ooooooooccccoccocooo " -ISSUED IN- ' SEMJ-WEEKLY SECTIONS ..EACH.. TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. coooocoooococoocccoo V J - r 1U JJLf X w ? 1 I 11' ifc 111 I Hi I'.l lit J!l I .J . I; 3 I ' I 1 1 IM 1( J 1 1)1 II! . . j - ' ? ' ' i " ; SALEM. OREfiOV.t li-RinAvi IN FREE STATE Efforts of the British Commanders To Head Off Hetreatinir Enemies Have Thus Far Met' With No Eeaalta Important Operations in the Field of War. LONDON. April 37. (Friday, 5 a. ni.) Iseralsooort whieb U nnt m.nrlr'ol on maps, lies between panna s Post and 1 hafoanchu. General Hamilton has probably by this time arrived at Thab- . anchu, as he is urging his utmost en deavors to cut off the Botrs who are retreating from Dewetsdrop., The Boer forces at Thabanchu are not unlikely to make la stand to cover the escape of the convoys from the Southward. They have laagers eight miles apart, stretching tfrom Brandfort to Thaoanchu, with a base camp at Samalldel station, I General Brabant, in the fight with the Boers at Wepener, had1 a narrow escape. General Pole-Care Ws advance was much hampered ;by the tardy ar rival of artillery, ; which prevented him from capturing Uceuwkop before dark- avi til, cliau lilt; lJ secure their retreat.) , i 0 laKcn on tne wnoic. However,, there has been no (bungling, and apparently. Lord Roberts, with the commands in -the hands of the younger generals, now has an exceedingly efficient army. The report that the LJocrs have re-occupied Boshof proves to be untrue. "Lord Alethuen is still there, and General Hunter's division from Natal, which was supposed to ibe J going to Blocn fontein, is arriving ait Kitribcrley. This is evidence that Jome important opera tions are afoot in that district. It is understood that the reason the Boers did not destroy the 'Blocmfontein -waterworks was. that there are many - t .1... . -1 .1 IJ . T1... 4oers are showing more activity On Natal. They art placing some heavy guns four miles north of Elands Laagte A NATURAL FORTRESS. London, April 27. The Bloemfon tein correspondent of the Daily Tele graph, under WednesdayTa date, says: "Our mounted infantry entered a high mountain plateau n the Thabanchu today, almost without opposition." As Thabanchu is a naiurat fortress . this must mean that the Boers have practic- any uirown up tc sponge in inis sec tion of the country. WATER IS 'SCARCE. iBradfort, O. F. -S.. April 23. The 'British column in the direction of Eull fontein and Tloopstbd has "been beaten back through Boshof. ; The federals sustained two casualties, and the British had twelve men killed and a number u,-nnhdfd Yeterdav -General Kcllv- Kenny's artillery &i Dewctsdorp in dulged in a rrrilcj sbornbardment of Gen eral Dewet's position. The1 firing lasted throughout the morning. The scarcity of water is supposed to be very press ing at Bloemfonteiru. A desperate at tempt was madeiy;a large British force in two columns.' to ! recapture the water works. Their right - flank was beaten A nartv nf fittv were cut. off ,and twelve men were killed. -The Johiincsburg: command has cap- turcit a British scout, borne American scouts - h-ve been $hot. TURNED THEIR j POSITION. London, April I 26. (Midnight). The war t,f.e pr.!nhc the following dispatch from Lord Roberts, dated at Bloemfontein, April 26th: 'Gcr.c-l 1st Hamilton yesterday d r enemy off a 'strong position at irailjport, by afwelli conceived turn ing" movement; which was admirably carried out by Giraerdl 'Ridley, com mander of the Second I mounted infan try brigade and Gehcral Smith-Dorrien, commanding the Eighteenth brigade. The troops are today advancing toward Thabanchu. Ill "Our losses wcrr slight, anly one yet being reported iMajoe 'Marshall. 0 Graham's Town MrUcd Rifles, a se vere wound in the shoulder." . , .... i .,, TO EMBARRASS iM'KINLEY. London, April Z7- It i alleged that the Boer -peace s jcommisskwiers will time their arrival in the United States, so it will occur at the most exciting period of the 'Presidential election. , THE ElOnf-HOIR LAW. VI LL B E .PflVCBO I N GOVERN iMENT CONTACTS. House Committce'Favors Bill to Sh'ort tn Work Days, in Erecting Pub lic Buildings in Future. 1 1 . WASH I NGTON. I April 2 Tlie House committee tat ialor at a special meeting today, directed a favorable re port on the Gardner: 8-hour bill, which has attarctcd -much attention in labor circles and among contractors for. Government-work. The vote -was "unani mously in its favor, i 'The bill provides that every comract shall stipulate a penalty for each violation of the pro vision directed 'byjthis act. of $5 for each laborer or' mechanic Jor such and every .calendar day in which he shall labor more than j eight hours. FOR POSTOFFIOES. Washington, April jO, After a four days' discussion the house tcday passed the postoffice appropriation bill. The attempt to strike out $106,000 for soe ciat mair facilities from (New . York to ew Orleans, and Irom Kansas City to ;ewton, Kansas; met Ihe iate it has. ever since the appropriation was placed in the bill in 1893. No one demanded a seperate rote upon the - amendment striking out the pneumatic tube provi sion, and the house by a large majority, stood ty the amendment to give extra compensation to the letter carriers for work in excess of 48 hours a week, al though the carrier were said, by Ctmi mings, Democrat of New Yorkv to be opposed to it. f " The iill to increase the salary of the Director of Census to $7,500, and the salaries of Supervisors of the Census by 2 per cent of the amount received by their enumerators, was passed. A DEWEY BOYCOTT. Organized Labor Will Not Participate in the. Celebration. Chicago, HI., April 26. The long Halked of boycott of the Dewey cele bration, by organized labor, took form today when the executive committee of district No. 8, of the International As sociation of 'Machinists, issued an edict, declaring the promoters of the celebra tion antagonistic to Union labor, and prdering the members of the union to take no part in it. MURDERED AT PORTLAND. REMAINS OF A MAN FOUND IN THE WILLAMETTE. Heavy Irons Fastened tri His Neck to Weight Htm Down! Evidence of a Crime. PORTLAND, Or., April 26. The body of an unknown man was found Jloating in thc"river, today, just south of the( railroad 'bridge. ; Around the neck there was twisted a wire, to which was attached two brake shoes, taken from a freight car, and. weighing about fifty pounds. It was thought the 4ody was that of William Brahnan. of EUons burg, N. Y,. who had been .missing from Seattle for three weeks, ibut word came this evening, that he was safe in Seattle. It is evident the man was murdered, and then thrown into the river. 1 i ; ' THE QUEEN'S VISIT. SEVERAL TITLES CONFERRED ON IRISH OFFICERS. The Ruler of England Expresses Iler seM as Pleased with Her So journ in Ireland. DUBLIN, April j6, Before the" de parture of the Queen 'From this city, today, she said, she had had a most pleasant visit, and intimated that she honed to be able to return. The Queen conferred (baronetcies up on the lord mayors of Dublin and Bel fast, the title of lord mayor on the mayor (it Cork and his successors in oflice. and knighthood tapon the mayor of Cork and the mayor of London derry. Her Majesty gave t,ooo. to be dis tributed among the poor in the Dublin hospitals. " A BIG SALE. New York. April 26.-i-The Fifth Ave nue Hotel and the iMadison Square Theatre 'building adjoining were sold, in one parcel, at public auction today, for $4,225,000. the purchaser being W. P. Eno. 'son of .the original owner. CONCESSIONS CANCELLED. (Washington. April 20. The Nicara- guan Government has the concessions to the fianily cancelled Maritime Canal Comoanv. to construct a ship canal across Nicaragua. NOW A BISHOP. Portland. Or., April 26. Rev. Father B.-Orth. of this city. Has been appoint ed bishop of Vancouver, B. C. M'KINLEY GO lis HOME. 1 " f Canton. O., April 26; President Mc Kinley and party left here for Washing ton this afternoon. 5 j MANY SCALP BOUNTIES. Sec retary of State F. I. Dunbar has issued, up to date, about 5000 'warrants, in pay ment of scalp bounties, tinder the law. passed at the last session of the legis lature, providing for j the payment of bounties. The aggregate sum thus ex pended is $6t.988 thi'k in on year 01 twelve months. I 5 UP A CENT The quotation foi wheat at the Saten Flouring Mills of fice in this city yesterday advanced a cent and the price now 1eing paid for the golden grain in tbijs city is, 42 cents. Exposure to a sudden; I climatic change produces cold in the head and catarrh is apt to -1. follow.. Provided with Ely's Cream Balm you;are armed against Nasal CatarrhL Price 50 cents at Druggists, or Ely Brothers, 56 Warren street. New J York,; will mail it. The Balm cures; without pain, docs not irritate "on cause sneezing, ft spreads itelf over an! irritated and an gry surface, relieving; immediately the nainful inflammation cleanses and tures. ureain iaim ---- Cold. . - , ;.; . ' -,:" i "." j y i PEACE DECLARED. Why devote k!l your : time reading alKut the Beer War and t.ic Gold Fields of A1a,ka? There are ther matters of vital inspfcFtance:; you. may make a trip East, and will want to know how to travel. In order to hare the best service. tsr mc Central Rt.. between iSTauI C- cacro I-or rates ana oi"ci ...-"-" write Tas. A. Clock, ucncrai xul, Portland. Oregon His armor wai hisl honest thought. And simple truth fiis titiuost skid. B! FIRE Enormous Loss in Busi ness District Ottawa, Ontario, Suffers a Holocaust Millions of Dollars in Properly De stroyed and Thousands iof Peo pie Are liomeleg. OTTAWA, On t,", April 27. Five square miles of territroy burned, over 2500 dwellings, - factories, imills, ' stores ancf other buildings destroyed, entail ing a loss to reach !bo,ood,ooo, and bC: tween 12,000 and 15.000 hicn, womctt and children homeless, is the summing up of the havoc wrougut by a fire, and in which ha been raging at' Hull Ottawa since 11 o clock yesterday morning, and at midnlgfe va"s(not com pletely under control. ; Most of the lumber piles in Ottawa and Hull have disappeared, and are now mere heaps of charred wood and ashes. A hail dozen churches and schools, a number of mills, the Hull waterworks, the Hull court house and jail, the postoffice, the convent, almost every business place, and about 1000 dwellings and shops in Hull have been destroyed. Indeed, practically nothing of Hull is left but a church and a few hotises beyond The spot where the fire originated is about a quarter of a mile from the ufain street of Hull, and as a gale was 'blow ing irom the northwest right in the tin rection of the lumber piles and mills, on both the Hull and Ottawa shore, oi the Ottawa river and Chaudicre Falls. , it was soon seen that the fire was ahnosM certain to be a large one. By 11:30 the, ifire had gotten a good hold on Main strett. and the entire street, with doz.ns of cross streets, was burning. ? The fire leaped across the Ottawa river, and caught the sheds in rear kj! the Mac Kay (Milling Company, on Vic! toria Island, and in a few minutes th lumber piles on Victoria and Chaiidicrt islands, one of the power houses of die Ottawa Electric Co., the Victoria foitnf dry, and half the buildings on the tw0 islands were in flames. The result i that the whole of thai! part of Ottawa, known as. Clfaudierc Flats, surrounding the Canadian P;iK cific railroad station, where the lunilx f mills are all located, is fire-sweiU. Till-on!- building standing in the whnl;e area is that of the Ottawa Cardboaril Factory. From the flats the fire ex tended across the Richmond road oih to Rochcstervillc, and as far as the ex perimental farm. i The westerly fiife took everything up to Huntonberjg. and Mechanicsvilie.' so that on the Ot tawa side of th? river there is a larger .area covered by tht .fire than hillside. on tlie The fire originated in a""dirtk' chim ney, and the high wind cani-cd tije flames to spread rapidly. The' fire ja,t midnight was largely confined to that part of Rochestei vibe, lying near tee St; Louis dam. in the southeast part of the city. Unless a heavy wind' rises the remainder of the city is safe. Thrci people were killed. j A GOOD RECORD. Indiana Republicans' Choice for Grv .... crnor of the Slate. Indianapolis. Ind., April 26. Co'ofitl Win field Taylor Durhin. 13 the Repub lican nominee for Governor: He was iborn at Lawrcnceburg. Ind.. May . 4. 1847. He' has never held a public bt fice. but has been a prominent factor in both state and national -politics "for many years. He is a member 01 the National executive committee, purin the late Spanish war. Durbin was col onel of the 161st Indiana Volunteers. He -went through the civil war as pri vate. END IN SIGHT. Chinese Empire .Will Soon Fail A Revolution Predicted. New York, April 26. A special' to the Herald, from Washington, says? Edwin H. Conger, American minsisref in China, is keeping the state depart! ment iullv advised by mail of develop ments in" the situation. His latest rc Iports are not of a very, encouraging nature, and indicate that the antij-Jor-eign movement is decidedly spreading, 4eing particularly siVortg in tlie prov inces of Shan Tung and Pi-Chi-Lu,, -, As illustrating the hostility of tht Empress Dowager to the d-vclnpmen: of her empire, attention was called! t f day to a decree which she recently isr sued, degrading five officials on the mot ridiculous charges. One, for in) stance. was degraded because oi, his "unfathomable heart," another of his grccd for money." Ti real reason of their degradation was bfl. iUse of the fear of the Empress Dw wager and her advisers that they trc prom inent in the reform 1 movement. The hostility ctf the Empress Dowa ger to the progress of htr people w-ijl surely precipitate a crisis, i: if siid. ii ofiicial and diplomatic circles, and it would not be surprising if the troubles which the Iking government ;i;paf entlv does not wish to suppress jsl; ju:d le the forerunner of anarchy andigencf al revolution. j , , . ' " j - j : i" ..;-f ANOTHER DEMAND. I y Constantinople, April 26. Ncgotia- SWEPT ; . . . : . ' i 1 1 lofts between the United States and the iort regarding the American indeamity cairns nave been transierred here United Charge IJ Affaires Griscom yes terday handad Tewfik Pasha. Minister ofFprejgn Affairs, a notehascd on in striuctions he had received' from Wash ingrton, the tenor of whfch has not yet rnacic public It is understood, how ever, that it demarvds prompt payment jitt:e, indemnities. - :) ;. ' TURKEY WILL PAY. Will Build a Cruiser in America to t IDiszuise Indemnity. London. Aoril 27. The; Constan tinople tforrespondent of , the .-Daily Chronicle says:N ; r i TThe Turko-American diiTicuIty is in a fn'r way to settlement, the Sultan- hav inig promised satistacticn. J f'Jt is asserted that the Porte Has re vised the. project of 'building a cruiser iri the United States, to disguise the payment, of idemnity., and . Ahmed Pj&sha is going to New York to nego tiate with the Cramps on ithe subject." GOING TO MEXICO. idians to Emigrate and Resume Their Nomadic Habits. Washington. April 2o The House committee on Indian afi'airs today dir ected a favorable report"' on the bill al lowing the Indians ia the Indian Ter ritory to emigrate to Mexico. Mexico gives tlie Indians an tppcrrttirUty 'to re- IUrn to their tribal nations, .and noma Eic habits,, and itlie; prefer this to the ifcstrictions now imposed iipcMi thejn SPECIAL RESEKVE. Old Gov- ettnment Whiskey is reegmmended by Captain and Sur McCartv. M. D., i . X . ui iH,- 4,1. Leon; also Witt. D. I'. S. Army; furtherniorc,:by the Board tf Hcaith of San I- rahcisoo,; as the pur 'st unadulterated for invalids, convales cents and family osef. Sold exclusively by J. P. Rogers, in Salem. dw tf ;'l .' THE WAR IN LUZON Americans and Insurgents Meet at Close Quarters. REBELS WERE BADLY DEFEATED iacrlllu li.-tndn Acitrc! ve In Nurth IIm-cih riwllice Seeri;' AtraKira f ' Tdm ns I tiiprliocl. MANILA. April 26. About three uindred vl tht' enemy hare been killed recently m Tsortit : iiocos, mciuains Uodd's fight and attack at Uatoc (April k6th.) whin; from (rim to 700 rebels, a quarter of whom were- armed with Hlles. leans. detcririuedly attacked the Anicr : charging their pisitions and fighting at close quarters. ! The en gagement lasted all the aflmoorf. the tnmy burning the t-Kvn, but they were repulsed after the arrival 6t American reinforcement.- Thirty-two insurgents iwere killed and seventy' captured at jDatoc. . ! The insurgents generally are jacgre' sive in ;that; '. province. Thev I: captured an: American pro vision ' wagun near I.apo. The Americans, having; obt.iintd .evidence thit the Alcaldes 6 1 Lapo, 'Marsingal. Cabugas and Sin ait were holding treacherous' .communication . with -the insurgent, immediately imprisoned them and burned tine Lapo town hall. There hate been several minorights in the province, including an attack by 200 insurgents! ai iLavag. ; Aprif 17th, forty of whom; wert killed!, and 'eighty were captured.!' ij ; LAD I We takd gircat pleasure In introducing our very' new -j and stylish line .of Silk and Mercerised Lustra! Waists If there is anything new uhder t'he sun. we "will be the 2rst to have it. Lustral Waists Beautiful shades Of Red. Bluet Green. Black etc, corded! ail tacked excep tionally good values at ,j $2.50 Each Black only, tucked and gathered ex tra grv d. will cmyarc with $-J.oo values shown .elsewhere r $1.50 T At . 9 ' men s msnrnms . Get one for tho warm summer days. Good - assortment of '.styles from 25c up. j Men's and Boys' Spring Clothing Wo can sell you gool, serviceable, stylish clothirtff, at lowest cn si 1 prices. Our goods are up to date and we save you K3 to 23 per cent. ou every arucie you ouy oi us. J Men 's Beautiful silk bosom shirts from able soft shirts on the market. Wo have an endless vatfety of men's work shirts. They're full sires and well made. Wo havo specially good values in black shirts, with assorted stripes and) checks that won't fade, 45c and 50c. Youpknow what the pStar 5 Star shoes are We sell thcra. They eive setisfaetion. If voui wear pan ts we can fit you. , Anything you want from est worsted dress pants, wo now underwear. AVe have no baits to est on everv item in stock, r the pew York Racket I Salem's One Price Cash Store; i in a pair of oar . is well ; 1 1 is shoes will gi ve , him comfort, and. will answer eycry demand of hard ser vice '-'.-" ; s Can we disturb you just a second; to examine our shoes, you aught to get a good look at them, they are great. i $ I 94 STATE Wc have just Received a carload furnish our patrons; anything they wa iLand It js luunl. now the proper time to use on Bee SujDplies We hive everything loguc. in the line of SAVAGE & REID, Seedmen 322 and 324 Commercial Street, North uf P. O. BINE I JOB LEGAL BOOK 260 Commercial Street. Victoria Became Empress of India 24 Years E Silk Waists Black Silk jikcly made tucked in the latest way - . $3.00 Lkgant line of 'fa-ncy waists just re ceived i.- A ' $3.50 to $5 and up to $7.50 S Tailor-Made Suits Wc ca!l" your spec ial attention to cur suits ?7-V. $iooo. $ but wc and $jo 00 values! call and sec hcm. Y IT XT j ; Shirts GOe u. Coolest and most comfort cheap, cotton work paints to the fin have a full -'line of men s summer oiler you Our prices are the low , - I t 5 $3.50 Shoes shod I yy SHOE STORE STREET 5 of Fertilizers and are tiow prepared to nt in this line. . j Land Plaster. Wc have a large stock I'ee supplies. Send i r our lice cala- PRINTING BLANKS Mr0RK STATESMAN JOB OFFICE Ago Today. the suiieriority oi workmanship ir cuy the climax with our $15 00, $0.00 ... '.' : v i '"