Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, June 26, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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1900. -
" ' , , i - . . - . -,. . . .. .. . ...
Splendid EdacaUonal Ad .atagra and Op
portunities pT the Frex-nt Age
Vftrt) DUcatmed.
.From Daily Statesman, June n.)
The usual address to the graduating
class at the annual commencement ex
ercises or Salem's Public School at
the annory List, night, was delivered
by Claud tiatcli, of tills city. Mr.
Gatch Is one of the mokt ilaHlux
flM-nkere In the state and hi address
last night was especially Kool ami In
perfect harmony i with the occasion.
The substance of the address by Mr
Gatch was as follows: ; : ; l
I arcnt s : Not hi i ujxkj tin face of
1h earth worthr having is worth t,he
having unlessjt cost "u .ersonal sae
rllM or labor Or If bed without ixt
fMial s-icriflw or la tor i other than
a debt which fill 1 due and col-
vvkh..- uu ioj im . jkim m value.
God' suie wt earth's foundations
made It Hi."
It is bksslng that the younger gen
era rion does Dot real tee It indebt
edness tiefore it reanlies mat mi ty. lest
It cast upon II ieepT deject kml I
Out fatlK-rs in; lls'ir wis-lonv-Puritau
of .New Knaihl, Ihitch of. New
York. Sweilen in Ielawir, German
in PenusylvanlaH-believed In the coui
UKu wealth and: in the free, common,
or public who. J, and that all property
Khoiild, be ! axed tlierefor. This gov
ernment of our 11 ng a peoples gov
ernment and not an Individual
........... -, , , . ...
ment, iK'IieTiiijr-iu the greatest goo I to
the greatest nmuW-r, r, In other
words, the maximum " possible to " ta
individual the minimum i.ssib!e. to
the wtate (which lo1kf obtains at this,,
time, and will I m convinced so con
tinue) mast treat all citizens alike ami.
as the governing must'. done by no
one class but judges and -governors,
those who enforce, and '"those' who
construe kiw coming f rout ill our ieo
. pk, it woukl Ik tin part "of wisdom'
then. to fifil-n ill rfi.Hvfiiftfca intnllliTAnt ,..1
- - -- ' I 1 . V , , - 1UI1 ..I... . .
muted, and of; inquiring mind, and,
tliis being oj the dhiklren the future
deitcndcnce and hope . of this repulii,
lie must le schooled ami tanirt, io
and rleh, th," who wish anl 'ihose
w ho ret h '1, tu uA for . t he sa f ci y of '. t h e
-rm uk nncal till " lit taught to rid and
uiMkrstand In fmrt at least the instru
tiMUt 'whieti - jesive "us lilierty 'ami
. has made us thf, iKM.p!e we are. !
lUtya ami tirj; Iast year this eouu-,
try of yours and uiinc spent, for the
ecfiooftnff o-f : Its x-lilMrpn spent for
pulut'ta-hooisforer aWjUHMHsfe.'-That !
wai tlyut,oiiefour'tlt khe exiiJust-s oXi
the wlsle jrverpmentr. on-.-fourth t ;w
nun li as the nary and tle jk'Cv iKite
Hjjlps.'tbe pruit bf the'. war. and the pay I
t -t iie. summer-, -aiwi i lie .cxivmrs. oi..iiH.aj
army, tlie "ost i of - IIh simreiie court i
rtud all the jollier courts. ".ami jmlitcs.
- the-elk-.tion if the ft'reiuie, the nt
of (VmAtrr ss, it Ik nvw fdiTl birildihgs,
and forts toigiKiril our cities, the min
ister and consuls in foreign nations,'
our liglit houses anl coast (tatrols, our
surveys of river and ". Uarbvr. Improve
inents, oqr great library at Wasbinj:
toii, the "ca re; of the Indians, the carry
ing of the mail and the postofliees, ;uid
the thousand ,aiul one 'expenses' t4e
govcmnient jlKsirs for our good.- You
are an expensive tliliw you childix-n.
just om year we euukl diirthe Xk-ara-gua
or I'aiuiuti cauits which the i-V.i-Hcians
ptvtetid ihey want so Ixidly uisl
which tin hii)rvals don't want, and
so it. ts not'mig.'- vte cousi imuhi a
iiavy So territ4e tlwit it wmikl U,' more
lmukd than', that of Kntaud and
.IIK-.I ni IMll'lic SClKMlS
cost every iikiii who cjrus living an l
wflio'votci alsut ier year, i give
3011 tlwse figuivs 'that you may uuder
staiKl tlx- Immensity of the sum ex
is'iwle! uion you and ihat you may
r'ali tlie olligJtkns you ate under, ,
About the meanest thing a mau can
do to forgt favir. We all of us
liave contempt '" for .- the insntte for
thev are of n low standard in manltood
or womjinlv-sl; even tle person In lin
ing, assisting or aiding.' k injunnl by
. . r..p u iirilnu't 4itriks
to iron tin tnilk or (human kindness
witUin our veins. You will remeuvls r
Jn th, charnring phiy of King ls-ar
'that the iswf mad okl king expresses
lis- hurt of Ingratltmle when.m. vx
elaims over what he tlwniglit was tnie
lislnl!etiee j rf his daughter -4-low.
hinwr t,h!in srisnt"s tooth it Is
lur. n thankless cliiid." Ami howtlnto
the ixeart of j this ! loved country it
wonki cut iJJ-wkl you young, 1H
lrove, what you will aw be ungrate
fuL r . - fc ' ;i ;-
Now how can you demonstratojbat
you are grateful to this city, eouuij.
state, and nation, for all that halMe
h.ne for you? s I5y Mtlnrthe liest live
you can lire, and U'lnjt interestc-l,
t bough tfid ami patriotic citixetKs Sov
Intf yoiir city. , your state ami nation.
ever readr t.kreol. auu
for its Intcres-ts'lM'IpinS to Jiiake good
laws and iytus them liberty loving
as were youe sncestprs, aud Uxl fear-
Slany of you win get no fartlr cli1r
cation Imt must go to work
a living; some of you will atteml and
iterha-M gradiwte t the I nlvers-.ty
here tin Salem' under Its excclleut coris
of profeseiors atul some of you
Jeave your j tty f lalsr ebewibere, bat
reuHnler the obligation you are uu-
of tnenstruation,- They arc LIFE SAJ
womanhood,' aiding derdopt-at ,ff
known remedy for yftVuijSBolA
- ttttSrSL 5dr Ohio.
:- - uiurs auo repay u. ir any
one says to you that Salem is a -poky
okl town- correct them. Tell them it
1 a steady little city loing some busi
ness and that is going to do more. If
you meet people who say they don't
ke Oregon and complain of it and say
they are going back to---where thev
irom, usi them that the good
luougnt tit much of Oregon tihut
he put it where but a few of their
kind of people could find it; and ir Uicy
tell you that they don't like tliis nation
of, ours th it there are better nations
than this of the United States you tell
them Ciat they ; lie in thefr throats,
that Washington and JeCerson lid not
do all their labor to make this second
to any nation.- : ? ,.;. t -H i
-ow, n you r.o this a I hare tohi
you, you will iM-couie as you should
very fond of this -dace of your nativ
ity or raising ami will "become moch
interested In eurrent affairs, and
rightly r n yon will -btconie lutersttl
our city, coiuity, nd st-ate government,
and national tsIitk-s.- You wJU want
to read ami .Iucate yourselves fart hern
i:ieo a Akttiy iaix'r & weekly piper Is
too slow nowadays; you want the iews
right front the wire ami the editorial
fiel fiom the en of the eIitor tmt
kn't . let Irim make your epjiukm for
you; Mo your own thinking, iind then
you will want to vote; that' right
again don't get goody-goody and get
nUive politk-s; when the children of a
nation hjye done that In the past the
nation has gene wrong, but rote every
eleclku, thankful that the early fa
tibtr of this republic made them wine
ofcen so you could turn a bad otfice
hokkr down or re-eloct a goes 1 one. Uj
all means Is a pnrtisjm not an offen
sive one; 1 don't mean that, but take
sides uiwn iiucKtions nnd make affairs
go your way if you can, but play fair,
you Ifcw me a . fellow who went to
school with 3'vu who did : not play a
fair game and I will show you a nun
Alien grown up who will not tie fair
Sn business, polit-k-, or Lsewbere-a
sHjitpcry e ort of a man. S you lictter
p!ay f ir If you lose than, to win by
ful play; you will 4c -more 'comforta
ble' for it. , -.- -' - ' ;
Tlip otlwr night some, people of bur
city were interested JLi - a t Very brutal
prizq itijcht and were anxiaiuJJy . inquir
ing at Mu. telegraph othVe for tlM news
of the two ruttijus battering each oili
er and tlie iK-xt morning all our great
paiers had .long accounts right in their
most, iniortaut volumns of that very
disgusting and revolting and wicked
affair ami jet with all its coarseness
and .'lawlessness, eopIe were interest
ed many more than iH-etended to 1h.
and why. lr. John Urowu has tohl in
the story "Ilab ami His Friends" --lie-cause
iieople sc'3 there, despite tlie
hateful - snrroumHiurs, three great car
dinal virtues, loved and honored by
man anywhere and in. all. ages but ill
pore more than in l.liis. am- of ours:
Oinrage, endurance, and 'skill, in In
tense action. -
You lsys upon the play ground may,
like the prize-tighter,, h;fve exercised
these -virtues wrongly .'. and iroba7Jy
yur teachers have very promptly ?hi.l
tightly puui-Jjcd you, tiK'tefor imt they,
are gsl traits and in the practice of
them, tin better tlie deed or work you
can use theiu Lu. the better you , are
jKiying off, that debt of which I have
tkl yoiu Did you ever read ,the story
of "A -Message, to iiarclaf liiiK-rt IIuIh
bud tdls Jt the Ust, and next to Ivl
waid Kvcrett Hale's itory of A ll'au
Without a.Countrj'. it is r the Isst
ftuty. wilt ten. and it lias an advantage
over that, in the fact of its trulJi. -,
War bid lrjk4i. out with Spain 'ami
the I 'resident naut il to ;couiiiuiitcatj
with the CaXran general, 'tiarciaj' snitse
wliete i:o i.no u!d tell-Mi the iitouu
taiius of t'ulMt. It w-:is very -necessary
he .houkl know of our plans and io
sivtire Ids' aid, -and -'tlie .'President was
twe jxTplexed. , Finally some one -sai.I.
tki-res a young follow 'ffcere 1 y t.'ie
name of Kwan, vvlv has skill and
courage and endurance'-, w ho will And
!r,ia if any om -can.- Kowan cam
in and I'rcsidiiit McKinley wrote the
lottery at:d Kowan tinik it, seak'd ft In
an oil-skin i-nvelope, .strai jKd Jt 'over
bis heart.' took some Spanish money. 'a
good . revolver, whip cartridges and
started. Oik dark iright from an
An ericaii ship he was lowen d 'into an
ojsMi lsiat off the coast. of Culm an 1 dis
appeared Into tlie jungle. Of his lianl
slrps aiKl iKlventures 1 ihviI it t?ll
yon, .von can read tbeui. -.hut -he found
iiarci'a. 'My' iHiiint Is this: Tlie .rrcsl
dent gave Kowan a letter to ls tak?n
some how. and 'some :way ' to flarci.-i.
Kuan tsk tlie ktff-r in 'tlH-faee of
aw-f ul -difficulties 'and ddSrerei it. In
aH the Spanish business, that act
shine, fort.li. Admirals sulsetl in their
ships Iwanso the I'teskk-nt gave cai
taitis work to do. major generals acted
the S voiled ,lsy ls-ca use they tlMugbt
ln1gad:er-genTals were prefet reil. jeal
ousy and dLsixuxl were rife in depart
ment of army and navy, lut Kowau
carrks a message to tlarcia witlwmt
why or wlM-refon. In tlKMiiemory of
the patriots' of Saratoga and Hunker
IHII we slssiki mime a state for Kow
au. tlarcia.' the f u1au general, is dead.
iiut'tUK-n will Is many dsn ias of large
or small ik'gree all through our lives
to -ome. ami amMig this graduating
cl.trs many Kowans, I trust.
JCow- If this graduation, whk-h Is not
a gradual km at all. -'but just the rinish
n.i .,r vonr grammar course, complete
your cibtcaUoii and it is a gosl start
iw.it.. iK-in r.itnlii ii iid ii win r other
. . - - ; - ,
I thou-Ii ; rouilrtriftg it
?. i. i!i,. toition of a m'holar it Is
tint a orimarv cbiss If. as I.MJ, this
evmekie It you can commence to re
pay the debt you owe; by going to
wolk. HUt Uowj . xotieaj. awi
nnfii vniir business: nvt itUue. l"hat s
thf wa vs you ha ve of m yi n;
that deU bv lind.ng work yiurs-lf mt
Ixttliciiiig othirs to timl It for you.
There Is lots of it to do ami going to
l.e more and It's ?t to le kne and It
is not easv to rind nor easy to do when
foin:d -feu -J, If it's s; worth bln-:.
Why, me of tin great arguments
a-ainst rsildlc silusds is that It unlits
Isivs to lalor ami giris fir bouse-work.
I don't iH-ieve it, but j-ou have to di
nrove It by your own actions, so the
Loner you get to work ..tlie .winner you
, i. . t ,i..i,t in the state. 'We can t
Tbe- otercon ic Wet
ness, irregularity and
omissions, increase vig
- ami banish pains
all U iioi'tors ami --
sftt-. but oire of us must le clerks,
and' machinists. anl cans nters. an 1
triik-iisP. !We slmuld all have a trade
- mmmr S ll . 1 itnii
. .
if we can. I wish I had one. It was a
mistake I did not. I like the German
Idea of tibat; why the emierors son
just njrshed Tils; old Frederick th?
Great believed in that. It's wholesome,
so) Jet's get to work ami teach these
cariiers at the public school that th
public scheca. besides teaching this
nation that the sons and ilangaters of
all its people are equal, as well as the
iv?tple themselves, toaebca the. farther
kson that IniclKgcnt lalxr is the best
labor and pays the best, apd wan id
work the uwst. Xw, I -have simken
of la. few ways in which you can reply
thet ik'bt you owe a debt 1 want you
always to rememlver, for tlie world
owies jou 4in eilui-ation ; no more tbau
it ow-s you a living; it owes you n -ith-
r,i,f;ut a nation to make iojttss nn.1
pveru 'rightly and i jastlj wldeh is
what it, li Xor,,imd,ef1akcsM'iaakc all
its' citizens intelHgeut. 5 " ' ,
la tlKir vare. and Instruction, of you
tbfj ,te'hrs,iirincipnls, ami suiktIu
teBM lent, have lieen nmi vln.' tUr bbt
origratitade.: In. managing our district
afTaiirs- in the-negieet -of 4iteIrOwi
priyau? interests while doing so our
dliictora have been repaying tlveir
debt or gratitude for benefits re-eived.
It (iwill lie a sourei of satisfaction to
them to diave job make a suites f
lilif you retlect their own inspirations
their own hopes,-fail 'them not.
Barents: Do the public" schools, pay
i uat; tney nave the. history of this gUt-.
rious' nation iroves; its exalted -wo-in,uihK5l.
its liest of.mcu. WIH It pjy
lultlu future r;' That remams to lie au
sun rid by tiie reVord of Hie lsys and
glttls marcbing out today; 1 believe', it
will. I lndieve in the svetem: I lelieiv
PtlnKt the early cokmists knew whereof
thif'y biukkd; I Wlievo that in tin
quiet of that I'biladerphla chamUr
wlure the fatlier. gatherwl 4hat they
made govcrninent on a jrlau almost
liivin.' and with God's guidance I have
arfliassured lx-lk-f in the conmion sebci!
an Jts utiMty. I but wish for its suc
(.e4s , alve , the coiuuierciaiisiu of; the
ngif iyid the desbre of its liossea and
ltsi w in- pulk-rs aud its managers of
trusts. ;I think it nobler this desire
tobcIp 'the youns thau our ilesire for
entilre; It's worth all tlie navies ninm
all,; the seas from the day th-y starpl
to hunt the gulden fk-eco unto tin djy
of l tlie Inttlcsbip Oregon, It's b1kvi
riiiieis and aJxive . price. - -1 believe It is
as tfar alsive tlie brawling of the sidf-
Ishness that tights it, as the snow of
Jefferson alxivo the swirling saints of
t'olnnilila's liar.
Y wbosediearts are fresli and simple
Who; have faiith in tlod and Nature
Who Ixdieve that in all nges
Kwry human heart Is human."
riii couipreheml in part the resism-
sihilLly resting upon us for the care of
the children of this republic.
11 :
THE G Y PS Y. The steamer Gypsy,
which was sunk in the river alsive
this-city about ten days ago, wasyes
tetrday given up! by the O. IC. it X.
CoTl.s iKople. The machinery of ihv
steamer was raiseil by the Moths, af-
tetfl which the 'bull - was .-destroyed by
flrt sisIt was eonsideretl far more e.v
netistve to attempt to raise the vessel
aiiU rcjiair Ir, than to build a new 'one.
This' takes the Gypsy, off the W itl uii-
ette river for good. - 1
A new tonic stimulating' suIstAuv
sluivilar to kola,' has Is.'eii discovered iu
t'ritguay 1y Prof. Jose Arechavleti, of
Mblevk'co, who has nKide a botanical
fxji'nrrfu' .through the department, 'of
Kiiyera and CuchlHa 2.egra. Tiie. tntli-
stani-e Ivlcugs to the genius piuiiiii:.
1'itof. . Arechiwak'ta has, finislitil tin
el'.-tsslticatiou cf tls Utanieal spceiiuens
which he got. Tliese .'-number
tIvii s. iTpresentiHl by about N spef-luk-us.
Twenty of the species are alw-
lutely new to liotanlsts. . .
j At Bed Time i
take a pleasant herb dcink the next
jmorning I feel bright and my corii
jplexion is better. My doctor says
(it acts gently on the stomach, liver
land kidneys, arid is a pleasant laxa
tive. It is made form herbs and
jis prepared as easily as tea. '.It is
(called Lane's Medicine. AH drug
Ipfists sell it at 25c. and 50c. Lane's?
Ijamily Medicines -moves the bowels
ach day. If you cannot get it, send
!Sor a free sample. Address, Orator
!F. Woodward. Le Roy, N. Y. 5-
jj: Ft lNiTKI l
flThe luikxr'H apiirentkT
Is a yo'ttog
VIhh offered oats tlie hungry lKrse
never says neigii. ' ,
Ik'tter a diamond with a flaw than
a1tebbk wltlwut ine. ' ;
tt'lK pronrising amateur inusjcian
sh(Hld insnke not to play uy hmc
If smi-ch Is silvr ami sikne Is gCeI-
eiij where d-.-es tlx greetrl)ak coin" in?
iWIten a physkan is una tile to toeate
tHr -cause of a patent's illmss he pro
ccjils to discover t new pccks'of mi
etltilK. Chicago iXews. - '
rf urrio- iuvkksmkxs in japan.
tin Japan tweets aNmnd and His r.m-
jsrbor hokls a eomtetrfJon every year,
wlls-u lie and 411 Empress and all tl
rtirt -.'rretrate poeui.m-a given sutt-js-t.
says tlu IThiea'goltecorrt. Hrevity
1st fortunately Insiste.1 tion, Wie nom
1r T syl!abks penuittod Iieitig 3L
Tbis. it is sash oRen makes tls pems
otisen re. These poetie diversions are
not. hewerer, ioiiflml to 4ls court
circles, but ore mnKm to all clashes,
i ' Shake Itito Yur Shoes
1 Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. If cures
painful,' smarting, nervoas feet and m
fToitiir nails and instantly takes the
cuttle out of corns an 1 bunions. It'-s
the greatest 'comfort discovery ; of ;the
age. Allen s root-tase miuei ugm
or, new shoes feel easy. It is a certain
Snr cwrafinc. callous and hot. tirCtl
aching. feeL Try it today. Sold by
a!!! trurciits and shoe stores. By mail
for 25c in sumps. Trial package
FREE. Address. Allen S. Olmsted, 0-e
Roy, N. Y. .--?;
! "Yon are not a real fish.' You are n
iy an luilt-atkrti," sakl'.-fhe flying fish.
"Vou 8U star nik-r 'water only an
I t.j kits . tn'ii . jin il ttwn vmi have- to
ir - ------
fmw in lis surfate to Jwcatls: .
-l-Ti,f M H-'!.t " retorted th"
i.ali Yotr are only an im.tation
ltrd .l"e.in live out of it.
si-rhii. l.ar cbiklren. te. N u that
t!i1,w wtw dwell in water slssild nt
try to put on airs. ."hk-uzo Trilsitn.
Salem wheat market is exisrinciiu
the effects of the I advam-cs lu' the
t...t..ro '-Vftitrk-ef: , Ah. advam of " "I
"'" V ". .- . ... ......
v...rLt nu.tr!oa wLiclL now utftml
at 4S cent.
-. .
...... . ' f
f ;
" i
' '' I ''
'T'$ ' ':
V,. . ' i y
S - ;
- ft
: i--; fi f'a.'S-;-
Hi t-
' vte ;
- . , '
i , ' f Vw
- -
"tr.-'ft.-t.i-j . w
Ti.n r.ir.inrn nf Mm Xaticv IkIt.who celebrated tier eiglity-nrst
ihfr on'sunday. June 17th. nt the home
net t lit this citv. is 'printed - in this issue or ine -iaiesman. - -mib. -..
the mother ot Mrs. Hurnet't. The occasion also marked the tVith anniver
sary of-hec marriage to Ir. A. M. l'.elt, Ucasel. The affair was of an in
....t.n. ..- onl.ivitl liv onlv n small omiiny of the ngd
relatives, represi-iiting four .generations. Sirs.. mit was iMrn in
t;neiiupsburg, Kentucky, June IT.' lsi: and crossed the plains in is..- Mrs.
1 i.it is still a lieartv woman. aciie.nini m ! . j-". -
Suudiiv. .Thrs attending the reunion. iMst.ies auoge nun..um. "
Mrs. Huelat and. thn. daughters, Mrs. Welk r. Mrs. J VV. T.i. kford
and Miss Nina IIml.it. Ikl. W'ejler ud baby- J, AV. I'.k kford, Mrs. John I.
Relt and two ilasshters and Mr; and Mrs. Ghns. F. Helt, t
rusTorncE iiepabtsik.nt pkovii'km
TaBHtn-M Ttrn, 11 .rt-s lir iwon
ad AUdrs- for tie ot Cor
! i poa4eati In ltimlUtng.
The PiMSitofficej IVparttneut has ib-
Jded to tntroiluee sisi ial applications
f)r miHiey onlers. to prevent mi"t.iks
occurring in tls; writing of the names
and addresses of payees, by furnish
ing business; firms, who receive many
remlttamis, J through the mails, w ith
printed npplieatk.ns for money orders,
tu lie upp!kd by :thse firms to their
Correspondents. ; A circular letter, ex-plalning-tht-ntwstem.
I now 1
lug sent out by the postmaster to
tufslness firms, calling attention to the
liciiefi t s f; tin 'ne .. n ppl lea t Ion for
tiwmjr Orders and urging tneir nse.
cconiiany!ng the" circular letter l a
blank apidii-ation for a domestic money
onler, having In the blank simci-s re-
rvtsl for' the name a ml address of
the iaye. sample ''name and ja 1
tress. trinHl In ; red - Ink - showing
the style of Jtlie blanks to t- furnihe.l
;by tle lHpartm-nt to busjness tirms,
who may lw indmsl to nsi this f
plication. "Tlie -'text of the circular let
ter issmsi follows: , - - ' : ". .
,It i la i occaskinally the case , that
ostal money orders are imirris-vly
dravrn, and t Imt these errors cause in
onvenieiK? aiil oowoyam-e to tie
holders ofL tuch Imis-rfect orders. It
ds thpra-tkc to ilicf the bbime njMHi
the postal servkt. and iinrtkail irly
upon the , Issuing 'iwjst master, when.
In-fact, irrors arc as frequently iii.i
f t,f 1 w .
fail' to spell orrctlr If. the ajipbca-
- - 1 .
No other aid so great to the housewife, no other
agent, so useful and certain in making delicious,
pure and wholesome foods, has ever been devised.
of Judge and Mrs. Georse II. .'Hur-
tioll the iuim of the payee.
. "To lessi'U tin-si i-omplaints. nnd 'to
jerr-t its inoiiey order service, the
Impart men t has introduced spinial ap
plkatkinsv'.in which th name of the
payw is printel conspVuoiisly In red
ink. for tin use of bnimss tirms. and
for the eon ven ieiui of thos who have
occasion to remit to -uch firms. ;-
The Ifc'partmcnt has arrangeil Jo
pjlnt these spelal , aipIlcattoiis. : in
manner similar-to accompanying sam
ple, and will furnish them, lu rtny
tpiantity. free of ist for either tin
applkntions or siscial printing, am
will can to Is sent you. upon your
reoucst tlMrfor, addressed , to the
Postmaster, such quantity as you shall
exnrs an Intention to make use: of
hi your business. - f f
''The advantages gaimd by the ttte
of those KiHs ial a ppl feat ions are cer
tainty of eerrct issue of trie order.
aid convi-iiienc of the remitter. . who.
having the application thus partially
fi'hd in, will more likely give the mat
ter prompt attention, nnd will not Ik
so likely to remit by means of tiostaga
stamp, or in tlie o- n mail by man
of notes or coin. ' ' ;,j
"It is the practice of many large ad
vertisers, seedsmen, publishers, insiir
niee companies. te., to enidose one of
these appli-nt ions with each bill, in-vok-e.
-Htlogm. pns)ctu, etc,. -is.
siwsl by them, ; and the results have
quite sjitlsfactrily shown that the
metbisl lias recelvtsl favor ujou dim
part of a large class of pirsous who
make purchases by mean of 'iiiiiil or
ders", or who have heretofore remitted
Finall amounts In tsmtage stamps. '
TIre -sstniaster will Is gbid to h-ivc
jiHt- give this matter consiflcratmn,
and any further Information you may
desire will In cheerfully furnished ui
on applicjif ion at the nmucy order
division of the trostotfieo.' 4
lie Fooled the Surgeons. U
All doctors told Rcmck Hamilton; of
Vet JerTcrson.' O.. 2-fttr uflcrir.g :
nMith? from Kectal Fistula, he woufd
die un'e-'S a c5tly overation was per
formed; bat be cured Aiim'd wifh five
Ioxti t DuckSen's Amica Salve,: the
sure! I'i'c cure. on Karth, and the
best S;rTve in die' World. 25 cent a
box. Sold by Dr. STOXE.
-, . . v i.-
, t ' J-S- 1 "
o5. i
-j-i - -i
( - - . ( 5 ;-J- , -
J i?W:. j 1';
-v - ; a ..... m
V ir tL. ill ..i ....... f a.,t r..lfr 1 lit
. . - . -. . - If.. . . . k. .!.
V" "
There are imitation baking; powders, sold cheap, by
many grocers. They are made from alum, a poison
ous drug, which renders the food injurious to health.
Th- rirnt !' I'rotf rm ra rroml to It
. Mat Intcrentlng l'romtBtnt '
i letur ra 1
Tin Marlon counl.v "Institute will con
vene at the lyi.-t sclnnM, in mis i.vity, on
Wednesday pf (liii wei-kMiid .eonthuio
in session for tjiree d.tjs. ....
TJie Uiorning sessions will !k devoted
to disi'iasHon of methods of coiidn.'i-
iftg clas .work in t he school r ai, and
U al'teruo'iiis will is given to lectin "
on topics f general Inter! st to teach
ers. ' Kxevlk'iit instructors .have- Isen
provkhd. nnd a piolltabk time will In
h'l'l. 'ouuly SiijsJintcndeut ;nrgi
W. Jon 's will have charge of tlie lmdb
tui-. and will -pjiie ii paliM In -making
it in success. . '
Wiiincsday niornliiiig, at ! a. m., the
instil ute will Is oin-nedv-Ihe first hour
to lie di'votetl to gt'o.r.ipliy -'work by
Miss - I
will Is
vans, of 'hicagi: Ib r work
llljistrak'd vvilli '.chalk work.
Ml I'vans In a siMH-lalist on turn sub-
jct, and has maoe a record sc.-oiid to
none. li- luis made a peci.il stoiy or
it. an-lreciv'd Is r 1 raining in the Isst
of . t'Jileago.
will Is folioiVMl by Pres. W. T.
h a led ute on th t tistl t u-
l'resident Hawley is .on 'of tin ,
Ix st. leietiirers oil the -o;id on this sub-
j.i't, (i nd a large-ciowd -.will do-ubtk's.
Is' present to bear bun.
Profi It. W. Yoik-r will give a discus-,
sion on arithmetl--. iio-l IliU liiimlsr
.l.ould: not In missed" by .'any' of. the
Mari.tn county teachers.
In the afteruK)ih Prof. It. A. CJrotit
will' t;jk 111 tbe snlijed "How "We
D arn to Head; What Klmukl H Taught
to lUgiiiiMi s." Prof., liiout 4 princi
pal of tit 1'ark school. I '01 Hand, and
one ot the Isst etlueators and in-titiitc
workers In Oregon. His talk- are very
intctcstiiig itl 1m creates great cu
tlmvasiii aiisu.ig the teachers wherever
he buds a di-XMixslon.
This niimis r will dr. bdluwid by .Mtate
Sup rnt'ndnt J. H. Aekermau.' w Is
will tjike up an, hour In explaining' the
new Jcho! register,, and Ii Is very bu
IMirtailit that all . teacliers should Ik'jii
thi. ji.Ml . the teaelRTS will In snpplii d
with 'registers, ami ipst,ioiis regarding
the way to koi p them will Is nu
swered. ." .
In iiddit'on to tlx alsive tln-re will
Is odier lit-rary ex,reis. niel lis very
.Is- of nii!ic will le .had for tlie en
joyment aiKt vnu-rtniuiis-ut ot 4tlsi
teachers.".- V
A KINK Pa.. i5lr. jll. Karly re- ,
-eivedly ecpfes '-yslcrdfly from -lw.
Iturnimghs. f 111 Paso. Ulx., a ow.pi
Irtiat lias JoUK of the liitiest o'Polcrfl
1'hiiiJ .41otmI. The pfg come through by
Tspie". in tine condition. 1 1 -Height
i a l-oo 1 tlfty iiiihI or ler.s, 11 ml it U
a'ont Iwd ni"iitli old." ' The pric paid
was po, a 111 . Mr,: Marly engaged (tie
pig is fore. Jt was farrowixl. This
make three" " tlsioiulibred Poland
4.'1.,ii:is Ir. I"arly has at. liU farm alxuit.
tix mile east f rJw city: The s.re of
tls pig that arrival Iwre yesterday I
sold for WXi. He is Chief Perfection
II. It Is riot um-omrnou In Iowa. In
diana, l!liiis, N'flr:iska. MN-unirl atxl
Oh'oi to S.-II blue I .loo. led bogM that mi;
worth Tioru fiom upwards, 'nil thy
are tare'. hi farvMri Oregon; though
the titm Will come when they will not
Bx, for Oregon Is a gssIJiog country.
"I want to get one o them things,
slid the okl lady, pointing at 1111 u
sortim'ut cf tliermometer.
Yfs. ma'teii"" replkil. flu ; ikvilcr,
"Ihw- hJb do you care to goY '
Vhy..not too b;gU and U'.t too low.
t i'wi'l one that'll k':p my .ImIiim Jut
right this suuiUM r." --.' Phllakdi,h;:s