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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1900)
tee mm mm stub Published every Tuesday arjd Friday , by the , ; STATESMAN PUBLISHING ; CO. 266 Commercial St., Salem, Or. R. J. HENDRICKS, Manager. SUBSCRIPTION RATES; i One year, in advance i 00 Six months, in advance SO SUBSCTUEKRS DESIRING THE AD diets of (heir paper changed must sUt i the name of their former postofUce, m well a of the office to which they 'wish the paper changed. i mm couHir republicjin ticket BErnE5TATiTES . M. Poormmn, "of Wood born; Henry Keen. Sr., of Stsytoa; C. D Hartmas, of Scotu Mills; Dr. X2?. Smith, oi Salem ; Lot. L. rearee, of Salem, i ? Cwstt Jcwjk John H.SeottJ of Salem. . SiiKKiEP CbM. A. Mnrpby, of Salem, j -' ErxoitDtR J. H. BoUnd, of Jefferton. ', ;TsEAltEK-A. I. Downing, of Sublimity, Ai-Charles Lembcke, of BnUetille. Bi'kvkyok B. B. Herrlck, Jr., of Salem, t ; HifmvrrvfiixT rr ftrunnu F. T. Unnrri. nf ,! Kiiverton. CoHmu.i-I. C. Kccdham, of Sidney. i i Cobojs es Dr. D. F. Lane, of Salem. ' Bale DiBTKicr Justice of the reace, John :! W. Keynolda ; Constable, D. C. MlntQ. , CITIZENS' TICKET. Clexk Lieut- W. E. Finier. W. E. F1NZER. i W. lE. Finzer, nominee on the CitH zen-s ticket for county clerk, is entirely ..competent for the place. He is a de-i serving man. lie went with the Ore gon 'Volunteers to the Philippine, in ;he capacity 01" first lieutenant of Com-i pany M., ami served valiantly. iThe 'day following the battle -of Malabon he was put in command of a company ot scouts and did perilous duly, rendering excellent service. " ; 'Mr. Finzer has good business capa city and will, if elected, make Marion county a competent and faithful ofiic iaf. The Statesman hopes to sec him elected. !., j Pay your bicycle tax. i One thing brings another. Salem's .building boom will go. and keep; on going, -when it is once started. , i There must be-retrenchment and re form in county "affair. The ' people who pay the taxes must have an inning. ; e j I The perple ot the United ' State 'have a feeling more tf humiliation than ji:herwiie on account of the way ' the Dewey idol has been shattered. 1 The fir-t hop contract has 1ecn fi'c! for the coming reason's pick.- in! Mari on County. The price agreed upon is 9 1 cent. a wund.. Not bad; 10 cents would be rinht. ' AMPLY PROVIDED FOR. All the intcrcKts and present heeds of the peple of I'uerto Rico are am ply provided tor in the bill that is ivow pending in Congress. The 15 per cent. tf the 'Din iIvy ratc to itc charged for goods sent frmi Puerto Rico to the Uniteil State- will affect almost cxcltt isly tobacco and Miar. ' Necc-bary foojl products and clothing from this cotijntry, for the ifc ot the people of that! island, will be admitted at the Pticjrto Rican ports free of customs dwrjgcs. a has been the case under the army regulations. - This 'whole question .has been one simpiy of the lea-t oppressive and nnst effectual way to raie revenue to mp port 'the governictu in Puerto Rico until la government can le organized to dJ it for itrtlf. In the interim the gocrimvnt of the United States mus: TTia IPon in tls a If you have "a good mind to 1 Tcrite to Dr. Pierce " take pen in 4 hand and. begin. Then you'll avoid the experience of Mrs. Mj P. Davis, of Honaker, Russell Co., Va. She writes : For seven years X was confined to bed most of the time. I had ulceration of internal organs and female weakness. I had four .doctors and they said I could not be cured.. ....... After the doctors saki I could not lie crored I wrote to Doctor Tierce for advice.........I followed the advice he gave .1 feel better than I ever did, Mr friends say t do not look like the same woman. am sorry did not take I?r. IHerce's, medUin when f fust began to have poor health. I could have saved what I paid to humbugs." : No one ever regretted writing1 to Dr. Pierce for advice. Many have regretted not writing sooner. '. Sick women are invited to con sult Dr. Pierce by letter, rret. and 0 obtain the opinion and advice, of a specialist in diseases peculiar to women. All correspondence pri vate. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. i -v. f . ' - Dr.. Pierce's Medical Adviser, ioo3 pages, is sent free on receipt of stamps to defray expense of mail ing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for paper covers, or 31 stamps for cloth. Address as above. provide in some way for the expenses It mvst tax somebody and something in order to raise the money. There is a provision for a tax of cents a pound on coffee imported into Puerto Rico. As there is no import duty on coffee into any ofher portion of the United States, it is claimed that this section of the measure violates the provision of the Constitution declaring that customs duties shall be uniform throughout the United States. But the question was raised in the Senate distinctly on a motion to strike this out, and there were ordy fourteen Sen ators in favor of the proposition. Not a single Republican Senator voted in the affirmative. Some, however, were absent. If this clause is unconstitution al, and if the free traders can get: an inning in any manner ; through our treaties with Spain in reference to the Philippines, the people of this country cannot find it. out too soon It is the duty of this administration, put into authority on the distinct undcrstand ng" that the protective principle would b,e upheld, to uphold it m every man ner possible. Ve want no - free trade in the articles chat would bring our producers and laborers into competi tion with the producers and laborers of Mexico, Central and South 'America, China and Japan, Australia and con tinental Europe. ' STARVING PUERTO RICANS. The following from the New York Press of March 29th will be especially interesting to. the people of Oregon who believe in protection to American industries and labor. In-order to give a mil understanding, we print it1 in full, 'heading and all: TRADING ON SYMPATHY. Sugar and Tobacco Trusts Back oi Cry for Porto Rica Free Trade. To -the Editor of The Press: Sir The New York Journal of March 2ist' informs us who the parties are that arc manufacturing so nmich sympathy for the "starving Porto Ricans," . Its correspondent from Washington says 'Nearly all the delegates trom Fort Rico arc in Washington laboring It the end that the statesmen (there shoult: have a perfect understanding of the con ditton in the island. They Kay thej feel certain that they have won the iym- pathy of every one with whom the have talked. The delegates trtist through the proposed mass . meeting that they may create a popular under standing of the needs ot" Porto Rico and thereby men of all parties shall b urged to unite in doing what is jusc and best for the people of the island.'' I his reiMjrt states that there are til teett of these delegates representing ti t Chamber of Commerce, of San Jt'at and other cities, the agricultural inter est, the Territorial and Agriculture' Bank of Porto Rico. Among the mer, whom, as stated, "the-Journal has per mitted to ass-ist in the undertaking s tr obtain free sugar and tobacco, art Judge Fin ley, British subject, owner a.' one 01 the best sugar estates in the is land, banker, with thirty-five years res idence in Porto Rico. Vice Consul of Great Britain; Dr. Julio Henna, form er President of IVmo Rico .Revolution ary party, eminent physician, native cf l orlo Kico; Carlos Armstrong, t at'.vc of Porto Rico, merchant and banker, with offices in Ponce and N'ew York; J. D. H. Luce. .member of the banking firm of 'De Ford & Go. of San Juan ami Ponce;. Manuel Fernandez Juncos. native of Spain, with forty-two y ears' residence in Porto Rico, prominent writer. Secretary of Finance of the first Autonomic Cabinet of Portoi Rico and secretary oLth'c Chamber -t Commo-ce: Lucas Amadio. large coffee planter of Porto Rico; Enrique Gonzalez, distin guished lawyer, important sugar and coffee planter; Mr. Soloman. American citizen, secretary of the agricultural delegation; Rayman Valdez, owner of the Catano and Boyamon Railway line ami a banker; Nicholas Oyanguren. ex president and director of Territorial Bank; Tuilo Larrinaga, civil engineer and real estate owner: Dr. S. Ames, surgeon major in United States army; Louis Sanchez, ex-membcr of the Au tonomist Cabinet. President Mayor of San Juan and real estate owner; Ramon Fernandez Latimer, merchant and planter. Consul of Austria and Hungary, and Anuro Bravo, planter and' mer chant. ' The .above are the names, positions and occupations of the men who. the Journal says, are working unselfishly and KTatuitously devoting themselves in Washington wkh Congress, and who arranged for a mass meeting in Carnegie I fall to work up sympathy for the "starving" Porto Rican. which, in the , apparent estimation of those men. free sugar and tobacco will at once relieve. 'Every one of these fif teen delegates is interested personally in sugar and tobacco product; or oth er business that free trade with the United States will materially benefit. 1 lie lane tn 111 is is wju aiiuarcm 10 have any influence whatever upon intel ligent Congressmen. Free sugar and tobacco for the Philippines, and event ually for Cuba. Free sugar for these inlands means the total destruction of the s'gar industries in - this country. Cuba and Porto Rico alone can pro duce more sugar than this country now consumes. The imports of sugar for iJsyo. amounted to 4.401.748.658 pounds, valued at $io8.5i8.77. besides what came from Hawaii. nil ere are fifteen of the wealthiest men in Porto Rico, backed b." the Ameri can sugar and tobacco trusts, with plen ty of money for a corruption fund, working with might and main, night and day. with pretended . unselfish rn-irii'acturing yynrnat'hy for the suffer ing and starving Porto. Ricans. The United. States hjd a thousand ' time better Rrant autonomy to Forto Kico, the Philippines and Cuba itan. open ber ports to free sugar from these is lands. .The s'fgar planters on 'these ?l2nd, wrth modern -machinery and cheap coolie labor, can make sugar so cheap that it sugar is admitted free the indn.-try in. -this country will be mined cntirc'y. If. however, the sugar iinlns try here is properly protected, in less than ten year we will make all of our own stigar. which alone would be worth oery year more than all the trade or commerce we shall ever have witi tliese :s!and. Porto Ricans. Filipinos and" Cuban "an- grow rich by producing tropical fruits and other products that will not materiallr compete with those olwlhe United States, and Concress 1 should stand firm in protecting all products fhat can be successfully produced, in the states. - , . ; ' ' - : r REPUBLICAN. THE COFFEE CLAUSE. The Statesman, on yesterday com mented on the , vote in tne United States Senate on the notion- to strike out the provision' in he Puerto R'can measure for a duty, of 5 x?nts a pound on coffee. We stated that not a single Republican membir voted ir the ailirin ative on the propositron. The follow ing is the editorial coiameat of the New. York Sun on that vote: "Last week the' Dem cr?iic party, through its reprisciititivci in the Unit ed States Senate; arrayed itself against the Republicans , on a great Constitu tional question,- If any issue free from the passions 01" Bryanisin could reunite the antagonistic faciicns ct the Democracy and regam for t:ie pany a a whole its old-time good rep're in the eyes of conservative vote's, it would seem that it had been found. "The Democratic Senators made their fight on the proposition that the Con stitution extends ex prcprio vigore o-er all territory that comes under American sovereignly; and the result was very striking. "On Thursday Ss.Tator Pettus of Ala bama moved to strike out thz clause in the Puerto Rico bill that imposes . a dutv of five cents a pound on coifee im ported into Puerto Rico, with the statement that he desired a clean-cut vote on the question whether 'a tax can be imposed on ; -merchandise imported into Puerto jRko and not on like mer chandise imported into other parts of the United Sfates.' "The Democratic view of the Con stitution was on trial in the Pettus amendment as distinctly as words could put it on trial. ' But besides the vote of Senator Pettus himself, the votes of ten Democrats only were recorded in favor ot tins amendment. "The full Democratic strength in the Senate was twenty-five. Some Demo crats, of course, were paired: 'But ab sence for any reason on an occasion 1 of such capital partisan' importa tee must make old-fashioned Democrat who still 'hope to see Bryanism driven Irom their party wonder whether witn Bryanism out there would be anything substantial leit. The Indian training school here gets its $.20,000 dormitory for girls at the hands of the upper house, by virtue o an amendment by Senator McBride, in iddkion to the brick industrial buildin .he gj'mnashim for boys, and other im provements provided 4or by the nieas ire as it left the House. The measure carries provision for 500 students for he fiscal year beginning July 1st. This will allow of the keeping of to 00. owing to the low proportionate ;ost of maintenance here. We say Murrali for Chemawa! And tnantcs to aur representatives in Congress! Now that an abundant crop of fruit is practically assured, the next thing 's to prepare to take care of it all' and there is no question but there vUl be nraket it. The prices may rule low, owing to the enormous surp'us, but sale for all the surplus, at prices fhat will be in. some measure remunerative. The prospective surplus covers ail the fruit districts throughout the country --not only in the matter of prune?, but for all other fruits. One of the politicians in Salem yes terday said he thought "Mark Hanna made a mistake by not announcing Dewey's candidacy on April 1st." Mrs. Dewey will soon find cut that ie is no national convention. Heart Weakness Th ha art is the jnoct vttsl orysa of the bdy. ft laths engine tkt propels the muscles and tends snstenance to tbe nerve end brain and sll the organ of the body. A flaw In its aecbaniim Is certain to give rise to seriout results, weakness denotes the presence of s flaw. 1 Is s forerunner of aome tbiDg more serious that Is to occur Yon srs the engineer. Look to your engine. See that no acci dent occurs. HUOYAN It what ton need. HUD YAN will strengthen the heart. HUOYAN will make the heart muscles strong and hard. Do not delay too long. Begin ths uaeof HUD YAN now. HERE ARE YOUR SYHPTOUS: 1-3. THBOBBINO I2T THB TSK JPLES WHEN LYIKO DOWN. HUD YAN wlU esass the throbbing to dlssppesr. 8-0. : snronro zk the baks-huo- YANstops ths ringing snd bussing in short time. 4-8. AXTZSIT ATX FAXENESS AITD FLTJSHIKO OF THB CKEXJES. HUO YAN will restore the circulation of ths blood to its normal condition sad keep constant healthy color ia ths cheeks. 7. FAX.PZTATIOB OT THB HBABT AND IHBEOULAB BEATINO. HUD YAN , by strengthening ths heart muscles sad the nerves that supply it, will stop the palpi tation and altering sad esuss ths heart to best regularly. S. TKBOBBIXrO 1ST THB STOMACH REGION. ' This throbbing snd pulsating dls sppesr shortly sits ths ass of HUOYAN, ;. Thousands hare beea cured of Hsart Weak ess by HUDYAN. You should be cured so. H U D Y A N will ours you. Procure HUDYAN from your druggist. It is sold ta all drugstores for Mo. per package, or asckages for tlfiO. If your druggist does aot keep H. send direct to the HUDYAN REM CDY CO MPANY, Ban rrsnciaco, CsJJ Consult the HUDYAN DOCTORS FREE. Tea may call snd see them and bars s free consultation. If. you cannot call on ths doctors writs to them for advice. It will be gtrea free for ths ssking. Address" KUDYAa kekedy co::?abt, Cer. ttoslrtes, MeHiet s-4 Eltis tts SAN TRANCISCO, CAU s r r (PJciira REMEDIES CmslsfiEj of CUTICCRA SOAP, to daasc Qc ' sUa, CUnCTRA ClfltmcaL to teat Ox sUa, anJ t CCTHXRA RfSCLVLU to cod lie Mood, Is dlca SEOctot to cere ttc ccst tortnrliif, dis Zzaf&z stia, scalp, and blood benors, rasbes, ttctisss,al trrltailens. wRli loss of balr, wJia -Cx best pbyslclans.a2a an oflier roncdlcs fail I Sold rwrirhi. ! We. Tits Srr. SlJS, m Ccrtermj BoA. tic, OiaTMOT, iOci BiM.TwTlilf tkxK. Ton D" CSBM. Cosr, Sol Prop '. aar "How t Cm HQ"Hf book, timi THE ROMAN 1 FORM 6F WRIT- G IQOO. ;i How slialP'wei write 1900 in- Roman letters? i It has been fairiy generally admitted that two ways are correct namely, MDCCCC and M CM and that the latter is preferable. .'Now a corres pondent maintains that: neither of these is legitimate.' He says: "The year 1900 should be written MDCD. One intportant principle of t'he Roman system is that tlie most val uable dfgit is placed first,; and then others as imich a possrble of gradually decreasing valuej -till the required num-r ber is complete.!. Thus., MDCLVI for 1656. Another is that similar dighs shall not follow eiach other. The excep tion to tbis latter rule which is foumd on the face of a watch is,t as is wiell known, of merely madiaeval otigin. i ' "Now, as- the ; number whidii we dc-, sire to. write is igoo. we I commence with MD. To account for the remain ing 400 we musf accordingly resort to the dei ice of placing a detracting digit before a' digit representing exactly that much more thani the required value, , in this instance, a hundred. Our 400 is, therefore, expressed by CD. and the entire 1900 is shown as MDCD." THEIR WIVES AND HUSBANDS. Milka Tern j the great ; Wagnerian soprano, is unriiarried. 'Ernest Van Dyck, the popular operatic favorite, has been -married a nuniber of yearsj His wife is a brilliant" woman, a daugh ter of Servais, the great Belgian 'cel- lists. The Van Dycks have two young daughters and live in a beautiful home near Liege. They entertain lavisjily-i Jean de Reszke. as all the wo Id. knows, was married only a couple erf years ago to a beautiful Frenchwoman. His brother -Edouard. however, mar ried many years ago, and has. four lovely daughters J , i Signor Scbtti is a bachelor, and M. Salcza married recently a beautiful girl from hitf nati'e province in t'he Basses Pyrenees. She" accompanies him on his trip to America j this winter. Herr Dippel. when he married 3 lovely Russian girl of 20 ten years ago, robbed the stage of a great actress. She never misses a performance when her husbands appears,, is frequently at re hearsals; and her husband says she is hb critic. . - I s . There 1 more Catarrh in this tcction of the country than all other diseaacs put together, snd until the last few years was supposed to he incurables For s great many years doctors pro nounced it a local disease, and proscribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to euro with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Sci ence has proven catarrh to be a conntitutiona1 disease, and, therefore, requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Cheney &Co. , Toledo. Ohio, is tbe only constitutional cure on tbe market. It is taken internally in doses trom 10 drops to a teasnoon ttul. It acts directly on the blood- sod mucous "mnrf! rtf thm mtrmtm Thnfiffitr nna hundred jdollsrs for any case it fails to cure. Send tot circulars ana testimonials, a an reus, , . F.J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O s7-Sold by Drunrist. TSu. ' i Hall's I Family Pills are the best. : BIRTH STONES. illcre is a lislt of stones for each of the twelve auontJlis: January. .. . t . Garnet. . . .j . . .Fidelity rebruary. . . .. 'Amethyst. . . . .Sincerity March....... Hyacinth.. . .!.. Wisdom April ....Diamond.. ..s Innocence May Emerald. .. .Constancy June. Pearl Peace jtIy. ......... Ruby. . .. .Happiness August. ...... -Moonstone, .jood Luck September. .- Sapphire. . . . , . . . 1 ruth October tJpat Hope Novomber. . . Topaz. . .. . .Friendship December, . ..Turquoise. . . j ..Success TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa ture is on each box. 25 cents. QUESTIONS AND .ANSWERS. How do you pronounce the naime Schemuel. the character played' by Wilton Lackaye iin '"Children of the Ghetto?" M I .'!:' f , It should be prrmotmced as if nt was written "SchimiolL" What is the ialarv of a United States Senator or Congressman? Five thousand i dollars per anrrum and' 20 cents innSeage per mile from and to his pSace tf residence. What us -the pay of a private hi the United States artjny? s rRMrteerr dollars a month and ra tion. Each private is given lur- kniRhs at stated intervals. 1 iW'lien wasi beat and steam power first: knowrr? I This oowcr was mentioned firsft in the Pneunatrca of Hero of Alexandria in t.w IL C. . i '- (When will we I have the next lean yearr In 1904. Cerrtitry years 1 are leap years only when they are devisable by. ;Haw sbrwld a -couple walk" down to their seats s'n a theater? The irentleman 1 should precede the lady in going to khe seat. In corning away trom it., oieHa1y should fake the ea4''-:'f--:t4;-r'-;--!;:,' ;M ? In which "states have women full suffrage? ' . Ir CooradV, Uth and 'Wyoming. THE IlEST PRttJCKllTlOi rUK MA- Ch ills and .Biliousness is a bottle of GROVES'S TASTELESS CIIII.T TONIC It isi ciimply Iron -and Qui- rune in a iaivicj lurm. n o cure, no pay. Price 50 ceuti. ' .One touch'of nature makes the whole world kin. Shakespeare. - When dizzy or Idrowsv take B EE CHAM'S PILLS.L - THE SETT SPRUCE Gli'l f KO'l P.IAINL This Year's Scpply Not' Ip to tbc Average in Quality. This- has been an off year for gum Ui Maine. . . ' ; i Ordinarily rbc Maine supply of clears pink, ordorous and' sweet spruce gum has been in the (tons, and evey ton of lit is worth $2,000 at first hands. This year the supply of marketable t?inrt will fall much below the average. This sad fact is not brought about by a dearth of gum so much as a lack of skilltuJ harvesters. . , j "Everybody is going into h," said wholesale gum dealer in Bajigor. Mei. the chief gum market of the United States,' "and the supply is not so good hi mr m conseauence. 1 hev onncr in all kinds of stuff, dirt and pitchy and full of black spots, and of course, wc can't buy it. 'We won't get the good.. clear gum this winter we did last year op" 0 the use atomizers in ajiding that account. . I liquids into the nasal passages for ca- remember,' went on the gum Ica- tarrhal troubles, the proprietors prc er, as 'he leaned over the counter, "whep ; pare Cream Bakn in liquid form, gurrr gatherers came in here with from ; 411 be known as Ely's Liquid 400 to 500 pounds of gum to the mam Cream Babn. Price including tbe to sell after a winter in the woods. I spraying tube is 75 cts. lruggi-ts br Every pound of it is worth a dollar, and y,y majj The liquid form cmlodis thai is jusTt what I gave for it, right the medicinal properties of the solii through. i i j preparation, v Cream lialm isu quickly- "This- winter. I haven t seen any 04 j absorbed by the membrane ami does the kind of cum we used to get, that is nnf Arv tin the secretions-' but c'la,., new irrtrJaiity.. Last year 1 bought n.orc than a ton of gum and sent k out of thwfacter. Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St . s-rate. 1 here is a' good demand lor it especially fron the West, where there are Maine people in large numbers, il don't get a very big profit out of it. fdr it retails at -10 cents an ounce, all done up in a neat paste board box. Then, there is a shrinkage of 10 per cent on it. and additional loss from it becoming broken. 'Aiter I have sold it to a mid dle man, say at $1.25 a pound, and he sells it to the retailer, who can, only get 10 cents an ounce for it. you will see there is no great profit in it for any of us. - i "As for the man- who gathers it' went on the gum dealer. ."he earns his dollar a pound. I wouldn't clean the stuff for that nnoney. 'Every piece has to be handled and' most of n scraped with a knife to take off the rough out side. There is a good deal of waste in the cleaning. The best gunr gatherers arc those who know how to get clean gtrm. the kind that does not require al iot ot. cleaning, 1 'Notwithstanding the difficulty of get ting together 100 pounds of gum, the dealer recalled that he botignt on one occasion 908 pounds of gum from two men, who had gathered it up a winteit. They were Swede fanners from the vi cinity of New Sweden, in '. Northern Aroostook. Work is dull on the pot tato farms- in winter, and the thritty Swedes look around for a chance to make a dollar. 'Many of them go into the woods as lumbermen. Some - trap, while ethers gather gum. These two farmers netted $1 a pound for their gun and divided the sum equally. t Only men of the greatest patience and! of nsver-ceasinj? activity can gat'iii er nearly 500 pounds of gum in a win- ter. The task is one calling for al mo.vt incredible work. When one buys' a little box of the pure, amber blood of the spruce he littje thinks of the pa-i tience that has been put into the work of leathering it. i The gum gatherer begins his work in the tall, as soon as the snow comes, and make traveling on toot in the forest easier than- when the ground is bare.! and he keeps at his task, day after day, in storm and shinc, until, spring. Living , in a rough camp, he walks forth ' into tbe trackless woods tvery morning at dayliglrt, and keeps- going until dark. He wears snowshocs. on which he skims the surface of the deep white carpet on the ground, making his way from trcct to tree, his head up. scanning the brown- trunks lor the little drops of concealed sap that is known as spruce irum. An. expert gum- gatherer can see gum on the trunk of a tree where the novice could see none. He also knows at a glance whether a "teat" is worth tak ine oft or not. and that when it is some times fifteen feet above his head. As- it is impossible to Teach most, of the gum on forest spruces without some implement, the gum gatherer has a specially made gathering rod with which he brings down the golden drops. This rod is generally in three sections, so that its length may be Tcjrulatcd to tn" height to be reached. On the .i:d of the rod is a knife, and beneath it is a little pouch, such- as is used on a fruit picker, into which the piece of gum drops - after being detached front the tree by the knife. After getting all the gum on a tree, and there is seldom more than an ounce in the rough to he had from evert, the best gum trees, the sgun gatherer goes on to the next tree, yielding gum'. Nrt all spruces yield gum. Many of the trees have no gum on them at all until the bark becomes broken, or there is some break around a limb, allowing the sap of the tree to .exude and harden. Trees that have been trimmed of their lower branches are best for yielding gum. Sections where lumbermen have "swamped" toads, or have been logging, arc. therefore, better, as a rule, for the gum gatherer than the virgin forest, where the gum trees are farther apart, andU'he gum hangs higher. There is a vast territory in' Northern Maine from which gum comes, a re gion larger than the state of Massachu setts, covered by deep spruce iorest, broken only by lakes and streams. Out of this region in the spring come many men bearing their packs of gum on their backs. Some have devoted their whole time for the winter to gathering gum. Others have combined with this work trapping tur-bearing animals. A number of guides, who in the fishing and hiuitirjg season- traverse the woods whh parties of sportsmen, devote their w:-n:ers to gathering gum. The life of the gun gatherer i nec essarily a hard one. as will be seen. It is also terribly lonesome. All winter the wan with the gum pack fits like a shadow irom.trce to tree, silently gath ering gum, and having no company other than the wild ahings in thc forest. except perhaps at times when he goes out to some settlement, walking twen ty or thirty or forty mile. on snowhoes. 'o get provisions and perhaps get his mail from the little woodsman's iot- oftice;. Birt he. sticks to it. does the gum man. and in the spring be "ikuffV do.wn to Bangor. thcreN to market his gum.! and perhaps indulge in a few of the fading joys of town. ' Such is the story of gum, the kind of gimi that makes the Yankee feel like going back home whenever he smells it or takes a chew, of it; the kind that puts, to shame the sweetened confec-' lion made by machinery; in fact, the ' real spruce gum, that is- as murfi a nn-. of the-resources of Maine as ke, or lumber,, or granite, or pretty girls. tto5ton Globe. MADE TROUBLE FOR HIMSELF. They met a tbe Woman's Republi can Club ball at Christensens. savs li. Salt Lake -Herald. She was from the East; -he- was a liome prcKluct. ' The conversation lagged between the dances. ; Finally be vemured tlris: "How do you tike 'David Harum'?' She bristled tike, a porcupine. -I have po iise for harems of any Iciml." she retorted; "they're just 'perfectly horrid. ; Look; at the sultan of Suln"; . Look at those -wretches in Turkey! The whole-system is intended to degrade women into beasts. Don't talk to me about harems." The young nian wa frantically trying to square himself. , w hen the .music drowned the convcrsa- ."-ion. Announcement. Tn irmmmniiilr t-lo; wii- are r:i ti1CT K, a natural and heahhv clnr- N. Y. Happines!? is like the mirage in iie desert; she tantalizes us. whh a ddiisnn that distance; creates and that contiguity, destroys. Arliss Lit Go!. j. Try Allen's Foot-Ease, i A powder to be shaken into the shoes. Your feet, feel swollen, nerv ous and. hot, and get- tired easily. If you have smarting feet or tight .shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease, It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen, sweatingeet, ingrowing nails, blisters and callous spots. Relieve corns and bunions of all pain ana gives rest and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y Market Reports- The local market quotations yester day yere as follows: m Wheat 43 cents at the Salem Flour ing Mills Co.'s office. Oats r28 and 30 cents (buying). Hay Cheat, buying $8; timothy, $8.50 to $10. ! Flour 75 cents per sack. Mill feed Bran, $13; shorts, $15: Butter i2jJ- to i7x2c. Eggs 9xi and 10 cents, cash. Poultry Chickens 8c. per pound. Pork Fat, 454 gross; S'Z net Beesf Steers, 44J4c; cows, 3Jic; good heifer, 4C Mutton Sheep, 4c.on foot. Veal 7c dressed 1 Potatoes 2025cents. I '- ' - -:' WHIPS, ROBES California Oak-tanned 'Leather tix. d. , , -Harness Oil. etc. . F. E. iHAFER 23 State Street, Salem, Oregon NEW TO-DAY. WE HAVE 'A BARGAI N In an 1; 5 Imperial bicycle. AVill be sold at ai great sacrifice. Call at , once. - ren & Hamliton. 4:Q-3td 2t w FOR SALE Span of bay mares o r years old weigh 1200 pounds, al.-o wagem and harness., Address Dm 'Reeder, 'Brooks, Oregon. 4:io-it-w 1 EM POL YMENT Stealy 7tV7y s liment for kkly or gCjiitleman. tr-nve!-Jing or local work For particulars radiflress -J. R. Townsend, Woolburn. .'Oregon. 4:10-31 w. - t- - - . i , , . : - . ' FOR SALE OR TRiATE For small hop yard. 14 acres of valley land -2 acres young a-pple orchard, ta!ance under cultivation,; small . dwellinK. water, etc., situated on public high way, ij miles from Bethel College. iC. A. Gilmore, 'McCoy, Oregon. !4:io-w2t (1) I . LOCAL -. and CLIMATIC Nothinn but s local remedy or change of climate will cure CATARRH i Thegpeciflcls Ely's Cream Balm It is oulckly st- eot bed, rives relief at once, opens a n 1 cleanses the nssal COLD 'N HEAD MMieen. Allays innamrration. neais ino tect th Membrane. Restores me Senrt of Tairte and SmelL Ko Mer cury. Vo Injurious c rug. . jtepuir. Size, M) cent;. Pamlly lim Druggists or-by mall. ELY BROTIIKIia. t4 Warrsn atrsst. New York. .. DIAMOND.. Have vnii had a Free samole of our pwn make of Baking Powder? "DIAMOND BRAND" Remember, we guarantee 'every can that -we-put ouf to be absolutely p"r.e It is 30 cents a pound can. you wi.j save 20 cents on every pound can; anu that is -worth saving. . Prttiv avrrl it npnnv made. MopCV is refunded if you -have no success with it.'- - Patronize home industry. , Fresh Toasted coffee every day. wutrn STORE J 'Phone 2412. Free Delivery. CATORRH