Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, July 03, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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To Establish th System Soon-II 0 Is Con
vinced of tb Fersibllty of
t th Plai. :
i. (From Daily Statesman, June ".)
II. J. Ormsby, Special A sent of the
Postomee Ik-partment, has uotlikd the
Siili'iu postoffiee aiiUioritk that he has
in his possession instruction from the
IHpartment to intetijate the six rural
delivery routes, ititioned for from tlx?
city of Salem. lit also is Instructed to
Investigate a proiosed . route at CJres
ham, one at rH-yvater-Uniatilla couu
ty ,au one in Washington. Mr. Onu
ly says he w ill U in Salem oiW time
in Anjruft. r ' j
In the meantime, and before Mr
tmmwby' arrival, here, he sussests that
the people interested Hi thee routes
must have a map ni:h sluwinjc all
the territory covered by thee proiioswl
route, from north, to south, ami ci
tendimr cast from Salem as far as tU
route will fw. .This map must how
otcry .road In tbej territory to lie cover
ed by these roiftt s. ; Unless this done
It would h" almost imiosjsib! for an
a;ent to come here and lay out the four
route m the east side of t lie Willam
ette river, no thai they would not con
11 let with each otlier, und at tin ame
tiiiK" tako care of "all the people. With
it' 'map of the alwve description, show
ins the asent the Vhok? territory ami
;all Hw routes, It j may- V Imssihlo that
the., field can In covered with -three car
riers, ami then there may 4e Ave In
stead of four necessary to do the cou
hw plated work. J , ",. t . ,
The idx route i-etltioned for are
these: Two south, 'two across the river
In IIk county, one through Mission
Ittom, .ami " one through Fruitlaml
iiciK'iliorhool. In order to make the
system complete,; there will have to be
one on the Harden. Uond. and out to
wards Sjlvertom There will lrav to
bw-hCveit in all., mid this lces not take
into account wane slkrt roads hading
to the Keform ! School. Deaf Mute
' Schuol. Asylum iFarm. etc.
It is understoocV ttuit the maps will
,e jiroparc-d fjMr. tMiiisoy. m as to
In ready for him hi ton his arrival. In
orkr to defray j tlie fexlsmso of mak
ing them, tho fanners ami other prospective-
iKUH'nclar'e's of the system will
In oltH:el to iooutrilmte toward the
Tliere is ho nuefdlon "but the system
will l;o vstn Idistu t from the Salem
Kstottice.an'l it ought 'to lie in opera
tion some' tin' In ' Septeml r or Octo
l4r. Mr. Jruisby very tlKrou;hly In
vestigated tlie situation wiieu he was
here a few weeks n-ro, and he was tlien
convinced that this would le an excel
lent place to demonstrate tin' practical
workings of the free rural mail kllvory
.system. It is to Is suposvd that lie
will recommend that I'm (system I"
niride a tliorottzh one. so a to com
pletely cover the farming district of the
cntUe surrounding wuntry.
The Chicago V Northwestern, whkh
is MXMM-.lated with the Uuioir'Pacitic in
a .'.'through transe'Hitiiwiital line from
'hicago to I'ortland. -ha. just'lu'md
for tratttv- its new I telle .Plain ami Pox
Iike exteiiskrtt. niHes. In lenglh.
whk-h brings tlw road's total iiii.kage
tip to Mrj; and. a fr.n-t"nrt.
Ilie company; !;ti-ms t!w .longest niil
rKul .in the worH umler om president.
Ih lliin rt'sft-t 1 1 ! X-w Yrk t'entral
and IV'iiusylvania -lainis of mileage in
tlie Otlhiat tiui-le are for ax-iatd
and controlled line And do not repre
sent the mik!ir of a system under one
Itri'sidttxt. Taking tlie matter in this
Usht.-the Nrthwtern is entitled to
iti claim as tlwr longest road in the
world. ; " I ' "
"Isn't your grandfather's ckx-k go
ing. Mts.- IVlie.loiir
"'. iinh-d. IVt 1n ashaim-wt to make
an ok.l -clock like that work" 4; h tea go
KccoixL, j ' 7
Chicago, iune 20. The IVnrisyl
van hi Ualirojtd has .notified Ma.vov
Harris4.n. through Its law k'partmeiit
that the eomisiny will ' neeept the
track elevation ..ordinance,. pase1 by
the city council June 1st it. The a
ceptamV irteaim the elevation of !-
mihH of railway track within the city
limits of Chhiigo, in the next two
years, at a total cost of alwut :7.i,-
. Pittsburg. Ta.. Juw 2!.-Beginmng
tomorrow, the Shaiwngo Furnace Ah
fiMiatkn for Bewsemcr is put on a -has;
of value amlcarriet. with it a r-r-sHuding
reduction in the lri of all
otlier materials raw and semMiuish.
Konmlry Irons Inive exieriencel a coii
Ktderaltle drn i" antkHpatKm of .the re
dtu tlou, and a further decline is Jiutni
lieut. .. ; ';.- J : - , ' .U '. -1 ' "
"hronfe Naial Catarrh ioi sons every
breath that is drawn into the lungs.
There ia procurable from any Iruggit
the reuiwly for the cure of this trotil
A KmalP'tiuantity of Elj Cram
P.aln placed Into tlw nostrils spmids
over an Inflamed 1il angry . Mirfaee,
relieving Inwicdiatebr tlw pjtlnful tn
f1.nnim.it in. cleans-, heals and itrs.
A old in tlw htsad vanlshea"' Imnuill
ntelv. Sold by dnigglstn or will le
maiieI for ." e-uts by Lly Brothers,
7i Warren street. New York-:-v-
;i )j l - .: .'.
"To Any Parties to Collect Fnnds for
Ilepublican Commit te. . ;
Cleveland,! Oi June 20. The Infor
matten has naClied Senator Ilanna that
parties, in -New Vork ami Phila.telphia
are soliciting and collecting .funds for
, ' .
tbe? IleiMihl
.'miuum eauiia.Kn.
Ilauua desires tlie Associated Press
tO Statf tll.-tt A nnn t,.. 1. .
zed by iiimlf or the Ntional Com-
.ll It TfA Ia .tl! .11
Bvm ii r ro receive money for
fi"4vsv uauivu.
N w.York. June 29.-David BclL for
uyrlr on or t it
' v. ... 1 UV IV U IUUHRT
men of Canada. Is dead at h.is home in
vi ij, ojttu u years.
Tim Boer Foms Are Driven Back in
.Aiany na.-es Toe Casualties.
- 'Are Few.
LONDON. Jnn- 2.-The war office
has revived the foftw!ng from Ixrd
RolHTtSI ' ' . ' " L":
-Pretoria. June 29. Paget reports
from Lludl'y that ; he was engage!,
June 2;th, with a bKly of tle enemy
w ho were strongly reinforced daring
the day. A convoy of stores for the
LIudley garrison was also attacktil on
Jum2Gth, but after a heavy rearguard
action, the convoy reached Lindiey in
safety. Our casualeits wera ten kilted
ail four officers and aboat fifty uhu
wounded. The tight reiorHl yester
day wa ; a" under I IJeutenant tolouel
Crenfcll. not Dreiier. Brabant taiiK'
ui during the engagenient.i Tlie total
casualttes of tin two eolumns were
three killed and twenty-three wounded.
; "On tho previous day near Fickshuig,
Beyer' brigade was in action with a
lHly of the eneiny; : Our casualtk's
wn-e'twQ oJIU-u-s killed, ; four' men
wtuiiltl, an'.! one missing. . ,
"Methueu found yesterday, that a
Beer laager near V'achkvp and Spit
kop had -been hastily remo'vett : in the
direction of Llndley. Jle iollowid the
enemy twelve miles and captured. Sihio
sheep and ."i0 head of cattle, -which tlie
enemy had id in that neighbor
hood. . Our casualties wore four nun
"Hunter continued his march yes-t'j-day
roward. the Yaal river unoi
pos'd. Mau3 farmers along tlie route
hare surrendered.
"Spriugs. the terminus of the railway
from Johannesburg, due east, was at
tacked yesterday morning. The Cana
dian rcigimcirt,.. -which garriscixl .tlw
place, 4eat off .the enemy. No casual
ties reort-d.
"Lieutenant North rciKrted missing,
after an attack ,011. the constructiou
tr.iin, is a. prisouer f tr-j IUm'ts."
friends in session.
Oregon Yearly Me?tjng of tlie So-iety
Held at Newin-rg This Week.
.4'vh'rs. )r June 2..-rThe eighth
annual session of ttregon Yearly Meet
ing of. 'Friends oiK'mvi this- afternoon
at 2 o'clock. The visiting minister are
David Hadley,. superintendent of the
evangelistk" work of Western Yearly
Meeting; Andrew F. Mitchell, formerly
'of -Indiana, lmt for the past two yeiirs
pastor of the Friend church at Wliit
th'r. t'al.. nml Ieanah lIOlwou. with
her traveling companion, Mrs. Stratton.
from Illinois. ;
Dt-otional mwtings are.heH in the
morning and evening. A good nutt
ing throughout is anticiKited- ' Sveral
-ampers are on the grounds and more
are expected.
Mr. an-1 lrs. D. D. KeeU-r, of Salem,
are lere as deh-gates from tlie Silsu
quarterly meeting to attend the yearly
A Few Pointers.
The recent statistics of the numljcr of
deaths show that the large majority
die with ; consumption.. Tliii disease
may commence with an apparently
harmless cough which can be cured
instantly by Kemp's Balsam for the
Throat and Lungs, Thtch is guaran
teed to cure and relieve all cases.
Price 25c. and. 50c. For sale bv all
Sjiu Fraiiciseo. June 20. The direct
ors of the Southern Pacific Company
have named a governing, or executive
committee,- which will henceforth as
suiik' the management of most of the
a flairs hitherto wUrusted to lite- full
loard. This will obviate tin luvossity
or weekly iiw-etings of tle .director.
Tlie governing coninuttoe sisiists of
President C. P. Huntington..; D. O.
Mills. has. II. .Twenl. Jhtl D., Probst
and I-Mwin Ilawtey. tiewrtil Auditor
!.ww..u T Kbnk. wlmw headouartor
are in
are in. Sent Francisco, .has invu made
ant secretary.
Execution of a Giant In Washington
D. C.. Yesterday. -
Washington, June 2!. Benjamin
Hill Snell, 41 years oM. formerly clerk
In -the "'pension oflice. was hangeil tf
day for ho murder of 13-year old
LiJtxie Wlesetilierger. with whom he
was ' iinratua ted. Snell was the larg
est man ever executed her. When
received at the jail August 7th. last,
he weighed 20 pounds. and measured
feet Inches in height. Today he
weighed 2X pounds. g ;
Tlie Baronoss Reinelt of Trieste,
whose husband died, leaving a fortntv
of 2M"M florins for Jienevotent ptir
pwes.' went to a bazaar, and was of
frifl a pink by a lady in charge of tlie
stall, s.tys Tit Bits. . J ;
H w much may I W for this
flwrr?" she asked. i-
-TIk re aro no limits' to your gener
stv Ivironess. was tlie reply. .
"Well thcn.-'Vhe. sakl. : "I will 'pay
enough for it to cover the arrears of
the music exhibition." i ;
The amount required for th.s pur
hs' was O.V"iO flarins, or . nearly
S,is. " ; .
During tlie past winter. whh h lets
.... 1.,- iii,-rimiiKnIv high
!" ... i the northern benuts-
V'i r" . J.V.h eVitlon of temt- ra
i l.-- ... ii.troi. o.iiirreI' m the
""H'ihere. whh h. of course.
tr!un tiaT-P Hir
I n inter. s.ir the Youth's Oom pan ion.
In South America, South Africa and
Australia, exceedingly hot weather
waa experienced while our part of the
would was enjoying a mild winter.
And Request! Its Representatives in
. tuina to Hasten to the Coast
Town Immediately.
NEW YORK, June 20. Iter. Dr.
Arthur J. Brown, one of the wore
taries of the . Presbyterian board, to
day sent the following cable to Rev
W. O. Elterich, secretary of the As-o-olaUon
at Che Foo: 1 -
Sire no exiHnse to save Presby
terian missionaries." ' 1 -
Dr. Brown also cablel Rev. George
r. riicn. at Miangliai. a.s follow s:
"Order Killing missionaries to port.
Cable iiarticnhira. .Where Is Morris
Knling is a town 4,"sl mih-s up the
Yang Tse Ivianc rivw ami tift.x.
miles frm the river. The stetiuiers
on the Yang Tse are run by foreign
ers, tut tliere are Chine?, forts all
along the river, nii.l if th tn.ni.i..
should extend down to that region the
missionaries at Killing would lsf cut
off from the civilized world ' entirely.
The Morris referred to is Revj Dr.
New Y'ork. June 20. Commander
Delhanty, of the Navy, confirms the
report from Washington that. he will
1m retired because incapacitated for
servioi. This action oierates to esuf--el
the orders sending him to Manila,
and he may remain Governor of sail-
ors Snug Harltor as lomr as ttu
trustee-of the institution can- to re
tain dilm. Commander I elhanty's re
tirement est us H nnimotioii in each
grade lx-low hirn thereby affording a
vacancy lor one lieutenant of tlie two
who would . otherwise haveilneii forc
ed out. of the service by select ion 011
July 1st under the iersonnel Liw.
Every effort Is lieing made , to secure
one more retirement liefore next Sun
day to save the remaining lieutenant.
Two lieutenants were selected last
week by the Imnrd of five admirals.
San Francisco, June 2!.-!-Coinplaint
lias been tiled with tlie collector of tlie
Iort by Surveyor Sp-'r igitint the
Japanese 5tcamer Nijpfin Mam for vi
lation of the shipping laws, -tin" ofTen?
lsing tlk transHrtat ion of two pass
engers from Iloiiolu'a to this city It
is averred in the complaint that the
steamer vidatel the act of. Congress
declaring' Hawaii a Iort of the Cnited
States by taking pass-ngers from n
lert of tlH T'niteil States to another
Krl in the same conn try.
New York. June ' 2!.f-Dun's Review
of Traik says; The allure for the
week nave Jieen 2117 fin the t nitcd
States against 21S last year, and
twenty-one Jn Canada against twcHfy
t wo last year.
Chicago. June 2t. "Syracuse
Tommy" Ryan easily gained -a ver-
ili-t over Young" a honey, of Philadel
phia. Iiefore the lort Dcarliorn Atlde-
tl- Chili tonight, after sixrounds of
rather slow work.
The Rjugii Ri h r Tells What Hc'Pro-
loses to Ik.
New York, June 2! Governor Roose
velt caiiH' into tlie city today, from
Oyster Bay, and silent t foreisoii in
arranging privato Imsiness matters.
He left tonight for Oklahoma, where
he is to attend the Rough Riders r--union
t- celebrate tlie battle of San
Juan. Colonel Roosevelt, referring to
the coming campoign. sasl: .
"I shall make my tight in tlw 1 ca 111-
p:iigu entirely on my record as (iov
ernor. There will 1 no 'Rough Rater"
ixcitcnient. no khaki unFforms or auy
thin of tliat sort."
What Our Flag' Stands For.
Wherever the American flag is rais
ed in token of sovereignty, it stauds
for lilwrty, iiid0iendeiice and eipiality.
What our flag is to the nation. IIm-(
tetter's Stomach Bitters Is to the Indi
vidual, inasmuch as It not only gives
you freedom from your ailments, but
protcts your system In such, a man
ner lllnl iiicj inuiiui ii-iuiu. i ui-u
your stomach gets out of order, caus
ing you to lieleh afteriiting. or when
yon "are so nervous that you toss aliotit
all night, unable to sleep, you hotild
certainly try It. Is-canse it rni
strengthen your stomach, steady your
nerves, and Induce sound healthy,
sleep, and for indigestion, constipation;
and bilionsTfioss , there is nothing to
equal it. Rheumatism is also counter-
acted by Its direct action on tne Kitirj
Th" town of Givette, In tlie Ardennes
Si t.il-iii KtiiM t,t. tmt jin end to tixt
d jopultion of Franco. Hereafter for
all town etttees fathers or mor? tnsn
mill tin lii t,r first. .Ill'l
all nrarrhxl men will lie., preferred , to
Inclielors. I'nzes wui ie
j early to those parents wlio have sent
tle largest numler of chiUlreu.tO
school regularly, ami .lKrarshii;in
the national sejtoois will lie given only
to-those children lielonging to hoiii
holds of nsre than three in family.
Fathers of families will also. have the
first chance of admission to alms
house ami old i-ot '' homes. j
Tliere gtx-s a wellkiiown writer, yet
peci le don't t-veni to care to talk to
hm. i "; ' i
tliiklns What dos be write
Pilkius Insurant. Ohio State
JHirnaL '-:- ' ::. :A
, - -r V"::fi";
An Epidemic of Diarrhoea,
vf 1 Kithlors. writing from Coco-
:"v fi. savs tlH're ha
oulte an epidemic of diarrhoea there,
lie had a severe attack and was enrol
bv fur dos-s of Chamlrlain .ie,r,
."i..vi. ....I n trr'KKj Reimdr. t H
s.iys he also recomiiemle'I It to others
and--thef siy. lt. s -ir w-m unrc"-;;
w m.'t rml.iKMr ssVe bv i Fv -tL
lurj . . - - -
Haas. Sateni. Oregon. " t1:'
. " . . - v"u. -' mi-
. Pacific Homestead. Salem. Or. Best
farm paper. - Issued weekly. ? 1 a year
i - ---In "'-' r- ' '. "- ' "'"'1'';.. -' ' .7 --" t .'-
it-iiPr- ,':;:'.;VV..o.;.:.;- ,:, - -7,:- -I-.. -. . ,
-f- ; - : ... ;-'.':.;-;'.-. ;' - : - ;. . . " ---.j -' '.
r , ' Y ' ,' -. ;'.
! " ' -- . - - - ... : .j '-.'- . -.
Canp tJcer" Is I'leaMntiy mt-t In
- Highland SeTernl OrtIr for Aa-
iriiililing of tho Military.
(From Haily- Statesman, July 1.)
The first' iiniuiai encampment of the
l)ngon National -Guard since its reor
gsini7jitionw lll le ln-ld in Salem;' in
Highland, mmr the State Fair -Grounds
lieginniug next Saturday and ending
oh the following Sunday evening, July
lrith. -
The site for holding the. encampment
Itas ln-eii; 'designated "'Caiup Geer." in
Itouor of Ww comma nder-in-c!iief ot the
guard. It i exectf-d there .will Ikj
Knnt of the eniisted ' inonj at the eii-
cfimpiijenjl. The is li-ing cleanHl
ff all rnbbisli ami .iK-ing placed hi
readiuesi for the wddters. Water
piles areilH'ii'g laid for suiplying th
camp and kitchens, wootl is being' d'-'
liverei and nil minor details are 1eing
... j A . . . a. . u - a l.
arrangeil- iy tm- eoininmee ior it-e
comfort ' bud convenience of tlie ti
dier Iniysu
The tiiJls will begin assembling n
Monday, juomiiig, and by . evening,
vlun the initial parade is scheclubsl.
the eutipe menilvridiip of the Guard,
exeeitiiyt Light liattery A.j of Port
iand. which dst not arrive in the city
until MoiKl.iy, and "Separate lufautry
Clmipany ,' of Marshfield, which
w ill notiattend the-encampment at all.
will Im- on tlie grounds. Vinpany G.
of Albany, will 'the fint company
to arrive. They will 'reaeli Jsalcm oir
the Albainy I-al at 7ul o'cloc k Mon
day morning. A siecial traiu will ar
rive. from Port la ml hIhu oon wim
tin"? cHntMinies ecmiprisinsr tin- Third
Iloglniej't and also Company 1. of
Woodbnrn, fd" the Fourth liegimonf.
The remaining -ompani-s or the
Fourth iltegiment. -frni - Ashland, Ku
jiene. Itos'inirg and t'rant's Pass, in
rlmling tiio Fonrth IlegiMient I;ind of
KugenH wiil arrive on the 4..i express
rrvm the out h.. Troop A.' I-lwmu's
cavalrynteu. will arrive aliout 5 o'clock
and tbi H-tstirn Oregon oompinie
wilt 'reaeh tin. city on tho ,Allany
Iwal ht ft:l"" o'okwk. :
Onler r-garding the 1 eoming eu
eauipment have ln-en issm-d by Itrlga
dJer General Ih-ebe. . ' :
Tlw- bnril treasiite of Hermit John
Harris proyok-d a torrlhc fight i
tween four nn-at -th fciteres'ML-nH
of the rechise at thnaha. Neb. Tl I-li-e
lesjoinhd to a ri.it calk but wlcn
theyeBJere! the cabin tli-y; foiimlonly
a crowI of boys, an old kt'S illiVl w'.tii
rusty Bsiils. aicl onskl"ralt t.litmL
The ' pnrlh'Jpants are unknown to the
polke- j Harris died a wit k ago. and
there were rutnors th.it h Jeit nim-h
iujney jhiiried aroutwl his honif. Sin
then angs of twn ami lvyj f nirt t Ik'
m-igUforiejl have been digging for
tle txvasure. ; .TV lay four tm u were
Keen, teanns up b of , the col-
t;gc. In digging a round1 they unearlh
M i large ker'tIWilIy row -was
started, as tb-y tliought the k-g coil;
taiiel 'goi't-' i "' ': ' ; ' ' ' -: :
Durins the little the kcgwaj brok-
Makes light, flaky, delicious hot biscuits, roll,
muffins and crusts. Makes hot bread whole
some. These are qualities peculiar to it alone.
. I have found the Royal Baking Towdcr superior to all others.
1 C. Gorjv, late Oicf, Dclmonico's.
en to pier's and a pile Of rusty n;iils
was '.hsi1 Instead of tlie ivKird of
; goM When tlie ilis arrived all the
j iiH-n luid lis:ipK-atd. One of the men
had prtK-urtd a 'waou and had place!
iwo of Ids Injured comr.-idcs in' it unci
ha-1 driven away. The tl'.er man walk?
od off. " !
Salem Light & Power Company has in
augurated improvement; . nt ' their
jMiwer house in tliis city. The old
Vestinghonse engine and thrw- old
dynamos were removecl yfterlay and
will Im rcihu'l by unxlern ...machin
ery.' The Wenitinghouse engine will Ik
replace 1 by a new "J-'si hrse iKiwer
-iideiisini engine, vhich will ! sliip
pi'l alwmt July 14th. and will be in
oM-ratioii within thirty !ays after it
arrival. Contractors ' Voting A; Kobin
son have Ih-jtuh tin work of making
an extension to the company's wwcr
hot's. Tho company ceenis to lmvo
contracted tho expansion fever and hi
tho supervision of th numerous iin-prov-iii-nts
that are ln-ing intrHliiceI
to the cMiip;iiiy"K plant, Suierii)iend--nt
.1 L. ltmbirtli is ail exci-ilhigly
busy man' those days.
The ConferiTice of the I'ricuds Church
ut Newt-M-rg. .
Xewis-rg, Or.. June J1. Tlw second
day of Oregon ; Yearly. M-cliiig ; of
Friends has leeii oim f interest and
blessings. Joseph Stanley, of Kich
moiid. Indiana, a minister of. the gos-
m I. arriv'd today.
The result f the le-tion of uiUi'frn
fr the comitig''year was: TIhjm. Nw
Ud. presiding clerk; Mrs. l,ioreiia A. T.
1IkIsmi. rc-inling chik: C. o. K-y-imlds,
rading lerk, and I. IK Kii-hr,
annoiiio-iiig c lerk.
The statii-al r-irt of the) uni ting
reveuhNi the fact tha t we have I.VnJ
liu'tnls-rs. This business "was follow-!
by a 'very practical talk from Oavid
Hadley, after which I-vl I. P.arr read
a p.-ip-r on '--"The llelatioiis a Pastor
SloMihl Stistain in Church IMfli-ulties.
The following program was rendon-d
at tlie Mftenwoli. session: -
I evot ioii.-U exroisiK. by Jay Ck.
iniet, "The ueries," by two little
girls. --:.
Tlie su-M-rinti-iident's reiHrL
Solo 1eanah Ilobsn.
Address -A ndn'W T.Mitchell, j
Prf. Mitchell tut' Id many good tilings.
He sj Kike in a very firm, ami yet in a'
gentle manner. Ho id in part: The
sabon is -iiMlemiiil by the church,
tlie Government and the aloii Hxolf..
Li-eiiie gives It over into tlie hands of
a few. w Ik furnish the trade; ami lo-al
ctpljon 'o!iflnefi tho influence of a vote
to a small territory, while the temper
ance fpwstioh is u National Ishim.
In tho evening occurred tho C II.
rally. From 7 t H Vbs k the young'
wide of Newlerg. eiitortalne!'; the
young Hfple and tho ministers of the
Yearly Meeting in tho Itiisemout f tho
church. Tea and crackers were BervMi
Tlie aldn-s? of tho evening wa given
br Or. Atchisu. of I'ortland.
In India the theater are all frte.
Th curtain rolls up at t o'eks-k at
ULgUi un-.l never conic clown until .
in tho next morning. It iis-ually re
ouiro seven nights t iresent a drama.
IV tie generally lake their !ed with
tli -iii aul go l st p lotweii the acts.
The favorite play In lnclia is the jro
Htiitatl'i of the exploits of ouiC gsl.
Lanl I;ird yenlerday apjrovel ix
t en apli-atk.r:s for lan.-, aggregating
$I7.ti. ami three applications, for
flS. w re rejected. . I " ,
Was Consul General t. Shanghai tin
der I 'resident A lliur- lniiortd
; Chinos: Plieasauts. '
,A.VI. r..( Juik
O. N. Ih-nny lirl j bxl.iy at Seabidc.
ngiil irj j-ars.
Jinlge Hciiuy was n pione-r of Ore-,
gon. having com' hero in 1HT.2. lie
was Consul -General. "' to Sh-iughnl.
China, under Prsideiit Arthur, iiihI"
aftTwanls advlor to the -.King of
Corea. He served 'for H iiumlM-r of
y-ars as a Mate" Senator In -the legis
lature of Oregon: w:hero In was a pro
iniucnt ami -oiispicnous ligur-, mi l
one. of the lb-publican h-.-nh-rs.
Oregon lias a monument to Judge
Oeuiiy. that will c'luluri- for list's, In
the presence - of tin' Mongolian - or
Iteniiy ph-asiiiit.H, whii-h -wen inlro-dn--!
lit tiiis Xalo by tho deceased,
nml whh-h have Ihm-coii' the "most pop
ular gaiiio jn tin; Malo.' "
I td YO WA XT -lUmiiiig 1 wine? If
so you will find It ."by patronizing lh
Mitchell. lewis .V- Slaver ItrnuHi im
plement house at Sal-m. Tlo-y are
li-;nhpiarlers for binding twine for
the season of I'.hhi." Iw.
Minnesota M tiiung tip MJif-ally
this year; 'Thitt v!-o.preslch'nflal. ean-il.it'-s
hail ,-frcMii .that state'. John G.
VHJ"-y. tlie fro1n!rViiii '.candidate,
wns formerly a rcsi' nt of Miuueapo
lis; Ignnlius iKiiuiellv. 1Ih mi!do-of-fhe
rad iopulLt catKlwl.it-. Iiv-s -alter--
Itt si tii ill iitwl V" i ii I ij 'jr iiiiil
t'liarU's A. Towio-J tlw -aiMlilate of the"
other bra'wh or spulisuv lives; ;..at lu-
lltlll. ;
Thousands nare Kidney Trouble
and Don't Know it. j
How To Find Oat.
Fill a bottte or common plans with your
water and let it und twenty-four hours; m
sdlment cr sct
tlinr indicates an
KrT unlieallhy 1 condt-
neys; u It r.uina
your linen ' It : Is
evidence' of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desir to .
pais it cr pulfi In
tho back la a.r
convlncinfj proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order. I v -'
What to Do, ; -
Thers Is comfort In- the knowledrs so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, 4he fcreat kklney renvsdy fulfills every
wish in curing theumatism,: pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder 'and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain In passing
It, or bad effects , following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes thai unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day; and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is toon
realized. It stands the highest for Its won
derful cures of the most distressing' cases.
If you need medicine you thoukl have tho
best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. siz-js.
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonderful - discovery
and s book that tells i
more about it. both sentj
absolutely free bv mail.
address Dr. KJlrfier Ic
TTont of Swamp-Knot,
Co.. Bintrhamton. II. Y. Vhen writin? men-
tlcn reading thi3 generous olferlo thi3 paper.j