WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN. TUESDAY, MAY -9, 19- FEED STORES. BREWSTER & VH1TE No. 9 Court Street Phone 1781 SEED FIELD CORN. SEED SWEET CORN. A complete stock oi seed com on hand at the lowest' prices in the city. Land Plaster on h-nnd. also complete stock of NEW SEEDS in BULK. Special prices on HAY. : ' . . DEALERS IN GRAIN. ." WHEAT BOUGHT or e-xnangco - lor tjouri and teed at branch office of Aurora Roller Mills. warehouse on Trade street, near High. Salem, Oregon. j BICYCLE REPAIRING. ( for infants and Children. .', Castorials a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare groric, Drops and. Sootlitnsr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teeth ing Troubles and cures Constipation. It regulates the Stomach and Dowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother'a Friend. The Kind You Have I Always Bought Bears the Signature of "II I rflMF TA irtFnfi'l Odell, who is at Chicago attending the flLL 1UulL IU UilLUUll Methodist Geral Conference as a delegate from Oregon, to tne encci mat l Rev. A. M. Fisher editor of the Nonh uvlwest Christian Advocate had been re elected to that position; also that Rev. I Parsons had been appointed a member jof the Board of iMrssions of the General '-v.nfereiKV Rev. Parsons was aston ished at the news, as he had recom nended some one else for the place and was not a candidate, believing the posi- - - ; ition. was out 01 ms iuhl - ' . :. . ' ? nrrrnt the district COTTtprtS- CHiaGO. I1U lMy 2i Edit r ing the coherences ,of Cahfornia. South- Statesman: The contest over the elec- era UUKjniii. wmmoM V AtTI osK or xiH msuors electeo - MKTHOD1ST COSrKBOCE To Con to rMriS Coast The VT QnUM Settled Or. Uackler Uu . . Luit UU FnMr llisfcTtaM. of fourteen mem- -toore, visitea aaiem fUtccmotr jasu'"- .. ... j.,ir-,. and-delighted our people by his lecture h f"' ana sermon. , ahosc 01 us vuu . are rejoicing over the outcome 67. A. ROBERTS Bicycle Repairing New and Second. HmiWhrels 105 STATE STREET ! SALEfl, OR TINNING AND PLUMBING. In Use For Over 30 Years. T. S. BURROUGHS TlNNINfJ AND PLUMBlNQ Gas and Steam fittiftsr. Manufact urer of Hop and Fruit i Pipe, 103 SUie S.. Tel. 151. Salem. Or. BLACKSMlTljfiXG. HORSESKQER AND PEKIRAL BIACKSIIIH Carriage and Wagonmaking. special attention pakl to interfering and lame ness of horses. j : 5 . 185 Commercial St, Opp. Brewery We have just received a carload of Fertilizers and are now prepared to furnish our patrons anything they wa nt in this line. It is now the proper time to use Land! Plaster, on hand. .. . . ; i '.. j Bee Suippli We hive everything in the line of Bee (supplies. logue. . I j We have a large stick Send for our. Bee cata- P11YS1CIANS. SAVA GE & REID, Seedmen 322 and 324 Commercial Strcett North ) - J. F. COOK, AI. D. BOTANICAL DOCTOR f Cures- Consumption, - Cancer, Tumors, ! Airavel ami Kidney Troubles, 'Asthma.. ! Skin and B-u-ne Diseases, without knife, plasters, posisons -or pain. Also Blind ness, j Salem, Oregoiu D. D. KEELER VETERINARY SURGEON and STOCK INSPECTOR.. . Corner Center and Front streets, foot! of Steel Bridge, "Salem Oregon. LIVERY; STABLES. W. H. Hobsonj Crash For men and boys' wear. STRAW I lrim rantrmir in once trom sc to rKS1 HATS at 2SC.-.vsc ana 50c. FI T.K-II ATS.'. Good sensible and-sty lEslV-shapes, ranging 111 price $1 to-$.?.so. rS- k . ' .... ( .Ovhb tor service 50 crm pti aim m-- nvi'.RAbl.S. iBest o oz. denim overall rair, only 45 cents m the city. d denim working jackets, at r-r.": "- r..n At-; Pncet Souna. Atom lion ot liisncps oas.enaea, oy wecnoifc .l6v .,, n- l r ,, . . 11 :i . Wkimh iXrwesnn-Lanisn, Xoti lauing on uoctors jvioore anu iu'-i""- , , ri a 1 ton. It will be remembered that Dr.?Chow (China), and 3 -Bermuda. and Straw Hats ATS with both narrow and wide from t!.:1, 1.1 no- and rlirrkff X unit ' " J , . . 1 2 .. , 1, v tt.f.rt- shoes trrjtitlv redltced. our name on every The last of our men's heavy koc" and 7SCj Give us a caL I A E-M t-irmGlfWI no. 2V7 i-ommer-W. tl. n UBjUlY, clal Street, Salem LOUIS MILLER & SON rroprictorn of th ...CLUB STA8LES... Best Singe and Double Rjgs in the city. 'Best care given to boarding and transient stock. 1 ltepnone 41. Cor. Liberty ami Ferry Sis.. Satm. H.-.RJ PAGE j W. A. STEPHENS PAGE & STEPHENS- I Iorsc: M-cH fed. eood accommoda tions. Fine Rigs. Good Rigs for commercial men a Specialty, llortes boarded hy day, jweek or month. Red Wlivenf. Feed ond Boudino smdie i6j CoHimcrcial St.. Tel. 851. Salem 1 1.. rn Woven Wire Field Fencing. Net ting for iBclgian hares, i Poultry,: 1. 1 Shjtngles and Screen-doojrs. as one or the other of the -men sb highly hon ored will most Hkely become a resident of Oregon.! We feel confident our in terests wtlL be well 1 cared tor m tne hands of either' of them. The woman qt?estion is now teening discussed. Dr. Buckley, as usual : is pronounceaiy against according woman a voice in the highest councils ol The, church, sne nas since the days of, Suanna Wesley, had such an important part in Duiiong,io ts preTt coitrniandmg position tn ihe religious world. iBut one thing ts very notrceble Lir. Buckley iia-s to a great extent lost4iis hitherto great power over the Genera Conference. At the begin ning at the -session, his word was the will of the great txxly, tiut as nas oeen so often true, he over , stepped the bounds of propriety as no question, great or trivial, was, permitted to pass without the Uoctori teaing tne way what t'hev ouurht to do. But there is an end to all things -and within the past tvfo days, by many acts and expressions. the Contercnce nave given ine.seii-as-sunied leader to understand, that, it is capable of an opinion of its own. . It is to be saiU to the gooa juugmeni 01 ut. Buckley, that he has eeen more silent arid reserved in the; expression of his opinions. . A sy-ftlMiK-nt of the time limit has not -not, vet been reached. The general thought i that the laymen will call for a separate vote, on the final settlement It has been a surprise to me. to find the majority otf the leadiing laymen are op nnsed to the removal of the limit, while the pastors of the grtat Eastern churches favor its removal. ? As the discussion of the woman Question advances the preiondereiK"e of applause is very.mark- (d in iavor Ol giV'S ne equal riKi May, her rights -prevail, is the prayer 1 liM. ' I-veiy much regret thai space n tne Dailv Advocate accorded me,, didnot admit the use of the cuts I so much desired to get before the church! -But we ronirratulate ourselves in netting tile appeal in without the cuts. We feel confident much good will result, to the !d scluol we all so much love. 1 The rinral vole hasfjjust been taken up-; 011 a-n amcmimcnt to tne v-OTismiiin of the church to "lie submitted to C011- icreiwrcs for adoption, which strikes out the word "laymen," and inserting the words, "lay "members. 1 he vote was strongly in favor of the amendment Another evidence that the world' moves. GEOj W. GKAiN N IS. .Ch-icagojlI.; May; 22, 1900. A FINE POSI PI ON Rev, John Parsons, D. D.."vastor of tbe First M. E. church, received last Tti Knard meets on 1 ear HI cvew Yerk. Chicago or Cleveland, remaining in session a month at a time. The ap pointment is anost iijnportant otie, and Rev. Parsons is to be congratulated up on the distinction thus received. IN THE BACKWOODS. Ho a Start Was Made on a Mountain Ranch. tt. ai(m Fence Works ..n.c-v onwiftnr 1 59 State Street, Salem. WILLAMETTE STABLES 'South Commercial St., Salem, Oregon Having bought W.i J. HufTraans Feed and Livery business, wc have re moved ' k to the WiHamette Stables. sHth of the bridge on Commercial street, where we will be fmmd prepar ed to serve the public in tiic best pJ siWc manner. Wc furnrsfli rig for dnv inT. Gentle teams for ladies ami good accommodation for transient teams. Board horse by day: or week. A black smkh shoo will be run m connec tion wih tlie barn, where you can get your horees hod and all kinds of re pairing done. All work guaranteed satisfactory. - -' HAROLD & REYNOLDS SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of of HARNESS MAKERS. t 1 You Want a first-class HARNESS. Call on W. W. JOHNS t !'be best ever turned out in Salem. Call ami see for yourscf. KESTAUttANTS. 20c PER MEAL nt the irrfi S'ate street. Salem. M KILLOP & BURKjlAKT, Propv nr FennsrsKiPNEY and Backache Cure. -in Female Weakness. 1 Unfailin answer you in ve AN ANCIENT the State Oregon for Marion wmj. defendant.' -'"'. 1 . r- TA 1... To the said Sadie ,;. i-miii.ij named defendant:; . ' . I the name ot the Statc oi uKW1, v.. r.oiiired to appear and the complaint iiei the above entitled Court and 1 . . , I . -1 ; f r tne cause on or uui y- - - me prescribed in tne oruer v ast publication ;m " ,-hich order provide! mat. me nttUlirat on be made on ineMiaj. 1.. . . t :t : n inm xith day 01 .'pru. and the last i puwiaiMm. ui. ix weeks thercatter. io-w:-w Tuesday, the 5 day ot June, .v- " You wiu inereiuic Frv. 1 .- .1, "rik ilnv ot answer on or oeiore V- June, A. D. kjoo: if you tail m to appear ahl answer,- the ,J.nt J apply to trie aioye emio v,v... ,1c rdi prayed for HI the .Complaint. to-wit: For a decree dissolving the of matrimony now vximu. y---.i..:f;i? anrl defendant and tor II rillliifi " ... . such orhcr and lurtner reuci he court slwll seem meet. This s'immops ls '.:,UV .V by publication, and is .puonnwu. i Vy .inm- 01 an or- . . . m T "1 IPlll.lll t r ter ot tne lionoiaun ENGLISH ITY. i CH VR from Gen. W. II Mrs. Vina Hodges, Salado. Or, 4 'From Pacific Homestead. Salem. Or. T WILL tell how my husband I and I moved into this p" ace ten vears ae. and n it is inter esting enough to print perhaps some to .read. it. Mi Hodges came iiere neany a jt I did. He was just; able to climb into u:. .'. in a Ariff the ronv. : He had been sick three months and tne aociors tcld liim his only chance to Ttve was xo to the woods, hunt and rougn 11. so he and mv father started tor ine coast hills; Aly husband is a good me chanic and can get j good wages wnen he works. It took more than he couia earn to pav the doctor j Dins. "f" he left home he had one pony, saddle and a cart and barnes. all worth per haps twentv-five dollars. He had 1 good gun and two dogs full-blooded hounds. He had enough things to camp with and five dollars m money. He calculated he could make his living hunting, and he did. He had not been nnn- -c .months until he wrote to me he had a trail to Elk City. That was in the spring, so I concluded I would conic out here and keep him company, as he wrote it was awful lonesome, w.- riv,r tiatl mnr ba-k home again nn'rt USt huthand all ialone. 'We landed in Fit Ctv one daV. and it looked dis mal. The slation lis situated in a can yon that is about a fourth to a halt a ,;!.. -,M..' vL-ith hiirh hills all around rovered with big dvad fir logs and stumps, which are 'not ornamental to look at. I will send a view of the coun try to the Homestead sometime, so z-.nr F-istem reader can sec it. The hills in summer are covered w-itn fern which grows from five to seven feet It rovers the old Iocs and mii-M rvrrv hill look ereen and lovely The scenery is fine.; I started for the rmtv : I toil a ivonv anl had a bun riu fohe lied on behind the saddle nnA I carried mv labv in my arms and husband packed our clothes, a feathct bed. two small pillows and lots pf other things on another; borrowed ? pony. The paek was put on in two rolls and our oldest boy, then three years 1. was put in the niWdlc. and the little fellow held onto the pack ropes in front. We Were cheered -as we started out. ' T 1..:. . -r rf nfvle. 'iiu- band led the pack pony and walked. U was not very tgentie. .;" 'Jhi well Xor the first st miles, then the trail narrowed down and wound around a mountain side. There had not brrn a pick or shovel's work on it. .me ponies had made places jum uiK . for their feet, and it was steep hwn L hill to the river. If a horse had miss ed its footing it would have rolled down thirty feet into the river, which was deep. The brush and logs were thick. and lots ol time 1 nad to yirow fett over to the otner siae 01 i r ta avoid a tree or log that would nave, . crushed me or pulled me off. Some- times the traij was so steep 1 nu get off and walk. The trad crossed the river six ttmes in five miles. v e g$t through without an accioeni. vc were scratched some from brtth, but I as happy all the same. , The last fowr miles ot our journey was uc a rain. vc were ,i ov-jivvt.. w..un... I i thought wei-were srone sure, out did not even jtake cold. VMsr mme wc came to was a anantr wxi. vv ceiled. Tlie luimher was split out with a'frow and put on weatherboard ;Iash iq'n. We had a juniper bedstead, that isi two legs and the other side nailed to the wall. There was-a fire place with a roaring pig Jire wun a Tn cn.. boiling iuu on mc in, pood natured bachelor steaming and neighrmr there to welcome ueo. ami bis wife and babies home. It took us all day to come, and we stopped just long enough to eat a cold dinner; but Ivow deliciouf that supper tasted I I did without a stove the first six rnonths and cooked on the fire. 'We had a tin TPtlector to bake bread in. one pot, a canip kettle, coffee pot. three tm plates. . and cups, six iron knives and ,tm spoons, a table made out ot ciapooaruj two feet bv ithree. no table cloth. I brought four' plates and some saucers with me. Ilushand said 1 was puiung on style. I had been ratsexl on a tarm and had seei? mother plant garuen. su I wanted to try this ground nere. wc nlanted a few seels and I raised cab bages so large I-could not bit them, and other vegetables besides. We con cluded to stay here and try farming. Now we have, a lovely home and a nne orchard loaded with fruit. We are all healthy, and 1 feel .well repaid tor com ing into the backwoods, i! . 'At Bed Time I take a pleasant herb drink, the next i morning t feel bright and my com- i plcxion is! hctter. Mf doctor says II t acts gently on the stomach, Iivef 1 and kidneys, and is a pleasant laxa l tive. It is made Aorm herbs and I- is prepared as easily as tea.; It is y called Lane's Mcdicincv All drug V. gists sell It at 25c and 50c. Lane ! : Family Medicines moves the bowels ! each day. 1 If you cannot get it. send ; for a free sample. Addrcs. Orator '; Iv Wood-ward. Le Roy. N. Y. 5- HIGHER EDUCATION MEN. I "She mana than a week leave!" I m not OF WO- ged to keep her cook more' after the cook -dcciiled to Isurprisctl. At college I;er blocking an) interference were thought Ji-ite pheuomenaV" liplianap dis Jour nal. I I Hail, fellow, well met, A I All clif ty and wet; ! Find out. ii you can. W ho's! 'master, who's man. -Swift. ammammmm iississss ' ,. ,, . . ... f , (UUl ...... i 1 t i ne Kentih vi lagt ot uiaacnut r-,.tlv the ancient custom ot distno ilie Biddcnden jnia'ul's' chanty wai performed after thnorning .erv Th. ehantv consists of a gift - o i.-J.,,i r!iip,p in no6r residtnts and U I V nil'.: vi..-. - - 1 4 , lr..ll oanmrd with the ettigy o! Kl!3 aJid Marv Chulkhurst, jthe ""Bidden Jen ;.t nil -.-Miier. I According to im,i;ti-i riiza and Mary C'ltilkiiar.- wiere born in "noa. -jointed logcdter by the h:p and in this taie existed .or iHirtv-four years, whenf ore .vis taken ;n -,,,,1 Hied The othet. ret a -in to til . . 1: . , -r, I nnrated. died MX hou-.s aiierwaru. ny tlie r will the charity camt into r cvitt tftce. i I tow did that figltt between the teni?er. end.-' ! . - , . "It was lotitfhi to a? draw ana mcy .th fell in!" Cieveiahd Plain Deilt-. ikimeiiffl ; Prow 1 Mower For his grass crops a farmer needs a mower tint is convenient to handle, durable, and with gixat capacity, so that witn the least labor for himself and the least care and risk, and with the least strain upon horses and harness, ho. can cut the most grass, whether in heavy cutting or in light, over rough gronnd or smooth, in a dry season or a wet one, in good conditions or bad conditions, h The Champion Draw-Cut Mower meets every rcquiranent for grass cutting. IT DRAWS THE 'BAR. If the cutters meet a fixed obstacle the wheels will not lift from the ground. With thisjinachme, theiefore, the driver is safe and is in no danger of being thrown oil The resistance of diflicult -r r. r. Boise, D. oer oi me- . v judge of the above entitled court. Dated this 21st day of April, A. I9Fir?t insertion ! April 2th. A. D. IfJXX MILLER & MILLER. j Attorneys ft.rj Plaintiff. 4:4 w7t. ;', -''" - i.j'L.,: ' ..iMkntrKATRl X'SNOTICE. Notice is here'oy S'en that designed has been appointed oy " county court of the Mate l Oregon lor Marion county. admmi-.tratrix 01 t-ie S oC Peter Mauer. e-ed hteoi Marion county, Orcg-n. Ml ptr sm having cla ms against tne Hstate ci sai 1 xi,.r are hereby required to C mc to me duly verified as ?rr?m 1 . . -J . n.ir rrsidetxt. one mile uorth of Meha-maV in said County n,,,.e r"?" .t ..w,n Kir months from the of the estate 01 r exe the by tin the GOOD FARMS FDR SALE From" $6 Vo $25 per ci Thnr lands -ire in Marion county, foretcl-isure by' non-residcii U hence are offered for lcs V" " r if.ll rTr 1..U 1 ownfrs. Ior lull par I .L.vrr!ill(ll Call OH Ol noiiars i r-irrlt til Anioiistratrix Matter, deceased. Hotel Santlam Eureka Harnewi Oit U the IBrt prervtlve of new lenrtneT' and the best rrnnvnfTT ' lether. 1 1 oi 1, noflenn, bUtk eoaaaid prolecuv. tie Eurolia . ESarnoss Oil oa your b himw. "jl will m Z71l from bait frtnw to Ave caUona. IT DRHWS THE NO PUSH. fill FKN'CE POST, toa:.eI with ..Carbolincurfi; Avcnarius. .. -r Car tt Is nina a Radical liemVly Aaitwt Chicken Us, . irarfleali'Mi to the "i walls f Py- nal ail I.llr. U...I.I!, fTileke Ilewty eBR-, wrue for clreuUr- an prieea ,-u.d lion thl pap"- . . ,LttWAlSAU.:M,:OHEQO.V. WAKTED.-T9 BUT A FEW - unrtt vearunca una - cMs. for-which n b'eh' m.tLV. l" "-"- - -E.r7.tr i., - . - -Mittinp holds tho wheels tighter to the ground, and thus givc3 more traction and cutting power when that power is most needed. This is the reason, why the ; Champion will do cutting ' tlikt other mowers cannot tTo On all other front-cut mowers tho wheels will lift from the ground when the ba r meet a h x vd ol stacl, thus reducing the cutting ability and put ' ting tlie driver in danger of leiiig thrown off and injured. T he ad vanttige? the rear-cut mowers used tht v Milled tiie bar thev could do more flifficult cuttngiand were " m.ire durable than fronWcut mowers, but for the same reason ho Draw Cut Chamiion has all the cttpacity Xor cutting, and nil of Uie durabiilily. anl every good quality of the bid style rear-cuf inachmes l t . 1 -iii ,.r i7.K ,ofi.rr- f.f t ho mmlern front-cut mower. Usidcsils own many exclusive advantages, combined wiUi .light draft and irfeci fafcty for Ihe driver, for on the Champion the bar V mower ever was made that after a seaon work did not show ronie TtTILm. Lmneetintr- cutter b-to the" machine, and ar.poof, as that V .Ml l v I aW ' -a Aitclcd Traetioaw THE WHECLS WILL NOT LIFT FROM THE GROUND. tCC in BARGAIN. the best stock t. row oncri 101 At "et:ri"ts New House, newly STcdT pme from proprietor. IW1B F. .1, .Nirr nnrh in Linn county. BOZOKTH Bl'.OlHElt 5A1 EM IRON VORKS YoMi Work Solicited. awrci. very Oregon. cheap. K. Shehon. Scio. 5:r-4twi. "he .C. and"knife cease .0 be in r,ne,ihc sections cea, Mto tenter: wear, friction and hard J f" r.C?cKSS2. hSScceSS- -oth of these cipl of tlJ ;?Chan.pifl ,are warranted in th strongest manner. ; ' . " -. t"...B mi.ic in tarn size. Ali-it. and 5-ft. cut. Ker-ular uraw Diff Draw Cut Mowers made in two icis 6-ft. and 7 t- wssi rlitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. teSWSSj-' SALEH BRANCH j j .iirite For l'euierec .ill vvj call on . i Dr. W. Long F. f: CARY, Manager. Opposite the Brewery 5 1 i ,5 Venterinary Surgeon, Salem Or, Statesman ob OSc. Fin priiitini- r GEORGE- E. SLY, Sup't