ABAU-WEOCLY SECTIONS V ..EACH TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. OCOCOCOCCCCCOCOCCCCO VOL. 49. NO. 23. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1900 -. ,. i I, i iii i H . - - : - FIRST SECTION EIGHT PAGES THE ATTITUDE if OE AUTHORITIES Administration fails to Recog . nlze Existence of War, BUT CHINESE Will BE FINISHED Troops Will Be Forwarded to China as Fast as ij Possible Miles Ursres Great Haste. WASHINGTON,; July KWThe de cision of the Administration, at the end of a most eventful day, is that the United State Government Js still not at war with Chrha. The Mar Impell ing at Tien Tsiu. coming on top of the storh-s of the . List struggles at Pekin, hare not alffeeted the attitude f the- Administration on this toint the United Stateaj anil f China are technically at peaice. : But .this state ment should not 1 e accepted as In dicating a pune on the tart of the United States Government to hold its hand in the administration of swift and adequate punishment upon the Chinese.- ; j il I ', , It-means simply that the Government or the United States feels that it can best achieve that purpo by regard ing the statu officially an oue of iieao. To hold , other wise . would seriously cripple the Gove to obtain satisfaci nment in its effort i - ion for the outrages America us in China have suffered. We should ;flnd now oien to us, I lie Mrts of China, (closed. and all sorts of ini's-dliuents would lie encountered which are now missing. Therefore, according, to the Administration's view." a declaration of war would af ford not even a technical gain, while it would actually I a heavy draw back. : Mp;1. . !--;.'; Chairman Cannon, of ihe House A p prorfations ttMrtmlttee, Is authority for th ftntenient that money in plen ty Is at the disposal of the Ireshlent . to meet ; the present eoierpencjv al that there is no necessity for a. called iM'ssion of Congress on that snre. Ttslaywas the most exciting day Washington has iknown lnee the tmt tle of Santiago. ! At the cabinet meet ing today.onVerSjW'V-t iklug over the possibility of reinforcing the .trooiw In China. There was no tlisiHisition shown to withdraw those troops, the ouly iuestion was as o tlie ntnouni of the additional force available. The only point" laid ! dovft was that the Government would send forward all trM(s that cou time. I 1 be sparel at this SENDING TROOPS. Washington. Jnly lfl. Oneral Miles had an ex tendetl conference, this ai temoon, with the Secretary of War, -oncernlng the despatch of reinforce ments to China. General Miles strong ly urged that roops ls witlKlrawn from the Philippines, so that a large army could Imj thrown into China within comparatively a few days. In stead of waiting the slow processes of assembling ant army' In this country and Cuba, and getting it to China. Tlie tHM.ps in tho Philippines could make a trip to China In abont a week. while the despatch of troop from this country will take clearly more than a month. ! f Notwithstanding, General Miles re-comiiH-udatlon, tlie ap'wrent Hlicy is to forwanl troops to China front-thls country and C'nla. as fast as they can !. asseinbh-!.! With the ending of Hum nr ItloO) men provision doubt Jess will Iw made for an officer of high rauk command this force. General Mile l frequently feferreJ to as likely ' to assume command m of the American forces in the Orient. WIPED OUT Washington! July 1K-4V!tbout ex- reidlou. tslay. tb foreign reiavsent tlves in Washington accepted as nrsctk-allv certain that il foreign legations and Ministers at Pekln have leen wIhh! fut. ,'. It FOR HOME. LEI " Canton, O., July ia lresldent Me re this evening for Wash, stated that certainly no Kink y left 1m: Ington. It 1st extra session of Congress has as yet been determined npou, and that the . lresldent hai not yet issue! orders for additional troops for China. No effort waa made to conceal the fact that the Preshlcht was much exercised over the reootts whicki came to him during the day. - SAILED FOR CHINA. Washington. July lC-General Mc Arthur cablitI tin? ' War Department. froni Manila tcslay as follows "The transport Iudiana sailed yester flay for China, with twenty-one officers, the Fourteenth regiment. United States ii-iaciry: one officer, thirty men, inth United States inrantry; Win. Crosder, ordinance officer, one ordnance ser PTeant. one chaplain, and sixteen hos pital corps men. The Flintshire sailed with seven officers, 271 men, Rellly'a Lattery; two medical officers, and five hospital corps tnen. fully equipped. TITE ENDEAVORERS. t . i Twenty -Thousand People Gat tiered at World's Convention Yesterday. London, July 10 AlKwt 20,000 people partlcifiated. today, jn the i World's Christian Endeavor convention, on the Alexandria mlace grounds. The speakers Included lief. C. M- Sheldon, of Topeka, Kansas. Mr. Slieidon spoke on "commercial problems.! expound ing bisj;. well-known views as to how business ought to 1h conducted. - M'GOVEUX WON. New York. July HI, MeOovern won in the third round. Erne's ' seconds threw tip the sponge. I IS IT RIGHT For An Editor to Itecommend Patent - Medicines?' . From Sylvan Valley News, ,' Brevrad, i .". N. C. It may le a qtiestkin whether the ed Itor of a newspaperhas the right to publicly recoinuieud aiiy of the various prdprielary nediciues which flood the' market, yet as a preventive, of suffer ing we feel it a duty to say a good word for Chamberlain's Cllc. Cholera ami Diarrhoea Itemedy.. Wei have known and usel this melicine in our family for twenty, years and .have al ways found it reliable.; In many cases a dose of this reanedy would save hours of suffering while, a physician is await ed We do not 2eUcre in depending impUc-Itly on any, medicine, for a cure., Imt w do lielieve that if a bottle of :banfr?siains Diarrhoea Remely were kept on hand and administered at tlie nceplion of an attack much suffering might le avoided and in very nany cases the presence or a? onysJciau woukl hot ls required. At least this hus leen our, exiierienie during' the fnt twenty years. For sale by F. G. Haas, Salem, Oregon. THE BOOM (US EE III DOUBLED. fttUlaesa of r. "It. Uullia St Co. Hm tncres' d Vattl Mora ftpe for Goods Jnly Is supiosed to see a decline in MislnexM, but such is not tht case with he ever-increasing .furniture- business of F. V. Hollis & Co. So gr-atly has leir busiuess leen Increasing.!; that It has been necessary for them to rent another large room for a store room and work shop. , Tlndr present ward room will then , be : used entirely for show purposes and as a sales room. They, yesterday received as, uue.A line of ean't. mattings, and HM-tlerres as has ever Is'en shown iu Salem. They will cn vert their large balcony Floor into a carpet room. ; where this arge stock wui ih on uispiay. ,iney have the finest patterns that tne market affords, and are prepaml to furnish them at prices that will make Instant customers out of prospective buyers. Their stock of portierres Is equally fine, and shows gwsl taste in their selection. Then line or lurnnure etjuals any to Is' fouml In the city. with or Ices equally as gosi. wneu desiring furniture, wall paper, can1, or decorations yon will do no better than to se their line. TO HANDLE FRUIT WII-tAMATTK 'VAIXKY PHCKE ASSO CIATION T BfclLD 1 . WsrcbooM-CspltAl Stock of 5000. Is At- readjr Abont 'brl-Prs)-rt- sent Orfnltlon. , ; The' Willamette Valley Prune Asso ciation, which filed article or incor- nortatlon on Saturday, will prove a factor In harvesting and marketing tue . .. prune-crop of this year and or snn- sequent years. Nearly an oi tne as.no- ciation's capital stocic i n.r sliare has lsen submitted, which insures the permanent organtzauon oi ... the concern. - f i ? The association proposes to build. inln and one rate awareliouse ami nrane Hacking establishment wiimu r . . . . . i tho Canltal City. ; The building in contemplation will be at least 5xl0 feet three "stories find will cost aism $400). It will be extensively eiuippel with garden aud : all necessary ma chinery and the capacity of the plant will be aileouate o handle tne prune crop of this locality. rThe pacting house will lw establlshe.1 in ine ous,- ness sect Ion of the city and win ; w conveniently located f or, shipping eith or hr boat or raiL The promptness with wnicn me rap ital stoct of the organlxatlon has been -..i-iii is ovldence of the stability of the organisation and he conlileuce "he members have In it. The mem bership of the assoelat Ion , represents thrgreat majority of the prune acre- . .i rklnitv of Ronedale and IJberty. the principal prune growing uwtion of the nnty - . . Ietofore the facilities at thia point -A and oretMiring the prune Ior -Z. T,r nrkPt have been far J" ik a7 oonsequci, In anrca; before th- Oregon pro duct could be properly curel and plac ed tnion the market., the demand bad t!L?niied from outside points h the-result that the major part o WIIU" ' has been sold at i the growers. These conditions need exLst no longer. The -Association, here j referred to. will provide anmle faeil I ltles tor handling all prunes jrrown in this locality, whether iUdoiiging, to members of the Asocaltioii bif ethers Inasmuch as the capital stock has been practically an sultscrlhed. It Is very probable a meeting of the stock holders win be lieki on uext Saturday, t he requ Isite t h h-ty ; thiya r provided by law being waived, when a permanent organization of tne Association will be effected by the election of officers aul the arrangement of other details. - Vesuvius Has Lost Its Cone. ' -This fiery -crater, now suddenly si lent, was exported by scientific . men who discovered that the cone had dis apitearcd. Several theories are pro IKtunded.as to why the eruption ceas ed, also regarding t lte disappearance of the cone. The general belief is that it was due to subsidence, and which is looked upon as providential. It was as nuexpected as are the stomach disor ders with which people suddenly find themselves afflicted. Slight symptoms are neglected, until dyspepsia is chron ic. The remedy to take Is Hostetteer's Stomach Bitters. This valuable medi cine Is- unequalled In all ases of constipation, indigestion, biliousness, or malaria, fever and ague. It brings attout a healthy condition of the bow els, a nd J ra proves t he a piet 1 1 e. sure to give It a trial. Be A STOLEN WHEEL. Taken In Salem Four Iay8 Ago, It Was Found In Albany. Albany, Or.. July 10. A young ma u from Salc-fn arrived here this after noon, by wheel, and tried to dispose of the machine to a bicycle dealer. Tlie dealer .had received notice that the wheel had been stolen from Salem, and as he had a description, he easily lent Hied It as the stolen wfieeU and t once informed the young man that the wheel had been stolen. -This seared the young fellow and he at tempted .to run away, but wasicai- turcd after an Interesting chase. : The wheel is the property of Ren Irvine, of Saleuu The young fellow is altout IS ears of age. good looking, and Rives the name of John Phillips. He has lieen placetl in jail and the Salem of i notified of his arrest. fleers AMERICANS WON. Athletes at the Parla Ex"idsltion Are ; Very Successful. . I'aris, : July . . KJ. Twenty-one cham pionship contests, In. connection' with the Exposition, have been decided dur ing, the last three days, aud America ;m lmast of winning sixteen and of securing thirteen second and. twelve thirds. . ... - .-".. Nlm events took plae today, in which the Americans placed six tirst, six seconds and seven thirds to their credit. They captured the Ihm metre nriue race.- and the standing high mup, three standing, jumps, the long ump. the hop, step and jump, tlie hammer throwing and the standing ong jump, and they did It easily. Ia fact, the facility with wliich the Amer ican athletes carried off the prizes grew monotonous. To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizers In ai plying liquids into tlie nasal passages for; catarrhal troubles, the proprietors wepare Ely's Liquid Cream Bain). Price Including the spraying tulte .fs cents. Druggists or by mail. Tlie liquid emlxxlies tlie medicinal proper- les of the solid preiiaration. Cream Balm Is quickly alsorlel by the mem brane mid does not dry CT? the wcre- tions but changes them to n natural and healthy character. Ely Brothers, d Warren SL.N. Y. THE REBELLION ENDS. Washington. July 10. Ir. Luis Curvo Maniuez. charge d affairs , of the Colombian legation, today receiv ed a cablegram from the Colombian onsul at Curacao, Informing him tluit the shins of revolutionists had lieen raptured by the Colombian govern ment. In the opinion or ir. t'nrvo Marque, this reverse destroys the last hope of the revolutionary party. WILL NOT ARBITRATE. Rt Lonls. JulyTr-r-Fredcrlck IL Leh- mann. attorney ror ine rt. hi" Transit Comimuy. states that the com- iwny.wlll not submit to tne antira tlon of . differences Istween It and Its employes, as reqnesteil by the citizens arbitration committee. ; j H Cold Steci or Death. ' Thrre U bnt one small chance to s.i vp tour life ami that is through an operation, was the awful prospcer set before Mrs. 1. HlIUni.iO Lime imn. Wis , by her doctor after vainly trying to cure her of a frightful case of stom ach, trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't count on the marvellous power of lieetric Bitters to cure Stomach and I ifr rfuh!ee but she heard OI tt. took seven bottles, was wboUy cured, avoided surgeon knife, now weighs n. i f1 Kilter thin ever. Its iipt i . . ...... . positively guaranteed to cure Stomach, Liver and Kidney trooiiles an.lr.rvrr disappoints. Price 50c at UK. bTLTN fc. b drug stores. .-. : ...': , " ' ON A STRIKE. fwi'f.tn.1 Tniir i i-The longshore n.n nn rprT cTain dock In Portland are on a strike. Tlie men demand 4d cents an hour, ami cents an Hour overtime. They now receive cents an hour. AlKut men are uuu "Walking along the street this norn tnrM romsrkeil the observing boarder; i oin- a,howcase In front of a "misfit parlor. with several garments inside of it labeled. nncalled-for pants. ... j , -How accnrately, tlserrerthe enn tetnplative boarder, that label would fl nt.lv. ninety-nine times tn a hundred. to tne-man woo iui " GOLDEN! CARGO v 1 .NOME The Garonae.iJf3C first of the . -. - - - , . Treascrc Ships, Arrives. . THE SMALLPOX SCARE SPRCAOING Steamer Oregon landed Parser grig, - Afflicted wifli I)Upse, ou tlie j ; Beaeb atMlduiirht. PORT TOWNSEND. Wash.. Jnly Id. The steamship Garonne, arriviug to dayj is - th first treasure ship from Nome. having altout TT,tHM 'lu dust from that place, and nine lioxcs from Dawson, of 2.V iHunds each. ' Tlie Garonne ltrtnight.3t.Kl passengers from Noaie, most of whom have sjnt aliout one. month on . the; 'beach: They re port that the place Is j In great state of excitement over the smallox epideml. and that three -deaths have occurred. The introduction of the disease is charged to the" Captain of the steam er .Oregon, aud great indignation n exiressel. It I statel tliat on June Itlth, the Oregon arrived at Nome, with' two well :.-developed cases of smallpox. ; and the -pas.sengers were forced ashore At midnight and soon scattered in the city. General Ran dall has appealed to the citizens to raise funds to build a hospital. ITlHH) her arrival at Nome the Gar onne was seized oy the customs au thorities for violating the regulations, in icarryliigilHi cases of liquor) from Seattle without having the sanie ap pear on her manifest. Special Agent McBrlde was placed in charge of her, and brought her here. STILL A MYSTERY. London Has No Confirmation of the f Reported Massacres. London. July 17.4-3:30 a. m Up to $ his hour iio , i further cables 1 have been reeelved Tegarillng' the reported massacre at Peklni, fro.m anysoutTe. In tlie House yfCoinnions, last even ing. Iieyond ,sthe admission that-there was ao ground forhoiIug that the re port; was' not -.true, . William St. John Broderlck,' I'arliamentary Secretary for the Foreign Office, had nothing to couiuiunk-ate. ..f-. j - It was whispered, on the Ministerial side of the Cinnmons, that the next vote ion accHnt pi inilitary unih'rtak ings In South Africa andChlna will b startling In amount. Telegrams from Shanghai and Che Foo Indicate an Increasingly serious state of affairs It Is alleged that the nreign consuls at Shanghai have-'cabled their govern ments that there Is urgent neel- for warshipsto protect that city. A TEXAS (?LOUI BURST. Tlie Town of Coletnan Swept Away by Appry Waters. i Coleman. Tex.. Jnly 10 Fifteen lives are known to have twen lost In a cloud burst here today; Ten Itodles have bee recovered,, ; It Is feared many biore live were lost In the talley lie low i Coleman: The cloud-burst, which followed' three days of unprecedented raid, caused Ford's creek to burst Its h.ifika and rush thronch Coleman, a tillage of less than inluibitanls. The bewildered citizens, roused from their slnmbers, rushed Into the streets and were swept war. Jos. Spath ami John Fulelsstine man aged to mount their horses. They dasiied Into the water ami swam their horses to house where four little girls were screaming for help. Each res cned twoehildreh, whom they took uh 011 their horses. 1 L Tlie animals 4 were swept away and all were drowned. MADE FINE SHOWING business or TBI TCHHte PMTOr FICK FOB THE TEAR. Cmtwm UrrMMla R-lftf tbaOl First Oraa Tow wilt Rarl ':" il Delivery. : O. Frank Roberston. postmaster at Turner, Ulie opiy office In tlie Talley that has had the Rural Mall system during all of the past two years, ren dered bin account to tne Posioffiee De partment, at Washington, n Saturday of last week, showing the receipts and expenditures of the offie for the fiscal year ending June a I, 11. The reiort shows a most gratifying state of af fairs, the increase in the volnroe of business over that of tlie preceding tw4ve months! being nearly SO per cent-i Postmaster Robert son Is proud of tbie record made by his office, esjie- c Lilly since Turner waa the first post orH.-e In Oregon to have the Rural Mail established, which at that time was looked upon as1 a risionary scbem and much In the nature of an experiment, the sncce-as of "which-was seriously doubted. Happily, the results have been such as to cause the extension of the system. - '' I'Ost master . Robertson's statement for the last fiscal year shows the fol low lag Items of Interest: Postal Account , Rec'd from sab of stamps. .?6S7 -1 Re'cived from box rent 23 75 Total.. .V .. .. .. .. .. .'..,.$710 0tJ Money Order Account ll3 money orders Issued. . .-.$SHV1 JvS Fe-s on same. .............. 7S War tax t ' Total . .. . . $0(VI3 42 325 onlers paid. . . ,$1078 82 lie posit of funds, Salem office. -ia!l tt S:Uary, iost master . . .t. 33 Balance on hand. 12 51 Tot :il receipt s of office., .... .$977 3S 1 he total uuiu.ler of pieces ,oT mail coHe-ted and dellveretl during tlie j'ear was !.7ti'i. " "WV have noM many different cough rt uie.!ks. but. none . has given. letler satI.rctUu than Chaiulterlatu's. says-j Mr. Charlea .Ho.zhauer. druggist, N wark, N. 4. II Is iwrftt'tly safe anl iaa I e relied uixn in all cases of -ouglis. old. of lkxtr!'iw!s. Sld by F. J. Haas. Salem. Oregon. r . v MltlrVG Of COAT BB-IDrrtS. Stoi-kholders of National Anirnra Goat "Record AssK4idtlui Couvene and Elect Officers. The stockholders of the National Aucora Goat Re-rd Assjwlation held mi adjourned meeting in tills city at I lie ollh-e of lletiry It. Thielsin yes terday nfteriioou.. The principal lnisi ness trausactid was the election of a lioard of directors, consisting of: J. B. Early. Macleay; J. B. Stump. Mon mouth; Wm. Browm Salein: II. M. Williamson. Purtland; aud ll-nry It. Thlelseii. Salem. The dlrei-tors "all qualified and suli- seq'iieiitly held a meeting when the following officers were elected: J. U. Early, Macleay. president; J. B. Stump. Monmouth, viee president; II. B. Thlelsen, Salein, . secretary: II. M. Williamsou. Portland, treasurer. The association will hereafter hohl Its annual meeting on the tirst AVe-l-neslay of the session's of the Oregon State Falr.- STRICKEN WITH PARALYSIS. Mrs. C. G. Fisher, of Monmouth, was irought to Salem from Ttoncalla yes terday afternoon and Immetliately con veyed to her home in Polk -ounty. Mrs. F'isher was rectMitlj' willed to Yoncalla to attcul her father and her brother; who were seriously Hi. lslli of whom 4 .died, and she sustained a stroke of paralysis, a ffeetlng' her en tire left side. While Iter conditiod is nt necessarily "critical, still it caoxes serious apprehension among the mem bers of the family. "' ""''.-; A BROKEN RIB Frank Mayiiole Brown, nn employe In" the Hansen & Itndon tssh aud Ior Factory, yes terday mornlhg met with a slight mis hap ai tnat Institution by which he suffered the fracture of a rib. "The patient Is doing nicely, however, and the accident will not deter him from work for any length of ilnie. A Frightrul Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald. Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arni ca Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores. Fever Sores, Ulcers, Bods, relon. Corns, all Skin hruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. ar box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Dr. STONE, druggist. ... LOSES 1118 PATENT IIECISIOBt tn THE CASK Of TLA CROIX VS. 8C1IAKDACU. ' jVdg G. II. IIarott Holds thst Hscb Property Csa H Attaehod to St- ' Circuit Judge George II." ' Burnett held a short session of department No. 1 of the State circuit cotirt for Marion county, yesterday, and handed down his decision In the case of Mrs. A. II. ijiCrolx, plaintiff, vs. P. J. Sharbacl. defendant, arguments in which wcr had ou July 10th. Tla plaintiff recently secured judg ment against defendant, for $!II8..V). and Interest at lo per cent, together with ctAt and disbursements amount ing to flo.OI, on an old note. The de fendant had no ' real or is-rsnal lroperty that could be attachel, ami as a final effort the attempt was made, lo attach' the defendants one-fourth interest In a patent for a changeable bicycle gear, held by him. The case is known as aprts-eeding under attach ment supplemental to execution, and the argument wa bad last Tuesday, on a motion to si rise out inu u ashle the petition ami affidavit and to dissolve tlie restraining order and also a demurrer to the .petition ami affl davit, Tlie whole case hinged on the question as to whether or not a Unit ed States -patent was uawe to execn tion. Judge Burnett, after consider Jng the ease-, hold that a -patent Is liable to execution, the order entered In the case yesterday being as follows "A. II. La Croix, plaintiff, vs. P. J. S-barlach. defendant. This canse having been, on July 10. 1!X. heard on t lie motion of defen dant ' for an order setting aside the petition and affidavit on proceeding supplemental to execot Ion herein- and striking out tlie same 'and dissolving the restraining order and Injunction therein, as well ' as nin the defen dant's demurrer to said jstltlon" and . affidavit, the court reserved its decis ion, and being now fully advised it Is ordered aud adjudged by tlie court ', that said motion ami said demurrer'. Is and they are hereby overruled, and in all things denied. . "And now comes the plaintiff by L, K. Adams, her attorney, and the de teudaht apissirafin his own propr tM-rskii as well as by W. M. Kaiser aud W. T. plater, 'his attorneys, and the defendant , is ex a mined on on Hi in e.p4u court concerning his prHrty liable to execution.' TIeivtqHn it ap pears to the court. andfthe cimrt tiuds, that the. defendant la the owuer of an uiulividel one-fourth lolctvst aud right In a nt t to I'nlted State patent No. -, and that the same Is liable to execu tion in this action. ,U is. thercfr ordcrtnl ami a 1 julgel ly the coiirt. that-the def en-" datit ls aud be Is hereby required 1o apjdy his said uudiidnl one-fourth lutei-est and right. In and to said -Unit-, ed States tatent No. r-r , in satisfai t ton of the judgioeiit of tliis court, heretofore rendered against him. and ; In favor of th plaintiff In this act iou ; (hat to that end the defendant be and j he I hereby orderel and required tn j execute and deliver. U tlie receiver, hereinalter iimiimhI and poliiti-l. within ten days after the qualiuVattoit of such receiver, an Inxt ruiiu nt In writ ing projier nnd effectual for the pnt sse as required by tlie laws of the , United States, of AtnerK'a.icouveylnK to sin h receiver tlie defendant's said undivided olie-fourth interest and iht tn and to said Uultetl States p.i feiit No. ' ,lo ls .tHthl by said re ceiver and the proceeds of such sal applied in satisfaction of said judg ment heretofore reudered herciu; that W. II. Hohsoii Ih and he Is hereby at- , pointed a tiM-eiver In this .Mellon for' the uses and purines - hereinafter named; that the amount of the under taking of said receiver Im and hereby is llxjil at tlie sum of-$lM. and that said ivceiver 1h and he Is hereby au tioriz4Hl. itMpiinil and emitowered, umii taking the oath and lllitig his tiiidertakiug as niuirMl by law aud this order f court, ,to receive from the defendant ' the -convey am -e of de fendant's undlvldtnl one-fourth Inter cut and right in and to said Puited Stats patent No., mid to sell the same In the manner provided by law for sales of personal prosrty on exe cution, and aily tlui prKels if such sale In satisfaction of said Judgment heretoftwe renderinl In this net ion." Judge Burnett, after making the atovc .order, adjourned his department of the cotirt for tlni - term.' ' AROUND Si LVERTON. ApM-al, July 14th: . ' , . A new y'tt has aitNarM ink the clo ver fields on Howell prairie. It Is a worm. ' ,Tliey are, from one -half to, one and one-half Inches in leiiptlV and have apjsanl in great nnnilM'rM' In uome fields They strip the lenvS fi-om the clover steins and kill tlie plant. No one seems to know anything a'suit the new :'.,."-.' . . ,. -' The Sllvcrtdti r-anierj' rys now run ning'' with an average of hIniiiI rioo pounds of cream fwr day. T wo bniuis are t'oIlt-H'tlng cream. .The routes are" IhroiiKh tlie following districts: Ml. ' Angel. Macleay, Scott's Mills and Sll-U vertoii hills. Tlie buxiness is growing. 7. but so far tlie faruicrs weiu to Is a little . Iwickwnrd about furnishing cream. Mr. Miller Is paying IKc ' mt INMind for butter" fat. Hop growers lu this- vicinity are. engaging pickers. Hops gcnernily are looking well In this locality. Lice have apjicarcd but not In grint nunilwrs. At this time growers do not., apprehend . much damage tills season from ver min. HoM are unusually early this season. We understand that II Is tlie' Intention to commence picking In some yards on August i!5th. The price f picking has not yet been agnn-d ujon. THE GAME LAW. "' In res-ponse to rcquesfs we give ft synopsis of tls" game law of Oyegoju as Is now exist: .. , , " Ier. tiKHtse and mountain sheen may 1e kUb'ft from July l.'.ih to' No-veiuls-r 1st. Prohibited for market entirely. Spotted fawn not to be kill ed at all. Deer huuling prohibited 1m- tween one hour after sunset and half nn hour Ix-lore sunriKc. ao uogs ui- lrtweil. t5rous. iirairie" chickens, pheasants, , Chinese pheasants, quail and partridge may lie kllhHl from October 1st to !- cetnlier 1st. Market bunting prohibit ed In Chinese pheasants for three years from spring of ".r. other birds from Noveiijlwr Kith to .Oclolwr l.fh. Trap, netting and-snnrlng of birds pro hibited. Jack snipe may Is killed from Septcmls-r let to February 1st. Only fifteen upland birds may be kflle1 111 a day. No shooting from public high ways, nor on farms without permis sion. Trout may Is caught from April 1st to November 1st. but never under five Inches in length, and only with hook and line. .Eastern brook trout Intro duced protected for three years from spring of 'if.K i ANOTHER VIEW. State Hoard of Horticulture Should Look After Imported Fruit. . Eugene Guard: A nuraler of our local fruit men are severely criticizing the State Board of Horticulture for-. the way It enforces the law. Tltey say they will enforce the rules as to all shipments or fruit to outside of state fsdnts. Why do they not te a particular with California fruit coming Into the state. A pToti can go to any fruit stand and find In fected California fruit. es-cial!y will this be so with parasiti-s 011 the lem ons. . For saI11oats a rew nttachment al lows' mast to be moved to cither side of the boat as the wind shifts, a hori zontal arm Isdng pivoted nt the for ward eu'd of the hull, in foe outer end of which the tnast H f"tt Wilh a lever which allows thp tar to lw shifted to adjust the masL Chicago 'News. ' Zeor renamed In tb minds of Including two medical, and 817 men. of