WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN,. TUESDAY, JULY 3, 19?' CENSUS OF INDIANS.' WierMan Sun: , Ike .Dangberty has completed : hi works as ecnus enumerator of tJrand IConde, and refortst about Indians on the reservation. Including half breed. " He says the Indians were very willing to give nil the Informa tion they eonld, anil he probably had less trouble in getting the required statistics than the census takers of the white folks had. Some very oM Indian resale on the reservation. He found quite a few as old as int yea Ph, and a good many who were In their 80s. 168 Kind t Van klmn Boagr. J,. Cavan.mgh and family have re moval to their farm home near Turn er where they will spend the summer. BEF.CHAM'S PILLS will dispel 'the -blues . - " .v - ' . ( Marker Reports. The local market qaoUtions yester day ere as follows: ." ' j Wlieat -Hi cents at the Salem Flour ing Mills Co.'s office. ; Oati 36 and 2S cents (buying). Hay Cheat, f buying $7 to $750 timothy, $8.50 to $10. Flour 70 and 75 cents "per sack; $2.75 per bhl. f: Mill feed Bran. $13; shorts, $15. f Butter 15 to 17c, buying. Eggs iKeuts. cash. Poultry Chickens. 6 to 7c per lb young chickens (friers) iocf live weight Pork Fat, 4J4 gross, signet. Beef Steers, 454J4c; cows, 3'A 3)4c; good heifer, 4c Mutton Sheep, 3 to yA on foot; shear ed t to 30. Veal (' j and 7c Pressed. i Potatoes ?o(i2 cents, buyinir: new potatoes, 75c. ; ; Wool 13 tp j(i cents, market weak. Mouair 2g cents - Hop Twine 11 cents per pound. WHIPS, ROBES cauiorma tiak-tanned Leather used Harness Oil. 'etc. r F. C SHAFER 23 Slate Street. Salem. Oregon 1 I 1 1 It I'ACII H- IlflMKS'I EA1. Sii - lent, i ngoii. Is ;-IVIN A NEy MUX SON TYPEWRITER. thoEn-eyt-ljaiit Itrittanira. valuable liookrt. a ultar. Mandolin, etc.. to those who Will send In a. certain numlier of su)i iwriptlons. You simply wnd tho,-m-iiuiritl iiuiutxT and tJET THE PRES ENT. This Is not oMri to regular solicitors to whom u commission L iKihL Write for ijirti-ulars and t cop.v of the pns'r, ' W. will my ja csi!h ctnnmlssiou to those who wjill devote their time to soliciting for t lie iiiHT. Address w PACIFIC HOMESTEAH. H ' 5 ; . - Salem, Oregon.; Bean tin s9 Are You iteres I liave a fine lot of Belgian j ranging from $G to $50. C D. MIISTON, Statesman Office AH first-class itraius obtainable on short notice. 00XXX0XXXXXKOOcXXXXXXX0OOd ' ; 1 Britain, J nosparcll, VuKon, IflaKcn lllystcry Strains. For GalC choice lot of pedigreed does bred and unbred ; also some fine youngsters from 2 to 6 months of ago At Stud"ritain Pridea grandson of the famous Lord Ilritain. Fee very reasonable. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. VISITORS AUK WELCOME. I - 2 Uv CORRESPONDENCE PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. . s. 000000X)000000C0000X00000 Out of Order 1 I IK not delay a minute If your eyea are ont of order. It Is madness to wait. Often jrotxl eyes are ruined by f;le pride or objections to "wearing kLiwscCT TVtler wear glasses tlian gla?fc eye. Eyt glasses arc for use, not ornament. - Oood glasses make your eyes lire longer ami your sight fctrong- T. I5ring your eyes for examination. i'e will test them without charge. Herman W. Barr Its State St. SMlem, Oregon WITH THE ROUGH RIDERS. "GOV. KOOSKVKLTS KECErTIOX IIY HIS FOItMKK COMIiADES. At Oklahoma City Was Flattering in the Extreme Ills Address at Emporia, Kansas. OKf-AIIOMA CITY. Ok.. July 2. Governor lloosevelta recept Ion here today, where his Hough liiders are la camp, was flattering In the extreme ami prolwbly the ' wannest that has Is-en tendered him. In many a day. The Hough Riders In their khaki uni forms were ' all shooting lustily for "Teddy." " " ': -- - AT EMPORIA. Emiwrla, Kansas, July 2. (Governor Itoosevelt ieech In Emporia today was the longest he has yet delivered during his trip to Oklahoma. The Governor launched almost Immediate ly into the subject of polities, and this appeared to please, his auditors. "At one time," when he spoke of 10 to, 1, a woman In the crowd lieeame exeit !. threw her arms wildly in the air and shouted? " " - "Thank Owl, we don't want 10 to 1 any more, and we won't " have 1 it." STATE TAXES PAID. Two Conn ties Have I Indebtedness for the aid Up Their Year 1HI1 s Settled. Some Ikiimiuenele ; In tin?;' office of State Treasurer Chas. S. 31oore, yi-stenlay, state taxes were received from two -ouities. The treasurer of Cro)k. county iKiid In 10,.mi!. 17. fn full of att-onnt for' the j'ear 1HU!: Mnltnomah county a lsoi de ixsitcI 3F!l,4."s.o, In-ill- the Iwlance due on a-cunt of the state levy for the year 1SSJ!. The treasurer of Mult nomah county also paid the following a mounts on account of delinquent taxes: lA'xy . ... ....... $1 25 OS Eevy iSif, i ....... 3 II lievy KH ... . .... 73 Interest on lif. . . . 1 Inlerest on 1SIHJ.... ..... 'X 2 Iiiterst on 1. . . . . . .. 4 i'2 iXl ' Tlds pays nil of Mnltnomah's deliu nuent tax except that of 1S7. wliere a small balance remains' unpaid, which may 1 found to Ik? not tliu4, under the decision of a case now in court. A RANCHER NOW. Lincoln County Teader: i Cohmel F. J. I'arker has whacked asunder the ties that Ismnd him 1o the Walla Walla Statesman and re tired to his line ranch near Elk City, "to grow up with Lincoln county," he says. The colonel gives two snlistan tial reasons for deserting the field of Journalism, in which he has so ; long leen a shining light; viz: t IH-Iinqucnt subsetiliers and deceasel demfKTacy. He is a democrat or usi-d to lsi bnt cannot line up with the party headed by Bryan. His son ."fought In the Philippines, and he heartily endorses thtKwork of "the loy." He will now proceed to improve his ranch, advo--ate pood roads and bridges and g!! ernl advancement-including the or ganlziitiou of it vigilanCe committee. C"4loneI Parker Is welcome by a host of Lincoln county friends. i THE WHEAT MARKET, i Portland. July 2. Wheat, Walla and Valley, ot&i'jle. Walla Fine printing. Statesman Job" CKuce. ted I0s, bred to excelleut Buck-. Prices Don't fail to call and 3cc them. I'll - : . '-. ..' - ' .' '' : '- -:' Address IHarion Square I Belgian Rare Iftabbttvv F. A. WELCH, Merr. ;i No. 391 Commercial Street, South of Marion Square, Salem, Or. cou:jty judge scon AND COMMISSIONER KEEDIIAU DATE ASSUMED THEIR OmCES. District Attorney J. 27. Uart Took HU Oath of Office Yetterday Chsncr la Depatir. ' County Judge Johu II. Scott and County - Couinilssloner I. C Neitlhaui yesterday , morning appeared in the omee or County Clerk W. W. Hall, filed their oaths of office, and assume ed the datiea of their respective offices,; Judge Scott Bueceedlug Judge G. IV TerrclL The new court will meet for the transaction of county business to morrow ( Wednesda y.) . at 1 p. in. j r ; r The r other, ofneers of Marion coun ty, elected ou J uue 4th Sheriff F. W. Durbln, Clerk W. W. Hall, Treasurer A. ' Lu ' Downing, and Ilei-order J.: II. Koland will present their bonds to the county court on 1 Wednesday, and, upon approval of the same, will take the oath of office. lion. J. N. Hart, of Dallas, recent ly elected district attorney for the Third judicial district, was In Salem yesterday, and during the afternoon he called in the State Department, at the Capitol and took ' the oath of office. District Attorney Hart has apixinted the following named deputies, . and these jrentletuen will file their oaths with the clerks of their respective counties: :For JIarlon, John ' II. Me Nary, of Salem; for Linn, Percy II. Kelly of Albany; for Yamhill, It. L. Connor, of McMiuuville. Mr. Hart will -look after matters in Polk comv ty, and will deckle in a few days, Lwho shall. Iks the j kputy for Tillamook. Mr. Hart: has, under the law passed at the last session of the Legislature, another month of service as county sehool supterlntendent, but has re signed and the l'olk county court has appointed as his siK-cessor, Mr. Starr, the suterluteiident-elect. j : W. S. ; MeFadden. ; for the; past; two years deputy In the office of County Itecorder. J. II. Holand, has resiguel his tositioii, and Mrs. .1. II. Koland will, for the present, assist her hns lind In tho offiee. It Is not knoiln what Mr. aicFadden "will do for the ini-sent. ' . : Harry J. Young, for the past eigh teen months n clerk in the. ofiice of Scretar' of State F. X. Dunbar, has resigned, and will engage in business with his father at Astoria. Mr. Young Sr. is heaTily interistel in timber hinds on the lower Columbia. OREGON PKUIT CROP DIRECTORS OF CVRED FRUIT ASSO CIATION MEET TODAY. lirawcn South of galcm FropoM to Handle Their Own Fruit and TT1U Erect m Packing IJoase. - '-Charles Iong, of Silverton, member for Marion county of the board of di rectors of the Cured Fruit As.sociation of the IacIHe JV'orthwest, was in the city yestenlay , afternoon.- i 3Ir. Ixng giHH to Portland this morning to at tend a -called meeting of the lnmrd of director of the Association. The ob ject for whk-li the fiiwtlng has leen called was not stated In the circular letter Issued by the iresldent to the directors. . 1 "As the season ndvauees, the pros pects lor a crop of Italian prunes be come brighter," said Mr. Long. There has Imh-u 110 dropping of the prunes this year, to speak of. The fruit Is green, of a healthy apiHarauce and uniform in size. Iiarrlng auy unfa vorable 'conditions that may intervene In'fore tlie harvesting season, there is nothing'to prevent Oregon, f rom .ship ping 'this year the very le8t quality of prunes tluit'have ever Ihhu sent out of the state. The trees are not heavily loaded and as a cdnsequeuev the qual ity of the fruit will be alwve the aver age. 1 he crop of Petite prunes will be remarkably large, iwssibly suriss Ing previous records. An, average prune crop in the Willamette Valley produces - from 7uO to WJO ar!oads of prunes,1 but this year I estimate the yield at from 150 to SW carloads, or alKut one-fourth of an average .crop. Mr. Ivong says the preliminary work uet-essary to the work of the Assocht tiou Is progressing satisfactorily. The desiretl 73 mt cent of the acreage in Marlon county has not yet been sub scrilHl, but Mr. Ing says that there is little doubt but that It will 1h writ ten within the prescriltcd time, which expires August 1st. Each director , is doing missionary work in his own eouuty; 'and ; Is securing additional acnage to -he controlled by the Asso ciation. Hew signers are being se curil" pvi-ry day. -All vark-tles of prunes will be handled by the ; Assoc! atiou. ? .-" t-.i) - '-. ... T1k growers residiag In , tin- nelph iMit hots! f IJlH-rty and . ItoHcdale, south of Sjtlem, have dwllned to li come nieitdters of the Cured Fruit As-stM-iatkjii and km1 tlielr crop with. the Aswx-iatlon. Instead, they proiose to organ ixe a sort of i-o-oporatlve com Itny and market their own fruit.' It is not known hdw much of an acre aare these- growers reifwnt. The growers contemplate the erection of a iruit packing establishment In South Salem and will harvest, pack and nell their fruit. A meeting of the growers fnteresteU ; will Ih held at. Ijllmrty. on Friday evening, when the plan of or ganization . will 1 "determined and also the proposition whether or not a packing house shall he built. The leading growers tu this movement are Messrs. Constable, Spencer and Cll beit. : !;"'i RAILROAD TO TILLAMOOK. Route From Sheridan Is Far the Most Practical. 't WiHmesd.i the Xiist Wedaesda-jf Ihe Herald nmrl ' i . i had the pleaucaf -oueetina -wit I Mr. Wm. (Dundee) Reed, of Portland,' well known as a railroad builder and promoter. .-.--..' SV .. .'jn :r Mr. Heed Informed to that he had been sent -in here by i the parties at Interest (presumably the; S. P.) o re port upon the condition of the route for a road to Tillamook. He came lu via Astoria and balenr,- looking over the route for that purpose, and as he had had a IJne surveyed Into Tillamook, with the purpose of-Tbuild-lng.lt, himself, was already well In formed with regard to ."practicability" of building a road f routt that direction, and Informed us that ' he weuld re-. port the route from Sheridan as far the most practical and being ' Jo formed In such mattersthat " It ywas the easiest and : cheapst line - upon which to build a road, distance con sidered, west of the Cascade mount: Alns. ;,-:--, 1 , f -.'-.; lieiug asked if he thought the com pany would . build at once, Mr- Ueed said J that he felt perfectly satisfied that the company, woald build a road from Sheridan to Tillamook' Within the i next fifteen months, and 4hat' Tillamook City Would! be the perjua nent terminus. ;'.."; "I ;'' ,.;" . Mr. Iieed built ' the narrow-gange system1 in the Willamette valley,' to Sheridan, which was afterward' sold to the Southern Paoifle and .changed to standard gauge, and the road from Astoria to Seaside.--Tillamook Her ald, c ;; :- i - r H ; :'r: r TALL . GItASS. . '' j j H. Lincoln Countader: - : ! 1 j Henry tiannollljrought inr 'a sam ple of mesquite grass a few days ago from a ioInt alsjut . three mile; east of Toledo. The specimen j bunch measures nine ,feet and Is hardly more than anarverage of what grows In that locality. Mr. j flannon says it would be possible to -find grass there at least ten feet in height; Q.-0. Krogstad placetl the sample on exhi bition in tlm Leader! office, where It may be seen by; all who are Inclined to be suspicious of fish stories. ; ruta lmga yarns, etc.i There may also, be seen at Mr. Krogstadls place of bus iness 7-foot oats, grown on the Hans Larsen place, and in this office la a bunch of S-foot rye taken from the Butler place. As we remarked before once upon a timeLincoln county Oregon, beats the i world j tot big tilings. ' -! i ; - . j l-f-l TtIXWEn, IIAKNEY, SCUIitMEK. Lincoln County Iealerj .' , " J. Plower of 31 ill 4 has 1sen en gaged this week In shearing ; his shetp. Ills flo?k Is strictly hjgh grale and alw-ays yields a heavy 'clip of Xo.l wool, a sample of whk-h inay le seen at this office.' It measures-a fojt in length and is 'a good stand," as tliey say In corn count ries.i , -: . Captain Jeorge Harney "of -Siletz was In Tolelo Tuemlay and while here his team worked him for a nice, new harness In which to celebrate-the glorious Fourth. The. Intelligent anl nilSj.ran away ami tore their old clothes beyond repair.- : r Peter Rchlrmer of Pool slough was up Tuesday witir a load of strawlKT-". He the kind which has made the Srhlrmer branch famous." a nl which Vgo like hot cakes" in Toledo. DIED IN' SAX FKAXCISCO. Mrs, John Stitesi Was a passenger-on the uorthlwund Oregon exiwess- ,yesterljiyi iiMrnlng en route to her . home lu Portland from San jFranciseo, w-heH she. attended the funeral of her mot h- er,: Mrs. Ilermiua Foley, wife of Thosj Foley. The deceased lady- ,was aged1 tis .years. Mrs. Stites; is well kpowU In this city. Where with he'r husband she residel for . several years, they holding iMsitions at the st.it e Insane asylum. She has the sympathy of a. wide circle of friends in her Iwreave meut. . . . : f.:.:. . - 'WHEAT llAItKEt DECLIXES.-4 The local wheat qtHtation de-linMl cents reKterdaj- ami the piacarl at the Salem Flouring Mills office now regis ters 4 cents. The fluctuation In th wheat market of the past ten days advanced the local quotation H cents In all, tin? price before the first a-Jr vance being 41 cents.; jr j PATIHOTIC CIIIXAMF;x.4-A ctHW pany of perhaps a ji dozen of Salem's Celestials went to Portland yester day afternoon where they will, eele brate the Fourth in proper style The Portland Chinese have arranged for a celebration of the day and the Sa lem delegation will assists in making the demonstration -a succesj 1 , s If 'j . ' l Alfreil l?eit is ns 'rich' as tlL Uoths childs. In politics lie has allied hlm sclf with Mr. Ithoiles and lias; been one of the greatest workers for the British empire In South Africa. Yet by birth he Is a German. The- sou of a. great Hamburg merchant,; he weut to South Africa as a., Lid to study the developments there, f lie studietl to such good f effect that he made', 'mil lions, admired 'a predominant Interest in the diamond trade and secured a lion's share in the gold field.' ;' Petim Is to hear .the "MikaTSo." wifli Sir Arthur Sullivan In 1 charge of the prtxlnctlon. It Is .now over 3 years slm-e- Sir Arthur publishel his first work. He h fiS years old an-1 of Irish and Italian-parentage.. Be fore he was- S years of age there was hardly a wind instrument lie?-could not play .with more or less facility. His home life Is spent between Wal-ton-on-Thanies and his towR house lu Victoria street; ; 5 . j i -K Professor William It.. Ware, of Ca hunbia Fniverslty, recently apjMlnted c-onsulting architect of the beW state iMiildineM at AnnaHlis. and lmVier of the same position on the cmninltte In charge of Xcw ; York's dwtrt; houv lnx Imtii one of the eotntiiltfee of pat ronage to represent this country at the fifth International ' congress "f architecture, shortly to be held ,it I'aris. , 1 STmon XewcpmK America's gratest astronomer, has had an hofioniry de gree conferred upon him by the Uni versity of Cracow, Austria, fiotnethiiig extraordinary for an AhierUan to re-c-clve. But In the" past. tn famed- in I'rofessor Xeweomtv tle .leading Tor elrn nnlversltlea tiave conferred hon orary degrees ujkii hini. and the greatest of the world's scientific so cieties have tresentetl( hint with gold medals. ' ; ? . "I reckons we'd letter tret up some agitation on i'Aei subjeck,! said Mr. Erasttts Pmkley. "What's ' te suf JeckT Iminiml Mr. Ahunhiunt Thomp son. "Dese yere' e-lipsesb i ' Wenevcr dar's an eclipse dey. tels nu all de chickens goes -t rfios right In -de middle er-ile day; At)' if dat.'s de -ase Lh,' liati A..llvtf.kf : 1 ..t .tl. wilin7 tohh-tiH 4-ntnl iloVlwk In de ma wnm . asuiugton ctar.- . ,1 , OFFICERS ARE CIIOSEH 8CTERIIITESDENT3 OF DE AF-MCTE, BLIND AND REFORN SCUOOLS Be-oloetod by too Stato Boonl of Ed tion Tkreo Rsnts Appointed for Vohmoath KortaaL. The State BoanI of Education held an ! extended session yesterday, when officers were ."elected for the three state Institutions the Ueform School, the Blind School and the Deaf-Mute School, '.j'.'.. : - .... ... ;-' : ' ? Hon.3 H. 13. Bickers was re-elected superintendent of the Iteform School, and MrsBlekerg was selected to suc ceed herself as matron. Prof. J. LY Carter was re-elected a s superintendent of the Blind school to succeed himself;, Mrs. - Carter was again chosen as matron; Miss Emily I lenry, teacher, and M iss Jeannette Wadsworth and Mr. Leroy Gesuer, music teachers.? Prof, and Mrs. Clayton Wentz were re-elceted suierlntendeut and matron, resiectlvely of the Deaf-Mute School. lAshle from the teachers In the Blind school ; no other officers - or teacliers were selected for the several Institu tions. ; . .. ' - ' The board. uion reeonimendat ion of Supt. . Bickers, orderetl the following named boys, . now In the Ueform School, paroled during good liehavior; Frel Ileese, Chester May, C. Bier, II. Dodder, Ileuben Wolf and Clyde Stanley. . ' . - ' " ' The Statis Board of Education yes day grantinl a state teachers': jtrtifl cate to Prof. It, A. Ford, of Eugene, that gentleman 'having produced a state ctirtlflcato from the state of .Mis souri as evidence of his qualifications. Gov. T. T. Geer yesterday apioIut ed O. F. Pax ton, A. Xoltuer and IWu jainiu Schofield as regents of the State Normal School at Monmouth, . for terms of six years each, latiiiK from May 2V These gentlemen suc- cced tliemselves as regents of the school- - Editor's Awful Plight. F. M. HicKins. Editor Seneca,' (Ills.') News, was afflicted for years with Piles that no doctor or remedy lioJpcd until he tried 'Bucklen's Arnica. Salve. He writes two -boxes wholly cured him. It's the surest Tile cure" on earth and the best salve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cents. Sold by UK. STONE. Druggist. ICE IN HOT COUNTRIES. . It Is Not Iuch Appreciate! ami Xear- ly Everylnxly Gets Along ' Without It. Ever sitM-u .the trade In artificial U-c lHgan manufacturers, of ice-making llauts have been seeking markets in hot K.-oiintrtt'S, where no natural ice is pi-oeurablo, except In the neigh borh'ood of lofty mountains. They have .sold some ice plants in tropical cities- but it is doubtful if .they would have met even .with moderate success If it, had not lKen for brewers ami a lew.4jther mauulactureis .who find ice desirable in their business. The ieople general ly get aloug very well without ice, as their fathers, did before ' them, and comparatively few have learned to ap preciate Its' desirable qualities since the opportunity of buying ice was pre sented to them. ! - i Our Department of State.; some years agoi collected facts alout. the' ice industry and consumption lititropieal countries. It has just published In the "Consular IteiKrts" the result of the latest Investigations in the same field. Both these reports shoW that the people of the tropics very little for ice and that no real progress Is mak ing toward the general introduction of Ice in hot countries. In Guatemala, for example, let is used mainly In saloons, restaurants and'.', hotels, and 'very few families own a refrigerator or buy ice. The city of Sansalvador, with a population of .KM) consumes only r,WiO iiounds ih.t day;; there, is no t-old storage In the city 11 ud all meat sold on the market Is killed the previous night. There is not' a single Ice plant lu Bolivia, but some natural Ice, brought by the In dians rroni the mountains, is sold in La Paz; In the large seaport of Ba hta, Brazil the first attempt at ice making was aljsuidoneil lieeause there was no demand.- For three years past, however, one small plant has , lieeu making aliout ou and a half tons a day. which U sold to the hotels and drink .shops patronized by the foreign Imputation and a few foreign families. Tlie Ice Is not uwil to preserve food, but only to cool drinks. Butchers say they hare no need for Ice, Tlie laws require that all meat killed one day, shall be Csold before noon next day and just' enough meat Is killed tu sup ply the average dally demand.. 1 In the. city or Barrauqujlla, Colum bia, there are no refrigerating plants or cooling rooms a nd mea t, not salted soon after the animals are killed. 1h--omes unfit for footL The Deputy Consul at Colon writes' that no town In his consular district, exect? Colon, would consume enough Ice to Justify the erection of a plant. The only Ice factory in Ecnador is run by a brew ing firm at Guayaquil and ,the firm consumes the entfre pmluct. In Uru guay ther Is a preJiHllce against -old drinks or food refrigeration. Consul Goldsehmldt writes from Venezuela that the small demand for Ice there Is due to the fact that victuals and meats are not kept over night, but are daily bought In the market for Immediate use. ! - ' 1 " ;.- 1 - , . - SOWAL I'HILOSOPUY. Some ieople have gotsl luck they can't lioast alsiut; the good luck of not yet being found out. , Wliat has bwome of the old-fashioned man who bought a "treat" for his children every Ssit unlay evening? The real clever people are those who recognise the Imiortance of occasion ally letting on that they are fooled. The average girl'a Idea of keeping posted on current events Is to know today what store has a special sale to morrow. , - If you want people to think you are smart, don't compel them-to hint a second tlmejor favors they want you t$,shW,1henu , i t is i :. :. " Very few tK-ople reach 4t without recal4UKtltat at one- time i reaching too high or bending too Iowt they felt something snap within them, and have not "Tt-lt well since. ' .We suppose that if the cotton mills j turned out dress fabric that would ! wear like leather, the old women would still shake their heads. and re call with a sigh that in their day dress goods were made -that would wear. Atchison GlobeT THIXXEtl THAN TISSUE. Goldbeaters, by liammering. c-an re duce gold leaves so thin that .J.iKio must he laid upon each other to pro duce the thickness of an Inch, yet each leaf Is so inMrfect, and free from holes that otic of them laid, upon any surface, as in gliding, gives the ap iearance of soluf ' jrold. They -a're siv Lihin that If formed Into a book I.Vh): would only occupy. the space of a siu, gle leaf Of common paper, and au oc. tavo volume of an inch thick would have as many pages as tlm iMioks of a well-stocked library fof 1500 Toluuics,; witn -mo pages in cacti.. SMITH FAMILY PKOVEUBS. Work Is work. ! Favors conceal obligations. To back down gracefully Is au ac couudishment. , The "second best" Is alxiut the U'sf for most of us. 1 t The strenuous life is well enough,; as iar as it goes. j -.One. who prides himself on his will. may be 'priding himself on his will fulness. .1 I The iceman at your door Is next t the footman, as a mark of social dis tinction. , . .'!. 1 CHESS CONGRESS. The German Chess association will! hold Its twelfth congress at Municu frotn July 2d to August 8th, when; five tournaments, including an iuter-1 national contest, will Ik; played:. For! the latter 19 competitors will. lie. - ac-j cepted and eight prizes, to the value of WU0, 75), 7, 4. ysl, 'JKl, l."W and KHi marks, will lHV:on"erel. while over marks will lie given In prizes ftr the other contests, i I The earl of Airlie. wlio was killed In liattle near Pretoria, at which Ixrd Rolerts defatcd Commandant Botha, boasted a title 'S years old. For over 150 years lcf ore-the .creation of the earldom in HT59 his ancestors had lMen Ifarons Ogilvy of Airlie. David' Stanley William Drumiuoiid Oglivy was his full name. He was Imh-h lKTMJ'aud entercil tlie army young. Up coming a lieutenant at is. ami . grad-i ually rising In rank until he U-anie colonel of the Twelfth Koyal lancers. Through generation after generation his family has lMen noted for tlie gal-, lantry of its sons, and the dead carl was no exception. "It Is ts harsh' she .said. assTte read over a crlticisn of the pHK-e-!-Ings of the feleratwl cluls at ilil waiik'. i "Wliy, It (gives the Impres sion that tlie color question whs tlie only one settled, while, as a matter of fact. there were other, and far Weightier matters to occupy tlielr time. - - ' : i" '" "' "Siw-li as .what?? was asked. -"Why, tin-re was tlie "question of re-orgaiiizalion." lny replied. "And what did they do witli tli.it?"" "I'ostKiiel it until next meeting." And she couldn't nnlertnl whr everyom lauglieilJ Chicago I'ost. Fine printing. Sbtesman Job Office. NEW TO-DAY. Money to Loan On Improved farm and dty property t lowest current rates. T. K. FORD, Over 'LaJ.I A Bush's bank. INDUCEMENT f OR TWO MONTHS June and July flavoring extracts you have been using, n( iniuvnct.mi !.-? Tn intrililfp -OUT own make "Diamond Brand" we will give free w nil a Une JJollar purcnase of Coffee, Tea, Baking Powder. Spices, e - r ti etc 1 wo ounces pi any Kini 01 navo , and the purchaser furnish the bottle. Be sure and bring a large emMigh bot tle, we cannot get 2 ounces in those .2 ounce or 25 cent panel bottles of other rorvs. witu a aw purcuase a oar i. nice lonei soap. ; YOKOHAMA- TEA STORE 249 COM M IillCI AI STICK KT. S, C. ST0NE n. D. ; .... . "' Proprietor of STONE'S DRUG STORES SALEM, OREGON. The stores, (two in number). are lo cated at No. 3S and 333 Commercial street, and are well i stocked with complete line of, drugs and medicine, toilet articles, perfumery, brusbei, etc, etc etc i V drJ stone ; ' Has had some 25 years experence fl the practice of 1 medicine and . no makes no,-charge for consultation, ex animation or prescription, ! HAIR SWITCH ON CA8V COMOITIOS.- lucuem tunc frm -l"Cl bu i! ouitemTshor tmm. w will ia pMkair with wltrb tmmrton 1? to rtarn to If mm r1 .lTZi hot If found nwtir npnT!"'!!!rSiiZ t iTrv At ILM tua mon your frlw MMl to a wMm mmr J"' " tk wtch to them .o'"' ."f ft to bo rld HI dy ,tr rTlZTLl oi'foetly ufoctory.q y Tg7 B. ! m mm ttf T "7. tmr tar mmtumm. rHt4rrwrKLKPBMii Morrr.u. Ladles' Malr Emporium, Chicago nullHmpla of your hlr,ctitcioU twola. K MVSBTt w will "3 nnd jwi hrmall, pomtrtd,mHnlny'3 UlM fITry mm MM Mirk. m.f Cnt tlila aiLnrt nd mall to