A FIRE DESTROYED The Mammoth Convention Half In Kansas City. WILL BE REBUILT IMMEDIATELY IaHinar to Be Collected at Oace Other Fnad Art Available Tw Be : tied bjr Ucmomti. KANSAS CITY, April 4 The mammoth auditorium. tn which th- Democratic convention was to have been 'held, was1 destroyed by 'fire this afternoon. Within a few mimics after it caught, the) whole structure was a mass ot ttarrwt, And 20 minutes after the first alarm the mammoth root fell. The fire spread to residences in the rear of the hall km the Twelfth street and 'across Center street, where it caught the Second Presbyterian church and the .Latiirop public school. The residences on iTwdth. street, together with the church and school are a U,taj lo. The fire; now under control. The t'jtal loss is; estimattd at $350,01)0. WILL. rebuild Kansas f City. April 4. Plans are on foot to rebuild the convention hall im mediately, and make it ready for the convention in July. 'While the fire was stibl in progress memlers of the Co 1:1 merceial Chib, through whose . efforts the hall was conceived and built, mingl ed in the crowds of spectators and be gan sHcitinjE fundsTor the new struct ure. This evetviti $25,000 liael been sub scribed and Secretary O. M. Clendcu-; ning. ot the club, called a mass meet ing of til e ciriiens ior tomorrow night, to devise ways and means of raising the addkional $50,000. The hail as sociation has $10,000 in the bank, and will have the $155,000 insurance for immediate use. the insurance com panies having spontaneously agreed to waive the 60-day; limit and niake pay ment demand. TAKES NO ACTION. Washington. April 4. Senator Jones, chairman of thei National Democratic eommittee, says f the committee, will t;.ke no action until he has further i formation concerning wluit Kansas City proposes; to do. If it is true, as ri ported, that (the ihall "is to be rebuilt, there will be no necessity for making other arrangements. ATHLETES Of OREGON TEAMS HAVE HKtllN TKAIMNd KOK STATE I IKIJ) MKtT. Aa later-Stale , Athletic Tournament l ; Kmttl Neat Mouth A Nwtri : Man Talk. r (From Daily. April 5th.) I me re st in the iannual field meet of the Intercollegiate Amateur Athletic 'Asso ciation of Oregon, scheduled for Salem on Saturday. June. id, is already, awak ened. A nK-etMig. marked-by good, clcanf athletic sport, keen competition, ntid of exevptional interest is aittici pa ted this year, j Such a tournament of -illilrtw i-nnficl wmll,!' 4 w cordial!' .welcomed as an innovation by the lover: I oi amatei'r por oi tli state, to wnom ihe strh-titutioit iof siicli a program for i he usual wrangling and questionable management ; that have marked t'aee units of recent years, would be a mo; appreciable change. At any rate the new management, oi the intercollegiate athletic association is a very eoBsciencious company of young gentlemen who. from all reports, are strong advocates of pure athletic sports and will I doubtless inaugurate a leiormartKm along athletic lines in col-k-giate circle- in th:si state .that will catfsc not a little surprise. The forma tion of cmnbines and jobbing among the contestants j in the dilTerent events, of course, will trot be tolerated -nd all kindred infractions of pure at'l!ftic. cus tom -will 1e dispensed with. Rut til! if would be in unpardonable offence t. penoit of elean: and Ivonorab'e fhlcie ironi Mt. Angel-CoRege to enter into com petition jor; field day honors! It is-uivler.tootl- Albany college has been admitted to membership in the associ ation andwiu pnbably compete at the June field mcetl but. with no just rea son at all. the Mt. Angel college is de nied admission to the association These are , among the inconsistencies that 'might be explained bv the athletic management bf the intercollegiate meet. ! i . , , i -.TTtM-Mion of an increasing field , iUs, ir.im; of the different It V I . I liv UU' i - ........ I colleges have begun training and writ! be in splendid i comlitwn kit tne junc Mruggle. This; year the contest for the championship icup lies between the state university boys, of Eugene, and the Oregon Agricultural College, team n" Corvallis The Eugene school has lot a few of its old veterans and point winners, but the ranks have been filled with very I creditable material fronr among the younger students. At Cor vallis. a rrunjJer of the school's strong est men ex-volunteers have re-entered the school and the wearers of the itrmw tt-ill irhrs vear be represented by a team cf anusual strength. The con test between these two schools wilj be elose, while Pacific eoKege, of New Jrt ; cimnn-tfd to ave a eood claim on third nlace. Albany college, having never participated in the field day meet tefore. tt is difficult to compute tnc rr.K-SIi cjr-nrh of the Presbvferian collegbni. .but . they may show tip in tiretry good form. The Willamette I TtTivr:Lrv.t'.nT i nraeticine faitte'ull? every day.Mmt m the face of the re peated dis.Tppointments irt the past, no claim are oetng made as to me reia tive strength of the home team, ; ! - . . ... ! - - The Oregon Weekly, oi the 21 inst.. a U. of O. publication, contained the following concerning the work of the athletic ean of the. state university: "TrinfT Trine' lecan work last Mon day and. alfhough the inclemency of tn went Tier prevemea otttaoor xerci.e, work was carried or in the gymnasium ditrintr thr wmL-. 'Ir. Trine will be on hand during the vacation and all those who wtsn -to keep tip work wui be al W i lX meeks of a've traln mfet Tu f Oregon Washington n'eet; - The ihterco egiate meet is duled or June at Salenu tnJ? f'owmgr ettfrie have becn made m the various event . Le wil cK' Williams, Waddd, Lewis, Smith, Spence - zUVJ" Poiart: .'"Ktlwarda. ount-VV-KV 1dmond SPn" AngelV Cloeh. VV.!e. Payne. .Ruseli dmb. Ca yara run:' Bioch. Payne, Coad 'n 'f PusKL HnlKs.-RauI-ne. (jrav. Tvr tvi., trt:.. i. t0 W manley. Moist. ' rCn: w,&hnson' Adams. Whip f1 Gilbert, B. Wagner, Sheves, T 'ny. Moore; . ; ' - "Mile u,-!tr ir,,.-...; lit.', m -"yiKirwajs eaten. J 0 Til : if" TuvK r ti M . Jackson, Hooker Kilyet 120 and 220 yard, hurdie Tares- v;! li ams, Dillard. Thavier. M,tl.-t t... se 1!.. Edwards. Smith. "Shot Out arwt hammer il,..,.... c ., Wagner. Gcodall. Jakwaj. 'rVin11'"' r,,2n Jnr.p: Knox, Thay 'DinaTd. Af.-ii!o4-ir 4 tr. kuruiing Croad jump: Smith, Mat tk. Knox. Thaver TllVt-irt lo 'Pole vajih: Knox, Whipple, WriV ims, Thayer. . I r v . ;o contained the follow mg article rel ive to the .-itli!-f m i . v. . - v . minimi iiie ate universities of Oregon and Wah- Kwii, n ie ntw in Seattle, Saturday, ay lyin: "Arranirements .-r rvm- l.t-'mr, , i . tor a niat athletic meet between- the jrnversuy ot Washington and the tJm ersty of Oreg.m, to be held in Seat I?. Saturday. May loth. ! "The U. O. will send a team of ten UlletCS to rTrreivf- ir ; . ern field, and theie men will be select - eo irom me lortv-fivt- nun .n i,. t,,: - - j - - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 11 j u ; iB on.) seven weeks remain sn . . . f . 1 . . I .v.!. iw vv"c 'ior xne conresi ana i ...:ti i. . j; , , . I 1 it ft ii lit ern cft-imiis tj. m. on the -lucky ten.' The selection will .- r -,, , i . . . ,jr a josjoie. te determined by ry-outs, but rrt some cases will fnr left o fhp iiidsment of Trainer Trine. "The events scheduled are the 100. 120. AACi an! 8Xn varH nine t! 1 - 1 j - . ' . 1 1 aui4 220 yard hurdles, the mile run, the mile rrf'liv rnA liTi 1. ' ,J itM-v, Mt(.u illlll.ULIOII l )Q re - nrf-sonftl Tv i.mr nin "j v i ruiiii.ji 440 yards), rhe running broad jump, the Ofle vault, t'he shnt mrt tnmm..r tl,r..- - - I " -, " V. i .141 V,,, and. posbly. the discus throw. T1.. IT: . .- it- l , .xiic LfiiivciMiy . 01 asnington nas strong aggregation of athletes, w"ho wve Von the Washington state cham- II T1 l'l IT 1 1 11 in K . y . I , .... .... . Washington has ail along fosteTed a rvuii iliiaii.ui dlllKUt hjlirii. ailll IK) hadv work- tJ nnv L-iml : nfrmdin.) by the students or facuhy. The Ore- -if . goit mm win tikti lornnualjle opion . .. )... ,...:4i . ., i .1 . . c 11111 hhii)ci iiivui iu put lorvn very effort. "Tl... i 1 T r .TT r .t'j. ...:n i.. 'held in Seattle on the evening before the field meet. Next year both these events will occur in Eugene." i - - In a recent issue of the frfsri-nt a publication of Pacific iCollege. New- berg. Hix-re -appeared an article on That Athletic Convention." The ar ticle in question is very evutently the masterjriece oi either Otto Pickett, rtu-newly-ejected presick-m- of the athk-tic a-:ici;rti'i!. or Mr. Redinond. Mr. Pickett's right bower. As an example . . V n I I -VI I r dim t - V 1 ' 1 1 V IL-1,V V , I dence of the renarka4le ignorance of the author as to actual conditions ex Vii'lwiri, . 1 . . . I I j i..ll.-lnr i . . isting in collegiate atntetic circles out- berg, the article refvrred to is here re- prNtiti-e! : V "II ' -V-V U iri.V. irillllll 111 lltt 1 l-TWIt ade bv the Dress in regard to the ac- T n s xte r a'l ie connnent "lias teen 111 ;;on 01 me- convemion 01 me intercol r.t i-.i I legiate Amateur Athletic Association, field at Salem February, iith, W. U. has chirccd the other institutions in the kague with . all- uuniur of . iiolitical scheming, an. I 'lias trophsied the utter les-truotKin of inter joMegiate athletics, md calamity in general to intercollegi ate relations. "To be more specific, it has been harge;! that fne election was c-ntro!lid bv a ring. If five of the six institu tions aw fit o nominate a ticket and legit i mantel y ekct it to the .exclusion of 1 civtfi ll-ir trtfict Iw'f n .iilTli1 reason for it. The Icxratkm. aims and cWiletic status ot tlie combining me ntions are & radically different and inf-infini. t if a o iivike .1 rhirsre of mutual connivance at eacii o.her's faults an absurdity. 'We must look. .then, at :he intKittioTr o svstematica.lv" anu horoughly shut out to discover the initive ior the action. We do not need to look long nor cksely. 'It is only necessary to remark to those who have kept pace with iniercoilegtatc athletics. hat it is WtJ.an.ette university. . 10 :au e a significant smile to pass over heir coumenane-es. It is only neces sary to recall the fact that W. 0. was penly and publicly charged with hav ng delioerate! hired men to com? tt school for the express purpose of j ar- .Mfithnir in c rvr i n cr jtVl!ln,,i- and th.1t iiliI'iiuh, ."t W. U.'s representative tiuheI the mat er up and did not endeavor to vinui ate 'ir:s institution. Is it possible that ie recognized that he was in a glass house and con5equen!y did not want nv stne-thTOwinc -W- orf trtlrl hat V IT.'s athletic V. i " - - " methods have been regenerated (they - . h v . t t . . letxt rt tau enougnj. ttiat rne iai hould not be held against them. But iow ha this regeneration virrced if- a't if mitct mi'.rn hp rerera: it rv - Iverilv dl to taffeOt t'mjr foocball team. How aboirt even- tne more re cent indications. Look at their line-up r spring arnietics: ous, aanuers. tussell. 'What- caused Ouiss to leave lis work in Portland and at the elev-lw-vtT- r-fcrizitr in . Salem? Prob ably the same thing- that caused a sim- i!ar act two years ago. ny rs is-usscu tak'mg five hours chemisrtry perweek? -Vthletic. most i probably. Why is Sander in Willamette? Because, as a .U. man satd: We flow a nice otmni head, and tie can't sret ott of it. Does this look like re- generation, or aegcireranoiii u, generation is out of the quest ton; tt is ioipo;sblc : .- i . . ' ' ' t , "Tlie educational institutions of the ..ii .-.a hat radical measures state itan'-vu , , , alone could put a stop to the shady wtirk that was. ana. a tucj oC, being done in athletics. Hence their actkm. It was a Wow struck m the itt erest of pure atliletics. and we be like that time will show that it was well directed." ' ' It has been said that some women swear like men while others are so pi ous they won't even darn socks. Don't judge a man's brains by the length of his whiskers. WEEKLY ORISON STATESMAN, rFRIDAV APRIL 6, iqoo. BILLS ARE AUDITED "AKIOS CO C NTT COMMISSIONERS i . COl'BT IN SESSION. t'oatrart (or Prlatlsg- EImUm BalloU A warded 8ral Paapcr Clalaaa War OteatWwad. i. (From Daily, April stb.) The Marion county commissioners' court convened at the court house yes terday afternoon-, for the retrular Atiii term, the principal matter on the dockk ieing the auditing of bills, the lettinlg ci the contract for printing-. : election oaiiots, and acting upon viewers re ports on roads, heretofore, petitioned The court opened bids, for' the print ing of the election ballots for the Iurie election. The specifications called for pinting 48,400 ballots, according io the; provision of the Australian balUt law, and the bids received were: J W. J. Clarke."... ... -4. ..$125 j Statesman Job Office.. .... 87 js koss E. Moores & Co... , 86 15 Henry Pape .s. ...... 75 00 The court awarded the oritraet to Henry Pape, and provided; that the warrant, in payment of the wrk. should be drawn at the June term of the cuut. tb work to be performed according io the provision of the law. The resignation of E. B. Cochran, as ! supervisor of road district Ko. j)q. Sidney, recently filed. , was- acce4reil. and A. L. W'hiteman was appointed to fill, the vacancy. , Among the bills aul:ted. was otfe sent in by the Baker county court, ibr $5050. It was for medical q.ttendane and board furnished J. C Jackson, j a colored resident of Marion county, who was cared for by the Baker countv au thorities while sick. The bill was al lowed. Jackson has. since -his ilnesr in Eastern Oregon, returned to his home in North Salem. The bill ws charged to the pauper account. j A. G. Anderson, of "Macleay. had ;a bill $89.50, against the pauper accourjt. for the care of Alex York, deceased, from May 23. 1806, to 'February, 1000. The bill was disallowed by the court. A similar fate was meted put to the lvfl of the city of Woodburn. iw $j$t. alleged to have been incurred in caring for B. Green, a county charge. j After auditing bills as shown below, the court took a recess un-til Q o'clock this morning: I Pauper Account Cld. AUd P 3 bo 4 y 5 2 tic t) tv 2 ti 1 25 5 f. ioi 41 2 00 i 2f."5A 4 00 5 Is: 5 (: 25t W. E. Wade Dreyer & Craig A. j. Basey. Baker county. Or... IX S. Rerrtley & Co.. S R. Jessup Mrs. Davis... G. P. Terrell D. C Thorns . M. M. High Capital Lumber Co. Harvey Hartman.. .. Johj. Hughes . .. I.larritt & Lawrence. Krauss'c Bros.... .. Gilbert .& Baker . W. H. Byrd Steiner Drug Co.... A. G. Anderson-. . . . C P. Hein. .. . . . . 3 OO 4 75 2 00 t) 00 2 50 1 5 5 02 too 44 2 00 O 00 20 s 4 00 5 75 5 Os 2 .SO JO 00 o 50 - .loo 17 -SO 50 00 20 3 14 cx ex J. N.-Jtliith. P. T. P .woe Citv of Wood-burn Court House alKl Jail. Mrs. I. Patton 1 00 John Gray 7 75 S. II . White 3 J. L.Freelanl. . . . .. 75 W.'C. Reynolds.. .. jtf Salem Water Co.. .. 12 55 I). S Bemkv & Co. I 00 Salem L & T Co... 35 (P f.hn Hughes jo Willis Bros. . 1 00 Or. Tel & Tel Co. . 93" i ion 7! 75 : !35 2j 55 1, of 35; or tl or 9! 30 -run- 17 1 oct -rtvtTr w :- church, recently sent an invitation; t. Sedgwick Post No. 10, U. A. k.. ami -.lu-u.-ii-L- Mrlipf Vrr f this citv. Hiviting these two organizations to 'at tend services in his sanctuary on Man orial" Sunday, being the Sunday iireclpd- ing Memorial uay. ims inynauoi was accepted at the meeting of Scdg wick IVst on Monday evening, ami (tin old soldiers, the heroes the b'.od struggle of 1861 to 1865 will. . on jtht Surwlay designated, attend the; Cath' He church in a body. This, will be jih first time in the history of Salem tjha the Grand Army of the Republic iki" attend srvices in a Catholic cHirchj ar an organization. It is unnecessary; t say, that the Rev. Daly, and the mm i hers of his congregation ' arc much pleased with the prompt acceptance! of the invitation, and the occasion will! In . made one long to be remembered Spe cial music, will be provided for the "oc casion, ami the services -will be $ s patroitic character. It has long been the ensttvm of the G. A. R. to have th members attend some church in a l4d on the Surnlay preceding the Memorial Day. ' '.' ; . j : PASSED AWAY. David Bro4-en a Tiromincnt elder in- the German Bip- tist or UunKaro cnurcn. uicu home ai Talent, March 29th. agelj 79 years. He was a native of Virginia, arxl came to Oregon in 1871. sett ing in the Willamette valley. For the jas: eight vears he has lived in Sotttheru Oregon. Besides a wrfe he left five children J. D. Brower. of Salem: -M-v Barter Baltimcfe. of Albany: Mrsj P Morgan, of Marion county: Mrs. L. S. Gate and Dr. D. -M. Brower. of sh land. 'Mr. Brower possessed the high est esteem of those among whomj he lived, arid his former neighbors deeply regret his departure. , j .noTirt F TTIID Salem Cimo No. 118 PaciJurisdici&ni Woodmen t WnrU rJ 5valetn Oregon filed an-Ac-arKl t Tl tll- , m icles of incorporation m the state n,rimni i-ratrrAaV The DOfOOSe is : munirniiv 01 a. inter nal heneficiarv society on the kxlge r a Wtio. C D: Alinton A. J. Basey arc tne tncojJta.v. record. - TOOK CHARGE vPRIL FIRST C. sM. Lock-wood was appointed jpan ager for the Postal Telegraph Com nanj birsirtess for Salem, to take cf feet Aoril 1st. Mr. Lockwood f has been klentmed with the teieg:raphj and ntcysenger work several years. be hav ing heretofore served as tnanagdr for the Postal and introduced rhe efficient messenger service no,w being operated .in this city.:'- : J;- :;; f iVJT-L WED Wm. AfcFarl'ane and Loi Forrest. of Turner.. have received a license to marry from County W. W. Hall, upon the application of , 1 111. W UUV. " w-v BIDS WERE OPENED CHANGES JL3 KEPpESENTATIVE MALI. HAVE BEEN OEOEREO. Era Vaa Patta Saeara tka Coatrart at Vary Low tng-airaRalra listen. lag ta oatractara, (From Daily; April 5th.) The 'State Board of Caoitol Building CommiMiioners yesterday opened bids lor ttie changes in the rejiresentative hall, provided for?by the legislature it its sat session. The plans called for tne putting m of a floor over the repre sentative hall, so as. to provide a large room oveT the haU to accxmniodate the state library, hjs- floor to rest on six iron. columns built -up fron th ground, Tlie pecificaTionts call for bids for eith er a yellow fir floor, or an oak goor. The at-opriat:on :or this work, pro vided b" the legislature. wa $11,614. and the; board feared that the bids would ti- all so high a to make the changes? impossible until a further, ap propriation could be : secured. The meniberi w-re irnrsd and crAtild. therefore. wbei it wa found that most 'of he 'bid were within- tlie appropria- jion. t-Mi-frmg are tne b:ls: Erb A'an ; Parten Yellow' 'fir. 244: ottk. $44 t-nxftt & Van faften ellow fir. $920; mk,' $10,522. f ? ' . hW elkvv fir. Jo?oo: oak. $f 1,000. V ' I L. SJ RoneyT--YeJ4w fir. $11,000: oak, $135,100. 1 ' i ' Bt-ntkty Con6ructio Co.-Oak, $14,- 0 i i ' . The contract was awarded to Erb & Van Patten at $8844. the board decid ing on the oak floor at that price. The menbers of the board stat.'l ves- terday tnat. in vjew of the, low uidsre- ceiveiL. and tlie adyintaeous contract made. sufiiciem moaev would be left of the appropriation, after the changes contemplated by the specili-'a:ions were provided for. to allow of further imorove'ments. and that changes would be made in the spectators loby in the represtiiiative hall: the seats vviil be ?r rangd in tiers, raised, and t'he railing of the lall moved further toward the center f the room Kso as to increase the space outside the railing, thus pro viding .room for about 250 more stats for spectators, and, in a measure, make up for tlie absence-, erf the gallery. Strict I rulen are 'laid down by the board : for t'h e gHfdanye f the con tractor jmd the time jintit for doing the work - expires with November 10th. I.lhmipir aw t.ne of the ruies pre--e-rbed; for the contractors and their .ivcn : ; .'; "After the room has been cleared of all mowable furniture ami carpets by ih.- uia.te 4mard. contractor or ontrnct ors shall then -onre into posse-ssion of the rofm kr the 'proecution of the several ("works planietl and siR'cified. Workmen ami materials will fe exclud ed frorn all parts of the building, ex rejrt the house of . representatives and lower ourh corridor, the use of which wiH be allowed only for such time as is actually necessary for putting in- the itiwer .jxrlion of tlie work. Even. ;hcn irorhing will to a'riowed in said crr!dr .hat isjwsiblc to put in place any ether way. . "It ts expected anil ' rcqtiire(f .f tlie -onfractor or contractors to erect a. ralforui at the south -end, and pass nil j umitwIs. etc.. through a window or, windows, includiig the passage of the' workmen, as passing nhnmgh the building. ther than as flw-fore mtn tionel.i will be strictly prohibited, ex- ' cept in' cases of absolute necessity, tnd :naking arJ finishing )enings fietween jit- re-oiii .and . tiriWk la. Destruction r damaging tf grouimls or shrubbery will iw strictly jrfhfbited. "'It j also remiiretl that all interior .-ork. except such 'parts as i necesiry to remove or distirtJ will be thorough ly orotected from damage by boxing ind coerinj with cloth. Any damage r maVring of the interior, except as .fc mentioned, ."must ire made good without extra expense to the state, lsjiis ctmsf i to life cvmstrueil to cover all oart of the building until its com n'rtioH and acce-piance by the archi .ect. ' ' ' ' ' "All dirt, rtibbiyh, material, etc., mt neetled in the work and improvement ef sai.l hall of representatives. hall be removetl from the buidmg awl premises- as fa-t as the same is displaced or accumulates: the ' same ' to le carried out and frttt iwo wagons or carts- and taken away and deposited where so li rr ''.-, "The contractor or contractors shall, at fheir r.itu ' nrooer cost and expense, furnish all materials anI lalior. the best of t'heir several kinds, cartage, scaffokl nc bwMlels.- tiKiu!ds,? etc.. etc., needed !Vr the work herein and therein set forth. "AH connections with the new and old work, 'of brick, iron and wood', must h- rrotwr1v made and banded together with straps, anchors, tie, etc. "Attentkn is herebv called to the necessity of corrtractors visiting rhei bttilding. to the end that the proposed work may be fully understood.. "Upon completio'n of the work, and before final acceptance, the building shall be thoroughly cleaned and ready ior tehtying carpets, and free from all blemish. . "Cynt-rnr who bid m the within spectned work will e required to en close a certified check in the sum rf 10 per cent drawn : to the 1 order of the state treasurer, to be forfeited to the 2ate in case the krwest or accepted bid der .fails to qualify in ten days after the opening of bids, with good and accept able bond for the full amount of con tract price. "The above work as specified must be completed on or before November to. 1000. M : ''. ' "r.' . .. Fine printing. Statesman Job Office, i SCARCITY OF HORSES: Farmers are 1 beginning to reahze that ihere 4s a great scarcity of horse flesh everywhere. There has been an unusually large demand for 'got! farm tearns. for the cropping season now at hand i 1 )iirinsr the oast five or six years one could drive all Aroogh the country ind scarcely ever see a colt, and: this short supply is beginning to be UU in the market; j There, is not one? stallion to be found now where six or eight years ago there were a dozen. The pld teams are about worn out on many farms andthis: makes an increaed demand on a snort supply. Two years ago whit was generally known as a-plug coajd hardly be sold for anything, if cold hash was to be tfic consideration, but now they are in demand, for anything is fetter than nothing.. ' - " " - ' f -'----. J It was the wisetarmer who kept right aiong3reeding good animals in spite of tkit discouraging outloook of three or fouf'years ago, for he has now on hand some-thing thst will bring him a pro hf and he need j not look up a buy er. In fact.' buyer seem.lto be more numerous than horses. ! "". GoCmI brcod mares are especially in grcatjdemand now ithat the herses fu ture egins to loolc bright again. In fact the owner of a large, trim, clean built mare can get Jus own price, if he ' . ! -.a a- is wmng to part ;wii tne animal at at all , It is to be- hoped that this in creased demand will not cfiose farmers to so far forget themselves that they will start in again jbreedinjg scrubs, - as a grat many were; doing; when the price, of horses weht dowft below cost of production. Ifs the bwner of a plugfmare feels that he is bound to go tnto the breeding business he had bet ter keep along in fthe mule line anf in this way allow the interior stock! of the .country to grattually run out. ' A smaip mule will sew morJ readily and bring more rmney (than af small liorse colt, any time or aiywheife. It will not be long until) good horses will be selKIng at old-time prices, and those who go into the business now and breeel with a tie-finite object in view will le in- the best sjhape to real ize gooei profits when they have a sur plus ready for the market. COULD NOT AGREE ! Jl'RY FA I LEI TO CONVICT 8AM RAMI IX JtSTICE COI KT, He Wm Charted With Kldla- I po a Hi- eyrle Ialb -CaaaiWaa Very Stab- Sam Ramp, of Brooks was given a trial before Justice H. A. j John son 'yes terday afternoon; but the jury coulj not agree upon a vefdict ind after hav ing been out i'i lio-urs, jwas discharg ed frorii further sehice ! in the case. From the first ballot it is understtxid the jury stxt five jfor convieion anl one for acquittal and a dozen ballots failed to chanjre thje result. Justice Johnson continued (the cae until 10 o'clock this morning. wle-n - another trial will probable hadl It was; a vcrw in4erestiing case and was very stubbornly fought .on." legal grounds. Wbe the caste was called before Justic Joonsbn- at io:.o o'cloHc visteilay nirning. ; Attorneys B. J7. Bonham and J. A. Jeffrey, counsel far the defendant filed a deijnurrer tei tfie complaint. allrfii the tinconstitutioii ality of tlie act creating ithe tax. The demurree wa arfucd. Cj L. McNary. deputy prosectstitwr attorney, speaking for the state. J this effoirt to ablirev fate the ease xai verruileel. - The de fense demanded a ftsrv and an adjourn ment wa takes 'til 2 o'clock to en able the summoning ot six jurors. At the aonolntd hour the case went w trial before Jrry consisting of: R. .. erossan, ic(irnh, . n. Davis. S. T Noctb-wtt. Martin Viesco. and II. C. TpW j . In the coarse ot'ic trial, counsel for the defend detected an alleyed deficiency i ha techmcal construction of the bill, uv hth they elwe-lt, with partfrrU'Tar jmpha1sL The defeiidnjit admitted haoar Viei "itxin he path but in extenuation jof the act eallcdl witnesses to hO tn-tt two teams were standing; in the road a v and it was necessary for liin to drive tnn the path in order to safely. He fur ther contended that he had not in awy wav injured the path. Counsel for the defendant chimed that in the meaning of the law concerning bfcycle path, the driving: or riding upon a path did not constitute a crime unless as a con sequence Uie paih as injured or de faced nhereliy. In j sttpijrt of t1vs claim, coufwel referred ti section lo of the bicxte law, which reads as fol lows: i ") - -I "Such pMis shaft i be constructed in surh a manner tliid tliey will not mater ially rnterfe-e whh any road, street f crossing, and when so constructed it . m a a . Jtall be ue-ieu nnwmcaiwir ior any person or persons toi m any manner m- jure or oetxce ?.i in. w iic .:. glass, wire, iron, slicks, stones or anv othet object or atibstaitce upon said path w-hetWiy the safety of the path is innxriHe! or injury I to five bicvele or any part "hereof, the rider or to a pedestrian, result is. liable to result, mis protsirn is not to prt vent intrres or egress to any field, yard. lot or other place. o; rc&d crtssings or the driving of loose stock; provunrrg. the loose srock is nt wantonly driven upon akl path and ?ue care is taken' to prevent injury to oaths by looe s'ock Keino" driven alone i highways. -Any person injuryin-g any' path orovided for bv tms act Khali, upon trial ana con viction, be fined not le-ss than $10 or h- imnrinwd for not less than five days, or both. inlbe discretion oi the court. - . The prosecution, utiowcd by the testi mony of four witnesses that there re mained a space rjf folly t2 to is feet on either side of the vehicles standing in the roadway and to" which the de fendant objected. ths making it pos sible for the dcferhJr4 to pass the said vehicles withotrt driving upon the bi cycle path. The prosecution also alleged that the following section defined for what - t'rs the bicycle paths were intended-and that any infraction in that TCgard was a viol ali on ;4 the law atwl pttnis4iableyn urvler the trms of the measure. Sec tion it. of the bill rads as follows: "These! paths whn so constructed shall be exclusively or pedestrians and bicyclists, it being tie object and in tent of this jact to provide for edes strians and ibicyclistsj a highway separ ate fccxn tliit used by teams and horse men." The arguments in the case were con cluded at 4:20 o clock when the case ss sumitted to thejiury which retired for -deliberation. At 10 o'clock the jmy was unable to agree upon a vci dict and Instice lohnson dismissed them from further service. In all the balloting Turrly one juror held out for acnuittal the other five lcing satisfied of the guilt of 4hr defendant. It is understood the onlysuror tavoring ac- nnittal wa S. T. Nortocutt The final disposition f the case -will be awaited with interest by bicyclists who are interested irr the preservation of and further improvement of existing cycle paths. , j X rtTITV.M Panl farnarh. a na tive of Belgium, was yesterday grant- f l . Y ea nnai nizensiiip pajcis uj xswmj Judge C P. TerrelL x Fine printing. Statesman Job Office. - . i - 11 i ' 1 Fine printing. Statesman Job Office. TWO QUICK SHOTS A Belgian Tinsmith's Attempt to Commit Murder, fIRD AT THE PRINCf Of WAITS While the Latter Railway Caaeti Was la theftatiaa at BraaU Tba Fiend Apprefceaded. . BRUSSELS. April 4 The Prince of Wales was shot at wlwle leaving the railroad station, lie re.- lie was not hurt. The wouldrbe aSsassm jumped upon the kotbvard of the prince's sakn car as the train was -start rug and lired inti the car, aiming jat the prince. ; The man was immediately arrested. Ihe wou.d-be asuvassanis a tinsmrth. named Sipide, a resident of Brussels," j years oid. His iioclveis were kund to le full , of anarchistic literature. He fited two shts at the Prinx'e of Wales. I he Princes f Wales and others were iiv j'.ie c.tr, - but 110 -oive was touched. When-examined' by th. -statknr flicial. Sipide declared he intendexl t kill the Ponce ol Wales, i and thaL he did not 1 egret hi actn and- was ready to do it again if given the ehance. Sij.Vk sihi iiiu nily; said he waiKcd to k-HI the" ptite becaiire he caused thousands of ir.cn to be s!aii;Kliered in South Af rica, i - Hearu-.g the shots, the station mas ter rushed uy the scene anil knocked don the wouldde assassin's arm as he prepared u fire a third shot, and a" ntrmOer of persons thre-w themselves on tlie prince's aslsaKaiiitT ' In the con firsion a second fnaiv. ,wli. was quite innocent, wa se1?ed, roughly handled and beaten. ., ' . BUTTiSiBEMADE NEW CKKAMKKV W I I.I. IIK1IN OI'Klt ATIO.VS NEXT MOMIAV. Tha riantWIII Havea Ilally Caparlly ot 330 rounds ant Will lie I'atro - nlsed Liberally. (From Daily. April 5th.) T. ' S. Townseml, the aggressive creamery operator! will have his Salem plant completely jnsnHk-d by ihe end et this week; aivl everything will be in rca;!f.iess fr -t I Ut? enmnnnencement erf butter making oir Monday next or on Tue-day at the. late st., ' , The .building at! t'he ."corner Lirf Stale and Eighteenth streets that has been' secured for tleJ crfainery, is being re imhk'kil in niany . 'particulars and '''will today 4k ready fr the recefioii .mwl ins;. illation .of the machinery which ar rived yesterday.- $it ' plant will Jiave h capacity o 150 Iouiids eif bulter tier day, but. if the reinrentviTts demand. t'.i: capa.-ity can 1c cas-ily knibkd. Pitt it i thought ihe 350 pound capac ity will be adequately large Jo handle all of hi cream that will be available for the present. Until the farmers be come educated, into the dairy business and increase tlieuf herds, the oltnne of cream til at will be available in the country cotwiguou.s. 10 Salem will not be large. j , Mr.. Townsend iss devoting some at tention to the est'ublix.limvnt 1 rnWes; k'ditrg in eve-ry ebrection from Salem, for flnr collecton I of . creani. Cream will be .collected from all section of Marion county, io v parts- of Polk county, wh'ile nmcli will be shipped in by li)at ait I' rail. A number of cream separators have bee-n sold t farmer who prop sj to lecoim patrons of the creamery and '.htirs will invest in this almost inHseiisiille machme, when tncy arc "asured , 'at the creamery is a go. 'Marion county perjle li:ive sev eral time-is lni:n elisapp.rititetl in M'cur ng iIh hcatiot ui a creamery emd a majority f them are . naturally supic ious of crtamery'promoters and do not propose to go ."iny needle expense until tlwy arc" assured the creamery man is acting iti ood faith. It will not. take long for Marioti comity fann ers to ascertain that Mr. . Townsem'l means bJsitK:ss and will engage in the butter making business in- tlis com munity m a niofeiextensive scale thaii any 'of them, had ever' -dreand -of. Jle ha asked for no 1niius from Salem pesjple anJ has invested his nney iit gx.I faith and all "Ik aks in return is that lie, have the patronage of the fa'in-. ing contiirinity of irTKsectiti ef the -Aliey. "There is. little Nloidit but that hi request -will le; very generally com--plfel with by the farnu-rs. 'I- B. Ziemer. a jractical butter mak er recently from . Wisconsin, lis bv tlie city and is assisting" Mr. ' Trwn.rnd. in installing his plant of which he will be in charge" when it shall have cotn mencexl operations. Fine printing. Statesman Job Office. A NEW TEACI I ER lohnson Williams, of Duneeness, Wahingtrn, reported at the Salem Indian Training school at Oiamawa this week as a teacher, being ordereel io the scboed umler the cUil service. iMr. J5insin is a native Jndian lieing "ar descendant of a .Wa-shingtem tribe, 'lie has charge of the third grade in the Chemawa in stitutioni i Take Cuticura Resolvent Because it hi so pura and wbolesoma that mother can giva it freely to children of mil ages. It cools and cleanaca the blood, and is of the greatest value in speedily, curing disfiguring, burning, scaly humors, " rashes, and irritations, when taken in con nection with hot baths of Cuticura Soap, and gentle anointings with CCTictntA, tha ' great skin cure and purest of emollients. SrM fltToechevttB wend. IrrT Dace Cdik, Cw yW-. alea. - iiow la Caw Huj fcbH"hw.