Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, June 19, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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CritkhTcrccs Ccstiiae to ;DrIve
. Cack krcstrs Wsrrlcrs.
WttU . Comniinrtlit , KafUalk - Troopc A
j OU&ealt Ink St for. th State. ,
i f Britalaw
LONDON, June 17. (SumJay).
Ther ii no new tonight, to be report
cd fron the seat of -war in South Africa
where the Britiyftj fores ar .continuing
to clear off the Boers on their front or
holding in check for dispersing those
threatening the- rear of ) Schopernok
In an attack on the. Railway Pioneers,
near the Zand river today, the Goers
were driven off, but General Seymour.
commanding' tihe Pioneers, was killed
lie was an American, and was formerly
employed on tne road, r . ;
unon, jane 10.: It is dawning on
Great' Britain that, unless "the political
crisis at the Cape t& tactfully , and suc
cessfully carried on, the pacification of
bouth Atrica may be lrtik-hniteiy de
layed. :The putting down of a possible
antuBritish agitatkin ire. a British col
ony,' similar -to that' which W existed
for 3 !century in Ireland, is recognized
as being a tar more serious, task than
oiKflanking svnfd disarming the Boers.
QaMtlona Au to trUty of the Act A
j Uwl KlMtrirto BmU", th Hotel
WUlsntette Macblae. .
' i - - ?. : i - - -, .: -x. '
(From Daily fvtotenman. June 17.)
! Tli. iiiH.r1t lijrnai .nf Wt tin m.'1
1 lie iiuai i 1 ...... . - ...... --
recently impose', , by : the city icouncil.
Vm nickle-in-tlie-flot macnines in Salem
ls not being paid very promptly..'. Thus
far mly four merchants payiing licenses
on fourteen machines, hare .liquidated
the jMTimint of Uie tax, yielding a rev
enue to the city-of $84- '-' --'.''
- Tlirrti -xTf nrnlmhl fiftVi macJii'n" in
the city-liable to the tax but some bus
iness houses have discarded the devices
rather than pav the tax and the city
authorities hardly expect totalize front
over forty machines. TliaET number of
machines 'will yield an annual revenue
tu the'eity of about $iono. -',
The action of the -city council in im
posing a tax upon: these machines, which
by an act of the last Legislature . were
tk-cl.-rred a gambling device. , ha caused
considerable discussion, locaHy. in which
the constitutionality of the act and" the
power of he city in -the premises is in
volved. -The city authorities rfignrc that
they are justified in levying the license,
The claim that the 'Ix-Rislative records
will show that the Salem City charter
which. empoTwers the city- council to levy
a tax on sucn devices, was approved on
February 15. ..iSoft, but inasmuch, as the
alleged emergency clause appended
thereto 'did' not. declare an emergncy to
exist, constitutionally it didjnot con
stitute an emergency clause and hence
the law did not become-operative until
'May 16th of the same year bf virtue of
the statute of limitation.' The bill de
claring the nicklc-in-the-slot machines
to Ik gambling devices was approved on
February ' 24th i and inasmuch as it in
cluded the usual form of an emergency
. 1 -. . . -I, luiAnmn ..rx. rq(ii. ( rm n il
after its approval, j In addition to the
fact that the slot machine bill is alleged
to have been irregularly passed, the city
authorities contend that the provisions
of Uie Salem (City charter bill -which
subsequently became operative, in effect
repealed the former, law. The entire
situation and the validity of the aneas
ures, hinges on iwhetber or not a spe
cial law passed by the Legislature re
peals and takes precedence over a gen
eral law, enacted by the same legiskv
live body. The , point in question "in
volves constitutional grounds. , "-A
A local electrician was- yesterday
caught in the act of tampering with, a
nirkle-in-tbe-slot,; money, machine and
relieving it of .its toad of nickles at the
Willamette Hotel.' The fellow entered
t.he bar room ami having purchased t
drink, sauntered into the hillard hall
where a game -was in progress tjetween
the bar-tender. Tearl ITution, and a patr
ron of the hotel. ', Tlic sleek manipula
tor of the fascinating slot, machine soon
disappeared and h was only a short
time until JIiKton heard the machine
dich3rgea quantity of nickles where
rpon be entered the bar room where he
found tbe practical electrician gathering
up the nickles preparatory to making his
departure. l.Tlie follow ad parttaoy
detached the machine by removing the
rdas front-piece, :giving him access .to
the interior mechanis.m of the machine
which enabled him to very easily un
load the 'different pockets of the ma
chine. .Wheti Intercepted ,by the bar.
tender, the fellow surrendered the. booty
and the machine .was again reatljusled.
and he left the roorn The bartender
resumed his 'game of blllards .but had
not . gone from bar room but a few
minute when 3ieT wis attracted thither
by a disturbance similar to that, which
called him before. He at once re-entered
tne bar room and to his complete
astewnishment found the same fellow in
the act oi making away with about $15
wonlrofHckJcs- Again bc.returned tlte
money and was about to It a ve the room
wheii- Imtlrd Conner arrived on the
scene and; tapcf"- be&itiiigicluaimcd
with the1 cirenmstances ave the fellow
a Tcry. severe" lecture and allowed him
to go-" ' "i ' . .. ::.'rt r ;
of.TIiliitoro;:. wiio.ia employed-as the
engineer's -helper at the insane asyluin.
nur wtthai5C1rKns accident -at 5 o'clock
lastrvening,. while? at work in the bo;Ier
room -at the big instittitaon. , In some
manner- a . plug blew out of a steam
pipe- while Mr.- Gauk was employed in
its immediate 'ticinityv and the- steam,
in1' escaping from" the pipe, "seriously
scalded the face arid heckvdf ihe luck
-"f,:1 "My given
--"-, is injuries were promptly
u.mtu ana ns suffering retluce! a
'v imn: were not a severe
r5 wfs,?1 nI opposed, and k is be
ueved Air. Gause w.l, in the course of
a lew weeks, entirely recover from his
injuries, and again be in a poskion to
t? meAS the Jefferson
tMn ocaro, rrot. W. 1. Crawford. oi
wj, fl eiecrea principal, and
usa Juha McCt"ocb. also of Salem,
was elected teacher of the mtermedia.e
praae. .Mrs. A- W., Sceelx? was .Te
e.ected teacher of the primary grade?.
Prof. Crawford is princiioal of the L:n-
coln scbXjrJ, and Mi McCulIoch is a
teacher at the East sctvooL both being
succ-tul and ctfkured educators. In
the? election ;of la new orp of teachers
antlrpriacipabtt'for the Salem scboors.
these two competent teachers' were not
(iJrs. -W, K. Helvie anI ; Mrs
A. J. Daniel9 went to Dayton,
Yamhill county. veterSaT morning lo
attend the furaerol of the infant 1 child
of Mrs. John Burch. Mrs. 1 lei vie and
Mrs. Burch are -sfc?texs, and Mrs.! Dan
iels and Mr. Eurcfi are broiher. and sSs-
Ur. ; Mrs. Btrrch? is arso very danger-
i ' - . , .....
TWO LICENSES.-County Clerk
W. AV. Ilall issued two marriage li
censes yesterday as follows: George B
Mcdellan and Miss trances ii. Man
nmg. ! Jv. Aibncn. -witness, and 1 hos.
W. Kadabaugh and Miss Grace M. Har
riman, v. iiarriman, witness.
Queen Wilhelmina of ihe Nether
lands is not only sy mpathetic but orac
tkal. Taking her.MSUal afternoon drive
with one Of her military officer., she
saw in the wood at The Hagne two
children, one '8.' the other 10 years old
seated on a bench, cryinsr. i She asked
what was the matter- One of the chd
dren, still weeping, told her they had
lost their mother, and there was no
one to look after them. "Well, said
the Queen, "we must go and see your
father. The children, with much hes
tation. explained that they had, been
sent out by their father to beg. 2 The
Queen, after considering a moment
ordered the coachman to take them to
an asylum, : and walked back to the
palace with the officer.
Naknt has just trad a vis4 troai an
intelligent and wefl equipptd represen
tative of the colored" race, who spoke
at the First Presbyterian church in this
city or Sunday ; evening ? last. ' ProL
Gilchrist Stewart.' to whom reference
is made, is a graduate of the instltu1
t ion at Tuskegee. Alabama, under the
direction of Booker T.' Vasliingtjn.
This, is the greatest institution, in this
county or elsewhere for .the training o
the colored youth for industrial call
mgs. rloe mstitutron now has an at
tendance, of 2000, and it . is equipped
with seventy-two buijiiings, though
was started m a log cabin ten ! years
ago, wit a only .twenty students. Mr,
Washington 'has taken bold of the edl
ttcation of the colored boys and girls
of the South in a rationa-l manner. He
has nnd'ertaken to tt-aclr them trades.
by which t'hey may become useful and
imkpcnlent factors in the development
of ihe iowth. 'Me saw that th:s was
the way .to work out the race problem.
There is no race problem in the farm-
ma settlements ot any part' 01 tne
country occupkd by the Hungarians
the Germans. French or Norwegians,
for instance, because these people ac
quire property,; pursue imkpendtnl av
ocahons. and1 become , a part ot tuc
progressive development j of the differ
ent communities, 'ror this Mr. wasn-
insrton is equipoimi and pronosuiK to
euip the youtvg jnen and. women of
t ho colored race of the f South. And,
seeing that he is doing his work along
practical lime?, the philanthropists and
humanitarians of the North are help
ing him, and propose to help him- fur
ther. An 1 endowment fund, of $500,000
s now being subscribed for the Tuske-
goe institution, beinK headed wnh $50,-
000 by tEx-PresWent Gro-er Cleveland.
Prof. Stewart says it is not the idea
at Tuskegee to secure social equality
for the colored people. Tliey are will
ing to ride in "Jim' Crow" cars, to a;
tend the separate sclniols pro-ided in
the Sottb for .the blacks, ami to be
apart from the- wMte race in society
cencTallv: but tleir idea is to s.ccure
equality in imlustnal matters by ren
dering the blacks industrious, thrifty,
and therefore ustui in the industrial
and business life f f that section.
"There is no eolor Kne in industry,
he says, "and none in property and
wea-k-h. The color of the man witn a
lank deposit ij not objected to. ; His
checks are good, and bis custom is
sought after. ; .: : I '- -i-'i' -:. -; 1
Prof. Stewart'is himself a sample of
what may be expected 01 the. pew idea
of industrial education. He is ant if
thority on dairying- After 'graduating
at Tuskegee he worked1 for a year for
Governor Hoard, of Wisconsin, having
charge of one of his creameries a part
of the time. He then went to Madi
son and was graduated from the state
dairy school, after which he taught a
year at Tuskegee, taring charge of the
dairy department. Then he taught fori
a. year at the state dairy school of!
South Dakota. He has just returned
from the Philippines, where he went to
study the race problems of our new
Dossessfort, concerning which: he hat
In. nreoaration a dook, w w
for the benefit of the endowment fund haml The capita stock is fixedat ioooL (, r- r
ior tne uc -'-.e,:.,n. This- fall 1 shares, valued at $tOO each. The corn- j The parUamenUry golf
of the Ttiskegee tnst.tutton- This lf J raid Jki wKt run from Gobe Uamenfc in .London;
he win resume nis piacc-j v..-.v - v.
the dairying 'departmentnt Tuskegee.
Fine printing. SUtesmao Job Office.
Uaeat e;ro Ed arm tor Delivered aa A4
drM at the PresbytcrUa Charcb
. oRudajtTMjl '
The address of Prof. Gilchris Stew
art, the notetl negro dairy scientist and
orator iof the Tuskegte Normal and
Industrie School, ot Alabama, at the
-nst rl ifebyterian cburch on S'tcday
evtrjng; was well attend! and listen
ed to with marked interest. The subr
ject, -The Negro ProbUnn an.1 Cbris
t.Educatiorv among the Negroes oi
the Sooth," was treated . in a very plain
and practical rnamieT. Th
open:d;;wn a huih-M.tkas HustTa:iDn-oi
in iac tnat htn address wou4 be "tmi-
prompto. He? said that, Industrial edu-
catronihaJ bn a success among the
ncgroc A the South, so far as the
work; pf the Tuskfgce institution was
concerned. Booker- T Washington
opened this ;nstrtutkn. in a log cabin
ten years ago, with twenty students.
Now! it has 2000 students and seventv-
two buddings. The brick for the struc
tures Mas made by the students there,
the lumber sawed by them, the car
penter : work Kne by tfctem. and the
pairrfirig perirnut. and all the other
work Itinder ths darectkr of their tu
tors.; ; They make butter and cheee.
anL; fjhoes and clothing, and various
ther(useiul arficles. What is more
important, they learn how to make
litems and to teach their i people at
homeiialso in the- same lines. ;
llwif. Stewart said: "There is no
color: line to industry, poverty and
wealthy If a mart has a bank account
he iaJ respectod. no matter what the
shade! of his skin." He went on to say
that what the Tnskegvei institution's
CTKteajroTing to do is to furtwsh the
tutbs of the black race wrtlr an equip-
mentfiof brain arxl hamf that will, give
them etjual oipLrtunity with their white
bro4hirs. 'i he . idea is not tv make
then social equals; they are1 willing to
rid.a (n the "Jim , Crow" cars, to have
theirithndren attend schools apart from
those' of the white children, and to be
separate in vcial life- But if the black
man can learn something that wdl
make him a factor in the industrial
cVxrlopment of the South, then he wilt
fin a useful place and the race qujeston
will fbe settltd. He said thvre was n.j
race! que it ion heard of in the Sections
of Uks country largely sctt'kd by the
Norwutgiants. tine uermans, or the Itun
trarians. This is from the' fact that
these peoples acquire property, have in
dependent avocations and pecome use
ful factors in the industrial and nusiness
lifd ha the commnnitles in which , they
settle. Th'is is what is m-eded. for;thc
blaclcs. . He illustrated the pcfint by
leterring to an old negro in the South,
withl several brick buildintr and a bank
account, who, when he went to make
his fdeposit, causrxr he banker to say.
tliat the , rich old darkey came wearer
maLimr him say. "Mister" than i any
other darkey he ever saw. , The speak
er said that people who live in Oregon
ami are unacquainted with the condi
tions in. Hie bouh, can scarcely resize:
whit a 'comlescension and -hutttiliatwn-
thelt tihought of caflh n-g a . negrd
MiistieT would cause a ? Soci'therncr to
feelj lie sooke of a part .of the work
at Tuskcgoe which is aimed to elucate
thesi colored ministers of the Soith. It
aims to put kki-s of practical Christi
anity in them; to lake thie- place of
thciir talk about the golden streets and
about the nrilk and honey of the next
world, while not being over-fastidious
about the things m.this; aims to teach
thej negroes that Christianity is net
merely dressing up on Sundays and
havimr little regard for their neighbors
chicken roosts on week days-
After Prof. Stewart was graduated at
Tuskecee. 4ie went back to Wisconsin,
where htr worked for a year and a
nri Governor Hoard, having charge of
one of Ms creanneries a part of the time.
Then he went to Madison, Wisconsin.
where' lie was graduated from the state
daiiry school. After th'is he served for
ajycaT iri charge ot -ine, aairy ucpan
niteiU of the institution at Tuskegee.
Leavina this he went to South Dakota.
wlhere he hadcharKe of the dairying
T . 1 . . X- . A A .... 1 4 .. . t rVwIlrrA
Dirookinirs. lie has bieen m-ehected
toi his former olace at Tuskegee, and
will again take p bis lqrmer place this
tML lie has just returned rom tne
Ttrilippines, where he went to study
tfie race problems of our new possess
slons. having in preparation a book on
tJHs subject, wmch wia le published
astd sold for the benefit of the endowf
ment fund of Tuskvgee, , Mr. ash-
irjjrton has undertaken to raise an n-
kwment fund of 1500,000, and Grover
Ckvtlanil has headed vhrs with a stfb
sciiotion of $50,000 Mr Baldwin. A
tfce Baldwin locomotive Works, $75,-'
000. and J. PhCflps Stokes, an equal
amount conditionally upon the whole
amount being raised. Prof. Stewart
has found time in tis busy career to
stump the state of South Dakota twice
for the Republicans. :;
II He is an authority on dairying sab-;
jtects. and it is his opinion that the Wil
lametie Valley ias advantages over
most sections of the Eastern states in
this line. It is his klea that the busi
ness carnict be overdone here, for evK
i-rv rnartrt that is ooen to the Eastern
iiairymab. is ien to hrs Oregon broth-
ex. not to menqon tire- in.irjiK
kets tn Alaska, in tne nan3 o v,c
I'acific, and "in the Oriental countries.
He says that the Hawaiian get their
lmtur nxstlv from Australia and CanK,
da. though our coast- is .rnucn r
Prof. Stewart went to Albany yesier-
iday. where he will visit . tne ( Aioany
icrearaery. -. .,;,
f 02 A MW BAJLB040. ,
- - - a . - fc . J '
The Gobel. Nehaltm and Pacific Cora-
pany Files Articles Other Cor-
porattons Organize. ' "i i
' ' ---' " . y " j I
In the State Department, at the Cap-
toL yesterday, three new corporations
filed articles and received authority, to
do business, as follows: .,
The Gobel. NehaiitnT and i-ar.ac
R.-lroad Comoanv will construct aad
operate railroad in Oregon and Wash
ington and transport irtigni aim
seneers thereon, and do a. general earr
I rrinir arul dvekomeni ouine?s. it
nrinmai office wilt be ocated f Poxt-
NeWemay. and its steamboat bus
ineS vwiihbe transacted on uir voica-U-.
aeJ Wt'IlatmJtta rivers tht-ir
tributaries. Thomas Day, ii. C. JJeii
nI, Edward Cannon are the incorpor
ators! of record. '.S; '- '
The Huroniant Gold MlhingCom
pany will operate in '-mines and timber
hands, build and operate ' railroads,
smelters and mining machinery of all
kind!. The main.omce wrH be located
in Porrland. The company has a cap
ital: of $r 50.000. divided info shared van
ned at to cents each. Benton Mur
phin, James Lindsey and A. Rockweli
are the incorporators. ;
. The Alcot Club, oi Albany. 1$ orgari
ixed for the; mental cuitnre and social
ewjoynxr oi its- members. - H. 1I.
Hewitt. G. A. West gale, E. D. Cuiick,
E- j B. TWnsenvI and F. M.-French are
the incorporator of- record,:. 4 ; .
$ The -5o2e ph;losof)Iiy',of ,the-; world
front the time when? the first nan
readied tfcihkir.g stature Is wrapped up
in the question which a number of peo
ple nave, been consld'erihig in the East
tri preis. pAAi is lfe happiest pe
riod?" . v' : -. - .
Back in the B. JZ. years "philosophers
had already reached the conclusion
that happiness was the I object of life,
but not one of them gave a definition
oftjiappiness that stood, all tests. "AH
liipped as seriouslyas Paley's, "Any
condition tmay be denominated happy !
in which' the aggregate of pleasure ex-i
ceeds hat, of pain, and the degree of
happiness depends on tle quantity!:
this excessl" The . flagellant in the
'Middle 'Age threw himself into a con
dition of ecstatic denght by scourging
himself Wopdy; The ''poet remark f de
vootedly, i 1 nete s such" a charm in
melancholy T wOtrld nOt if I cot?ld br
gay." The; varying views of happiness
complicate the, solution of the question
? A notable preponderance of tlve . old
philosophers argued- in favor of youth
as thd happiest 'periOd.liThese advocates
it might have been noted,1 were look
ing 1ackward on that jeriod. "Sweet
as remembered kisses fier dta;h the
days that are no more' says the iKet
A retrospect produced . tlve line
"There's nothing half ?o sweet in lite
as love's yourig dream."
When man ' with mature eyes looks
back on his youth he i usually fails to
note the trJutles which, while real
enotfgh. then, seem trivial to he ma
ture mind. The pleasures of that time,
on the other hand-, have not been ex
Celled by any born of niaturer years
and tliey have the additional attraction
wliich distance lends, j
j It would nvt detracrt from tlie truth
tA a-time-trled saying to change it into
"Man .never is JkSti. bul always has
been or is to be." This.6ayriaig gives a
fair insight into ;the happiest perknl of
Jlnrman Ke; The early H clonic phdos-
iojher wlo -Celartd th.t "Pkasure is
in becoming; riot in, being," struck the
amc chords I. :.;- ,-
, ;- i-ai.. . Mi-
In a letter: to 'Adjutant-General Cor-
bin General ; Thoudore Scbwan says:
"Excluding the savage mountain tribes
and those dir'ctiy connected wkTi
sma'l bands: of bushwhacking brigands.
Uhe Filipino may be roughly divided
iruo two classes; namely, ; the intelli
crent. educated falso as -a. rnle, the
property-owning) class, who form a
smaii minority, a"nd the ureducat'd, la
boring,, or peasant, ';class, constituting
the ereat mass of the neotde. Most
men of both classes honestly desire
the restoration of peacP and order tin
der American or ant other kid. of
rule, beintf thoroughly weary of war.
Those of the former class, for the most
part, prefer American riile, believing
that, though mild, it will be firras and,
above oil. pist, and; because they have
no faith in the fitness of the Filipinos
as a people to govern ihem selves. They
are. however, afraid' to cast tho'r let
' 1 .
unreservedly, with tie limerican, fear
ful that the anticipated withdrawal of
ATnerijean- troops may expose them to
severe treatment' at the hands of the
insurgent leaders; Who, with even
snra?) -oHowing.- seem to be able fo
terrorize the peoplie, and in the past
have shown a vinoictivencss and cru
elty almost beyond parallel. Hence,
while yielding a passive obedience - to.
or at least refraining from, positively
hostile!? acts against the - military
(American) occupants, some of them
keep p relations with and contribute
to the needs ot 4he guenlla fbands in
thei ; neigMVorhood; promiscuously
made up of rohbers and ex -ihiu re
gent s-. hM any men. of the lower ciass,
while preferring; a qmet, humdrum life
to the hardships and dangers of high
waymen and bwsiiw hackers, are- 'yet
amenable to the. persuasions or threats
of the brigand thiefs. and join or quit
the brigand1 service according to cir
cumstance. . Those . who actively or
openly? sek- to maintain brigandage a
a nucleus or rallying-point or a futare
rebellion are the military and political
leakrs of the late organized insurrec
km, of whom aH but a few are utterly
unscrupulous and actuated . by purely
selfish motive. These men realize
th..inoull 'tneinsargeiit' movement
die out entirely, and American rulVb
firmly establi54ievL they wiM forfet for
ever positions jtrf .influence and protni
nencW 'n4 win be relegated to' thc'r
former obscurity and penury in private
station!. ?' ,: . " -
"What is Wane imange, pa?" '
"Blanc marsge? It is that ghastly,
horrible, nervous, clammy dessert wuch
1 nvntKr orneraihr eets i when
we ha -company sd that I can t shirk
out of eating it."-!-! ndlaaapolis Journal.
handicap tour-
hows 78 M. P.
among the contestants; the best known
of "whqzn.' are- ' iir. Baltour, lterpert
Gladstone.' the- earl of .Yitboxok and
the marquis of Winchelsea.
Ajaaal Sacred Cocrt Saaday Cvalar
' CoUtf ef Oratory EatarUJaad
The fiity-sixth annual commencement
week, ot -Willamette'! University, the
pjomrer educatknal institution of the
Northwest, has had an auspicious open
ing. Sunday- was a succession of ex
ercises in ixrfect harmony with the oc
casion and t2ie week's exercise vill
rr conclude until, nwrsday I eveninij,
vi.n ; thvj com.iKncement . exercises
proper will be htld in the University
chael. . -?
I he'programor the remaioJer'of the
wtek is as fo"l ws:
. Tuesday, 8 p. m.-Clratluating exer
cises Acadt my in Ffrst M. E. church.
'Wednesday, i p. ni. llusiness net
ing Ahimni Association; 8 p. m.-vlin-tv-j
tainmetit at , Ursvt-rsity chapel ant
hamiuet in lecture room of First M. E.
TliuaVOuy, 2 D. m. Sectd' recital
QlleRc- t-i Oratory anl Music at Uni
versity ' chapel ; 8 p. in. Com imiice
nreitt extrcist-s.. Colitic f Literal Arts
at the first M. E. church.
Suinlay wa,s Baccalaureate Sunday
and rnauguraitej the commencement
season. The faculty, students, alumni
and friends of the Univorsity assemble!
in the First Met lKdi st elntrch at 10:30
a. m-, and listened to a scholarly dis
course by Rev, H. D. Atchison, D. D..
of P0rtIar.1L.; TIk subject"; tipxm which
the r"unO ge-ntktnan t'.rs coursed wa-s:
"1'iiL AbundUit' I Me THriugl Christ,"
and his r-mrks were ba-d upon John
X:io: "I ani cme that they might
have life and that-they might have it
mwre- abundantly t , .
In the afu.rr.oon in the society roo.ns
at the University.' tlur annual iwiumii
oi the literary" s-ocictiiS was huld ami
a very enjoyable meeting was reprud.
imwtmtnt, stastm t-s the annual -sacred
conctTt given by tlK- large and well
drilled choir A tle Fir Mvthod'.st
church. This rfunotAn .was ''givi-n at
the clrurcli Sunday evening under the
reel km of IMir. Francen-o Seley, kan
of the College 'of .Music,' of live iiincef
illm diHirch was filled yrAh Salem's
music-loiving people and hc program.
itroivKnialiy and collvctivt-ly speaking,
fulfilled all' ex porta tionsk and sustaiiKtf
tlsc lejMitalitiu A the clMir director as
an eflicient' instructor and the ability
01 th'j cho'jr to very pka'surably enter
tarn. i, .- ' ! '
The program was an excel-'ent one
andjnnbractd spkinlkl colketum frtmi
the stann'ar.l oratork). such as. St. Paul
and . Median. in atlditwm to -numerous
solo and cliiu numlM-rs by eminent
writcr.i.j Solos, with chrn accom
paniment, were sung by Miss Ethel
HutJlK'4 Miss Matuie Snnhwick, Misi
M'srck. Mti lilHan- Kublin. and Ar-t-hur
Itiieschen.' -Mss Etlncl Ramond,
Salem's succcs?sfirl yonng vocalist, ang
3'leahUhil' sojirarwi solo, "Enircat 'Mi'
Not' 1 6ii Jertve Thee" by Gounotl . ar.!
J. W Bickford.' the giftcl baritoix-,
was appreciated n his "solo : "The
Phrns.-of l'eaec." !
The fmirsiical part of tire evcn'.ng's
exercises was strip-.Tnentetl by an im
pTOTrnmr adlTes on Snrwkiy schtiol
work by 'Rev. 'Dr. IJewis, of Columbus,
Ohio: 1 Dr. Lewrs is a very pleasant
and entertain; 11 g. -speaker and his ad
dress vas much appreciated. .
The drairjatic recital given at the
University chnel last tiiht by the pu
pils of the College of. Oratory, Miss
Mald Carter, dean, assisted by Miss
Fkrence Piielps -Tillson. and pujils vi
the College n' Music, was one of the
finest musical aod literary treats ev-ir
offered Ut a Sakm public. It was the
mitiaJ oramatic recital by the coliecc
tf- oratory arl the eorhal nranner in
wMch it was recVived leaves little doubt
but that ihkrsa pleasurable functrons
will be repeated. The recital reflected
credit upon Miss Carfcr and upon'. the
gifted young lavlies who Irad numbers
on tSve program. . .
Tlc chapel was filled. by an apprec;
ative autirunce and tlic meritorious work
tf the ierkrmeT's wa" rewardtxl with
aipfause. . A -more extemkd criticism
of the recital will appear in a ubse
quent issue. ; - , . . . - -
The large andknee hall in the Acad
emy of Sacred Heart wxs packed with
an intended assemblargc last evening
of tfite friendH and patrons of the insti
tution, wlnj had gatbcrwl by invitation
to witnes the grammar tade exc-r-
ciftcs. fbe conferring of lipkmas upon
those who ted siKxessfuSy passed that
trade and the a wardung fi cla hon
ors. Inece was some - drsappxnnlrncnt
owoig r tne nonj-apfiearance erf Arch-
bislp Clmstie. wri was expected, but
whese other duties prevented him from
coming, otherwise tlie evening was u!l
of pleasure. Several charming mtirv
bars were rwneJewrl by the yotme lahes
on piano, mandolin, gurtaT, violin ami
other instTtjmcrKV with the grace and
t1ancc for which the advanced pupils
rf that clAol ot noted, but tlie great
c miter of attraction and admiratiort
w the rinle biys, whose particular
nht thi wa.. 18vir rendition of the
"Sailor Lads," a motion song, was very
fine, their motions bong graceful and
well timed. ' One of pin plea-sing f-
tures of the occasion was the dtnnb-beil
elrill by the pupils of Mrs. E. Seley'
cTass, who gave rvery evidence of the
most camtri traimng. ine crown ng
perfejrmance of fbe ldtle lad-.-. However,
was an operatta. "Boys of '76." in two
acts, in wbicb the Yankte and the Brit-
4 fHThxVxTf iwere admirably pre.-cntej
lth. in wifrd and costume. The
work xA the evening, torodghout. indi
cated great parm and patient labors
on the part 'of the devoted Sisters to
bung about such perfection. Rev,-AV.
A. Daly, pastor of Sr. Jyefh' and
spiritual director of 'the academy, con
ferred crarfwrr grade Kpkmia vpm
Miss Aeldie Looney, of JcfTerson; Miss
Carrie Saave. Ruby GouTet, MaU'di
Eckerlen, anel "August HnckestHn. of
Salem. th latter al receiving a medal
ior the greatest improvement during
the year, tnd Etldkr IIemt received a
medal for profioieTicy in ChrWtian doc
trine. Father Daly thanked the audr-t-TKe
fvr their attendance and spoke A
& two-foM. purpo-es of the educa
tioml 5"item of the inititutton. He
said the aiip w.t to mak- Chris.t live
modtl lie who first said:. "Rentier unto
Caesar be tlifiils that are Caesar an t
onto-God the things that are -'-God's."
He said the .-tiiore bi'.hiul tl" 1k was
to hi Gol the n faithful Ik would
be to hrs country arl to his -Hag sir. d
this tlxught was the lais of tluir sys
tem. T.ie crowd di-KTStsl with un
itintcd praise for tlie entertainment
and it promoters. -
Tbere arc several . w ays- in which the
exptvtes of the Marion county gov
ernment may be. reduce!- without iyv
pairing its eflickncy in the lca-t. In
each case this -most-and we believe .will
le done. The people were prnriNlf
this during the recent .campaign'.-Take
it as 'you ptease an accuatiotn of .the
present administration or otherwise. It
Is a bet., and that is sifiicieiit. .It is
no gool reason that anything. should
be because-U has been. The qm-stion
if, i rt necessary or good, "
' . ' - . -. - --. : . ' -''' '.
In ore district ahne in iicrnnny
there are 5.000 children employed to
diN diils and aid in tne manuiacture
of variots kinds of uys. AH the chil
dren who do this work arc under 12
years. They are taught, the art of dress-
ng a 410.1 at tne age 01 4. .t tne same
time, according to the compul.-ory ed--wation
hw, nfliy are bl-.ged to go to
. . . . ... j r . .. -
KlircrKariri M.Hn.v - .
year, and that term is devoted to Mich
tkings as making 'dolls' ami dressing
them doing ever) -thing,-in fact, except
n2od'ling the Iliad, which is done by
men expert at the -business. Alter that
the German children- have three or
four, years !of study." when tln-y ar' al
lowed" to go into the doll or 'toy fac
tories, to'' add to , the daily income a
few cents a day. -
There i a tribe in the interior ot the
Desert f Sahara ' whose -wtmien' make
the laws, while, t4ie men ..mind The lvabi'S
arhl exw.k. sew, cut iri the. garment
and embroider. The '.women of thrargla
are the mst emancifated f all in the
dsert. They arc c I. id in dusky hues,
gray, red r gret-n, '..and. in far differ
ent ratc front the A tab iashhu. go
about imvcikd- A srt of mantilla.
V"c, w. j
Uu? VUce V 11 - '
Now. it being tip to the Woman,
She said:. -
"I think a maw shouM be-master in
hw own Ikuisc." i
"But you som one tarfed to
sav. '. " -'-''
"The proposition, still hold said
the Woman, smiling. "We board"
- Her sulMility was admired of fill her
fearers. lndianamdis Press.
An influential London reviewcrj white
mousing in the library of a friend, came
upon a book of vtri-es by, ..Henrietta
Huxley, Glancing - through it he wai
astonished to find fh.rec poems by Itur
ley himself. Apparently "-this side- of
the great scientist mind .had rjeaped
the attention of h'is biographeis.
Pacific' Homesteadj Salem, Ojr. Best
farm paper. IsiucJ weekly. $1 year.
Cat tt 4. 01 rt ml mall to w. Hrful
pnMtl jM,m. f.r Voiir lair,rtttr.HMe.th
rout. .m XIKKf we will mk ami
ml yrm bmall. p4Ud, FINE NPMAII
iota switch, , '' "
tiM'hM limn f 1 .wn fwlriml touinnn linlr,
SSf MinwNt, iihnrt vtvn. ' Wt iil ifm-Lmmi
In piMHixr Ui wiu h mimi-loial mttwm
to return It to UK tfiwl yifuM, mmUfmrimj n
but If Iiun4 mrtiy mm rrtrvM'n4l an. I
ami ntrmoriliiMirr nilil lh
tn keep It.rMhw ani Hll.Hkf Bll IIMa
rerTtkK etHMkatl, run t KKlliliait
At ki H amunar your trUrrnla and
rend i- ti aviiaeaat mmf aaaiiy, r ti n-h.1
the a-aarttchea) tn tliem flliwt by mall,
te tow for to alaya after rerelre,! If
prf eetlT aatlaf aUrv.anilaeaa tatea h .
tap HRfa w aeaa jmm pre ear yawr inMiiMe.
weaiae ftaaea, Orvaea, Keataaaf alaeailaaa.
raeanaea, aaaiaaaa,; awartea,
aea) etwr aeaaalaaaa IWr laklaa
araira Har Oaa earHeaea. Oe tWr rara4
aj llaaa la tfteea an), eae a apwfcaa. Baeaaae
ta fl aara. r4e m Harlfeh ait eeerer
anltatawalaa'tWritl.KPUr.allLMWrrr.H. 4aeaea,.
ldl' Hair Emporium," CKIoago
V If Jim ant tu I tuakn t-a
ai jmir aiaaei . and KHitaai
(LtHTIt Ml for ta kKl.la r
Al tMII tOllMlf H,
; vl t AH, HKIMlk U tMkH-
-t Ilia I.I vnn, Itiklt l. m r.
ABlMiajlkla. WtlkktM IIR
limiu, atalo y.Mir att, -
, atfca aa4 aare, ftfal n-i 'inn-r
ot trarhea anfln(1 tely nr
limb at eex-h letter ah-tarn fti
rmt and etir t tia Mh naf
orn lAk rHK au wevlilmaka
tea r-'MxIa o order frdn tha
aery Aaeat freaai ral'ker rla.l lm
ettterte, fruaranfeea aerfeet Mt and
if yoa do not (I nil It perfn-tlv
aet i.la-t.ry and ettm to irooo
otltei aret doal.le tteariee f'.r.
return at nair ear new and at ai
- rrlutid ynaar mouey ...
IMM tfclefc eaerkle, A te I. ft.koi
karat auaaiaa, (lal, aa-awi thiek
aaii, tlae-f. ft. h keea aterklaa-,
lull, t.aWt keea k-nrtw, C tali.
t.fMIt kaea m, U le , t.M
araeleretaekkaal. t R, M.OOl a a r tea
Mat. ae K. i.aWt aaktet. i te ti.
tt.mi aknaatal kM. u al, !).. tTTU KLtHTfC
MWlia, tlMl.l MIH La)-. HaalCeeeealklaaaat tkaeaalea
aaaipe. made tif eoft llela thread, Interaroract aatttt
oveeaen raiinrr inmwa awraaa arte, aa.aatti I ft litefcea.
visit DR. JORDAN'S cot at 1
ij;iBitxcTiT,iiirijajc9,tiL i
Th Lart-eat tall iaaa 1 1 a Muanaa la rke
Wertd. Wataeei an, -.,( ra. f1
aiuran laatitaeia araaeaa ty the autii
MHMNM aW UBaV Waatkteae afcM. Sa)lSaTata, j
Traill.l ra aiUiy ttvtraiM ,
roaaay-aanntaaattaa a jalllaii aw .
Twtaaaatwed t.f aa K ipa-rt. Rati. ,
aaal e-aaeaa . U aaa4aaa. A iar I
rawaa re ariaee rtajaaaeaa and
ayaaaaalaaa. lay U. uaoaa'k apeual aa
teea.aMeti.a. CeaaaatHatVai free aad affrla i.Haaae TrarrfateM pet-
A aatit fakea. Wnaa fnr aV.
VManlaBKe tlaUtl
Vlaa-aaea imaiaiM
W Oft. JOS&Att CO.. j
y mm fcrf tetter. A eit.e a.Hre te . u
tea. wna ana- wmm reii vrn v
OlOkO fkhlb I A mlaaaait tHe
1051 Marl(etVt..S f.C
Tn wrrn
' ti r-.L ISA.- ' I .
t 1 A a. B-a '.,' ;
ava.1 waviil ' " I f e,ietile-r,l i
aettd yott iiM T tolls Ontdt ,"'..,v,;,3 I I
k- aafareaal 0.1. aakieet I 1 eiaaiaai iai if
WftaaaMlatatlon. lata -t.iai ' '
la a tn. .l.i attradtaerna alealei. amvea of old wood. eriHa
anpM tj- an.l mlrUn, ,-p f eeoiMl l -Ine.
aeiaarted fof tallna, ear teiaM aHk rlaar, fceat at,i.
' a -"' mjxauaiuiiait.w,
iprcaafll', and If (oxtnd exau tly a re.reertit f ai..j
tUaanaliaa hartata aeataaeeeaa, av aWard af, pay 1 1 ,
fareea aireart J.7S tthlBrajai itioaa mrt. si aad
aaiaaekanfa. aeatkeaaaUM la reeea.
arttiAL rntBIIUW Orrt It. mm,f aeaee a.
aAl a eirWaN let .,,,e e . ,'." Mh ,'"
diatel to any vtolitl ettMoal et..,Pm. (lm t,,trn.
Mat atad Ul ireaa a ttlmiJa artnte u, te firmer 't
aarAill .... r . mpvk W..
VJlri. SEARS, ROEBUCK t CO. Onochir a-i
tUAM, kVUtUA l.a Uerk,, nU.. ,
a fii.
WTrr hi
VhJ ici
aia. tara llin aaT rnaa. aaa aaaatiieii