Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, April 06, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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iimi n
Boers Schema to Sur
round Eobexts.
The Armj Needs Horses
Very Much.
The Qneen U Highly I'leased With
Beeeptlon tendered IJer on
Tli t In Ireland. ' t "
IXJNDON, April (Thursday, 5
a. m.) It looks j today as though the
Boers had conceived the audacious
plan of attempting to invest Lord Rob
ert at BJoemfonrein. or at least to
endeavor to delay h northward ad
vance by harrassmg the British lines of
communication, j On his side Lord
Roberts is concentrating his forces and
preparing: to take every advantage of
the bold, but risky tactics of the enemy, j
He lis not likely to -strike at -any of
their forces until he is certain of de-i
livering crushing bkrw. There is lit
tle doubt that Lord Roberts is ham
pered by the necessity for remounts
ami transports, and the los-3 of the con
voy guns-and all of Colonel Broad- i
wood's baggage; -wis serious matter.!
The Boers are now trusting to what
they believe to be their superior mob
ility. The fcoers still liold Thabachua
ami the wafer wcrles.
The Daily (Mail j has the following
from 4iro-emfon(?eiia: Co'xtc. Portfcr.
who ninety carbineers and Scots Greys
and two guns, preformed a brilliant
deed Sunday. He charged a large body
of iBoers, and rescued ninety edd Brit
ish prisoners, including eleven officers
who were captured the previous day.
Dublin, Ireland, April 4. It is un
ekrstood the queen expressed herself as
tvornierfnlly p!eait?dE .with the reception
tendered 1ier. and as yet has suffered
X tt- l j:.
loyal motto marked the line- of march,
and the "popular enthusiasm buried, all
political feeling! forj the time. .r.Btlcrc
landing, the Queen, who . look? 1 n
ittarknbiy well, asked for a bunch of
fhrougjhout the day she wore tiicm
pinned upon her breast. The Duke of
.Vb-rcom, the premier peer of Ireland,
who with most of the castle party went
to the viceregal kxlgc , after the royal
'arrival, wrote his name in the visiting
book, saying to the correspondent oi
Che Associated 'Press:
"It is the most jwonJerful and spon
taneous exhibition. I have ever spcii,
and I am immensely proud of being an
Irishman." i
The tlcmnn Orations show, despite all
pVliueal differences, that Ireland: is a
loyal portion of the empir;.
Bloemfontein; 'Monday, . April 2.
General Colville's division ami French's
cavalry have returned ' here. Every
thing is quiet, j I ;
London. Anrif I 4.-Gncral Colvillc
and General French havc given up the
movement against the Boers east ot
Ilromkntein and have ioined the main
army. It doubtless seemed to 'Lord
Robcrts a vairi. attempt to send 12.000
of his best troops into the wilderness
with a held transport in the direction
at a right amr'e jwith his chosen line
of advance. Thej'Bocrs have-; probably
moved elsewhere ! a-nd if to the south
west. General Colville could as cariiv
strike them front Rloemfontcin as by
fallowing them across the plains.
These inferences still leave the situa
tVon bewildering I for the 'time being.
The enormously superior "British forces
appear inactive .in; every part of th. war
field, waiting yctj probacy for. the ac
cumulation of material for a swift ad
vance on the Transvaal. The London
commentaries and the public to sene
extent are irritated and corifused by the
situation. 1 .' ! . . j -
- Detail received from 'the -scenes of
Green Market! "Square. t Cape Towm
Tuesday, wheri Premier Schreiner en
eon ntfcrctl an j English demonstiation.
shw that the premier." fearing personal
violence, sought refuge m a restaurant.
He was hooted and tried to read the
parliament house, protected ! by the
police. 1 The peoole shouted "Traitor."
I. . .....-,... 1 -A in rficArrr tht house
'it. iiv iv i ' '
Finally tilw people "Got! Save the
Queen." when Ikt raised his hat. amid
the-cheers, and -was heard to say. "Re
serve vour judgment." t 1
Lord Roberts did not meet his wife
at Cape Town, Cslic win proceed to
Bloemfontein. I -!-.
The pcrmahen bridge at the -Mcd-drr
River Station has ! been finished.
The first train passed over it Tnesday.
The British ! garrison at Springfon
tein was roused !at midniglrt Monday
by the intimation that the , Boers in
force were about! to attack, but not a
burgher appeared. :
I j"."-
Republicans of Washington Siaic Meet
vx coftvemion loaay.
ElIens4Mire. 1 Wash.. April 4. The
state Republican Iconvcntion, called for
the purpose of electing: delegates to the
nationai RcpiMicare convention- at
'nriladeiphra, will meet tomorrow. As
now arranged.; 'El- M. -Guie. of Seanlc,
will be temporary chairman, " and the
temporary organizationr may be made
permanent,- as , the intention :s to" have
a short coaverstmn. Slates- hiye beeu
lR3t!c and "broken! all day. ; At this time
it 1 conceded the -west si !e will be
awarded five national delegates. -nd the
east de three. I Cooler hends predict
that C. M. Hopkins wKl be one cf
these, for. although a bitter fight has
been rrmde all day in the caucuses
against John L. Wilson, whose close
representative tiopKins is, a strong lac
tion is otiposnng a fight in this conven
tioft. md they ifcc Jafter arrivals will
"""" . !
CCl-LfcJCiirstj - iftuir. -aw bc ,
tion was yesterday brought, in the jus-
tke court, by i prominfnt saloon man,
lorrthe recovery of $20 on a note, given
abont ?5 - 1 rc - .l 1' !-
in hh- t fc J iac aeierwant
ZrltJ ? aa emfloye in one of
c sttte itutrons. and an effort was
wr farni5h said' employe's
w arrant, for services, , in the bands of
e secretary of state. Later, the em
ploye appeared in the s-tate department
Ivk-d -T warrant- b t was
wnhK,d nntil Secretary Dunbar cotdd
consult widt the attorney general. Up
on investigation k was found that the
cooe expressly provides that state of
ficers cannot be garnieed. t When
the attorneys for the plaintiff ascertain
ed ait rhe secreuray would take this
stand, they urged &im to come into
court, anyway. they had not gar
nisheed him in bis official, bat in his
DPI v'n t rarwrjitv - h rr -i
. . j , iui its u.a Vlili. Ml V Jf
Tvantir Vw. U-.A. .U - t .
but rhat,' after it was signed, he only
e4d it as a private citizen until it was
wruvcrca. ine secretary,- nowever,
coukt not see k in that laghC, and it is
bkely that the suit will prove, fruitless.
The note, it was rumored, was origin-
ditkn to the face of the note, tlie plain-
uhs acmanoea- 15 attorney s tees.
Two TWcd GcntlcnKn Fight a Duel
" J: with Swords. ?
Paris, April 4. -The' first of a 'series
of duels, arising from Count of Luber
sac's letter to Baron Robert Rothschild
took place this afternoon between
Michael Ephriussian and the Count of
Lubersac, on the . island? of Granada
Jatte. At the fourth onslaught the
baron was wounded in the breast, the
count's sword triking a rib.' The
tount received a slight scratch in the
neck. ;.::. -
Full County Ticket Placed in the Field
Albany, Or.. April 4. A fusion coun
ty ticket was nominated by the Demo
crats and Populists, todary. as follows:
County judge. II. iM.. Palmer: sher
iff. Geo. M. Chargue; clerk, Wm. Ham
mer; recorder. Kdward (Meeker: treas
urer, R. B. -Miller; comnwssioner, II.
B. Springer; school superintendent. N.
L. Jacksonj surveyor, T. .A. Riggs;
coroner, J. tj. Norman.
Was Prohibition Candidate for Presi
dent Eight Years Ago.
Chico, Cal., April 4. General Jtahn
Didwell, the prohibition candidate for
president in 180.2. died at his home near
this city today from heart failure. Gen
eral Bidiwell was a pioneer of 1841, and
the founder of Chico. He was 80 years
of age. a native of Chautauqua, county.
New York. He leaves an- estate valued
Movements of the People of That Live
Marion County Town.
Stavton, Or.. April 4- E. C. Titus
and jas. Fisher Sundayed with Linn
conntv friends.
Jake Missler and Ernest Long had
business in the 'Capital Crty Monday.
The Misses Edrt'h Capcll and LilHc
Elder are spending a few days in Sa
lem, the guest of iTicnds. :
Rev. Toe WaWron is conlucting sne
cial meetings at the Baptist church
tiiis week:
Rev. Granms. of halcm. addressed a
lame 'audience Saturdav ever,nvr. at the
Christian- church, on uSie merits of the
ortrer of United Artisans.
Rev. Touts, of Ashland, and Le Mas
ters, of Turner, are holding a series of
revival meetings at toe Christian church
this week. '
Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Howell, of Sa
lem, drove over from that city' 'Monday,
to attend the funeral of their aunt, Mrs
M. A. Bartmess.
The Misses Lena and Mayrae Mont-
Botnerv moved into Slay-ton recently
from their Fox Valley i home. The
young ladies will superintend a home
for their brother Rosir.
Freda, the o-months-ol d danghtcr of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bauer, died at the
Farmers hotel. this city, on Tuesday
mornintr. April .vl, of spinal mViin-
gitrs. Tlie sorrowing parents 'have the
hcarticlt sympathy oi a large circle of
friends. Interment w.Il' te hart in
Lone Oak cemetery at 2 o'clock this
M"s. M. A. f Bartmess died at the
farm home, four miles east of this city
at 6:30 a. m., Monday. April 2d. aged
64 years. The deceased "has been tail
ing in - heaffh for STOine time, but not
until recently were her fricml'S alarmed
ri'bout lier. Medical aid was sough,
but to no avail. S'l grew rapidly
worse until death claimed her. Mrs.
Bartmess was well known; here, having
lived on their old homestead lor many
years. She was endeared to many by
her kind, jovial and benevolent di: po
sition, and will fre J sadly mrssod by
neighbors and friends. She. leaves an
aged husJwnd, and one sister. Mrs. M.
NVlson, of Portland, to mourn her de
mise. Interment wast had Tnesd-iy sn
fhe Campbell graveyard ' northcJit of
this city.
The empty vessel makes the greatest
sound.- Shakespeare. ' .
illoke Smith, who was Secretary of
the Interior under President Cleve
land, has sold his paper, the Atlanta
Journal, to a syndicate headed by T.
Jefferson Coolidge. of Bo5or
(Mrs. Stcyn, wife of the late Pres
ident of the Orange Free State, has
been in Scotland since last summer.
Her husband's private fortune is said
to have been placed in a London bank
before the war began, k " .. . . .
The highest orice ever paid in this
country for a book was secured at the
sale of Ausmstin Dajy's library fn New
York last Tuesday, where two volumes
of sketches and autograph letters ; of
Tliackeray. the main art of which
rontituted the Brooklyn ccrrespond-
enre, were sold fcr,$i6.2or
fBryan s plan tor .leaving corasK
and taking up his residence, m Texas
if he is beaten fcr President and fads
to get a seat in the United Staies is
meeting with no opposition anywhere,
though Texas has! not been heard
from. It i not likely, however, that
the Lone Star state wiU object to a
relic or two. . f-;-." I n
The Honorable Ella Scarlett, M. U .
daughter of an American woman, is
going to Corea from London as mrl
kal officer of the Imoenal houseliold.
The doctor mother is I-ady Aligner,
lormeriy .iis ncic .. .
ter of the late Commodore George,
Allan 'Magruder, d the United ta.es
navy. , - i . .
the Kentucky Trouble
in Congress. ,
Two Eepresentatiyes of
that State
EDgtge In a Beatid Discussion Ke
KrMuK Goebel Lw Peace
In the Senate.
WASHINGTON. April 4It was
an exciting scene in the bouse today,
as the climax of the discussion, of the
Kentucky situation, iwhen Wheeler, a
Kentucky democrat, and Pagh a Ken
tucky republican, faced each other
from opposite sides of the main aisle,
and indulged in a wordy dueL Pugh
charged Wheeler with misrepresentirrg
certaii facts. He was laboring under
fgreat excitement. 'Wheeler -showed
admirable temper, and though quick
to resent the fancied insult, awaited the
explanation of Pugh, in which he dis
claimed any- intention of imputing to
him personally a desire to thsteVt facts.
Throughout the debate, which was
precipitated by a speech of Boering,'
another republican member from Ken
tucky, there was. an air of. suppressed
excitement. It was the first time the
subject had been broached in the house,
and much interest was manHested.
Laccy, of Iowa, concluded the debate
with a general denunciation of the
Goebel election law. This incident
overshadowed the other speeches, to
day, on the Hawaiian bill.
Washington, April 4. Peace was re
stored in the senate before that bodv
convened, and during the proceedings
of the session there was only one ' re
minder of the harsh language urcd inst
before -adjournment yesterday. The
stssion opened with a lively and inter-
"Sting discussion of the sratus of th-'
Quay case in the course of which Wol-j
cott apologized for the language he:
had used yeserday, disclaiming any
intention of being offensive to anybody
The Colorado senator made a vehe
ment and 'eloquent appeal for early ac
tion upon the Quay case. It was de
cided fimlly to take tip the case tomor
row, under unanimous consent., und"
the agreement made March i6th, Li
accordance, also, with that agreement,
the Spooner bill was made unfinisJied
business, thereby bringing the Philip
pine question1 to a direct issue , in the
senate. ' , " i
"Washington, April 4. Solicitor Ger
eral Richard, of the Department
justice, has filed a brief in the Supreme
Court which, fixes the attitude ot tin
government , on the question whethe
the constitution extends to the new iiof
sessions of the United States. - The
Department of Justice says it. docs notj
without an act of congress.
When Importuned for an- Interview oil
Admiral Dewey's Candidacy, !
He Declined to Speak; !
PORTLAND. April 4 W. J. Bryji
spoke to. an audience of 6000 people, in
the exposition "building toright. Hb
was in better voice than he has been
for -scveial days and he spoke for over
two hours. During the day he spokt;
at McMinn-ville, Forest Grove an!
Hillfboro. Tomorrow morning, hir
will leave lor a tour through the Will
lameWe valley and Southern Oregon
When asked tonight for his opinio
on the candidacy of Admiral , Dewey
for lihe presidency, CoJoitcI Bryan saii;
"I do not wish to discuss the. subject."1
Declines to Say What Pla'form He
Will Stand On. but Thrnks the
People Want Him.
WASHINGTON. April 4 Admiral
Gexirgc 'Dewey today confirmed the in
terview published this morning in th;
New York World to the effect that he
will accept the Presidency of thi UriittJ
States. shouW the American people de
sire him to fill that office. He refused'
to make any further statement.
In his original statement on the sub
ject, the admiral said: " !
'"Since studying this subject, I aas'i
convinced t1;at the office of the Presi
dent is not such a very difficult one tjo
fill, his duties being mainly ty execute
the laws of congress. Should I be
chosen for this exalted positon, I would
execute the laws of congress as fahh
tuily as I have executed die orders 1fit
New York. April 4. .V Washngto
dispatch to the Evening Telegram saji J
"r. as devc-oped that the announce
ment of Admiral Dewey's candidacy U
a part of a well-laid ' plan of Eastern
Democrats to head oft Bryaft s , nont-
-The adm:ral will not adnit tta:
there is anv orsrarw'z.iLron. behiivf feis
candidacy, or state whether he wjahl
like the Republican or DHnocratj:
nomination. He low me today 'feat
he was in the hands of American people,
and was willing to obey the orders
from them as lie has been from his tp-
periors in the nary. ! He said: i 'hare
cxry reason to betieve urat mere isia
popular demand for my nominatku'
I decline to say whetner 1 am a ucm-
ocrat or a 'Kcpifbhcan. :
tlx: people candidate."
I want to be
ich.. April 4. Daniel R.
Michigan msniber of hc
- Detroit, Mich
Campait, the
rr3'.:onai LemMrra.ic commiiicc, wines
th New York World today.
mi ie-
spouse to an inquiry whether Dewtyj
wottlifiot he stronger candidate than
Brjan, a fo2ows:' ' , . ;.: I-;-.
. "Proud, as the Democrafs nay be
that Dewev is amons-'thor .hi if- rr
the downfall of imperialism, I think it
would be a grave mistake not to place
ttk nominatioa William J. Bryan, whose
VOtS nt iJWVurs l.rcrfr hA -r
before been required to elect, and whose
first installment of semi-annual interest
on Salem's ten ycar,'4 per cent, popu
lar loan ct 505,000, negotiated last Oc
tober, fell due April 1st and became
payable on Monday, the 2d inst. The
tout amount of interest to be disbursed
is $t.v and the interest coupons are
paid upttrt presentation at the Ladd &
Bush tianking institution. 'Up to last
evening, ' coupons represeritrng only
about f joo of the $1300 had been re
deemed, j The city s has. the funds on
hand, with which to pay thSs interest.
il"he next ' installmem of interest be
comes due on October 1st.
ing of the mu sc department at the
store of F. w. Wiggins, last night, was
an unqualified success. A large crowd
of Saicm's music-kning people, both
ladies and gentlemen was present, the
former, f ' course, predominating, and
all enjoyed the excellent musical-pro
gram, consisting of numbers by Ges
ner' Orchestra, Mrs. Hallie Parrish
Hinges. and some of Salem's leading
pianists.!. So dense was the crowd that
large numbers were unable to gain ad
mittance to the store, and were com
pelled to stand on the sidewalk in front.
where, however, they thoroughly en
joyed the sweet mnsic turmshed on the
inside. '
In Real Estate Circles.' as Shown by
the County Records-Nunicrous
: Deeds Are Filed.
fFrom Dail. April sth.) 1
In;the department of records, at the
Marion county court house, yesterday.
Six deed were tiled for record, tr.c ag
gregate consideration bcina $14.1 u.
Otficr documents hied were five satis
factions ! of mortgages aggregating
$62i5. and four real estate mortgages
ferf $3,546.72. The: deeds recorded
Eskrkl Erntson and wife to
August Pcttratz. the northeast
quarter of section! I. t 6 s.. r t
'., w d , ... .....,....$5-200
James Farley, administrator of
the estate of Richard McNich
olS, deceased, to George Schaap,
1145.65 acres in t 7 s., r c w
administrators deed..., . .. 414-
F. W. Durbin to Frank C. Baker
j 51 1-3 acres in t 8 s., r 2 w., also
' block's 'No. 17. 8, and ig, in
i Smith's addition to Aumsville.
! sherifTs-deed. 335o
John N. TJavis to John F. Davis.
; 103 86 acres in- t 7 s., r 1 c., w
f d ... ........ 750
(Charles II . iMoores to Christian
: Siegfried 17.28 acres in t 7 ir
I w.. -w d 2 i ....... . 300
Wm. M. Smith to John L. Milam
: lot No. 21 in 'Bradley's addition
to 'Woodburn. w d ........... . 6j
"All honot .to him who shall win the
Tlie world has cried for a thousand
But to him who tries and falls and dies
-J give great hohor and glory and
Give clory and honor and pitiful tears
To all who, fail in their deeds sub
Their ghosts are many in the van , of
years. ; .
They were born in Time in advance
pi lime.
Oil. greaVis the hero who V"" a name,
But greater, many and. many a time,
Some pale-faced fellow who dies in
And lets God finish the thought sub
And great is the man with sword un
And good is the man who refrains
rom wine.
But therrran who. fajls and. yet still
- fights on. ;
Lo! lie is the twin brother of mine.
Joaquin Miller.
Henry B. Reeves andMiss Sarah M.
Riley, swho were engaged to be ma'
ricd when they were teacher and pupil
respectively in the state normal scliool
at Trenton forty years ago, but who
broke off the match because ot a lov
ers', quarrel. ' were happily united at
Bridgton, N. J., recently. In the in
terim Mr. Reeves; has accumulated a
fortune in the, West.
a 'Methodist church in Baltimore, is
making arrangements- for the perma
nent publication there of a Christian
daily paper to 4e called The Christian
Citizen It will exclude liquor and
theatrical advertising, news of prize
fights and Sabbath desecration from its
columns ' and will have no political
Watts Yes, and he goes only once
in about three years and you make me
go every Sunday.? If you haven't for
gotten ybqr arithmetic, just figure out
the proportion, will you? Indianapo
lis Press:
Life's fairest, things are those which
: feem.s . '" '"--
The best is that of which we dream.
"' ; " Whittier.
A willitrg heart adds feather to the heel.
And makes the clown a winged Mer
' ' ' ' cury. " .
i - -Joanna, Baillie.
. A worthless dog Will consume, just
as much feed as a good one.
It Is Part of TheirJ Initiation Into a
' V'jr -' -Law Fraiernity. "t , V- ": '
With rheir eyes blindrolded a dozen
students of the Northwestern '-".w school
were marched about . the down-town
streets last night andwtd tj beg
from passers-by, tell "hard-Suck", sto
ries to ooUcetnrn and do ather nndig
nified things. It was all a pirt their
initiation into the Lambda Epsilon
chapter of the Northwestern law fra
ternity. Among the young men who
solicited alms -on .the streets for the
edification of the"? initiating; officers
were J. M. Bryant, James Garrett, Sid
ney Meyer. J. A1 CoJby, and P. A.
North. Inter Ocean.
; WASHINGTON, D. C. April 1.
It is, near the Presidential election that
Democracy is looking: for campaign
material and ready to pick up anything
to howl a1x)ut, which (accounts for the
howl as to the Puerto iRtco bill. They
have only lately discovered where the
Constitution is violated by tlie tariff
and two years ago permitted, ll iwaii to
be annexed, to pay the full tariff on
all husincss with the United States, and
now go frantic when ft is proposed to
charge Puerto Rico fifteen- per cent,
of the amount; that too. when all col
lections go back o Puerto Rico ; to
pay the expense of running the island,
and the arrangeir f urv iriuror
ary. ' "XTonsistency is 4 jewel" that De
mocracy docs not take much stock in
Representative Moody, although a
new member, is working and getting
results like a veteran! As a" member
of the committee on Public Lands, .he
has obtained favorable reports on two
bills since the firstt of the month.
On March 6th h reported Mr.
Tongue's bill II. R. XJ76, to treate the
Crater Lake park embracing 2) tquarc
miles, and submitted jan exeellnt re
port which has been, printed. He also
secured a favorable report on Senator
MeBridc's Double Milnimu.lt Land Bill,
for the repayment of; $1,25 er cie to
settlers on forfeited railroad land grants,
who were required ip pay $2.50 jer
acre for their lands. Mr. Moody iad
introduced an identical bill in the
House, but Senator MeBridc's b:ll hav
ing passed the Senate was substituted
for it.. A large proportion of the tr
tiers of Oregon to be benfiltcd yVi is
bill reside in ftlr. Mciody's district, and
it is estimated that the amount to be
paid to Oregon settlers under the bill,
it it passes, will exceed $.250,000.
Mr. Moody has also secured a favor
able report from the Committee on
Ways and Means oh MeBridc's till
making Astoria a port of immrdiate
transportation of dutiable god vhW-h
means that such goods may i shipned
in bond to and front Astoria, as they
arc from: the principal ports of the
United States. 'In addition to legisla
tive work, Mr. 'Moddy has -bceri . busy
about the departments in the interest
of his constituents. At his re
quest the second assistant
postmaster general ;will hereafter in
icrt in all star route contracts let. cr
renewed, in -Moody s district, a praviso
making it the duty 'of the mail carriets
on star routes, to deliver, mail into
boxes erected. along the lines of those
routes to persons Who erect such boxes
and request such delivery. This Js a
sort of free rural jdclivery for ftoplc
living a!oiig the-line of star rentes,
where settlement H so sparse that the
free delivery system cannot l-iwrilly be
established. Thi? irrangement will be
a great convenience to many settlers
who will give due credit to their ener
gctic representative for placing such
additional mail facilities at their scrv
ice. j . ' . '
Senator McBride has ocen working
with his usual diligence, and since the
date of my last Icttcr-J-jMarch 161I1
has oltained the passage of three of
his bills through the senate, viz:
Senate bill 373.'for the relief of Av
err D. Bbcock ahd his wife, whose
donation lind claim was used as a mil-;
tary post, called Port Yamhill, and a5
part of the Grande Ronde Indian Res
ervation, tor ten or. twelve years.
Senate Bill 1400,5 granting a pension
of twelve, dollars a month to VVilham
Lyman Cflittendenl who served as
member of Captain; L. J. Powell's Com
pany m 1X50.
Senate Bill 3107.1 granting a penion
to Dr. Arthur 'I. Nicklin. late stirg-on
of Benjamin. Hayden' conrijany. Cap
tain B. I. Burch s corrmanr. and Can
tain Marion GofT's company. Oregon
volunteers, in the Indian Wars of 1856
and also surecon of the IT. S. Ai-mv n
the Mofloc war. "Iie passage of these
three bills makes a total of nine oi Mr.
McBrides bills that have passed the
Senate during the Vnonih of March, and
a total of sixteen ff his bills that have
pnsscd Ihc henatci diirine the ssi.n.
.Although this cxcecls the average for
an entire session ;of Congress. :t is
evident that Mr. Mc Bride does not ?n-
tcrd to sfp here. Jfor he has in the iast
two weeks oltairtcd favorable rt ports
jii wie two ouis notca below
Senate Bill 374. ft or the relief of Win.
A. Starkweather, ion account of mon
eys paid out by him for clerk hire dur
ing the years i86 and 1865. It seems
that additional clerical aid was" made
necessary during that -eriod, mainly
on account of applications frr patents
under the Donation Land It w. nd
the government has never rep.iid Mr.
Starkweather. '
'Senate,. BUI 420 for the relief of. the
legal representatives of ' Chauncy M.
Lockwood, Mr. McBride got this bill
through the Sen a tie in the last Congress
as a., part of thel Omnibus Cla-m bill,
bvt it was thrown out in comVrence,
owing to the opposition of the House
conferees. ' f
Senator McBride has taken a great
deal of interest Ma Tettigrew's Set.ate
'Bill 2746. to aid certain states o sup
port &chools of manes. The bill pro
vides that each state shall receive one
hju of all money paid thr United
States for mineral lands in ' tch states,
provided the amount so paid :n anv
year shall not exceed thc imwit an-
nnaHy expended by the state for the
support of a sc!h1 of mines. The Sen
ator says this will' aid the University of
Oregon, which now has a gooi school
of mine, and which will b? entitled JO
the money -coming to the :ate un ler
the bHl. 'He supported the bill in the
ci:;ni;'Ut on p'tblir laiuls, and ihirH
it will pass the House.
Within two weeks Represent a-lve
Tongue has secured a favorable rcoort
from the putlic lands cimmitre. of
which he is a member. :nyfavor of his
rtyotution to reserve 240 sonare mles
oi the Cascade Range: as "The Crater
Lake Reservation, where game und
fish will be preserved and timber pro
tected, and Oregon will have, or the
United States will have. v one c f the
most del ighfcl mountain parks in all
the world.
The committee! on public lands has
also reported in favor of issut.ig patents
to land, owned by deceased Indians on
Suetz Reservation, a per tr.i Mr.
Tonae introduced. Its passage will
open considerable good Imd for ftttlc-
ment, as many Jnmans have .'.ra thoie
lands lie idle" and unoccupied. As pat
ents do not issue for twenty yi.rs. they
will remain as unoccupied ior many
years to come, tiples ihey cari be put
on sade and make hoiues or.nrw com
ers., .
In war time, long ago, Henry Jui!ge,,
of Ashland, furnished sad Jlcs to Ore
gon volnntters, at the reqjest -f.cy-oneL
Maury, but was never p-tc. It.
was claimed that Maury hid no author
ity to make the request. At the sol.ci
tatkin of Mr. Tongue, the H vie Com
mittee of Claims will recomnian J rhat it
be strbmitted to the Unhed States Court
of Claims to investigate, aadi e.ec-de
what is right and proper. So the claim
will probably be paid, in due time.
In a former letter I mentioned Sena
tor Simon's introduction cf a bill to
permit persons engaged in- mining m
nMf Wacliiiiirtnn. and Caiifrrn'a. to.
fell and'osc timber on the public land
for mining purposes, as nas itr.i
thorited by law in other mintng Mates.
Since that time, Scnatar Simon has
obtained a favorable rtiort ot hn biTl
from the Committee on Mines ami
Mining, of which he is a meiolx-r. and
has also secured the passage of -he tu.I
thiough the senate. As this b;'l sim
ply secures to miners! in these thrte
states tike privileges to those muted
in other Mates, it is hoped it will not
be objected to in the . Hmsc of Repre
sentatives. ; .!".'' ' ;' . ; .L ' ;
As n Oregonian, I tni, proud f th
t'act that-Oregon his now. as it had m
the past, an lixlustrious and infliuntial
delegation in Congreisj.-nun who ac
complish things. J- .f
1 S. A. CLARKii.
United States
Line of
Official -Within Firing
Spion Kop Fight.
March 28. After a two
New York.
months trip tn South Africa, during
which time he was ai-Mie ironi aim
witnessed tfiej! battle j of Spion Kop.
Webster Davts. Assistant Secretary of
the Inferior, arrived here today on the
North German Loyd steamshKp Aller
While peaking very guardedly of
his experiences -within both he Boer,
and the British lines, for fear of dis
pleasing the authorities at 'Washington.
Sfr. Davis tells an interesting story of
his adventures in the Transvaal. He
denies the report that he went to South
Africa as an emissary of the United
States go-ernment on a very impor
tant secret mission, and also that be
wrote that the 'British neglected their
dead 'and used dum-dum bullets.
-I went to Soeithi Africa solely for
my health," said Mr. Davis, whilp he
looked latter his baggage on the pier
in Hoboken: - After the Ohio cam
paign I was very much broken' down,
and I asked for leave to take a sea
trip. The President; and Secretary of
the Interior thought it would be the
best for mc, and readily granted my
request. ' 5 J .
"I sailed to Southampton and from
there to Cape Town South Africa,
where I visited my okl friend, Coioncl
J. G. Stowc, United States CchisuI
General at that port. After remaining
there a short tirne I took ship up the
coast to Port Elizabeth and Delagoa
bay an'd eventuall yarrived at the scat
of operations between the 'Boers and
the English in Natal. I visited many
battlefields, I but my ! most exciting ex
perience was at the battle pf Sion
Kop. I .was within both the lWr and
British lines, hut during the battle I
remained -within the English lines. I
had. never seen a battle before, and in
my excitement I jvery foolishly got
close to the firing! line.. 'Horses and
men were killed all iroiind me and the
bullets rHpipd uncomfortably close. A
lyddite shell burst near me. but I es
caped unhurt. 1 had no difficulty in
passing the lines of either the liters
or the British. -TIh? fact that I was an
American cit'c,v ws sufficient. I did
not even require a passport
"I wish to say that I never dreamed
of such bravery as wai . displayed by
both the British and Boers at the bat
tle of "Spion Kop. j The Boers fight
-ery differently from the British, their
fire being scattered over so wide ati
arca that if seems, to come from all
directions laf once', but they display
just as .much 4ravery as' the British
who fight in cloer order.
"Before leaving Pretoria I met and
talked witit , Presidctif - Kruger and
found him a very interesting man.- He
is of strong character, of great cour
age and very shrewd. The president
introduced I me to j Mrs. KrtiKcr. She
reminded mc of manv old American
mothers lof be fcxihd in many Ameri
can homcsj especially in the West."
Rev. Mr Sheldon's orofit in li!
week's venture in Christian journa'ism
in Topeka 'are figured at between ten
and twenty thousand dollars. It is
sajd the reverend gentleman is (6 im
prove the habitations of a negro icttle
ment in Topcka, which is surrounded
by the homes of aristocratic citizt-rs. '
The aristocratic citizens have tried to
buy out the negroes but have been
unable to ido so, andMr. Sheldon will
picpt)se to abate the nuisance by beauti
fying the houses of -the colored peoj:!e.
They know a good deal aflKut negroes
down South, or at least they think hey :
do. Perhaps the negro in that sensu- .
ous and lazy climate is different from '
his brother "up North." It is inter
esting, however to note this comment
upon Mr. Sheldon's proposed benefac
tion, in the editorial columns of :he
Mobile, Alabama, RegUtcr:
"We tlo not quite grasp the ;ncaning
of this -reform movement, that is to say.
whether it i intended for the ncnefit of
the negroes or of the white aristocrats.
If it ii ion the nearocs it i misdirr-ied.
for thef negroes clo not need r desire
the beautifying' of their homos. They
like to live in shacks, and awdna
squakr akin to barbrrism. It is a
harking back to comfortable arcentral
conditions, and the"negrcH?s are rBfpp-f..t
when left tindisturlKrd therjin. The
im'proverncnt will, therefore, be but of
temporary character, and uie iipr.-ved
wi'd hardly be thankful for the Shtl
donian benevolence. If he bcattii'ying
is to be for the delectation of ore whites.
there. is nofhing to Be said rigainst it,
except that it will not last: still the
wh'te ought, not to 'ook . t g:f t horse
in the mouth, and, we believe, w:H not"
NEW NIGHTMAN. D. C. Sullivan.
of Colfax, Washington, arrived in this
city last night, to temporarily a;sime
the position of night operator in the
local Western. Union Telegraph t.fficc.
Dow Palmer, the regular opjra'.or. i
coiifined to hi room with illness..
Knowledge is proud that he has learn'd
so much;
WisdOm is humble that he knows no