Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, July 13, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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rnsicnists Begin their Operations
In Bryan's Home City
many thovsamds were treses
t - f I .:: ; i . , .-
To Hear the baJfrn of th? Democra
cy Towue Talks on Silver and
Bfjanon the ew lnes.
j - t i . - , .
10.T.he in
formal opening; jof the J icmocrnl ic
jN.btical campaign Kw; pl.ue j;, i,jn
rolti bslay. Ui . ratification
meetings, puejisj tit; jafimioim, eon
dm-ted the 1 iv.pnlists rtr, silver
Republican- of 1 Nebraska.. ; ami out
this evening cotllitt iul by the Demo
crats. WJ J, tryan. C. A. Towin
... ..i. i,, i imiit i outer lea I -er
of the; i;ut i-K outlined the work
of thf niniiaiih in the interest .f
Bryan ' ami Stejjnsoii.
Probably people, a
a good por
tion fti.in distaiijf .point's . -Jh the state.
liMcllfd t th.es Ulioeeh.es, ant j;u-1
homage in the jji adt rs' of the parties
to which they tiwed allt.ginnt-e, near
ly :;M iM-oide I itirinjrthe auditorium
in the tfteinoon
While to.tXMt gathered
in tltf eapitol gnounds In tho -evening.
Ft-van ami Toja at; spoke at both
meetings. ! - j. : ;
At the ajfteni6jft nun-ting Bryan and
Stveusoii werej given a tremendous
greeting' by t!nf ; crowds.. Hptli 'were
ff4 fti! again 4 tid sixain as they ap
peared on tin- platform.
-Towue I'liVi(in( tlie nmt extehl
t spet-h t4; tjws evening meeting.
mliiili5C thet-cttfnp i;rn arerumt tits on
which the Heiif M-rntie party will .fixht
tin campaign ; tr i!!. Jiiwuc tavi'
hi "first- at t nl ion to the monetary'
question, tir:it1 tiiir that the is.u,- ha I
changed in JiiiprtaiH-f1 since hut
iiist'sttiig thai t ir v.a'i tiJI the live
issue, and that 'the principles of 1 i mt -nlisiit
are as jlrtie now as in lK!s..
'TJryan simony ther things said:
V I know that; some of our allien felt
grieved that tlify were not given the
second piatL tixii flw? tieket, luit I
am fciuf '-. ttwyi fannirt fetd . unkindly
lnwanl one vvhjo, like! .Vitv Sjeveum,
was hval ti tut- t'ttk t nan ' at Chi
ao. :ind wlm'iH'alde to Iefenl the
ntajniilieent p;rrty creed wt forth at
K a i item Uty. ii itt this canipaiyu the
issues are reaiep thau tiuu.
i i ; w in' i ni i-: voir i- u kt 1 1 -
irKiiif y.y i'Atiirr.
!eierals. 'leihinlH and l'as t Attack
ed the Twnfai.d Scattered
- ' i tle ilkwi I'ui-ccm.
1.MhX. -Ily lo. Ind Kolwrtx
has N'-nt jlhe fyllowiis. dispatch to the
war o'l;ce; I :
"ii-ctorhi .Inly !.- (Mi-ineutH ami
l:,;T,t' i'ciifK, reactiiil ItclltlcJiciu oji
J liiy llh. The t oi lavf, tti wearing I lie
t"wi. Ke)l in jt Hag! of truce, di-mainl-in
its tirfcjtMici'. wliich was refu4,l
1-y I H-wet. wun Tapct. making n wide
leinii; i!ovk-ienl, Miccjttietl in (ici
t.uex l.okl of the enemy! most hiijMjjt
ant position, fonsinaudimr the town.
This carried ly . the l'l;t rs and
Yorkshire l.ilit Infantry. T!.i.- nio.n
ins: Ihe attacl wax cnii::ncd. and by
noon the towo va In ur hands and
the enemy Injfnlt r.tnat.
ainl thtitj'two l ull of the MuuMei
eilueTlt wnt ided. aul ue ndsiu:r.
t'aptains Mcl'i'iciMMi am! Wakes, ajul
l.icut. Tonwiy wven-ly. and I.ieut.
r.o.Ml I'tMdifuI. 'Sf'oitUh Ki'lles. KiiIit
1y wcumUil: h ven incii !' the Yoi k
jilitres wiHinded; eite. man l.iMl and
two wound" j of the 1 inpi rial .Yeo
manry., j
"J'l't'Utoi ii!f.i;m-itioii r'-irdiuvr the
capture of - jieiideSi.-n't ka. bceit n -c'i-C"l
troin : Icsncnis. t'h-ment at
lakel on i-sii"n, wh-kv I'aet a(
ttick.'d an-alej The position assault
i in Cl- iiK'Htii. was jjallai-ily captar
el ty the iM.v.il li ih. The Ii,-t of cas-nalih-H
has nt yet lecii reHrtel, Imt
ticincntH Nl.-'-ri'H that they ale few.
eonsideiii.;.' ti? strength oC .the posi
ticie ..atdtil. j i
"ll-ituti i's ti'valiy umler liri.stdwotML
rahe"l retltlchcHI July SI h.
-rrnh n -Powell reache.1 " ltu ;'enlHM jj
Jniv K!i wiltioiit oopoition.
t lie. llstnci wor ui ueie .
wiint tinsel tifd.. ,
- i-f
l2!l t tat :. t I 1.. It'i- .
a;.:.::':.i. !t --;.u. .1 r." - fii'l"1
aid tot.- til .'..'i.u- Jir;..n-. ard ii
rise- tlitf t'Mt;, rtt:n! skvp t htM
h I. To- r-tf b :T-t IK", d's.
r'irvl by Hood JMIs-
CI.iicse T'l iHinir Causes Ism tl;
; -America ii Kailwajs.
1 I 1
St. Paul. Minn.. July H. The ireiit
N.-rit.cni Las pi ven iioth-e ,!
ii -rents not to emilnict any freight tor
Ph iui. d-Mita-d to iiiJetlop iH.tnt- Ie
jend ,l:asi hfil. liens Kon-4 and Vn
t.u, I'niil imditieus in tuat einpire
l aVe lHceii more Mitle"I. V
Tl te : rei t rt l.em anl Xoi t hern
Pac-itie wiitRfd. tr stoiue extent, tl'.e
nanienar! iieef.-. tii- ...... . - -
foreicu iiprfeiM I. TI:e. trntitde ln '-
. . . . ...I........ i....lt1ll. liatttl
ra"V nati k i"-ti'- j .............. .-
ciijit aiMi esMvi.nl irans t'acitb Imse
m-K. H:iibad eftieVal hjM today that
the tJteal Northt in iniht temp.irarily
ose iix I. (ran--Par! lie ewiiiiectkuM in
4-ae the Phinew war reaclail an acute
.iairo. .' i
f.;-:'Uuj lift MaM : ihv y. a"-!
unts, ,rt - .Step the .on-
iM.rJu-.-iiv icrjtbis-f firw b lc-.tn.3te.
It. .lit a:c ifK.-ury t IhmMi. It ym
Iloix.Iuln.' July I, via Kan Francisco.
July iait is to the eolor4l iH,.jle cf
tin K.inil.... ' . . !
t-in'w luac.ttte pianta-
vm tTU7 of,.tI' Hawaii m ILidH
'11 t .n for relief in tle matter of the
I -wjiiueittion. Joho Hina auj
lecr' V iU1' of 'KtaU plantation.
in qm st f nejrm l.ilortrt. ' Thev liave
I"1" or -Hi can be re-
. mted af New Ork anx
Tin? plantation will par their ex-
-ii . . It . & ""u give luem
. inoiith. If enough Hepro laiwr
" -"-rei, i no i-'erTkets of the ja
panew win iK. 4lilt-ii,eJ with alto
r titer, ' ' . i
' ; TO WKST POINT. -: j
PortI.i. July 1U.-A. 1 Bariier. a
l. ye:tr old w, of Ir. JS. J. Harber
m this city, has In-en r.-cointnend.tl
" -nwsKman M.Hnly for ai.txmit
it'eut as nlet to AVest Point.
Wind tin Only Factor of Importance.
While the Padiie ITa Michtr
Iiil:;e of Wave, the Atlantic First
in arieiy and Vieiousiiess. '
I.ieut.-V.;n-C. il. Calkins in Ainslets.)
"The In-st routes across ti e Atlantic
are not far friu the easterly Ihu.1 of
the avemsre track "of cyclone. Nor
Ik tin Pacific voyage altogether out-'
:-! the rsui-re of typlKM.njt. Man?- of
thee sttrins rava-e tin-1 Philippines
;tiid the eotists of Cliiii;i,l but Japan
e. --aio with an averai of three in
a year. In loih sen reVolvlii; storms
follow similar tnuks. originating to
Uie ta si ward of tropical archijiela
2tHs Antilles or Philippines (skirting
a cotrtineiit, and tlien crossing to the
eastward in hi?h latitmles. To pas-s-n-'ers
thest calculations chiefly sus
tfsr "lisetMurort; captains fiml it worth
while to modify their course or ereu
to rediiei fsjeetl or lie to in heavy
weather. ; A jrale keeps n fifteeen knot
stetimer down t ten' knots, and a
hurricane imjjoscs strains and shocks
which may disable the motive power
Vf an old-fashioned steamer. Pro-rress
has alrea.ly secured the nafety of
ships from the entrance : of water
exci-pt in case of rrountlingr or collision
-i-anl the use of twin ierew's and the
subdivision of machinery space prom
ise equal security for propulsion. Hut
these improvements should go hand
in "hand with the trtudy'of winds and
weather, ami the new seamanship
provhlia;; for the 'handling- of .Kteam
ers under all conditions. :
"It is said that hlg liners can heave
to in the worst weather by simply
Moppin;r the engine ami lyiug with
the wind on the tiuarter. Shortersan 1
lower Kliips had to : kep way
"fioiijli to ;ivoitl falling off and wal
lowiilg In the : tlt.ugll f the sea
which inlrht invtlve rolls of forty de
grees each way, rolls which out hates
to remeinlier. Fortunately, increased
length ami tonnage have nearly made
an end of the nautical a 111 let ion known
as pitching. Sails used to licit in ly
ing to :ts well as in steadying tin
ship to keep a single wnf immersed
in .solid water to prevent the waste
and iinimviiiicv of 'rac'ii; when the
Ida ties cut. the surface:.' Hut when
sails have' to be furled tlieir top ham-:
lr iN'i-oim'.s a tlrag. antl no i-nlcula-tlon.
will Justify tlteir reteYjtlon In a
full-iwiweretl steamer, i . ' ;
"Ki-tnrnlng to gossip alHtut tlie
weather of . which .-wind is the only
f. -tctof 'of imjxirt.iii'e to fhts who
follow 'tin sea we timl that; the Pa
cific has nome right to itst comfortable
name. ' There is peace- in a steatly
tr.ole wind, ami excessive calm ahmg
th 'ijuator. Even the North Pacific
is gi itcitilly tutslerale, 'though rarely,
placid. As tlw Coltl'Mi M'ate is tlie
only -inlet ; thn.ngli which wimls from
til. eh'HIy XorrbweKt cjin reach the
iitfrtit-ns" hot valleys of California;
S-i u Francisco has the dusty, canyons
of its streets and the ; snn-storehl
slopes of its hills swept by exasper
atin r bree7,t s every af toriiooii from
At.ril tn sepfemlrtr. Yet the ti cures
.!nw New York as a great cr.ulTerer
from wind t'.tan her Pacific HvaL
Oidv in the Mast the bitter northwest
winds:, come in winter when human
oat iirt- ha cased t rtsist or com
t.liin. while the California biTe7.cs
blow dust tei acres of blosstnu. al
ifornia rarely f fa.--s a gale in mini--
r. wltile the cyt l.n claims all sea
son., otr Cain Ilatteras ami the tln-at
I Tajik. "
"The tourist w1h is able to pay for
his t.-hoi-e can take passaee in a big(
sSenim-r and sttw himself In a IxTtli
amitlshlps. where least motion Is felt,
ami so defy the temiest. Even then,
unless be cease t dress ami dine, he
vill prefer smooth seas. I'nftirtn
eately. this luxury atmot ."! guaran-
I him. The Atianite is easov ini
it iin
i vts
en is.
variety ami vtciousm-ss oi ne
creatt-tl bv cyclones antl cur
but the VneU'ic, has mighty
blown rolling from the sunset
dawn, and no steamer fails to
rid x?s
t h
o.fciiow ledge t licit supremacy, in un
I tt.an current and tlie '.rmosa cn.to
itel as elsewhere in conTused currents
ami shoal wate:'. all sorts of choppy
eas make for discomfort at certain
seasons. ; ...
-Fun! passengers learn. samanlike
tbaitkftilitess for smixtth sea- aivl
cbar horizons, there will Ik- grumb-
u-' ab,uit leiniH-raturcs. espts tatly
frmo furnace-heated Americans, ae--mtomed
tt the stifling alaee car.
P.nt i' H s easy to pro v hie rugs an t
-nrmcuts to tncet any degree of col-1
within the narrow range of -marine
tcmiK-raturcS. that no ralional iH-rstui
,,., Is tb-privtHl of fresh air unless
tiit sprar tlrives him from the deck,
or unless he is tttt Keasick tt. lift
jjs he.i.I. As these conditions prevail
over no many in the Atlantic, some go
iP.pn pared 10 take atlvantag. of ll'
.mvtleratbm of the Paciftc-which is
,.,.1.,h.mn.Hl as gray, moiit.tonous and
chilly without in us h regard for ther
mometers." ,
What, vtbat is virtue, "but Tcise of
A p'ne eilicrcal talin. that knows
m storm: .
A'K.ve th' re.ch f vvdd ambition a
v i"l m .
Al'Ve those pas.kns tliat this woiid
- deform
intl torture man. , ; -
- TilOIIipSOU-
War will im vtr yield bu to I-??-.v'M.oieing
fl..!fjs!'Wii1a IdHolt
.!,,es of tfiiiversa 1 Jntk nd lot
n. Uese have ik sun root but in
?l". relisk-n of Jesus trist.-W ilbam
tilery Cltaiiniiig. (. ',t ,' -t $ ,
We iimkI all hang tog. tl r or assnr
11 v we shall all Itang separately.
l-s uj imiii Franklin. Al the Mgmng of
the Ink larati'Hi of In.leiKtitlenct.
Tn? printing. S'.atcinian Job Olnce.
John Porter. Faraer at the Stat Wmltn
ttorjr, IIm Saperrteloa of CoMln.
; Uoa Work, r
tFrtmi Imily Statesman. July 12.1
If a greater uumler of Oregon's
eonvk-ta eoultl le employed a greater
part or the time la that capacity the
proldtnu of providing gootl roads. In
this Tkinity would le a matter of
easy solution. The t retch of 'road
leading east from this city antl ad
joining the icnitentkiry grounds' will
for, years be a monument to ut-ess-ful
antl practical road c-onstruetipn.
A foree of a dozen convicts under
the direction of John Porter, farmer
at the state lenitent iary is now en
gagetl in the construction of a road,
a little over a mile in length. In-ginning
at tlie E. C. Cross Rlaiighter
house on the Turner road ami extend
ing eastward to the dairy farm of
Westacott & Irwin. Tlie work has
been hi progress just two weekii and
will 1n complettsl "iu another wek,
which will be remarkably gotKl time
for the construction of a mile of roatl
way, built on stmly scientific an 1
practical.- plansf When eouipk-ted it -j
will le one of tin finest stations of!
rojttl in the county and the rapidity j
witn juicii the construction work
is being accomplished is surprising.
but Mr. l'orter is a practical road
lmildtj and knows how to" utilize the
lalstr at his command.
The road will liave a 22-foot lase
and will le finely graded. Iu making
tho retuirtsl grade, a natural Nsl of
unusually flue gravel, perfectly adapt
ed to road work, was uncovered
along the roadway. This discovers
dispenses with the necessity of haul
ing gravel from a distance for the
road antl very greatly- expedites the
More of Ihis good work could Ik
carried out, were the remainder of
the 2.oo appropriation ia!out 17'H
votetl by the last legislative assem
bly for .this work, available for defray
ing the cost of the work. Tlie hill
carrying the appropriation was fathered-
by Senator Lrfjoney of this county
but In a tlesision rendered by Attor
ney Ueiioral 1. II. N. Itlackburu
Ktatie time ago, it was held that-teams
ami help outside, of .the state's proi
erty at tlie H.ultentiary could not 'I
emjIoynHl hettee the work liatl to le
abantlonttl for the reason that a
scjm ity of teams at the penitentiary
rendered further work nniwssible,
and the balance of the fund. $17m.
lies In the state treasury. The last
clause of Section- 1 of the law. and
iiMHi which the attorney general's
tlecisioti was based, reads as follows:
"And paid suHrinteiitleiit '(referring
to the superintendent of ihe sjate
H-nitentiary who sliould have sutsr
visitm of the Worki is hereby imtlmr
Ized to use the state teams under his
control In doing said work, when tliy
are not otherwise employed." It was
tie intention of Senator' Ijooney and
others -who were Interested iu the
passage .of the bill to have the roads
constructed even though it Iteeanio
necessary to employ other tennis but
in tin bustle incident to securing the
favorable consideration of the meas
ure, the promoters of the bill liegleet-
td to provide for this contingency and
in the strict letter of the law none
of the money appropriated in this le-
half can Ik exis-nded in the payment
of other ttauis. I Hiring the summer
season, the ideal .-weather for road
building, ail. the teams at this institu
tion are employed ami cannot In sjMtr
ctl for road work. The situation is to
Ik- deplored, inasmuch as tin slight
omission in the law, alone prevents
tin further prosecution of practical
road building in this county lsdwit-u
the various state Institutions and for
which work the appropriation wa
esKeially secured.
At Bed Time
take a pleasant herb drink, the next
morning I feci bright and my com
picxion is better. My doctor says
it acts gent!y;on the stomach, liver
and kidaeys, and is a pleasant laxa
tive. It is made form herbs and
is prepared as easily as tea. It j is
called Lane's Medicine. All drug
gists sell it at 25c. and 50c. Lttic'i
Family Medicines moves the boweh
each day. If you cannot get it. send
for a free sample. Addres3. Orator
F. Woodward. Lc Roy. N. Y. 5-
exccrnic liuht and steak iikat-
Will It InaUklled Bfor tho TmU Tmnm of
School nnlo For Kew
(From I a fly Statesman. July 12.)
The Chemawa s Indian Training
S-lnKd, is an extremely busy dae at
this time, the work of new buildings
ami other Improvements making a
considerable stir in and arouml the
p!aee. ;. ,-. 4 , - . . .. . 1 ;-. -
Stubls $i French, of Portland, have
U-guii tlte work of Installing tht elec
trie light plant recently contracted
fr by -the Government, and work on
this will Ik pusheil as rapidly fw":
.ible, so as to complete tlie wor.1. ie
fore the oieniug of i the sc hool year.
Cawston & Comiany. of Portland,
contractors for putting In the steam
beating plant, will also Iiegin opera
tions In a few days, taid the wort is
to le tnipktel by the iening of
the sctHMd year. They will put on a
large ftrce of men. and will rush the
Phms nre now Iteing prejarel fr
-iiiii tlomiitorv at the schtsiL
. tit Industrial building, recently
provhte.1- for will also so.ci tie under
way. thus adding materially the
Kehool and Increasing the caiac-tty
FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1900.
and scope of the institution to a great
eneot, 7 ;. . -r v. .- ' v . . . : : . v
The prospects of the Institution were
neTer brighter, and Supt. T. W. Pot
ter, expects to ha ve the' institution
tilled with students when the new
school year begins, and the uext year
promises to Ik? the Itest'iu the history
of the institution, v
Tlie Chemawa ..Training School has
made an excellent r. reeorV Many of
its stndents have, after graduating,
assuiuetl positions of honor and trust
at Indian schools in various setions
of the country, antl tlw-ir fame is
known wherever Iutliau education re
ceives the arnest thought of men and
women, and the future of the Institu
tion will far exceed Its past history
in this regard- -:.
tle who was. a few years ago one of
Sak-nis leading citizens. Is spending a
few days in tlie city, "ami about .a
mouth in the state. Mr. jCottle is act
ing as special -agent, for a sltort time,
for the liens. FalLs Insurance Com
l;iny. which ls jnst lKginning business
on this coast. This ctmipany has re
cently deiK.sitetl $.VMMiU with the State
Treasurer in oitler to euable them to
do bnsintsis in Oregon. Mr. Cottle has
been living at Escondklo, but he Is uow
the secretary and manager ; of the
Phfeulx Oil and Find Comiianyj with
headquarters at Stan Francisco. ;
of 3 cents was yesterday recorded iu
tlie local quotation for wheat at the of
fice of the Salem Flouring Mills Com
pany. The quotation which has re
mained stationary; at 4J cents for a
numls-r of days, j'esterday advancetl to
4!l cents. The advance in tlie .-local
market is attribute! to the failure of
the wheat crop in the Northwest and
a further increase in itie price is ex-
Iected. The pri-e of flour, wholesale.
remains at f-.U ier barrel, but it may
go higher.: ; j. ; ;
IJeese - retunel yesterday afteriusm
from Southern Oregou. rMr. Reese
says the people of the southern por
tion of tin state will this year have an
enormous , crop of apples, but 'that is
all.. There will be 110 prunes antl nor
Ieaches. which comprise tin principal
fruit crois. ;Mr. Uetse says that he
visited sections where last year' he
lnitl 1 a bushel for ikjicIis tnt this
year there will not Ik; a single jeaeu
to eat. . - ' '- . .
Only About One Thousand Ilat Left In
j . tlirlr Ilr. The Mrtlng: of
I ' tirirweni 8aturtly.
(KronTlaily Statesman, July 12.)
: The Oregtti Hop t rowers' Associa
tion will this week conclude the sale
antl sbfpiiieut of jail Its hops- I tad on
storage in Portland, but Manager. Jas.
Wiustaiilcy says there will remain In
the hands of the- asstH-iatiou approxi
mately Kwwi bales-
j It is expected there will Is a! large
attendance of growers in this ctty en
SatiirtlMiy when the projKsitioii, recent
ly made by II. J. Ot lcnheimr, f-epre-senting
Lilieiithal Pnis., of ?sewj York
City, to finance the 0cgoii htit crop
tlUs yesir. wilder -ertain contlitlons,
will come up for; eonsideratkni. j
1 Valentine In-wi. the N"v York Imp
factor, in discussing the condition of
the market in His Producers' j Price
Current under date of June Sothj says:
' :. J tales.
TlfH-eipts for weick. ........ .'. .
;. ; tairi
. ... . . . w7,rri
week.. 1 1.012
......... 't17t
- . . ,.2
....... 1 . 1.S.S ,
Ibtviplsi friMii St-pt. 1.
Exorts to Eurt(e ftr
Kxsrts : from Sept, 1 .
,luiMirt!s r for Wek. ....
lniKrls frotp Sept. I . .
; The change' to very
weather ha lKen iM-neftclaJ to the Imp
trade.: ; Brewers have shown more dis
postit.n to buy and a fair piaiitity of
stock : tas,"lKK. nmnil, .which ha
given a 'slightly iflrmer tone to Values.
Most of the suites have Ik-cu In; range
of lifff I2e for fair to prime Trades;
;soim of the inferior qualifies are ofTer-
Ing at Stifle iKssiblj- n little lower for
very jsr, while choice States lor Pa
c'lies are to st:ir-e that they; bring
i:V5rini-. ;lt is iiHre than prolwible
that tbfcw fancy growths IiPie could
not Ik ln'mght .under lie. Crop rejKrts
from flue PaclHe coast are conflicting,
but there dts not seem, to k any
1 1 ties t toil that less bops will bo: grown
this year. Tlie quantity of funsold
Ftis-k in Oregon Is s-'iitl to have ts-en
rttlucetl (o riiiio: lwles. In New York
state tlx young yards antl the older
ones that bare Is-en-well taken jcare of
are hiking: reasonably well, biiit many
of the ohl yards, especially thttse that
have lKen neglected for a year or two.
past, iare riot so fromising. The dry
weather'.! retartling tls grtwth in
m section, i The govuiiient re-
Itrt Just pipldislietl shows that the sale
of malt liquors; during May lncreastl
2ns,nq liarrels over tin cor res mi nd in 3-
month last year.
The Waterville Times quest kns th
ttns-tness of our exprt figures. le-
canse the West Srn Itrewer puldishes a
statement that -the shipments.; accord
ing to Washington reiorts. are alwmt
lai.mio bales. VVe merely want to say
tint the exports given in oiir,reKrt
are -oiuplbd from tlie custom house
clearam-e front th port of New York
only. Possibly! the Western P.rewer's
figures are the total ship-news from
this country, i -:... : j
State.'ISiei. choice. ier lb. ., -41f13i4
S ta t e. 1 f gssl t o prime . . . ; 1 1 4 f 1 2
State. IXiO. ioor to fair... ,J1rit 10
j 'itk tmnC tKKl -hoV4 I v i 1 Wi3
State. 1t "Vrr f
Pae. coast, l",'. pno! ft prime lli 12
Pa c. coast; lS!..twn. to fair, 16t
Pacific Cfiiasf, 1S!S U
Stale ant Paev etst. okl olds. 5
Report Rweivett Y'esfenlay by tlie
Church Atithorltieit Ilrought tin
( 'heering Nws from Che Foo.
NEW YOltK, July II.
dist Missionary Society
-Tle Metlto-ret-eivetl
cablegrani this afternoon, from Rev.
Frederk-k: Brown, at Che Foo, In re
sponse to repeated inquiries by cable.
It Is the most cheering news received
lately. Itrown cabled simply the
word; -Safe," followed by a list of
the names of various missionaries.
Those designate! with their stations,
areas follows: --.U'
Revj Fretlerk k Rrown. Fekin: Miss
Ilopklus, M. I K Tang Shan; Rev. J.
N. Pyke. Tien Tsin; J. V. XIartin.
Tkn Tsln; Rev. J. F. llayner. Tsun
Hau;lEdwarl and 4iHrge N. Iwrj'.
IVkln; ami Mrs. King. Peklu and Rev.
G. W. Verity. Shan Tung.
There are ralso' named, in the list,
as . "safe a numlier of women sent
out bv tlie Women's Foreign Mission
ary Society, of tlte M. E, church.
Titer are:
' Ella E. Glover. Pekln; Mary E.
Sherkley, Tien Tsin; Miranda tirtH-h-tr,
Tsun Han; Ida M. Stevensm, M.
D-, Tien Tsin; Rachael R. lk-nn.M.
I Tien Tsin, and Mrs. M. I Harrow,
Shau'Tung. 1 .
r f. ai-i is wEi-r
IxiHltn, July 11. A telegram via
.m1.1tiph.1i. from Rev.' Moule. mission
ary at Tien Tsin, says: -All's well."
Ir. Rrauder. missionary i rman-
P-lial ' telesrraohs that the Irish PrtS-
byterlau missionaries are safe, but
that three missions have leen immeti.
A Shipwrecked Itritlsli Crew Saveil
? From a Horrible iH-atn.
Falalu. Candlm Islands, March 2.1. -
On the 21st Inst, the inhabitants of
Falalu were aroiissl by a savage at
tack of the natives upon a shlpwreck
ed crew. The sailors, who were Eng
lish subjects, were seeking shelter
when they were tired 011 ami would
have lKeu slain had it not 1kcii for the
timely arrival of an America 11 cattle
dealer. With his 4hroe employes, who
wer Filipinos, the American mauagod
to rseue John Stevenson and James
Smith, who hatl lnen seriously wound
ed by the natives. The other tliree of
tlte crew hatl fled, leaving the wounded
to enre for themselves.
The latttr were looked after by the
American who, although wounded
himself, couveyed them to a plact of
safety. He refused to give any Inftir
matioii as to his identity, but It was
learned later that he was Edward St.
Supery, a California!!, who left Guam
to purchase some cattle among these
islands. Tlte natives of this place have
long lKen known as savages. They are
continually at war with themselves.
Matters Will Stmn He Arranged and
Peace Will lrevail The TrKi8
Art Cleaning Pp. :
SAX FUAXriSCO, Cal., July 11.
The steitim.r San Juan arrived today
from Cajs Nome., with forty-six disap
pointed goitl seekers. The San Juan
left Cap? !Noine, June 3Mh. According
to the ,, statement, of her passengers.
there weit eleven- cases-' of mimIIinix
there. There were also numerous
cases of pneumonia. s They- prtslictetl
that the military rule, now irevailing
at t'aiK N.ome, ,will skii adjust the
differeimes lKlwe'ii the conteiitling
claim owners, ami that-peace- will Ik
preserved. .
General Gtorgo II. Randall. " com-
ma titter of 11k Fetleral trtnps at Ntinn,
salt!:- '
"The .most serltms thing we have to
ctmslder is typhoid fever. There are
a uunilK'r cf t-sist alreatly ami there
are sure to Ik many inore. The camp
must be cleaned lip. The condition
111 the rear of some o the saloons
is frightful. I will attend to the
cleaning up promptly."
I N-part nit-nt Surgeon Elsrt estiinat-
el there wtoiM prtdtably Ik Id cr cent
of' the KK.pIe attacketl by fever, or
l.SXi cases.
A Sf. IjOUis Mercrianf ForeeI td Sus-
IK-inl Husiness.
, St. Ixiuis, Mo., July 11 Adam 11.
Fuchs, one of the le.nling milliners
here, today executed a chattel deit of
trust for the iK-nefit of his cretli tors.
His liabilities are $1N1.4IOO, but the as
sets have not ts-en Inventoried. Mr.
r tichs said: '' :
T1k strike was the sle cause of the
filing of the deed of. trust.- The top
ping of the stre-t railway tra flic so
greatly tliminlslie.l our trade that we
reir it nts-essary to protect our credit-
eu - i
Frarer River Canners antl Fishermen
Cannot Agree.
Vancouver. It. C. July 11. No set
tlement of the Eraser river fishing
trouble is found yet- The canners re
fuse to pay more than 2 cents kt
fish, which price the Japinese nre
willing to accept, while the white
fishermen decllue to work for less
than 2T cents. Forty sjKfcijil om
stable Jert for Steveston this evening,
to protect those who wish to fish.
San Francisco. July 11. At the re
eptk.n tetidertHl M. il. Este, chief
Justice of Hawaii, prior to his depart
ure for Honoluln to assume his duties
Associate Justice Brown of the United
States supreme court, who was one
of the speaker, said:
As to Hawaii, I whatever may Ik
said of Imperialism ami tlte questions
that have recently arisen," I have al
ways hisl that Hawaii would le a
territory of the United States. Am!
if in future, regardhss of the talk of
lmiietiallsm." the opportunity arise
whereby I shall Ik called ujwm to
write a o opinion on causes carrle I
up from tlie courts of Porto Iilco anl
the Pihlippines, I shall bt? ready to
retire from the lench.
TiiRoutJii Tin; KiEnvR-siipt.
S. H. Onusby, of tli f!ascade Forest
Reserve, left yeterlay fr Sister post-
office to settle a tint tier lan! trespass,
and to examine some land with a view
to restoring it to the puHie domain.
Tlie trip is taken under the rder of
the coiiituissioner of the fieneral Land
U Hang Chang lias Been Ordered
to Report In Tckln.
It Is Kelieved Ha Will Be Eiprclf J
to Break. Had Newj to Europo
- to Avert Vengeance.
LONIHIX. July 12.-The Chines
situation again lKars a nnst omin
ous, aspect. Eighteen days - ago Sir
RtdKTt Hart destttchl his last mes
sage, declaring that the' sit nation was
des'ierate, and "sluee iheii no word
has come from tin EuroKans In
IVklu. Acetmling to the Iiaily Mall's
Shanghai -ornsiHuIeiit. LI .Hung
Chang has recelvtHl an Imperial decree
onlerlng his Immediate dcauirturc for
Peklu, presumably to break the. news
of the Peklu tragedy to the Eiiroisvin
jKiwers, and iu his' usual role of nego
tiator with Europe hi tlitliciilt matters,
to endeavor to act as mediator aul
avert the vengeance ut the jwiwers.
As to the firmness of this siigcKttoii
all advices from Tien Tsin lend Is
confirm the reHrt of the iktIIous
conditions of allltsl forces, a iitl lK-lie
the t.ptlmistle Chinese rumors. ' Fnless
reinforcements siKtrdily ri'acli Tien
Tsln another disaster may Ik exiKct-
etl. : ... .-' ' - ; , ..
Shanghai. July 11. The Governor
of Port Arthur telegraphs that 4UM
Manchu ttiM.ps wen-, oil July th,
within nine miles of Neil t'hwang..
ami hatl destrot-ed the Russian mines.,
They were engaged by a small force
of Russians. .The result of the en
counter Is not. knowu. The foreign
residents of Neu Cliwang were escort
ed 011 lsianl steamer by guards from
the Russian gunlsuil.
Washington. July II. Atltnlral
Remey, coiiiinaiitk-r-lu--hief tif the
United States -naval - forces .011 the
Asiatic station., having arrived hi
Chinese waters. Is. hi - commsiitl over
the head or Admiral Keutpff wlmin he
rank. It Is lelievci that his cable
gram this morning, relating to the
landing of the Nintlt Infantry, has
lost the'daie line, for It k tint 'doubl
ed"' that ' the trooi wen hnnled at
Taku insfeatl of Che Fk as his ntes
sa reiitls. .Admiral KemptF has seor
ett 11 not tier tretlit through the rorinal
statement, by the Chinese Government,
thai the bombardment of thev forts at
Tnku, whk-li was done over his pro
test; anil without ills 'participation,
precipitated the crisis at Peklu.
Washington. July ' 11. The Secre
tary of the Navy hits selectHl. as the
names of the six new submarine IkhiIs,
the j following: Grampus. Shark, Pike,
PoriKise, 'Adder ami Moccaslu.
Washington. July 11. Wit Ting
Fang, the Chinese-Minister to litis
country, this morning delivered to
Secretary Hay a copy of a cablegram
received by -him, piirjKirl ing to Is
from the Chinese Imperial Govern--meiit.
lK-llevetl to have -originated at
the Chinese War 1 lepartnieiit. dis
claiming responsibility on the part of
the Imiicrial Government for mo inx-
. "... .1.... II..
ers trouoies, ami usserinm umi
engagenieiit at Tien Tftin was the dir-
rect result of- the , lKini.arimeiii; or
the Taku forts by the ftireigner4
x.c York. Jniv 11 Three tiiorybo-
lies have 1kkh riftivt-reil from VTe hull
of the burned steamship Saale, iaklng
Ihirty-vix found oil Ihat vessH, -Ono
of 1 the three, a nit-re skeleton with a
few shretls of flesh 011 .11, was found
In an off corner, iu the steamer's. broad-"
sitle saloon. Another Issly found had
Hit; head burned off. The three iKslies
were limit? antl were so disfigured by
burns and tbs-oiii posit Ion that klentifl
cHtioii was 1 111 possible,
iKiwn in the sabsiiv of the Saale not
a splinter of wood work remains. From
one Iron sitle to the tit her. everything
except the metal' had Im-cii hunted
away. The Iron" fhsr is warped ami
blistered Into hilltk, and six inches
of mud. charcoal and debris cover the
floor of what was the saloon of tin
steamship. Nothing remains except
the -Iron I Rises of tlie seats that ivere
screwed to the floor a round the tables.
The Saale will probably Ik raised to
morrow. It has not Ik-cii decided what
will Ik done with the hulks, tine of
the captain alsiard the wreck said a
U.Mt would Ik Sent tip from qiiaraiitlne
to dlslufi-ct the Vessel.
A nmiils-r of JtMigshremeii are busy
einiitving the .Maine or her cargo. Af
ter that is dois repair on ht-r will Lo
gin Immediately. -
In the .Bremen f lie worser are clos
ing up port hole and doing such other
work a will Ik iMccHarj for floating
her. ; :','.
Transvaal Ixss of Idfe.
-Moralists are discussing tin terrible
loss of life ItroiiKht ' atsMit by the
Transvaal war. Yet here life I sacri
ficed for a pnrsst for an honest
principle. ' It we're 'better to preach
against the iierdlcss sacrifice, of life.
Thotisati'ls of Kople su-cuinb to jj.il
liieiits whhh might easily have Is-cti
dftiW in the' iK-giiiidng'. Iysp-pHLi
carries oft more it.ple than are killed
In war. The use of Hostetter' Stom
ach P.itti-ts would, save many lives.
Const Ipat Ion may seem a little thing,
tttt It Invariably levelop into som.
thing worse, utid buiger it Is al
ktwetl to run, the harder it is to cure.
Tls Bitters cure Indigestion, drs'iep
si.t and biliousness, naturally and js-r-manefjtly.
wtthont .'shocking - tlw- sys
tem. It is good for everylssly.' i