Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, July 03, 1900, Page 1, Image 1

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    CLjS"X-fXit"ur u"WV yvr f ' r" wa w 2
iniMVEEXLY shctisns
VAJ, -i.J. 1. . . i
- ) . i ' - - I "."."""' J - - - "if" '-" ':'- :" - - ' ';
Officials In Washington Distorted
by Kcmpff's Reports. V
Required for th Operations Betwcca tbe
Coast MTl-kl-Tfa Powers Ac "
ept M iksdo'a Offer. ',-
WASIIINfJTONj Julj: 2--Bad newn
t hi-s morning from Admiral Kempfr.
confirming tbe' worst stories which
have emanated from Oilna relative to
the condition at Pekin. and the feel
ing of disquiet was noticeable among
the administration officials and diplo
mats. T1k Oerman embassy showed
IMirtieuIar anxiety j for fhe Information
resi-ctlng the sad end of Baron vou
Ketfelcr. : . i , " . ;
It was said, this afternoon, at the
State Department, that the only news
was that there seemed; to be an unani
mous agreement on the part ,of the
lwers to welcome, with the utmost
cordiality. Japan's offer to furnish re
inforcements for the forces now oier
atlng along the Pel llo river, in the
effort to reach lVkln. las Japan alone
of the powers Is prepared to throw
Into China whatever nuniber of troops
may lie needed. The news to that 'ef
fect has come to the State Department
from all directions, and jwirth-ularly
from England. Russia and France.
" As far as the State Defiartmeut is
oncerned, it had practically accorded
Japan a. free ha.pl in the matter of the
numlier of troops to ;be employed in
China, nion the voluntary and courte
ous statement of the purpose of the
employment of these forces.
Americans yorxiKi.
- Washington. July 2 The Navy Ie
part men t tonight received the follow
ing calHegra m from Admiral KempfT;
j 'The casualties to date are: CorjKir
al James F. lJintiigan. Private J.IC
Milb-r, W. It. Morris, IE. M. ProvciisaL
John Hunter, W. If. Nichols. Itoat
swaiu . mate T. Thonfti. Onmier's
Mate R. Benson, Apprentice " II. A.
Rromaii, Landmaut II. H. Ktewn.
seriously wounded: j Ca,let Taussig,
swain's Mate.T. Tliomas. tStinnerl
Thomas and thirty-four others slightly
wounded. The ship's crews of all na
tion arc re-enilKirking. The soldiers
and iiiMrliH'S remain I ashore. Captain
M'alla Is on duty.'" j
Captain McCalla ivas reKrtl as
wouudeil lii a previous cablegram, so
i he latt news Indicates that he was
not badly hurt. ji
Washington; July 2-Tl Xavy De
partment has reeelvHl the following
from Admiral Kemplf, .without date:
Chec Foo 8-retary of the Xavy,
Washington: Itauner from 1'ekln re
IKirts legations are lNicged; - provis
ion. -nearly exhaustHl; situation des
lierate. Herman minister gohig to
Tsuug II Yamen murdercl by Chlues
shliors. American, Italian. Iuty (?)
h-K.it ions burned. Twenty thousand
Chinese soldier inside. outside
IVklu; reisrtil lsund for Tien
Tsin: still lighting atj TUu Tsin.- Com
niunicatiou with Tien Tsln by rail and
river Insecure.! j i
Tlie - wrd "Duty In Admiral
Kempft s tTJspatch I taken to mean
"lutch,' in refefeufie to that legatlou.
Iimion. July .0.
"jriie ani"S are not
arlvancin fori tlsi
relief of lVkln.
'I'lilJ illllllllllM-Ollli-Ilt
to the House vt
Comm.' ps. ?y William St. John uroti
- rick. Under -erctary of State for
l oreisii AO'aii-sj whs r"ceivel with ex
la matioiis of itstoolshmeut and dis
may. Sir Thomas jAshmead Bartlett
InqulrtHl for any Informatltnt that had
I wen r-H-elved fnnt the legations at
I'ekin. or as to the ifimiiosltion ami
t.mmaml of tlie relieving force ami
of the prsMit position. ImslerlcK
n-ad tlie dispatches receive! today,
aiMl sahl Hie lotal alllwl forces avail
able Is now about 1S,. as the troops
have, lsen rapklly advancing, adding:
-We do mit yet know what arrange
ments have liccii made locally regartl
ing the cotnuiand of the expedition.
Iiut it has not Is-eit tlMrtight iiossPile
to attempt a mrther advance. The
consuls Iiave ls-en In coninmnication
i. . i. in tii Van it Tse re-
...-. ............. . .. .. .
glen, and they nr quite well aware
that support will jbe given tliem by
Her Majesty's iSovernnunt In pre-
..i- i it i i.tWusIt lmiMjss-
It.le that the ! ixiiresentatlveS of - the
. . i ..i. i., uiwiiit 1m ronsulted.
iiincis hi a ...........
as no i-ommunieatioii are iwssing be
tween them, a -n...
sitnatun Is desnerate. lias-
ten. These! words from a message
of Von Itergeu. a tmmtr ot uip"";
tn.. iva-ln iinterslgnel
v bv Sir lluliert Hart. Insiiector geneml
of customs, and dated nine days ago.
r the tlMMiic of ail urivate comment.
Tlev are piei4jfiiig for news of a.
r. !..;,.. vino tlavs asn tbe
llliUIIIII T .
amnuuiltiou of te little garrison of
deienIing foreigners was rnnnius w
...i r.wl nix n)i rl v (xhaustel.
U1KI llirii . -. . . -
while arouol them was a horde of
Kansu braves, having at tneir enR-
.- u roiM-at in" riflis. I tv
ii ii i 'i ' , i .- - -
kin -was . in the hands of revolotkm-
While nothing bnt isinlsier news
comes from Northern China, Southern
fhi.... ii .HTiihii:lv breaKing nwa
from the empire. All provinces south
of the bellow river, whose viceroys
and governors maintain friendly rela
tions with tlie fiowers through the
'xi r- wru miWDMIty COUSti-
tuted Into a confederacy with Xanktn
as tli -tiiti . .
-w x'IIHl . - i ....
lierlin. Julv
catwl sources a rtiresentatlve of tlie
Associated Fress is able to state that
today, after a detailed statement by
Count von Itueiow, Secretary of Kute
- k iin-imi Anairs. regarding the
Chinese situation. Emisror William
male up hi mind to insist upon full
satisfaction - for
... . u.u Vi UUIUU
vdn . Ketteler, for . whh-h purioe he
resolved to send nltncoti
forces. snnmilmiifiSlr imto i
'"- "iwr powers wno are chiefly
luirrvNuti in restoring order In China,
A considerable portion of the Uerinan
fleet will lie sent slam Onlim v
IssikhI tonight to prciiare live new
imuiFKuijm jor sailing. , , ; - j - -BAD
Tien Tsin, Jnue 20, via Shanghai,
July G- A courier from Kir Roliert
Hart, InsjsH tor general of i customs
af 1'ekln, has Just arrivwl. , He left
IVkin 3Ionhiy. June 25th. and reitorts
the situation desperate. On June 18th
he reiiorts Haro'n vou Ketteler, the
Oernmn minister, was kllhML All the
legations 'except the British. German
and Italian have .wm-ii destroyeL Tlie
diplomats ami mlssiomir1-8 are In the
British legation under rifle fire, s Can
nou commauil the legations, but they
are not lieing useil. : 5 f
Captaiu McCalla, commander of the
Xewark, estimates that riO.OOO soldiers
will be riHinired to relieve the minis
ters I nlVkiu.
Experiences of Son of the Salem Tremaare
Ilanters on "Their Wsy to the
Cape Nome Mine. !
UXIMAK TASS, Alaska, June' 4.
Editor Stab'sman: As I write we are
forging ahead steadily toward Dutch
Harbor, where we expect to arrive le
fore tomorniw morning. For the first
time since leaving Astoria we saw
laud today. : In the early momiiis
someone announct! land on the horl
koii; we hurried up the hatchway and
saw in the dim distance," rising from
the face of the waters, two j snow
crowueil isiiks. We .traveled toward
them all day till the afternoon mists
hid them from view. At one time five
peaks were In sight. Mile . after mile
we galu-d on the land till at about 3
in the afternoon we entered the nar
row channel of Unlmak I'ass. It is
very narrow, not Wing more than half
a mile wide, the tide rushing through
strongly. Ou both sides the moun
tains came down abruptly to tin? wa
ter's edge. They are lsire, ragged,
missiiaiHUi nuiwMK, their toJis and shies
covered with snow. The islands ami
the surrounding waters wetii to be the
home of myriads of waterfowl.: Gulls,
sea oarrots, sea pigeons. s-a swallows
and dm ks are to ! seen by the thous
and. The ducks are so tame tluit they
scarcely-fly'' at the approach of the
steamer.' often diving when tls prow
of the vessel is almost upou'then) and
coming up on one side or to tlie rear
of the vessel. : f;:
til r th Siil.-iiiits are hi fine fettle
now. luiving recoveretl from their sea
sickness. We have o" ; high-rollers
on board the Xome City. As I write
In the dininK-room of the first cam n.
a game of cards Is going on at the
same table to my right, and at tlie
other end of this same table a raffle
for a watch is Is'ing wnducbHl. two
t.le furtlwr down a game of chuck-
a-luck is lslng carrietl on, while a
nolsv irroun that reminds one or a nive
of Ihh'S swarming, indicate that a crap
is in oroirress, oinssite whieti a
looker game 1 being played. The
lianker of the .era i game, a ousmess
man of Astoria, lost IM feist nlglit,
wbfle one InexiK-rienced player lost a
few dollars on a iwker game and
stayed with the game to recover his
i.Mlhirs.-tm he nuit a loser to tue ex
tent of f la He had 20 cents left
with which to commence, mining ai
Xome. The boat winks at tBe gam-
Lltnic. as It sells lots of Iiqnor for
them. It Is a new exn-rlence to Us to
th wav the business of the boat.
1 conducted. Tbe stewards awl crew
r.. the most iart inteml to quit at
Nome, so they are perfectly indiffer
ent about losing their jo!. They are
trvlns to make as much a possuue
: ' ....it.i., ihlr lolis. Bv paying
ciinlii or waiters, steer-
one VI 1 " 'T - ' . ' .
ace issengTS n smuggle them-
41 " . . C, a ..l.i,, 1 1 r anil
mivis Into ine uw -
bv dally tips to the waiters can live
ol the tat of the lamL 1 heard one
waiter tell anotner: $ -
that cheap guy with the long
wh!fdcprs? He thinks we are here for
our health. 5ive hi ni cold grab till
he conies up with a tip- t -
KVL hands lrm willing to sell ship
.tores and knmk down the iroceels.
ThTxome CMy 1 ckan awl sare,
Si low boat. io carritn. n abun
dance of the Ist kind of supplies.
The7are unfortunate In their employ
lney an- .enrhe Is
was not well iniormeu
ditions, or misrepresented tliem that
Is eonceruing the second class.
Tuesday morning. June 5. At 2J3t
we cast anchor In Dutch Harbor: I
have never seen a .more picturesque
harbor. , It is Ideal. It is shaid some
like a mole shoe. land-locked, nnmn
talu begirt. , The mountains slope
down steeply on all sfclea iuto the liar
hor. protect ing it fully from heavy
storms. ISefore we came in sight of
the harbor there was great anxiety
among tin? iKissenrers to kaow twbetb
er any Isiats would be In tlie harbor,
or whether they had all cleared ror
Xome. As we rounded the point i a.
fon-st of masts and smokestacks came
Into view.; Then a cheer lroke loose,
for we knew we would not lie the last
to get in. We found tbe St. Paul,
Liiflla, Itanier, S;m Pedro, Aberdeen,
Homer, Zelandia, Charles Xelson,
Rosalie, Geo. W. Elder, -Ohio. Roan
oke, Oregon. San Bias. Elihu Thomp
son, the revenue cutter Rush and the
gunboat Wheeling, Isoldes jailiug ves
sels, sealers and smaller craft. Sev
eral have come in todav i Jnnn iHhi
and the Oregon and several others
cieareu ior tue north toiiay. lien Tay
lor and myself got out our 'jigging"
tackle, and lwfore I liad mv line to Hm
iKittom I felt a jerk and uulled u a
cood-slzed skehiiu. - A iuoiniit or two
later I felt a pull as though I had
roistl a , yearling. I was fishiiia In
about twenty fathoms of water. It
siK-iiHHi a lona time iierore my Vjii feet
of line was lulhd In. I fnniul at. tli
eutl of it a" tine, halibut weigliiug about
18 or 20 iiouuds. My next tlsh was a
c-oil. then a sole.' Bn csiuht soles
and ftoiinilors. Tlu ll'liHn S:1" liail
sixty Jwunds less fish when we qtiit. J
a 1
e sen i mem tiown.io me commissnry
department and we thought we woukl
get some fresh fish. I gmss our
mouths will continue to water, as we
heard that thev wer nruil at the of-
ltHra mrHM ml wo iltiln't rt n tsntp
. The -Steamer' Seuator. one. of the
ome neet, wntie on tue way to tue
Cniui oniimntorfHl :i t:iri'i tlt'lil nf !
and was auchoriMl to this lea field for
a day or two before putting back for
this point. She come into tats harbor
i nis morning. ,
dories along as freight. We anchored
-1 if
alsiut 2iO yanls off shore, lie lowerctl
his Isiats ami is doing a land ( onice
business takimr nassenircrs nsliore for
25 cents for the round trip. lie is
making a nay. J ne vessels put
ffru? Into Dntch Harlior to coal create
a laiul office business for the Inhabi
tants here. If one wishes to buy any-
hi ni- jrmi mint tnk vonr turn SImI
Missibly wait an hour or more 4o get
a chance to miy it. urn or iwo en-ii-nuiixl
trio irlth rom missions to bllV
a few little articles for them,, so I
waittl my turn .which took nearly an
hour; I tokl the clerk wnat. I wanitni.
ii. iiiiwiv mi his luinils and said:
"Heavens, man, I haven't time to pat
up tlmt big list of things; come around
jirain." and he commenced waiting on
someone else. I finally; succeeded .In
getting, the various things by going to
different-clerks and siiendlng: lots of
time. Scores or jieople crowdetl i the
counters, anxious to Is? rid, of their
money. I would .like to own the store
for a week or two. The wharf at
Dutch Harlwr presents st, busy vight,
Ttslay two men could iiut agree, so
thev stood up aud had a fight with
their fists. They hit savagely, knocks
Ing each other down several times.
There was a rush and lief ore the fight
was over, two thousand petiph? were
erauliig their necks and tiptoeing to
see the ctmdwtants. This forenoon
(June f.thi Ben and Oscar Taylor.: and
tlie writer went asliore. We fell in
with many Salemites and old friends
who were on other Ism ts. We vlsitwl
the AlHrileen ami liad a very pleasant
cliat with Mrs. Xichol. who formerly
nuinagetl the Postal Telegraph Com
nt Kakin. We saw -Bert Hatch,
and met Jeff ami Al Owinn and Jack
Ryan. We sat down ou luc son
springy, moss-like ground and while
fhattlmr. Mr. Holman and
Jesse and Lee ;eorge came up, then
Miu. Anna Xk-hol. We baa an
across the island aud ere waiting to
be ferrletl over to Unalaska. Miss
Fannie -Mann, who Is teaching in u
I.-.. mhni -nm over and we had
a regular reuulon of Falemites. Oth
ers Joiuetl our group ami we cavu n-j
tmrted about conditions on im? Tori
Thorv liarp laen deaths, shoot-:
ing scrapes and various otlier excite
ments on the ot tier ooais, aim
ous stowaways have turned UP
Instants, the San Bias had sixteen hid
away in her coal sacks. Al and Jetr
flwinn ami Jack Ryan had made a
-graft" on Isuird tlie Elder. Ben ami
I are not slow, so lictween u we
bad a fine lunch. i
The aove nametl. with Oscar Tay
kr, and two other pawwigem from the
Ekler. took a jannr across tlie Island
nd ate our luurh by the deep blue
waters of the Behrinjf Sea. after which
we went up the beach a few miles and
rested br a cold, clear spring of snow
water till theiide was low, wh
gathered a big supply of shell fish ami
ate them for snrHer. They were de
licious.; W found quite a few pearls
in the hells, but not large mouph to
be of ooiuruercial value. We ickl
up quantities of sponge, sea-urchins.
I-retty ihclls, and -picket! a rctty
white flower tlmt rtsemb1ea a st ra w
l,?rry bki'ss.m; also Violets and sever
al other wild flowers. I never saw
such rieh soiL , Tlie hillsides and the
mountains jam covered with snow.
Someone has set fire to the dried grass
and It Is burning on several of the
luiaintaiua up to the; snow, line op
lsisiie to where we ''had our clamliake
was what Iuil once tsen a good-sixel
Iieak. but its tip had been bio Wu off,
leaving an ugly, gaping crater;!. The
lava tuts flowed in some queer forms,
in one place ; forming an almost ier
f ect a rch of mason work. the., stones
scheming to be regularly laid With some
lighter colored rock siutHzed into Um
tracks, that: gives it the apiwarahee of
plaster, between tlie rocks.
On one of the islands the post office
Is called Udakhi. On the other Island
is it celled Unalaska. A native boy
icrneu me over io ine oii liussniu st't
tleiaeut and mission. He charged IO
cents. : i I asked - him how much he
could luake a. month, lie said; "not
very much. mayte so twenty, thirty
dolhi nitiutu. Yestertlay make fort y
dolla rs.. one; da y da nm gootU da mn
glad, 1hih lots more boats come,
Uualaska is a very interesting' place
to visits One can see all complexions
and countenances iure Russian,
Aleutian, Russian and Indian mixed,
etc.; I visited the native houses. The
t'overumeut, has built them small, but
neat eabtus: back of these are many
native fa mllies living In eartlr .hrnn.
In front of the entrance is the king.
light anl graceful skin boat, or tlie
beautifully made frame of one -.'Beyond
tlie native houses rises the Oreek
church. Xcar the church is tlie. Rus
sian mission school, established by
Rev. J. Veniawinoff. I greatly regret
not bringing my camera. The -.t! reek
church Is such a p'icturesiue structure
I would like to take Its picture. The
former .ltishop of Alaska and the
Aleutian ; Islands is buried in the
churchyard here. He was called Xes
tor. though his correct title was Baron
Xlcholas Vass. He was a lieutenant
in the Imperial Russian Xiivyi He
died in St.; Michaels In 18S2. We see
the Xome IsKits and other craft ply
ing ovtvr "the sea's green .garden bed.
- '.
r-.. -l.r
i '
mw i : i -' I - .. . r a i -m ,
l f . - . -
which.-, tempests . till and sea winds
ttu n mid pKw," and it Is a-verr pretty
sight. WejexiKt-t to tie delayed here
a iweck. coaling and- waiting : for re
Hnrts of the condition of the ice to the1
Tlie following letter from Mr. Lock
ley, the first one written to tlie States
man by that gentleman after-.lie left
Astoria. iis lst-n delayed some where,
and was ttselvcr in the same mall
wRIr the one. publislstl alsive;
On Hh Pacific, iiefiveen Asl6ria ami
CaiK? Xome, June I. Ilitr; States
man: i'our rentiers Will tlouiitless Is'
noieor less Interestifd In those letters
when I arrlve at Caie Xtime ami de
scllls? the! condition, tlierei however,
a letter written aboard tlie Xome City
may prove of interest. We arrived at
Astoria, at 4 a. m.. .Sunday iiioruin.
Many of thewssengers, among them
myself.' sjient a 'lewi liours in ksiktng
over that historic stfc I heard music
as I pressel ojen IM swinging sdooi-s
of 'The j Richmond''' A score : of
scantily clad women and? twice that
number ttl men were dancing and
diiuklng. i t he 'revel 1iadleen going
on all night, so that theyf were in all
stages off intoxication. : -AstorOi Is a
tonjcli toWn.' I am tkl by those- who
have livett there. After rt-adlng Wash
ington Irvlug's Astoria and "Cajv
tain Boulieville ! I j would i liave very
much enjoyed staying over a da y or
two and looking up the site of the
riglnal settlement and reviewing the
historic ussticiatJo'nsi of a place so in
timately connected with tle early his
tory, of Oregon and thoi Northwest
coast. : -;-'. J r1 -":
j At VJ3ft we liade onW sister t ship
the OtH. JW. Elder, grsslbye aiwl start
ed seaward. Ieiis of little fishiug
boats were skurrylue In Is'fore the
f reslieniiig breeJte. j Soon we were at
the seven-inile-wMe; month of tlie lord
ly' Columbia, passing letween" Forts
Canby a ud Stevens. Tlie me t;ity
Isgan to' Isjw gracefully as she wtruck
the rough water on;tbe liar Soon ler
Is wins became pitching and one by
ne tiakJ tribute' to Neptune. One of
the first to get seaftk-k was Iten Tay
lor. We had eatn a fairly good
breakfast, so I counselled Ben to stay
With It. telling him that breakfast was
a needles exense 1 bo lad only
eatert Itjto throw It up. IDs only re
ply was; Oh fell . with breakfast:
what dd I care for" the expense now.
He soon had company ami plenty of , It
Tlie flshi must have thought we were
Ivlnsr them a surprise party, and
brinjrlnfi slonc onr own provision.
Men lay on the deck rolling with every
pitch and heave of the vessel. Few
es-apel It. T was anionz the last to
snccnmSi. I went5 down to the lioki
Tor a stool fnr Bert to sit on. and ron
on all side of iim were hearing and
groaning, ami tlie s'ights I saw and the
otlors lisinellrtl were too, much.- My
lreakrast maIe faster progress on the
return trip tlian It dsl going down.
11 a ay f the iasse:nsers have not yet
-' ' ' -
" . . I
left their bunks, and this is the sixth
day out. Thos. Holman, II. C Wartl,
Frank Kaiser and Ben Tayku were
alsKit the sk-kest. They are all on
deck now arguing as to which was the
sickest, each claimiug the hoinir.
Reeves, Basbor, Jesse lieorge, myself
aud several other Salemites were af
fectetl very little. When they were
feeling their worst I heard one man
say: "Ami to think I mortgaged my
ranch for this. Ben was saying In a
wte-ts'gone voice: "Why didu't I take
Tlilks advice ami stay at home. Why
In thunder can't tlie blamed old tub
siuk ami put us out of our misery?"
Oscar very much Incensed him by tell
ing hi in he wasn't very sick. - The
secoutl-class msseugers are a rather
disgruntled lot. We tiought stHoutl
class tickets, and when we , got on
lssird, our cheeks read "steerage."
We are piled In tlie hold like sardines.
Thereare 204 of us. and the table only
stmts thirty-six. This necessitates set
ting six tables. The table is between
the bunks, which are in pairs three,
decks high. With the odor of burnt
grease, onion and sk-k men. ami tlie
indescrilia lily "close" smell of an In
sufficiently aired licdroom, one's appe
tite lias to lie pretty vigorous to eat:,
The tood is good and abundant, but
issnly preiared aud wretchedly
served. Tlie steerage steward Is In
competent and very abusive. How
ever, the iHt of gold at the em! of tlie
rainlsiw makes one stand consider
able, even if it does turn out that the
raliilsiw was n mirage, as It doubtleKs
will for W per cent of those who go
up there to miue.
There are men on lioard who have
come thousands of miles to go on this
steamer to Xome. .Two came from
Maine, one from Texas, and the Mid
dle West Is well represented. It Is a
liberal education in geography to talk
to some of the iwissengers. They have
been all over the world ami can talk
at first hand of many interesting
lands. ': ;.' ",:""
There are many old Alaskans re
turning on this steamer. Al Bety, a
Columbia liver pilot, is going up to
take a lioat ou the Yukon. Captain J.
D. Tackalietry is on -board with his
two sous. Captaiu Tackalicrry lias
lieeu ruuuing ou tlie Yukon and Stick
een rivers in Alaska for the iwist four
teen years. In IstsS he was on the
Willamette river run. jThe fare Was
$11 from - Oregon City to Salem, and
$20 from Portland to Eugene. He' was
captaiu of. the Echo for three years.
also of the Reliance. Fauny Patlon,
Oivgon, etc. In IMTO he tHk the stern
wheeler "The Beaver," built by the
Willamette Lock Co., to the Stkkeea
river I learned much Interesting
river news of th earlj days of Salem's
history from him .
I stieud almost all of my (line on
deck looking out over the real less.
heaving bosom of "Old Ocean. If
tliere is anything that wilt give a man
a seus- of his own Insignltlcanee'lt Is
to look as far as tlie eye cau rea-li
and see nofhiug 1 but the tleep blue
ocean' with" its restless sweij. If there
is any poetry In a man. it losses ou the
sifrface of his thoughts, as the foam
is tossed up on the crest of the swell
as it breaks Into spray. Such lines as
Iheso come and go like the gleam of
the sun on' the' face of the waters:
Cunningham's ;
"A wet sheet and a flowing sea,
A wind that follows fast,- '
And fills the white and rustling sail
And bends tlie gallant mast."
Or Byron's ': 'L;
Thou glorious mirror j .
Where the Almighty's forin
. t Mosses itself ill tems-sts."
If anyone Is thinking of cmfng to
Alaska 'secom! class, my advice Is
"iKin't." Our I suit s ra I her slow.
She makes alsiut ten knots an hour.
Just now we have the spanker and the
fore ami main .staysails set, which
pushes us along a little faster. The
Elder showed us 1h.t heels the first
dar out. - flue stowaway lias tnrnei
up and was ut to work In the IsjikT
rtNiui as a stoker.
The chip's 'Ih11, as. well as tlie dumb
dinner Is-M 'of lumper: nnnoum-e tliat
It Is time to los for this tinw.
That Throbbing Headache.
Would quickly leave y. if you uscj
Dr. Kings New Life Pills. Tbu
sank kA suiTerers have proved their
matchless merit for Sick and Ncrm
Headaches. They make pure blood
and strong nerves and build up . ymir
health: ' Easy to take. Try them.
Only 25 cents. Money back if n-t
cured. Sold by DR. S. C STONE,
Druggist. - '
Foreiffners How are your senators
elected? ';
'Amerk-an Xone of them will telL
Tor Infanta and CMlfirea. ,
Th3 Kbd Yea Karu ktezji B::g!it
Sears tha
&iQA tur of
New YJork. July 2. Sixty-seven
toIies of victims of tlie I lot token fire
have 'been recoveretl. Each Itour that
asses witnesses additional recoveries
of Iswlies, scarred, maimed and burned
tieyond all semblance of humanity.
and half has not yet Iwcn told, as alt
tin Isslies brought to tin surface to
day were caught on grappling books,
Cblcajro. July 2. A thumlr storm
that suddenly burst uptm f'hk-ago to
night, tore down tbe tents at- the
Khorassan carnival, corner Lootnl
and Congress strets. caused a iini
among tVHHt reraoua and tlid much
othr damage to iirois-rty. Fire 'deaths
and numerous prostrations resulted
from the intense li-at preceding tli
storm. The tbcriuouetor registered
tl at 4 o'clock- -
Cryaa's follawers Gather for the
Kansas City Convention.
Nebraska llelrjtatM Ufsnatxl that la to 1
B Kmbocllii la rutform ThraaU
f m Ilebellloa Heard.
CITY, Mo., July 2.The
brill of the great National
Is beginning to take ms
thls .-Queen City tr the
Throughout the day there -
tli mi i and
Hossjon of
Sou tli west.
lias lsen tie steady tramp, tramp of
incoming thousands, by every train.
Among tle day's "arrivals are many'
of the interest lug flgures of tlie irjrly,
Ineludiiig jlldliam.of Nebraska, who
will make the speech jdaciug Bryau
In .nomination; Hill, of New York,
Perry Belmont, of New York;' Teller,"
of Colorado; 'Senator Money, of Mis
sissippi; Senators Allen. Ib itfol.it and
Harris, here to aid the cause of Towne.
Arthur. Sewall, the Maine shlp buill
or, who' ran with Bryan four years'
ago; Senator lVttlgrew, Senator Wil
liam A. Clark, of Montana, witli two
bands andj au nliimdauee of eutlius- .
iapm. ' .' ' 1
Aside from "the formal proctcd!ugs,
the day lias brought mauy : develop
uients and soiik surprises In the gen
eral sit nation. The dominating Influ-
euee or nryannver i no convention lias
been niadej manifest, causing some
concern and Just u little rclM?ilIon In
some quarters. It Is mot by any au
thoritative or formal Mords or actions
by him thatthls influence 4s exerted, -j
1'iut In wajfn none the less ctTeclive. -It's
imisirlaiice, however, has not
lieen so much in disclosing how
strong a hand Bryau. holds on the
convcntlon'a etiurse, as in slioWing
thnt there Is little likelihood of a iiuvl
iflcatlon or dilution of the silver platik. -
I he arrival of the Nebraska delega
tion, fresh Ifroni the ctiiifcreiiees with
the leaden was mainly Instrumental
In showing Bryan's altitude. Tlfy
were hardly otT the 'cars I torero tliey
met In csckiis and formally put for
ward a tk-la ration of prluclples. This
expressed jan unalfprable ophihoii
to any surreiier of' the prtnelple of
bini-tnlliiiit. stid a drniand for the
financial, plank making n sisfilie
pletigi for tlie free and unlimited eoln
age of gold and silver at the ratio
of 1 to 1. iiideHndently-of whnt any
otlier Natltui may tin.
Tho n -hiiI lit la n u n ' ln-i'i-nf i-yI ni til.
tie sliort of a nofk-e to the other -delegations
aij to the sentiment of Hie
men very near to Bryan. Some - of
tin-in hadj jiiKt left It 1 1 it. a ml Jub;e
TiblH'ts, heat! of tlie tleleKates at-
large, dint'd with llrynn iin-l tJover
uor Hill at Llmtilu last night.
The platform niust 1m straight-
out for 1t to 1. there Ik iki tiuestloil as
to that," Said Judge Tlhliets.
Kansas ('lly, Mo., July 2. Judge A.
S. Tibls'tK of . Ltueoln, clialriuau of
tlie, Nebraska delegation, said that It
hail I teen accepted as tMmitlre tliat Bry
an would iiot Ih a caudUhite unless tin;
platform contained tlie : specific dot
claratlou in favor of silver at to l.
Tlie return of Senator Hill from Lin
coln without any tangible result which
he was willing to disclose, made it
plain thai his conference '-with Bryan
at Lincoln had come to naught, and It
served s lo to etiipluiKtr the gc tiers I
fe'llng thtit Bryan would not tolerate
any ltiuii4rlrltig oh the platform.
Kansas City, Mo.r July The vice
presidential situation has Hot cleared
up in tht air today,-, and fouight mji
areiity is hi as much dotiht us When
the tk-legates to tlie t National 1 icitio-
cnttlc ta Veil t ion were elected. .'Three
was a shilling of the scene ttslay
when Rctkjamiu Shivcley, of Indiana,
Was takcti out of tlie; race by his own
emphatrej statement. As tlie contest
stands, affter Shlvcleys retirement, the
two leading candidates seeini tt b
Cliarli A. Towne and William Stil7r,
with some man from New York liko
Jmlge Viin Wyck i- El lot t Dan forth
as a iiossiblHty under certain circum
stances.' The fact Is that the' Vlce-
Presidt-ritlal situation Is . Interwoven
witli, the platform. If there -Is a sim
Im realllrmat Ion of tlie. Chicago plat
form .soime New Yrk man may 1 st-
le-tel fO'r Vice-President In the boie
that he wilt assist in carrying mat
state. If there is a! ajeci lie dft la ra
tion for 10 to 1, tlu ti Towntf uiay h
made Bryan's running mate.
A Thousand Tongues j
Could not express the rajifure of
Annie it. Springer.-of 1125,! Howard
St., IliitiadfW'hia, I'a, wlwn b-lie " (ound
rhat Drj King's Ncwj Discovcry (or
Consumption t had comj!etely cured
htr of a hacking cough that-for .many
years k tnadc life a lttrcjen. ! Ail
other remedies and drxiors rou'd grvr
Iter no tKip. but she ay of tlii Koyal
Cure "It sorn rernm'cd tlie pain in
my dies and I can how sleep sound
ly. swMneithing I can scarcely rcmcmler
doing 1rfore, I feel like foandir.g !i
praises thrt.sighont the Universe f
will every om who tries Dr. King's
New "Discovery Unf any trouble i i!ic
lliroat. I Cbet or Lungs. Price y.
and $i.er. , Trial lwMles frets at IR.
STONE'S - Drug Stores; every ; bjtt!c
, rantttd. r