Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, July 13, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Herman w. Darr
lia stare sr.
Salem, - Oregon
er register for the recording of all
civil and criminal caw lias been add
ed to the record Ixx-ks In file in the
ofSiee of County Clerk W. W. HalL
It Is an Indirect circuit court register,
consisting of two volumes, in which
J kept a record of all civil and crim
inal oases iu the county. It Is provIJ
ed with a vowel Index and greatly ex-I-edltes
the matter of looking up cas
es. The register contain the names
. of the defendants in each suit, ar
ranged alplialietieally, together . with
tne names or me piainim, tne title
f the action and the judgment 'entry.
The work of tilling out rhe register,
in Iwing done by" I'd. N- Eden, who is
temporarily employed as deputy In
that, department.
Thilocat market quotations yester
day Vrre as follows:
..-"Wheat- jil cents at the Salem Flour-
ing .Mill Co.'s offrce. -
Oats -Jtt und cents (buying).
llayChcat, buying $7 tj
timothy, $.H.5o to $10,
Flour 70 and 75 cints per sack; $.5.75
. Ptt hh... j . . . . .
fill feed II ran. $13; hort. f 15.
Butter 15 to 17c, bitjing. . .
Ilgg Vzyt -cents; cash.
Frtutry Chjcken-, 6
) inc. Ave Jight! !
J """fi vatiVKi-iis liners IfK., HVC WClg
i'ork 1-at. 4J4 gross. 5 net.
Beef Steers, 44 ',Ul co,,
She. good heifer, 4c.
Mutton Slice p, 3 to zYi on foot; shear
ed 2V to 3C
.'-Veal and 7c dressed.
Potatoes .i.'5 ' -cents. bujSftg;" new
tnlocs, Stfi.
Wocl 15 to 16 cents, market weak.
Mohair .-5 cent. - - ,:r
Hop Twine 14 cent's ivi iuu.l. j,
. - j mit .'tuna, f
CaiiforaU Oak tanni d l.j.J.rr
----. at. .
i Harness tJtl. etc.
I , I I-.. llAH-t
i. jSfntc Street. ' Sa!cm. DrrM,
extort Lt M. D.
' . I'roirie:or o
i '' - r - ' ;
The stores, (two m number), are lo
cated at No. 235 ar.d 333 Commercial
street, and arc well Mocked with a
complete line of -drugs and medicines,
toilet articles, perfumery., brushes,
etc. etc etc
Has had some 35 years experience Ii.
thr; practice of medicine and now
makes no. charge for consultation, ex
smination or prescription. -
for Outing Mountain
or Coast.
We will put up any kind and grade
of ColTee or Tea in oiie-iound air
tight cartoons. It will 1m? put up
FltKSlI, and "will retain its AltOMA.
The same inducement Is made as
Itefore 2 otiiftvsi of any flavor of our
OWN MARK Flavoring extracts, free
with each ?1 pnrehast; or, a luueh
baski't; or, witli a ..50 cent purchase
a lir of ni toilet soajK
hememlKT tliei Ikiking Fowderi
"DIAMOND ItltAND." our own
Make. None su-I can te had Where
ver you go at 1 1 cents a jiouik t-iu.
24U Commercial Street ,
Phone 24H.
Free Delivery.
Piano and Organ Talk
This Is the time of year when more
people prepare to buy organs j and
pfiiru than at. any other season.
What are you doing?: f :
We are prepared to s11 you t the
lxst gools la the world, each a peer
in its class. -
OKGANS. ': , ' ' :
PIANOS. . ; , : J .
Always glad to see I you whether
lMiking or buying. " ,1
Sewing machines and, Supplies, ' of
all kinds.
f. A. WIGGINS, 307 Commercial St.
Opposite Tostofflce, Salea.
Pianos, Oralis, ewlu"s Machines,
... 3f ...,. ;
We have succeeded la Retting some
fine bargains in the watch line. For
example we hare a lady's gold-filled,
case warranted 10 years, with good
"Walt ha in or Elgin works, for $10.
v Gentleman's oien-face, screw, filled
case warranted, 10 years with 7 Jewel
wovks ?7.T0. -
Same t watch Hunting ease $8.50.
A 20-year filled case with 7 Jewel
works $0. .
A sllverino screw case with 7 jewel
works $1.
Theso are all bargains worth inves-
tigating if in need of a watch It' will
'pay you to call ou us. .
We Rare lefore. us a copy of v the
Nome News, of Satunlay, June 23d, It
is Ja weekly .paper, ; the subscription
price being $1? a year, or 25 cents j a
etfpy. According to an announcement
eontaiued in its columns, it Was to be;
come a daily paper within - a few
days. It Is the pioneer and leading
newtpaier there, having been started
Oct. !th of last, year.
Anroug thy editorials Is one from
which we take the following:
"It matters little how many soured
and disappointed, people there m.iy.lw
in Nome, so far as the mineral wealth
of th is j section of Alaska Is concerned.
If men came here expeeting to kick
utiggets out of the liench with their
toes or shovel it into a sluice box on
the first crtck they struck, ami are
dlsaf pointed, the country Is not to
I'lauu'w-Let these iHple rather Thune
their own shortsightedness and want
of forethought. That there is no royal
road to Wiulih i:4 un old saying and
nv.' worthy off all acceptation."
-, litre Ih a pleat-ant dream rudely dis
Kfl aY!-by the' cold and chilling tacts.
.There is gold iu Alaska But Alaska
1 .
Is a territory of wide extent, and the
it i f lu-lll t ? 'Milt l:ink'ili.' ..t-
- , ...... .... . ... w i.yiik (lull
V1 Iil',,ian, luan3'- Th re ,H S'-'fc-V too, in
i!'- united Mates. Many mines of un
teld wealth vet r.ndiscovered. liut
the man who expeets-to kick up nng
gtt vith hia toes, or to pick chunks
of gulil-lroiu the bushes, without iuc-
t'er cilort, will be ' di.-:.ippohiteL There
is no rojal read to -wealth, in Alaska!
oj- l;t-.. here.
Stui, fosMhe great niajjrlty of men,
it i belter to udlow the Katcn paths.
There' is ircin!se tf reward in every
iM-ft-i ta!l ngraud vT' c'flain leeiu
P fiii. lor careful and painstaking in-
axj:- priv-hit-.;! n .x not ..is aliur
ing i.r "'im- Hr-!;:is'to goJfl out
it th'rnrth In the pttrsnit of agricult
t ial :iII:u;t:i as lo kit k It out ci the
r.ml:i of the tar away Nonle bcacfi,
liit It is much, more certain of acconi
pl'sl meul. The moKt reliable roal to
1'ortr.lK is to product' something tl:at
IN fortt!i:e hunters kucIi . as go to
Nemy must buy -to. eat or wear onie-
ining: mat is bound to be M-anteil or
iTtfleiJ in the markets. Here; especial
ly, in! the provinto of the'iieople of 'the
AVHIaiiiette valley. '
The Ixioisville -Coiirler-Journar will
support Fryan. although In iWl
llKiiry wattcrsun. its etlitor, telegTapJi
m1 batk to liis paiH-r, 'TCo com prom Ise
V- !h tlishonor." Jit. mrr.nt the Chl-
i'ago. phitlorni and F.ryaiu Tlie cniitor
etwi.tH that Fryan will N badly
beaten; and by mipiMrting him he can
get back among the regulars, so as to
le it live leader when Uryan Is deatl.
Thejiaier, however, f ont inues to mold
isuch plirases as -this hopeless state of
prtsKrity. and such like confessions.
VAtrOIIN-ITSH.-Iu &ilem, Oregon,
Thursday, July 12, ltx. by IUv.
John Iarsous. D. I)., Mlns Loreta
'Flsh to J. W. A'aughn. :
Their residence is near Jefferson and
Mm? wedding -'-was at the home of tUe
oflieiating minister.
III;H At the family home near Ira
tunu Oregon, Thursday, July 12.
at 10:CO a. m., F. M. Fvke, agetl 71
years, of heart disease.
OniSWOr.I.-At the Oregon Hospital
for the Insane, Thurwiay, July 12.
IVKjo, Wm. C tjriswohl, aged 7U
years. , '. . .,
tJriswokl vas reetdved at the av
lum Febrtuiry ID. 18U0 from Fortlaud
to which place his remains will prob
ably be shipped .for burial.
Some More Wheel Snaps
Fart of those I advertised yester
day are gone already; -. I now have a
90 30-Inch black Tribune, newly en
ameled. In ' perfect condition every
way for .$23. I have a 2I-lnchnambler
with two new rims and one Hew
easing, for $14. Other snaps from
$5.00 up. Several new wheels, too,
at prices that will move them at
once. Sundries, you'll . find In t our
south window in abundance. . Gas
lanis. $3.0t); carbide, 2 pounds for
25eents. Another lot of those Dexter
net carriers iu today. They sell like
hot cakes.
! : :
Submitted to Surgical Operation Tester
day Morlaj( aad Failed To Re-
- gala ConsclatuaeM. j
Nancy M., wife of . W. W. Hepbunu
died at the Cartwright Sanitarium in
this city at CiJU o'clock last evening
from the effects of a surgical oiera
tion that Mas performed at 11 o'clock
in the morning. ! ;
"While Mrs. Hepburn had not enjoy
ed the best of health for the last few
years, the" real, character of her ill
ness was not ascertained,' definitely.
until Wednesday when the. trouble was
pronounced a tumor and an operation
was found essential to prolong
the life ; of . the patient , al
though 1 the ' serious condition of
the' patient " gave rise to fears that
she: would be unable ; to stand the
ojieratlou. ' The . operation was ; per
formed at 11 o'clock yesterday morn
ing but the patient only : partially
recovered from the effects of ' the
anasthetic and about 0 o'clock lapsed
Into an unconscious condition and
thltry minutes later passetl away in
a ieaceful kIuihIkt. ?
The deceased was a native of Col-
enibia ounty, Fennsjlvauia. having
leii Ikuu 011 February 22, -1SU7 and
was aged 4X years, 4 months and
2 I days. She residinl i in Salem for
eleven .years ami at the time -of her
death held inemliership in the "United
Vrfisans and Wonieu of Wolcraft or-
lets. She alsa belonged to the; First
Slethodt chnrch which she atteixled
regularly and was an irnest worker
in the church vioeya rd. T1h funeral
urrangenient! had not In-eu cotiipleiel
last night but will lie announced to
day. ' : . .;.:
'I he deceased Is ' servlvwl by a hus
band, AV W, Hepbuni. and live chil
dren threo. girls, nud two boys-r-vhs:
Mrs. (5. F. , tJanl, Miss Maude Ilep
bnru. Miss Fthel Hepburn, anil Arthur
Hepburn, all of Salem: Will Hepburn
the second son, is located In Pennsyl
vania. - ' .
Miss Nannie Faddock,-" who was
oiM.-ratel uion at lh; K:ileiii Hospital
for appendicitis .last- week. Is making
satisfactory headway and hope for
her ultimate recovery are greatly
1 .
America First Discarded
i ; ' , Weaism.
the Useless
U I'-erative Great Fritin has nt
a f"n wakctil to the Juutilily of w
sword in actual .latter-day -warfare. -'tit
Ji t, 'll stin-kissert blade has cinhe.
lt Is rocoguiKt.tl, ss tturs; than Useless
Iy the-leaders tf tin arinj-: in Suutii
.Vrh-a.. . cud cable advices tate that
lTue o!licers Jmve t'Cf-.n oidc red not ,tq
carry , them in sictiou, lit-ause they
serve to draw the lire of lhe,kieii-eyj.d
Fm-rs, who delect the Hashing steel at
a great distance, antl aim .at the man
pairjing it. j - ;,,; , ;
The pract kt of carfylug swords on
the lwittlclields is tliouglit to have had
no little effect in swelling "4 he lists or
casualties among the officers; and nqw
we hear that walking sticks, , or riding
stocks, bave -letu generally,, adoptetL
They serve equally well as iointtrs.
and in close quarters make really '-effective,
if not orthodox, weapons of
offense and defense. In Tact, a load
ed cane in a hattd-to-lmud tight is hard
to lM.it lor effect iveness.
Naturally, the new order met a
storm of disapproval from certain
quarters, and was freely criticised by
the London press, as well as around
the ciimplires. Some of the Highland
regimenls were particularly loath to
give uii their "chiy mores,' because ial
most every blade was -endeared to lls
ixwsessor by memories of glorious
deetls in which father, grantlfHrlM r; or
great grandi at her had - ' participatttl.
Many of the Sttitch blades had seen
service at Cuilotleu and Waterloo, and
on other' blootly ..fields, ami it sccined
hanl to hi y them down In the, face; of
the sturdiest toe England has met in
the lat half century, , r
i'.ut It was tointel out that nejv con
ditions had to be met, and that com
monseiiKe must take the place of tradi
tion, and the claymore went aloug
with the otlK-r blades; not to the junk
pile, of course,; but back to the folks
at home, to Ik; hung on the wall as a
souvenir of times ' that Were, and i a
reminder that times have changed. ;
In looking jilKiiit for an exciiHe for
the order to dispense with the sword,
the army statistician discovered that
tven in by-gone days it had not i al
ways lieen a necessary accompaninieut
of victory; ami iointcd out a number
of valorous thnnls in which It played
no part.. , It was shown that In the fa
mous charge at Omdurruan, Colonel It.
II. Martin led his men with uothlug
more formidable than a hunting crop;
and that Gordon--the celebrated God
don lieatled storming parties, and led
charge after charge with a little cane,
which the men of his "ever victorious"
army got to j know as the miiM
wand." .. ;:.;!. -. -: -
It was also shown that in Mie charge
at Omdurman the finest swordsman in
the regiment was killed, while the Col
onel and his bunting erop came 'out
unscnthetl. Going further lueky Mm
statistician found that Nelson was un
armed at the batthj of Trafalgar, and
tliat Wellington was never known to
have drawn his sword in action after
he left India. Seidlitz. at Kossbach,
led his horsemen at the foe with a
tobacco pipe, which he burled Into the
approaching column with all his
might; and Murat, Napoleon's great
Lieutenant, went into the light at Jena
bareheaded and carrying a Jeweled
walking stick, r A i
Colonel Eurnaby of the Tenfn Ilus
sars, a typical. English athlete. uri .
sword made to ortler before starting
for Egypt. The weaon weighed two
and a half pounds, and the Colonel ex
pected to do great thlmrs with it; -but
some how he lost It at the beginning
of the fieht at FJ T-l m.,i
loaned his revolver to one of his rnt
talus, was totally unarmed until some
one found him a douhle-liarreled tehot
gun. With this guu in hand be lo-inml
to the top of-a-iKrranet and liad 1 flnnrn
lioles through a number of the enemy
Here's a clean-cut saving for all our customers. They have been Waiting for our July sale, and
now the opportnnity comes, and our patrons know that they get just wliat we .advertise,;! and 'they ap-
Ereciate tne fact that we never misrepresent. And here goes suits that will captivate the eye and
osen the purse strings of every good judge of clothing. A large line of boys' crash suits at 50c and
75c; joutlis' suits, $3, $4, $5, $(;- men's crash suits, $2, 3, $4 50; men's serge suits $4, $5, $6, $7.50, f 8;
men's tweed suite, $6, $7, f 8: men's worsteds, $10, 12. $15; ; business trousers, tip top for ; business
wear, $1, $1.50, $2.50 and up. Men and boj-s' susrjenda men and boys' neckties and shirt", crash and
felt hats all priced to your advantage. A fine line of ladies' skirts in linen, denims and pique, trimmed
and plain, well made and nicely finished. ; AH of the above are strictly up to date. j ; j
A t Friedman fs New Racket: Store
Corner State mnd Commercial Streets
Ladles' Fine Shoes, $125
Small sizes, regular 4
to select from, all choice
misses' Oxford ties, 50c,
good quality, for 25c. Closing out fine dry goods
lerore he was induced to retire from
the dangerous position." The shotgun
w'as "afterwards 'exhibited at the Mili
tary Exposition in Ioudou, ami is pre:
scrvetl as a sacred relic. In ihe ;aine
exhibit was shown a shil.lelaa which
did noble work In the trenches .at In
keinian, and ramrod with which an
English gunner captured a moKutetl
ind armed cuirassier at Waterloo.
At El Teb. Captain Wilson. IL N
bad the blade1 of his sword shot away
but clung to the hilt and used it with
mirketl effect as a"knuckleL luster.
At Ia Ilaye Sainte a. private- in the
Hal-lug's" Green Germans defended the
gate, alone, for .seme time with brick
bats, which he tore from the- wall of
si nrar-by stable. S
al'.ead oi' JInghin l in diseoveruigthe
fse'esruess of the sword in war, even
bv JtiojiM . trtsms;- t'ohuiel Jot;n
Mosly o- tne tonfcilcrntc nrmj
claims -tbe tlistim-tivn tit havhig lven
H e lrst .nian tq.tlo away wit h; thtcav-j
airy saber; and his example was soon
fol'owed by other commander iii both
.Sot.n. f 1 er h i s co m m a nd xi'its . orga n-
Izeil, M fishy orderctl, Ids menito sfrai
help swvrtls U. their .saddles, and , let
tl-eui l.ang there, except when ihhh1hI
oh Ures parade, or for. cuttiugjiiytf
wood. Jn their st cat! ho. gave each mail
a pai? of heavy t it pistols and taught
him-how to, shtKit straight. j, ,,,,,, j
The eflectivreiiess of Mosby's Caval
ry was, noon recognized; ami that his
Itlt-iH rrere T.nproved, Ls evithnced In
tl'.o fact that today, the Fuiletl State
cavalryman wearsjhis swordr on his
xaddhv instead of;3at his waist, and
uses it only when lie isn't lighting.;-
MskloK Very EsccIIvnt Pror Th liny
City Harbor DredgeA -At Other ! j
- I'olnU. . ;i 'i
The Government works along the
Oregon coast, where improvements are
being made in tlie rivers-and harliors
Is, progressing nicely, and Captain W.
W. Harts, the ..United Stiite.4 cn.glriec'r
in charge. Is much pleastnl! withihe
results' attalnetl. One of ttti most iun
portaiit undertakings on the Coast -4s
the dretlging of the shoiils bf Tillamook
bay7vhlch polntpit-s-eXrtotl-w-Ul
be tlm terminus of a railroad In a short
time. .This harbor Is being Improved
so thai, when the railroad shall be.ex
teuded to Ray City, the harbor Will be
easily-j accessible for vessels of even
the deeiH'st draught, antl this iHint
promises to Is? one of -the most imiiort
a'nt on the Oregon coast south of the
mouth of the Columbia river. 1 j
llegai'ding the work done on thetpr
egon coast by the United Slates Gov
ernment, the Portland Teiegnm, of
Wednesday evening, says: j
"At Cotiuille the south jetty has been
completed, antl the work ott tlie tram
way for the nortli jet ty. lias lsen com
menced. The wharf is completed-and
rt .idf,' Hnd the quarries 'optrnetL '
"AU tbe'jshails in Urn, Upiht Cotiuille
have been edgrtTout as far up as the
mouth of the north fork,.' and alt the
mags-removed, forji distance of two or
thr.e miles.. This gives a good chan
nel for vetwels, tltedepth being Jucreas
cd three feet all the distance.; ) f
"At Coos Bay the north Jetty tram
way has bet-41 trompletot'ejceept eigh
bents. It is expected' to complete' the
tramway entirely this month. Enro-k
ment Is irt-oceetling at tlie rate of I3,tJ0l
to K5.1XH) tons jmr month, f i 1 .
"At Siuslaw the work Is; well unde.
way. Seven lients Iiave lieen addetl to
the tramway," which Is being enroeked.
The work is making good progress,
"Dretlging of all the bonis in Low
er Tillamook Bay lias been completisl,
with the exception of one. JThe dredge
Is, now engaged in widening the ;eut
through the mud" flat .opposite Bay
City. As soon as this work is complet
ed, the remaining, shoal In the iower
lay will lie dredged out. "When this is
completed there will be - no obstruc
tion to the free passage of vessels In
the lower' bay. In Hotiuarton Slotigh
there are four hort "bends, .which wi II
have to be cut off to t'Mwiiikli
and 5 goods, now for 1.25. Several hundred pairs
goods: We invite you to
(55c and 75c. Three pairs of ladies' black hose,
Isadora Green baum
First door south of Postoffico.
"Own Make"
for Men
Sue II. Elmore.. the "new .boat now be
ing built lor thy Tillaouook run. CiljH
tain Harts exiects to' have, this work
.lt'iie li.r the time the Elmore lss ready
to run, , - ' , ; . . , ,.; -:''; . . . ,. .
".Nt the. Cascades the work has 1mvu
lutertVred with somewhat by Uk high
water, but good progress is ie3iig made
VY-ork lias been complttetl on the north
sitb? of the canal at the lower end, ilud
oei;atIons lutve been begun on the
other tide.
"The .sand blast Is working to tier-
,'et-tion.. The , middle aitd .upiwr gafes
!i)vf Iw'vu pafntetl.as.far as.high watrr
would permit, and as he Water goes
town rbe'-fw in tern- will ToJ lo w. Jt, , and
then jielowerj3KatfS,.Avill be paintetl.
Tbe-way the sand vUList taits off rust
ami old paint is a caution. The only
trouble '.is that it Is hard ou the .'men.
ind removes the skin on their hands
and faces. TJiey work bundled up In
clothes for protection, which is Incon
venient at best." .
.'Chauneey M. Ieiew. addressing a
class of girl, graduates In Wasliingion.
has declared :VThere are three great
events in a woman's life; these are her
graduation, her engagement and her
marriage." Then he dropped a hint
that would lie very valuable to .women
tf it 'admitted' practical applicationIn
t lie! r case, says Haner"s Bazar.
Life ir not all serioaC and it Is'Tiot
:JJ worfe.liellevc in fun. ''Why, FiunV
here tonight as young and gay and
U to Is? Included in the calculations "of
the ' woman the - sweet- girfc-graduate
lieconies? Wb know ourselves, alas!
We .women of the times. To lx, nierry
gladwe'.x living ho'w .'can we?'Ve
have a mothers meeting at 9 a. m. to
prove what's awry with mothers and
their; children. At 10 we go Into . the
stunis to wrencn our-Hearts, soil our
haudx. antl, but for force of intellect,
despair; st riving to make li f e a ud
light out of the humanity of the sub
merged. The afternoon . we have a
tneefcing wlKre pa tiers read, concluslve-
lr demonstrate that woman is doomed
to injustice from tlie start, and that all
we get. on earth we -shall have bv
ngnjnff grimly. So It goes from morn
ng till dewy eve, and through the3
night our sleep is troubled with the
tnoirglit of all the burden that falls on
us. It is very well for, a man to talkv
of (lie i wisdom ot fun. But let htm
ry tieing a woman of todavLEet Idtn
know, all she knows, and try to do all
tliat tier consehmce demands or hoi-
Then he will' see how trne It Is that
living is very serious business.
A Disastrous ConflacTsMoii TiUt X
Vause a Suspension of Dr. Kil
f '- ' mer Si Co'8 Business.
isingliamton, N. ' Julr 12
The fire which destroyed the im
mense Swamp Hoot medicine plant of
Dr.! Kilmer &, Couijjy, 1st, was the
most uisastrous.Ttf bivli has ever oc
curred in Binghamton. N. V. However.
the; Kilmers ivsumetl business next
morning, though not at the old stand.
which Is a heap of smouldered ashes.
Wliile the firemen were yet. injuring
water ou the burning Cheiiago street
establishment, the Kilmers were ar
ranging to do business somewhere else.
That this great Industry might not lie
crippled for a moment., through the
eonrtesy of other prominent firms and
cluns,tl-er large factory and jjidjofu
neilth-fras) any of you, btjeause L.Juive proHTty. xiiomas Jefferson.
(totten'u of life?' all tlief funj Miere'ts , ii' V r'ir I ', -ii i ?
Ittlf.'.i - ;j iiV U Itulenbe Ms icured " oy ' BEE
.JPtan the mere Jot of living-how is CHAM'S PILLS. '
Salem, Oregon
inspect them. Ladies and
and shoe stock.
Two doors north of
the old stand, Donl
be deceived. TJiis is
the best slice in Sa
lem for the money.
Try a Pair
ng buildings on South street. w-re ni-t-atetl
for the benelit of Oie Swamp
Hoot ietple." arttl possession w':is taken
Ifimetl lately, and here, by Monday.
.Ii'lj-'Hth.' lids new, teliijiOrary lactdry.
Will btl turning out Swamp lit int.- the
great Kidney Honiedy, In iuantities of
aWnt WMiUKI liottleM per thiy, and In
two or three weeks' time the full ca
l'iaeltyrof"i'nore tliaii four 'Mines that
an'octit ; will ' be ' protluced. The Im-nk'use-deniantl'
for Swanip ' Boot 'Will
thus' In no way be interfered With.
-' Oji tie old slte,! With adjoining prop-'
erty which has just been' purcliased.
will le erected immediately nn abso
luvlTfVIW)ltte2!prr struct are,
plans for which have been" nearly
"'';. I , i ; , fit; ---
The iKople's vo:c 1s.oild;U .
If s, and It Is not, the voice of God.
While There Is Life There Is Hoie;
I was aJTlictetl with catarrh; ' could
neither taste nor smell and could hear
but little. .Ely s Cream Balm cured It.
Marcus G. Shautz. Bah way, N. J.
The Balm reached nie safely antl the
effect Is surprising. My son says the
first application gave jlecldetl relief. -ltespcct
fully, Mrs. Fraukliu Freeman,
Dover, N. 11. (
The Balm does not Irritate or cause
sneezing.. Sohl by drugfiMsts at Ml cts. '
br mailed ty Ely Brothers, to Warren
J .-' . 1 !-
Wlien iv man nsHiiiruH n rulili int
he should coHttide himuelf as public
Unbelief Is blind. Milton.
Ihi Kind Yoa Han km Bougie
WANTED A, man and wlCe to work
on farm; wife must be eoniiHtent tt
handle housework needed on a farm.
None but competent icrsoiis utel
, apply. Inquire or address D. IV Me
Carthy, Turner. Or. 7:Hlw-Ot tl.
premium paid for Marion and Folk
county warrants, at the office of F.
i Itreyman,withv Boise &. Barker, 270 .'
Commercial atrect Saleui. 7:l-tlw
FOB SALE-;, Springer, froui'r;nok
comity, is here again wlih a siuall
- numlier - of -- choice ilraft-.JUorses,
among which are several line mans.
Horses can tie stnn At-,J. A.iieffer
sou's farm, 5 miles ent of Salem.
4,7:1 1-UlltW.
lem, Oregon. Is GIVINt; A NEW
cycloiiaetlla Brittanica, valuable books,
a Guitar. Mandolin, etc., to those who
will send in a certain number of sub
scriptions. You simply send the re
quired number and GET THE FBES
ENT. This is not open to regular
solicitors ,to .-whom a commission is
paid. Write "for isirtlcuiars and a
copy of the paper. We will ' paf a
cash coinmlsslbn to those who will
devote their time to soliciting for the
paier. . Address ! "
"" - "i 'J " v ; : -i - ' ; i