WEEKLY .OREGON STATESMAN? TUESDAY jUNEf 26, io. 5 THE VEEKLY OM SHIES! Published every Tuesday and Friday by the . ; STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. 266 Commercial St., Salem, Or. ; R. J. HENDRICKS, Manager ! SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year, in advance. .......... .i oo Six months, in advance.....,....? 50 Three months; in advance... $ 25 One -year, on time.. ........... .-.$1 25 '. The State man has been est ab lished for. marly fifty, years, and it has sonic subscribers who have received it ncariy that long, and many who have read it 7r a generation. Some; of these object to having the paper dis continued at the time of expiration of ; their, subscription. For the benefit of these, and lor other reasons, we have concluded to discontinue subscriptions only when notified to do so. ; AH. per son paying when subscribing, or pay ing in advance, will have the benefit of the dollar rate. But if they do not pay for six months: the rate will be $1.25 a year. Hereafter we will send the pa per to a!l responsible persons who or der it." though they may not send the money, - with the understanding that they arc to pay $1.25 a year, in case they let the subscription account run over six months. In order that there .may be no misunderstanding, we will keep this-notice standing at this place in the paper, . " SUBSCRIBERS DESIRING THE AD diets of their-paper changed must tat the name of their former post office, as well as of the office to which they wlah the paper changed. . Several new families have leen aikh-d to Salem's population by tbe creauier-i lesj. And still more iu tl country. with many to follow. Tlie late showers damaged some hay and destroyed a iirt of the cherry- reoi, Itut probably the greatest injury doiio was hi the further rusting f wheat, r The showers demonstrated several things, ls-xldes t lie fact that It can rain whenever it li.t-t U in Oregon. They VA-monstratcvI tlie fact that the only sure way' to produce good 1ks In Ore gon Is to spray them and k 11 the jce. 1-Tst vorable " weather conditions cannot lie lHled on for tills, I Several tccm'd tHiiteii)ioraries ex p' ex stirr rise that a roap company r con I Iyt presented to each of tb. -young went n of a nou-d . NortlKTti instiuitiou of k-a ruing, a take of sha vlng i-oait wariauttd f tlaihcr w ithout a brush. Tin thing is s5np!e. The compauy "kti''v that ll: snip would it well al vei Iked' by tb. question.- that woiUJ 1 askcd about' it. - j " lit re Is the. way' the Register of that tlty ays it worked down at --.Mobile, Alabama: "IV antii-spitthig ord!tiauv went into eHV-et Tuesday :tt 1 already there Is g. tr.il iuiproveiiK'Ut in the con dithm'of tin -ddWMdcs. TIk cus tom Ikhis sidewalk iresented ah uu-soik-d uj'iH arance yesterday for tli. first lime in its lytory. i-aiiliriSS' j-t cviitagJotn.' A projerty owner tindiiig that the ihhm were 410 knig..T using li!. sidewulk as 11 cufpkhir, rushed hh lrtr out and made bini give the fide walk a - go! sweeping 11k? first In ycaiH, to our knowledge. j Ro-Kcvslt was great ciioiikIi to do Justice t l'rcsMeiit MeKInky tin hi eceh. ill whkh lie seconded his notii li'jt'cn. Tlie hero of Saft Juan referred to biju an "the- President who has had to meet and solve problems nmre nu merous and important, than any otlier IVcsktait iiice.tbc'..days of the might y Abraham IJik-oIii. - This .o-. not wound like the lank rou wonta that have leeu eoutini.'usly' heard, by lb jHople of tavgon, from tlie nu n iu Mm ItciHihJlcan party win wto not allowed to have their way in the dictation jof tilt t he federal apioiutucut iu this state. . . ' ! ; rjL'lIIOT ESTAEUSH TOl5EiyE5 III PURE BLOOD , r MAKES THE BLOOD PURE AUD PPEVtHTS DISEASE. it gives simt(miT0EZ5n::Li ATID LIFE TO THE LUHGS. isnoTAvansicETMExiriEJ -.. ' a.- . v . i 4t ,1 THESE FOR INSTANCE. The TBTladelf-Wa platform Is a flat. rapid. : platitudinous and slovenly stump upeeeh. Jut one thing the Re publican party has done for whfeh. credit Is due it. It has established tlhe gi'ld stanfcird. TJib w the;oon-e of the national protierity ai6nt wlrfeh the llatform t-ay ho nmeh.1 Tbe pofid ptar?lard has given confidence in mon ey and business -and the ieHle do t he rt St. The chief fruit of protection on wikh t lie platform-makers- have nent tlieir record Is suPoort of irreat trusts and furtlitV enrichment jof great milHonaireH. OrcgonJan yesterday. ! Is 4hat ho? Some of the gretit trust. and greitt millionaires upiiortel and further enriched by protecfkn are the men on Oregon farm who rahe fruit ami vegetables and rtomortlc aninuils those, for, instancv, who prodm-e: Butter arnl cheese, v : -. Tonltry irbtlucti, . nay, IIops,' Onions und other vegetable. . FruitH, rreeu and dried. ; Hairu and otlKT pork products, . I'ecf, veal and mutton. Hides, : : -- . ,' - - ' - iVoo! and mohair, Iutnber. , lliese are Wie jAutocrata-the frH trade uewKimpers are after . who are continually condemning the plicy of protection. These are tlie great trusts ' and niilHoiiairc who are ena bled to keep their heel on the necks of the, common people by the aid of the protective tariff. , i .There Knot a man Jn Oregon In any calling who should not be interested in the further prosi-erity: and enrich ment of these trusts and nrilMonnrrcs on the farms of Oregon. ''And the tnen in this stae who do not recognize the value -of rotection for them are very few and far 1etween. Tlie 3niuiry will not le made n vain within a few years, "Who was tlie candidate for Vice President in J90UV NOT 0 suui:. Aljutant (iwral CorWn ls luizzl'-d to find out how to Itring tlie volnntvvrs home; ftrnu, the IMnilippinex, reilaciug them with regular troops, to the. num- ln-r of -.",H.H, without Impairing th.; service In Oiiba. Tlie thing is eimple enough. If tlie Umited Stat will only - let it iv known that at once, without unnecessary delay, the pledge made to tli iKHile of !ub:i wiil K 'fnlliUeJ, and tliat iH-oj'le will lie given lf-gov- tt nii f nt ikng the linies of that pk-dge. no great army wi'll le Jongcr , iioKUd in-t'u1a. anl the regul.-i.rs 3 n that Isl and can will lx spared to take care of the r Phllii pines. Mobiie, ; . Alabniu:!, R"istcr. . - - . . 5 . - - Tliis fc riot certain. The people of Cuba are not an educated pcojJe. TJcy liave tnt lveu sclioolel In wlf-govxTn teent. . Tliey may succcd in rme In taking i"ate of their own' affair! iu a w umcr Vinsractcry to tliedemands of e'vilizatiorti.-' Put Ibey wou!4 prolxtbly te sit cacili other's tlvnoats tf they wcr? given full autlrJty and 4eft entirely iflore now. It must - i reiueu!rjJ that the enditions of Outia lire differ ent from tliose of an Auicrira'u terri tory. :. ;-;:'.' r :; , TUB' MAX WHO .WAITBD. On the' eve of the 11 nopposiil 110111 1 na tion of William McKinley for a sec ond term as President of the UnVH-d States It is priMT to recall to memory an incident of the Republican National OrtiventSoii -fit Chicago, (twelve years ago'tliis month, sald a 'writer, iu tlie New York "Sun of last Monday. ; i William McKiuley was In the Ohio delcgatkm to that convewtion, 'and Ids caiidi-late was John Sherman. The for ty-six votes of Ohio were east solidly, for Sherman on ballot after ballot. He led, but itj. liecame evkh-nt that Sher- niau could, not oe iioimnateti. , . Then at wa that tliere came' to Major McKlnlcy a temptation and an 01 iot tunlty of the sort that -makes men's 1khIs whirl. His name i began to be sioken 011 evty side as that of a dark liorse of suriirislug promise. Delegates from tbi stnte and that state .began 4o transfer tlM'ir. votes to him. fcight years earlier, under almost precisely simibir clrcumstanc-es, CJar fiehl of H'o, likewise pletgeI to John Sherman's interests, had seen ,oien fore him uuexiectcdly a short cut for his own personal a mixtion; and t!ar field hal yleldcil to the temptation, fccb!y jirotcsting, and iiad received the uonrinntior. j - . - When on the fourth lutllot Connecti cut reeoided a voti for McKinley, tlKit g-ntnian w as on his feet In an instant with tlx best speech of his Eie. Here it is: ;':'; ;'- ;- ; , ' ; "I ani here as one of the chosen rt'p reseutatlves of my state. I an hereby a resolution of the! Republican convene tku," passed wMliout one dis.enttng voice, ttumandiug;me to east tuy vote for John Sherman, uwl to use every worthy en-leaver for his nomination. I accepted the trusts lH-aus"iny heart ami my Judgment vere Iv aCvrO wiiu the letter anl sirit an-1 pnrise of that resolution. It has pleased certain delegates to east their .votes for inc. I am not insensible to the hormr they would, do nie, lut in tlie" presence of Um duly resting uion uie I cannot re- niaiu silent with ibouor. 1 cannot con tdtftently with the! credit of the state wIkisv emlentials I Ix-ar ami which has trusted me cannot, with honora ble fidelity 4o John Sherman, who has trusted me in .his eaus and with bis confidence I cannot eoiis-istently with my own vitAvs of my inrsonil intg- rity etmseut or st-ra to consent to ir- mit my name to le hs"i1 as a candidate liefore this ejuventkni. I would 'not r?sieot myself if I couH HikI it in my heart 4o do, to ay,-or Ito permit to be done that which could leven be ground for any one to gusjxct hat I Wavered in my loyalty to Ohio ior my devotion to the chief of her choice and the chief of mine.. I do not requst--I demand that no delegate who woukl not cast rcdeetion npju me shall cast a ballot formo. : - " f j . " , , -; -, -., And Benjamin Harrison was nomin ated upon the seventh fliallot. The finest thing a4aut William Mc Kinley's. manly, impnilsive, spontane ous protest iu tbe courehtkm of 1SSS wa that It was so deEvertd that no dektsate ir sieetatir (who heard it tloubttxl its ab-o!ue "sincerity.1 It rang as genuine- Ciok, -evefi his iiolitlfl en ofeies ever .accoseu tdui of playing on that occasion '.fijr effeelt, of ixsfng for Iemuial, advantage, of! j entertaining a M-cKit xurpose" contrary to the Higulfi cance of Ue earnest wxrIs lie ntteretl. .In nominating Wiliiam McKinley unanimously and by acclamation for a second term as rrcskltitit of the TJnited States the twelfth National Oonvrntlou of the Republican pa ry honored that AnKTican-geutleuian not more conspic uously than he honored!) himself by that siwt-h at the n-iuth -National Couvch tkmi. J-.-: : ? ' .: .' ' II - n '-' ' - ClVILrSERVIOE rtiXSlOXS. t)ne of the issues thie ieople of the United States will soou be confronted with Is the demand fjor tlie payment of iiensions to offlcersijof goverunien't. The basis is laid for a movement to create a civil service it pension system by the action 1 of the Treasury .Deiwrt--nient in carrying on f the salary list clerks who can no longer perform the duties iM'longing to their office.: It is gravely argued that a great ; and rich uatl-on would be disgraced ly turning cut'. ;hpon thei w"hll! superannuated clerks to wiiom luMinl salaries havo been paid for a quarter of U century or more. s. i-'. isuiietju. : Tlie issue will nave jto lie faceil. Of this We liave no doubtij Tlie civil serv- ie iension Is the fitting .complement of the civil service system. But there is no good reason for J-ther existence of either, excepting in aj very, few eases wliere the. services of j specialists and experts are required. (This Js a repinV lic, a government of jail the iKoiIe and there is 110 placet unde stK-h a government for an official aristocracyj There is no fit placv f ir an office 1kI1- ing class. 'Wlien the Ijssue comes, the whole civil service system shouH Ix? swept off the stat nte Uwks. root and branch. Tills will doj away ; with the aiccesssty of civil service; pensions. A writer iuUhe New. Vork H:rnld says the coining ciiiiiacilgrt will le tlie most important in the country's his- ry since the days f the civil war. Tlie campaign of wa4 a : very im portant ouj Itut we ure iiK-liued I to agri-e with the Herald writer. A vic- tory for theifBryanlties Woukl 1h a t lxen their success foilir. years ago. ft wonkl Is breaking ,ff in the mid-He of the gnat things .tltat are; under" way. If-snch a misfortune s to happen, it were lietttr tiiat tiie jgreat tilings had never i Is-eu uiwlertaketi. Itut1 we . feel every confidence tlia t this country will not! tlie" people of think of turning their fac-s track and In a vl u g u nfi iIsiKd the gtcat .undertakiHs they have iu haiil. It would Jiot die 'Kfce this great country in any part of its glorious ids tory. " "The 1 RepiHlican hitform as pre- sentcd and "aloitel ysterday at the I'lriladeh Jila onventikMi Is sound in every line, clean cut ajnd to the ioiut," says tihe San t rancasoo liuiietiu. xmie of Hh Uv' trade newspapers are sij--iug it: is platitudinous and ' far from clean cut. It is thoroughly Republican and intensely A iiRiican, and Is fully exemplified by tlie candidates who irc standing on It. t It cotjld not have leeu fraBied better to fitj tin;- hIss s hnd ambitions of the PatiltUr coast. ...'".; A farmer friend oC the writer could get no ack just wllien - he wanted them, so the pnt ids jwheat in ids liii. after cleaning it uinJ ami it is .there yet. Wheat is up now, and he is glad sjicks were scarce. li woukl .be a good klea for more of our preimre for storing farmer friends to their w'heat on their farms. : In addressing the jfuiemliera of the Business Women's Uouncil In New York a few days agopbouias (I. Shear man said: "Never think of marriage until' you are nfb'.e to support a hus band. Mr. Shearman Is evidently a man wrirhf tlie good of his sex thor oughly at heart. , j; j - Wheat has juniiie! up three cents a bushel more In price.. If tlie Willam ette valky farmers were certain of a fnll crop, tlK'y woukl thave more to le thankfu) for on this score. However the restof the VN'orrhwest will have a big croi of the cereal. ; We are glad to see that tlie bicycle tax 1 to be tollecte!, or at least the law tested to find out If it wi'll hold water. If it is not g.od, tlie ' liCgis la t lire at the session of next winter must amend it. l II BR IS ITS Y HAY. Not miK'h good gold did she -disburse. Yet well tdie i-ient ea-h golden mln- . lite, I' j.,': - . SIm liad 11 precious little purse And there was pTccious little In it. That was ..lief on she started out. I She meant, to shoji; her mean; were ample ; , When she got Kick that purse, was . StOIlt,'' . i ' f : '.' ! . ' For It was-stuffetl" with many a - sample. pr i 1 "Chicago Record. Skin-Tortured Babies C3Y FOR CUTECURA. i' Instant relief and Bleep, In a hot lth witn CirrieucA Map BTwlaeialo unoir.u n-ii-i Cvtictb'. i;at3MT.w Al!essa-i-totilcl-i tor tured InXanla aad 'orvij. worried jiarcntt.. . itrnnHm Sn;v.0"trTiT.e. P'rrrrK ' M A KB BXCEIKNT BANKERS Women Have Met Decidjd Success In the Tomain of Finances. r ' One of the latest actpvit'es - upon which women liave enterfl is thatjOf (banking. They are akl jto make s c'llent cashiers ami hotaffew of the, 11 are found In vro,11'uttt flauciiil Insti tutions throughout the country. While mine women ha ye little nat ural aptitude for bwinest when they are told a thing oik tlny almost 1 11 varhri'ly rememlier (t and soldo 11 make the same error twfc-e. Tliey are qnl k, a a rule, In (their 1 atyounts. Few iH?ople have any nectirate idea of the numb t of wonwrn w.lj keen sej l i ra te accovHits or who wit stocks and lrouds. Olany - are the widows of rich men, while some liave injierited large snms of money from fathers or ot Jier relatives, Tliere also is aj consiyrabJe and growing class of. -.fomen either actively engaged in'tnxslijess or silent irtrtners In son enteririse front which iarge dividends are drawjn. ' Jn'aB this women undHbtedly show quite as much business f act as men. It is getting to lie more ft ud more.the custom to pay, houscibolll bills ylth cheeks, the bank account jfor this being carried in the name offth mistress of the house.- ' ' iSome Xew'York banks have realized this business enterprise, on the part of women, notably ho the Fifth Ave nue and the Second National banks. In Boston, in a similar -Way; thftneeds of business womenT liave been recs- nized and met., especially so by the C4n v-.. ........ .l.t U lieeu . renKslehl ujion , nvv Idea-s. fol lowing in part tliirise teuggisbd' by ?Cew York places, Tui jjiai banking room contains a large. dsk, circular iu shape and place,! Within a wro-niit iron inHosure of handsc&ie dslgmand .make. Inside of this .ijiay. Ik found two distinct set of clerks, 1 tellers and the like, oi to attend t6 ladies doing business there, the ninii!sr of w-hich Jia grown to be. of. larde propfwtloiis. While the otlier side c;tts for thejiiieu .who have accounts thfre The de pa rti-nt set aside .for Women Is espe cially attractive, ami qiiietly,. w ithout publicity pr annoyance ;nd with every onvetiietM-e at hand, foiiien patrons .and deisisi tors may. transact their ,lus fnes matters . imist I'satisfactoriiy, T3iere are coflvenk'iit Hittle writing hdesks.'snpplied with stationary in ens a iciier or someiiiuig oesitics, a en.fCK inust 1h written, and tliere also is a small rec'tion room, j where ladles may wait for friends at; rest a wliile if they fed o inclined. Current ui.ig azines and the best periodicals, al ways at hand on tlK? tabls, with comfortable chairs, 'miip-ors, win re, a glanc may Ik had " to see ' lf"oiT''s lress Is correH-t. ssiwiig materials, where a stitch may Ik taken if neiies ary; or a lost button l-eilaed; in some of the gen Tat . uveniencis vhhh have lsHn the stdy 'of the of licials of this .Well arriuged banking room, ; j . y ' woMiix LMxrroRs IX RUSSIA. Tly Are making-1 an lvxeiik'nt Rcc- ord Againait VMeiitOpintkMi.j After iiKtny years ofl'opiiosM'ion tliw part of gm-ern'iiK'iiif offlcfcils ,s( ot 111- tilabsl to activity byjuiak physk-ians. women, .have liceu admitfed to tlh."pfat,r tk-e of. ns'liclne in Jilissla.f and nre aiready making good flriKiriTss. Some :lix; employtwl by tine gvrniiient; and aw, like otlier government eiupkiyes, euti tk. d. 4o icnsknis. , Tliey are. county and sv.lioi. ifliysielans. ilotrtors for tlie jhmt arid in the uwdfcal aorinbui-' sjskimt Dr. X. Sclmit, , in tlie j St. IVteiVtmrg Insiltute 'i frexis-rintielital utHlk-ine, is oik of tbefilirst.exiwrts in taMcloIoy ami (the lt-ture are W"t'l atteTuk-d.. In Russia "Jfor some ytus wouk-j have le'n eniio)irl as nioth- ecatk's' ckrks. .-Iir Vrtijtuy, als. t ! (Wiirtendnirg nHniter ediK'atiou will ; now give women an Kainsfrtitnity to study -eheuihftry anl ipss an exaniin-. at ion. . Iu commenting on- this iri vil- cge, lr. W. iWachte-r iiu a Rcrlini re view, says: ' "... f; f. 'j lf women do secunl thir inivilige It: will .be anything but slnefure; tJ'r iuan ai-othecarks deilks ; littve ;to il krgo a -ouise of! ft tdy. ami. WSien tiny nv3ve a pfisitkfti they are ex iected to b. on dutyjfre-m 7 or ,8 in ike nnirniflg to lt or II 1 at night: be skkt atitenolng to 1 he Ihuight ls4b every other night.. if not everfy night. For all this tlsy receive frorjo u to IS a, nsmth and board anfl " Mlgiug. In a few exceptional camsau assistant nray H-cieive as. much a $-t a innth. L.n k r such ehvuasstauees it Is liardly 4 Won Ut tawtjtti jouiig 11H-11 do not ;eford. Snto tills field of '.onj.loy im-nt.' It' is. in-k-4l, tln. lirticnlty getting assist ants, ei?eckilly hj i vll:i?s. ; that, Ita nad uxiny of 41k afKlrtliei-arics willing to consider the eaudfdacy of woii'n. Svonin clerks, lie insists, shoiikl tin ier ix 1 i-lrr-n instances accept; tower wag than tlie then, and tby e!oiiJl. if sih'ie. organaze i for fpitotectku;; nor ishoukl tbey evr 'eou.4rut to act.when l-u'iuess is- sla k. as as-s!stant'-- 1o ais-tlF"eary"s wife, thus eiull;ng Ikt to dlisse with a ixtvant." MEXiaiS MOUNTAIN .OF IRON. It Will Supi'ly the JlVorM With Ore for ilnndred.tr of Years. El Corn o de Soiiora of Mexicn say that an engineer: enipl jed by an Anrk-au 'eompany. iwho n-eentlv vis ited the ('erro le Mercado, in Ourati go, saj-s that the ir-i in ,ishi on this mountain M sufficient to furnish all tlieusmelters of England -with ore for a p;riod f:Ko yeat-s.,.;ayf tir.; New York 'Tribune. i.The jjron whk,h may lie obtainel witboitt excavating one huh exceeds WOMmo tons, and the value of the ore tht may tx tsken out runs up r to the astounding figure of 99iJ(MM'4 pesos, at the priw of this product when th investigation wns made. v"'"'-;: The newspaper cited asserts that the German--engineer, FrdrW.ic Weiduer, who has ma e a mor? care ful study of ; the wealth of the. C'erro del Menvado, than '-anyone else, avers that it contains l.ol;.(KHSif cubio fiH't of metal, which Is sufficient to supply the smelters' uow in exisreuve or wh'ch may come' Into existence for tvntur'ies to ctme. r Mexb-an euglneeres agre that the Iran niountaJn r-ferr'd to Is t3.e greatest In the world and are of tlie opinion that thore are tiin I'ar m:ss-s of troa iii, the country, which will ber discovered little by lit tle. :- '.:: X :,; : - . '-.,--v." . EGGS A IiA rilrlSIDBXT KRUtSER. Take hard-IxiSei ergs .ami slice off the white at one -end so that the yolk can 1h taken off . Season tliis with pepper and salt, and stir lu chopped tr 11 tiles and put lack into the .whites. Cover the eggs with aspic jelly tinted different colors violet, yellow, pink, blue, red and x on. There 4ite harm less lustration for coloring imrposes, Tht eggs-j will stand up oh a . plate. pTaec.I 011 the eii-I which (lias leii cat. Cover with whipped cream. In which are a few chopped trulllcs. Or, Instead of using jbspk- jilly, roll fte eggs n a bowl Iu which are an egg or two well Nten up with a littkj i-okl inilk:.tlieu roJl In fresh bre-ad-irumbs anl fry for a few minutM in very hot -fat. Take them up witfb a skimmer and serve hot. ONXrY WELSHMAN ! COULI KAY IT. The following telegram was handed In t for delivery at the postofflee at beitow. .- England: nJoing i to shall lie liome Iry 4i." Tlie jxstniaster, thinking that there was more than a fair penn'orth of conso nant In the name, referred it to his srirve3'or. wlio wrote backr "It 1 an attempt at the name tof a village -in AngleT.'y); bpt Is evklently not writ ten by "a Welshman: tlie ; spelling Is ItHorrect. and. biit for the joke of the thing, the Ordinary abbreviat Ion Llanfalrpw-n-rwould have been better. Tlie fell name correctly written I givi. below Llan:fairpwilgwyngyHgog'rch-wrniydrGUiwillamlisilliogogogoc-h. , "SIBERIA'S '' NATURAL WHALTIL SUr'ria produces one-tentli of tlie world's yU-kJ of gold, ami but few of the mines : have lieen worked, on ac count of the climate, says Consul John C. Covert. The Immense coal deiKisits have hardly been touched. One. mine, with six lsls, contains as ftinch cSnl as all the ik posits in Bug land. Tlf' htck of transportation fa cilities alone has preveuteil it from fsdng worked. . , THE SECRET OF PAHEREWSKI. t.;- t . -, - O' - - -, ' - - , ' " IIoAV the -FanKrtw Flanist Kecis His : V Fingers Supple.;' " ' 3 How nny great . pianofort : iayer Tfceiis hfcs hriiKki suptde1 has often lcn a matter for Winder, says -Tit-Hits, tut M. raderew ski, tlie k'ng of jii 1 n isrs; Ii:ts" revealed tlx : whole si crvt, ""The night lsfoP: t play I turn ...my hanff over' to ivy valet, and he rniw ny lingers until tliey tingle," declans M.itderewski. "Then he takes one ttnger" after tlie otlier and tiinis ami twists -it in the paint of. his hand, al ways turning: ; the one way. Tint loaves tlie lingers stipple, and keejis the knuckles iu good workihg order. Iist he rubs the paint of each baud very liard as 4iards I an tatil it. Just tieron 1 go on the platform to play I . luive a K-is-in of hot w.ut-r 4rt nght to my dressing-room. In this I immerse iniy hands. Hot! I should say 0; Just as about as hot as It is isrsH-lc fdr a man to stand It." So this is the way It Is done. I PEQULIAR AND PERTINENT. p There has, never been a 16 to I ratio tinder the coinage laws of this country, lit. ratios have been: Act of 179-1, 15 to t ; 1834. 6,oo2 to j; 1837, 15,588 to-1. lijes of borax are extending year by year. The meat purchasers of the coun try arc the largest; consumers, aosorD ing 6.000,000 pounds and over anrntally OflVcicil figures recently compiled how tlie tna In ' line , mileage of, rjiil roaids.an Mi'siouri to le nearly . 7000. This total is likely to be considerably increased this year. . I T'i:i otai receipts -of the 'Methodist Foreign Mionary society for the last year were $11,376,399.07, whichis .the argest afnount ever paid into luc treas- irv n ojie" vcar.' r--' I nr the province of Smolensk. Kusia, there is held every three moiuh4 lot are lot- tery'm InisbamKi antl wives, who ciioscn by the diance drawing o tery ticket. . ANTlQtTE CANNON., ' -.- V A-t Fortress Monro and Various other forts and arsenals thnpighout tlie United States 'are errornro's .pian titi"H of antique and olsdete eannon, eoliwnbiads, howitzers, tnortar Hhelbs. aud other pi-ojcvtile. gun-eirriages. aud etUipMiHnt wirieh tlie serttary of whr is 'authorized to lost n or give to Holiliers' nmmment asKiatkihs. mu nik'iiisil coqwratlons, and posts of tlie iraud Army oftiie HeiullM-, niwler an act passed In lS'.xt 4y -ingresii. Koine of, thes guns ;are very old, aui all are more or Icsh ornanieutal, 1 ut they afe otherwise worthless,i except - for old iron.':" - -"i . . -1-u . j. -. - u j , v- r1" Atnotkg tin io.uiy fals of Fjnrror Willi.! hi' is lib passion for clhxting l?ote! and sIhs's of famous wople, hia eolketkii of -tbvse- particular artieks oc nttiiT onstit,uting a fitting Jpcndant to his iiuge museum of uniforips. Tlie e31ectkn l kept in the Marbk palace at rotsdatn. ami tliere are: sofrtie yHm ixtin". from Urck winda!, and a pair of sliprs repi:cI to hate I'ioug! to Mahoiuet, to the boots of Walleiiedein. of tiustavus Adolphus. of Peter ' the t!reat, of Frehrk-k tlie :rcat, an-1. lastly, of the first Naisjleon. 'Wliv' don't your novelists write aNnit tlie life fliey know Is-st" "Well, one very good re.tson is tliey wotil l get into hot Water with oil their ndghlwrs." Chicago Uccord. UifBitarw ' Pacific 'Horoestexd, Sslem, Or.1 Bert Ut.n paper. I'iJtd weekly. $1 9 stn . SXEEZE COST HIM A FORTUNE. Unalile to Repress It. a Deo.ctlvo Lost a Largo Reward. '. While the detectives were siftln he sT-i around tlx oflh-e waiting for geant to lssvw- assignments and uiake ll -tails one of tlie men, an ok J'-Jith Avlxe hair has grown while witl hndcwing criminals, sudieuly gave.rt Imid sneeze Unit . made tlie iii aiid.-s-tent light vibrate, says the Atlanta OMvditutlon. - . -i---.' j "iiront stars, exclalnutl otije of the yoenger lirootl, ryou nre-tne jlnost vo-e'flR-oiw sneezer 1. ever heard." "Yes; let une tell you roin"tliiiig, l oys," reiilietl he bfcl detectiie. "That eueze of mine once cost nie f lo,is. The exprcssk'hs -of it.reliil'.ty wpn IJ( filths of Ills hearers iiustsl t lf old detective to tell the story of nis r-MtIy (sueeze. " - ' '. , "Majis tome of you nMnenilier,' he said, ''alKHrt the irjliee In Ajlaida lc, Ing notified lwk in the sole of two i ank nltKrs betiding tlds w ny. Tlwy liist an'l KkI n1.!Hl a i:uik In the Hm tiort , was they wer going to Atlanta to meet and divide Hit joiIs; liaving sparatl after the toIls'ry.t amid i Ktrsplcton. ' I was d tailed t work on tin eas and 1t wan't many days K'fore I Iwd tsisitted a siispirlous stranger stojidng at a lxia r.ling- lxmse in the city. I kept a ise watch 011 m mi ami a icw uivs kitt r anither .tvpk-ious character tnrmA up and went (to the same Ikmisc lMi.ir.1. I 'krew the men w"re only HSjHt-''d. and that to sen-tire vid lilt 111:! wbk h to convk-t them I would have to see then together 'when tlw y divkled the iouey or hear tlr m diicuss their p!ans when they tiiouglit Iheniselvc unnolItHMl. TIk story was getting Interesting,, for the "toys'r In 'the detective rftc kuef tWat no matter how much Hi- oil sk uthi fooled ''other iMoik. he tievi' T svcvA lck on the "profsIi.T Sc 1 arningid wit1 the landlady of the Uarding-hous-." continued tin old debvtive, "to h'k me in the closet. oienlng into the room whicli my birdt KXij)iIcl, I was afniid 11 t t ha vo the xioeset ks-kioL IsMilllse (he fclhtws might liave pried nnuiud ami oKnd the ckset to 1st ui they trcre alone,.-' I wan. to stay in; the locked close! tut-' ng and as til tin men held thHr iiMst soon as they left the lan iia-ty was to hurry into tin hmhii and fei.-a-t me; Hie list would iiave lnin iJaiu sjiiE iug. Well. tfH fellows met. and I was In tlM -closet all right. I heard tli"iir talk alxjiit Jiow.-they had vorked tho rob!xry and lis iiss the divi ioii of the money. .Then at a iitosf rritical nut- -n'nt 1 felt that I was going to suctwi I did everything In my jMnver to keep -the t-neezi down, but 1 he dust In tlie ckiset had got in r1ts work jind I gave om. of my regulation sneezm, great lj intensifird bivause 1 had alten.pti-'l to suppress it. The jig was up. 1 heard two men lhelng dowit tie- steps; I kniM-ked 011 ilk- (Iinw :iml 1 1 1 1 I:iiiII:i,I v- b t iih out aftin what I thought, was 1111 iiiterminatiiej wait. T ic in- n es caped from the city, and mi far as. 'I. know were never caught. There w.-us a. reward of fld.ixiO for them." 1 M..vari 1 bo. Ti.. c-'!t-rj .-f th! n:r -s-i!! e-iwa tnkl ili!-rs ufc toast one u hat fcoiort.-e 11.1:1 ri'i a.uis tu in aii Ha tt-'. tiwi tllat -sit au;r-.-h. Hatra Calarrft - ,'urc in the only rsj;tire cure tool ,vn tr. il-e niru- cat fraternity. Culauli i-sjii 1 niit a oiuMituliotiai li!a!te.-rovuirra a, ; canft.luc.otk! trulmrnU rtalt'B t ataj-rft Cure i taKeii ntl rnailr. aclme lirectly ipon th tlovl f.n fnuoliiMrfarpn rf the i'trtii, thert?Ky !i:.ilru.Tine the foundation of the 1i-taie, and fiTintr f pilictit tiireniftli oy builiiinsr cp tlio onrintitnlinn ami ajtiflinf; aature in tloiii? jinwork,' The inprictors l.av bo much faith in'ita mrative fioVeni, that Ihrr offer Cue HunHrr.ft Dollar for ahy care that it faila tocure. Fend for list cf tCfikiiuonittla. , Adtlrcas, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tolcfio.O, JO" Sold by Ornxsiata. 75c. Hall's Family i Tills arc the besL WILL COLLECT THE BICYCLE TAX. Sheriff Durbin TropoM s t 1 Advl VajlS Inly,-loth on nellnqiM'Jits After- WiU Enforce I 41 w. tFrom Daily StatesinanJ June S) siKMirr I-, w. iMirbiu lias ieo.tieii 10 extend the time for" paying tlie spivial bicycle tax to July l.IWi, after which date tlie Miialty iroik-4l by law for ikliiipi iK-ies. will Ik? adtleil, and the collection of tlM 4ax etrforeeil. Th slKTiff Is now roady;to receive -all pay metts. and urges afl wlwetmen to avail themselves or tlie opportunity pres-!!!-tnl to pay tlie tak during the jMxt thre weeks, after win.cli tlnteJa l-fiialty or 1 will atkled, atil w iels will Is scizctl. The -money to W this tax will Is used In t icyde p:iijis luilt last klerived lrom repairing Mie' Scar, uiKi m building new paths throti ;hottt M ition county. j Yisterlay tw6 ownert of bk-yeto each de- railed at the lierifrs tlk-e. ivisitiiig ?1.!IT and recei Vttlg "tlM-IX-UMT tlw new numls'r tag. Tl ic munlsT of whwls on wiiich the tax has thus fit been paid his year, i u. THE I. ARIA. Chills and Biliousness is a bottle of GROVES'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC It is cimply Iron and Qui- nine in a tasteless form. Ho cure, no pay. Price 50 cents. Dr. Wllltam' Indian Pila (lintmciit wUI cureimna. mi... , .iikn.ii-1 hA tnniont, lUi the llchinpat once, acts laa a. multloe. ieivesi tnRtant.fe : lief. Dr. VHUIamUnlinIileOioi- . 1 . 1 ri.- Ji l..a ,n(1 It (' inu of the private parti warranted, oy ariicKijj'. 'j - rv.ut eftpt of pricr. bO c;nta ami l.s. WlLLIf MAIIUFACTURIMG CO.i Top..lcieTeiaua, oh ror 9M toy ail rnggiMs. riiQTih nnnn &.HU I IU uuuww ATHMLFPRI9E. m . . . . ,. ntAKf V . ir MlM III mnA tl.TTM' MHIIX4 mr V.iY Asm tlHK tr f 4 km ':' : m M H"" MM vim.-- 1 t. -a I T T - - holr pr ml ami m".I . '''" Zkm ll lt''W'l0T,JUl ..r, fia M mr Vr.Z rt n. K,urrp-9c"11 i ref and yoiiinniiwr. .It I OL'B SPECIAL PRICE ptrrr, H. I, f.Kl ""V". 4. (Mil ' '-..V.V P 1 cs 8. U mm rc.il.M1 rubber hrrJ, htrUrt wit, S.6l I" cr nnrRiirK a-m iIm.j. CHlCASv. IW