u WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, FRIDAY. JUNE 29, 1900. TAIUutf -TEiZ'OATil . tit J i i' :r i -.. t o Nine former - Filipino '- Generals . Have Swcrn Allegiance If n o g if U THEY ARE NOW LOYAL CITIZENS fav Ecaaurrd AH Formi of Revolatloi 1 hey Acknowledge A merles Sot- ' ,erele;ntr In Laton. 1... Ji I V i'1 I I I I "L in J UUi lUU . . . '-.-- ,'- i i : . t HANI LA, Jnne 27. NiiK insurgent leader, Including General n del I'ilar, Caiii pclon, Garcia and Alvarez, were released todaj- upon takhig the oath of AKgiance to the Government, nifl renouncing air forms oT revolution iu the Philippines, together with mak ing a formal acknowledgment of iVn'r lean ovcr'tsnty.". f j Thl oath fs niucb stronger and more i binding than the oath which General OtiS administered, and was consequently distasteful to the il'ilipSno, who ! ac-cepied it with had grace, fully realizing the results of any violation. It; U lnil that this sp.tr ill? of the nine; leaders will inflit uw their Mien io take ajjrantage uf the amnesty,- which i. has thus far U-en w it houtj result, other than those of to day., . sf. ,.';.;, -.' i ,',, , - 31 1 SS ION A IU SAFE. , Chicago, June 27.HThrough ,a cab- Knun he KKVivnl yesterday. James V l'oru-r learm-d of the safe, arrival at Chi Nau . Fu of the , Kev. , Henry D. I orter and Miss Mary Jl, Porter, form er, resident of this city, missionaries of JJ Auifrka.it Hoard, .who were sta- liuiK'd at Pang Chuang.. The. two were uuabta to rviu-lt ,Tk?iv Tsid, 2i miles nortlr f tlw.ii; iot f duty, and it hod been , feared that i liar in would befall tliein. The eal tlegraiu states that they . were given military escort to Chi Nan i u. - i , f OOUai IS HOSTILE. Yokohama, June 27. The Emperor has anetknud an outlay of lojimusiu en towards, the v-t f military oi-er-u lions in China. It I rciortcd in tseoti! that there - is Ineuusing hostility to ward Christians in Chorea. -Corea, it i said, rv-pitdiat, .tlic Maml contract which gave Russia a sdte for a coal d'it ami 'a naval Im-pital. a nus;.i wislM'd to Apply towards ilie price tin1 aiuAm"'or the pending claims against ;r i. t ' ' .? ; . : v., 1 , . : UKN'mN COUNTY NOTES. ,.rf:Hi Tlnwfi: I m ' i r , Asked -about Ur condition of 'ibe-Io- .-it kimI .-ii'k-r t I krv:ilit denier .all "TUf 1tttiueM Is lntnsinetl. ..Tu price r.miln unclui'DcmL Hftiu reufs itein olT-4il for tlie !Uet gradvM of wok.At U nrieot unlr a few lots are Chang dug .hands.' JrweM with lot of from Kt tt t 1 . ptMind oeeasioually ma ke mhw liut In im casos arc inere Hier lngr of-larger amount.' How ?ng the . tulitkMii4 will " iwevail. IO! -il.-r fiu litiable to nroiliet. ; . rriu-r is a nrohaJhillty that the ixtu T.ni.,ii ,.r th. WlUaniette valley will, in the u r far distant future, be increase! Isv 11m arrival from. Holland or huhkt . iw iniiii!riim. letters, writ'n l.v 'liark's Vau (!riN; t filendft r tliere liave arm! the interest of the Hol landers, until'lujor 12 families now mUimI.ite tin journey ' to Oregon. Air Vn CnM ha 4 written also to i-iitvl- tn South Afriea. atnl it is not IvyunU the limit; o I Virilities that r.iitonta f th:i war-darketKMl ktml mar rtn-k Ihhim's in waceful Ve4fot ir s -K!itl that i tlKdamaire to the growing wheat crop eh Felly affects the autumn and early irnu; sowing. tho fall Rowing the acreage 1 compara tive! siiKill. A Corvallis man who has uvn in .fral narts of -the county llguifs it cut that not more than 2T .nt t fiill-sown- til tne auij aged sprtug there is only a nuill amount. The latter own is tlififty In .iiai-nrMMi. , ajid r i nrouiise & large .1 A. VA. " " ' ' - ' ' , u.iHvnrin -Jit laiw auvwHri4 tvueriu Uivkard w mwtu"i t"1'" .t Ma .f Hi.wbfj Tliev were- ro .-thick on. his twts that "they .ootiM U' wu .in luter thirty feet awaj. -1 - S. U Ilt'iukrwin has leen to the Bo hernia mines. He was alsent ten days ,.... tintt.iv; --On. tin way to tin .it,..s vr... Heitoierson - iiM t a imrty l iinsiing out the proceeds of a thirty . .i . ..... in iiui i i pns miutf. way ititi ... party had ftKUJUL j LITTLH EXI'ENSE.-"T1hp Jum ttriii of circuit court was quite lnex l nslve. T1m coorf was in .session ,'ou v Hi hty-. and tlh Jury only drew two dav' pay, not . .jury ring." Hiigcuei (Iane county) duam. Af :'Tor Van Wycfcof: New , York is " coming in Tor a jfl deal f cri,k;T Just now on account of his eonmHtion with tlK ice nionoly- in lt city. Tlio 4her day lie mot Joh" V ayivor. w-owinwin w - -You and T .uM the iapew a gooa. m-a "vn . . . aitniretn vK iu;Jo a m-fffc, " cr'tsuow-ssfuU effort to mile. "Tho audlenc ju?t langhwl at my . tragedy." wUl the, young dramatist.- h. well. lou;t t- d.w'miragtHl. ro tnriml tlK' man of experience. . -I'm lv ret uracil the young dra matist. Tin going to call It a " and Kt It go at thaur-ChSo I ost. "My goodm3r aM the society girl who had Just Ixen accepted as aj"tm' D.r nf tlie comic ixra chorus, bat a littkvbit of a dresng-roomr. Oh" ' akl the manager, ;tn t Pnty enough for you to put on all the clothes you'll bave to wear. Chi cago Times-Herald. ; rnraha! Yott have diolc.vel me. " wilie-I trkd not to. It I't mj fault.. , 5 , ' ; , .... iarxi-Not your fault, eh? , , AVillie-No. sir. Yon ld: "Ion t let me catch you i at that again. . and I done my let not to let you.-rh.Lid 1 phia Tress. i We, Dakve im Insiniia! sn Hairs: ttoBHs. nf I ! i - i-. , -. ! ' j ) 1 j . ; ; mimmm Mm .' ; i i i : . -.!; ; . ' - ... i , , . i ;' ' ' ' ' t-: . ., ... - -, I : t ! ' i'i , ! . : - it s : .... , .... .. . : jr.::- !- y.i 1 ' 5 ; ; : - . m ii ii . m ii Mini -JauiJL, n'J ...':;' Jf IF. . i n iLi..iiJiJ'i lll.ltJ77r o ) ru ru f:;: oj lvJJJ lJri (Jf. : ..; . , J i. ', j : ' :.- ' ". j , ,- , . " - j - - : ;. ' ' "; i t 1 ' i - ,.' - i-' . ''; .1 j ' , , . , .... v ; ! .,',' I . . ;:( w -!.' r "'. ' ' t .... i ':, ., I - , ' , .' ' 1 ; . ! -. ' :- ',: . ; . - i :- (;'.;': . - -. ' - ,- ' i . - - :j '-.ii. ' --- j; i -i' t ' -' " , ' ' ; : . , i , .V.... . i ..!.., . ; . ,- - -, 'ill-...- 1! -I'll S V , -'' ' -?' - '? " ; ' ' ' '".If) 'l ! ' '"-' , " . - ' ' ': ":'".' ; ' . ' -' . ' lllilDS ! - t ' h - It , ! I ' II i . 'I'I AWM2n ' w sune s '.., .! I-.;.'.; I:!'. . .!- C I 't 1 . 'T'l , If Ml.. i " '-" - 1 1 u , ,.. ...,- IP ! f-' V ?' ' ti -" J I . I .. i I .1 ..iii :-.,)! In ! -t l.-l ..-. '1 -,'.';?- .'- 1IT 'J :' j JU. .:---: ,'.'V? -'-! a, i''" "'",v!:- "' ' V" ' '-'' ;: - ' :" -.' I-'- j ' ';'-'... I ttMirs aiffio II - - . i n ' -ij ' :'..""' ' - I- '':- i. . .: ' --' : '"' i ' ' . i '-' . ' t . , . : ; .- . j .-...; . -' ' TT ; .- ; : ; : SUDDall IPllsii all suit xsanBnuime 4111 in.'!; (tlliiesim 1 -I mmmm I fc 8 1 LIGHTS AND SIDELIGHT nicnry, I'm going to a k our c'-'I-pan to oll tickets to hU nermoti. "You aren't losing your mind, are No: out l new ice mat tlcket to anyth'ng thunder and digbt tn won't keto you at home. ia- dLinapo!'; Journal. Tuo most difficult probUm of Lfe is to erow-old gracefully.": " i.-r I don't think o: it Is much more of o problem to stay young gra-rully."-Chicago Itccord. Of all tbe fool things Ud the f ,rur iriiy. tho advice o Vhr. when the sun slime It " bay" itself."-Chlcaso Tost. , "DM you ever try mud bath b Tour rlKumatismr .rttcal or- S3 a"tmd H-Slhi Time TIerahL ... Korean-wives Lave a pretty! bard home life in the hermit kingdom. Wo-m--n arc Of very little a;-cimt I T, a man linoet. Jii wife o lU streets In' doco not recoanize lit-r, while if not tecs licr li go tord in tinw out. of Bight as a " possible, u ;.- r- Iaw IU meiler, my ,Jy, to rtuch faiiM you must cUuiTt , Htend H w aixni tin ixx? tlut ju.ni o3! rroklyn fridge, pa wr-Cbi-cago Ilccotd. . ,: C -': Mrs. Iloorat-Tlie iMper sex tteBr;t Ish bey captuml the last of tb J IJers lA3ftiir ' CNfr. Rooral mphitlcaIly-Tbat et tV the war; take a way a Dutchman txeran' hi. ambition's gone.-dud- A LeQT'ES ;EQT EST T FIIANCIS JOnTH. - nnv - neoucsW- WUICJ lre fa&n to the lot of "- Emsewr Francis Joseph of Austria U a hotel at T.rwnn. lert him by J?? t ral vear aco. says the St. Ixwrfs Po.t-DLnatch- It was a valuaWe I roirty. Tire Emperor acc( ptxl.the Ivut, al thcush be dil not emisoy it lor Lt own bemfit, but M it for an onor 4rou -uni, wblch b' gave( to a ch.Ms iiopltaL. i' -'. - , THE LONDON MANSION HOI Mi rrxi. ; : - In'IindMi tbe Mansion' bour? ha, fTcntert evety-iccord thW year in rcsar-1 ib Its relief ruuds. f.iy. tb tJlo-133 Xw. ' Nearly 7,3M."'f nuktc? Itfi'rect-ivfd-tli.?rpi witb!ii tiie bt six masiths for tlM war MiffTcr, ?4jOO. : te Itsdian famine. 1.1.V.c-i.bc Trau-vaal refuge, '.H).fnK and tTi 4pry.;;:'- Irr-jicrWl -:-Tdlunteervl - w.MJf. Now to tbes toMvi a fuml f-r tbe ugerers ly the fire at Ottawa. wh:th tarly ?2-',0fi'l fca txeu re olvcd.; r"" i .-.i--- '-' . .- .- 'I ENGLISH BATTLE HEJiOES. I atth-sidp Masj-.nchiiM tl. . war witii 1.5 !rlpmat." at tlw InttSe of Santho ntl canv out unstatbd. Ivitcr lie fell aud t roke !ua leg; but tiie ship -surgeon suer:d-d It wi skillfully that VJI Haoi Is now am fr.ky an ever. A few days .'o tle crew dreoratwl him with a', wl-le" leather;- collar 1 stmlird V.ith 5 rs niil lipids. - On a silver .plate h thi 4aor;ptl-ui J'ttil-J to .Itiato - 0 .-.-mm I . V Im 4 TV - t A I lrt J Jf rtv '-' , KTASir TAX ittU Tl'IiKIH TORS. i Of the men wio won the Victoria etna in f iMtt-at fiftk's ito f,wcr dm m i tirlusr : toilav. so ; tar 01 1 gH tbt living men who are eniitd to wiar tbe crow uxir than two out of every fivej bnve IiveI to wear It f t nvpre thani-to years. .Ev n of the 1 an ! of ti tTltwn heroes w h-wvre b e rat d i r tb qnen la Hyde pArk oti tie June, lii7, 21 are t.il I'ring..; , 1fYiIIiTerror iftJW 0 : Of tbe Tl. mctbol guiggestcd ly tbe Tt'irk r grvernji:nt for taxing pUyiaiBR iainseni.m one. ''The ofJk. iais Jpro lsc o mak it compulsory for all ;iiiy i bins to write tix ir prccriition tii ,n blank liearing a government .stamp ainl also to have printed niKtr itj tlK pjn'p.of tlv doctor and the number of fi!s d:rknra. tb pari'1' ic!ng not on ly t n Increase Um- goternment Sncoir, Imt to regulate the practice of tjy.:di tine so that none but regular iiyfl- cians csin fo'kw the profession. VYI I L CHI LDHEN IKK. M. .According to-lbo rt-tit nvliis of SiKiior De KmetH of Tir4a. --childr:-ii 1gin to dream " l-fioro thsir fourth year, but are unable i to recall dnum ts-forw tiie age of This Jise. be cimi tlmU. Is that at? which cjilldtlrst wnvx lristiii.Hiv'y '-oiti;;Uf f s-!f. Agiil ix-ojik" dream less frcipicntly an-1 kin vividly thin tbe yiMiiig. Wen: -ri's dreams aie more fremm-nt, more vivid and Ixdter -rmenrix red than tho.4 of men.'1' ' ' " "" 'I;'"- f -"; ' -i . ' . Twice-a-wrck Sutc'smatf. $1 a year. Fine printing. 5tatmaa rob OCnce. NEW TO-DAY. CAIIEONS AUE wNONAVASTINO. ''Tile Ele.'trotechiiislie liundbau J I'.IO Will y rer-elvetl fit the: olfi of the Kah-ni I.igbt r.n-1'-Traction Co. rntil July 5th. 12 o'clock nt.. for Kkm cord I of largo lody fir to lie d livertd at tlve rompany'0 power . bc-ue. j corner of LHw-rty and 'l'rad'. rtri-ets. subject to the approval- of the eomp.m' miWlntciident. Ile Ferve iw right lo rejn-t any find all liids. J. Ij. Lauilirtb, tsOpt-rlBteudeatg " l-dwld, i i V '