Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, July 03, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Report of the British Admiral
v Ills Government.
Wblle ItUmptlDfir to Reach Fekin
and. Protect Foreign Ministers ;
In That City.
LONDON, June 30. Tlie adventures
of the hard fighting allies under Ad
jiiiral Seymour, their reaching Anting.
twelve inus from Peklu, tin decision
to retreat, the capture of. rice nix I Im
mense More of .modern "arm and aw-
uiunitiou, affording material for siren
uou defense until relieve I all this Is
told Intlie dLpatcb frou. Admiral Sey-
nour, reeeiretl y the Admiralty at
midnight, which runs as follows: i
"lien Tidn, June -T, via llw F,
Juue', K:i5 p. ju. I have returned
to Tien Tsin with the for, having
ii-n unable to reach rekln y rail. On
June l.stb two attack on the advance
gnard were made y the Boxers, who
were repulsed Wtth considerate loss to
them, aud none on our side. On June
14th. the Boxers attacked .be train at
iJtug Van tu large numbers, and with
great detertniiiatHm. We repulse!
them with tlie Iwh of aiiout Kw killed.
flJitr loss was seven Italians. . j
"The lame afternoon the Boxers? at
tacked the British guard, left to pro
tect If. fetation. : Reinforcements
were sent K-K-k and the enemy were
dtlven ff with KM killed. Two of oar
seamen wen. wounded. : : j
"We pushed forward to Anting and
engaged tin enemy on June 13th and
l.th. itiJlctiiig a lose or 17.".. Thetv
w re no casualties on our side. . ' . j
"The extensive destruction . of the
railway in our front having made fur
ther advance ly rail Impossible. I tic
elded on Juue Kith to return to Yang
Tsen. where it was proposed to organ
ize an advance by river to, Pekln.'
:A fler my, departure from 'Lung Yang
two trains. l-ft to follow on. were .-it-
tacked. on June lSth. by Boxers' and
Jmixrial froi from IVkin. win.
iusi mm. -im 1 t .m kdhd. Our casual
ties were ix killed and forty-eight
wounded. These trains joined jih jit
Yang Tun the Kan eveniug.
"The railway at Yang Tsun was
found entirely demolished, and tin
trains could not 1 moved. The force
4-Hng short of provision ami hamijcred
with wemnded. comi lied jis . to with
draw on Tien Tin, with which we had
lot len in communication for six days
anl our supplies had U-eu ent off.
"tn Jane SUl we made a night march
TrriTlng at daybreak opposite the iu
Jila armory n!ove Tien Ts.'u. whete,
after frindly advance, rt tre.i. herons
henry fin was otKd. while our Unii
were exposed on the opposite side o
4 1.. .! .!.
mt-r. 1 ne euemy were Kent in
check by riflo JVre in front, while their
tosithn was tunnel by party of ma
. nies an-1 seamen under Major John
son, Who nisiied and oeeuiied one of
tiK tuiiient point, sizing tlje guns,
Tlio Ormans. lower lown. fiilciuHsl
fli;:i men cro.Hi tue- river
Ju) captured IIumii. Tlw arnwry was
iK'xt occupied ty a -omlined . foni
J.x ternuned attempts to retake the
armory were made the following day.
inn unsuccessfully.
utl'.. .
ioiiimi iinmeiiKe stores or .guns,
arms anl njiinumitlon of the latest pat
tern. Several gutis w.-re tnijunted i In
our .deft-use KhilJe! the Chinese
rorts lower .iown. i f
"Having found ammunition and rk-e.
we could iiave Ik-Mi iut Tor Koiik' days,
but, l''.ug hamiered with a large nu'ui
w or woutKKNi. i i snt to Tien Tp in
ir a rei:ciug iorce, wiucli arrived on
tlte tiom!tig of Jun ar.th. The armory
was va nati -an.1 the forces arrived
at -nen Tstn on June ;th. We burn-
ed tlie armory. ;
"The casiultlea to date are: Britih
-Killed L7, woumk'd TT.; AmericatH-
Ivilie 4. womdeoV5r Frimch Killed
1, wouiMld lo; tu-rman Kii:el 112
wounded 2: Italisns Kil!el 5. woutnl
ei ;;: jflpanetn." KI11h1 Z wounded .1;
AUstrtHns Rilled 1. wotind.tl 1; IJus
Kians Killed lO, wound! ! f
be had made In reporting tbe presence
of the foreign ministers with Admiral
Seymour's column, eight miles out from
Tien Tsm. His cau.egrani thin morn
ing admits that there U no knowieds3
of their whereabouts, and It is assume-1
tlte error Th the first report arose from
the Admirars acceptance or a rumor
that was very generally current at the
time th? cablegram W-as sent. '
The fact that the admirara message
la datel at Cbe Foo -today warranty
the mipioitJon that telegraphic cpm-
munkaton has Jteen restored betwten
thai ioint and Taku, where tb? foreign
oeet Jtes. There is, however, a possi
1ility that the admiral could get a dis
patch across from Taku to Che Foo tbe
same day 1y pushing the Yorktown,
which hat been u.-sV! aa a iTJrpatch
boat,' . ' '' -.
Admfal KemplTa news ban added to
tb depression in ottlcial quarters -1
Ao'tniral Hemey Is pushing the Brook
lyn wttli an aispatcu toward Taku. and
ho cat les vnat hewill nail from Hong
Kbng northward tomorrow. Ills- main
care will Le to arrive at Taku with full
coal bunkers, thus making gure that
the Brooklyn will t-e ready for any mt
vice reriuired wlien ; she readies that
port.; Ileuee his announced pnrrose to
stiat Nagasaki. The stop there also
wilt enable the avy Departnient to
t hahge hi orders by direct calle coio-
lfunicatio'u iii case the conditions
vbangedurlng the Brooklyn's five days'
run to Nagasaki go as to niaxe it ne-
esary to .lo so. mis rxrt is tscareeiy
out'of the route letween Hong Kon.i
and Taku. o there will Is1 practically
no loss of time Involved in entering
LVo news from any of the American
State Iep:.rtment's officials in China
was received today. Secretary Hay.
wfto was sevtixiy taxel ly the ex
hausting la-liors thrown ujoii him dur
ing the prt sent heateli sfiell, was ih-
iisp'sel tiday. ami remaiueil at his
honre; while Assistant Secretary Hill
looked after the. routine business of the
State Department. .
- - AMD ''v
- nzone
'Kci Ceres
In some cases the external signs of Contagions Blood Poison are so slight that the
victim is firmly within the grasp of the monster before the true nature of the disease
is known. In other cases the blood is quickly filled with this poisonous virus and the
swollen glands, mucus patches in the mouthy sores, on scalp, ulcers on tongue, sore
throat. C ruction 3 on skin, copper colored splotches, and fallincr ar mnA rwhmvi
Doctors still prescribe mercury and potash as the only cure for Blood Ptrison. These poisonous min
erals never yet made a complete and permanent cure of Contatrious Blood Poison. Thev drive the disease
back into the system, cover it np for a -while, but it breaks out again in worse form. These powerful minerals produce mercuria
rheumatism and the most offensive sores and ulcers, causing the joints to stiffen and finger nails to drop off . Mercury anf
potash make wrecks, not cures, and those who have been dosed with these drug are never after free from aches and. pain
S,S.S m,an entirely different manner, being a purely vegetable remedy ; it forces the poison out of the system, am
tnstead of tearing down, builds np and invigorates the general health. S. S. S. is the only antidote for this specific virus, ant
therefore the only cure for Contagious Blood Poison. No matter in what stage or how hopeless the case may appear, evei
though pronounced incurable by the doctors, S. S. S. can be relied upon to make rapid, permanent cure. S. S. S. is not t
new, untried remedy ; an experience of nearly fifty years has proven it a sure and unfailing cure for this disease. It is tin
only purely vegetable blood medicine known. ','.j.;.:r ' -.; - - '
mMJ JbMJLfZloiSIITSt ' .J-"" I was afflksied'witli a terrible tiood disease, which was in spots at first, bat afterward:
spread an orer my body. These sooa broke oat into sores, and it is easy to imaa-ine the snfferina I endured. Before I became convinced that il..
uoc.cn- covin qo me no gooo. i nma spent a BUSKlrect Oouara, wblch was really thrown away. I thru
tried various patent mediciaea. but they did not reach the disease. When I had finished my first
. bottle of S. S. S. I was greatly improved, and was deliahted with the result. The targe, red cplotcho
on my chest began to grow paler and smaller, and before long disappeared entirely, t regained m
"lost weight, became stronger, and my appetite improved. I was soon entirely well, and my skill at
clear as a piece of glass."
ever for this.
Send for our Home Treatment Book, which contains valuable information about
this disease, with complete directions for self treatment. Our medical department is
in charge of physicians -who have made a life-time study of blood diseases. Kotrri
hesitate to write for any information or advice wanted. We make no charge what-
All correspondence is held in the most sacred confidence, THE SWIFT SPECIFIC. COMPANY. ATLANTA, 6 A.
Of a Family Sent there by the Coanly Court
BUI Allowed .Yesterday Had
? Much Kxeess Baggage. " (
Many Candidates' for Vice President-
A Massachusetts Man Talka
for the Silver Staudartl.
KANSAS CITY. June 20 fieorge
Fred William, a memlier of the Na
tional Committee and a delegate to tlie
IHuiiocratie Convention from Massa
chusetts, arrived here toJay. Williams
talkel Hlnmt ex-Senator ,11111 in a
manner to indicate his entire, disap
proval of that gentleman as a Vice
Presidential candidate.
"What Is Hill coming here for?"
lie asked, answering the query. -For
the sole and avowed nuroose "of try
ing to secure a modification of the
platform of !!. He ought to In here
u sack-cloth and ashes, instead of
trying to tell us wliat to do."
Willi;! m Is one who Is determine!
to work for a speeitic decalartion. for
ratio of 1G to 1 in the platform.
"Running mate" problem Is as con
spicuous as it was at Philadelphia.
aud at this distance, guessing is fullv
as ImliwrilMible. There are olentv of
candhhites. men. who want the honor,
anl oik does not hear so much nlxmt
lcclin.it ions as there was camong -the
uepnt'iicmis. i ne aggressive meu are
snlwr of New York, and town, of
London. June 5t. Ixrd Wolselej la
interview publishd this morning says:
"China iossesses every reiuisite for
over-running the ; world. She lias! a
population of four hundrel niiliioiK
she has an , enormously develoied
weann. ana a still more enormous
natural wealth awaiting development
Her men. if properly drilled and led.
are aumirame soutiers. They nre
plucky and able to live on next; to
nothing. Moreover, they are atsolate-
. ly fearless of death, llegin with the
fountlatlon of millions upu million
of such soldiers as these men are cap
able of leing made, and tell me, if
you can. where the end will he. j i
Ketnpff, the American Admiral. In Chl-
ih3. Waters. Ha Acknowledged
- Himself In Error. j :
.ransport Grant, which will sail Sun
day for iXagasakl. and thence, it is lp
lievei to Che Foo or Taku. wills carry
men of the sixth Cavalry, which.
In addition to a hospital corps, made up
at the Presidio. -SX) recruits and 2(0
fltiarines. will constitute the force going
to China. The Ninth Infantry ami a
signal corps from Manila and tin ma
rines already In China, will complete
lleneral ChafTee'j forces," makiiis COtX)
to stxio in ctl.
Three surgeons will accompany Uhe
hospital 'corps. Acting Assistant Sur
geon John T. Hallsell will have charge
of tlie medical tlepartoieut onjlie trans
port . , ; ,H
Washington. I). C June 2. Admiral
Kemi)ff totlay ac5.owlelgtl tlw error
I r
mcda. Cal.. June 20. The Pa
el tie Coast Borax Works, eontrollel
by "Korax King." has leen shut lown
Indefinitely, throwing KM men out of
employment. . The shut-down Is at
tributes! to a heary advance in the
freight rate on crude lorax from
lcath alley, which berafter will be
retinel iu New York.
' J, At Bed Time
I take a pleasant herb drink, the next
morning I feel bright and my com
plexion is better. My doctor says
it acts gently, on the stomach, liver
and kidneys, and is a pleasant laxa-
tiiv-r. it u madc torm herbs and
u ircpareu as easily as tea. Jt is
called Lanes Medicine. All drug-
gists sell it at 25c. and 50c. Lane's
Family Medicines moves the bowels
each day. If you cannot get it. send
for a free sample. Address. Orator
Woodward. Le Roy. N. Y. S-
tlreenteaf. engineer ottlivr oh the staff
of Rrigadier General Chas. F. Heels,
was in Salem yesterday and platted tbe
camp grouiHi tu Highland, for tlie en
campment of the 'National-Guard. He
found the ground In excellent condition
and was nnich pleased with the ar
rangements made.
Gcer yesterd.ty received a letter from
Iter. F. I Young, pastor of the First
M. E. church, of Baker City, in which
that gcntl man applies for tlie josition
of chaplain In tlie' first regiment of. vol
unteers .. going frm. Oregon to China.
In tlie event that volunteers are called
for and war lietween the United States
and China becomes a fact.
(From Daily Statesman. June SO.)
The Marion county commissioners'
court completed its session for; the re
gular June term yesterday afternoon.
and adjourned. The forenoon wns
spent in . disposing of flccuniulatel
busiius, auditing accounts, etc. As
this was the last term of court dur
ing tbe terms of County Judge (L P.
Terrell, aud Commissioner J. X.
Da vis, there Was considerable busi
ness to be disposed of Is'f ore adjourn
ment, i
Among the matters coming before
the court, hat attracted some atten
tion, was a, bill on the pauiier account.
i'or $13.C Investigation showeil that
this amount' was exrendl for 4ix
tickets j for Mrs. Samh Wallace and
ramily. to some point in Indiana. The
total bill for the tickets and other
exjienses amounted to 213.T. but
some friends of the family Irt the eas't
paid - $50 toward the transiwrtatlon.
leaving Marion county to foot the bill
for $ltJ3.03. On interesting portion of
the bill consisted of the foiling items:
Meals on steamer letweh Rn-:
lem and I'orjland. . . . n-25
Casli, given 'Mrs. Wallact?, . . . Ri 00
Exwss baggage. . ..... . . . ... . 13I S3
It would seem that, for panpers, tHe
family I had considerable lmggage
when it required ?13JJT to pay the
charges on the baggsige In excess of
l.Vl poumlt Kr ticket, or a total of
- tioiinds. which amount fs cnrrUxl
free.' r :
Ii. B. Ilerriek report h! the survey
of the Idcyde naths letweii tli fal
lowing points, and the same were ap
proved: Mehama to Turner; Salem
aud Books road to Salem nnl Silver-
ton road; Butte Creek bridge via Mon
itor to W.Hxlburn: Fair (.rounds to
Howell; Jefferson to Turner"; I. Q. O.
F. Cemetery to Lilierty; change Sa
lem to Turner: Salem to Silverton:.
' . ' T
Prat 11 in to Solent and Silverton path.
North Salem to Mat heny's Ferry and
In the-matter of tlie estate of T. D.
I"erry.; diWasHl. the action of the
county treasurer, in turnlnz over
money found on Ixsly to Sirs. Perry
was approved.
In the matter of disposing of money
fount, on erson of Chas. Ferrell de-
ccacL the cotirt onlered the amount,
$.".0.". turned over to W. T. Uig ltui 'ns
ptr the order of P. II. Ferreil.
AftT audiJing the folhnvinc bills
the court adjourned: '
i ;; Road and Bridge.
' i ' Chnd. ' " Alld.
Iladnbaugh & Francis f 10 M '$19 (M
GillK-rt & Baker. . , 7 oS j 5 XT,
'n Supervlsorif iVccounL! . v i
G. B. Miller ,i 14 (M 14 Oil
James Fisher,.. . . ,r; 1 Id 00
It. B. Pien-e...... .i 14 t, 14 00
M. E. Richardson.. .1 (Mi 3 00
H. tF. Hall . 70 00 I HHni
J. SeolIanL.V lU OOj 10 (M
I. B. Vandale.. 72 o ' !
Mr. D. Hart man, . O iO I 2 (M
M.-IL Moore... . -20 tM 1 . 2o O0
Wm. Bents. .:. . . . 24 M 24 00
Election Account. ; '.
F. A. Bell. ..... .. . .ts 3'. ;00 j $ 2 .TO
G. F. RHlgers..;. .i 1(M; 4M
E. j I. Shaw. . ... ,4 - "' 2 .".0
Wi'T. Clark.... 2:f IM Cont'd
Wm Hillea'ry.; . . 14 in Ctmt'J
School Dist. No. ip. , 2 -"M , 2 ."ill
F. W. Durbin. ... !:.-.. 42 7k) 42 :)
Criminal Account. ? , ;.. !
Carson & Adams. 2 00 $ 20 . M
I'ostage ,ecUHt.
P. Terrell S -1 7oS$
1 1. Downing. . , . ..'
II. Robin 1. . .. . . .
W. S.
Haydeii. . .
Durbin. . .
Tarpley . : .
Taylor. . .
"f '
2 M
:t s
5 (Ml,
0 ."50
1 7
2 (HI
.'( M
5 M
5 7)
Account. 5
L.,ti$ 2 00
. 2 (M
Inspector J
(m: $
Stationary Account.;
Gervais Star. . . . ... .i$ S Ot): $
Court House 'and Jail.
John Hughes. .. . . :.$ 14 So! $
Steiner Vrug Co . 10 H
Gray Bros...... , 1 To-
S. IL, White & Sn.. 2 75J
25 (M
8 Ot)
14 S3
Kl' (Ml
12 "it
a.Hlv have caus.Hl some dise.tssion
among military h.!storian., says tl?
New York Times. Nailed shoes were
nt known by the Greeks, for Xeno
plion gives minute Itjsiructlons for
hardening the hsjf. Nor dUl tlw Ro
mans iiso-them. Nero had mules sl.ol
with a plate of . silver fastened by
crosl thongs to the hoof. With Pop
paea. his later wife. It is saM - those
plates were of goU. The earliest 1 os
itiye' eviIect of nalKd Khoes i fur
titshed by the skeleton of a hors found
in tlK tomb of Chimeric I. (45H-S1 1 at
Tnurnaj-, J11 K5.!. '
Ministers at Pekln Arc jSlIII at
".";' ; "I : -
Some Point In China.
Battleship Orrjfon IUporle
J Afliore
near Cbe Koo lSKixtanre Has
Been Sent Her.
President . Is quitting
20 - The
Wasblugtoii fr
his. Canton home tonight.' full 'of
fldence that the situation
has" improved. 'though it is
that all memlHTs of his ofli
do not agre ?witlt I1I111 it
elusion. lndeHl, the day's
i China
fair to 'say
Hal fainilr
that Cm-
news, liiu-
IUmI though It v(n to a shigle cable-
r .... t .
; "The Pilgrim's Progress" has recent
ly been translate! Into Chinese by na
tive linguists and illustrate by native
artists. The pictures have the eomLcal
grotcrMpioness . of Thine-e conception,
and to English or American readers of
Bunyan's work are very funny. Chris
tian ha so long pigtail, the dung.on of
tlieGiait Despair is tlie familiar wsd
en cage of Chinese criminals and the
angeis are orrayeo in tne latest pr-
luctions of the modistes of Peking.
gram from Admiral Kempff, and the
preparaiion or ine instructions tu
General Chafft,' st. out iilotliiiig cal
culated to strengthen the hopes of I,
friends of the! foreign miiiislers and
missionaries, who have now I nimi si
lent lor fully two yceks.
ivempir s cainegratn wa
point men t in bis confess
knew nothing of the whe
the missing p-opie, aii.l
a disap
that h.
realKMits of
then arex
many exprssions of Wonder tiiat
neither that officer nor 1 ny of the!
foreign naval commander at Taku
have Im'h'H iugeiiious enough to estab
lish some system of spyinir, so as! to
learn within two weeks what has:
taken place 'at Pekln. Still, it is said
at the Navy Department tliat it 'would
At Itosco Rcale. on the
of Ve
Ck D,
J. Av;
llerrick. . . , . .$ 10 (Kli
Irvine..,..;.;, tit, Hit
:. Military. Acconnt.
O. 'N. ,'G. 4 . . ..$
Assessors .Veouot.
Ilolmrt. ... .?.$ 24 m
- Cominissoners. !
Davis. .. 1'7 40
Mlley., .... A i. 15 IM
$ JO Of
CT--UL 83 30
San Francisco. I Juner 20. The Hardy
Pi-oth?rs. Samuel V, wisl Chalrles Suu.
tur. double tenuis; champions -of the
Pacitk coast, will enter all fle JmiYirt
ant tournaments hi tli East tills k-a-son.
TlK'ir first tournament ivill bi at
("lik'ago. July 9th. on, the eourts of Oie
IvenviKsl Country (iub. fr the West
ern championship in Singles.. jNext they
will cross racir--ts at the oon 'tourna
ment at Magnolia. ,Mass. ( u .Tuly 2TV1
they will enter tlie Eastern -Championship
eloublcs and singles for the Ixng
woml cup at the Ixngwool Crlcket.
ilub. ISostotu On Jiily 31st thy w ill
1l:ty at Newcastle, X II.. oa it lie Hotel
MVent worth courts, -i August ; 34th .will
I find them at Newport, entered for tho
I nited States jsatMial championship
suvius. ne'ar l'omiK'ii. where the gre
silver treasure was round a rew years
ago. recent excavations have brought
to light -some of the most romarkalik
paintings of tin Roman eriol yet dis
covered. In tlie groumls of the IM
I "r Ifeo ville a 'groa t peristyle 'and four
large, rooms have been tineartlud. th
walls of i which are -overel with 2ii
large flrescoes of rich coloring and
more careful Vxeeut Ion. ;than any hith
erto known. The figures , ii re of life
size. ."",(''''
A cat belonging to a fire company in
Cincinnati recently d;sapjeared and
was not found "for thirteen days
greatly to the amazement and 'grief, of
.ts on ners. who ea relied for It throtiirii
out tli. entire iH'igJTv)rJiool of the en
gine hous. TheTreffojHs were iiually
lewankl when tjgiwas "d!scverel
PiirkHi umler rf ton of. -hay that had
recently 'flioori tliSM)siteI In the estal-
lisbment: He had Inen there 'for all
that time and when taken out. though
very thin and sick, gave evidence that
Ik was yet abk to purr. under caresses
and -icnew his natural avocation as a
rat catcher. 2
Twice-a-wcek Statesman. $1 a year.
Berlin. June 20. The German consul
at. Che Foo telegraphs nrnk'r elate of
June iNt.h.' tliat nothing Js known e-on-cernlng
the foreign ministers. He adds
that tle railroad U-tween Taku , and
Tien Tsin was still threateivd. aisl
tliat the iKKoIwrdtiM-nt of Tien Tin oi
the west continues, though the Chinese
shells expUsle badly: It was also said
that three residents haI been killed or
i and - . -CUMATIC
NthlBK trat Vocl
rrgwdror rhm e(
Climate will cur .
T-t specific la
Elj's Cream Balni
It Is qaicktr sb
totbed, fi rt relief at
one, opens - a a
elesnM th nasal
juiays tnnamiriuon. Heats ana pro
tects the Membrane. Restores the
Sense of Taate and EmelL No Mer
cury. 2o Irjvrloua drug. Tter-Ir
Slie, N) cent ; r'am'Iy aiz. SLOO at
lros:g!t.t or b mail. -.;--'
New fork. ...
A. IU White.... ....
(L P. Terrell.... ....
Lawrence Lumb. Co.
Chas. Booth. . . . ....
Mike Donahue.. ....
A. M. Bliustou.. ...
Of V fEpIey. ;. ...
D. S. Bent ley & Co..
Chas. Heinz. .. . . .'
Poble & Bishoti...-.
m. Prowu'fe Sons...
J. Soollard...... ....
J. N. ; I hi vis. . . . ....
Apsimd -& Smith...'
Ri hes & Steedhammer
John Liebtv. . . .
C. M. lUnkle....
a I. Hart man
A. Essoin...
S. T. Holmrt.... ....
A. W Ibdmes.... ..
Smith.;. ... ....
Sehmelzer.; ,
B. Herrlck Jr....
W. Stege...... ..
-Will Evansi. ... . ...
Gray Bros. ; ... . . . j. ,
J. Be w ley, ... . .
J. K. McCoy. .. . . ..j
James Smith....
Wm. Miley. !
. a 50
r, io
27 44
4 (M
.1 05
2( (M
0 15
7 7(
3 Oil
20 irj
1 75
25 M
40 (M
1 .TO
.15 43
12 (M
5 IM
i 4
Washington, June 20. Alsiuf 14rt va
cancies exist In i the lower grades of
the Army. They will lie filled shortly
from the ranks.! West Point; and civil
life.: M.ny vmnnci s also ex:st in th.
Navy." To ihet these to-eils Uiany men
hare been granted crniiss.on ; to np
Iear lK'fon tlw Army 1 0.1 ids shortly
1 or. i-iaiiiioauoii lor , commissions as
SefHid Lientenauts. Ottleers fife
neeIed In Cuta anl tbe Phniipplues, as
"Oh, mail goislnessT excIalmM lit
tle' A lie, Lincoln Snow, "I wish I wuz
la'ik de little -boy in dis , hyer story
lxx.k." .;
-WlHifrerr' asked his mother.
"IvjJH1 hit sex he went to ilied wif de
chickens." Philatlelphla I 'resit.
lie manifestly
criticism uion
unfair to
him, until
pronounce a
iJll the facts'
Washington, June 20.
Department has leen inait
el with the terms of the
lKtwe-n the consuls am
looking to the p rot eel ion
eign interests in the southe
in Chiuiii. The first step
was inditstiiMl in Secret
cablegram, of last WihIih
American consuls in Chii
ing tlieun to take diroe-t a
of waiting op jiossibh
tious with' Minister Congt
tliorixel. Consvii General
Shanghai, and probably 1
In the South, liega'n negt
the vicroys and Tae Til
resiHotlve districts. Tlie outcome
the nine! articles of aznl
text is' withheld here frt
tion, but it is undcrstod
eral puisise is to make
Chinese treaty iwrts at
The' State
' acquaint
agrH'iiient vieroys.
of the for-
hi provinces
Ito this end
ry Hay's
sday, to the
1. atitlioriz-
tion instead -
r. I litis au-
Jisidiiow, at.
v'ral others
at ions willi
is of their
incut. The
ui pniinca-
hat tlie p'li
neiitral the
Nankin an 1
the .foreign
ty jwirts. an 1
well as the United States.
St. Paul. Minn.. June 20 fTbe State
Railroad Coniiuisshai trslay) lilel- a
notice with thei Northern' Pacific arid
St. Paul &. Duluth railroads., 'to the
effee-t that.' after -Investigation', of the
matters of the absorption, reeentlj. of
. . .M-p, jiiti-r. lilt"'
' ' t ......1. ...... 1 . . i
hum nm ii o-i nun .irausier io
. . .-
2 (M
2 (IO
15 5
lt SO
1 25
3 IM -1U
.30 (M '
-7 (M
3 50
7 70
3 OO
20 Vtl
' 75
25 M
4 (M
35 43
12 (M
5 (M
10 so
1 25
n M
IO 121
30 (M
227 IM
lie illegal and void.
I Pauper
X. Sin It b
It. Jessun. .. . .
Harritt & Lawrence..
Stolner Drug Co....
Mrs. Davis. ... ....
A. IV Anderson .... . .
Can. Luinli. Co.....
Mrs. Sarah Wallace.
Tilda . Cedman . ; ... .
Knox & Murphv.'...
W. II. llobsem
Salem Hospital
Rigdon '& Clotigh.
A. B. Bunn. ..;
Jno. Jlughes.
J. D. Shaw
E. I)ovns..
1 ,
10 50 10 50
IS 00 IS (M
0 35 0 :r
,14 CM 14 4Hi
2 Oft 2 50
2 50 2 50
1 50 1 50
103.O5 iai ti5
14 25 , 14 25
52 45 52 45
3 (W v3tJS
5 OO 5 (M
H (M' ( (M
. 7 W . 7 ( )
35 m il 35 CJ
10 IM 5 00
24 00 :
! .
Jersey City. X. J.. Junei 20 The
adjourned ease in . which 1 Thomas
O" Bria n Was clia rgeel by t;li ; Fit-b-burg
Railroad ConijMiny with malici
ous f mischief, in f remnvliiig signal
lamps at Buskirks. jwas again liefore
Justice Call ill :: today. The attorneys
are summing up the case, and a deci
sion l expected soon. ,1 -
. Horseshoes are. of Uncertain date.
Tlds Is tlie story of . twin tisters. nnd
the leception praHh-ed by one who is
Woildly on the other, who pride ler-
self hmOi her piety, says the Philadol
plna Uieoid. Altliwugh tliey have
rcaciied the agi of seventy. Joth old
I.idKs, uutll rechtly. have enjoyed tlie
eso iiea nil. Ito t: of late one of the
s!-ters, who is an old maid and live
a.r alone over the j West Piwlade'Ijihla,
has len ailing a bit. This iti the pious
one. The other sister, w1k is i widow
and has had her' fling at the world, ad-
1 it t a tonic. ; i
10.1 are all iruft down." she said.
"What you need ds; something to ..race
yen up ami keep you In good spirits. I
win win you 1 some medicine lomor-
iew.' Wliat the worldly s!ster aciially
dld was to bur a 1k)i tie of nreo.ire.1
cKktaiU and c4refully wash the label
fT. ',-';" ( j j . '. -
-Now.? said 'she.; as she pricsc;ntel it
to the invalid, j'tbia is very expciiKive,
and I don't want vou 10 gU? a taste
of It to a soiil. Take t .ill yourself, nn.1
wineglassful altout every three
take a
Tin next day
a vfit to her
the rvidow ag-iin pakl
old luaid t'.s-.vr and
found a great state, of atTa'i-s. Ti.e old
lady, -who had. (never laabjd li.pior In
her Iffe liefore, was in a 7e-cjdeilly
hilarious hwmmI. I M v, young .as I
did fifty years ago," i,le confided to
bet sistef. "That tonic Is he - fh.es t
(hlng in -tlie; WorIL 111 iieel anotlier
bottle tpmorroW. Where can I buy it?"
Hankow. : Neutrallz;tlioiiw would
volve a withdrawal of
men-of-war from the tre
also of any foreign troops or sailors.
leaving to the Chinese authorities and
residents of Shanghai and other xrt
the preservation of. onlerl The ngre-
ment Is Itelieved to have come to the
State Department through Mr. ,Wn.
the Chinese minister, ami Is probably
One of a iiuinlier of identical notes ad
dressed to the Euroienn iiowers an I
the United States. The Cabinet fail-.
,h1 to ratify the agreement at today's '
meeting. In fact, the document in
its incption and various stages of.
development will lie regardcil. proj
erly. ojH'n to such doubt as to war
rant the .belief that the foreign con
suls, as a Issly, 'ertalnly never en
tered Into an agroeMneMit.
Ixtndon. June 2I. There Is abso
lutely no authentic word as to the
whera!suts of tlie ineijiilsTK of the
legations, although nbtiiidant r,ejsrts
from Chinew sources sij- that they
were safe a few 'days ajgo.
Shanghai. Jniie 20.-1 1 is
ri'imrtiil here
that the United States battleship Ore
gon is ashore, .fifty mile's north
die Foo. ,' '. - !, .
Washington. Juno vn.J-lTn to
n gut tonight no official
lHHnr meivefl In Washington.
ing npiin the report tha
ship t'regou had gone usl
r OO. ; I
t the battl
lore near-Che
Indon. June 20. The Shanghai cor-
resjioiident of tlnf Times telegraphing,
Friday, says: TThe Utmeshfp Ore
gon went ashore in a jog. off 1 loo
Kle island, thirty- fivetolles north of
Che Foo. Messrs. Jardinc. Mathh-son
& Company are sendiiiLr her asslst-
Washington. June 20. The Navy De
partment Is thaklng arrangenieiit to
maintain anample supply of coal at
cemveulentiolnts, for naval use In
event of aerious trouble in the Orieut.
fT."5.?!?A0-.t,5,ptrV .-'l disease, of th eneratiT
- - tvm., m,umj w. nrrogi tTOSinuoo, l-'alllDir er IOst Huhood.
if.lA.WHPP P R ESTO R E D-m "21251
, - iVMtafr, am Pmniuoii f.I a Kunran r r-wi ili
t i PeTTutiaor oun mum m ,.t Um inmii,. .,,. .. .
; v f 1 - .MiHnl ,i.r....
f . K-r-T i.i m i:.iuhmi r rwi ptjyxi-mn, will qnU-kiy cura rou of all
I nrrruuaor iw-srrf tl. r-o-i-jive ,u.,n, mmeh mm lmm.i lliiik lai.l:
rr"" i. '.Tr? '" -----". - ikitio. niPiM
I tTtVIt LlVt J".'-. , " 1 . Vr-M--l- mxmt enMlpila
Ifi? M? T4 "'""' " th" hrrwr of itnDotmiry. U ri DMI; cli--i tli
Urer. the k klw va mjul Mriri,i-.i...j .111 1 .- .-1. i--' Z, T
BJKl TK-sonsy cont,: " - -u-usuislui
ruarx . Itw-n i aerd my I--lorir-l i 6 hoXM a.mm u t-am rm-lt ui t U. 2J 1 2.
bina'. K-nl for rnuw rlPMrlnr and U-oiiuoiiHis. T i -, hwMnw(Ma
-knuUJL VOL Hi-illetMli vU l-.aBaimH.nriDcco.Cl . , '
' :,.'v'-j.v'':---!;'lv;:.'-;'-K:V''.;-. : -' -';--"V";l . .v'.v:. TV"-'"'"'
WaXbinglon. .June' 21). Tlie Na ry I-
parttnent this niorning! receirinl the
following caliiegrain from Admiral
I KempfT: v
V "yiv? Foo. June 20. Secretary of the
Navy: IVkln relief expedition now in
Tk-n Tsin with 200 sick iind wotiiKled.
The ministers and Pekln. party are not
with them. .No news from the in."
The Department was j also advised
this morning that Admiral Remey. 'on
tlie Brooklyn, lias arrived at Hons
Kong, en route to Takuj The Brook
lyn will sail tomorrow for Taku via
Nagasaki.; ;
AN INSUNE.-dan.es si Fisher, as
33 years, was received t tlv Oresn
hospital for the Insane la t night.
Fine printing. Statesman Job Office,