THE DISASTER Of THE YEAR fciiV Ocean Steamers Barfied In f the New Ycrk Harbor. scours or kl.mIn uvts lost iii 4 ntartrcndln? Scenes at Fira Widen destroyed Jliles of?ier Sac rifice of Ufa It Great. NEW YORK, July LHSunday, 2:30 a. in.). A boost f lO.omi.Ouo wortlr- of property was octroyed, 'maiiy lives Mere lost, many ersous iri'rt -injured, and at lua-t I'sio lives wre Imperilled by a firji that started ainong the cot ton bales ' under pier JNjp. , 3, of, the North German Lloyd StehnisWp Com pany, Holioken, X. J.,' at 4 o'clock this afternoon. In lts than 15 mln -; utes the flames covered a line of piers a quarter-of a riile Jong, extending outward from the actual shore Hue to the bulkheads, from OOO to W) feet away, and had caught four great ocean liners no 1 a dozen or more smaller harbor crafe Jn Its grasp. . V - i ' The stories In regard to the loss of life are conflicting, the number 1 icing varioasly estimated at from fifty to a). Up to 2 o'clock this morning tWenty-flve"bodles have leen recover ed, but theywere all so badly burned and blackened that Identification was Impossible. " v ; The .crowd upon the lank of tlie river waa almost as great as that which formed t witness the triiimp aut return of Admiral Dewey. Look ing up the river towards the - hurniug ships and piers," the. scene was won derful and tragle.and one of grandeur. Along the Jersey shore small fires were blazing, started by wreckage from the great steamships. ..On'njus side, of tjie river the tire caused the greatest ex citement, a the drifting steamships and lmrges , floated, all aflame, to -tie New York shore and crashed against tlie piers from Canal to Murray streets. From what can -be learned tonight, the .flames started among tlie la rge pile of cotton bales on pier No. - of the North German Lloyd Steamship Com pany, and spread with such remark able rapidity that in 13 minutes, the en t j re property of. tin?, company,' taking lu over a third of a mile of water front and consisting, of three great piers, was completely enveloped in the lire, The flames started ho suddenly and gaineji such nenuway tnat tlie people on the piers and ou the numerous ves sels doeked. were unable, to reach tiie street. There were great gangs of workmen on the piers, ami tbeye, to gether with a numlter of people who were at tlie docks ou business and vis Itiug the ships, scattered in all dire nous, 'am an means ox exit wer' cut off by the flames, tbjr were foreinl t jump overboard, and It is Itelieved great uuhiImts of people were thtw drowneiL At the docks of the North German IJoyd was the Saale, a single-screw passnger steamship of 4iH& tons gross; the Bremen, a twin-screw pass euger and freight steamer of loi(J tons, and the Maine, a twin-screw freight and iassenger steamship 'of K.rsM) gross tons They all caught fire and were burned to the water's. eIge. 1 be Kaiser ilhelm Ur Grosse, which had Just come In. wast the only one of the four bla vessels at the docks that eseapetL " The fire was first discoverel! by a watchman on the pier at 4 o'clock. He saw a small stveaic of flame shoot f roni a lale of cotton on pier No. 21: at which was tlocked the steamer Saale. He immediately sent in an alarm, i la a few minutes the flames had extend ed to the shim and were communicated to the adjoltniug pier ou the north. Here were docked the Kaiser Wllhelm der Grosse and the Maine. Tups were Immediately made fast to the big Kaiser Wilheltn der Grosse, and sue was gotten out to midstream in safety, though Iwdly scorched: at the bows. Th ship Maine, however, was doomed, as tjie flames had already become; so fierce on the north side of the pier tliat no tug could approach the vessel. t Then, by a shift in the wind, the flames were sent In the direction of pier No. 1. To the north of nier No. 1 was the dock of the Hamburg-American line, at which the steamship Phoe nicia, a twln-serew passenger nfratner of ts71 gross tons, was docked. Tlie flames got a good bold on the Phoeni cia, and she wns towed out Into mid stream ablaze. j i The fire had by this time become so fierce that the officials of the Hamburg-American line decided that the only way to prevent a total destruction of their great pier was to "blow-tip the side of the dock at which the Phoeni cia lay. and this was done, A nnmlier of barges docked at the pier also took fire, but In the effort to save, other property, no attention waa paid to It Is feared that the loss of life in the holds of the vessels was frightful, as It Is said that many of tlie crews, who were asleep at the time, were jm prisoned there. The worst tale will come from the Maine, which was en able to lie towed from the plef. f. k The vessel had only 'arrived tlds morning, and some of the imssengers were still on board, and when the cry of tire waa raised, most of them Juini edoverlioard, and. save for a few,wbo were picked up by tugs, not 02 has letn Leant from. Although every ' hos pital and hotel In the city of Hoboken is crowded with the injured. Some passengers of the Maine tiled iol es cajK to the pierVand It was almost cer ta.!i tlat they lcrished la the flames.1 rhore was a panic on each of the Pipits. Many persons jumped over lord, and tlie water, for some dis tance along the docks, was lined with leople. They were ellDging to the piers and even to the rudders of the liurning vessels. Some were picked up. , others were drowned. Peter Quinn. Justice of the peace In Ilobo ken, tells the story of having seen at least thirty ieople perish. i -. i When the Are broke out Mich head way was gained, by the. time the Iloboken fire department arrived, that they were lielpless to cope with the flames. Calls were made to the New York fire department for, assistance, and fire ttijts were sent over. They, however, had little effect on the great - mountain of flame and smoke, By 7 o'clock the three piers of . the German IJoyd' Steamship Corajiany had been turned to the ground. ' The south end of .the: Campliell Storage Co's. plant, consisting of live, live-story structures,- caught fire; the building, being filled mainly with Jnte and whiskey, burned rapidly. In the buildings a large loss will be sus talncd. : . - ;' .'. ' 1 The Snale &. Brenian, after being pulled from the docks. " were towed ablaze down the bay and benched oft Liberty Island. On the Bremen, as she , blamed out in mid-stream. sisJ men eonki be seen with their heads ont of the portholes waving handker chiefs for assistance. Tug boats and sail boat darted a ronud the big Kteanishliia, making" every effort to save the men. but, the terrible heat and ; flames kept them away, ! Five minutes after the lire broke out a woman jumped from one of the ships In a vain effort to reach the water. The flames drove her from the ship, and she leaped Info aburn liig lighter alongside the ship. and when an officer on lioard the ship fcopIinr to drff ber out of the burning lighter Into the water.- i tot h .went down Into the flames in the lighter, and perished. . . - ;ai;i- : - ASTONlSlIlNti YIELDS. In the M'heat lrMlucing; Section i Kastern Washington.- , of Sjiokane, Wash., June 30.--E.. Cardln, of Seattltv, manager -for the J. Q. Adams Co. system of warehouses along tb 5-eat , Northern, estimates Wash ington's wheat crop, barring, bad luck, at .T Mum.' Ml bushels. , 0 i '"Never I seen such astonishing yields.', he said tonight..; Harvesting has iH'gun nearly a iiionth earlier than usvnl. ; ADMIUAU PIHUP DEAD. Famous .Naval. Officer. "Who Partici pated in Campaign of Santiago. .New York. Jnne 3k. Rear-Admiral Philip, who died today, commanded the battleship Texas, and partieijKited in tlie destruction of Cervera's fleet as well as in otlier important naval move ments In the .West Indies during tlie Spanisli war. ile It was wlu said, when his sailors cheered at the time of the destruction yf t'ervera's ships "Don't . cheer, boys; the poor fellows are dying. , ; , HEAVY FIIIE LOSS. Tacoma Has a Blaze One, Fireman Is t?.U .:.-.. Ihidly Injured. It, Tacoma, Wash.. June 30. Fire today distroyed the. warehouse of the Puget Sound Lounge & Mattress Factory,! the buildings of the- Union Stock Yards, ami damagl the Northern Pacific pNIerty in, the company's freight yanls. J... 1 , t nptaln Carlson, a fireman, ; was truck by falling .timber and knocked out of, a thirtl-story window, breaking an a rin and suffering severe Injurie alsmt the head. There were dozen. if narrow escnites from the flams, Miiokc And falling walls. The total loss is lS.(JO. A KBXTUCKIAX ARRESTED. Frankfort, Ky.. June 3i. Roliert Ntwks, suspected of being implicated in the Cioelxd assassination, has been arrested: at Big Stone, Va. HARVARD WON. New. lork, June 30. Harvanl - won the Irtseball game from Yale today by a score or . to 3. LAST OFFHJIAI . ACT. ConntV Jnnge u. l'. Terrell's last otticlal act was the approval, last nisrht. of - a stipulation, by which SI. Klincer and Sirs. . Iteek settle their differences In 1 the matter of the estate -of S. Beck, deceased.' Mr. Kl inner xetains me management or the partnership misiness, while t;. F. Martin. iMrs Beck's attorney, takes cliaree of thei iKKtKs for four months, at the end of which time, it is amicable arrangement will lie made between the parties. All objections to the final account of Mr. Klinger, as admlnis trator, are, by this stipulation, witli drawn. ' i i QUAKER DOCTORS SUED. The Standard Publishing Company of Anaconda. Montana, through Its local attorney, Carey F. Martin, last even ing instituted In the Salem Justice department an action for money suit against Dr. N. T. Oliver and Dr. J. I Berry, the Quaker Doetorx. to re cover Judsment for $103.3T alletced to be due for advertising. The patHrs were served bnt no attachment was made. The doctors concludeil their wrk in this city last evening by giv ing a farewell proformn nee at their improvised stage on State street. ' CAM MACK'S ()IT()im;.K ITT. Mrs. Henry Whlraayera Wall street speculator In a small way, fainted in her broker's . odiee recently. ieing.on tfce short side of bull market nt tin1 time, a nd-while In a swoon tilings went aKuinnt her to the tune f 7i. The wcurrence recalled . to a veteran spec ulator mere a coup whieh Addison ("am mack oilce rouble in original fashion. IIcv too. was on the short skle and the l ulls were raiding merry bades. when lie afrivtsl on Wall street from Tux edo. At 10:30 be was k.-er to tlie ex tent of nearly fl.mxi.000. Suddenly he hal a fit. lie fell on the floor and foamed at the moutlu Doctors i aud things were Kent for and news got out tlut Camniack was dying. It spread like wild fire and was In every ohice in the street. He was a bhr man then. dealing with tte frwklest ainl strong et oierators in the street, and the rr;Krv-ct of fcls tfrath sent the market H-eling. In the meantime tlie wily xI fox lud out 40 broker stllins s1kH everything in sight, and when thetlay auu iue 111 were over luv nad not ohiy tiLovereu his Josses, but was SI ikki to the good. : THE MINISTERS ARE IN PEKIN Help Will Be Sent Them by the Civilized Powers. THE PLANS ALREADY SET ON TOOT To Utilize tbe Army and 5atf in Car ryloflr Aid to Legations Will Be Carried Oat. I WASHINGTON, June 30. Altliough no less than four accounts have come to ' the State; and Navy Departments resicctlngi the condition of the Min isters at Pekln, no one of the messages gives the slightest intimation of why the Ministers failed to leave the Chin ese capitol when given a. day's time to do so. One assumption is that the Ministers declined lieeause they would have gone out of Pekln to certain massacre by the hordes of ( Boxers outside. Another is that they declin ed to loavt until other the foreigners were safely; removed, something be yond the capacity or inclination of the Tsung LA Yarnen to accomplish. But lij the absence f . facts the govern- Sjent tolay dctermlneil to'proceel up u the lines laid down, uamely, the Ministers t are in pekln, in need of help. The Navy and War Departments will continue the plans set afoot for a despatch to Bekin of an' expedition to bring away the Ministers. THE OREGON. London.' July L. A special dispatch from Shanghai, dated June 30th (Sat urday), saj-sii all 611 board the United States battleship Oregon which went ashore in gulf of Pe Chi Li. have lieen saved. There Is some chance that the vessel may be floated. LADIES ESCAPE. London, June , 30. A siecial from Shangial says, I the railway ,lietwHn Tien Tsin and Taku Is now In work ing order, A telegram from Che Foo, dated yesterday (Friday), reports tliat a Japanese steamer has arrived with a number of ladies and children from New Chang, which Is now held by Russians ; and Japanese. " Shan Tung province is now np In arms, according to special dispatches f rora Shangha I, and the relels are destrojing t!;t' missions. Tlie foreign ers are Escaping by means of an es cbrt of the Governor. - , Bfixer placanls liave. lxen postel at Kaidmg. a city one day s march from Shanghai, fixing Sunday : as the day for, the massacre of foreigners and tbe burn Int; at missions. The Con suls have detained a steamer, -which will- take away the foreigners. Y'ouug Mr. Denbj-, son of the late United Minister to China, Col. Charles Denby, has Ihnmi reported from Shanghai as leing safe. ; The city of Chin Chow, according to advices received from China, has been attacked by the Boxt'rs who are now looting I it. Tlie missions have been destroyed, the members barely escaped with their lives. ; FRENCH TROOPS. Marseilles, France, June 30. The French transport Cashard sails to morrow from Ton Quln, with twenty six officer, 700 soldiers, a battery of eight guns, and 2.OO0 tons of provis ions and ammunition.: The transort Ernest Simons also sails tomorrow, with some officers and 000 tons of war material, for. China. . MARINES FOR CHINA. San Francisco,. June 30. Tlie first overland passenger train to . reach Point- Richmond overi the Sant Fe road, a rri ved today wit h 230. marines who are- to leave tomorrow on the United States transport. Grant. A DISTINGUSWD VISITOR. Uoa. A. M. Dewey, a Federal Labor Com missioner, la Salem Consla ( : the Famous AdmiraL (From Dally Statesman, July 1.) Hon. Altiert M. Dewey, expert of the tultel States Deimrtment of Labor, of Washington, I. C is visiting Salem, lielng on a tour of inquiry and Inspec tion of this coast, , ; Mr. Dewey Is a .distant relative of Admiral Dewey, He is the author of the recent published book, "Life and Letters 5 of " Admiral Oeoree Dewer" and also the large volume "History of the Dewey Family for 300 ears In America." This latter loolc contains 12Tt2 iuiges, and 22.i00 names of ier sons in Ameri-a. lielonzinz to the four branches of this famous fa-mily. There Is scarci'ly a family of prominence In America that Is not related by marri age or consanguinity to the family to which tlie Admiral belong. .The Salem . visitor made himself somewhat famous In the Pacific North west, some months ago. by an address delivered at Spokane, in which he de clared himself a Socialist. He donned. however, tlie kind of a Socialist he is. which was not explained in the news paper reorts that were sent out. It Is one of Mr. Dewey's duties to in quire concerning the causes ami re sults of bibor strikes. Throuch bis Investigations In the service of the Government, and on account of studies made before he became a servant of he Department of Labor, he has con lu.led that the strikes of labor organ izations and. in fact, these associations as at present constituted, are not dea-! tlned to work put tire solution of the labor problem. For Instance, lie does not think one-fourth of the members of a ersrt have the right to assume to tlwrnsilves the authority to regulate all the matters pertaining to their par- i tienlar Hue of work, its- Is done, in some: cases. The other- 75 ler cent of the JalKjrers in that iiarjicular culling, should, he thinks, have some rights In this -respect, and 'they aro Itound to have them in the end. Mr. Dewey will remain jover In Salem tolay, going ou to Portland tomorrow. - , , MILK AND MCSIC. "At the Eastern Counties Dairy Farmer', dinner Irofessor McOonnel stated -tliat music, suitable Jn quality, al adminlstertxl at the rigfit moment, was a never failinjj nietins of increas ing the supiy of s cream." Loudon t-Enslandi T5ni,s-i i-'t" v 1 The meek and lowly Aklerney; ! ; - ThetKayfd Jersey, too, t i . i: The Hols tein with her stocky 4iapeV Will musically "mdo.-P ? Ii The other breeds jot ca itle, and ? : i The ordinary? ttm. : . fl"'V WM1 listen with attention, for "nTS We'll milk to mnsic now. . " We'll play old Schtilierfa "Serenade," Likewise the "Maiden's Dream," Aisl every cow In all the herd j i WIU furnish us -lee cream. ' u The band will strike up f Dixie Land," 1-Jre that tnne is commenced u ' The cows will give us milk for war And that will be condensed. : Or. ff we play a lullaUy: , , i Twill soon be understood. And all the kine will let us have The Jiest or baby fobL - j Ami wh"n we play some drinking songs , . In oue iiM'UxlIous bimcJi, . .. We hope t-he con's will sec the point And serve us with milk punch. But we'll keep clear oil ras-tlme songs, , And streets-of -Cairo airs. Likewise. of Mklway Interludes, , Aud similar affairs. ; . 1 We will not playr the anc-lent tunes, , Nor others of that itlk y, -1 , For fear the cows will -lie confused : . And all give Jmttermilk. . i . . .. . v , Josh Wink in Baltimore American. Hit COMING STATE rXlB. Efforts' of the Board to Secure Coun: ty Exhibits Meet with Success . , v Many Respond. . . j- " : 'A 1 : (From Daily Statesman, July 1.) President W. II. Webrung apd Sec retaryM. - D.' Wisdonii of the State Fair Board, were in Ssliem j-estenlay. for the purpose of arranging for coun ty exhibits for the fair. The two officers have already visited the coun ties of Folk, Lane, Linn.- Washington. Yamhill and Marion, all of ' which counties ; will have exhibits, and to morrow Clackamas will be visited for the purpose of securing representa tion from there. M 1 The exhibit from; Marlon county, it is hoped will lie a good one, and this is practically assured, ! since, IIouv J. II. Settlemler, and Hon. Alex La Follett' have- been secured to look . af ter this matter in Marion county. ' Tfie board "has increastnT tbe j premi ums for arm products. for ji wblch $42T lias lieen appropriatel, and prizes of,?2H $10O.$7.- and r will le paid for, the lest exhibits jn their order. Tills Js nearly double the amounts paid last year( when the prjzes were Ho, ?". 0, and ?25. resiiectlvely' ! The memlnrs of theiboani say that interest in the coming fair 3s ' far gntter than ever In the past, and they anticipate a splendid Attendance and the best fair ever held In Oregon. GLOSSARY OF CHINESE TERMS. Ttfung II yaroen Tlie foreign office, j TVow. Wong ul-r-Socjety for'il prf tection of tlie ' emieror tbe j: reform party. : . 'j . !t- .-. 1 Ye IIo Chuanr-So;iety commonly known as the Ikixers-f-literallyi, right eousness, harmony and fists, ij ! Kwang iti al Tlie young empf- rors cmer aivuer ami the lender or tue reform party. Liuug Kai Cliu Second adviser of the emieror and reform leader. Coin ing to America. : Kwang Sui The young emperor, i-an Bwt foreign uevlL Fu A perfecture. ; Chihtai tSovernor general. snierinteulins two provinces. usualjy t'-hun thi -The general couincil V state. .-. v; " ' Chung Tang A grand wcrctary tatc, of whean there are sJx. -l ' Iitai-lovernor of 1 province.! -Hoi A dub or association. -! Hsiang A village. - ' Ilskn A district. t Nei ko Grand secretariat and Impe rial chancery INew York Herald. SIX j BINDERS. Six Ieerl0g self- binders were loadeil in. farmers wn- gons at R. M. Wade & Co'Ls sto-e yesterday afternoon, renreseiitlac sales made by that firm. When th machines were loaded, each one being duly placarded with the makers name, ami a new broom elevated alxve It.' a local phot ojrrapher secured a splendid picture of the group; showing the six teams" and wagons, with their loads of machinery. . This, wholesale traffic in binders would indicate the prob ability of a good grain harvest. j RIVER EXCrRSIOX.-On July 41h the First Methodist! Sunday School will give a grand river excursion. (A fine boat ride of. fifty milesi and a pleasant picnic dinner In the woops. Boat leaves O. C. T. Cos. dock at 7 a. - m.' and returns ! atiout . v, p. , pi. Tickets on sale by J. . Barnes tat New York Racket store; Lyman ' ijee a t T. ; I Iol verson s, a nd C. J. At wool at Salem Woolen Mill store, j Tickets ."VI cents, children. 25 cent8,F. ... p.-r r Rolicrt A. FrUdricb. United Sta f'eB attorney-for one of tlie thre e new lis trcts of Alaska, iuts' hitherto fceld tha-f position ft -the whole territor.. He Js a Ivrhtucklan; by lirth, and enlistied in, tins Union army at thege of 13. in 18:12. though his parents - were , slave ori-ner , and artleutf Democrats. In 1872 be moved to Ksnns ami soon pe came prominent in Tbpeka. , I ' In a cemetery on the banks of the Su IAwrence rivers inear 1'rescott.l Is an epitaph saying that the; stone was detected to the memory jof v Elizabeth Richardson, who $ heroically defended the life of her lover by sticking a pitch fork In a ma i cow's noje." The heroic Miss Richardson was 38,- years $Id when she died. .: i-i.; : Z- tlfneral Scott, contrary to th Im t :-oJoa of many people, wa a not . a gradua te of. the WestrInintPmIli tary academy. He receivcxl ; nis::appoint r. ; as an anny officer from civil Vte. Il6 ditd at West Point, and according to big wished was buried at that mili tary post. i PAYMENT OF TAXES SHERIFF UCRHiy Tl'RKS flVEIt RE , C EI ITS OF OfVICIS To th Treasurer of Marlon County 1 linqacnt Taxes and Coat also Collected. ' (From Daily Statesman; July 1.) Sheriff F. W. Durbin yesterday made bis . regular monthly tax turnover to County Treasurer A. L Downing. The total amount paid -over was l!i,U43.83, of which )!l7,(!Mn wap Ilectel on account of tlie 189D levy, ts'Ing pay ment No. 4; f 1102.15 was collected ou account of delinquent taxes for 18IJ; $114.12, delinquent, 1S7, 'and ?7.'W.0T, delinquent, 1)8. The amount for the IS.! taxes thus far collect el by the sheriff Is $SS,Gmi.78, transfernnl to the treasury in four paj'nients. A'ester day's turnover was apiortionel among the various funds as follows: State, county, state schoo , .f 14,0!)7 411 City' of Salem . ", City of Woodburn . , . . . . Sis?clal sheep tax. .... Cieneral sluep tax Polls.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 810 1)0 13 K 1 20 12 l.VJ 40 1!)1 00 12 27 '47.72 3 51 :;s in '7 03 21 IS School district No; S-hool district No. School, district No. School district No. . School district No. ' 3. .. .. . 4:..... 5...... 10...... 12. SchoMd d i strfel NoJ i4 '.:; School district No.2t, .. School districfNOi 24; f3 Tyl School district No. -37 24 7lJ ..7 11 ;i . 3 37 33 ; VA 4.1 . 7 2a 42 SO 17 07 41 113 14 7S 14 10 43 2S School . district Sc hool district No. H School district No. School district No. r . , 7i; School district No. 7!). ; School district No. 80.'. School district No. 103. . School district-No. UH., School district Nty 11.. Sc hool dist rlct No. 1 1 S . , School district No. 121. . School district No. 123. . Total.. .... .. . ...f 17.000 ill The following are the detailed state ments of the delinquent taxes turnel over for the years as indicated: -.'..., . - .. ,; ...,; 1800. '; ' State, county sta te school . City of Salem............ City of iWpotlburu Polls. -. -.W. -- -i ': .- ". . .- . . . . School district No. . 4..... School district NW 24:.': .. Seliocl disUict No..lu3. .. 'School district No. 11H.:... Costs..' 4. .. '.'. -.. . . 817 31 132 34 S4 - IO (Ml t. 11 "12 ' 12H-7T, .....1 2JS 4 Iki i .VJ 2.1 Total. . . . .. .. .. .. 7 : iso-. -: State, county, state school. City of Salem:..':.., City of Woodburn. ....... . City of Jefferson. ......... Polls.. .. .. .. .. .. S1k1 district No. 4..... Sc-1im1 district. No. ' "t. .. .. S-liool district No. 11..... School district No. 24 School district No, "4I. .. . . Sliod dlsrrh-t No. KO...., School district No. 120..... rUhool district No. 122. .. .. Costs. . .... .... .... .. .? 1,102:15 r87 00 liS 23 2 !i Ul S OO 3 14 Hi 110 131 51 32 3 01 2 13 2 IO 51 15 Total.. ....SF 1)14 12 , 1 ' 1808. State, couniy,-state school . .$ Poll..-,. .. .. .. ... i- 544 31 14 OO 20 75 C 03 3 45 , ti 85 3 23 IS 20 51 20 4hS 1 O0 vo 54 ; on 1 sr, t'itv of Kiilem. . I'ity of Wwslburn City of Siiv.erton........ School district No. 4. . . School district No. 5. . . School district No. 15j . . School district No. 18 School district No. 24... School district No. 40. . . . School district No. 71. . , , School district No. 73 School district No. 77..., Shool distrtct N. 85.... School district No; 8S.... ScIkhiI district No. lf. .. . School district No. 12(1.... Costs.. .. .. .. . 15 00 1 m no t;- Total. . .? ' 738 5 WILE BEGIN WORK 8ATLTUC FIXICRINO MILXS AT ILL. MAKK It EPA IRS. i IHm Will B Contrart-(l and Compmn' Splendid WiiUr Poner Will Urn .-Y . .': t'UUed. (From Daily Statesman, July 1.) The Salem Flouring Mills Company will, tomorrow InaiiKurnte . repairing work looking to the occupancy of . Its property on North Front street ,c. F. Royal & Son have Hie contract for the work which will require about four weeks and the company will ,ue com fortably, installed in season to receive this year wheat crop. It will lie necessary to make some extensive j Improvements to the com pany's in 01 race. In order to convey a water power to the milling, buildings. A dam 121 feet long will have to lie constructed that the supply of watar niay be controlled and it will lie ne cessary either to build ln'tween 300 and.400 feet of flume leading from the hendgates.Iieyond the point where the north bank gave away, or to replace, the wall of the race at that point and reinforce- it by an emlianknient of atiout fifty feet in depth, strengthenetl by pilyS and a gravel lied, all rendered, stronger by concrete waifs. This dam age to the company's race was done ahont four years ago when, during the winter season, . unknown persons de liberately wrecked iKith the dam and the north "bank of tbtvraeefc throwing the water f pom the race ami tnusing it to follow an unnatnral course back to the main stream. - : Thcpower will be utilized In the operatiou of the elevator. , I jut there will remain alsmt Too hors swer that will not' lie employed., This 'Will 1h ample to supply tower., for t lie pci a tiou of almost any manufacthriiiK In stitution and It is presutiKtl one f Salem's ehn-lrh- llglit cotnpatiies will avail itself of this power by hich the plant ran le oH-nitHl fat a riihi -I cost ovet tlie present system. t How ever, then is notiiiug defiuiti- in .'this regard, for tlie reason tlmt nothing can be ascertalneil as to the prla blllty of the mill company dls-iosing of the property. Any 'negotiations in this ltehalf that may be pending, lmve not j et Ihhmi lrought to a Jocus. t . ; ; Wben:tjie 'rjktor Is n-ajt or Hie reception of grain, the 'company win remove Its office from C-omiuercial street to the cozylittle offie on Froat street, near the brick mills. CANNERY BUSINESS. "Eugene nnardr.'WT-Ttrr'AlU-n an,i wife returned to, Newburg this after noon. He informs us fhat during cl. ry seasiin he has shipped ltween T."i -(HiO ami MO.tKKl Krtimls to the SaV in cannery. T"he lirm iiitenls to run tv dryers to tlwir full caiKieity. 1eide ft' is the intention to Milarge the plant in many ways. - Next year tliey, 4rMvt to put iip a regular line of caunel giK-ds . The govTiiment is to lmId a rail toad system of its own In the' Charted ton navy yard, t'onsress having appro priated 40.000 for the 'railif and ti, and tlie '-labor of kiylng tluin. mnl $10,I00 for a UK'omotive and ear., I-'our linndred tons of steel rails arf now Uin$; di-lIvt-riHl at the yard to U ust.d in layiug the tracks. ' Agncj had lxvn1 sllthfg for'ln'o'or threo imlnntes In deep tlionght. aiipir ently; at- last she looked up aiul nald: "Mamma. I know, why ptspie gruw old; It's tiecaue 1hey live jo loug.' I,hil.ldelDlil.T.;me!. - i t , - j f ; PERMISSION GRANTED. GV. T, T. Geer yesterday received ':a repiext.: from the mllitarv nuthorities Washington, for iieruiissioii lo Uw militia company of Vancouver to pas through Oregon, on their .way to Ta coma, where the Washington cm-amp' meut will lie, hehl July :tlf 4th. aiid Sth. The iM'rniission was grauttsi. TOO MUCH BRYAN; . ' HAD MADE HIM MAD. Moran Fell on His Knees and Wor t : h!pcd I'h tures of the IeiiH- . cratic IxiihT: llenry S. Moran. forty years old. II v- - ins at ao. i i-.ast 11 1111 stnt-t. wa a prisoner in rlie Harlem police ,ourt yesterday qiorninj;. cliarged by hi wife, Elizaleth, with l:Uig Insane. Mrs. Moran said tliat her busliand had btvoine lns;UK thinking aUnit Wil liam 4. 'Bryan. He had his ro-mi p! -intend with; lithographs of Uie lKiiKi cjratic kadvr. and would gvtiiy Ju il.e middle of the niht and disturb the nei.IjJfis 1y making -spi'O'hcs for" Bry an and. talking-altout "Pi to 1." ,ir. Moran .Aaid.,tha.t ffrqiu-nily lief, h"s band'cVeatc! cxrt lenient, -by' falling-' iown on hW km-es, as Though In wor ship. In front-of - iMturo! of Kryaii on ," the fences and' wails.-.- ;, ,i Policeman Allen, v1mi arresfel Mo- , ran, said' that tlie only way he could get 3d m to -court , was 2y tejlin hhn Ihol Ttrr-in -nt tn mite A siMMclt there and then Morari started on a run for the cotirt house. , Moran -wa nuMsy In nrt and kept asking Tor Bryan. Mag istrate Zeller ordered him to Ix taken to Bellevue hosjiMal auu lien tiwre T-.r olrvation . as to his snii-ty. Moran would not go to IVllevue until several IoliiHuiou as.surtI liiru that Bryan was oing to appear there to make a epoech. X. 1. Herald. IS IT RIGHT For An' Editor to Recommend Patent MwlJcines? tf ; I From Sylvan Valley News, Brevrad, N. C. ; I It may Isa question wln-Uier the ed -j Itor of a newspaier lias tin right to lulIIcly recommend any of the various' proprietary medicines which thod .tin?' market, yet as a preventive of surft'r- Ing we feel It a duty to say a gooi word for ChamlKr'aiR's Colic. CliohTa Hint iruil 1 llM .1 lu-lliviii, z known anP umI this medicine in ivnr family for twenty years and .have al way fouihl it reliable. In! many Cases .1 dose of this re.nif'Iy would sate hours of suffering-while- a phyyHcian is await ed. We do not SK'lJeve in dtiM'iidin implicitly .'on 'any., medicine for a cure. Imt we do iwdive that If a Iwttb of ChamlxTlaln's, Diarrhoea .Uemjijy. we're, kept on; hand and adnilnisterel at the Inception of an attack miiich suffering int.: lit le avo;dd and lu very imiiiy. cases the presence . of. . q physiclm ...,11 . . 4 . ; 1 4 . i'A.., . t . ! j has leen our cxixTlemv dining the past twenty" years. For sale by - I;V t. lLia., Sak'in, Oregon. .... . END OF STRIKE JSt. Louis. Mo July 2.4-The agree ment which marks the end of the loud strike of the street "railwav enillys lof the Transit Company, tvas, reached ronignt nnu r sfgniMi -oy 1 ne r11" , grievance ' eorunittteo,,, Chairman Va wartls.and Irsldent '.Edward ;Wht aker of , the . Transit Co. -Both side make concessions. -, , , -. J :, Hay ward, the professional cricke.ter f)f tlio ;Sw-tfT!cltf- bas nccieded b making ovcfliooo rtmi Hm Majv'th first, inontltf iofi th0 f rf kTiijig n-soil., The feat has lien accomplished .but'--once liefore, by Dr. W. . Grace, la 1S05. j Haywnrd's score js 1074 runs in J3 dnnings. jan a wiHg pfj flltffc i. "Is Belinda still crazy aliout whist T ( "No: since, he . Is marrlel she dm-s-nt seem to eart whether ' men find ont she is talkative orj not." Indian- polls JournaL , : - ."-.'." - visit CR. JORDAN'S jt! UUSEUn OFcG!!flT0JY; iKiimn-HTiiirmtisw.t. World. WukKMI B" " d.acaia HlMtHiriill1'1 02. rfCnCAH-DISEASCS OF Mf TrBlt.llinnicMr erUrMK I bom if aai wit bunt turn I. I i'w.. i im. Iuwm'. ei!j I 1km ucind ' i