Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, April 10, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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actions OS
-thousands of people wba would Lke to
see him president. .
'Philadelphia. - Pa.. iApril 6. It was
Have EcwIIdered and rAlsraed
British Strategists. 1
gleaned tonight, from what k consid-a tne country.
cred a reliable source, - that
Dewey had a two hours con
here today wkh three gentlemen who
came -trom New York
view, the admiral avoided a
as to the reported visit.
4 "It has been stated that, if Mclvmey
and Bryan are nominated, you will, run
independently; is that true?" he was
asked. ,. - ; ... , j; , ; - V
1 "I have never said so," said the admiral.'-:
. ' .' ' ' '- : ' ' . - . .. .
How do you feel ahont the way "'.he
stock associations -within the past year
or twy, arrangements are in progress
for -making tae tweltfn census tne nrst
real census of the live stock - of the
United States that ha. ever heen taken
Briefly, it is proposed
INGUSH TROOPS ARE SIRROINDED Pple of the country W received
i your announcement f t-ne questroner
And Captured by tLrngmr' Jrrefolr Car-
he replied, ""dne must expect
; , to secure the classified enumeration ol
CierT-n-e cattle- sheep. .hogsV'and horses Jn t!ie
:.Z A.: United States, their age, sex and class..
and, as far as possible, to make the enu
,'i 'f ;r meration include all matters in relation
1 ut. 5 to the live stock industry that will be
of interest and value to stockmen.. -
In the difficult work of securing such
an enumeration on the ranges, the re
sponsibility for making the idea a suc
cess has been largely thrown by the cen
sus bureau upon the International Live
Stock Association, whose headquarters
are at Denver, Colo., and Mr. Chasi
F." Martin, the secretary of the associa-
tion. has been appointed special agent
of the census hurcau to take, charge of
this work; and the members of the as
avlrj LoadoB Aatoalahcd at tba
LatMt War News.
LONDON. April 6. Lord Roberts
reports that -five companies of -lintish
riops have been captured hy f Boers
near Bethany ; The foUowing is the
text of h is dispatch to the war office
announcing the capture: .
' ''Another unfortunate occurrence has
occurred, resulting, I fear, in the rap
ture of a party of infantry, consisting
ot three companies of the Royal . I rial
Fusiliers and two companies- of ; the
a. great. many things to-be said of a J sociation, it is expected, will aid in-h
man who has taken such a step." I so far as possible. Hie responsibility
l -Ren .-.you are not at ' all discoiif-I rast noon the association has been ae
- .. .1 r - - - -i . ...... ' .
cepted uy- t. ; ana only rename . an t
trustworthy i stockmen will he . employ
ed to do the work. t The nres'dentiQi
the association has issued - an address
calling upon j all i stockmen whether
memebers of the, oreanizatiqn pr, not.
to, render every possible assistance, and
the assurance is given that every safe-
friends, and ten days ago he visited JJtrd will be thrown around mdivid-
Wm. C. WhHr.ey to talk with hint about o wicy cannoi ue usca
the possibility of his being nominated, for improper, purposes, or for. any pur
Whitney told the general that all lead- pose save the compilation of accurate
Ing Gold Democrats were a? tnnclrop- "ls " lcul",.'u, imjuMry.
nose to i.V nomitutinn nf Ttrvn- ,w tocKmen wno aivuige tne tacts n re-
cerning seounty affairs, pledged the
rcotuvtw-tuage ana commissioner ,ot tne
citizens " ticket to I a reduction rather
than -an increase in! the expense of the
eouuiy : government; the ordinary cur
rent expenses to oc kept within 40,000
per year; .no expenditure of. $1000 or
over to be made until the proposition
had been submitted and- endorsed by
the voters o the county; and tc place
the county on a earn basis ax the earli
est. possible - dale. 4 a .-
-, After'' considerable discussion, the
resolution was unanimously ! adopted
and af 1 0:20 o'clock the citizens. con
ventiorv,-was declared adjourned. . '
(Continued from firstpage).
I Xo. sir, I am not d:scouragfd.
f C?e w - Yorkv April 7.The World
says: General kelson A. Mvss - is
willing to be the Democratic nominee
I tor president, lie has so stated to Ins
v. , - r yrs ago, but he did not commi
near Redderslmrg. a little eastward of I l- u -f ,u. , ...t
himself to the support 'of the grneraf.
He merely took the matter under ad-
visement, and said he would consult
with his friends." '
lation to their private business affairs
need have no fear that the information
will ever pass beyond thecensus de-
I partment. . I - , :
Continued from first page).
the Dclliany railway station, withan! a
few miles of this place. They were
surrounded by a strong force "of tlie
enemy, with four or -five guns. j -
i "The detachment held out from nooii
of AprH xd until April 4th at o av m.;
and then apparently surrendered, for j DORMITORY FOR
iT. is Trjjunni mat ic iinnjj ccascu ii
that time. Immediately after I heard
the news, during the afternoon of April J SENATOR M'(B RIDE'S CARE FOR J Downing, T. L. Davidson. D. C. How-
3U. I rderea Uatacre to proceed trom p THfc. SCilOOL. . ; lard. G. B. Dimick. and other reasoned
hprtngfcmtctn. . . $ ' present beadquert-1 1 - , ' i for harmonious action, maintaining" that
tl If t -. t. .11 111. I , . A . r ., ..... I. Z
ers, to rveoxiers.ouTg wjui an possi Die 1 t-arge Appropriation tor -uie institution i it was not a matter of party name, but
wni, anu 1 ai.paaciio: me v,aiTicrun 1 1 xrrovKieu tty tne senate ax - l ot principle.
iiiKHidiiwr iicncc w ucviuiiy. near-1 i x esicroay s session. . I . TH mtiendmpn -tn ittf motion. 'a
rivea at Keddersburg at 10..W a. .null-- ; i i I AtA iw a tinMimmii. 4,iu
wLtliout opposition, but could get no 'WASHINGTON, April 6. (Special not a dissentine- vote was cast 'atraittst
--news of -the missmg detachment. There 1 to ithe Statesman). The Indian appro- tth. rtV;n.-l mnimn ThU wa miit a
ran be m doubt that the whole party I pri at ion iriU was' ut for ror.i(W"ratirn I , cu;.- 1,1.1
ihas been made prisoners. m the senate today. In addi-tion to the thon rr-,r,;!tA in the. rP,rrt .
usual aopmpriatioos for Oregon, the Nominations for county judge were
ki lowing amemrments-ot iena.tor Mc- called . and the following names were
t i . a a . - I Krirte wtpt aflnrrffrt
uHidon, npni 7.-toaiuruiay, 4 ..iU a. I V. . . . . : ... - .
w. .vw . ,..,.t .,.t:., .v, j;,.,. 1 for a Dnck dcirmiUftrv Indian sriicol
1 " - . . . v r l . nuju iKaiMinic tu: ' 1 1 ? I , -
"ter at Reddershurg has been allowed AJieDm ir VO-Ooo. trie purcliase
to come thrmiKh. except the dispatoh IVl. coniruction ot a portaDW-sawmiK.
of Lord Robert ' I'-' is. h-refore im- vtamatu agency, 530.000. This is to
rwxC;Ki tnt-tvi 1 replace fne.sawmm which was burned
has happened. Meabwhik; the. British J 'f91 uT'mir- other, improvements kr
public is beginning to realize the im- 'Vr ,-"t11 ajfemey are as ioiiows:
monse ifficultiesO be overcome, even JT0 war, -works and sewerage systean.
tiefcu-e Pretoria ii-rearh anrt i ro. .J..100; lOTtne construction Ota 6am
viving the premoture ideas with re- t?r ?ting systems, $3,000..
soect to the time when the war vrill . he ,Kepubftcan members, of the
. . -f a 1. t 1 .
over, xso one believes now that it will i IUU5t Vl TcreM-inxaiives aiew a caucus
have ended by the beginning of June. I 'f st evening an decided to suopo
The latest disaster, more particularly senate amendmerrts to the Puerto
illwrates tlie heavy task involved ! in 1 Kican hhj. which provide a civil gov-
holckng the railway. This body lof Tm'e'nt iOT he island, and further pro
umi cm ,Ri-"ii:h rrmn ;.i,..f I vides fcr entire free trade ibetween th
which disappeared so completely with- j United States and Puerto Rico not
in thirtv-fiir.. milot nf fh rLrAn Prijict, I later thanMarch i. 1002. and earlier
- - v aia x.sa a u 1 ivi, 1 . . .
army, had for its business to guard thetna,n that sttould the island legtslattrre
c - w-An n9-l.. : r :t I enact a different rpvnn law Tli
way between Bloemfontein and Sorine- republican senators are recemng
fontein. j t I egrams Jrom all over the courotry.
If rt rvMilA tVi.w k- cn;P;ti u,. .. I congratulating them on nassine the
- v-v v facial ivu dnot. 1 .1 -
i BJ-rtc -.nc., bill .with these important amendments.
nan-- iinvicr mm;,; cv-,- aii,I aj?tl it is now certain.. the house.Rcoiib-
r-y. , 'v.'""''--.v-'r,Jt,.U; :n -1. ...: i and T. I . I
nonei questions- are iing asked Lot I :'." u..i..5.Htrt
the successive 'tinfortunate occiir- K ' A' B- SLAUSON. n
rir.Aa . . l. r . 1 I . I - ' ...
do not the Briti.h troops entTench?
It is argued that, if this had been done.
cyen 500 men might have held out tm- Senator Blackburn's Credentials .May
hi rem ior cemems arrived, it cannot! Be Held Up.
ic conceaiea tnac tne upmost alarm is i
oeginmng to oe telt. It is siaid that the Wrashineton. April 6. Senator De-
i . wno captured tie British a; twe, Republican of Kentucky, today
KetMersburg, belonged to Olivler's krave notice that W mvn1H mnv t
command. If so. he has not retired I fcr f h rrfA& n t i .T a vf fnrmHT .CLnihrvr
ncom. ana ine nopes -are expressed that J.C.S. Blackburn, as senator from that
he may still be cut off. It is asuited I ttatc n .ti
t'lrtf IfVVl .aluj, - .1 f J ' I . ...
smirimncu ounng 1 ana elections.
enerai Element s northward marchJ
The Boers will !. their irtmoat to hrJA
Ladybrand and Thabanchtt. both being
ricn grain producing hstncts. Ten.
thousand remounts from South Amer-i
ica. are due to arrive during the coni4
tng week, at the ports of -Natal and
tape Colony.
presented: - J. C Johnson,-of Wood -
brrn: IE. - P. iJlorcora, of. Woodburn;
W. W, Elder, of Stay ton; Geo. Gris
wold. of Salem; J. B. Waldo, of Ma
cleay. Ex-County Judge T. L. David
son and G. H. Croisan. tooth ot Salem.
were also named, but both declined.
Mr. Elder received the nomination on
the first ballot, the detailed vote being:
Johnson 17. Morcom 19. Elder 162.
Griswold 23, Waldo 8, Davidson 12.
Total number of votes cast 241. Upon
motion of G. S. Downing the nomina
tion was made unanimous.
For county recorder, John J. King,
of Macleav: CTias. Yannke. of East Sa
lem .and 'W .H. Downing, of Sublimity,
were named. Mr. Yannke and Mr.
Downing declined and Mr, King was
declared the unanimous choice of the
In the selection of justice of the
peace and constable for tine Salem dis
trict, there was quite a contest. For
justice theree persons were named.- as
follows: J. R. Fairbanks. J. O'Donald
and T. T. ; Parker, dn the first ballot
ere cast as follows: Fair-
Donald 34. Parker 6. John
Chase 1, North Salem protested, al
leging a miscount in that their nine
votes for Mr. Fairbanks were not re
corded. Chairman Slater ordered a
second ballot The name of T. -T.
Parker was withdrawn and t)he ballot
resulted in the election of Mr. O'Don
ald. the vote being: O'Donald .44.
Fairbanks 26. Parker 2. J. H. Lewis
was the unanimous choice of the Salem
district delegates for constable.
A few of the country precincts se
lected candidates for justice of the
peace and constable and the conven
tion adjourned sine die.
enviable position bn committees 2nd
is situated to get thing's acimpli.hed.
Oregon cannot allord to send a-new
man. tie would be six ye.irs behind
McBndei if not more. Owing to the
peculiar condition of the Senate at the
time of 'McBride's election, he received
some good assignments at once. Sen
ator McBrid; haa ; the . -cstvt of all
Senators," Republicjans and Democrats,
while by the RepujWicans he Is trusted
as a tlioronghly safe and sound man.
but bold and unflinching. j .
I Ilard U Replace. ,
Senttor James . IcMHlan, ol Michi
gan, says: ' . 'I , ".
"It gives me much pleasure to ay
that I have "been associated" with jSena
tor McBride. in thb committee on com
merce, and in the Senate,' and have al
ways tound h;m piromp6 10 his 'attends
ance, a legislator of excellent judg.aetii.
o man keenly alive to the ioteres;s of
his state and of tlie Pacific coast gen
erally. The new problems arising from
the possession of j the Philippines, will
require all the experience ind . J:now
ledge that serviCe ,in the Senat can
command, : and no jfew Senator is, likely
to obtain' the places on committees
which Senator MBri'de obtained, not
only by virtue of j his own ability, tut
by reason of the fact that he was a mem
ber of the Senate when thsre wre few
er Republicans to pe assigned to places
on important conimittees. I , should
say that , the state of Oregon raSst in
evitably lose influence by any ! change
hat could be made, no matter h5w d:s
tinguisihed the new Senator might be
My pt-rsonal relations with Senatcr Mc
Bride lead me stVtongly to-desire his
return." . I
CommandlBE Influiencetn Committee. .
Senator Foraketj. chairman of the
committee on Pacif;ie islands an Puerto
Rico; .says: , j .
"I -think Senator McBride 01c f the
efficient Senators n the body, tie is
a man of sound ludement. ; and abso
lutely faithful andj diligent in the dis
charge ol his duties. His opinions are
respected by all h s colleagues. :nd he
has a commanding imfluence in the work
ot committees wh(jrre. the most import
ant work of the Senate lies. He has
the confidence anl respect of all the
Senators, on both iides of the chumber.
and on this accotmt is able lo render
efficient service forj his itate, far beyond
what any new menrber, however able.
could render for. at least some vears.
He is known here ias a Re,pu'oIican who
stands for his party on all party meas
ures, and W'bo never ninchesi or 'trims'
on anv account. !
Caased a Second Johnstown Uor
ror at Austin, Texas.
A ftoaiter Seaervolr A bore tlie Cltyt Swol-
1ea By Uear'y Raloa, Swept Away
? All Obetacle.
AUSTIN. Tex.. April 7 This
is tonight in pitch darkness with a rag
ing. river, ; one mile wide: and swollen
far 4xyond its natural banks, roarine
and surging through all the lower por
tion ot tne town, having spread destruc
tion and death in its wake. In addi
tion to the vast loss to property inter
est a. it is calculated that betwn thiity
ami forty lives have been , sacrificed,
and reports coming in' from flie tribu
tary country tonight do not ttnd to
improve matters. The flood is, not un
like the ' disastrous Johnstown Hood
some'years ago, in that a rapine river.
already swollen far beyond its capacity,
bore too heavily upon the immense dam
spanning the river, breaking it and let
ting ..loose,- reservoir of water thirty
miles long, a half mile mide. and sixty
feet deep, to aid in carrying destruction
down the valleys of the Colorado river.
he great dam in the Colorado river
gave way at noon today from- the nor
mous pressure of water and debris, and
with a roar and crash, swept ha valievs
helow' the city, wrecking the immense
light and power plant and drowning
eight workmen. Following is a list of
the known dead, including those killed
in the powerhouse:
II rank Kmcet. Frank Kmnv. W'.ilfpr
X'lower. Walter Johnson. Altred John
son, . ! rank l-itzgerak' alter f Bu ss-
ih( are aira! of it. ha'J7Tra.-k Hown
the. appropriation for the contmi-.ance
of the ;work: He declared he was
aylKimed that any . Americans liri,!d
uphold such work of a secret K)!itiCal
K-ittj-. He woujd denounce -it, it it
were the Jast act of 'his lit-.
. He ridiculed Xhei A. v. , -or opt
ing a .Yeolu:ion j demanding tii im
pcaohment. tor saying on the floor oi
til., - c n to i - li t . 'I, , ... i , ' . . , . -
' " Adllllff.
v est eim ut miy tow oi tne revj
Uhe work of the Jesuits among the I
ncau Indians, lie saiu Pile JefUiti Vi-tfe
not "doing the work for the love ,f the.
Indians, but "for the love ch Clyivj."
; "I don't believe," said LoJe, Re
publican of Massachusetts, addressing
the senate -in repTy! to Vest, "that it i
right to tax one man to support -an'-"
other man's religiciru" a. . s
Gallinger, Republican of NiJw. Hamp
shire, opposed thej amendnvnt,, in the
course oi which he referred to tle work
done by -Mr. Duncan among MetUkat
la Indians. Shoup, Repullican ot ja
ho, called' attentitiir to the tact tnat,
while Duncan's work was thcitaost
i.otable. in his -opinion, ev?r . atconi
nlished bv o;it; m.Tti amOn-r th Iii.li tm
iie had performed ft wirtiout jneildjllor
of assistance front the United .Sta:es
jgoernment. f
cn n uinnnti innnni'CiiriiT
I UK IIAKDUK j iiiruutLniLnti,
For Extension of the Jetty AVork at. the
. Mouth, of the Columbia Siic- '
cess is ! Assured.
Immediately following adjournment,
an electors' or "citizens' " meeting was
convened, ,W. T.- Si-ater calling the as-
Four Democrats and Two Republicans j semblage to order. Mr. Slater was
Agree, tne 2eventh, a Kepubh- j matie cnairman ana w. uorny, sec
can, Dissenting. J retary.
- J Upon motion of Webster Holmes.
FRANKFORT, April 6. The court j seconded by a number of persons, the
Hi Brother-in-Law Has Engaged
Kowns tor tlie 'Kansas City Lon-
vention Dewey to Attend. j
of appeals today handed down i dtcis-
Mn i it tin crrwrm dvt n i iI
'plthe Democrats. The opinion is by six
judges,' four Democrats and two Re
publicans. One Republican, Durtlle,
The opinion holds that the action la!
the legislature in seating Eeckham Was
ticket r nominated by the Democratic
county convention was endorsed and
'E. Hofer introduced a - resolution
whrich. after setting forth statistics con-
The Act to Be Revised by . Congress
r A Sliding Scale, .
W'ashington, April 9. The most im
portant piece of, general pension legis
lation before congress, that of revising
the pension act of June i8go. and othe
general pension laws, was passed upon
i a tentative inlander today, by the
house committee bn invalid pensions,
and the , sense of, jthe committee s was
taken on reporting! the bill to the house
and placing it on: the house calendar
ifor early consideration. It is under
stood the most important change in
creases the age limit on which the
pensions are to ofc allowed, and fixes
the sliding scale Ibetween ages of 62
and 70, viz: $6 alt years. $8 at 65. $10
at 05 and 512 at 70. Another import
ant amendment "increases, from $of to
$uo the amount cjf tlie annual income
which a Tyidow my have without for-
leitmg the right td a pension.
man, Josepn Newman, Dick
(colored), John Proes, Charles
ard and six negroes.
Last Wednesday nitrht it besan to
raut very-wrd at this place. hi storm
ex-tending north of here along fjie vij-
ter.neas ol tne 'uoioradover. The
precipitation continued until mjoniing.
the .Colo'ado river having risen f-.rtv
eet within ten hours. The river be
gan to rise o rapidly that it (became
evident that the dam. power-house
and contents, costing $1,500,000, were
in Hmminent danger.
Houses, trees and debris comknei-ed
descending the river and piled up
against the tipper face of the dafm. The
crisis came shortly after 11 a'clock,
when suddenly with a report like the
roar of the ocean a great wedge,
twentyvfive feet high. 500 feet ide and
about eight feet thick, . rolled out of
the center section of the dam, down
its- face, a sixty-foot fall, into tlie rivet
below. This left a hanging gap in the
very middle of the dam, through which
the debris and water freely poured,
while the flood, already raging- was
threatening everything in its iath.
The released -water paiired into the
power -House, catcning tme eignt em
ployes at work there, drowning all of
them. A crowd ot white people, num
bering about thirty, livinsr iusii below
the dam in tents, were seen jusfi before
tne cam -broke, and have not been ac
counted for since. It is generally be
lieved that all were swept away. A
family of six negroes, living in the val
ley south of this city, are knwii to
have heen drowned. The Iirterhatio in!
& Great Northern, and the Atjistin &
iNorth western railroads, both enteri.isr
xnis city, nave suttered severely, ihe
soutflbourai cannon-oall train iron St
Louis, on the International & Great
Northern, was1 wrecked at McNeill!
nine miles above here, as the tesult of
wahout. ; The encrme and cars
plunged into a culvert, but fortunately
no Jives were jost.
I -1. A l .
WASH I NGTON. Anril fWAdmlr 1ZI.T" 31 2 cur s navc no, P?'
1 . t .,. . . ' 1 'o review ; nai layior exceeuca nis
f icVyTClYrne? Vilsnill8- authority in adjourning the legislature
Pl?;ia ,rT VUtlL t V,S,tj to Locdon, and that the journals of the
I hiladelphia. A number of reporters 1..,. ..f 1.- 1
were at t.h hrsi, i.a-.iima hU 8.?U urc ut.ng ir-
- - - r, - - " i regular ran tw imn.-!ip.1
l. JT, V. ?"!". he admiral .udge DurHle lhe ,.,nly jd dis-
!a.u nidi iic c a in; li evi in a. rew aavs in n.. : ti , .
hare rca.lv frr thm , . ?c,.,lu,B" 1 "c ln" CpilDllCan
to his ,n forh -vT- i " i?cs, IJurnam and Gutty, gave a. scp
-f-... :'. .L" arate opinion lrom Hie tiemocratic
are TrrAitZ .- h ?hV 1 " u. but wiioh agreed -with the Dem-
!rLla,tjLma,k,?g that,y? ar ocratic members in its conclusionJudge
Hobson wrote the opinion r.f the coi'it.
The concurrence of judze Btt'nam and
Guffy with the. four Democratic iodcres
was a surprise generally, but to the
Kepublicans especially. " ;
Ex-Governor W. O. Bradley, chief
counsel ; of Governor Taylor, tonfgtht
AtT WeW '":r" " of UOTttnor laykr?nd Lieu-
..r " ' j Vv Vlri , ' . i"-,-; Tenant tovernor LMarstiall will be car
it is said that Cleveland wants vou i-;rt -.. c i tt:-j
tun wienie iiigui vjuiu ucmocraiici states.
one imcrviewer suRKCStea.
t.. . j . . 1 . 1
a Uemocrat? persisted one of the re-
Certainly; I am a Democrat, he re
plied. "I always have been a Demo
crat. he added, smilingly. f
J lave you ? ever voted the Dem-v-
cratic ticket? ; he was asked.
"No, I never voted in my life. The
Good wight, answered the admiral
without answering the question, and re
tiring. On Monday, next Admiral and
'.Mrs. ue wey will move into their coun
try house at Beavoier.
House Passes a Substitute for the Sen
ate Measure.
UkJ b. V ILL, ATTEND. I ! after a four davs debate, todar oai
ivansas vny. jvnm O. loTin K. UMa staostitute lor tfie senate hill nn-.vi.I-
t 1 1 l r . . . 1 r . r'
ucan. unxiicr-irnaw oi Atttnira uewer. k jot a terraioriai jorm covernmen
mas ensraecd elaoorate Quarters at nr.el tor uiawan.ine w II now toes to con.
ot the leading hotels for the Demo- j ference. Darmond.Democrat of Mis
cratic convemi an in July. Ihe loom I ot,ri. offered an amendment, compel-
are very cnoice. ana 11 is reported t iati" aiics uto nave entered tne
they are to he shared by Admiral Jands tmder contract since the date
Aew. York, April 4 Wm. C. Whit
ney, said today that all statements, sug
gesting that he has had something to
go wH7i jne ; candidacy . of
Dewey for. he Presidency, are
foundation, lie said:
: I do not consider myself so r'ated
to politics at present a to be entitled
in making candidates. I have the pro
foumlest admiration for Dewey. I he
1 eve it to be the, act of the. admiral
-.ims,r His nature is simple and
stra-.ghtforward. and he has oubtiesj
been solicited to become a candidate by
of annexation, to leave -within one year.
11 was aoopteo.
Chicago. April 6. Should the Dewe
AH-iiirill . ..lcc """7 oeciae. owtng to the
Z I admiral s -poKtical aspirations, not to
.i,mwu,i n'Mruvn lum , 1 n ...
' M ,n vmcago. i
the Grand Army of the -Rermht;-..; n i
tnue mm. as a presidential candidate. I
to attend the great encampment to be I
neiu an vnicago tn August.
Upon the initiative of various live I
HEALTH and beauty are the glories of perfect Woman-(
: .hood.,.:.." .- "i
t Women who suffer constantly with weakness peculiar
to their sex cannot retain their beauty. Preservation of
pretty features and rounded form is
a duty , wdmen -owe to themselves.
The mark of excessive monthly suf
ering is a familiar one in the faces of
young American women. i
Don't wait, young women, until
your good looks are gone past recall.
Consult Mrs. Pinkham at the ; out
start. Write to her at Lynn, Mass.
? Miss Edna Elus, Iligjrinsport. Ohio, writes: . r Dear Mrs.
: Pinkham I am a school teacher and had suffered untold agony
during my menstrual periods for ten years. My nervous sys
tem was almost a wreck. I suffered with pain in my side and
had almost .every fill human flesh is
heir to. . I had taken treatment from
number of physicians Who gave me
no relief, j In fact one
eminent specialist said
no medicine could help
me, I must . submit to
an operation. At my
mother's j request, I
wrote to) Mrs. ; Pink-
ham: stating my
case! in every par
ticular Land re
ceived a prompt
replr. Hollowed
the advice given .
me and - sow , I
suffer , no : more v
during menses.
It anyone cares
,to , know more
about ray case, I
will cheerfully answer all
letters." 1
Miss Kate Cook: i 6 Ad
dison St., Mt, Tackson.,Ind:. writes: "Dear Mrs.
1 am by occupation a school teacher, and for a long while suf
f ered with painful menstruation and nervousness. I have re
ceived more benefit from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Coa
po&nd than from all remedies that I have ever tried."
Sti Ijouis. Mo.. April 7. A spcciaL
to the I'.-ist-Diipatjh rotn Dallas. Tex.,
says: The following dispatch Tws heen
received from Austin:
"An appalling loss of life, accompan
ied the breiking of ihe dam. Fourteen
lives were lost when the power house
was swept away. Eight men were
working on the upper .Toor, and six
were in the basement. N other lives
are known to have been !ost d:rectly
hut it, is helieved a heavy loss must
have resulted in the valley ant low
lands of the Colorado river to the-somh."
I' ' ; V I
Austin Tex.. Anril 8. The nXi-rf
house at the dam, at 1:10 thin m.immr
fell into he river, carrying w'th it
$300,000 worth of machinery. j
iWASH I NGTO N, . D C, April 7 A
(Special to the Statesman.) The mem
bers of the Oregon! delegation in con
gress have received several petitions
a a . . e a k
ar.d tetters iron tne vnamuers 01 t.ujai-
merce at Astoria,; Portland and i Salcm,
urging : then to make every etfort to r
secure an aooronnalion -for the ' ey.im
ston of Hie jetty at the mouth- of 'tCi.e ;
' Colurwhii river, according to the plat. j
submitted by Cap t. Langtitt. last Nov- ;
ember. v . 1 j - ' ;
Notwithstanding the fact that it is
considered olinost impossible jjto oh-'
tain the appropriation necessary for)
this work, except in the river and har
bor bill. Senator .McBride today i nt re
duced the proposed amendment to the
sundry civil bill, appropriating jthe full j
amount estimated, for the conrpMioit
of the work, $2,500,000. and had it re
ferred to the committee on commerce:
of which 'lie is a member. Tlie (senator '
does not expect the committee to rc- j
commend an appropriation for rlie full
amount, as such action would be un
precedented, hut he believes .tlie Ore
gon delegation can secure earlier; actaon
by having it before the coiiwniiuce for j
early discussion, than by waiting for the
river and harbor hill. It is lioin-d tint!
the full consideration of the matter by
the committee will meet with ku.-li an
understanding of the necessity for early
rmprove merits, as will -favorably? dipce '
congress toward' some., method! of pro
ven ting a further deterioation! of '.he
present jetfj-, and toward a preparation
for larger work, which this is exposed'
will be aurliorized in- th river nA Inr.
bor bill.'if it cannot be had in any r-thcr
way. Senators 'MB
will cordially co-operate in supporting
this me'asure in the senate, and Rn-.
sentatives Tongue and Moody will be
enuallv earnest initiitvnrf;n :t :
house, . , A. R. ST.UKAm '
Portland University to Go. Out of. Ex"
istence on June 1st. j
Portland. April 7TIie an-iounce-mcnt
was made today thit the Portland
University would go out of existence
Jurte 1st. and all alumni of the V-rtlan 1
institution will be enrolled on the rc
ords of WilJamette University ait Salem.
Dublin. April. 7. The children'; ce
monstration. which closed the Queen's
week in Ireland, was probably one of
the most gladsome days either the
Queen or Dublin has known ."n years.
Her--Majesty's many acts of personal
sell-saeri6ce hive completely ivo:i the
heart of the people of Ireland.
If people "did not flatter one mother
mere would be little society. Vauvtii-
argues. . s
Fine printing. Statesman Job Offi
vest, of Missouri, Urges Appropria
tions for Contract Schools Among
the Indian Tribes.
WASH I NGTON, April 7. Daring
inmost we entire session oi fie senate
today, an amendment to the Indian ap
propriation bill, offered by Jones, Dent-
otrai 01 Arkansas, providing for a
Continuance .oi die government's em
ployment of contract Indian schools, in
vcriam circumstances, was under con
siaeration. Ilie debate took a wide
range the whole question of .ectarian
scnoois toemcr o-one nr ln-h
ute. notaoie ieature ot the discussion
was the eloquent speech delivered in
supoort of iie anrendmetif , i.v- V
Democrat of tMissouri. The amend
ment was pendmz when the senate ad
journed.; v' ... . f , , i
In the course of his remark. Vest
paid a tribute tof Booker T. Washing-
ion, -woo nas done great work anong
the colored people of tha South. Prof
WasBmgton had struck the keynote oS
the great neero problem . he aid . hv
teaching the colored youth hw to
laoor. . This, .he added, was the true
secret of the success of the Catholics
in their work among the Indians. Thev
taught them how to work. Thi gieat
pndertak-.ng had gone forward until.!
Vest said, the A. P. A. and cowards!
BcKmci vital nr.
Cures Impotency, Uight Emissions and
wasting diseases, all effects of ' self-
abuse, or excess and IndhK
cretion. Anervotonlcand
blood builder. Brings the
ri5?Tv restores lie fire of vouth.
1tN7 By mail COc per lox; O boxes
for $24TtO; with a written guaran
tee to euro or refuDd tbe money.
CIMton 4t Jackson Stu CHICACO, ILL,
t For sale by D. J. Fry, druggist, Sa
lem, Oregon. '
lSt S1UET UI mioses, ML I
The Lfrr-tt Anxtm'ral Minran la thf ,
WotlaV Wkaei at any t.tfrftkf-f "
miti iiiih oa taa l naat a acara.
lalil.ia) thoaaavMy mdcmiri ,
Cms ntai wnaua taa a ot Mwmmrf. 1
Tmmm Citl by a li;jrt. mmU
aw ra vm asaiaaaMMK. m qari .' i
to CnaaattMtna ftea aa4 aKa-Mvnrtrata. Tfattawnt ptt-
. iaaaiHr m br Wict. A IHmttri Am H r.r-r caa '
A aaertakaa. Writ, tat IVx. aajg.aa !aM V mt ,
CO. 1081 MarUt St,S.
(ut aaa CU at i
Q oa. iooan
iilott's KerveririelPflls
The ral
remedy iar.
cervDot pro- -:
tratian and
all ner-owa
Zti dja&ae ti ,
hi UKK AXD AlUa taXXi. puk tUbcf
iex rsch as Nrvou Pmmn. Fi :!, ot
bet Lbnlwcd. ImpoUncy, Nichtly Emi
Hon. Yoathf ul Errors, Maital Worry, ex
cessive use at TrJi- s HmW vhkTi
iAd to. Coosurrrotioa and Inonitv. SI X0
-'-J 2 b? mailJ 6 boxes foe tfJOO.
i.rs WlfcZZL C3n Prep's. Cluinlui.
Tor sale by all druggisU." . j