Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, July 06, 1900, Page 1, Image 1

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    -ISSUED IN.. ,
i i
I. J 1
i Price Is flot the Only Thina
lo consider lfeTjft tmy a pai,
p :. correspond
' ' V- gi st you extra good value ior every dollar you
- j j1 spend with them. The ' ';
V i '
f W CM' .
shoes are stylish,- t Well and wear well Ask your neighbors about
them. Clothing; ( hats, shirts, hosiery, underwear, gloves, and all
kinds of ladiesaiid gents' furnishing goods.
Salem's Cheapest One Price Cash Store
E. T.
BARNES. - Pmnrie.tnr
10 per cent! discount bu all shoes. One vear euro we influfrnr-
i atcd our annual shoe sale. Our customers will remember the
5 wonderful success of our monster shoe sale. This month We
will have tho greatest shoe sale ever heard of. Ten per cent
discount on all shoes. AH goods aro marked in plain figures.
3 it i
rrsv4 t Kara, of Uot. T. T. tieer Sbr
; Iff Uarbto Md a Tlaiely Arrcak .
of th rrllow.
A finely I dn-wHil tui! kmmI looking
you uk mail, probably yi-ars oli,
tf IIlrewf part-mnKt. Rivlusf tlie nar?
of Kd. UeJtHT auI UimiiiK 1o lie from
rorllaml, ivaj arreKtinl ?arly latt v
uiujj by JSlM-riff rf W. luiiIti and
1mIm1 in lh tuiity jail liaxK?d with
litrgrry. . Tlw yunj fUpw will lie ar.
rljruil ln?ftrt Justkt O'UoiialJ at 10
o'clock thin tuoi-uiug. ;
lteimr arrival in Sakm on thu
KouthlHMiiMl Cnlifortiia -exprvvM- W'ni-iM-wlay
?vciiUi?r ani rejiltfrl at ,th
WilUum-tU'. ilp rireHuitMl that h?
waa a n-venuej wlhn-tor but the "only
particnlar ktiowlle he vll'iHttl jnf
tho roycnne lav was In tut? nse of tho
Htatnp fof he ad ffLol and cam-ol-ieil
a tamp ;tp th forjwl . 'ehot-k. ho
haI xtforod. j llisf aHrok4inUn au 1
am'jtt was vory hbccohsI ully efloote.l
ly ShorifT F.iW. lurlu' In-fore Iio had
oporated ;vory JexJonsiTdy oa tho un
U8pecthisr public. Jo far as could lw
losmott last oyoniiag llolsor had not
RiicciiHhtl in '(cashing any otlur chocks
in the city. and 1t I prosumwl his ar
rest waa inailo before he had Ugun
his prosiiecttVo harvest. ' , "
Shor'ff ! Iurblu first notid tho
' j!i u3 forsif .!alwt & o'clock youtor
ilay aftorntou whoo-be sw hiiu outer
Mel Hamilton's Coninioreial street sa
loon. l'Yelinjr Nitisfiod from bis gon
oral aiiNirauco tlit tlio stranger was
a questionable character, Shewiff liu-
bin resolved to iueidentally tuvosnigaie
thv case, and, followed the follow in
to the fcaloou. : Ttierp lloisor ordt-rod
a drlak of the iKfst grade of whisky
and deiosltod on the Iwir tlw custo
mary charge a ud as he was about to
iwss out of 1 the; saloon, he addresse-l
Mr. HamiltoB to I whom he "seated,
a cho. k lor ami Iminlml tf . the
prtnM-ltor of the place jwouh!
ooiuuMMlate' him S by cashing it. The
t bv k bow : the aUegod siguatnn? of
kvcriHr ilwr and was dated Juiy
otlu -.The Imitation of the goveniors
antograph was miserably poor ami lb
lrr'gukiritio wore easily discorumie
. to anyone, at all familiar with the
Signature of .Oregon's chief executive.
' Jlr. Hamilton declined to "aceoin
tiMHhito" the stranger, who excusea
himself by romnrklug Uat, it ma le
no lartleulnr differ'iK-o for lie ooU
get tlie iwipw jcashd at tjw hotel but
he tlMught;at wotdd le au at-cojumoua-t.
ft: r M r. 1 la mil tun to
cash tls clKH k.": Tlo follow went to
itacli At 'Xadstanok's saloon, atcra
Cigar store4 and the Annex and at
each place iaale purchase for whl-
he 'paid. subsMUeutly prtKlucing the
: check the winliiHg of which he explain
ed would great erouunodatton''
to him. Jnt hone of tl business firms
interviewed . m w Jhe situation in the
Mtne light' find polit-iy do Unod. S;t
leai busiu - tiM-n do not wake a
praot Ice of uwuuuodatlug" strang
ers, in this wayj v - y
- Persistency is -ertainly ' a: quality
Iohs4ssh1 by tho forgir for he was un
dlsmaved by those ropeatol failures
of nxi ! You wanVthe quality to
with Uie price.
3 t". - -4
to' realize "aii.vthlng"'fr6m his Jwortli
les paper, lie next' went to a house
of ill fa rue on Ferry, street wnduct
ed by Madame Mctilanis wliere lie
succeeded In getting the check ashed.
lie tlMn; deMM-ted and enterel anoth
er resort of like character in the same
block. In the meantime KherifT I nrbiu
was on tho fellow trail and.' having
ascertained -that the MoOinnis woman
had acc-ptMl tle ciiock in return for
coin., guluod possession of t lie clieck
antl promptly had a warrant Issued for
tlte ftHlow's arrst. AocomiMinleil by
IH-puty Sheriff-11. It. CoUwtli.; Sheriff
Dut bin reiah-ed to 4he Itawdy. house
Into which the follow, had last, enter
d. lteiser was quite completely mir
pr f sol w lieu taken into custody and
when , he. realized tlie wriousness of
the crime with which he was charged,
he bfoke down and cried. He was
promptly escort od to the county jail
wlyre he will remain until the hour
for his larraignmeut tiiis tinoruiug.
Come out. Mister Suhshlne
Liglit do 1U II an' plain;
L weary or do drappin
Kr th r
- - Kain! :
Kain! '
I got. do rheumatism
Kn de rattlin' er de brain;
1 weary Ob, 1 weary j,, !
i Er d-r .
, Itain! ? "i ,
' ' ; Itain!
I wants ter see do Htmshine.
En de HT -4,hlllun ithijrin':
I can't isliout "llalloluyer:
, In de
; , . ;-- , ' Kain! I ; '
Itain! '
-Atlanta Coustitutioa
IK. IEXTOX yoV. Umler tin
aloro enption. the Warrenslmrg. Mis
souri Iaily Star has tlw following re
garding Uov. H. A. Denton, formerly
ti a rf f '' tilt First Christian church
of this city: "Her. II. A. Denton. A,
M.; pastor of the Christian chnixh,
has just comph-tiMl a iost graduate
... with Itichmond
eollege. Ills thesis has ben avpteI
and he lias rtH-eivei-nonce iua
digree of Ph. D has leen granted
hnt. Ir. . Uentou is one i lue iuwt
brilliant memliers and closest stwlents
In his profession in the state, and we
have no doubt that the honor was
conferred as a matter of merit." Iter.
w iinntnn tin iiiiineroust warm
friends and admirers In this city, who
will be plea.scl to near oi no wuiu
ued adrancomeut.; j ,.-,-
m... fan.iiv ami Innnmerable friends
A lir '.
of J. M.. Wallace hare Is-en tHMWirag
ed during the past few days over -the
improvement in the condition of the
venerable patient.: He Is slowly re
calning and tlie Improvement thus far
Weut to have lieen innanent. streug
the;iing tlie hoies tlutt.he will entire
ly recover uis wamk -
'sTATli TAXE.-SUtc ; Treasaror
c i rtpn1ar reeeiveil $2im0
r;m bmndn county, 'fV" f
the state tax iej jv"
S1Wik gently! Jis. eg. V J
Wpp'd In the heart's deep well; ,
TlTgood, the Joy. that It may fcrins ;
Eterpity shall tell. .
'; ik. v 4 V Ilia lSrir Rrir
He Is. Again' the Standard Ltsxtt
ci the Democratic Party. ;
When the Eminent Nebraska Was
Placed in nomination Fight f
on Platform Declarations.
KAX.SAS CITY. Mo., July 5. AVil
liani J. Hryan, of Xeln-aska, was to
night unanimously placed in nomina
tion as the IemocratIe candidate for
President of the United States, on a
platform opposing Imperialism, n-Ili-
tarism and trusts, and sijecifically de
claring for the free coinage of fcilver
at'fhe ratip'of if to J. 'J f -; '
rite nomination came as the culml
nutjou aif renxled' 'deniojistratioii jii
houVir' bf tue' iart'y Wader, ' lasting 27
miilntes, and giving utterance to all
the! jKnt ui tootidn oil thei ast mul
titude. It folliwtii also, tieroo htrui-"gle-throughout
'the labt SI hours, eol-
corhing the platform .'declaration
silver, and relative to the posit!
which the silver question is to main
tain to the great Issues of the day.
It was late this afternoon when the
convention was at last face to i face
with the Presidential nomination.'
Earlr In the day there had been "tedi
ous delays, due to the inability of the
platform committee to reconcile tlelr
differences and present a report. Un
til this was ready the convention man
agers beguiled the time by putting
forward speakers- of more- or . less
prominence, to keep the vast audience
from, U'coiniug too . resthss t fj,f , f
The tirst session." beginning af"10
olock ,lis mqrulug, . .was j entirety
fruitless o( results, and It was 'not
until late In the afternoon, when the
second session had ; begun, that the
platform 'committee was at "last abio
to reiHrt an agreemnt. Already, ils
ina In foaiures, embodying the 10 to 1
principle, ; had become kuown : to the
dHegatesv and there was little delay
in ! giving' It unanimous ' appn-aL
Tills removed tlie Jast chance -for
oiKn rupture on the question of prio
clide, and left the way' clear for the
supreme event of tlie day he nom
ination of the Presidential candidate.
When the call of states was ttegnn
for the purpose of placing candidates
in nomination. Alabama yielded its
place at the head of the list to Ne
braska and Hon. W. D. Oldliam. of
that KtiUe, made his way to the plat
form for the Initial sjieeeh. ilaciug
Piyau In nomination for the Fresl-,
deucy. The orator Was strong-volcoil
and entertaining, yet to the waiting
delegates and . sixctators , there Was
hut one point to his speech, and ilia t
was the stirring peroration which
closes with the luiiue of William J.
Hryan. This was the signal for 'the
demonstration ,of the day, and with a
common purposo. the great-concourse
Joined in a tribute ol outhuslastic de'
rotiou to the "party loader. A hugop
oil protrait of Bryan, measuring 13 J
f tec . across, was , la-ougnt uown tue i
main aisle iM'fore the. delegates. Atj
the same time the standards of the
state delegations were torn from tlioir
KK'kets and waved on high, whily
umbrellaa oC-red white and - blue, the
silk lianners of the several stales,' antli
tnauy handsome and, unique transiwrH
cncii'S were lwrne alwut the building
amid the deafening clamor of ,.
yelling, gesticulating men and women.
VU of tlte Intensity of tlie iormer ie-
monstrations - e.nd much more was
added to this final tribute to the lead
er. : ; . ' : .V.. '
N1ieu the demonstration had sis-nt
Itself, sjswhes, seconding the tiomlu-,
atlon of Rryan, were in onier. Sena
tor White Spoke for California. When
Colorado was reached, .'that state
yielded to Senator IIHI. or M'W l orsj
The .audience had anxiously awaited
the aipearauee of the idistinguislwHl
Now Yorker, ami as he tooK tne piat
frru: he was 'accorded a sohTidki rv
ception. the entire audience rising an I
cheering wihlly with the exceitiou ef
the little group of -Tammany Kwiers,
who sat silent throughout the cheers
for their New York associate. Hill
was in good roloe. and bis tribute to
the Xebraskan touched a symiathetie
, irl lni tlie lioarrs of the audience.
He pi-tured Bryan as the champion -,of
the ilaln people ,atnl of the working
man. strong with the masses, with the
farmers and wttn toe artisans, hih-b
mil tleclarod. with, dramatic einpha-
si th.it the candidate would have
the support of his party a, united
party there was tremendous amdause
at the suggest km of lemoTatIc uuity;
Aside .from , his r UrUllant eulogy, of
IVyan, the siee-h of th 'w York
i..,ii..r w ihU-flv Hisuitimut in its
strong pha for unity. , ;
It -is time ror unity, not for diris
ion, he xclaimeo, to the rapturous
apiHoval of the great multitude facing
him The elouuent Daniel, of Vlrgh-
ia, added bis glowing tribute to tlie
candidate, while former Governor Pat
tison, f Pennsylvania, spoke, for hi
utate and for the East; Governor Me
Milliu. or Tennessee, voiced the wish-
m ....... ..!. ofmiiii'iiill
three ITesidents": Hawaii, throojrh
Us native.; delegate. John lL.Wi
Bfle Its first fsectnMling siswh In a
Democratic National Convention, a
finifuy a sweet-voiced and pleasaiit-
taceii woman, alternate iroiu -rtah.
seconded the nomination of Bryan in
behalf of the state of Utalu T1ku
came the Toting. State after state re
corded Us Tote In hetialf of the Ne
braska candidate.4 and giving Jiim the
unanimous: rote or all states and ter
ritories. The convention managers
had "already agreed that tlUs was suf-fk-lent
vork.forvneJday, and the '-.Vice
Presidential . homiua t ion was) a llo wel
to go over; until tomorroWjCadjoui-n-ment
being Imd at 850 p. . m... to 10
o'clock tomorrow -
Next 'to; the demonstration for t lie
larty. candidate, the greetiug of the
a nuoiuiceiueut that imperialism was
to1 he the paramount issue of this cam
taign was; the most siontaneous ami
significant 3of the day. Tliat J lie dele
gates were In complete sympathy Wjjth
this proHsit ion wa shown by tle tor
rific and long sustained applause, last
ing over 22 nilnutos. . Following this,
the announcement, that tlie ; 10 to 1
idea was retained in the platforiirTe
ceivetl onlvl a faint and illy-etained
recognItlon.i the applause being limited
to a few minutes. It was regarded as
significant, as showing, lu iho si'utl
ments of the ddegatos, quife as con
vincing as the terms of the platform
they had nnt forward. - -
Another stirring event of the day
was the aipearam'o of Wolistcr Daris,
former Ansistaut Secretary of the In
terior under McKfuley's administra
tion,! In a' snfoch;: Hovercly 'arraigning
the Republican party for, its bu-k of
sj-mpathr for th Boers, and formallr
aimounciag his alltghince to tlie leiu-1
ocratic jiarty. , ,
fBut the creat Lattlc- of the t-on voli
tion has not been; fought , under the
eyes of cheering thousands, but in the
privacy of ; the closely -guarded quar
ters, of tlie committee ou the phitforui.
Hero was waged, throughout, last
night, and again tbis morning, one of
tle most remarkable struggles tliat
has ever racked this historic party.
And lout of this lierce strife the ad
herehts of Brya n Omergeil, starred,
but Vh-torious.. Tliey have written tlie
platform In their own way, with 10 to
l- 'i But it was a victory by a scratcln
for a single rote jwould : jiave turmnl
the wahn., And It has not Iteen a vic
tory without a "ohcessIou, for In the
final draft ! sll'vi-r is no longer , para
mount; it is far timtu in tlie plat ronu.
while In the very iforfront is the de
claration that jnqierialism is the "ar
amount Issue of the campaigu." Tliere
only remains a clvolce -of.- a candidate
for Vice, President,' and the work of
the convent ion is over. ' Tliere is every
evidence ithat -r this i choice will le
quickly luitde tomorrow -morning, al
tlibugh there-. Is ' still doubt as to who
the nomhjoe will . ,
Kansa s City, Molw J uly ,". Tiie I oih-
wrratle National ,Coii vent Ion tills after
noon adopted a platform by aet-lama-
tion, a synopsis of . which .follows:
The platform liogins by d-lanng
that all tJovcrumeaits, derive their Just
powers from theM"nsent of grtVornel.
and that the Constitution follows the
flag. Continuing, it: says; , . ; . ..
"We asJMTt thafi no ntlon can long
enuunv-iiait a i(nuiuic ana nait an
Empire." The lrto Kican law 4-u-
acted by tlie Bepitidiean congress, and
the tK)licy of th' Administration . in
Vwha anitho Philippines are condemn
ed. The platform favors Iho 'Iniuiel-
la to ' -de la rat km o f t he na t ion s pur
mn to give to tiie Filipinos, first n
stable govirnin-ut; sW-ond, iii'leM-n-'riesee:
ami third, prtction from out
sle lntorferen-v swh as. has Ihoii
crli-en frs; mtrl r s -enturv: to tlie Ite-
publies of Central ami South Anferiea."
iTontlnuing on this subject-the; plat
form says: vve are not opP"',l to
territorial exiianslon whon it takes In
desirable' territory w hich can he erect
ed Into states hi the Union.; and whose
isHple are wJJIing ;iml lit to Ikhuhio
A nMri-a i citizens. ; . We favor trade
expaiisloa by every peaceful and. leg
itimate meatus, mil wo are unalterably
bnnoscd to the f iling or purcliasing
vf distant lsLind;. to Ie governed out-
(Continue! on eighth page).
llobson and Ills
Bay ; one rain 1 or shine. They are
cites ( now S1K JWlTs canopy styU-s
to close at eacn.
$0Xt canopy style f'ZZO.
tl2la cr Ssa inircllas
P,rsnd new ste I rod colored umbrella.
xri - SPECIAL,"' 2.to
Hill .. - - WECIAL ' 9?.3T
t ' : ' ' !
The Chinese Are Pressing Inter
national forces Closely.
: t
TheOrrcon Floats and Goes to the
Knro Dock Greatest Crime of
the Rectory in China.-
PA It IS, July 3. A Tenqts disiatch
from Che Foo, dated" today, says:
"Tlon Tsiu Is, still surrounded by an
oyorwhelming iiuhiIht of Chinese who
are trying to cut the communications
Of .the International forces, whose pos
ition fs very dangerous. Tho allied
troop, numbering lZUtn men, have
succeeded with diiHculty In preventing,
by .strategic iiioasures, au assault ly
the Chinese. whse artillery ' greatly
outuumbirs the Kuropi'an guns.
Washington, July 5. Tlie Navy De
partment this afternoon rec-olvetl the
following from Che Foo: "Wilde an
nounces that the Oregon was floated
Jhis afternotin. Tlie punnis diitil
the water.. She goes to Kurt1 dock
yard du the Inland sea. (Signed) ltod
gers." ... - .
Ixndon. July 3. A statement Is pul
lislietl In Berlin that the Chinese have
already taken Tien Tain, but a cable
d!siatch from Shanghai, dated July
4th. 9:43 p. m., shows that according
to the latest advices the city Is still
In tho. hands . of : the International
troops,, though the -Chinese forces con
tinue their attempt to Isolate them, as
they did at Pokin. They were receiv
ing constant accession; many troops
arriving from Manchuria. j
'Tlie dl'tyatch adds that Colonel Wp
gack,' commanding the Itusslans at
Tien Tsiii. was almost exhauste!. He
had been, three days ami nights in tho
satldle directing tho oiHTations.
There are whfssrs of start IUig ru
mors in the native - quarters, anl it
nnist not; he forgotten that the 't olo
graph linos oh which alone the 'news
can come are solely .in 'the hatlds of
the Chinese. The native rumors, nre
likely to have their" soum on n solid
Istsls. and the native ollicials are. be
lle veil to lie -"preparing the Mftjc for
the reception bf the 'news of the great
est crime of tlie century: ' , "
"'The safety of all foreigners In
North Chiua.", says one report, J'de
fsmds uiMHi f 'tho -Japanest taking
prompt action. Japan has. .7M'H
troops ready, but Is prevents! from
S4nding t hem to China by Internation
al jealousies."
MinneaHlis." July o. The 'Minnea
polis ami St. Louis ltailroad has alsHit
i-MiipIetMl Its new Hue through to
Stoi-m Ijike. Regular pssHi-um-r aud
licijcht service lias Invit cstablinheil lis
far as Esth'rviIIe. Tliere is said to
Ito no intention of pushing the lino
Is'yond. Storm Lake this yearsou at-.
-ouut of tlie high price irt uuitorialS.
Kanruis Cty,"Mo., The Silver Rcpah-Il-ans
National Convention ssnt all
of today In. waiting for a report from.
Comrades Were Exchanged Tvro
Our Fine
Novelty or Staple It's all the
and tlte Itest materials. .
Originality In color combinations and effort tylib cuts and good
workinauship mark the merits of erty garment. j, ;
Specials la Men's Salts, $2.50, $3,! $3.95
Not tlie lst suits In our store by any bicjiiw; they are slightly out
of style and we haven't a ftdl lino of
you'll buy one for a working suitthey
Men's Suits, $6.60
- Really reliable styles, neat desirable patterns. This Is the line of the
season don't fall to see it. ! , . .
Great Specials
the conimlttot on M'soUiilons. Thi'j
main iHint of difference lay In the;
attitude of the party on expansion, siul
on this iNtiut both tlKV RUlMwnmfttt
and the full oommlttc were divldtntj
practically on geographlcar lines, tho
eastern menilsrs favoring a oondemua-l
tiou of Imperialism whilo the most of
the memlters from tlie western tatci4
oppoacd this eHirse. A plank dcuounl
ciu? IittHrialisin Was liuttlly adopted
and In litis sliaM the platform will bo
pnsentd "to the convention tomorrow
Unless the linexHctoil happens, tbtf
cumintiou will roach, final adjourui
meiit tomorrow artorinsu.
1 A BIO FIItE. i
Standard Oil Company Has an Enor
mous Iass in Now Jersey. j
Now York; July 5. More -tfehi 2F2.
.Vkmoi damage has,already lscn done,
and a number of persons bave Iuhmi
si'vercly liurneil by the fire that start
ed In the works of the Standard Oil
Co.. at Constable Hook. Ihiyonne. N.
J. early this morning. Tweuty-threo
large tauks, I fifteen Union Tank Line,
cars, the crude oil rotlnery. theriiun
pund Sweating plant, the Hungarian
tenement and saloon have lson utter
ly destroyed, and the contents of
twenty-three hugt oil tanks 4s still
burning in a sea of tlanio. ovoring '
over ! acres. A lighting .bolt caus
ed the fire. '
For Vice President, as the ltunulng
Mate of W. J. Bryan Hill i
Is Favored by Many. - .
KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 5.4 The
most ImiKtrtant deveiopment in tho
Vlee-IYesldeiitlal situatlou tonight was
the announcement that, when .'the nll
of states Is calltnl tomorrow for tho
nomination of candidates fr Vice
president, j Alabama will yield to
Florida, and. It. D. McIonald of that
state will place Elliot Danforth, of
iXew York, in nomination. Another
development was on j tho question of
tho popularity of David B. Hill for
the. place, j as tuanifcstiMl lit the con
vention, and the desire, expressed iu
many quarters,-for his -selection. Tho
Stevenson Immmii is of a passive char
acter, the lwdief ls'lTig general that ho,
would make a safe candidate,' and that
he is tho ouly ntan who, can Iwat
To wne. The deniaml for d4leriits n
tlie ticket Is still strong, and Towue's
candid-icy .-la hnnuored by reason of
his prof essed iwlith-sj Still the-friends
a Tpwne are working, 'very ha rl and
hois that the is-cullar situation re
garding the, other candidates may 'yet.
site trim the nomination. That tiie
Democratic oiivention is taking the
matter Into consideration Is 'shown by
the ahiptlon,' todtiyf . of a resolution
for , a committee of conference, ,
Paris, July 5. Tito h-tndicap events
In tlie professional !,fHt races and
games -tiro taking- place hero today.
Those ' events' are: " One- hundred mo
ires, fiat, long Jump. 4 imtres, flat;
throwing of welch!. l.tn metres, fiat;
hfsrh jump, roo inetn4, w-rstcK In
this event the HrstKprlw will ! :vm
francs: the-. wVnd priw Hm francs,
with a thinl and fourth prlise. For tho
other events the first prizes aro HM
francs each; the second prhws liO
fanws -?ach. ! -
Until a few.yearsi ago moxtly Chris
tians were aeon-dl'ted as ambassadors
from tho Sultan of Turkey to WostoFU
states, and in Iondon alone there serv
ifl a Christ inn who remained there as
represeiilativu , of tlie Sultan for t 41
yars. The pn-sent ambassador In
London is a Ori'ek and a ClirlKtian. So
are the ministers in .Brussels-and The
Hague.' , . I ' j ,f '
Years Ago Today.
same all ; made with the proper care
,. . . , .:' .".
and Crisp
them. If you are not too particular
will wear well "-
In Wash Geo is