FEED STORES. SALTtlsALT! Tli r lowest prieei. in'the state. 5 Jhs- HAU GROUND 23ctS 100 bs. I AU- GROUND... -.:.45ct: 50 1hv I- IN I- DA J R Y. . , 4sct, 50 FI NIC? WELLINGTON -J?cts 100 I!s FINli -.WELLINGTON Kscts. BREWSTER & WHITE Nj. 9 Court Street - 'Phone 17S1 "The Feed Men " DEALERS IN GRAIN. WHEAT BOUGHT '.p: - ., ;.r " :, ; or , exhar.zcdi i for flur and Teed at branch office of Aurora Roller Mills, warehouse on Trade street, near High. Salem,; Oregon, j ! J : BICYCLE REPAIRING. G. A. ROBERTS Bicycle Repairing i New and Second-Html Wheels 103 STATE STkjEET SALET1, OR TINNING AND PLUMBING. T. S. BURROUGHS TINNINC1 AND PLUMB1NQ Gas and Steam f fitting. Manufact urer of Hop and. Fruit Pipe. 103 State St.. Tel. 151. 5a!em, Or. B LACKSM ITIIi NG. W. R R. S7-TITH BORSESHOER USD I GENERAL BtUCKSIITH Carriage and Wagonmaking, special atteiiti pawl to interfering ami lame ness of TJorses. j 185 Commercial St., Opp. Brewery PHYSlCfANS. J. F. COOK", M. D. BOTANICAL DOCTOR - Cures Cojisumptiofi. Cancer, Tumors, Gravel and ICklney Troubles, Asthma. Ski n and Jlone Diseases, wifhout knife, plasters, posisoti-s or pain. Also Rlind-sse-ss. 1 - Salem, Oregon. D. D. KEELER ". VETERINARY SURGE OX mud STOCK INSPECTOR.... Comer Center and Front streets, foot of Steel ; Bridge Salem Oregon. LIVERY STABLES. LOUIS MILLER & SON ! Proprietor of the I..CLUB STABLES. , Best Singe and Double Rigs in' the city. 'Best care given to boarding ami transient stock, j Telephone Z41. Cor. Liberty and T Ferry Sts", Salem. A. R. PAGE I W. A, STEPHENS PAGE (S STEPHENS Horses well fod. good accommoda tions. Fine Rgs. Good ' Rigs - for commercial men a specialty. Horses boarded by day, week i or month. Red fnoai Livf3ry,4 Feea ond Boardina sue 164 Commercial. St.. Tel. 85 r. Salem WILLAMETTE STABLES South Commercial St., Sale m, Oregon Having bought -W. J. HulTniaa's Teed and Livery business, we have re moved k to the Willamette Stables. sooth of the bridge- on Commercial tt, where we will be found prepar ed to serve the public in the best pos sible manner. We furmso rig for driv ing. Gentle team for ladies and good accom.modation for transient teams. Board horses by day or week. A blacksmith shop will be run in connc: lion wkh the barn, where you can get 70m horces h$d and all kinds of re pairing done. All work guaranteed satisfactory; ' f f HAROLD & REYNOLDS HARNESS MAKERS. If You Want a first-class HARNESS. Call on If. W. JOHNS I am making the best ever turned out in Salem, j Call and see for yourself. RESTUU RANTS. 20 C PER MEAL at the ffHIU HOUSE RESWftKT 106 State street. Salem. M'KILLGP & BURKHART. Prop. GOOD FARMS FOR SALE .From .to 25 per i.cic f Thce lands lare in Marion county. O.ciron, and are ottered e n easy term; of payment. TIhv were taken' tin. lei fomclosttrc bv ' iwn -residents, honct are 'ottered fori U than iiniilar farnw held by resident owners. For full par tiotdars and d.yrrn ! ". " or - addrcs M.etr t-.c ; Cfc liiinll. .V Worcester bWk. Poitlsnd. r g ?n. 01 BOZO IM H ) M HKHS-. Pacific! IL. s.;'3 ' .' - i .. $V: farm pa;rr. : I.'s "1 a ... vl 5 .. '. t 3 car. Pacific!' I lom.-r.-i- v- ' !!e Fine priat.iij,; .Sumhi Jol Office. . - for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought lias borne the signa ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one to deceive you In thi. Counterfeits, Imitations and Jiist-as-grood" are hut Experiments, and endanger the health of Children Experience against IlxperimenU The Kind Tou Have Always Bought S7 iJears the In Use For Over 3D Years. 'Tr eet. tt uwt fr.f ct, new ? tnr Kii 1 rrn 4 FT? EE FOOM UCt. Prit oiui quart, ;S.V.-Ilalf 'GaL. VK- One t'ak. $1. Five 1'ali, $4. -i . SAVAGE REID, Seedmen 322 and 324 Commercial Street North v ). f: !'' T HZP-:: ill: FfSfiflztl i ! r M Salem Fence Works I 12 1 WALTER MO RLE Y, Proprietor . 59 State Street, Salem. aetafsi Jon sired Br McKINNEY 2:1 1 1-4 s' OF - - : : ; ' t ' ?' ' s ,'' ' -1 ': ' L ' r' , ' ' ' ' ' Coney 2l7.i. -Ten n le Mae 2 oinbro 2:11.' You Itet 2:12' Hazel Kinney. 2;12'.. MeZ-us 2:l:k Juliet l. 2:t:'4. IM'. IUH-k 2:1.".;4. Harvey M 21. ilHi V. MeKinney 2:1 Hi- :sit. 2:1 St. aid eight . . i others in t lie list. First d.-iin Minn.VY RKI.U by tiOSSl'PKK 2:tl;4. sire of Cazelle 2:llj4, Miss Jessie 2:12 and oiliers. . FW-eoiid dam-ItUIAU BI.LK.ly ' DON WILKES 2:2M (son of AlcytHM') sire of Kiversido 2.12;4 ami eight others. Tiiird dam By Mamhrino Pateheo 'S8, the greatest VhhmI mare sire in the world. ; '. f- " Fourth dam P.y Aliuonr ..13, sire of Altaiuoiit. the great Oregon sire. CAPTAIN JONES Is a Mack stallion foah.l in 1S!iT. stands 1" 3 hands high, weighs IKiO iMmi-.lSv li:i iH'rr.K-t trotting action ami promises to 1m M Kinuey's 1hs1 son. dome and s.-o the hn-d ami iin.-st in lividunt ever shmi in tJregon. Captain Jiius will make the season of 1!nn. . . From July 1 to September I, at State fair Grounds, Salem, Or. terms, $25 Season v ?10 payable at time of wryiee and balance end of seawn, with privilege of return. JOHN PENDER, Her voice changtl like n birds: There grew more of the music and Jess of the words. ' Robert P.rown'iig. Ktrt FENCE POST, catl with ' ..Carbolineum Avenarius.. Will out wear O.lsr It i also ltad.cal tta operation t the InstV walla of ptul- try nJ!MS WHl itih.ih-iij r- - lTmiiiat- H I.IOK. ? n.ult: lt!!ihy Chick-ii!-PI.'nty ess. Write for fireular an! irlcr ah4 nen ttn this Mper.' -1 It. M. WAUK Ajreots, - SA1 OltKOOM. Dr.FcnocrsGOlPEHRELIEFI 1- t5 A TRUE t; MC 13 AtAm IMCTI AMMATION ICUi AMiTAM iNSlDE OK OUT j in lo tinny jiiou.. j. Hotel Shntiam At Detroit. Oregon. Now : open for Summer Tourists. New House, newly fumUhcd tirifcla?i accomntotlations. price from i.oo to per dty. 1 H. Jacobs. Prupmtor, - Yom Work Solicited. GEORGE E. SLY, Sup't WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, FRIDAY, JULY Signature of . .Tlie of thiii preparation has Ih-oiiii? ko ur1iverH.1l, nd results are no Kitisfaetory. that most - Ixmltry-niKierH would not know Isotv to keep Iiohsh without it, It fx no longer eessary to dip or : dust pmltr" to kill the liee. A "eau of Ih's Lh-e Killer, a pa iu7 j brush, and a few in invite' work in applying, it to . the rosts. iiit-.-iiiH all the exiM'rise and htltor. How :ie-itssar.v to-keep the fowl.n, - f 1 ee from IkIu 111 de n nd -. im n1.v llu'i A mil of it should Ik ill every iMMiltrT-house. It kills .ml .. prevent mite!. anl li-e." "anJ keeps the air in the ioult ry-ho.use pure and sweet, Hilling disease srernis nnd preventing the other .lieniijcs of the ImiiiIi ryinMi roup ; and hoh-ra. . n Wovcn Wire FicM FcingV Net- ting for Belgian hares, poultry etc. - Shlngks and Screen doors. Salem Oregon HSU COMMISSI OMRS' REPORT. HeceSpts of the Otlice for the Mouth of. May Paid to the Wale Troas ? ur.T Yestenlay. i . j State Treasurer Chas. S. Moore Is in receijd of a remittance from Fish Coin teissit.iier F. C. Ktt d. .tvering the ol-IH-tions tor tlie liHinth of May. fr 11-c-eits.-s. lines, etc. Tlie total receipts are ils.Tl.oO, divid.nl among tin ev eral districts as follown: district x.k ; . . . ... . . .?isi: liistrict Vo. It -T ) District '-No. l....... P Total. .J1ST.1 "jO Tnc 1-atest Yarn. A Pittsburg drummer tells this new varn: I always carry a bt1e of "kemp's Balsam in my grip. Intake cokl easily and a few does of the Balsam always makes me a well man. Everywhere 1 go I peak good word ffr Kemp. I take hold of my customers I take old men and young men ami tell them confident ially what I do when I take cold. Mlruggists. 25c and 50c. STATK TAXKS.-State Treasurer Clias. S. Moore Is In receipt of a r iitiniKW rrom the treasurer of Sher- j man' -ounty. of $T.27.!Mt Oii aecmnt of tate taxes nr tne year in". .- , 1. ' I Saint Angtistlne. well hast, thou Kaid That of vices we eau frame A l-nhlcr. if we will but tread - P-euefltif our fw-t each deeil of 1 1 .i A QUARTERLY REPOIU nrsisEss nr tiik ulem rosrorcicK FUK TIIKkK MONTHS. BeeHpts of th OOlre W r 't A Grrmt for th PraNfedlac liar(-r-fpe-b.l iFroin Daily Statesman. July 11.) IVtHiaster KdwanI Ilirsch Las Just completed an.1 forwanlc.1 to" Vasli iugtott Ida Weond quarterly re,Mrt for the year V.K tniitins on the bus iness transacted ill the local 'oltlee .hiring the eriol covered by the uiomliK .if ; April.- My and Juue. While the Tirt sJiows a very fat Isfiietiry .-oiditron. there . Is a. slight falling off in the receipts for tin quar ter ver tlos of the pre.'.'e.ling tlme 111 out lis. Fur' the first quarter, the aggregate oC the receipts lyas f 4;Ki".- 7. which for tlie quarter Just ended. 1 he !re-eiiits aiuounte.1 to only f 4ioS. o. r The Itein 1o aiiiount of iostage cdleted in nwiueyjon .s-.-ond class iratter maile.1 by publisliers and news ftgeut.. flown larger reit-ipts for the second .piarter than, for Jhe first, 'the tisures lteing: First quarter, $l"2.1f. wcond - quarter ; 17.. ". This Is eor rilMratiVe eyhh'ncej of the fact that tliej Stati-man'si circulation is very snlitantiallj- inerasiug aud very de cidely suptMirt.- and verities all claims made in this lehalf. Tlie report shows the following bus iness In tlie special delivery depart ntetit: Kunaber of i articles uuiilabhi matler arTivlng in the inn Us from t It er ofttce for iqecal delivery, 124; nuuilHr of fartlclesf mailable anatter deiMsite.I in pot.fHc. for Iiw al MM-.-i.il .leHvery,, 44 of wliicU 12 were 1 livere.1, two packages tieiug forward ed.' .- .q ) - The following in a muuinarj- of t h. report: . ' ; '';' Il.-ceipts.' Amount tit ostage stamps, jKtstage due Ktjuups. siM-.-iaF : ;. .Hivery stamps, iiewspapr f, and iK-rili-3il. stjimps nnd . titanqM-il envehqtes. newsjut- . t wrapiKTH and , iwistal -i 1 cards on hand at close of -last quarter! . . . . 144 21 Amount of stamps, etc., eu umerate.1; alMv: re.-eiv.Hl from the department durUig the quarter..... ...... !..?3S(i3 l Total to lie accountel for. .$.Soo7 '"ot Deduct n mount of jMtstage : stamps and oth-r supplies . imvp-011 liaiid. ..... .. .. , . iJ.'KIIS SSI Til amount' of iKtstage stamps s anil other stnpli.- sll dur-. Ing the; quarter. ..... . L ..$lCs 70 To amount of jMistage colUct-r ed In tintiey mi second clasrt matter tuailcd by; publisliers I ' and news agents. . . .$) 17-S T.T T 1mx rents for the quarter.f l."V4 10 P.y eoiTeclJoiis of t'orm.-r ac counts jts mt auditor's' . sta lenient, ttt nmiimt,...,. 2-" .Total. ...$l:Ml:7S Py wilary-l of iwistimaster. ... .?"S2. Py 'coniiiiissliis on !h; siecial- : (delivery articles .l.divere.1 at ! "X .-.-ills eaclu . i ,r . .... . s10 S Ity amount klU rlerk , In . : Mkstottie.. . ... V .-."."...... "ml hi Py amount paid for rent $ lTii i lty tiiisceIIan.ous ;exieiis'sI.f it! W It.v n mount Kiil letter car- ' riers..... ... ... ........ Ci) tn. By deiHjsits at San Francis-o f2r2t 2 Total. f rai 7S ROAD TAX REBATE FEW rAMf.KS AVAIL TllflMSELVES Of 1H.CKNT I.EOISt.ATIO' By Which ProUtM l Mde for the JUp dMUon of IComJ Tax-Tot of ' j 75 the UHI. I 1 ; - 'I- ' " : '' ' "'.' t ' Very few Marion ; county ' farmers, have avaih-.l themselves of the tiwnt legislation' bjr which their road tax mey le. rHlucel. The legislative as sembly of: 1.B'f enacted a law that had for its obj.-ct tlie improvement of the roads in tlie various counties of the 5 ..... . state. . jThe bill regulating the matter. Js entitled an act to encourage the use of wide I ires on wagons and other vehlcl.'S used for the transiortation of freight aud other heavy articles on thfe highways of this state, and to tax such vehk-l.-s having tires of less width than three inches. The text of the bill ! a follows: L I "Be It enacted by the jcgiflative as sembly.of the Ktate of )regn: I "That from amt after tlie first day of January A. D.. the county court or. county Itoard of each coun ty within this state is hereby author ize.! to itiakv a rebate each year for four year on the road tax of each person within its county who shall own and liaise in habitual nse, on the highways of 'this state, wagons or other rehiek-; for the transirrtatien of freight ami other Heavy articles, tne tires of which are not Iw than thr.-e (n.i.wi in nrUth nf 21 for each wheel of such vehUe; and provkled. ftir- tber. that t Ie owner 01 eacn ti-hh ip having i tires, f not less than fonr inches In width, upon which there K a differen. of at kas eight fnelies In the length of tlie front and rear axle, so I cKistruete.1 that the front n.t nr n-wu will not come In con tact with' tins same r.md surface wbU the-'vehicle J uiovlnjr In .1 straight It i.L.ll ...i-.i tit all!twvn 1 1 t Im. IUH. M t HI in. 11. ... - - S for .said rebate furtlM-r r!ate f.w rii- in his or tier ra. tax a afore.-ahl of f2 for each vchl. h' of this class for each; and every year tinrlug .iid perifft that said vehicle Is habitnally nsel upon the highways of this state." Tl-cre i a statute in forc In tlibi fjat that enqoweri the county court of any toanty to levy si win 1 tax of not to xmd lite iullls for road 1900. purpose. Tliis luis lwen done but A single tiiiH iu Marion county and that as one year daring ex-County Judge Ilt'.blird's administration m hen a tax of alKiut 2 mills was levi.nl ami t!u efTeet was marvelous. More good an I sulistantial roal work - was ac.im plislie.1 In that one year than for years lefore. Without quest ion. it is far the best and surest mode of iro cednre to iusure the buiMing of nwids. I'nder the psent system, every free Rolder unless exempt fr.m the opera tion of the tax. is liable to a dl tax and two days nvtd work, valued in ail at $4, and one days work iiss.-ss.h1 at ?l-iO. for every $Hni of his prt.it erty valuation. . Thus- far only two farmers in this county have made application to tit. county court for a reduction In their road tax, consequent npn the use of wi.le-tire.1 vehicles. Tlie failure of the farmers to" avail themselves of, this law .cannot 1 attribute.1 to the Lick of wide-tired wagons, for '--Mar-, iou county farmers are very generally supplied with such vehicles as are Included within the meaning of the Liw. Instead It Is attributed to the fact that farmers are not generally Informed concerning the measure. During the term of (he 'Marion coun ty commissioners court just ended, II. F. Smith of Iload flMstrict No. 7 made application and upoii proor re presentation to the court. was graut e.1 a reUite of $1 In his mid tax. I. M. Waguer also. made application for tlie rebate in his road taxes; but his affidavit having not In-en protterly made out, the matter -was coutlnu.-d until the next term of -ourt when the slight technicality will tie reeltiieil and tlie reliate to whlclt lit is eutltle.l will le allow-.L IN LOVING MEMORY TAIILCT ERECTKO IN ST. JOSEfH'8 CATHOLIC Clll HC1I Aa a. MrnorbU to tho lJt Kt. J. H. White, hjr tb Catholic Lodl-a AM Soc-laty. -- ; . . ". I From Daily Statesman.!: July 11.) It was two years ago-todaj when Kev. J. S. White, for many years pas tor of St. Joseph's Catholic cliunh of this city, pass.nl way, and though time lias passed, his memory is still held dear by his parishioners, and their love for their erstwhile pastor is as "warm as when he passed nliout among tlieui, their spiritual advlwr and their friend. , Recently the inemlers of tlie Catho die Iadies Aid SM-Iety .h-cid.tl to erect a nieinorlal tablet In the church, to einiuneniorute the dc-ds and work of their dc-Hsel jmstor, and with this object iu view they set alut raising the fund.-, and arrange! for the tablet with a suitable lHH-rlpt Iou. The work of prclieifiiig ind .'iigraviug the plate was lel'tlolWilliam Stalger, and that gentleman? coiiiplet.nl his undertaking last evcuing, and tlie tablet will lo plaotnl iij, Msition Just Inside tlie en traiMVoi" the church this morning. '- The-4ljet hT-a oiagnilicciit plate of black IN-lgian marble, .'Pi by 2 i.-et, IVi iiichej. tn tlUckn.vss. ltis. iHlislud lKautifully, and n tt fac. Is ligravi-.! a CatlKHr cr.iss. under whlHi the fol lowing lettering; a ppars; engrave.! iu large gilt character: , r ? ; -,. IN i.Ml'MDUY OF , . OlTtt" 1 1 K 1 A V 111) 1 'A ST HI, HKV. J. S. W1I1TF. ItOILN MON'TltKAI. CANADA, DKCKMPKIt X 1K.1l; OltDAlXF.D . 1 turroitKit 13. lS7.-; J , DIl'D ' . AT SALEM. JFI.Y 11. 1S!IS TAPI.KT KIi:TKD PY TUP CATII OLIC. I.ADIKS AID SOCII'TY, A. D. UMH). IttHuies-at in Pace. The memorial stone is a twin to the one erected to tlie memory of. Iter. J. DoCraene. a' former pastor' of .the Sa lem church.: who pass.nl away S.-ptnl-Ikt 12, 1S;I. It v.as er.-ctinl by a col lege., mate of tlie deceased, a Iriest now iu charge of a parish hi Tneonia. TROOPS LEAVE MANILA. Men Thoroughly Arti'icd and Irovih-l with Abundant Supplies on tSoing to China. " WASHINGTON. July 10. In re..ly to Instructioiis of the S-cretary of War of July 7th. tieneral Mac-Arthur cabled tlie Adjutant General the following, under date of July Pth. lti:lo p. 111.: "Daggett's regiment Fourteenth rnit.nl States lufantry): Ileilly's lot tery t Fifth Artillery), wiil h-ave on tlie Pith for Taku on the transiMrts hidi aiia, Flintshire and Wyelield. Taylor is in Samar, not available. For other iniantry regiments for Chinese service p recommend the llrst one leaving the States. Manila is nicely card for un til the arrival of new troops without drawing on Anderson. Pnllard or Sar geet, which is now Impracticable. "In addition to one month's subsist ence supplies with the troop..! send with Daggett to establish a deitot. three month's sulsistence for frfiou men. Ucgimetits have Ti rounds of ammunition per'tuan.' Crozii-r carris l.ooiixi res-rvc and such miscellane ous ordnam-e supplk-s as can Is spar.nl from here.. With a view to medical supply -depot, store for tlm-e months for 7ibt men are going with Daggett; there will le eight m.nlical officers In China from tlie Philifipinos. Send three nionthV forage. 3."0 animal and partial supply of winter clothing for the Ninth lufantry. SlwiU keep Indi ana, and Flintshire in Chinese waters for hs-al service therein. Order all large transjort home to expedite the transfer of trooi here. The foregoing arrautrements can easily lie ehatitr.nl if the department's wishes are cable 1 quickly. ':': .' "Seven companies of Hardin's regi-m-Mrt. Taylor's Iwttery. have Nn-n sent to Samar, refdacing Hughes troops there, which liave ticnm coiu-entrat.nl in Ieyfe. I rnjHst authority to fs-r-niaiieiitly transfer the Samar depart ment to Southern Luzon. -MACARTIILTL totrtfh tod Tan faa linn yjA ted Tan hza Hum EiguaXmn tt NEW LEGALiiiQlESTlO CAN A I ATE NT HE ATTACHED TO SAT tSVX A JflMlilENT'r. Arfood ltforClrrait Jad Burnett a4 Taha I ttdr AvlnrBt-l . ; ; : partmral o- 9. . j ? :il."r.im T-tilr Statesman. Julr 11.1 i j Circuit Judge II. Piintett held a Kln-t Fesskul of l'p:irtnieiit No. 1, Marlon county circuit court, yesterday afternoon and last evening adjourn-.! court until t a. 111. Monday uext. I Judge Purnett couven.-d ,curt Art the puns. f honriug arguuients in the caw of Mrs. A. II. IiCroix, vs. P. J. S-harlisH-h, the discussion of which inroln-d an uutisiul legal question' and preseutod to the court a case. un like anything lefore considered. M n. IiCroix Is a inerchaut of Sublimity, and at last term of the i-in-uit court iustitute.1 an action for money stilt ana !nt P. J, Scharbach. a W.HslbuiQ 'blacksmith.' She was awarded Judg ment by d.-f a nit for ?'.US.ri. with in- terest at 1 (per cent . frni'u date, to gether wiih the costs mill diHburs. meiits, taxe.1 at 15.k. S liarla Ii was not iosesed of any real or per sonal property that 'Could le attacln-.l, and as a final effort to "realize- on her judgm.-nt, Mb. Lifmlx wt-k to at tach a patent t-r a chang.'able bicycle. gear that was invented by the defend ant some four years(ago and who Is now In iKissessiou thert-of. The plain tiff, further petitions that the patent bo pla.'-.-.! in tlie hands of A r.-c.lvcr ami sold, the pntc.-eds .if t lfi sale (o Hm uppli.-d In the cancellation of her judg 111. nt. It was on this phase or the case that, the extended discussion was made. Carsou'W Adams upiM-arcd for Mrs. IjiCroix and Kaiser .V- Slater represent.-.! Scjiatbach. After' nil cx hiiiistiv. iirgiiiu.-ut of tlie '.question .'by ImuIi sides, : Judtf. Itiirnett . .took, tlie matter under advisement. The case is known as a ii-H-ie.iing under at tnchinent siiid.-iueiital to execution, and the argument was had 011 11 1110 tln to strike out and set usiile tlie n ition and atlhlavit ami to dissolve the restraining order and also a dem irrer o lite ls-titlon and atlidavit. -Th whole .use hinges on tlie qu.-stloti. as o whether or not a Viiij-l States jiatent Is liable to execution. Judge Purnett, during the" day, made two minor orders 'as follows: 1 The D ltrien t'o., vs. A. Hamilton, action for money, default and Judg ment. ! Allen & Lewis, vs. P. W. Din-bin;1 "tction lor liujiie', settled. Circuit J ud ;e.' 11. 1. Poise convened Iiep.-it-tiueiit No 2 for a ' short, time yesterday and made several orth-rs. The docket, showed (lie .following . orders lor the day: 1 . 1 I. -C. I'etersoii. vs. J.. 11 Peterson, .iivorce; c.uijiiiii-.i. Mary F. Nott. vs. C. A. Nott, divorce; dl.vor.-e gnniled nnd children award.il to plalnliflV. , . . .;, j ... ; In the m-itter of I lie estate of James S. Martin, deceased-. apMnil from tlie county .-.mrt, c.-ise trniiKferr.il to De-p.-irtiuetit No. I. Francis Feller vsl Ancle I a Feller, mot Ion for riliii . r-lt nf oviu.iil l.tn tn-' tion allowed. At .To'chM-k court ndjourtied until 10 ok-Iim k tomorrow iiiot nii g. IN PUOP.ATi: CtfrirT.-Frank Holmes has lieen npiNiintnl iiilmiiiis trator of ,.l he estate of Jus. X. Harty,. d.n-i-asil. who di.il mikkos.iI of lots and 4 in bl.s-k 1, t.'f II. .Ioiicm' jiddi llon to Salem. C. H. !Cds-rtsou. J. II. I,imti and Peter tlrals-r liave !m-ch np- oiiit(iI nppniisers leirers.ui "Myers adiniiiistrator le Isuiis 11011 of the es tate, of A. D. Pisdon, de.n-as.il. bus Is-t n atitltoriz.il .to self t he proKrly of the estate 011 August 2'i. ;1!NH. The prop.rty consists of lfin iK-res of ui cnitivat.nl land In t 1 s. r " e. east ot Portland. Citation has also Imi.ii -sii.il to the heirs of tlie deceased, . It - llnf tlitii niil'utoi It, iii.ni.1 linMiL.l .., .... , ... . ..ill , ,lllir.v 2ith and show . suse. If any exist, why t he pltipoKcd -sate slioutd not be made., The lieirs are: Mrs. Ll7.zle Ward. .nu . ...... a... . . , .... , inn'i ii iiiiumiuT, 01 .m:i iii.i in, California; Mrs.; Ada M. Jordan, agul :J2 years, daughter, of Seattle, Wwl ingtoii.' nnd Chas. D. Ulsdnu, nged years, n son.- of Hicldatid Srin;s, CalifornfH. The' sale Is deem.il lieces. sary by the administrator to pay tlie clafms against Itlie ext;ite. whlclt lire enumerated: .:. tm follows: JetTersoii Myers, fees as ndniliilstrator, f7i; P.rown, Wrlglituian & Myers. ' legal services, 9bVinnd the costs of-conducting tlie sale. . . .The tinal reort of F. T. I-mIs. guardian of tlie is-rson nnd estate of J. A.I 1-wls. wis accepted niul the guani!;iii was rlciiHcd. 1'he ward rcn-eiv.il 2IP..1o,.: .The final nc count of Micluiel Skalfe. executor of the .-slate of Pols-rt Skalfe, hneas.il, wiil Iwjieard at 1 a. in., August ISth. COLLIDKD WITH A MAN. While driving down Commercial street with a splrit.il animal last, evenfiig, flimiit t;:-'!o iiVIiKk, Walter I Too., of. WisMlbum. necideiitally. ran1 Into niij elderly geiitlema 11' at the Intersection of State street, and Iw-fpre Inv could avoiil the a.n-idcut. the isilestrlan, whose name was not ascertained, was knocked down nnd severely, though not at all seriously bruised by tlie mls liflp. Mr Tikiw promptly stopped the animal and proffered his assouancc to the stra lurer, -who was soon able to leave for his. home In the subiirlw. ' Tlie accident was qulto unavoidable and resulf.nl quite fortunately In every re!n-t. ' - j '- . -1 TIIKY KMi nOLl' SILYKU. l In the Central Atnerlcan state gold is' almost unknown as n medium of exchange, and a customs duty is plae.il on silver. Put tlie clever smugglers of that region r recently have In-en caught lii an attempt to evade. .11 ctistoms laws to tlie tune of many, thousand dolhirs. This moves one of tlo Central American partem to say: "The silver now in circulation In the I nlted State Is ;2.MNimmn against frrt.ooi . Jn 187!. In the jiglit of fad tlie war on silver exists no where and nover did exist. Here on ly It exists on silver shipping aul smuggliiig."5