Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, July 13, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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tie mm mm mm
Published every Tuesday iand Friday
by the
s66 Commercial St, Salem, Or.
V R. J. HENDRICKS, Manager.
One year, in advance.......... ..$1
Six mpnths, in advance . .
Three months, in advance ..$
One year, on tiriie,.....,.......?i
The Statesman has - been estab
lished for nearly fifty years, and it has
some subscribers who have received it
nearly that long, and many who have
read-it for a . generation. Some, oi
these object to having the ? paper di
continued at- the tinic'oi expiration or
their subscriptions, r or the benefit ot
these, .and lor other reasons, we hare
concluded to discontinue subscriptions
only when notified to do so All per
sons paying when subscribing, or pay
ing in advance; will have the benefit of
the dollar rate. But if they do not pay
for six monthsthe rate will be $1.25 a
year. Hcrealter we will send the pa
jyer to a!l responsible persons who or
der it, though they may not send the
money, with the understanding that
they are to pay $1.25 a year, in case
they let the subscription account run
over six months. In order that there
may be no misunderstanding, we will
keep this notice standingraf rhis place
in the paper. -
dtes of their paper changred must statH
the jiame of their former postoOice, as
well as of the office to which they wish
the paper chanced. ; !
jWt say, R(kh1 liuk -to the hop
growers in their efforts to -secure re
numerative prices for their product!
A noighliorlng iaragrapher picture
!rovor Cleveland as probably trying
to figure out how hi? ran "help his old
running mate ami at the same time
a void voting for Bryan. I
.The news from China is a Chinese
puzzle. The ttoverument of the Kiiir
pire Is a 1110b, and there It no system
or organization. It is high time, civil
ization tepjKd In and straighteued
outf matters in that country. .'!"
It is certainly a worthy ambition of
the hop grower, their lesire to get
prices for their product, high -enough
to leave them wiiiic return for 'their
latsr ami the use of their land. -Tho!
statesman Iiojk s they may realize not
only l.Vcents a ihuii1. but a great deal
higher figure. ' . i l!
.Said the Xew . Yorjs .' Sun on July
"th: "XewspajH-r ; row, last nighi.
presented a strange contrast to nasM
election years. A few dozen siHt
men stood in the darkness wat-liing
the bulletin lMards for J ho announce
ment of the nomination at Kansas
City. -When it rauio not a eheer was
raised. Even the Bryan organs were
unable to pump tip enthusiasm not
an electric light, not a brass baudf
sileiiee and gloom vcr all. '!
Tlie Oregon growers are tlie biggest
factors lu the hop trade of this -oun-try.
TlHy fiirulwhed last year over a
third of the hops baled in the Unirvd
States, and the proirtion will le
even hlglier t his year, unless there is
an agri-emeut made and carried oiit
to mluce the acreage by
not picking
The Oregon
Hi M. the
tbe Caiifor
Xew Y'ork's'
'Si ikt cent, of the vines,
crop of last year was
Washington cnp Ul.ontF,
lila output r ;.( 1, and
mux. The total was 'J::o.o bates
We have frequently refemil to
fact that Salem is the center of
greatest hop growing district in thj
world. It7is ImiMirtant to the inter
ests" of thts -city that the hop grow
ing Industry in Oregon should flour
ish, that the. Icst methods should h
ndhcml to, so "as to render it more
certain of fair remuneration for the
owners, of yards from . year to
year. Our iieople should asstut he
growers of their, sympjithy au1 i-o-
ojKration - in every way iossible.
This is already the buying center for
Oregon. '; It should lie the ' center of
everything connected with the hop
industry of this state. j
The As.iM-iatel Press informs jau
ftivlilf1v tlltlftlir tltlt 11. kit -l.klltl llIF.
rctt. a few years ago a newspaper; re
HU'tr in Portland, who mw to proiu
io' tii-e through - apointment as Min
ister to Siam and his own immaculate
Kali, has had a eoufcreiice '. with the
national chairuiau of the Itciitiblk-iiii
jiarty, lieu. Mark "Ha una. and will
take the stump for . MeKiuley : hnd
Koosevrlf. The Uepublieaii' lresl len
tial ticket is to 1h- pitied in Its mis
fortune in at t meting tin It-irrett pest
to its sop-tort. John Itjinvtt is a
human fly that is forever in search
of somelmdy tiMd;isss and as Mark
lt.s una ha- a reputation for having
as jury to two ot the we't ftuff ial
v.iiy on li.nnl J11I111 l?arrett is liz
rlng around him. while at tlie jime
time keeping the Associated I'l'l'ss
well informed of his prominence; ;anl
ImiiortJUiee. Tlie . news;iiHrs j lend
t.ttlr ssitta"n- to too great an ex
tent to suHi sef-.vk-kliic. ijlit bral
ltarl'-ts. whose only capital is : their
knowledge of the uses r pnldifiiy
thiongh newypaMTs. Pendletoii : liist
Oregoniati. t j j
We do not iM'Iieve the fact that Mr.
Firrett wasa rewpapr rejiorter- lu
Portland or elsewhere should J'w held
ut: a miiit ofwatulal or disadvantage
against him. We will admit, howev
er, tluit Mr. Itarrett Js quite an S ex
pert in the art of publicity. He - man
w .to keei ' bis name aa"il iusinua
ti n! of his. great importance assidu
ously letore the American ieople.
The following interest- editorial
leader is liu the New fYork Sun of
Jnly Oth, the day It ry a 11 was nonim-
uted: ..; - ,v '--.." ' ' ' -'"-'." ' :
"The man who planue-1 lK-rsyiial hu
miliation for David BenuetT ll'il ' at
Kansas City, md who inflict e.l that
humiliation with a uicrcdess lurcet-
uess which cannot lw called; brutal
kv:i!i.t(! it was Intelligently precon
ceived and calculated, v,-as Kit-hard
-The man who really crushed Mr.
Hill at Ksuisas City jud -de feat ml bis
bnal attempt to assert ic tins- national
affairs of the Tktnocr.i.y the title to
leadership which be has so ofteu, and
often ho success fully, maintained un
der difficult circumstances, was 'Wil
liam J. Bryan, and he alone. !
"The two widely - different aspects
of the sensational incident in the cau
cus of the Xew York delegation td:onld
Ik? clearly distinguislnd, , ,
"Alb that Croker achieved in tlie
way of iH-rsonal revenge ami pijitieal
advantage by the downfall of lilll and
Ids friends was due to his prompt ami
adroit use of the opiortuuitj- afforded
him by Bryan's resolute adherence to
his conviction of the silver issue's liv
ing iinitortance to the Democracy. If
Bryan had wavered or weakened un
der the tremendous pressure brought
to liear upon him to sacrifice one prin
ciple, 'David It. II ill would have been
the man of the hour in the Xew York
iieieganou, ami, uexi o liryau, iiie
man of the Convention. .
"Hut Bryan did not yield. Against
ids bouest courage of mistaken con
victions the miserable policy of eva
sion, ' suppression .'and com;irotnise
which has marked Mr.: Hill's course
uow for just four years shattereti it
self into a thousand pieces. And Mrl
Croker, caring as little, periiaps, as
any irran within tlie four coriK'rs of
the Union for the 'moral signilie&uee
of the spectacle; was on band to en-
Joy the destruction of his tival in
etate jtolities and to profit by it. ;
OC sympathy for Mr. Hill there can
Ik; little or none among - straight for
ward itcrsons. He, too, had his opior.
tunity four years ago."
The Hon. Itenamin Franklin Shivoly
of Indiana is by far the most iH-autiful
person, yet 'mentioned" as the Demo-
ratie candidate for Ylce . President.
That is, if he looks like. the photo
graphs of him, whfa-b .show a' tiii
HHtical face. The Hon. Jim Ham
l'wis. the Washington l'iiik, who
Kot 11 votes lor tlie nominal ion for
Vice President in the Democrat ic Xa-
tional Convention July Jl. 1ST"!, is
moi-e flamboyant but less stately. The
Hon. John Jacob Ivcutz of Ohio is an
inferior replica-of Bryan., Th" Hon.
iohu A arwick Daniel of Irginl.-t lias
fine oId-fashion"d tragic -ount-
nancc. Most of the Xew lork c:indi-
dates are pulchritudinous, and the
Hon. 'Ihirid Bennett Hill has a'lwau
t i fill bald head. The Hon. Bath House
John, the Chicago ! luH-t-statesmau.
cals the Hon. -"Carter. . Harrison "the
AlMller H of Cook comity." !harlie
To win", the Silver Oopher of tlw Zen
ith City, looks like 11 college -i tutor.
Col. Mose WetiiM"re of St. Ixuis is
grand, gloomy and ini-uliar, as u man
has to look w hen be wants to bulldoze
the Octopus. - ,
Put the pearl, the flower, the crown,
tlie palm, the cake, the bun. the tip
ami turret of all .pulchritude -is Col.
Jim t.nfTey of Pennsylvania. He Is 11
vision and a delight. If the delegates
onee !e him. the ticket will lie Bryan
and Huffey, the - Peerless and the
Matchb-ss. X. Y. Sun, lefore the
It is a pity they did Mot get n view
of Col.' Jim. There is nothing of pul
chritude added to tlie ticket by Adlai
Stevenson. In fact, he adds nothing
any way, in brains, -oratory or prin
ciples dear to the Bryanite heart. He
I asiicarly a. large si zed gob of noth
ing as could bave lieen found in the
whole country.
Frietuls and Fellow Citizi-us:
I come not then to talk, .
Because the Convention.
Has business to transact,
And you know uie,
But I shall make .-.
A few remarks to you
Over the long distance telephone.
A bloated monopoly
Whose exorhiaut cnarges 1
Xecessitate a brevity -
As painful to me
As is its outragetms emlmrgo
On my language! . . .
Think, dear frieutls,
What a siKtH-b you might have from
Your matchless leader.
If the Iron heel of the mon.ser
Didnot lay its lieavy hand
Pptin my laugujige works. '
(bids! Can a Democratic Couri-Ltjon
Ijoug debate ''.'
Which of the two to choose, " ; j
A Bryan iech ' :
Or a bill that wotdd
I'aralyxe ail our time bouorei j
Principles of economy? '
However, I digress; j
A tid d igression csts money. I
Men and Brethren: . !
I-t me lieg of you
That I am still
IT. - V;--.-
And that the Chicago platform
Is the same
Yestertiay, today and forever.
Keep that ever.Iiefore yoti ,
As your clouI by day
Atd your pillar of lire by night,
But if you find It ' '
Absolutely necessary to-my purees
To shade it a little. . , '
Jutit a little, mind you, .
TLat jou do so -
! W itli in v public protestation
Ac1 n . iU. mI;slony
I -.am unalterable for.
The grMt and glorious principle ;; ;
Of v to 1.
If any man attempts '
To 11m up the Aiaerican flag -J
In the Ihilipjiiies or else when.
Shoot him on the siitot!
Them's my seutiiuents.
And if the Stars and Stripes
lH nt want to get it in the neck
They will remain at home. .
Ulerty ami gool government
And that imrt of thing ;
Are well enough In their way;'
Itr.t it is nunc of our business,. ,;
To Hcatter them broadcast '
Over the -world.' ' ..
As to my running mate,' " -
I want the ticket. . , '
To be exclusively Western.
Forthe Kasr is iu tin1 hands
Of Trusts, those menaces
To the fiiH?lont of tlw? Kcpubllc.
That's the objwt of th nictiiig
Men and brethren. i1- ,
And if we miss our connect ions
This time. ; A
I sliall le compelled
To the conclusion m .
That you held
A few G. O. Teters in your niuist
To show you how
The thing is done.
My say is yet-unsaid,
But tlie "hated monster
Presses on mo and I must stoi.
Would that I could- ' '
Talk to you as I wished. . -
But I cannot . ;
l'iibr tin" cinnuusfauevs.
Farewell, dear bretliren.
I U-iive it all to ye.
llv brave ami fear. not!
"v. r . W. A. lu. in Xew York Sun.
"Thero is not a. state in the Union
toihiy," said Senator Lolgo iu his
siM-och before the Itepublican Xa
tional ("onvention, "w lih-h : couhl Ih
carrh d ?for fm trade against protec
tion.." There is not a fnv tra l. r In
the country ;. who iosssias a Tegno
of dis-eruiueut w-ortli .coiiKiderntion
who does not know that this state
ment is absolutely true. As Senator
IHlyro said, further on Iu his spee;-h,
"never, was a pol icy more full y j nst i-:
lied by lis works," than our tariff
IMdicy. And it has lieen jusiilied in
every 'state in the I'nion and in ev
ery section of every state. The more
wily of ; tin : f r .traders. ar, by ra-is-fng
sido issue.v attempting to iiiake
tb people of, the country forget or
overlook the fact that the tariff, issue,
is involved in the coming Presidnr
tial elccfUm,. With -.a .-rampant-. .free
trader like Bryan, however. p;tti4Jjtlit,!Hti ot
n-'jjioif ? f 'Hiilr.nt - Mi.Tv iiil..- x.-li.. i JT''.w''!!i
ami tor; long lias lNeu. t lie v t ry bead
and front of American, protectionists,
the wutiuiKiiice of our prottH-tivc
policy is just as inucli at stake as. if
there wen; 110 ' oilier issue before the
country. As the people of "the
i-ountry value their oiufort and pros
m rity, they want to 'make no mis.
lake nltout that' fact.- We are sure
the voters of Oregon are fully alive
to. the ImiMUtance of this Issue. There
will lo no mistaking th ineaning of
the vote in this state in XoVemler.
It will lie between lu.ooo ami . l.,ttK
majority for protection.
if ! 1 J U.'
The ois'ii declaration of tbe onti
iuiHrialist .'fri tmders ami and imtg
wumtisj tliat they are fully prepared
to supiort Mr. Bryan if It inies to
a ' choice Is-tw ecu the I'oioerat an l
IU'iuldicJtt national t .ticket, moves
the Xew York1 'Times," itself a fre
trade and "mugwump journal, to raise
its voice in 'arnest prot-st against a
eourse'so destructive to the country's
lK-st Intersts. ; In'. the opinion of the
'TIiJie"'there' Is--milliiug in tbe - ex
isting fsituatioii that can justify or
t palliate this evt raordiuary attitti'ie 011
the part:-of Messrs. Schurz. Atkinson
and their brethren of. the Anti-Imperialist
league, j Should .theM imn, who
four years ago weife- - among ih
most active fos to the I'opt'listkt
prop:iganda, sncciel tills year in
throwing to Mr. Bryan theivores nec
essary to make him the next Presi
dent of the Uniteil States, thei'rs will
lie a b:ivy resiKinsibility. In such an
event;-says' the- "Times.' 'they will
lie everywhere detestml as the ant hot s,
in' part, of the ruin and allllctioti that
will follow swiftly ufwn the appall
ing disaster of that election day."
This Js ; st roug language to conic
from a newspair noted for its vig
orous antagonism toward Uepublieaii
doctrines 'arid jiolicieH for the past
quarter of a i'iitury. Stronger 1ill
is Hh picture which the Xew York
"Times' draws of the consep.n nces
certain to follow the. defeat of Me
Kiuley and the election of P.ryau, as
follows: .
; "The arrest of the country's Indus
trial and commercial progress, the
abrupt destruction of its prosienty,
the -onlit ions of business stagnation,
luinkruptey loss tf empIoynnt, pan
ic and the weary years ofditre and
loss -while the tuutry is waiting for
the opMrtuuity of .the '-election - ut
lltol to- corre-t the awful blirider.
drive out the wreckers an. I install
:l- jtafe government , will all l.
chargwl to their aieouut. Tie niab-;
dictions of' ruinel nien will follow
them wherever they go." '
I'laincr truths than these have el-'
dom leen put Into words. Each an i
"Who Ghes td' All
Denies AIL".
ITiis is as true of the spend
thrift of health as of the
; 1
waster of money Do not
ivaste your health by allow
ing : your . Blood to con
tinue: impure, but " purify,
vitalize and enrich it by tak
ing Ho od's Sarsaparilla,
America's Greatest Medicine,
Dyspepsia "My kisbznd doctorrd
A tang time for dyspepsia aUh orly iehu
porary relief. The first bottle of Hood's
SarsaparSL. helped and the second cvred
him. -It cured my sick headaches'
Stirs. cKary A. CUrk, Wilnvr.gtcn, Vt.
Lji'l aT ilU; the nn-rrttjt!rtg a
ctly rmhartig to txs mith fiood-j Rarwip-IiTfui
every oiic f the tlire jcoiclitiops ; j.re
dicttsl as the " result or Bryan? ' Wec-!
lion would urelyj- and incvi&ibh
ronif to pass. DmuJ as they infijf tlv.?
hoiioim of an iinpeiUiltsm that f lias
no pla co in the jioIieieH and: ititen
lions of the liepubiicltii party, and
no existence save j in thlr oivii ; ex
aggerateil fancies.; ilessrs.; '-6chtti-3S.
Atkinson and their associate f of lie
Anti-Imjierialist Ieague should be; 1
this earnest ' reuionstrflnee ofl fie
"Times." Hate, they MeKiuley Jin i
"MeKInleyi'siu; neyerf so tirtich,! Iln
must surely, bate their 4ountty f tv u
more if they stte iwilling "i '-to I -' iutllt
lon if four years of ltryaulsHi ihii
all that: implies, i-j ' K ;-. "j i
; FditTuxifTxjvNToiAi coat.
. ' . ? i ' ' ';' :
Iiewa'rd That Came, to a Mnh Wiio
Ijingl3' Saved His Falli?r'a i
-. Trunk. ' . . ; .! '."'
, Xew York, July 7; Loving: rer;ir-i
for the. memory- of a dead falliir h-;l
: uinoM rauk. a: w;itnv! inmioi.w-i
sion merchant of X s." 70 I'ark ndae;.i
to h-ave.a trunk full Jo T clothtjs ' for
se veil years, mid h"-t sentiiiicrit .ltttsi
met with a rich re war 1. j ; ' ' :
The other day, -Wliil; looking ovtr!
tlie cloTliing, -Mr. Fr; tiTv l vlt some pa
pers iu tlie pocket of. a coat; $nd. uo-
jm examining thc:;i. .discovered tb.n'e.
dciHjs one to pmiju u.v in : I'liocnix.
yix., ami ' the others to 'pwiperty. iin!
fljis city. In all HiLr wralfii re-iieseiii-'
cd ,i- ouhh. s .. . r. . ' . . ' ' . : i ; . .
, Bifore his h.at!i . Mr. Fr.ink,."Sr..i
Was a not d ojiti tan, ;'.u 1 -n ioiti-d a'.s
l, a ,inillio!iai!o. He lived 111 au isiuis-
lentatious .manner aid" nvwn .sjmtco.
yf Ills WL.lItll lie V tM lltlli 11
in'any of his wavs ;ivi oi kuius os?
joliey in illiteri lit . irrai'VA. Sli.t. cor4
ucrsrf Li 1hmu' ,inr Ml. J i.ui'4
.Jed his ixiriHH exaiuiiv '-J . hi e 4
hite anil fui'M I j1 1 --, ti.au 0ttO
the Lifi;e.r stun, ai
' In I
i'.'.V est tni.-i te! !v
luiii. 1 he priiiKTl
wiio. knew
livid d. aiii'.nu' his -:i.l h 1 ii. '11:
Jig ill II! . (li.'CIIS
'he dlscrrpf'ijcv.
UndooJ'tedl.v " thjc :stra'jres fre-i$
yet. of the many curious c:ers .::
v,y Iglhtnhig tlurhig, the vcr n-'v i!
5'btmder'stoncH- In! . this sect Ion.-' itajf
ts-iUHl on Saturday nigbl at tie r-si;
denee of Mr. and! Mrs. . Cra.i4; i;J I if
ion stret, Mr. sitivl Mrs. Cttig-,ver-
siitimr in t!u ir i( ni during the iliti'i
derstorm if Satniday., night hen aji
order of burulngj feathers seme 1 lo
;ill tlie room. ; Miis. "r;tig sjtrki .of; i(,
but the subject j WSM passed ':'-o-e.
tlicy thinking licit some if, tbh 11 t
gioes IiviiTg in t'tje ticighboi-hii'd wji.
sttioklug 'uiosq.uiri
.Yesterday Mrs.
to eiM-n a w a rdi
Craig had oectsioii
be iti w'hit'ii. sh
kept itiueli of heii rm.-ry. an I 011 '..p
ihg the d.ir that same umploasani''
odor filled the, Mm. An Jnvi st fga--Hon
was liiad. and the la ly w.(s'
amaxed to Hml btiat on'a very'li in j
some tires t he ydVet . w-llh j which' it
was triiuMicd had been btutied com-
plefely off,-, and a lan?e steel bs; -kl
that caught tite j velvet out of sli:ipi.
In some uiiakcoitntable maiim r. aiild
without shocking , the" iuniait's oC the.
room, Ughtuingj bad entered tite
dress.; uicltjjig 1 Hie tetup.mii- steel
wardrobi and bijrneil tite yelyeiu fn.!s
it liko it w an n -ojMr wi!rt wStlmot
even seorcitiiig j another stariu-m . ;A
sniai) - scorching plaet was left o"n tme
carK-t under t lie wurdn.be. Truly .0.
idienomeiioii jof the rarest ; kin 1
. St. Paul. July I 7. "The' ihpi..r habit
is diH-reasing a thong, the men. T but lit
is increasing atiioiig vvoHNiii." said
Mrs. LeonofaM. Lake, of St. I.onb.
in her lecture ou teiriperntMejnt St..'
Mary's Hall!. Mrs, lake va4; Lntro
ilueeil by Fathcj- ;iblonsJ Oi' St.
Mary's church., and .poK fir t.i.-r s;n
iioer. Iter, subject lieln. "ihv I . ;t
a Total Abstainer " Tbe li.efk.n. r
stated that ouoj ra m win nio.e 1
men wen otat abst a liters ; itoW wiast '"''ks v. iin cant icsrsho I bemsel vk
iM-cause theSr biiim-s-, hilt rest. de- ( hap'iy an I -otnloi tabb and contented
niandcd it. Many 'lu;si?ies ci. ieetis j '. 4btntoii Irom .!faiit:ary 1st un
nduscd to employ .a in-ui unless thev 5 ' -1 '' '"la r .list sittiply -don't know
had suntcifHnt proof- that he' never
toin hed ' litpmr in any firi i; ;n
the other hand, manr - tiriu tli it1 em-
ploy wotu;u i-ontplain. Mvs.
Lake, that tludr ,Mplovsj bring lb
(ptor.-io their work with them.- A
man at the head of a -l;irgi factory j-
illforined the Lielnrer tl'mt ;l n i j. itt.i f
eueoiiimo'i for ! girls -t lit iii 1mm ties
of whiskey 1 with them to; the
Iddden away iu thtir stodklug.
The xoii of i'em ,ouain the larg-
t number - of mPieruL sii: r i(- at
Pi una. - m the- ttortu. ierdt!'tu t
e.t t
sulphur: silver; Id. ; iopis-r jitid
in the gn-iit mining, b.-isnof fern
de Pa.-eo. in ciiur.il Pen:, au.l pto-
pit.ne. Miic!:silver, amifr-rotts ground
and lMkra:iM Arewiiijt.i. C-njibal.-' U
tin Hoiitli. i At; tin preseot ti:ie tie
I1UIIOMT- Ol , 1H1HCS ia epPot :! mo
'Stv, i uiplojt ing.Tu.o-fii,, u.j ii,K n. T.c
yauel of, lhe.n.i 'as,M increase J, b;
more than .vt iwr ceut,. Wjliiiu the 1 t.s;
two j ears
hr. Jofison's Vacation.
I I t .'II .MI.
jV"i. Jeb.--eii
fsu'iMiicr hi
t -, 1 r
Job-on r-.
frotu tlie
-1ood fertile
turned with
M'.nvjd( last
Hint declared
of! sumuK'i-
i if'tiit.-i'If on tlie. stibject"
j Vil:,
is is tle last." be
Jl com-
No 11101 of them idiotic
)::sinl t.tr inc. I.bavent
t foriail.-u. a . tinnuie.'Siuco
1 .eft hoint.
o'((l ji:ict ti
leij ami sum-
ashrngKiT-r: a .pri'tt.v
live in. If fuits me v.
t-:er. r'.i'-l tie iic: t Wine I Ihi n;iylvy
rtray lne a way littn my .owi home -for
it luourli or -six v.-eik.- .img the six-
Klhig : w,"itber, ll.e t,ne Umy does tiie
ttraggiag iu or she is gomg to bo
old :t ''f'w tiling;. I didult. want to
fro in ike iitsf " . 1 -
(nvhyj" pntiii Mrs. Jlon,. "you
jkiiowthat'-you' ' ivero falling alout
jgoli'g'. to tlt beach with., duticipatioii
jtor weeksi ifefoie we ' j .
j "Xo, I wii-n't. Sirs. Joltfou," LnJer
St'ptsd Mr. .Joltsou. "I didn'jl any more
want to go to the beiieii thjun'! want
il to j.;o to jail, in'il you'iv evidently
isufleiing from an atrophlisd iitemory
wi.-eii "yu say otherwise, dj .wanted to
!Sl;iy at home and b cointortaldtv but
;I was. wliocdleil ami ' bampboKbsl and
Ict'sIdhMl .into-kftiuir off' wili you to a
iwaraiiug. te-KiJiig. stfuif ter resort,
iwirf-TM I had to cit on a rW-lmt bote!
pon h anil talk pretty to at lot ' of ieo
i'ple that-1 bad nothing in common
i w it ti and thyt in-rdutbiy i'spi?ed tin
in their imiiOst wjtilK, and where I had
to flounder t round an ice-4old sea v.a
tvi4 eviy day '.because allj the rest ot
the -sjng did it, and win ref I had to go
hilong u. 'croifiers in .aiH4ats. and get
s! k evt ry time you nodded to me
tht .. yo.u wauu-d t: go. - 'when I
ljdut get a proper - mcall of victuals
dining iuy ciitho stay, aad where I
had b push you around ii a pcrrnnbu-ifitoi-
iiiid look- as if I liked it . just be-
cacj-io all tlie. ,. oilier inihfeiles dnwii
thej-e witli i-ateng, health-. J.Ki -pound
wiv.'.? perambulate their wives, : and
wb.eiv 1 felt jn geiei ,l like a .salt
iu acker 1 in Jhe. bottom f i iie barrel.
It'm taken me a good ii:ny years to
ge tills homo together, atid-"
"V'4-U. I am suns' I wetthi be irfcct-
ly t-ootent to iciiiam at home
all the
year around." said
'"Icnt": 'you rcintinber
ihdt I
cd la-t spring that . we
home tlsis -year' -and. get 1
rc-main at
new porce-
lain bathtub instead 'of
fiii'iiding' t!a
tiipney for. a trip, and', have 'the house
paii'teo: ail over, and gft
new chif-
lonier nun ti moi(ri! rei s
"You -have n gifted
iniaginat ion.
.Mrs. .lolison,
it wonder to
said Mr. Jf,ibson. "It's
me tn-n yea uidur taiie
to the writ lug.- of - ti. tion
I'd like lo accommodate
membonng' all that, but-
1 1 early life,
you by re
iuy .memory
isn't -a-elastic as, ii rnighi be oonveni
eof for 'you: to have it, do reiueta
injr. however, that you bjgan to tink
er with ma-ferial --for a Jtew battling
suit. UK early, as the hhmi)1i of March.
" 1 that, you begaii to rad tin se't
ude ;!ilvertiscjncjits in Tile Star paper
oeioiv.the lilacs begun t show up on
tlie market stands, and ftiuit you be
wail to SX-A letters from J-ioiel keepers
ilo-n at the -'beach in response to your
.s'e!el inii!l'ies !'. to;t'ii;iS. long, be-
loio the, month of May ra-giicd-.io its
close, and' that a, hen the lirst hot "day
lil Jltlio l:ipM)ed ".along f.oll .beg.-in 1;
pa iii and to look wis'tir and to tv
icas k that ; you'jl '.never sotrferod so
et h from lhv heat l n v, and to tell
me t ic t. you'- Ihoug'd j l -. m-eded a
-haicre a lid
xiu a
salt' aiisi'itttv boil v.
.' i v -
' ll'l O OJi. I
1'nin't ' yon, .sav
two hveek: before
we .vi.ij-j) d thai y
i ia! to- reimiiii in
fl pit fed io!i;s tiiat
the biiliuir -itV all
suiiinicr.. jind " f - -
"I':iiiiiig city, Mrs. -'obson?" cx
ehin?to.i ;,lr.'.: Jobson.j. "Yon never
Ktn.,! rut make use m Vtn-h a b" in in
' vottr li'iei with refei-eiu-'f lo ' Wa'!;?ig-e
ton. " .Vil ; tisis talk til. .ul -Washiiigioii
l'fing a ht city in the sutamer is tooon
stiiiie. lt""'S;'co"l en-'Hghjlor me, any-i'ov.-.
andthe iext time .feu commence
to hok ; isi fid .befre jtht si in 'ncr's
half I m -ir! 1 i, I'll send you to 1 t:e sea
side,' ;;) ,1 ilit, but 111 f-uty ;at home
i!yvlf. ' I've had all' tip' summer re
sult itig. I waot iu mme.j '- :
This -writs -the- way. Mr. Jobs' 01 'de
em risk bfu'-lf .itHir-his return to the
Weii.shl!. 'last year. It mjiy be reiimrk
e.1 that, in attributing tf 'Mrs.' Johsoii
a 'v'iblj-' .uurchlra-iiitible' -jesire'' to go t i
the .beach..-Mr; .IbImhi i:;s. a -' 'iisr.al'.
jitst a triilc beside tint jjiinrk.- How.ev
ir, it wsis a settled tiling from ''Ut
iitae Mr. Jobsou 1 suited Jiiis "pronuiieia
iiM iip on', 1 he' subject oi snutiiier .trips
4 hat tlyr-.l would be ji- iuht. r trip
'foj. tin .hilwms, this yj.H'r; Mrs. Job
''. .; coutcut With t.lir -imderstiind-itig.
ihe had never Itetn 'p.art ici. tal ly
fond oi the hotel existence and the
iueessanl dressinit and jdutiging about
of a sca.sHie rcsork 1 .
Fi-iijtie.iitly 'during thf ivitiler. ' when .
friends Hr 'tlie .rolismii would ask
them where they wore jToiiiji When the
suu.im r came again.! .Mr. Jobson
would cxpjifiate at git at lefiglh .a mi
wit It- much Jvrvor up.-;j! the comolete
hi'cjey f motbin f ibis' who think
t ie-y're ;itt: ,t Siu imjsed ttoii it
they ctitrt niniui'-'e to I'-lve their com
S.01 table, homes' for a jiuont'li or two
every summer ami tufli to a erazv
Snillllll'l' 1-e'iH-t w'.iffr. !
tt,..t- 1 .i -..
spend all their' thte
i . tw
tfanniiig thesu-
st-lvett. and light iiiir
bii'sotuf n's .'ami
ttyin to
they win
convince t!em,i Ives t!mt
"it.iiitga Still time.'
any more loH tlie Jobsons."
lr- Jobsmn. would wmfl up, ilectdedly
when ftiey're well off. and they're
wcieotue to iio alt tin su minor-resort
gltd-lii g th.y aiit to. Bat I know
one Washing! on fair wbo will heuee
tortii Uud Wasldiigtoa. goot cmuigh
tor him the year 'round,' ' '
Mrs. .foiisou did not -begin, as usual.
n At it'll to iri't her clol'ien leailv lt'.r :i
j ut.i.t-1 11 n.n- at iioi, 1. -1 1 iter
a . . . . 4 t . . . - J ... . . ,
glad to le rid of llmt imther.i Xothiug
was f-.-iil lont Mitiifjier jilatis,, and
she took if f4r graimcil. that th3
v, ottid have a piiet, comfortafde sea
son of it bi r.ca-th .the; shade of - their
own vine and't g f reo.s
.'liien were some) humid. Mibry
davs lain in May. On the second hu
I'tid. mbry day late isi May LVlr. Joli-
ol cai
V' IV 1 '
bom.- t rem; bis o(li'i
:J and
felt so
fordo ,'td
n't gd 'e
1 hx'dn't
ccmj.!a"ts:ng that
' "n. u down" in years.; It was obvious
' io M l"s.. Job.ofi
that is: wntiPfd her to
j stvgesTr j J.ai lli . tal f a plta to some
into! place, hot Mrs. Jolsoi didn't
i have any Me-h . ugwfoH ti make.
j 'S!.. .lii "lie Wasn't felb'lgjth' hi it
j at .alL M r. -fob-on" Linked sid'', i ,e at"
i Per. nod then he wenl on to fay that
r Sbojgtit a thingiou wot:M baie a;
pretty warm sumraer of It this year.
Mr. dobson saw a lot of plctur8 "fif
joyng women in oatntng suits In .th
L fashion dejartment of one of the na-
Ixts early in June, and be commented
vyxm how- touch .more stylish women
.r,t iieginnitig to rfg themselvs up for
.:i5r -!itr ln thin'? tlinn -ttiov l!.i 1-
. .... ...... . -------(- ....... t4 U
i. rir. r yetirs. Mrs. Jobsin, however
ii'iTii'f inlre the Iitnt nnt ...itn t
. - , jirt
J!soii gazed at her out of the slants
of his eyes, ns if waiting for her to
say noiuothhtg.
?n I'riday aftrton last Mr.' .Tol
turn came home with some bundle
under his arm. lie calmly oiioiicd tht
bundles' ami showinl them to MpC
Jobson as sVon as he got in.Otie of
iho bundles' contained a heat whit-e
flannel suit, another a yachting cap,
and still another a pair of wmte caul
vas shKs. : . -
"IJks Vmr asktl,-'Mr. Johon,
"Why. yes; - they're nice,' replied
yfrs. Jobr-ou, -; ""but men , don't. ' wear
such things in tb city, dj thny?"
"Thes, Mrs. Jobson.'.Hald Mr, jol'..
son, "are Hot to Ik worn -'in the city.
They're to adorn 'the person of one
Jobson down at (lie seashore, when
oi .Ujb-!ii and his wife will In alut
this time tomorrow :tftertnon." :
"Put. liogan Mrs, Jobson. "I thottght .
you had forever- fpresworu the kc.-u
shore, and that " '
"Foresworn the s a shore';" said Mr.
Johsoii wit h an " extrexsioii . of crent
surprise. "Wlm? Me? When did you
ever hear me s.iy anyildng of t,
-sort?" ' -
"Why. haven't you Ihk-ii sayliig a?
wtiiter ii:at ---" s .
"Xot unie.ss 1 said It in my l.-).:-
."Put I lraven'f. a :ratr made no ili-it
would 1h suitable for the seashore-
find "
. "?.rt -.;-Jobson." broke' in. Mr. Jobsoit.
mi ;if;u niuii.i, ui imsltiMHI,
who . Is on the vrge of prfwiirnjati ''
t'roni a coiiibiiiatio!i.f heat and over.
Wirk has -extended to you a -cordial
bivifntton- to- :reco.5iipany. him to jlie -sc-a
shore tomorrow' .afternoon.' Yoiif
lr.'sbaiid. madam, lias been lit the h.-di-
it of going to the
f the summer foi
Keashofc p. if- a jiarl
a good many vetrs.
and he doesn't hiteml. at this day -Hid
date, to be -cliise'ed i! nf Hie' plea;.-,
u re simply because u set ti that
old .wail a'MUit nothing' to wt4ar. -I
shoub! . very iimch dislike to g tV the
seashore, by myself.' Mrs. .lohsou. hut
will you bo -ready to take tire!
Jrahi totiiorrov,-, that's w'hat I .want to'
kimw.V' fj
"Mrs'Jobson was ready, and they.
wo'-it. aii i when ihey-yct la.i ic Mr.
.iiiltsim will probably make 1h: same
declaration about summer resorts that
h made iat .m .ni. and then forget. it
all over 'again. ' aJ i Jobsou- is a eoa-sislent--
forget ter. Washington Star.
ST A YTDX 1 1 A P P I IX I X " S.
Movemenis of tiio 1'iople
I.ilti'e City.
in That Live
Siavtoi:. or.. July 11.'
J. P..-I M vie.-,
wi'n was taken suddenly
ill last-week.
is again on the strtH-t:--. -
Mr. Uud Mrs. Chsts. Yon.ky were Su
letjl isitovs at the Xoibert Iiollie uti-
.lav. .--'..' '
A huge rattlesnake, measuring -ovt r
three-1 fret in lei.iglh. was kill.-il a few
1,1 dies', above staytou a few- days ago.
The snake 'I tad ten rallies and a lui-
Mr. and Mrs. U. I Winiei. v, ho ';.u .
ly arrived In this city Irom Portland,:
ate comfortably settled ia the ' I'lardiU- .
house, on First street. Mr.-Wittier has
st ct'ted -employment in the- p.rov.n
A iiine-Htt!id baby girl was bnn b.
Mr. and Mix II. Boy on Satarday. .Itily
7t '!.
Miss Maggie Taylor arrived Hi this
oiiv on Tih say of last week, from j
'1. .'cat olio. Idaho, and is a guot at the
lioua of Mr. and Mrs. !. b. Biowu. tj
Warren Kh hardsttii. Wesley Kiuirs
C!ar tice Anderson. Alva Thomas juid
James' Bass formed ;i p.-H'ty of yoini'4
me:i who -left on Tuesday morning's,
.-o.,... ..n I'linti. in niiiiiis iM iirtMii tir-
'ij.-t . . .. ...... -
egt.11 and Washington In search of eiu
rilovnicitt. I "
. ti: t C. .,.1 I.'l?., t ittl..f
took their departure Tuesday, for -ma.
Xeliraska, where they expect t
.-j-etul several months visiting relatives
;t)id llietids.
.Mr. and Mrs. I,eo Itrown leive f.r
XewiMifl next week, where they will
i-peiid tiie next two months in r -st and
recreation. ' -
Kicii ;ou FIXIk
Dawson City Ueports a Xew
at Koyukuk.
HI loffl'lO
Tacuiii;), July 11. News has is -en re-'
eived hen f rorn I a wsmi regarding-a?
-oyage mmle by the schootier -Florettre'
S..' whii !i left that place May '--'I
bound for -the Koytikuk tliggings Avitli
.sixty pros'teeti-s alniard. The vess'l
we;nl d its way V) inih-s tip the Knyu
kvk too point forty-live miles t'rofu the
mines, discliarged the passengers and
Claims bave Ix-en staked at.lhop
ndneSj dirt fiom whih averaged ?l
to the pan. " The' gold js very coais
ai d Is reiorteil P4 lie worth SIS b tin
Dtiine. Properties are lM'iug v.otkcd
n M rile nd Slab creeks, South Fork
and Twelve-Mile.
The steamer City of Seattle, wbkh
arrived on tin SotitHl yestenlay.'.-
"brought 1) passcng-rs from Skagway
and yi.tfMMHHt in treasure. The vessel
brings news that the steamer Cottage
City, is 011 her way down with not less
than ."SJ.tKHMMiO Hi dust. .
Cliarbsfon. .WV Vib," July 11. -The'
state lb ptddicaii cop Vli-ut hill this.vve--pg
riiobiated Allsit P. WhHo br
bjvi ruor. ' .
, 1
. IXfl. '. . - ' '
Xo Chinaman cares if a faming
breaks rait jirar him. or is horfcvUo
another Ciiitiaman is tortured, or.will
exert idmself against his own huvrot
to iti'vcnl siiTerlug to any other l
ti:i!i iK-ing. And n Ciiinaman ever
t-orgcfsir ptest huts that he is a nietii
iwr of the. supreme civiliz-itloti of th'1
world--if Mb-ed, oV the only one lo
v.idcji. in; ids 'Judgment,- tiiat Sirl"'it
iejm In it.-: original meaning can I'
btlingly applied.
R,.ar 'Jut " ' -I '
Vie r.inJ Yj-j tow A:r
. if