:ly o.uigo:; srAT::s.iA::, .Tuesday, july, 17, 19-0. ill from CANTor, LI Hang r.ftang Will Await Action : by the Powers ! EEfORE PROCEEDING TO CAPITAL Ha Directs the Operations of Friend J j Vieeroys and Controls the Tur - balent Elements. IX)NDONf July J-I .The scanty cable dispatcln-s received today add nothing to the knowledge, in London, of the Chinese situation. It Is stated posi tively, from Canton, that IJ Hung Chang will remain there until the al lied troops hare defeated rrince Chji- an'a forces, ami will then go north to lend his powerful aid In arranging terms of; peace, co-operating with Irince Chlng, Yung Iu and other pro foreign viceroys. For the present XI Hung ChWng considers that he can best control and1 direct the viceroys front Canton, and also keep In check the turbulent province of Kwang Tung. AH foreigners and missionaries have evacuated Wen ichau, and have ar rived at NIng r& 1 : i I The Daily Mail's St. Petersburg cot-- , respondent snx8 t,jat ,a ne 1381 si hours' liattle outside Tien Tsin, the Cossacks captured six Krupp guns and killed numbers ot fleeing lexers. The Chinese lost 3XK kIlled, including Gen eral Kek. ; I FKOM TIIK ORIENT, v San Francisco, CaL, July 13. TJlie ;."tranport..'. Hancock arrived ; tonight, .twenty-four days from Manila, via Nagasaki. She brought 101 general passengers' and 47 soldiers. Five deaths a mil two suicides occurred ou the voyage. . ' r j Consul General Ho Yow, represent ing the Imperial Government of China, in this city, has sent to the Chamber of Commerce a communication express slve of his regret al the outbreaks hi China, which have broken the cordial relations of the two i (copies, j IN SOUTH AFRICA. f j ? London,: July 13. Lord RoltertA las sent nothing 4 further concerning tne Nietral's Nek affair. I 'retoria dis patches, however, sliow that the Lin colnshire lost half their officerst in cluding Colonel Rolierts, who; was Wounded , and taken prisoner Strag glers continue to arrive at camp,' but few further details can Ik gathered. The British fought stuhltornly until nightfall, when the cavalry turned their horses loose. The Boer . report of the engagement places the British casualties at over .. In the lMrdepoort affair 'the men In the front rank of -the Boers won; khaki uniforms and helmets, and t)io dragoons passed them unsuspectingly, under .the impression, that they" were Hussars. The mistake was not dis covered until the Bocrs opcncd a heavy fire when the dragoons were 4X yards distant. . i i SUIT AGAINST MR. CORBETT, THE rOUTLAND BANK Kit CALLS t IT ULAI KMAIU i ! I Hints that Action Heeeutly Brought 'Apilust Him ror Damaea Is a I Political Scheme. J POKTLANI. Or July 13-Kx Sena tor II. W. tJorN-tt retnrndl toilay from rveaKiue, ror the jiarjw 61 filing, Ids answer to the Kuit brought agaiust him for $lmi,nfio damage, by K. B. Iter on for the alienation of hi wife's af 1 ftHtiona. Mr. Corliett wiid: I do not ! winh to prejudice the cam by publicly i disf uwing It Nre It U heani in court and can only repeat what I have said before, that, while I am willing to con tribute to charitr. I Will .lof-sn.t ;r nelf against blackmail to the bitter ' . - ' j. . j "I am In receipt of numerous lettem from different part of the -fate, all expressing the lielief that thl attack !on my penotMi) character Ih a gam of politico, and 'lar gotteu tip for the purpose of affecting me politically?' THE KENTUCKY fELD. Jl'RY FOR T It IAL OF CALHB POV- The lormer Secretary of State . ChargiMl with the Murder of Win. oeteI. Is EOIinETOW.-. Ky., July l.-Tlie jury was completed this inornmg in the case oC Cak-h Powers, former iee retary of State channel with Complicity in the tioelel fihmting. The first evi dence was beard thU aftemooiu i- Colonel Campbell, in stating the ease for the prosecution, reviewed the poli tical events of last fa IL Caleb Powcre be alleged, wan the most aggressive among those who sought to settle .the gubernatorial contest by violence, and to him largely was due the iuiiorta tion of the mountain "feudists" j to Frankfort. He claimed that it will le pat in evidence that' on January IUl Powers made use. of the state ment; "that. Mr. Ooebel has not as many days to live as I have ttngera on my hand." .' . t The prosecution will attempt to prove, that the shot was fired from Powers' office. TWJKNTY ROUNDS. f.-.. -' : San Francisco, July 13. Jack Tof- fatt. of Chicago, got a decision over 'Al Nelll, r California, hi the twentieth round. - -!. v r. -."'-. ADJOURNED LAST NIG IIT4 Charleston. S. G- July 13. The Na tional Educational Association closed its convention tonight. ' 1 . THE TRAIN RAN AWAY. TERRIFIC RACE DOWN A STEEP 4 GRADE IN CALIFORNIA- i Thirty Fruit Cars Plunge Down over the Trestle lielow the Station . ' at Sisson. - . : -r . REDDING, CaL, July 13. Last night, when a freight train bound; for Oregon, drawn by two engines," - was climbing the heavy grade above Up ton, a coupling gave way, 'and thirty cars loaded with froit .started back. They passed through Sisson . seemingly at a rate of seventy. miles an hoar. A half mile . below Sisson, seven cars broke loose and pitched over the em- lKinkrnent, .while the others continued on thei? mad course. At Big Canyon. three miles below Sisson, the run away train again parted, some of the cars flying the track and being dash ed to pieces, g The other ; half dozen continued over the high trestle around the loop, and finally shot off the rails below; Mott, after running ten miles. The; north-bound California express, is detained at Dunsmuir, and i the south-bound is at Sisson, waiting for the track to.be repaired. THEY RATIFIED. " Portland, Or., July 13. The Jemo- crats of Portland tonight ratitied the nomination of Bryan and Stevenson. at an enthusiastic meeting held at Cordray's theatru. C. . E. S. Wood and F. V. Holman, former Gobi Demo crats,, were the principal --peaker. They confined their remarks mostly to Imperialism." Free Silver was not mentioned during the evening. - i HIS TREES HEAVILY LOADED. . W. P. George Will Harvest Good Crop of Prtmes Observations of Geii- , k '. ial Sam Goldsmith. ' Despite the many discouraging re ports that have tteeu circulated troiu time to time regarding the prune crop this year, the reporter ventures the prediction that there will le an abund ance of this fruit when the -harvest shall have lteen completed otitis fall.' W. I. George, proprietor of the St. Elmo restaurant.- on Thursday ; visit ed his 2 mi ere fruit tract situated near Rosed ale south of this city and he found conditions most encouraging. On the twenty acres. Mr. George has 2WM prune trees, only one-fourth of which are of the Petite vari-ty, of which' four-flftlis of the frees will har vest five bushels each, the limits being a veritable mass of fruit." Mr. George says he will have practically at full crop of Italian prunes'.' the' trees In-iir ing all"th.-iMie would have them ls-ar. Mr. George's orchard by reason of its location may have leen favored a n I sea Md the .'ex t'iisi ve . da uia g- some orchards sustained, and he Is cnrret-Nudin'gly encouraged over the prosects which have improved very materially-during the pa st ' few weeks. The volnmet of business transiicteil in a community is an infallible jndex to the general jwosperlty of that lo cality and the faet that commercial men. generally, report increased sales in the Willamette Valley Indicates an improved, condition. Sam S. ; tJold sniith. the rustling representative of Mason Elirman & Cow" yesterday re inarkd that he found improve! bus iness conditions throughout the Willar mette Valley, which field he canvass es weekly, ami he rejMirts Salem keep ing abreast of all other oinis. 1I finds that merchants are not only purchasing more goMls bur. are doing so more readily than they have for some time in the past. Mr. iroldsniith says the Willamette Valley will this year produce a phenomenal . crop of apples of loth the fall and winter va rieties. He rays that in all wctions visited the trees are so heavily load ed that props by the 'wholesale aie iM-iiig employed to support the ripening fruit and preserve the trees. : ; THEY USE FLOUR. Hanese Are (iradually Bei-rmiing I-irge Consumers of Wheat. Washington. July 1. ice tjonsul-j Oeneral . .Mclean has made a reisjrt front Yokohama, on the subject of tfce Imistrtation of Americsin flour lot Japan. He says that the use of flour Is not connmnl to the large cities of Jaan. but Is liecoming more commou throughout that country. The demand ror nour tnrouguout the Orient Is rap- luiy increasing. CAITAIN CO(JIIIAN ILL Bloomington, lnd.. July 13. A tele gram has leen r-elveI by relatives, annonncingthe critical illness of Cai tain Coghlan. who comma ndinl the Ral eigh in the battle of Manila Bjy. He had an attack of pneuniouia. and hit recovery is reiortexl doubt fuL : He is at Colorado Springs. "How's dat. Brudder Jackson: Yon says you mighty glad when Sunday comes 'round, an- ylt I never sees yo inside de church do?" i "IH? old woman goes, sab." Truth. y Her rohe was ever soft. Gentle and low, an excellent thing in woman. .!:.. ' .living fear. TME CLEA.N5INO AND 11 KALI NO CURE FOR CATARRH ts -'-''.'- - EIj's Cream Ealra CATARRH Easf and pleasant to use. Contains do In i Jnriott- drnr. - 1' isttairkty absorbed. I (lres relief once. Itopenrand cleanses - iuraoa; COLD h H EAD lletla and Prokcts the Membrane. Kestor. th BriiFes of TaMe nn-J Smell Iarge Size, cent at. Iruggi5ta or by mail. Trial Fire. 10 cents by mail ELY BROTHERS. U Warren Street New York. ' y W . 7 A r Mi mm CATARRH ' in 'J and far beyond the reach of mere local remedies. Those who rely upon them for a cure lose valuable time, meet with disap pointment and allow the disease to take firmer hold. Only a real blood remedy can reach this troublesome and dangerous disease. S. S. S cures Catarrh because it first cleanses and builds up the blood, purifies it, makes it rich and healthy, stimulates and t : r .1 - - .-.- .1i. ., -. s( -It -iarnrai a rmmTit a f inn a puuf new uic uiuj luc Biugguu. wriHU-vuh ; . i Mrs. Jowphinc Folhill. of Due Wnt, 8. C, write ? "I had Catarrh, which became so aeet eated that I waa entir-ly deaf in one car. and aU inside of my note, includins; part of the bone,' aloaghed off. When th disrsse had gone this far the phy siciaB gm e me. up aa incnrablei I determined to try S. S. S. as a last resort, and begran to improve at once.' It seemed tojrct at the seat of the disease, and after a few weeks' treatment I was entirely cured, and for more than : seren -ears have had no sign of the disease." , . -.x , S. S. S. is made of roots, herbs and barks of wonderful tonical and purifying properties. It is the only vegetable blood purifier known, and a certain and safe Cure for all blood troubles. Send for our book-on Blood and Skin Diseases, and at the same time write our physicians about vourcase. They will cheerfully srive yon any information or advice wanted. We BEFORE JIDOE BCISE. Complicate! Suit Pending in - De lia rt men t No. 2 One Case Ite manded , to Lower Court. (Froni Daily Statesman, July 14.) At the session of Iepartnient No. 2, Marion county circuit court, Judge BoIkc hciml arguments In a complica ted case entitled State! L:tnI Board, vs. Werner Brcyman 'administrator of the extate.of E. M. Waite, Ueeeasel. et al. At 5 o'clock last evening court adjournal until 10 a. m today. The tult of the State Land Ikard, against 5 Werner Breyman. "rpresent- ing the E. M.i Waite, and otlier lKtrt'y defendants is In-ing very stubltoruly contestMl. ; The case is a mplicatel one and is dimcult to unravel and hn- ally determine. The proierty invol- vI consists of lots t, :7. JS, and 1) in Fairview- Addition to : Salem, consist ing of :ri acnt. Ou Auyus l. isiw, E. M. '.Waite now dt--eas'd, mortgaged the proiH-rty for 1(M to the State land lHard. ! In rcordiiig the mort gage, the name of one r the wit-. Hesse's was ! omitted' and locoiuing cognizant of the fact, Mrs. Susannah Burton, who held a claim of tini.:H5 against ? Waite. totik a subspieiit moitgage on the proierty, being re presentetl by 11. CJ. Biuglisim. Alsut Jauuarj' 1, 1KW, Mrs. Burton institut ed foreclosure uroeeedinsrs asrainst Waite, failing; to make the State Land Board a party defendant, 'and -at' sher iff's sale bid in tiie pfoiH-rty. - The suit of the State I-uid,'. Board is now instituted to recover issessiou of. the proiK'i ly and very exteiKhMl argument was had yesterday on !i he motion of the plaintiff i,nnd ivmnl I to strike ont Mrs. : Burton. part of! the auswer Of The motion was argued at length by M. W. ; Hunt ami It. J. Fleming-' for the Staie lind Board and !.. .' Bing ham ami Will.1 Hqmsey; for the-defen-daiit.'' The nirttfer was' taken.' under advisement ' by 1 Juige' 1 Jolse. ' ' ' ' In the foreclosure suit of Ada Strong vs. 'iloix 11? .Touch., et Hi., a motion to strike out iart of "answer was arguiil and submitted. I : ' ; Judge Boise also' deehfed a writ of review in the case of Mary A. I Limp, vs. Dans; reversing the rtilinrj of tln ,iis1hi of the ieace for. Kalem district' In the construction placed tip on the- new code governing pnrcthie in justice courts. The I case is one of considerable imiiortauee as It affects the practice nil over the state. T1m new justice code reieals bv espn'ss wonls all of chapters III, IV. V, VI. VIII and IX cf the old .Justice', code but omits chapter VII. This chapter provide for the drawing of juries from a jury lxSx, Counsel for -plaintiff. Messrs. -Botiham & Martin, eou tendel that -chapter VII is not repeal ed while counsel for. defense, Messrs. W. M. Kaiser and W. I. Slater, argued that the im'W code repealed chapter, VII by implication. .Judge Boise held that chapter VII of the old 'law is still in force and that a jury must ,1k drawnjfronrt.be regular jury boxnn der the old law when -'demanded.' by cither, party ; to a suit. Judge Boise ordered, the ''ease remanded, to the court below for a new trial and taxtni csts to defendant. 7 - - "-'' :' -'' :-'"' ''" "t A CLOOMV PICTI'IIE. Cov. T. T. ieer j-esterday received a letter from liii uin l-"r!l : I f. i-r. ' ts 'flt CsilKk Nome. Mr. i Jeer Jr. points a gloomy ti.i.f nr r thw Minn ill ti.nt-mnie. Mr Brandenburg, was down 'with the smalliHTX. which disease was preval cnt and the writer expected to Is tak en down with the same disease. Men were shot almost daily and every day two or three suicides were reported, and no one: blaincd the ltoor nufor- tunates. Uoveriior G-er promptly an swered the letter, urging his sou to return to civilization, and- not to risk his life. or health any longer In that desolate ...place, The young man will probably return soon. PHYSICIANS IN GERMANY. Vy''-' k 1j:.' - -i : 4 -,--'; The nuider . of practicing physi cians In the German empire has in creased during tlie hist 13 years from l."i.82l to -21,7-Th or fv:.2." ier cent. Dur ing the same eriod. the ispua tion has only increased 14 ; per -eut. , In I'russia. of !? military 'and marine physicians, only 31 out of every JtW now become practitioners. Formerly, 57 out of, every lint left" the service and entered general praet ice, demon strating that the ranks of the general practitioners of medicine are beeomr Ing hiore and more crowdeL The number of midwites is not increasing in comparison with the population. Pressure' Removed.-'EmIHne.dIdut it vex you to have to give the census man your age?" "No. Indeed: Tve kept it a dead secret so long that it was a blessed relief to get a chance to tell It. Indiana tolls Journal. ; "Ma, haven't we got an old door plate or an old brass knocker some where around the house?. "What do want with it. daughter? "Why, ma, I need some kind of stun ning ginieraek to wear on the Iwick of my bel t-India na pl is Journa I. Jack Hyfly So old Millyuns is look ing for a divorce from bis young wife? On what grounds? Tom Topnoch On the grounds' of economy, I guess.3 " in o (s&noajjrjp Tdc3a Few realize what a deep-eated, obstinate disease Catarrh is, regarding it as a simple inflammation oi the nose and throat, little or no attention is given it., But, however insignificant it may seem at first, it U aerious and far-reaching in its results. ii -7 . i' 'I . f The foul secretions entering the circulation poison the entire system: The stomach, kidneys in . fact all the organs feel the effect of this catarrhal poison, and when the longs are reached its progress is rapid and destructive, and finally ends in consumption.; It frequently happens that the senses of hearing and smell are in part or entirely lost, the soft bones of the nose eaten into and destroyed, causing intense suffering and greatly disfiguring the face. While sprays, washes and salves may give temporary relief, no permanent benefit can be expected from such treatment. IS A CONSTITUTIONAL OR. BLOOD DISEASE; urgaxia, u-iu , uuc jmcui v, make no charge for this, f f f -i MORE TAX MONEY PAID SHERIFF F. W. Dt'BBIN TURNS FODS V INTO COUNTY TKEA8UKY. ! l Yesterday. Deposit Amounted toS7751.4G The Fi-ogrea of Tsvx ColleetWoa. ' (From Taily Statesman, July ShenfT F. W. Ilurbln yesterday Made the fifth transfer Into tho comi ty treasury of taxes colIectel on the lt2!l roll. The deiosit amounted t; $7731.40 and makes! a .total of! over $1IMI,(HH that 1ms already beju ' coj lecteti on the lKKt roll. The colection of taxes on bist, year's roll is progressing very satisfactorily and the promptness! with which tin payments are ls'ing made, evidences an improved iinancial coiHlition in tlii; section. The amount already collect ed is unusually large for the tinusth roll has been In the hands of the sher . . ' . ' Ht ana Hint omcer is entitled to crevlit for his I'fTcct ive kitvIci') tu t-i:iliy.ln on the tax roll. ? : ? Yesterday's turn-over of tax" moiK'y vas credited to the various account:! fty Trtusurer iHiwuing as herein it licaicd: ; f ' '-!.. . ; -1 - i- '' ;PoIls.(.... ...... City of Salem . . t . , ,. ..... Sci-ool district Xo. 21. . ..... J 7! .V.: 4 17 . t 4 i ! ' ii City-of Woodburu. ' School 4listric,t No.,J(;i. Isiieclat lieep Ux. . , , . . W . .4. :. teneral 1um',p tax,rt, Schsd district No. j:L Schisd district No. 4. Schwd district No. 5.. School, d istrit ,t Np. 1 4 ScbKI d ist rict No. ' '2. 1 , S hooI district Xo. :t7. 4- ai.sr. . c .11 'AH , .1J .2 'i' K77 Sii ." 47 . . 7 ai . . .... ! 1' . . . .. ! School district No. 4S. . . . . .,4 , SV hool district No. 57... . .. School district . No. tk" ., . School district No. 70. 1 . .... I Schoid district No. fM) . . , Sclitsd district No. KU...... School district No. 1H i School d ist rict No. 11 School district No. ,121 . . . .. ' s. School district No.l 123. ..... State, county and state school 4o 51 tax. '" I-" '!! Til Total. . . . . i$77ol" 4H A BIG I RACE. Large Snms of Money Change Hands on Boney I$oy. j i I Chicago. July 1& Jw-key j Bnllman kept up his star ! iMrforinauces i at Washington Park today, by winning the first three races,: and the specula tors who have leen following the rid er hit the IsMk-makers hard, while the commission" books Were nearly put out of business. Wads of greelKicksi inur ed into the coniihLssiou lutuk roll ; on Itoney Boy. Sly and Kid Cox,, nil to win at odds of 15 to 1. .; '.,'.' . .: In the tending race Bouej Boy got off absolutely last, and Was pocketed, but a furlong from home Ittuey Boy was on even terms with the p makers, ami Bullnmu, fairly lifting his mount at every stride, "passed the wire a length to the gosl. It is said $G0,00O changed hands ou the race SMITH FAMILY PROVERBS. Deeds reiort themselves.; Motives kwi) people guessing.' . , ; Expression Is native; refuresslon art. ' Many can work; ew can prepare for work. , . . '-'.'-.-. . - a , j .-j . - ,,-s.v , ; The mor superficial a fad the more valuable It is. i The sucf-essful man is the one to whom you gladly jwy a big fee.. Selfishness is. more or less bidden In most -self-sacrifice. ; ; - It is easier to excuse an act than to justify the purpose that prompted it. "You'll; never be at tie to make strawlterry shortcake the way mother! hnrlJ,nIuf V!" nJ a fra,ue ,?tr made hers" i s j. (uw ur, . foT .m-h hw di in-livid daily or "Oh, I sujMtose nt. "No. j mother was left handed. Deailer. - -, ii .- r. ; Cleveland Plan Necessity Is i the last and strongest . weanon. r.lOTT'3 r PEfJNYRDYAL 7 " r - ; or and banish "pains of menstruation. They are "LIFE SAVIiKS" to girls at womanhood,; aiding, development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life beoomea a pleasura. tfl.OO PEIt IIOX JJY MAIL-. Sold by drusrsts. DR. MUTT'S CIIEMICAI. CO., Cleveland, Ohio. L FOR SAtJc BY ALL DRUGGISTS ' - ' MANHOOD RESTORED.1 J biViuJir,lhinwTlpuonf.f -(amntn Fron-h ptiT-hHsfr. w1tl qtri-My imtt fHMtnr ww i tlm KMKFstir immn. tHM-ta mn S NmIwwI f 7- ; - " rmmmrwf, r.imH( itmtMft. Tsrirarri swi I4M irii.niiosi JtstjisJI - by ctujr or nlh. i'r-VfntqiiK-n-Mof dncttorr. whk-k If Dlchckl j-l o lp"riHiofrhx and si I th horror-r. irMP-t-ncy. f ir:iKclsneitbf liver, the ibtiifn maA Lb uniurr drum ui ail ttr.t.ni :( st fs:w V! urMinhm 9 and rfwtoreg stn' -ut wvuw. Tb- fMnn ntiirerrrs ars not !- hf TtnrtrtrmlithrrmtmmtOnrrrntmrm imnMrf sth Pr.t-mi. CtTI'lf K.NKU onlr known Wnt Urun rinM om n ana n-mwr rirr i ir hotn an- ixl eflcct twf mmueiit cars, LrniA W-tH f'r rtrml-r nrwt t-tinmtitiii.i. .UmUAVOI, MCII KKi-f.o. Hot 3078. M F rsnctoco. CL - fOK-SALE-feYTJ. J. FRY. --"-- i I SWIFT SPECIFIC CO-, ATLANTA, GA. BUSINESS AT Wll IAMETTE LOCKS. Iteiort Showing StesimerH ' Passetl : Through During Last Quarter Number of Passengers. I- (From IailyStatesiuan, July 17.) - The ' Portia ml General Electric Company j-esterday " filed Its reisrt, with fJov. T. T. -Geer, showing the business Uransacteil at the locks in Oregon City during the quarter ending June Sot h. The following table shows the vessels passed through the locks during' the three months covered hy the report, tbe.immber of trips made ly ea-h lsKit,' frml the nuinlnT of pds- sengers carried iy; each Steamer . " - Trii) Passeu- -: gers. Uuth..... ...v-;.';' '..-trt . : . 7a Modoc.. . . i... . ns Elmore. . . . . . . . 7" ' :JP. Altona. .i . . .... TO 1174 I'ohiou.'t-. 72 ' i:fc"i McMinnville'.. 14 117 Bonita. .... ..7.1 tIS (Sysy. ...... ....... 1 4 Mathloma.. ...... , . 1 Total....; ..... ..44(1 4SB) No. horses and cattle ca,rriel, 24!; 'sheep and hogs, t)Ki; tofis of freight, ' if ni'fr ri ; ' ! ..-j. Fine printing. Statesman Job Office. TO PREVENT DECAY. Wol Presrver L'ssl iy Uncle Sam on Yamhill River Work.; I Merlt.-is of ' Aveiiarhis1 CarlWdineum Recogiiiz.Hl by NationalState "' ' 1 and Municipal 'Govern-'- inents.!i i ' The fame of Avcnarius , C-arSbliueiini has slcaL"ly -extended, as tin only lsna 'lMe 'ioserver of woxxl, since: it dis covery in (U-rm.-my thirty years ago. It luis stood all tests of climate, ssoil and w.uer aml steadily lived down all (pre- jeiuHti rivals. Tof ay it Is not only em ployed in all ctmutrh's. for tlie pivser ya'tion of wood used for household ar-th-k's such as houss; barns, fences, etc.. imt tbe.mitional overiMiteut, Itoth oi carc-ie ami America, have wxvg nized its, value in saving public, con--strutttions from, decay. Following their examiI, cities an-1 -ounties have also ,adotuxl itvenarius carlstlieum for l il lges. pnveiiicnts, etc., and the lead ing ship .builders jiimI -railroad conipa nics have shown their faith in its ner Itrf Jy treating slrip timiters, cars, tele graph sIes .-and ties wjth 1he same never failiiu preventative against cli inatie decay md rep;ickus votsl Itoiing vermin lxth of Ianl and water. - Great Ixxlies move slowly, ami only act after mature del wcra tion. It may therefore K -safely sta1d that govern ment and wporaf ions 'did not eniiUy a-venartus ca rl ! metmi until fully con vinctM-.or its money saving as weir as wcol prcstrvlng qualities. I'rivate in dividual: desirous of lengl Jk iiing the Iif-3-of wiKsl-work aiil ;it the sans time cnrtaihng exi-nsts, need not fear to follow 'Hie' precedents cstab.isiKl. Itwnt "jfxsil examples proving tlie iiuth of the Itove statements are not wantiing. The ie-.ontruc'tcd Madimm fftrt-t r.'d.-e in .'Portland ' has . btn treatiNt with avenarius carltoiiiieum, as has alsto the. '-pavement at the Intersec tion of, four -stttcts in that city wiiere tlie lHavk'st &Jtlet car ami wagon traffic converge. lhe latter use of the comixHin-l was ' made at the earnest solid ttt!on of street car managers who confidently look for gratifying results Tlie .gentlemen in clwrge of the Unit-' ed States engineer department for Ore gon are now applying avenarius carlio!- JrKum to the d;ms and lock work on the Yamhill rirer, ajflatterlng tribute to its nterits Which was certainly not extentktil until Vnvircliing investigation satisbetl the authorities that it was UMflsure of practical eemomy. With such examples before them It would apicar that tin IiKlirilnal .' Is foolish and the official almost culpable who does nof protect his own. or tlie taxpayers ixs-kcts by using this t-om- poiiiul. thus saving from (War. and officially rcsisinsible.. Ifher, Tlwrsen Co. of Portlaml. Or., are sole 1'aeitlc coast agents for arrival in carSxtlineum. and it can be found at . R. Mr Wflde & Co., SjiIcbi, is wtii giaoiy atipply inforanation re garding its acconiitlighments. 1 , r PILLS They orereomo Wealo ness, irrcgTilarity- and omissions, increase rig- 'CUPIDEME lM-MVCUr TOO ffcll imS Wshw. ISMtwalA. M ..W.li.w ,.! lthiui nn opfUtia t l-Kttmnlla. A wrlttc- DRUGGIST. SALEM,' OR. THE CAFTAin ..VMS INSANE iteyenae Cutter McColloch Ar rives from Alaska WITH A : DEMENTED COMMANDER tie Hade Two Attemptg to Commit; Saieide-Kiny Miner. Betnrn K ".'' from Nome. ' PORT TOWNSENI), Was!,., uy 13. The United States revenue cuttVr; McCulioch arrivetl today, eight days; from Dutch Harbor. The next day af.j ler sailing from that iort Cantain ! Healy lost his mind and made two! unsuccessful attempts to commit sihv! cide. For wveral days before leavins Dutch Ilarlstr, Captain Healy's Hons were such as to create, suspicion among the. officers and crew, and as' a result a close watch was Jicpt oa! his .actions. , He came on deck and, after giving some orders relative to the ban Hing of the shjp, lu1 made an attempt to leap over side of the vessel into the sea, but before he reached the railing was seid by several of the crVw : anl taken to his cabin, where a guarJi was placed over him. During the niiit he- secured a medicine lot tie unob served by the guard and, breaking it us1 a pie-e of the glass, succeeding in -severing a blood vess4 in the left arm. Before much blood 'was lost tin; guard discovered the wound which hf bound up with a handkerchief and call ed for assistance.' There ltei ug.un surgeon aboard, Lieut. P. W. Thomp son. dressd the wound, and uihmi ar rival here Captain Healy was taken to the Marine hospital and put in a straight' jacket where he will Ik; re tained until the department catt txi communicated with.5 Lieutenant Thompson assumed coin- , maiid of the McCulioch and .brought her to this lorL The McCulhwh pi kr ed up the stunner Nome' City. 2S-V miles west of Cape Flattery, and tow ed her to this loit, she having lost three blades from lier proitellor. Tim Nome City had twenty passengers. " Tlie steamer Santa Aima wliiclfem ar rival North was quarantined on n- count of smallpox a frivol today and was Rent to Richmond Point ijiiarau tiutt station! for fmuigalion. The Bteamer Fa ration;" rrlvel. f h is ' evening from Nome bringing jiltnut forty disgusted miuers. all of wiiom pronounct the cjunp a failure. . They also say that from lOOO to ir.no ni.-n are on the I teach lieggiug for work for Ihelr lsKinL "They ,ntnfirni 'tlie reports of the prevalence of sniallpux FKIIITS ON IlOUSLTOl'S. Train Robber and Detectives Battl in Mid air. St. liouis, July l.'L After a runnins fight with revolvers over, housetops in Finley avenue. In the artistocratic V'-est Kml rsiden-e district. -lM'twceu Cliarles M. Murray, chief of the Ill inois Outral Itiiilway letH-t Ives, and two men supposiil to be train roblters tieorge W. Barnes was arrestinl to day. John Nelson, the other in.-iu wanted, es-apel after wounding De tective Murray fn the nrni and fliunih. Ih'tiM-tlve XTnriray had tract"! t liA two men. who are susM"ctd of having lMin Implicateil in the hold-up ou the train of the Illinois ' Central real" near Wickliffe. Ky.. Tuesday night, to thls city, where it is : said, the plot was concocted. ! . Mike toiiley.) alias Doyle, who -u-feswMl to Chief of Police M.ihoue.v at" Cairo. III., that he was tne of three men who held np the train at Wick liffe. -said he met the others at St. IOnis, where , the robltery was lan-neI.- He had known the men about a year. A nniple of weeks ago tliej wrote him to meet them iu. St. Ioiiis, where they arranged details of tlm plot. Since then he has I teen In Car ltoudaie. 111., .and other' places. His description of one of his part ners fits Barnes; who is tall and thin. FATAL RUNAWAY ACCIDENT. MILS. II. R. RAMSKV.j OF ARLINtl . TON, KILLED IN ALBANY, Sustained Injuries While Juuipiuff from a Runaway Buggy Her II u si hi nd Seriously Injured. ALBANY. Or.. July 13.-Mrs. II. B. Ramsey, who j limited from a buggy In a runaway this afternoon, died this evening. She was injured altotit the bead which caused concussion of the brain, and she only HveI a few hours. At this time Mr, Ramsey Is uncon scious, hut it is thought he will re-' cover. Mr. Ramsey j was the first o jump from the buggy, and -had they ' remained In the vehicle, neither would have Iteeii injnr"l. : The couple; just came from Arling ton.. Eastern Oregon, to visit their son-iu-law, who lives on a farm - a mile from here. They hired a livery rig' With dHver, and the runaway cauel by one of the bits breaking. The driver was not injured. AMERICANS WIN. London, July 1.1. At the first' Iay' racing of tlie Llngfield Summer meet ing, the American Jockeys won every event. As eood !h nut of the .World a oat 6f the Fasliioiu ColJey, ClMr ,