Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, June 19, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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The Situation la China Is Rapidly
Growing Worse.
Aad TkrMttMd by lafortated Hop And
Chin Troops K lief Fre I
, SOU mm the Way.
LONDON, June 16. This is the sit
nation in China as it appears to the
Shanghai correspondent of the Daily
Express, cabling lastT evening: "It is
really a state of veiled war. The mem
bers of the foreign legations' in Pekin
are virtually prisoners,, and the Chinese
troops are only .restrained from attack
ing them by fear of the legation guards.
-'Meanwhile the ministers are alto
'. get her unable to communicate with the
commanders of the reliefcolumn, which
is making an enforced and isolated halt
between Tien Tsin and Pekin. The
walls of the capita! are guarded by 100,
000 imperial troops. The gates are
heavily "defended by : modern guns.
General Tung, acting under order trom
the Empress Dowager, says that no
more foreign troops shall enter the
sacred city.-- .'.-.:.
'On Monday the 'ministers sent a
demand to the Tsung Li Yamen that
the gates be opened, declaring that
otherwise the foreign troops would en
ter forcibly. :To this no reply .was
given. A second message went unan
swered. or had not been answered when
the latest news left Pekin. :
"Sir Claude Macdonald's latest mess
age says that the legations are capable
ot sustaining an effective defense un
less attacked in force." -
Russia, this correspondent asserts,
notwithstanding the assurances to the
contrary, sides with China. Some of
the foreign troops are already said to
be in the'envinons of Pekin, and the
attitude of the: Chinese troops is in
creasingly menacing. i -
"The streets of Pekin." continues the
correspondent of the Daily Express,
"are reported to be seething with anti
foreign mobs, clamoring tor the dv
struct km of the legations and the death
of the foreign ministers, j Even were
the Tsung Li Yamen disposed to re
strain the violence of the reactionaries,
it is . considered highly improbable,
rhat they would be able to hold them in
Icheck. For the foreign ministers' a
x orisis will arise when '.the relief comes
in sight of Pekin.
"It is still felt here, that the loreign
force is wholly inadequate to. battle
with the hordes of Chinese troops
:iia-sed , omide. tne, gates which now
include the imperial troops from ..Shi.i
Hai Kwang."
sThe'Jisqtiieting element in the sitnar
,tion is the; ' fact that, although the
"Russo Chines telegraph line frgfin -Pete
i. via Kiakhta 4 Eastern Siberia) is
"working, the transmission of messages
is rigidly refused. , j '
- From Tien Tsin it is reported that
the foreign forces m the harbor will at
tack the Taku forts, and if necessary
bombard them. The International col
umn appears to ber still at Lang Fan,
-engaged in slowly repairing the Tail
way. . j ,
' Washington, June 15, rAt the cabinet
meeting today, much of the time was
" devoted to a discussion of the Chinese
situation. The severance of communi
cation with Pekin, and the failure to
hear from Minister Conger for sixty
hours, naturally creates considerable
anxiety. .-.-''. ,!. .-
i 1
;: Tien Tsin, June I. The mixed
forces, it s repr. will attempt to
seize the Taku iotts tonight , :
r ' Washington, June . 15. Owing . to
their natural ' reluctance to employ
troops in China, save ara last resort,
and the disinclination of the. War De
partment to supply such troop except
under pressure, the otricials this after
noon were considering an alternative
1 proposition.; This . contemplated the
.putting out of commission of several
big ships attached to Admiral Remey
lUet, notably the Oregon, and the ad
'dition of sailors and marines so released
Ao Admiral KempfTs landing forces
The big ships carry on an average more
than. 300 men each.
evacuated their position during thi
night of June 12th. They had paid so
much attention to strengthening their
flanks, that thietr cerrtre was weakly held
and as soon ad this became evident, ui
June I h. I directed Gen-Ian Hamilton
to attack, die moved against uiamona
Hill wkh Suffolk, Derbyshires and City
Imperial volunteers, supported on the
left by the Guards brigade under Gen.
Jones. -r ': f
"It was grand, seeing the way our
men advanced over difficult ground, and
under hear rire. The casualties, I am
thankful try say. were less than 1 00, a
very small number considering the na
tural strength of the position which, had
to fee-earned. . ' '
fOur seizure of tDiamondf Hill caused
the Boers to feel they were practically
surrounded, and this resulted in their
hasty retirement. Jfamihon received a
contusion, from a ihrapnel bullet. in
the shoulder, but is not unable to per
form, his duty."
..General Baden-Powell with 800 men
is systematically re-4ablibing over, and
collecting arms and supplies in the
western Transvaau . About 600 Boers
have surrendered, and .Baden-Powell
captured 230 (prisoners. .
; - t - ITY.
The majority of persons upon reaching .middle age and past
find their , blood becomes weak and thin, and diseases that were
easily controlled in earlier life beein to affect the constitution.
Those: predisposed to Scrofula, Cancer, Rheumatism, Goat and cither hereditary troubles may escape
till then, but as they age the blood, so long tainted and weakened by accumulated waste matters, is no
longer able to properly nourish the body, and it becomes an easy mark fordisease. At this critical period
nf life th Klrtrul mnt bo nTnrml before it -srt nerform its legitimate functions and rid th c vet em tt
1 these poisons, and nothing so sure! y and effectuallj doe this as S. S. S. , ' !
S. S. S. strengthens and enriches the blood, improve the appetite, and builds up the general constitu
j tion. It is not only the best blood purifier, but the best toniodW old people. -It warms the blood, tones up
J the nerves, removes all taint from the blood, and prevents the development of disease,' .-'
AT i ' S. S. IS. is the only purely vegetable blood medicine known. . Not one particle of mercury, potash or
other mineral poison can be found in it, and it may be taken for any length of time without harm.
: S. S. IS. is the onlv remedy that reaches deetvseated blood troubles like Scrofula. Cancer. Rheuma
tism, Eczema, Tetter, etc. It purifies and restores the blood to a healthy, normal condition,, and makes it impossible for
amy poisonous waste materials to accumulate. : '' ! ; " r ..-.. 1 '
If vou have an old running sore or an obstinate ulcer that refuses to heaL or are troubled with boils and carbuncles, try S. S. S.
a a . r , t . , r . t . - - j j . j 1
iiiever laus 10 bum a quicK idu permanent cure 01 uicsc you, jour bjsicxij is run uuwn ana you ice
. the need of tonic, S. S. S. will strengthen and help you as it has many others to a happy, healthy old age.
' Mrs. D. R. Joknion, of Black hcr. Cl.wu forycara afflicted
with a severe type of rhetunatum, and had aed evt ry remedy
kiowi and recoatmeaded, a eare wit boot receivtag: any
benefit. . ti-S.fi. promptly reached the seat of the disease and
maae a complete ana permanent cure.
In the business of manufacturing elec
tricity for public supply, where steam
power ,:s used, the, only available by
proluCt is exhaust steam, says the
Washington Tinier This steam con
tains much of the heat of the furnaces
which ares fired to produce .it where it
s discharced into the air, -and is en
tirely available for steam heating pur
poses. In certain towns .in the west
ern states, notably in Wisconsin and
Minnesota, where the winters are long
and severe, the electric light stations
have laid systems of underground pines
and have supplied steam heat and water
to citizens - through them. The expen-M
mcnt has been an unqualified success.
j Since the formation of the institution
no fewer than .41.626 rewards, aggregat
ing n value 4.196,502. have been grant
ed for lifesaving. as well as ninety-eight
gold and 1.170 silver medals. Five thou
sand : miles ot coast are watched by a
guard of 17000 picked men. whose ser
vices are given gratuitously, and who
ftsk their lives year in and year out
without thought of reward. Their work
(peaks for itself, when it is stated that
since the formation of the institution
its lifeboat men have saved over 41,000
Jives. London Daily Mail.
B. S. 8. eared Mr. H. Borden of Saamsrille.t Va of a cane of
Bcsema of thirty-five years' standing, after the best physicians
in the surrounding country had failed. This' was seven years
ago, and there has been bo ret ara of the disease.
7 f xrrri ir in nil Vf ahnrtt vimriliflMc an I will mnA n a fifattnnt r1 vrmr tfao nnr nlivftuhan -i7f ' -
give you any information or advice wanted, for which we make no charge. i ' ssc
Book on Blood and Skin Diseases sent to any desiring it, Address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.' . ' ' Vmc-'
: : "I OLD
-3 Jk ir.-
43ttish . Forces Suffered Small Losses
in the Engagement-- Work of j
Baden-Powell . j
LONDON. June 16. -Lord Roberts
dispatches leave affairs east of Pretoria
with the Boers withdrawn to new oos
ions in -Tuesday. The news of freh
fighting ii expected at tlw war olhce.
but none came last night. i's 1 ;
1 General Rundle's atrol had a skirm
ish with the Boer videttes a grin on Wcd
. iesday. .Some wonder js expressetl here
as o what he is doing with three div
isions. It is assumed by some, that
General Uulle'r 'will 'move into the
Qrariyre "river colony and co-operate
trith l'ord Methuen and General Ruadle
'in- bagging President Steyn and his
7000 or Atoo followers. Part of Christian
.Botha's force has halted at Paardekop
eighteen miles northwest of Volksrust.
The Boer parties are still near Volks
Tusit and .ire occasionally upon- , the
Jirkish pickets. The British govera
ment is considering M-hether a substan
tial force should not be sent to China
.from South Africa. It is thought un
officially, that Lord Roberts could spare
a brigade or two and the necessary
transports are now in South Afrian wat
ers." The command of the expedition,
it is said, would probably be given to
General Sir William 'Nicholson.
MajorIeneral Baden-Powell has been
appointed to rank. Uetittnant- general
The was office has received follow
ing dispatch from Lord" Roberts: . i
"Pretoria. June 15. As I telegraphed
yesterday from one of, our outposts fif
teen imies east of Pretoria, the Boers
London newspapers are "pointing
with pride,, to the enormous expense
they were put to in the matter: of tele
grams trom isouth Africa, ror exam-
lle. the Morning Post paid $1750 for
me of Mr. Winston Churchill s tele
grams not Jong, since, and its. friends
rlmckle accordingly. We have in mind
one dispatch that -cost the New York
Herald $7000 .during the war with
Spain, and there were several others
received by other journals that 1 were
not much cheaper. , ;- : .- ;
The Washington Post says, : , "Do .you
do you remember who killed Abel?"
askd the old man in the street ear of
the man on his right. ;
'"Why. Cain. of. course," was the re
ply. "Who did yotf Think it was?" i
Waal,durn my hide, if I hain't made
a fool of -myself. It wasn't ten niinits
ago that I bet a man $2 to Si that it
was tjouan, ana now ill nev to go
baretitt all summer to make it up. Yes,
sir. it w-as Catn, and Goliah wasn't in
it. and Samson wasn't born, and Q V.
Jones, which is me. ought to be hit
with the same club that Abel was!" .
Jtbbs I believe I'll come out Sunday
and see that wonderful garden you've
been bragging about.
Jobhs (enthusiastically) Do. do! I'll
let you hoe my young peas. Indianap
olis journal. .
Ten million dollars annually is ex
pended in London for umbrellas. The
people , there are accustomed to carry
mem in all sorts ot weather.
A Few Pointers. '
The recent statistics of the num-oer of
deaths show that the large majority
: die with consumption. .This disease
may commence with an apparently
harmless cough which can be cured
: instantly by Kemp's Balsam for the
Throat and Lungs which is guaran
, teed to cure and relieve all cases.
Price 25c. and 50c., For sale by alj
A druggists. " !
Three was no particular significance
attached to the visit to Salem yesterday
f F, II. Page, of Portland, vice-president
of the Salem Light & Traction
Company, and J. U Howard, of San
Francisco, a member of the board of
directors of the London & San Fran
cisco bank, the new owners of the local
electric light and street railway plant.
Neither ot" the gentlemen would grant
any detailed interview, simply an
nouncing that very material improve
ments would be made in the equipment
of the company's power station and also
in the construction of the several miles
of road-bed in this city. Mr. Howard
left for San Francisco yesterday morn
ing and it is rumored that the San
Francisco firm may send as man to Sa
lent to personally manage , the affairs
of the company. The operation of the
plant at present costs approximately
$12,000 for fuel, an expense that is
largely, in fact, slmost entirely, respond
sible for the company's straitened cir
cumstances. It is understood the new
management proposes to dispense with
this enormous expense by the substitu
tion of water power for the present
steam arrangement. In view of the
contemplated change it is unofficially
reported that negotiations are, pending
for the leasing and possibly the , pur
chase, by the new .company, of the brick
mills on North Front street, where
splendid water power is available.. It
is further reported that in event 'the
Salem Flouring Mills Company dis
poses of its Front .street property soon,
it will begin work by July 1st. on " a
ne mill to occupy the site of the old
institution on Commercial street. If
the mill company should fail to unload
its Front street property, however, the
same report has it that no mill will be
built in Salem this year, that the com
pany will simply maintain a purchasing
agency at this point this year and build
at a subsequent date. ,
Famous Strains Now- In the- Babbitries In
galena aad Nearby Points High
tirades In Demand.
The Belgian hare boom for Oregon
i getting fairly launched!. andthe breed
ers, who have gone, into the business
-at Salem. T'ortlnd. , lAlbanij-, Eugene
and other points, are receiviing inquir-;
ies from all over the state,' j both' from
farmers who wish to -go intio this line
with the idea of raising meak for table
use, and from those who wish to culti
vate the little animals for "IChe fancy,"
A few who have been raising Belgians
for some years, in a small way, are pre
paring to branch- out to meet the de
mand for high grade stocky which is
rertain to" be a growing onej. No one
who has raised Belgian hares has gone
out of the business. It seems to have
an attraction that is lasting;, and one
who goes into it in a small way, even
with inferior stock, soon becomes en
thusiastic to possess blue-blooded spe:
eimens. J . - ' ! Mil-;;"
The fear that has been expressed, by
some persons, that the Belgian hares
' - ? -
may in firrie become a pesljis a fo61ish
one. ! These animals . constitute ? the
larger part of the meat dietjof the Bel
gian people in their own country, and
they hac been raised in ; England for
upwards of fifty years. Iriitlhat country
""the fancy" it at its height; The Eng
licsh breeilers. have taken great pride
in breeding for points, ani4 in doing
this they, have improved the meat qual
ities of the Belgian hares. 1 There is "no
more danger oi the Belgian hares be
coming : a? pest here than there is that
the Jercy cows will become! a pest and
ovt-r-run fhe country. Njjt so. much
danger a4 there was. a fewtf years ago,
that the . Mongolian pheasants would
sweep everything before tlnem and de
vastate the conntry, whichi'l was freely
predicted by this same clasi of people.
The Oregon branch of the Meadow
Brook Belgian - Hare Co.il in charge
oi Mr. J. Ii. Karly, has had a. very fa
wrable natural increase sinnre its estab
lishment on his farm, about six miles
east ot Salem. I A Statesman, reporter
visited the hutches last ; evening. anl
found about 100 youngsters. These
have come siuce the first day of April,
when Mr. Early started with fifteen does
and three higb-sicoring bik:ks." ' The
youngsters are in all stages, from one
day , old up- Mr. Early, hm had. excel
lent success with, the young I'elgjans.
having lost none at all, excwuir.s a lew
weaklings. . It is likely that he will es
tablish a show-room down town, on
one of the main streets of!;Salem.
Long before he secured Jihis agency,
alwrnt two years ago. Mij Early se
cured.a start of Belgians frpm Denver.
They were not high-scoring animals,
though the best that could be had at
that time, and he paid $1 for one of
the specimens. He has
these animals for table food during the
two years, and has found
lent. ;. .'. - t H
A Turner lady, who has
The.oe hutches are already being , sup
plied with some of the best stock that
the market affords,, among which are
found the most popular strains, . such
as Fashoda. the world's- champion
Lord Britain. Lord - Wellington,
Champion Yukon. ' Malton j' Mys
tery the great winner 1 of . forty
prices., and various other-strains, whose
breeding is, well known to those inter
ested in Belgian hare culture, and whose
names only need mentioning' to- those
looking for the" better breeds "of? haresJ
Mr. Welch has alread, for! service.
Britain's Pride, a handsome young buck
bearing most all the fred ' qualities de
sired by those who wish standard show
stoclc " He is a very beautiful and vig
orous animal. 'Also Lady Wellington
II, 'a 'very, fine, four months old doc,
very beautiful, gracetur and possessing
most of the sought for points for ' a
breeding doe. He has alo Jenny Llnd.
a doe bred to Malton Mystery; also a
fine doe, one year of age, whose breed
ing comes through Champion Unicorn
and Lord Britain, which is sufficient
description of her qualities and , breed
ing to satisfy the most fastidious; and
two youngsters. 2j4 and 3 months of
age. respectively, one a youTfe buck
from Chamoion Fashoda, and a young
doe. from Malton Mystery, an imported
buck: also some young Champion. Yu
kon bucks, which are offeredMr sale
at moderate prices, and would be an
advantage to any rabbjtry, or persons
seeking to improve ' their stock- ,
-(Mr. Welch invites any and all inter
ested persons, or thosewishmg to see
a we'll conducted tabbitry, to call,' as it
is ' well worth one s firrre to view' the
handsome little animals, and see their
Management of the riant A nxlons to Ex
1 i pand and Will Contract with
Growers for Fruit.
( (From Diity- Statesman, Jane 16.) ,
The Aren Packing Cojripany con-tin-nes
to operate jfs plant on Twelfth street
with a full force of employees. Straw
berries and cherries., are, being-handled
iniWge quantities but thus far the com.-;
pany , nas ..been unable to get mo-e;
berries than could be handled by the
cannery. In fact at? no tame this sea
son has the plant beeij run at; its full
capacity, owinig to t?ie fact that a suf
ficient quantity of fruit was not avail
able at any one ime4 Royal Ann cher
ries will he canned next week.
;The management of the Allen Pack
ing Company are enterprising men and
expect to .remain permanently in this
cuty wneTe tncy nave invested consider
able capital and tbey;are naturally desir
ous .of ex tending their field of opera
tions and doing what they can to cn
cptirige Tihjtc, extensive fruit culture in
the Willamette valley;. In an irrtervriew
yjcsterday akcrnoon.j,'iMr Allen said 'it
was ess-cntiat to stimulate ' the growers
in order thM-his company -may build v.p
a large business in -the handling of fruit
ano to that end they -were anxious to
Repabflcao Hosts Gathering for
, the National Convention.
Western MenPastl Clatsaa of Jadf Hart
lett Tripp Seerelary Uuif la Rac
Contests Settled,
neat ways, . Correspondent in regird f&rm contracts w-thHruif-growers for a
to the Belgian hire industry is invited. rm tornisli the cannery
and- all formation cheerfully given. ui;h Ro , ,Ann cherries. Arrange-
and out-pf-town 'orders' or inquiries are
promptly and carefully; answered. '
. !A' large shipment of' additiorial stocks
from several of the' fincjst rabbit ries in
the United States. Is expected within
ten" 'day,' and two beautiiul (toes, red
to famous bucks, are8 expected today
from the 1 famous Bonanza rabbitry? of
Ltts Angeles, 1 the home of Champion
FaShoda. :' ; . -..-!.- . i
Fine printing. Statesman Job Office.
ixen using
them ex;el-
1 ... - i .. :
(been raisin?
tseigians lor table use, tor two years or
more, now has the "fever" fand is look
ing around for blue-blooded stock with
which to enter; "the fancy.j :i
Among those recently engaging in
the breeding of. fine" Belgian hares in
this cit-, is- F. A. Welcfh who. has
erected a modern rabitry M the corner
of Marion and Commercial; streets, con
sisting of eighteen hutches., with suit
able buildincrs for their protection; and
a ran in which the hares iriay exercise, f
C D. Minton haV-an. excellent "start
of blue-blooded stock, secured' from
oiie of the famous rabbitnes of Catifor
hiaf. He has now in -his hutches the
famous Lord Berlin f and Champion
Kdinboro strains, which rank high in
the- Rfttrian h.ire worhl Ilr'im sev
eral young, which are doing fine, aril
are attracting a great deal of attention.
iSlIe will receive a shipment ot more
Belgians today, from California. ; . In
the lot are three des bred to famous
bucks. One of them. ,I-aly Fairficldf
is bred to Lord Iecrlcss, the best spri
of the famous Lord Britain. Another,
Island Queen, by British Sovereign,
son of the renowned Champion Yukon,
bred to Young Trinidad, by Trinidad,
and he by Aldrich, another noted
strain- The third, Bonnie Princess, by
Bonanza 'Prince, he by Lord Liverpool,
he by vLord Kitchener; Jr.; son of Lord
Kitchener. Imported, one of the'most
famous strains known. ' ,i
In a few days Mr. Minton will re
ceive the Duke of Argyte, a grandson
of Lord Trit3in. wlto will be the head
of the Englewood 'Rabbitry. iThis is
oncN of the most rfotcd prize-winning
strains known to Belgian haretancters.
and will be a splendid ndditron to the
industry in Oregon. MrMintonr" will
also receive a S'omJg Sirdar buclc in
about a month. This young buck is
one of three sons of the imported buck.
The Sirdar. This great buck is sired
by Champion Dash. and he 'by Cham
pion Ldinboro. -'Tie',-also, has two
champions upon the dam's side being
first. Champion Prior; Prince, sired by
Champion Cayenne, thus uniting , sev-j
eral of the most' famous strains.
. Ina short time Mr1, Minton will re
move his rabbitry from the present
quarters in Englewood to North Corh-j
mercial street, when the public will bej
invited to visit the hutches a'nd inspect!
the beautiful little, animals .that are
attracting so much attention, through
o: the country. , ,
Working Nignt arid Day
The busiest and mightiest little tfiing
that ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life PHls. ' 'Every pilfis a sugar-coat
ed globule of health, that changes weak
ness into stYength, listlessness, into en
ergy, brain-lag ' into . mental power.
They're wonderful in buildinjr utthe
heahh. Only 25c. ter box. Sold by
ments may be mad whereby the com
pany W.1I1 contract for other Iruits and
viegctnble.s. M r. Alien fia-id hi company
was willing' to payi a good.' fair price
for all fruit, but . wished in every pos
sible way to encourage growers to cuU
Jjvate enly the bist varieties. By this
contracting for fruit, the company ex
p;cts to encourage growers in the rais
ing'of. fruit, and in the culture of only,
the best quality of fruit. .
Mr. Skrinncr rtpresenlJrig the Califor,
nia Fniif Canners Association, was iij
the "city on-Thursday looking over the
fm:t districts and, the Drosie-ts for a
crop of the (iilTerent variietie's. Mr.
Skinntr pronounced' the WiMainette valj
Icy one of the best fruit sections- on the
coast and said it was a splendid field for
engaging in -'the canning and evapora
tion of fruit.
Stock Inspector W. Scott Taylor, Ar
- ranges for the Years Business Un
l ; der His JMewj Appointment.
DR. STONE, druggist.
f t
i IrTVMl OT dhrnMMIflf Kike ITtMWrMllVI r?.i ssr-( ai m M
qniolOT eura ynu tit nil
I sHtsn Urn Msrrr, Kiliswtisi Wrslss, Ttu-leer Hd CmmImIIsb.
Itstutwall tisiwis by day or nlgltk f rrvfiuiiik.knn9ot diactiarsro. rhh-s If iHilrbn-V
lewis to MnrrntaUjarlMva and all tbe norrursot imiMtrarj. 4 Tfl OFXKrlriuiHe the
1 rwwno uafr re im corm ttt lunnTSlnrirrnnriii wrrrrrTrt sir tronlilml mhu T"i aslallila.
CT7 l'I I ti.KK Ue lr known ntnwdr turure wttlxiut n operukm. KKO tmuimii'liiit A wrlttni
eiMrsi (e )tln til mor rrt prswl 1 tmxn ds out ffct pwaunew ran, UiOatiaxjSfur Uiu
brni . en. fr ritrlr(nilariMl iwMlnnmlHia
HAVOI, jns.llI3ki tu i'. o. Box arrC Han Frmnriaoo. Cat.
-r - m ; 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 i 1
r w The ereat remedy tor Bervoos prrMtratioa acd alt diseases of the rencratlra
J - 1 ?raa of e-.ttner ae,Bel M.NVrrous Prostration. Falling or IMt. M !tnh orwl
t. . i::t";- mpM:ncT; jsit-ntiy Jml"sions. Vmithful Krmr Umt.i w .7.:
? np f m mm uirasTTV
W. Sk-otl Taylor, of. Gervais. stock in
spector for Marion 'county.x was in Sa
lem yesterday, an4 completed his ar
rangements for thev year's operation,
having accepted his re-appointnn nt, re
cently made by the county court, for the
ensuing twelve nohths at an annual
salary of $400. . , . .
M r. : Taj lor has appointed his ;' local
deputies thoughont -the county, to serv
darirrg theco?rw'ng Vear. These deputies
are not. paid-. by thcT county, but receive
Ites for the inspection of stock from the
owners, , The deputy inspectors hus a
pom ted. are:
Salem hD. D. Keeler. ' i
Brooks," Labish precinct F A. Mois
an. '-.-. . . ; I . " ; - ...... f
Silver ton B. II. Davis.
Crcton. -Halls Ferry B. F. Hall -
Turner M. Howe.
iMarion T. AV. Rutherford. '
tayton A. J. Richardson. :
Jefferson A. Relfc.
Champoeg precinct Frank Osborn.
iTn7ii wie siock in every
poition of the.county in excellent condi
tion, and; practicallv fre from disease
the sheep, throughout the county are
..ww iiruotiy iree irom scab, have all
"rn. PPM tuice -'and, -with another
uipiwiiK wnicn win tM tih 1.
absolutely free front disease, 'lie W.
Bcves 4hat the present very satisfactory
conditions wnll continue' to prevail if
vigorous work nn flhc part of the in
spector and his deptMies. and the watch
lul care of the past .should le continued,
and he proposes to see that this is doneJ
'-' ? ' - ' CURE
t-rr-n of. lolJ?-o or nurn. which lead to Consumption ami Insanity. .
IfTFR n?'vr "J orJt-r wa rTiarau to curn or nfnn.l the money, isoki t it
W ItM Wv.Jt c boxer --;.. IMi.norr,, :HKV a. x-5at5i
rcK 3vLc. liX ALL UKUOU1STS.
With everr
OO ber box.
Cleveland! 4Muo
' Skipping-rope exercise for middle
r":. " ft""'.;ni uifvicu wim liver or
muigesiion u the latest alleged medical
ad to whrch the humorists of the press
have directed their attention, says the
Birmmgham Gazette. llie London
correspondent . of i the Gazette asserts
that this novel forin of adult exercise is
bemg used on rainy mornings as a
substitute for the j mile and a half run
before breakfast, Which has been pre
scribed by a west lend physician a a
remedy for that condition of Jiver which
in London is due to want pf outdoor ex
ercise and late hours, hard work and
bad air-There are; professional men and
others who take their run in the park
,b r4re breakfast jovery fine morning
and who bless thei good physician who
discovered this simple way of restoring
health. Its effect in some cases have
been marvelous. By "run is not meant
a sharp walk,,b,Htf actual running, .
Boston will' inttize' yea' water to 'ex
tinguish fires. "Anexp!nmnt with salt
water ha proved iuccessful, " ?
Speculation, gossip and informal con-
lercnces today, among the National
Committeemen and nther ,.,n. t.'.
pubb'cans. who are here. Ii3i failed t.-
indicate a crystallization of semi m-nr
around any iiulividual for the Vi.-e-Preu-idtntial
nomination. , Neither St-nato--Hanna
nor those, who 'are close to h n
give any intimation -that the adniinUtri.
tion has a choice: The number ot dele
gates who will vote for any man the
administration favors, i seems to awen-
fuate the general impression tfiat the
nominee will be the man most satisfac
tory to the. President, i
"If you would take tis into vour iv.n-
fidence in'this matter it would simplify.'
111c nrinicr greauy and give us atl op.
portunity. to do what the "President"
would like, said a prominent Roitnl.ti-
can to Seriatot Ilanna today, and the
reply .he made was:i "You know 3!I
that I know about it."I
(Senator .Hanna onlyi observation on
the situation today was that. tin:il in
different delegations nrrived and ihtrc
was opponumty tor tliem to consult, no
conclusion could be reached.
As' matters .stand tonight it would
seen that Long. -Dolliver and FairhnnV
are the lcaling ; po?sil)ilities for Vice
Preisident, The fact that Long is 3
fheni.ber' o IcKtW-Tey ; r'ttbnet jtirs
ri.4e to Hie undeniably widesortad .i!li f
that the Secretary of the. Navy will tin
ally receive the support of the .adiniir--istTa-tion
If such is the rase, howrver,
it is beiig. careiilly kept from cvery
lody. Senator Fairbanks, of Indiana. d.t s
not want the Vice-Presidency. How
ever, tlu re are a number of "Reiuiblicah"
leaders'who think it possible that 3 con
tingency may arie w here it -wii.1 be nec
essary to nominate Senator Fairbanks.
In such event it is believed by those "
who know the Senator's party -'loyalty,
that he would acccjrt.
The fact that the name of Banlett
Tripp .will be presented to the conven
tion for Vice President is not allowed to
be .hiddtn by he energetic men of flic
Pacific coast, who arc in charge of his
interests. Jus-t now the .consist of Na
tional Committeemen Ashton of Wish
in gton. and Steel, of Oregon. T3x v
will be rtinforced tomtrrrow. vnn the
delegations frcjmi Oregon and Washing
ton' arrive: ;
1 -Aslrton.. had an interview with Sena
tor iflanna today, and told him that the
nomination of Judge Tripp would mean
the retention of a million and a half of -,
voters known as tlw Gold Standard
Democrats who would -appreciate the
compliment paid to theni by .noniinat'inR
a former staunch Cleveland Deniiicrat.
althong'h he has left the na'rtv and ioined
the Republicans in -the money andtx--parision
issues. ..Ashton says, . Jmlge-.
Tripp will be backed by many othe
Western snites besides Oregon 'and
'Washington. ' ',; . .
- Philadelphia, Pa. June 15. The W
tion.il Republican 'Committee today put
in three long sessions on the contests
which have been bnAight before it, and
adjourned late toright with the con
troversies practically! disoosed of txrent
that from Delaware.? The Brown low .
delegation, from Tennessee was seated.
I - -v - - -
Kansas City, . .Ms, June: l$:SU
members of the National Democratic
committee's sub-committee -on araiige
ments for the Kansas City convention
held "a brief meeting tuday- The mem
bers came especially to investigate the"
oft-repeated charges that' Kansas City
hotel, keepers are demanding extortion
atcrates for the ehtertainmcnt of the
conventioA gnests. f . Before the sub
committee" left Kansas City this even
ing. National Chairman James K. Joins
issued a statement i to. the country, in
which he gives assurances that not only
will accommodations be had at re.-v-, -li
able rates.-but.'as the situation appears
to him, the convention visitors to Kan
sas City may be taken care of at more
reasonable rates than has been the case
at any former convention.
i " " - A FATAL iWRECK.; v
British Ship Dashed to Pieces on the
.Coast of Australia. -
Vancouver, B. C.t, June 15. The
steamer Warrimoo. . from Sydney. N. S.
W., today. brings the news of a di3s-.
trous . wreck on the Victorian coast, of
the British s4iip Sierra 'Nevada, ijoo
tons. Twenty-three Hves were lost, in
cluding the skipper. Captain Scott. Of
the crew of twenty-eight only five reach
ed shore, and one of the tiuinte'tte after'
wards died from exposure and injuries.
ine siwp hashed herself to pieces on the
rock near Port Pli'Ilir head. The sud
denness ami completely devastating
character' of. the disaster -were, shown in
the fact that barely a vestige of the ship
was to be' found in the ratrinir sea a few.
hours after striking the rocks. The ves
sel was Crushed and .smashed like an
eggt!re?l. . ; '; ' '', ...
' Portland, OV, June 15. The Stan
ford University baseball team today de
feated the Multnomah Athletic Club
by a score of 5 to o. (
la all its staees there
should be cleanlineaa. -)
Elj'g Cream Balm
desuMs, toothes and hesia .
the diseased membrane.
Iteares catarrh and drhrea
away m cold ta the head
nntcklr. -1
; CrramllalinliDliflal Into the nostril, pread
over the membrane and M atworbed. Be! W inJ"
mediate and a rare tc; lows. It is not dryinff
not produce aneezlns. Large Size, 60 senta at Drug
gist or bj mail ; Trial Size, to cents by m11- ' .
ELY, BROTUERS, M Warren Strset. Aew