FEED STORES. SEED BUCKWHEAT .NOW the time to sow buckwhe.-ft. We have-- a choice .stuck of seed Luci- wneatot t,ne finest quality and at very low price.. Gall and see it. i .DWARF ESSEX 'RAPE cPFn This is the time to sow this ureal average plan. The heaviest yielding green feed there is. Try an acre !t of it Kir an .experiment although ,it fis pa4 the experimental stage years t'ajjo A selected lot of chiiice seed on hand! BREWSTER & WHITE No. 91 Court Street 'Phone 17? ij The Feed Men. j: I D EALE RS IN GRAI X WHEAT BOUGHT . . 1 . . . w nnisjtd lor iwur and feed Sat branch oftice of 'Aurora Roller M:$i 'warehouse, on Trade street, near I litfh Salem, Oregon. J ', , j, i BICYCLE REPAIRING. G. A. ROBERTS Bicycle Repairing New and Second. Hnd Wheels 10s STATE STREET j SALEil fR r TINNING AND PLUMBING. j T. S. BURROUGHS ; TINNING AK D PLUMBlNCj f Gas and S?eatr fitting. Marrujfjtt urer of Hep and Fruit Pipe, iqj State- S. Tel. 151. Salem. Of IiLACKSMITHiNG. i W. F. R. SMITH HORSESHOER AND f GENERAL BUCKSIITl - Carriage amrTWagonmaking, splcfal duciiLiwn pan iiwcricTing ami tamp ness of horses. J f II I85 Commercial; St., Opp. Brcwejryf. PHYSICIANS. J. F. COOK, M. D, BOTANICAL, DOCTOR, Cures Consumption. Cancer. Tuniiojrs. Oravel ami Kidney troubles, Astlinfia. Skin and IJone-Diseases, widiout knfe. plasters, posisons or, pain. ; AlsHlijd nessJ v ' V Salem, Oreupn. D. D. KEELER. ' ' VETERINARY SURGEON 4 mmd STOCK 'INSPECTOR.; - 4 ..... . : . J :-..,.- jt . , Cirner Center ? and Front streets.; tlot of Steel Bridge, Sahun Oregon.:. L1VERYSTABLES7 LOUIS MILLER & SON ' Proprietor of tb .CLUa ' STABLES A. ff' . Best Singe nd DotilIe Rigs'in city. iBet care given to hoarding transient stock. 4' ; 'Telephone , Cor. Liberty and Ferry Sts.", Sa II. R. PAGE r - W. A. STEPHENS PAGE & STEPHENS Horses mVt fed, gtxl accomm da tions. Fine Rigs. Good Rigs fvr cotimercial men a Specialty. 'Iff rses foaxded' by day.' week or 'month. Red from iivenfrfeed end woo siie 164 ConMnercial St., TcL 8st. alcm WILLAMETTE STABLES.. South CommeicUI St., Salem, Oregon Having bought W. J. - HtifTihan's Feed and Livery business, we ha vje re moved it toi tlie WiHaniette Siibles. outh of the j bridge on Comintrcial street, where we will be found ptfepar ed to serve the public in- the bcst pos sible ma.ner.i Ve itirnih rig. for dxiv inr. Gentle team:for ladie abd kooi accoifimodations lor transient ' tfams. Board horsed by day or weet A blacksmith shfp will le Tun m conne; im wih the: ldrr., where you can get your horecs f bod and all kinds ot re pairing done, All work guaranteed satisfactory. 1 '"r ' ''-T- : HAROLD & REYNOLDS 1 1 A R N ESS MAKERS. If You Want a first-class II'.VRNF-SS. Call on WJ W. JOHNS . I am making "the lest ever turned out in Salem. Call and see for yourself RESTAURANTS- 20c PER MEAL r - mt the .. itmitr irniioc ncorii In L nUuOL nLOiitUi 06 State street. Salem. ; : : M'KI LLOP & BU RKHA RT, Preps GOOD MS FOB if From 80 to 25 per acio These lands are In Marion county. Oregon, and are offered on easy terms of payment. They were taken under foreclosure1 by . non-residents tience are offered for less than similar farms held by resident owners. For full par ticulars and description call n or address Macmaster & KirreVt. 3' Worcester block, Portland. Oregon, or BOZORTH JJHOTIIEHS ;"--Fin printing Statc'ro.-n- Jbb Ofn.-e. Fine pibirlag. Stitcsnun j-xi 05 V for infants Castoria U a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare groric, Irop and Saothin Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contain neither Opium; Morpluue nor other Narcotic FiihMtance. It lestrty Worms aixl alLtys Feverishne. . It cures IiarrlHi :v and "Wind CkIic It relieves Teeth inr Troubles and ctu-es Constipation It regulate the -Stomach ami liowels, plrintj healtlry and natural sleep. The Children Pauacea The Mother's Friend. . . . The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the In Use For Ve have just received a carload of Fertilizers and are now prepared to Furnish our patroni anything they want in this line. : Land Plaster It is now the proper time to use Land Plaster. We have a' large stock on hand. : - ; . ; ; . . - ' :- . Bee Supplies , We hive everything in the line of Bee supplies. Send for our Bee cata-i lOgUC, . ... 5 , ..! ... r y;. " SAVAGE 2 REID, Seeclmen 322 and 324 Commercial Street, North u' s i). Red ti o & cX fff, 3.3:-T-:- m t! r T i t tt r i t r rm Salem Fence Works WALTER MORLEY, Proprietor ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Notice isi hereby given that; the un dersigned has bten appointed by the county court of the state ot Oregon for Marion ffunty,; administratrix of. the estate 01, Peter Mauef,, deceased, late of Marion county, Oregon, All persons having -claims against thc: Estate of said Peter. Mauer are hereby required, .to present the same to me iluty verified a by law required, at my residence, one niife north of Mehatna, in said County and State, within six months from the date of this notice. datcl Apr',1 Jb. 1900. . i LIZZIE MAUEK. ; Administratrix of the estate.pt Peter Mauer. deceased. , i 5:4-51, Fath ThTFMy son, ypu oughfTo rried and settled by this i!me. Ulult Son-Well. I'm ! noU married,! ma A but I proposed t.KMiss Flirte last night.! and she settled me.- 'New' York; Weekly. - : " wax Candles Wrvthinv tlM add mwh 1 -h. rtiinu of th trin room or t-oo.loir t h. of1 j Tmdt ... i.-hi m.tn i ORIH)V A Can114. itohin riU cootrioow mor t th aruxtic wiixtx or in iimrn"", t.a or dii4Dr- Th rw 4coral in .uuIim for tha MmDlMt or thm a( alatwrate f n.-t ir for cot taire or maDwioa. M? in all color aad tb rooat delfaate Unta Itf HTAAKW OIL t. and aold rTbera. FIK KiiKCE POST, coated with ..Carboli n eu m Aven anus.. Will out Wear CMar It Is also a Radical fhlfkn L.tee. li Its appHeation to th lnte wall f poul terminate -all IICE. ; r If Rtult-: Healthy Chtck-nFlenty emf. Write tor clreular anj prices and menn tlon this paper. II It. L WAUK & CO., Amenta. I j i 8AL.EM. OUEOON'. I ST. VITUS' DANCE ii Aknm, O.. Jan. 1,190. Pr. M. M. rCTSER. redunia, . T. Wa hav aoi4 many doana of yon r ft Tuna' ra. Wf ille. a4 rr rM ha. iKra nn4 toj 1 I ia M.rM EaVa-" iaXJnt-CLAKfc lIU a OU. SURE AND QUICK CUREJ WANTED. TO1 BUY A FEW DTVT cows svlo tome yearUng and 2-yeari-clda, for vbkh (be highest mri price will t be PliL TbomEaJ,-Wf .:-Cow Salem. ; : ' t .fS-27-tr.jf Wilkes Stallioi!;Jeromei? AO. 29631 ") ' 1 Will stand for Maxes the com:r.g seft ,t Corner 6f Ferry and Lilery streets. For Pedigree and particu! call on ; " , Dr, W. Long Venterinary Surgeon. i Salem Or Hotel Santiam At Detr.Mt. Oregon. Now open for Summer Tourists. New HousevnewJy furnished fir it-class, acconimmlatios. price from $1.00 to $t-50 per 4- v . H. Jacobs. Proprietor. ; SAlEr.liRONVORKS ; Youi Work Solicited. ( GEORGE E. SLY, SuP't dm il.'J mm It aKM- WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, TUSH AY, JUNE 1 2, nd Children Signature of Over 30 Years. pn Woven Wire Field Fencing.- Net- Iting for Belgian hares, Poultry, ft;. Shingles and Screen doors. 59 State Street, Salem. IN THE SALEM MARKET, New potatoes have been in the Salem mar ket for about a week and are retailing at 2?X, cents per pound. The first red raplcrirc's of the season were market--ed. yesterday and were readily disposed of at- 10 .cents per4 box. "; Strawberrie't; remain more than p'entiftd and are sOTd r.t 75 cents per crate. The operation or the cannery doe not cxnaust the supply for the local market; which is: well supplied. ; .. ' "What's the matter over the way.' asked the tailor of a bystander, as theJ ambulance backel trp to the door of hjs rival. - "A cnstfwner fell in a fit. and they are taking h.m to the hospital, was l',e"P''- , A .. That strange, saul the.tador. ;I never knew a customer to get a fit in thaf establishment before." The library of UomI"dro Of Brazit, was recently sold at auction in. Vienna, There. we; H5S- volumes, and the highest price obtainetl -was for a miner--alogical year book extending from i8.y to 180.2. " Works of fiction were mostly' uncut, whereas the scientific bdoks had evidently been read carefully and some 01 tbem had marginal notes. "Now, honestly. Main! didn't Jack propose last evening?". W hy, y-e-e-e-sl But Jhow did 'yott guess?"' ' " '1 "I noticed that j;ou didn't have that worried look this morning. llarper's Bazar. , ' -. . j- Sean Uia TU Rkd Y08 Rate Always BocgW Sigaatai ALL ABOUT FENCE POSTS, i Editor Mediord Mail: So mam farmer friends speak to me about the irritating decay of fence posts that' 1 venture, through your columns, to tu'. you how it can be avoided. Coating with carbolineum avenarius, the Ger man wood preserver, will absolutely afrcst decay from soil, climate and ver min. It hardens the fence post, hop poles, ho'tse supports or oiher woodei fixtures treated and adds many years to their usefulness. I have saved t:rr work and money by using this com? pound and th;nk no thrifty farmer should be without it I see from artic-? les published ? in fhc Oregonian thai they are employing carjDtinenm ?.vep. arius in Portland for paving blocks, the Madison street bridge timber, etc. comrfihes fof city "folks on a larfte scale, it .will certainly ; fcxosnp)is2t . Hot used for domestic . purposes, , A'o pert knowledge -is- requred 'in using it T have, applied it with a brash tbe-sam a; I woaTd paint; or in .irea;i.ijf frfte posts or hop poles simply djp;"d them in a, carbolineum aA-enarius bat!i aave yet to record an unsuccesifu! trd of this preparation, and can cordially recommend it as a sure preserver of wood for whatever, purpose used. )i v Carbolineum avenjrins not s only sayes time and money by its jr;scrVai tive rpialities. bnt its economic Tierits are augumented by the low price i at which . it is sold in this territory. If others reap the benefit of my expefi eoce this letter will not be wasted, out orove an absolute hcnefailjon to our farming community. ; jii I understand this eomp-Mind -n be procured of R. M. Wade & Co., Sa.m. Oregon. I. bought mine direct trm Fisher. Thorcen , & Co., at Portland Oregon, who represent the German manufacturer. 1 - PROGRESSIVE" FARMER. : tf. I r STATE CONVENTION- srxoAV scuoou or oreoox ; Vt HOLD A XECT1KU. TO ProoalMBt tTarkrrs front th Cast t ll ia - . Alld.-A latarestlas ; tnm Prtard. ; (From Daily Statesman, June o.) i The Oregon State Sunday School Association wi'd hold hi f.i'ieenth ait nnal convention in Portland. June'ijth to :15th, at the First. ,Bapti;4 'chnrth. The convention proper will begin Wed nesday evening, and close Friday eveh-iflS-" 1 Work in the primary, normal, honie and house-to-house visitation de partments will be fully -jset forth. A large number of. delegs.tes wilL dc ' in attendance, and every scliool in the state will be represented. v The five w"Wrs tent by the) International Con vention are: Marion Lawrence, inter national general secretary, of Toledo, Ov; Rev. Alexander," Henry, of Phila delphia; Rev. E. S. Lewis, D. D.. of Coiumbu. O.; Robert T. Bonsall, of Cincinnati, and Prtfesor E, O. Excell, of Chicago, who will have entire charge '.of', the music; duripg the convention. The members of tlris party are making a tour of thk Northwest in the interest f Sunday scliool work. Below is a brief -ketch of each: Marion I-rence., of Toledo, Ohio, ,ha been general scicretary , of the In ternational Convention since July; 1809, For ten years prior to that time, he was general secretary of the Ohio, "Sunday hchool Assooation. 'Has leen super intendent of the Washington . Street Congregational Sunday .school," Tidcdo. OhTo. for, the past,; -twenty-three ;years. ; . j Pro. E( O. ExceS.tof , Chicago, has a nitionaf reputation as1 a ' publisher, writer and singer iand is especially et ' ficient in conducting the music in large religious gathering!. , His presence in sores good, inspiring mUsic, which adds so much to meetiigs of this kind. His ervices are greatly sought by state and national ; religious meetings oi all kinds, and the states we are to visit on this tour are enthusiastic about his coming,- " 4 " ;. - Rev. Alexander Henry, of Philadel phia, is one of the prominent Sunday school nien of thati "great city and state. :IIe,is a pastor and an active member ii the Presbyterian Board of Publica tion; and Sunday .School Work He is a member of the executive committee of he Pennsylvania State Sunday School Associatiort, and is chairman of the : Philadelphia County . Association, i He was a speaker at the last Interna-1 tiohal Convention.;- Mr, Henry has the official endorsement also of the Penn sylvania' Sunday School Association. 1 Rev. E. S. Lewis. D. D., of' Colum bus. Ohio, is one of the leading Meth jrdiijt. pastors of ( the state and. in fact of hi denonii nation. Rev, J. L-.Hurl-, burt. D;.D..; says of his appointment 71 know of no map in the entire church whosesgoing would suit me better." He was four, years president ot the Chattanooga University ; alsa for four years president 'oft the Little Rock Uni-l verity. He is a thorough, Sunday! school man,? having served four year (1892-1896) as president1 of the Ohio iSunday , School , Association. 'He - U now conducting (the Union 'Teachers'' Meeting of Columbus. Rolert T- Jionsall, -'of Cincinnati, is the Baptist member of the party,, and a protuinent business man. having been for years' president of the Cincinnati Insurance: Co. He is- regameo as one, of the best SieV teachers in the state.! and his services aire sought far and near, to teach the-cnTrent Sunday school les ion," and .give Bible talks in state and county conventions. He has taught the Union Teachers Meeting of Cin cinnati for over j twenty years. For many years he represented his denom ination oh the state committee of the Ohio Sunday School 'Association. ( Tlie program jlor the tate runoay School Convention -is as follows: Wednesday Popular meeting at 730 p. m., witlv song service;, prayer; ad dress of - ,welcome, Rev, ; Alexander Blackburn. ' D. i-; response; special music; address.' "Our International Work," Marion Lawrence: social hour. Thursday .morning, at 8:45 Song and . praise ; organization ; president's address; reports, sUte executive com.-' mitiee.. sate treasurer, state secretary, county association; appointment of committees: tfridres, "What Organiza tion Means;" Rv. L. b. Lewis u. u.; address. "The Gospel of God, f Rev. Alexander Hehry; benediction. Thursday afternoon, at -2 o'clock Devotional; address, "Gatruring From the Highways and Hedges. Rev. J.sE. Snyder; address. "Incidents in Sunday School Work in Oregon," Rev, R. A. Rowley; aMre, "Denominational Co opcration,"tTRev. Alexander Henry; conference : work, Marion Lawrence. Thursday evening, at 7:30 Service of song; tcvotional; address, "The Church Member and,' Bible Study. Rev- II- VV. Kellogg; D. D.; teaching the lesson for June 17th, Robert" T Bonsall; special j music. . Friday morning Prayer and praise; depattment reports, primary, normal, home; house-toi-house visiutiOn. Ore gon Sunday School Tiding; address, -How to Teach Temperance in the Sabbath ScbooC Rev. L. JL Peder son; business.' (reports of committees, election of offiiters: ad4res. "The Teacher's Responsibilities," Rev. Alex ander Henry, j , " Primary, session, conducted by Mr. James Ednun4s; address. "Using the Eye Gate in ( Teaching. Robert T. Bonsall; a statement. "What and Why"; an exemplification: the flight into Egypt. Palestine son. the Twenty third' Psalm; queries answered. ; General questions drawn on prim ary work: benediction - ; Friday evening Song and devotion al service; address. Chaplain W..5L. Gil bert; ' special musfc; , address, "What Can I Do?" Rev. E. S. Lewis, D. D-; final pra:e service. : Mary A tael Sunday school workers from points ! in. Marion .county, have signified their intention of going to the state convention, and President Robert Reid,! of the Marion County Sunday School Association, yesterday issued the following letter regarding pecial rates of transportatkn. ett: "We have chartered a car to take del egates from Salem to Portland, and return, at an expense to each, of $1.45 for the round trip. Delegate must have credentials, signed by the super intendent ;of their schoot. and will have free entertain! nt ; in Portland, which will, include lodging and meals. ' . "Those not delegates, n- go on the same terms, but will not "be entertained. We must all go together, and return irjbb. in the same way.'r'Ouf car will leave Sa'.cnv June 13th, at 7:5s a. m. All going in this way should report to me at ouce. at, No. J2 Comincrcial street, Sa'em." , - " A REMARKABLY CLOSE CON TEST. "I-ist night County Clerk I-ee. Justices C. .. Wintenmeier and C- . Dodd. began the work of canvassing the official vote of Ijinc couney. bnt ai ter canvassing the vote of 36 precincts found that the jndges of election in C-cnp Creek and Glentena precincts bad neglected to place a tally sheet in the returns, and thereupon the boafrd ad journed." Says the Eugene Guard. "They will meet at 8 p. m., Saturday to -complete the canvass. The only . in ttrwi. attaching to the formality of can vassing the vote is ' the closeness of the county judge contest. Of cours it is to he expected that the returns teaming into jtlse p.rty fieadnart.rs wowld have some errors, but these are as. a rule minor, except in a chse vote. In the precincts canvassed by the board so far, Kiiicaid, gained ; seven in Fall Creek precinct, ami Knox gained -one vote in one of the Eugene precincts, giving Kincaid a net gain of six. or leaving hint at present eight' behind." TOOK A SPIN. Salem's usual daily runaway ocucrrcd la.t evening. R. ". Carey, wlfo resides at the cor ner of State and Fourteenth streets had been hauling lumber and was re turning home when in crossing a di lapidated culvert on Ferry street near the Salem Hospital, the reach parted. Mr. Carey was seated on the rear .part of the running gear and when the wag on skeleton parted, the horses became frightened and before the driver could control them, bad started on a run. They ran down Twelfth street to the depot grounds. completed a circle with out mishap and retraced their steps oyer Twelfth .street until opposite the Salem Hospital, the team nn astride a phone post and (Isnfplishcd the tongue that being the only damage done. At Bed-Time I take a pleasant herb drink, the next morning I feel bright and my com plexion is better. ! My doctor 7 says it acts gently on the stomach, liver and kidneys, and is a pleasant laxa tive. , it is made form herbs and . is prepared as easily as tea. It is called Lane's Medicine. AIL drug gists Sell it at 25c. and 50c: Lane Family Medicines moves the bowels each day. If you cannot get it, send for a free sample. Address, Orator F. Woodward. Le Roy. N. Y. 5. "MOUNTED POLICE. Salem's po licjg force is now mounted. For -several months, Chief of Police D. W. Gib son who guards the , city during the dajs. has covered a part ot hi territory rid frig a beautiful horse. Police Of ficejr E. B. Smith, the city's efficient night watch, has for several months been satisfied of the conviction that there is nothing tot good for a Salem policeman and recently invested in a braitid new bicycle, which he rides about thcJ streets feeling as 1 contented a though he posscsst'd a flying machine. The bicycle is" equipped with a coaster brake, and Mr. Smith is having some trouble in materjng the patent device, but he expect!? to have the.. wheel mastered- iu .cVery .particular and be pre pared to competin. the bicycle races : qn July th or any other hoHilay, A SEVERE SPRAIN. Ed. R Car ter, son. of Superintendent and Mrs. J. L. Carter, of the statcblind school, is laid up w ith a. badly 'sprained wrist, the result of a bicycle accident Jast. Wed- nest'ay atttrnon. Ld was ruling' at a pretty -good gait in the eastern suburbs of the city and in attempting to round a corner, he failed to maintairt his equi librium and was precipitated headlong into a ditch adjoining the sidewalk. As a consequence his right writ was very severely, sprained, and besides the rider sustained some very painful bruises. Ed says a wheel is a great convenience at times., when it enables lone to -reach a destination without mishap, but be is disposed to lelicve that walking is the surest and invari ably the safest mode of locomotion. -HODGES DEFEATED. Returns from the Crook county election on the county clerk are .that -Arthur Hodges, present incumbent, and continuously in the office for twelve years, has been bad ly tlefeated.' Hodges was elected . as a Democrat, but for some cause followed the dead of the lamented Grover and was -repudiated by, the party' when the convention met in Prineville and made nominations a couple of months ago. Hodges then came out as a Gold Dem ocrat candidate, and was tak-n up and nominated by the Republicans. The fiwht was a bitter one. and resulted in his being badly defeated last Monday, Eugene Guard. ?A NEW ' STRAWBERRY. Mrs. Frank Kaiser, of . Kaiser-, Bottom, broughr in a box of seedling strawber ries to 'the Statesman office yesterday. This is the first crop and "they are beauties'. They have the tart flavor of the Wilson, but are much more col id and will doubtless prove an excellent berry for shipping. iMr. Kaiser ha not named the new variety as yet. ' PLEASANT POINT NOTES. . : Pleasant Point, June 8. Tlie grain prospect is more favorable, than ten days ago.. ' . . MV 'JL Dexter visited relatives at Lebanon last week. Our fat, Democratic, bachelor friend, T. E. Herren,- is . now justice of the peace' in - thi precinct. Hope Tom will fill the office with dignity and abil ity. - : . '.: Jdhn Underwood i employed at one of the freight depots in Portland. ' John Giradin, who was confined to hlsbed three weeks with la grippe, is now able to do light work. The Reform School is workin-g into a "model institution. The boys do not run the roads nor commit depredations On the premises of our citizens as for merly. .",-'; . "-..--. Some: of the -residents of the Point went to The Dalles on the excursion. Mrs. Hall returned from her visit to Portland a few days agc- The man of many questions, the cen sus taker, has invaded our epiiet village. L. M. Herren is building a new straw barn- - , Sheep shearing is over, with a good clip as the result of ii. A hen Ie!ong:ng to Mrs. N. J. Bow er recently hatched out a chicken hav ing fonr- legs. Of the two extras, one eame out under the left wing, the other by. the breast bone. , ' A strawberry, "grown bn the premises of; your correspondent, picked and measured this morning, girded 104 inches. It is of the Jecnnda variety. A Story of Sterility, SUFFERING AND RCUEF. ' (untt to u.'hiiMa mo. 6,i&c Dear Mrs. Pixkha ji Two years ago I began having b'uch dull, heavy draggin pa"3 la " ckt menses were profua and puinful, and "wast troubled wa ' leueorrhuen. I took patent medicines and consulted a phy bician, but received no benefit and could not become pregnant. . treeing one of jour books, 1 wrote to you tell ing you my troublea and asking for advice. S'ou answered niy letter promptly and I follow ed the direction faithfully, and derived ao much bene tit that I cannot praise Lydia. H Ilnk hun't Vegetable Compound enough. 1 now find myaelf pregnant and have begun its use again. 1 Cannot praise Itenough.'" MBa. CoKAUiXsoi', Yatics, Uaxistks, Mjch. . Tear MeeJetne Worked Weaden." " I bad been alclc ever alnce 1113- mar riage, aeven yeara agot hav given birth to four children, and bad two miscarriages. I had falling of womb, bueorrhcea, palna in back -and legs; dyspepsia and a nervous trembling of the atomaeh. Now I have none of thew troublea and can enjoy my life. Your medicine has worked wonder for me." Mas. S. Babsuabt, Kkw Cjlstlk, Pa. - WHEN JEFFERSON WAS HISSED In a speech at a dinner an evening or two ago, "Joe" Jefferson made light of what he styled his amazing lack -of the martial spirit, says the New York Mail and Express. "I don't believe." said he, "that" there is a man living who is less -military than I am. Of course. I am Fighting Bob in "The Rivals," but really, 1 by nature; I am a man of peiicev. The only time J was ever hissed off the stage, was when I attempted to ''sing, the 'Star-Spangled Banner,' Now, I am fairly patriotic. I. love my country and I hve my dag. " . . 1 . - r - .1 1- . . t out on tnat ccasion, ir tite ursi aim last time in -my flag, but on that occa sion, for the first and last time in my life, I cursed the flag and everything it represented. It came about -in this way: , "When I was a lad. I had a fairly good singing voice; and it was arranged that I should add to our regular rcper tiir of standard nlavs bv finuinil the "Star-Spangled Banner' between the acts.- How I studied it! I inew it forward. I knew it backward and to tell the truth, that was about the wav I sarjg it. ; "After re1carsing the song pretty steadily for a week. I said 1 was ready. As it hapiened. we had a rather "large and critical audience on the night I selected for my debut, But I managed to" get out before the footlights, while my good mother flood in the wings hoping against hope, " "Oh. say can you see M sang, and could go no further. 'Oh.-say can you see--' 1 sang again. My voice was husky and the, audiei'ce looked coldly curious. 'Oh. say can yv'ti. see-' lrsa;4 for the third time, and to my iirpri-.e I foitnl uy voice growing weaker. The audience was a bit -imparLoit. but wa ted to give me a chance to redeem myself. 'When I mustered up sulticitnt courage to try aeam I discovered I -coulda't ina a note, and 1 siood-thcre wondering w.hat to lo. However, it was decidcct.lnr me. for the whole house joined in a hiss so long drawn out and.so enthusiastic l hat I could stand no longer, and, rusomg from the stage'into my anxious moth er's, arms, we imnglcd our tears. . . have never 1een hiss-d since, be cause on tnat awiiii mgnt 1 m.iue a firm resolve ".that the 'Stai Spangled Banner' should be forever barred TVom my repertoire." ' "And now. children," said tle leach er, who had been talking about military fortifications, "can any of you 4ell yie' what is a buttress?" i "Flcase, ma'am" cried little Vnief. snapping hi fingers, "it's a nrnny goat." Philad'lplMa Press. 1 U bow reaping a rich barrent, tdlr1 itatla-- Uci compiled by tb Wt fa;ilclan of th irortfl bow tbat aver alitjr er cot of tb raaei of a iiilrrd COXSUMPTIO.N r da te LA GRIPPE. Tbr areata ttier (Kitutt of weaknaa. Refer to th'numbers on U ehart. Btuiljr eacb on ear. : 61 wtththem. Hronharcan " attack of LA GRIPPE tegla I tb naa ot II fit YAW a I ? l aoon aa tb mrlt aymptoma bav anbaldoit. IILOVASI will bitug about U rostoratie to perfect hcalto.' The Parts Affected Are: I. THE nUCODS nEHBRANS UMINQ THE BACK PORTION OP THE NOSE. It bo aome Inflamed and thickened, and Cbronla Catarrh Is the remit. II t'DVAJS will reduro U In flam nation, and leart tba m scout maia araa la a porfocUr health r eouditlon. . ( THE 'CAR DRUM ) TUB MUCOUS MEMBRANE OP THE EAK-Il beeeiaea to fl anted aod thickened, tiring rla to alianat total deafDe. llt UVAl will preveut the ipread of tha Inflammation. The drum will not Va affeeUd and heart n( will ba unimpaired. S. CHRONIC TONSIUTIS, OR CHRONIC SORB THROAT. from tb aamo caaaa aa tha two preceding. Iff WAX will praraut Its aotalog os. - :''' 4. WEAKNESS IN THE HEART. II IT ! VAXvlll atreugtbeo tha beart aervaa, oq oal Isa tba rlrenlaUon of blood, and eanat tha boart beat to bceotaa strong and recatai. ' -. A WEAKENED CONDITION OP TH8 Lower lobes mt the lunos-iicdyax will eaoaa tba laag tiaaoa .to bacomo atroug aod health 7. ;.: 7. LUMBAGO, OR WEAK BACKnCO. TAX wiilatreagtbaa It aim oat mmadlatalr. VD YAlf win eara all ot tha abova trnip. torn and leara your wbola tyitera In a perfect coadltloa of health. Oo to your dragelit at maem and procaro a paekaga of lll'DYAX tor CO centa, or alz packagea for I2.C0. Ii jour drarg lt does cot keep It, aend direct to tha IIUItYAM llKMEWYCOMPAXY.gaa fraaHaco, Cat. Ramataber that yoa can eomult tbo nilllYAS DOCTOBS VIIKK. Call and ac tbo doctor. Ton mar call aod aa tbca or wrtta, aa yoa desire. Addreaa Hadyin Renjcdy (cnjpmy Corner itockfn, Harkrt mni Ellia St ft. cVM FRANCISCO, CAU LA GRIPPE