s," said Mary. I bare
"t warn you." sa'd Mctford warmly, ailsmk at home tliat says, stf." '-
H at I.' yini pTeteml to love Miss "Well." said the teacher, now thor-
W-li creU .in t let her pledge herself oitpldy interested, "you may bring the
o bne yuo. voa will m cut yourself l-oTto h1hh laud we 11 see almnt . It. .
.....t iri ui fin.l The next day Mary broiurht tlw
w'lijiii a u- ii- .....
during bis protracted illiies; ' tb. eth-
ler from the -beastlr oltl "T-ntf"J tlu
. muti luu ail lifer Kiannr s lt 1. 1 XTI
beastly old cynic, tlie
reply to wkkh it
UiAiS Si Print It "
1 -n t ,
seems almost like
. . 1 T . . .
v . . . .
"ow -Iad "n lwt teU youM Lave
loved you ?ver since the day that I
inrsi met yon; nut i never tlarea to
hoiH. that ' I should Is? honored with
I -m-
I imir r- tw k iwmir riiii
i v vcT.'-riTt."t?vr '
' And this is the letter that sister 3ess
wrote a day or two thereafter to ber
graceless brotlier:
. My Darling Iky: You did It Is-an-
Itfrullr. If I w-r. n-...i. vi K1Mit1
ilfii-tefl wltt a from , r. Rwt
cdnsrsicuous cailautrr.' I know' lw
fond of the irirl van had IwMi.nie. and
wtof ii must have cost you to act as
von lld. It wa tm hanl wm-k
wasn't it. ioor boy? Mary Is over! oy-
ctL Honw; tlav. M heii she 1ms teen inar-
iiart of th secret - of our cnsniracv.
Iut ;mumstne word for the present.
The Sketch. . .("H
An automobile and bicycle palace.
with an arvua for races and exhibi
i tlo:is. ;
F.lcctric bhips on the river Seine tliat
will go at the rate of fifty ' miles au
hour. .
A JatKinese temple and Oriental gar
dens, with dancing (Jeisba girls from
Toklo. , .
An American corn palace, with walls
of cornstalks and tower made of corn-
robs. I
A reproduction of the city of Venice,
with Its water streets, gondolas and
! ancient palaces.
? -. f i
, The, biggest wine cask In the worbl,
i 4." feet bish. with its top used r.s a
i dancing pavilion. ' ' .
I '"T f ; ; ; ;
Th panorama of the world, which
will irepr"seut a trip around the world
j in sixty minutes. , ' .
A restoration of the" burieil city of
f IomtsMl.- with lCoiiinn men nml nia-
i . ...
trons In the costuims oi eigntecn uuu-
tdnil years ago.
"Ills paper." remarked .Hungry
Hawkes, "says: I)e great man is most
rneonventional. His attire is always
a quite ingenuous negligee. Iafs tto
ilei for me.
Well. repliel Harvard , Hasben,
"that merely means lie's one of us.
onlv he's cot money. Philadelphia
Press. . ,
Forgive mo,'- my dear," said K ' tlie
cossip. humbly, "but I thoughtleissly
nientlonetl to Mrs. Brown the things
Hint you told me In strict forifldetH-e.'
'There Is nothing to forgive, re
plied the wise woman,' pleajantly.1"It
was lor that very puriioHe that I toUI
them to you in strict couOdetice.
cidcago Post. - '
; !. "
Flaville There ate only two kinds
of bachelors. " "
Myrtilla And who are they? ' '"'
Flavilla Those who are tisj timid to,
inis)se. and -those who are too coura
geous. Indiana polls Journal. ' .,
Hoax Is Ilanlluck the sort of fellow
one could trust? " ' ,
Joax ell, if you trust mm once
you'll ibnst him forever. Philadelphia
KifortL w
.... 3.- -. : ' .' -f
' '-
MiKsJFaj-ilid I'm sorry to have to
say nut. you nugnt nave reatt
tlie h'fusal in my face.
Mr. Fresh I in not good at reading
tKdvveeu the lines. Lx. '
i"I ; always get a cook as soon as
advertise lor one. saiu Airs, mjsiiick.
"I wish you'd tell me bow to do it,
ikIiIimI Mrs. Gazjcani. "I ailvertlse for a
cfok for a small family; and so on, but
get poor resuns
"1 a 1 ways. advertise for a lady cook.
explaining Mrs. Fosdick. Detroit Jour-
os thf; rkatl
Agnes Just look a t ' I Hdly's bathing
roln. - - , ... i
' 'Mav-Iionn me 3-our "nuirine glass.
dear. Ildladelphia North .American.
!"What Is a furlough? asked' the
"It means a borse, , was the reply of
Marv. 1
"Ob. no." rrplkil the teacher. .Jt
liook. and in some triumph opened to
.1 twice where there was a picture of
of I soldier riding a horse, llelow the pk-t-
..Vloro wer tbe words: "Goluir Home on
i - . ...
his furlough." Pearson v e-Kiy.
Little Elmer- Pai, what Is a politi
Inifssor llroadhead A loIitlcian
mv son. is a man wno nnncerw uu
M m
thirsts t sacrifice bisnsi'lf for Ids
oountry in times of ieace.
Summer IVwinler What Is tbe max
imuui temneraturc here? ' i
Farmer Itackwocls I can t say cx
a-tly. but yon can bet It'a as maximum
as it is anywhere:
StMiie woinen exis'isl more" nervous
energy? In getting a lot of ctotb to
cethcr 'tor a ".two-week vacatton" at
tlie seasliorcthan tliey ran regain our-
ling twice that time. - -
In Iarkest Africa. First Chief
Tf.jit's a dandy new 'war club yon
live Second ChiefIsn't it a Isaut?
If I could soak some white man witu
that, his burden wouuiu l twiner mm
Aunt Mebitable treading the :!.police
.....h n-s)WelL well! there's one
,i.n2 t',f ,u.Ver do. If I bad fifty rliil
,t,. 'A never same one of mem
j A!iaH. ecms as if they're sure to'go
wrong. J u Ige.
M RrJ Yw fjm k'vm Zxgt
Tinmn tW ' 4
Pr 'J A 'V Tl't finir'lTi1 stock Is well nigUxhausttxl by
' :
A tb rirl M. E. ChBlth oa SmmOMy- Cob-
" ditlmw la' Amlmrrmmpt Action
I'rseBtly K retired. -
Phop Larl Cranston, of.tbe M. E.
chfrro, who recently rtJurmil from an
extended visit in' Japau. Cored and
China; spoke o a large audience at the
FIrstiM E. churi h Sumlay morning.
bis subject leing: "China and the
Work - of the Missionaries His iutb
mae" knowblge of conditions at the'
seat of; the pn-sent trouble In the Ori
ent, together with bis splendid orator
ical powers; securvu for blm the clos
est attention of; bjs. bearcnC f i'v',
Tlie Uishoi- cniiliaslzed tlie lmpXrt-i
a nee of prompt action by the Govern
ment In sending troops to the rescue
of 'the missionaries and foreign resi
dents in Prkin, and declared that be
would nave cut all. the J-ed taje In the
world to have delivenHl The Americans
from tlie inieidittg danger. AVhile
admit ting that to the aggressions of
foreigners was -largely Vine the pre
vailing conditions',: be said that the
work of the missionaries was ut the
cause of the troubk? and that their act
tions were ill every way uefensible.
Tpe iKiple know but little of the
work the misstouark's are attempting
t do,: because they do not study the
question, but the church and those
whose duty it Is to direct it, are more
capable of ;spcaking lutelligenUy on
the subject than anyone .else.". lie de
scribed; Takii. as leiug,'sur'b,uuued Jy
a vast plain sprinkled over With the
grayes of the'deai JmOt up In mounds
alxivejhe gneral;8urfae of the iaud
Tbe action of the water and ruuulug
water have torn down ma uy -of these
and exposed tboli- occuiauts to view.
In this same plain are dug out reser
voirs in which salt water is conuueil,
to be. evaporated: for. J he salt It will
produce. This crude aud lilthy product
is shipiMHi to various ports of China
to supply tlie very necessary wauL
TKre are no rua'ds-except In the north
ern part of China", and militstry oiera-
tioiis will is carried on. wit u extreme
ditliculty. The cart wiTh a horse." cow
or mule littcbcel was . the ordinary
incuts of i road trausKrtlitiou and
sometimes you fiud all three of these1
ntdinals hitched in a single team. The
P. f sh op only saw one four wheeled ve-s
bide while in China, and tliat Is'lnug
ed to a uilssitmary. who bad imported
Hip. wheels from San Francisco. The
streets of IYkt'n are extreuiely crooked
and na'rrow. and uihjh the nuiiu thor
oughfare ypu niay find the meat render
ouicnenng jus; nogs ami mieep in
blaln view of the crowds thronging the
ways. .The city has ioor sanitary, far
cilities and every depression becomes
a e-ess iiool. . Iors,. widcji are found In
great, iiumuer, are me ,scy venders lor
ute city. , i lie luuaintants r an classes
are des-ribed as lielng jery suprstl-
tious. and a number of Instauees are
given to indicate' to what extent this Is
true. A man supposed to be born on
a , unlucky tbiy wears a ring iu Ids
nose to keep oil evil. Iy omcial order
a south wall, which bad been tainted
red,,ly tlw missiouarii-s , was rden-d
toru down, on the ground that a red
south wall invitil lire 'to destroy the
city. This south gate of the city Is
closed to keen. off . heat and. the west
jfate Is suposcd to 1r a Iwrrier against
a Hood. A foreigner secured a right
from tlie iKjverninent to sink a mine
and when he began his work the people
n the vicinity lsi-ame tcrrifh'd. claim
ing that the shaft sunk would pierce
the dragon's neck. The ieople paid
tbe man JWU taels jo desist from his
work. : ' ': '..,:'!'" . ..; '. ' : '': : ;
Tlie oil ucat ion of tlie iHple consists
of tearning lo,() chamcters. and to
reiK-at from tiieiiiory the sayings of
Confucius and other sjiges of the dls
taut past, i The proi-ess of edm-atlon
cl'nins China to tlie past, and under It
tlie Chinese cannot .become, a progres
sive people,-.. The struggle for bread
begins very early .with the Chinese an
Lists through life; this has made him
very cunning, and no ilejiendenee can
rsr'platjetl In anything be says In a bus
iucss transaction, ' There is . no xuch
thing as patriollHiu among them. The
Official of . the go-emment live liy
plunder from the pople ami Si jier
cent of the ' taxes levied- go- to the
official classes.;. : '
Tlie missionariH work Is not what
it Is supposed to lie. They teach read
Ing, arithmetic, geography and. history,
Tle people must Je taught to think
tefore they will tweak loose from thei
old Jdea and fiierstltkni. lli-licfon
is taught Incidentally, and the schools
are the primary and most inqtortan
part of the missionaries work, Tlie
true Christian missionary has little of
any responsibility for tlie troulde tliat
now exists In China-
It was said of this nation a few years
ago that it could not live half slave
and half free. !The Bishop declared
that the? world was smaller than iflie
nation was then, and that It cannot live
half civilized and half luirlidrlan. The
Irrepressible conflict lias extended Its
line to include the world. The con
test is on ami roust be (settled on the
blooTy fields of War or through Cbris-
tlan diplomacy.; , '
' A Moasjer Devil Fish
"' Dtstroying Its victinii'is a type -of
Constipation. -1 he power oi this mur
dcrous tnaudy iv kit on organ and
nerve and muscles and brain. -There'
na health till "it's overcome. Dut Dr.
Kirnj' Ncw Uie Pills are a sale and
certain curs. Be$t in the world for
Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, and Bowels-
Only 25 cents at DR.. STONE'S drug
store;. ' -
Millions of the flags have been usetl
in Iidnn"s ami natkm's rejoidng.
bartlly yet over. Millions more, neatly
liound ba ImiMlIes of a dozen or a gross.
are In the. warehouses of the whole
sale Imoorters. Otlier millions are
stacked in. Hie depots at tlie docks, a
tbev are unloaded f mm the trading
lim'm ; Yet t ber .millions are on the
Wav fnun Amerk-a , or in - course of
manufacture at New York workshop,
tbo recent demands.
, representative found out all this
lite by atx'idcnt when he- made the
round of the dealers to ask whether,
after the lavish purchases f lnntiug
for celebrating tlie relief or Mareking,
there was any left.
Outside a shop - In Aldermaubtiry
stood a vau lsing loaded with union
Jacks liound like the old lioman fass
of old.
"Where do they come from? All
AmprkflB,- said the
merchant jMr. I
Guitenuanl in reply to a query of tbe
re!siter. ..v-: '':..' . , ... ;
tSermany? T1k Gernmns can't make
goods of this quality at the price. Tbe
fact Is, tliat in America tlu-y are quite
accustomed, what with elections, war
fetes, and big ioi;ticl demoirstratkns.
to maklug flags of all sorts marvclous
ly quickly." " ;
."Put how dkl you get alt those la-
fcu Jacks at so short notlct?"
''Welt the suites do a big Jmsiuess
with C4inala. supplying ber with the
national flag and the royal standard
for great public occasions. So when we
ordered they sent from what was prob
ably?, large stock In band." " .
All this whik our Inquirer was look
ing at cute i a uk ee devices In calico
and iwiper huge fans that fold up to
a solid roll eighteen inches or so long,
awl festooned yards of evergreens aud
lKijHr flowers that you can carry in
j-our waistcoat pocket.
I Hwn in the Imwiucnt wtiere Mr.
Guitcrnian totk tlie reiHrter,1 it is
flags, flags, all sorts of .flags, front the
slxe of a scrap of note pnicr to six
fwt or' more square, -.There 'they an
packed in rows' of enormous cases.
with the words "New lork outside
them, so tkat there shall .be 'tin mis
take about the plait of tlieir torigiu,
and Just as they came from tin docks,
whpre rows of similar cases are wait
ing to be fetched as soon as there ; is
roolu to shelter them. 1
I'pstalrs Mr. Guiterman iwiintisl to
Avails of ctirdlniaru lioxes alout ten
liM-hes long.- ' " -
"Kach of those contains a thousand
tmttons." he remarks. TlHlMtxes limit
ber several bnndreils at least, so tliat
In this unc room then ure enunah tiny
chiTlar- enamel ;tlev ices to provide
Jsoinething like a million patriots with
enisle or .tis rauious n.ri' or ixmi
Itoln-rts. of her majesty, of the British
lion holding the unfortunate Cronj
suspended by the scat of the trousers.
And of tiie same remarkable animal
watching a cage where crouch '-.- two
tijrures lals-led VKruKer"aud "Steyn
Ml tastes jt an 1m suitcil. from tliat of
the rabid seker of lloer blosl to tliat
of the respectable citizen genuinely
pleased at the success of British arms.
"It is only by having machinery of
the most absolute iH-rfct1on," lie said,
"that the 'states' are able to turn out
such neat little things at tlie prlci
From a Birmingham manufacturer
could jiot-get eveu an estimate Jor a
supply of similar tilings. They haven't
tbe-machines, and tlrty. wou't buy. or
make tbeni.
."Why not?" . i
'. Mr. tiuiteriuan. shrugged his shoul
ders.. ",You can't change ihe habits of
a natlou all at ouee;4, Ioudou Loader.
' ". 1 " ' 1 i. V ' !
From the.Atbinta Coustltutiou.- 'Pol
itics" said Brotlier Iickey, "lie Ieeu
de ruination er me! Iu de bis clectkm
I. voted. fr two mens-r-wucMil -iilgHt
erUbij', en de Lord sen. Sunday! Bofe
er em couldii t git de oflice; one er em
did. DCiOiie dat lambil say dat ho
done sis-u' so much money In de rac
dat now Iie'd batter eeotioiHize . wkl
me, ci lie didn't have ti lit tin' .fer me;
I )e one dat git Jx-at ax uie how- 1 hex
de tfaee ter call vn : blm fer money
w'eu be didn't have no place ter lay
bis bead! Dat wint de ecu er It. Kn all
I .got out er de whole business wuz le
mis'ry in tny leF side, do rattliu' er de
i'raiu ca de campaign cetcli. '
In England the Lilac Is Considered
Fatal to Love Affairs. .
There are' many stiiieiWltlotts fancies
alsiut the lilac. It Is the flower which
is fatal to love affairs.
Though tlie m-ent is ro awet and
lilac tints are so fix-sh and lscoiiiiiig,
country cirls rarely wear this flower
as a buttonhole, "She who wears lilae
will never wear a wedding ring. runs
an old proverb. A Ismtonniere of lila'c
Is pal for dearly by solitary spiiister
hood. Tlie village maiden lets tbe
lilac bush jw-vercly alone. 1 ,
For tiie Mime reason rustic wise 'wo
menwith. " marriageable daughters
neyer allow a jug of the sweet-smell ing
blossom ihside tlie house. They de-o-rate
the -dutside wimlowsill with It.
Tat "there's no love luck alsiut tile
bouw" which contains lilac. ,
Ixmdoners are -not suierstitions. and
t boy gather the III.ks whk-li grow so
profusely in city and suburban gar
dens with a lightsome lgnoranv of tln
unlucklncss in love tills' charniiug
flow-r confers. Village i-ople cannot
understand why "clever !ndon folk"
know nothing or the traditions of 111
Irek about the lilae. '
To give -your sweetheart a sprig of
this fliwer Is a sure way to break tin
erlgagenient. White Iliac is said not
to 1 so nn lucky in affairs of tbe heart
as the nianve.t But .neither should lie
presented to a lover. It is supposed to
prove s fatal to love as an opal ring.
It will comfort the wearers of lilae
millinery and what I more lovely
than a toque of these white and pur
pie blossoms? to know j love laughs
at artificial lilac. It is only tlx; real
tree-grow u flower that comes between
a lover and bis lass.
Stony-learted bachelors have - Ieen
known to sprt a, lilae buttonhole as a
charm , against - feminine bbindisb
ments. Lomkn Express.
, ' ' - .. ' i .;,
- MMSw
Woman WIn Had Not Slept In a Ileal
Bel for Ten Years.
There is something positively iiathet
le to tne in the words of a depart ment
woman wvbont I ran across yesterday
afternoon. I hadn't seen her for sev
eral werks, and she told tne she'd
leen taking a two weeks vacation.
"Bffiiont of town?" I akeL
No." slie answered; "I've tiecn iti a
lopitaL Tlicre wasn't anything the
matter with ' mo not even nervous
ness; but 1 was tireil and wanted to
go somewhere wliere I could sleep in
a real led. You know I've l-cn in
Washington ten mortal -years, ami In
Jail mat time I we never slept iu a iwi.
j My sister and I took a house when I
1 -' t
came here
on h tcoftt In l he i.-i
IkSl 'IH of
those s6fA that split in the mkliiie ami
open out into an Imitation of a bed.
it hadn't any footboard, so-there was
not anv way of tnckJug Iu the covers
at tlie lHttonu For Mve years J slept
there, and six nights out of seven the
covers pulled off my feet.
When sister married I gave up the
house and took a room in a big apart
ment house. I bad only tbe one room.
so I bad to 'make It look like a -ittiiig
room during the day In order that I
might have a idaee to rectdve my
friends. I couldn't bear the Idea of a
boarding-house parlor. -.Well. Urst I
had a fvddiug ltl that looked tike a
wanlmU. It fell on me once and near-
1r HII.hI me. so 1 trader! it off for a
sofa. For two years I slept on that.
It wasn't wide enough to stretch out "
on. Iatir 1 Km cut n divan and hai
. . . : 1 1 ...... . . . I .. ... .x-.. t. ii It XT
Mill I'lltwn omi a - -
hadn't aHy footboard, of course, ami It .
badu't any sides tivbold tlie covers on.
aud it hadut any leudlonrd to kin p
tbe nillows from falling out at nl-rht
and giviug my head jerks that nearly
broke my neck.
"For ten years I vo slept In a scrap-
... ...
py way. .My wnoie existence mis oceu
sham. The mnkedHllevo - mil lias
lieen the sytntKd ot it. Two weeks
ago J went to the hospital. I bad n
Nil thaUlidn't try to le anything else.
I bad a Ndster ami a wliite issispn-aa.
I had a UhI wkk enough to slep cross
wise in a led that was a ld by day .
as well as by niht. I've le-ii to 1 1
springs, ami tne mountains. iiiijJr ine
seashore, but I've never tm-cu any
where where) I was so happy as In that
hospital. 1 1 stayed -In-, l'ssl two whole
weks doiug) nothing .bufgettliig solid
cvnifort, out of, that UtF, 1 am -on-tcnt
now to go lack to my divan ami
my shams. I've bad twoSvecks of Un
real thing, and my sou! Is made over
new within me." Washington Post.
Wlggs PKr eld soul! She doesn't
l-clievc as" much In the eflicaey of
pi-avir as sue n.i.- ; : '
agss-t-lou surprise me. r-no nas al
ways U-eli so cxtreusdy relii;ious.f
Wisrcs-iYes. but the ol her day she
gol ready to go Info the city, and 'then
she -discovered that she had only ten
minutes In which to catch the train.
So slie knelt down In-fore she start oil.
and for five minutes pn-d fervently
that she might catcli it.. v '
C5lller's TTiH-kly says: "You ran at;
the first i"e. did you?"' said the colo
nel of a .'colored regiment that disiiu
gulshcd' itself during tlie war of the
relM'lliou. ' . -.
Yes, ' sail. was. .the nnbluslilug re
ply, "an I would have run Hisuiah If
I bad kuowi-d It was comlu'."
"But have you no regard for your
imputation. Sam?"
. "Ueputatlon Is utitlln to me, sab, by
the side of life.". -"Well,
if you lost your life you
,, . 1 ...l...t . 0 ..
would nave-, tne saiisiacuou ot Know
ing that you o led for your country."
"What satisfaction would dat 1m to
me, sab: when' br "power of fcllln' It
was jroue?" !
."Then patriotism Is nothing Jo j imi,
"Xufflln' whatels-r, sah.".' ' '
' "If Our soldiers Were l Ike you. trail
ers miglii have broken up the govern
uicnt without resisiam-e.Vi-
"Yes; sail, dat's so; dere would hah
Ix-eii no ln-lp for it. J woudn't put my
life lulO de scah-s Kalust any nulN-r-iiient
that ls-r exlsteil for no guhcr
lnent could replaei de loss lo jne. 1
'sM-'t. thoiieh, dat d- JrulM-rmciit
would 1m safe 'mi IT if nil d soldiers
were like me, as eu dere couldn't lo no
tit 111'." , , '
It Is a notorious fact tliat pure while
clover honey Is a scant commodity In
the market. Much honey tliaj is sold
as such Is a ireparatlon of glucose. -It
is pmnouuci-d to Is as gisxl as honey,
and in this way the si-nrcd coiiHcleiice
Is salved over. But the conscience is
not scared by the thought that as
much is asked for cheap glucose as
the honest tuau receive for tbe genu
ine article, .in ssdl glu-os for Iioncy,
at honey' prices. Is fraud. - .There are
abundant laws against such frauds;
but thereJa no provision made for exc
cu tin tlie law. In. all large communi
ties there should liej-stabllsln-d a. de
part nient esSH-lally charg-d with the
execution of laws. At present, liltle
Is done soiih" cftizcns or orgaiilzall'in
coinpliilns. It Costs n fortune, formally
one M-rsoii to get Justice In! most
cas-s. Mii'hans' Monthly for July.
A new species of animal, wfi'cli aje
pears to la'-a Jiybrld Is-twii-n a dog
a mi a won, um-sis tne soiiiin-rn sr
tioii of WayiM' county, Missouri. Tin
animals have Lirge claws and cllml
tre'S as readily as a catamount.
Several hunter have teen danger
ously injured by tbe animals spring
itig on tin-ni from the liiulm of Irccs.
Yesterday a daughter of Jess Oslsirue
was crossing a pasture when one of
tin animals attacked tier, mangling
ber so that dth resulted.
The tieastrt lirk like n dog, run like a
dH-r and show all the symptoms of a
dog affected with hydnrphobia. They
fairly overrun the wood.'
A cable dlsiaitch to "the New York
Sou notes as something wonderful
that, on the ex"-riiiiciital farm of the
Earl of Witichllsea, new varieties of
grain liave Is-eti ralsil by crossing,
liaising new varicln-s In this way Is
not a novelty; But the Karl b--rves
cretlit for doing "so miM ii In. the line
he has done. It is one of the sur
prises Jhatinore is not done in the
way of raising new fruits, vegetable
ami grains by crossing varie-s, than
by the Usual easy-going . course of
watching for accidental sjrt. When
we reiiM-mls-r . the Wonderful results
achieve! by I Sogers and Jacob Moore,
iit'arly u generation ago, with the arti
ficial crossing of the native and for
eign grape, one might reasonably lmie
for more Jatrer Ui this promising
Geld. Medians' Monthly for July.
His Little Joke. In waiiderlntr near
the sea rocks of St. 'Helena Oeneral
Ctonje pk-kl. ut a piei-e of broken
glass. "Wba J this?" enn uircd the
general. "It looks like a piece of i.-imp
shade." resxnded hi wife. '"Il'in! per
bntn it is tin shade of ."Sapob-oTi!" tine
Hour later tin English guard saw tie;
joke and grinned. Chicago News.
an.( ft ntcf :t. .
u the par ha- It