Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, April 06, 1900, Page 1, Image 1

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    . coooocoocoooooccccca
, ' ; . , ..EACH..
VOL. "49. -NO. 7.
f i ill i r
r ; ' , i i ; , . . . . . v;
Hawaiian'; fcrdverhmehit
Bill Debated.
Alien Lalortiws To Be
To the Islands With the. New Terri
torial Ooverunient-Fresideot
Appoints Officers.
WASHINGTON. April 5. The
h n'se did hot -tifiiah the bill to provide
a territorial governrt&nt for Hawaii to
day. When xhe hottr fixed for taking
the vote. 4 o'clock, arrived, less than
half fly; twit had, been i covered, and o
many amendments remained that it was
agreed to continue the consideration
4 -the bill under the 5-minme rule until
i? was finished- Several important
amendment vfcere; agreed to today,
amimg lbem the; following:
"T nulFify all labor contract in the
'islands; to cxtenil the; alien labor law
to the islands; to prohibit the sale of
;ii;oxieatinjt liqtHH-fc in saloons; to limit
land holdings of corporations to iooo
provision relating to the appointment
01 judges and other officers of the isl
ands, the senatx; .provision."
The house- proviskin- lodged the ?.tt
pointing power in the governor; the
. njte pia.'ed it in the president.
Washington; 'April 5. Tin Republi
cans of the ihoitsy. in caucus torrig lit.
ib-ckled to- take f the -shorten possible
mute to the tent) mat son of the Pmtrti
Riean taritT mbleni, by concurring in
all the senaie annwt-d'ments ami &endii&
the 411 direct to the President. None
of the Republicans, who voted against
the original hou.-ie bill, were present at
the ca-iit. H'.ftijjJit. As smn as the
Republicans' absent from Washington
ran be summoned bere.as early as Mon
day, if pos-sible.. jibe matter will be
brought tef rv,1 lie hotr-e, under a spc--7tl
rule. Previous t the caucus tli
seven Republican; who opposed the
original 'bill: ('McCa'l, Mass.;. Littler
field. Me,; Ixrittier. Jll. ; Crumpacktr,
Ind.; lleatwole. .Mint; l.anc. la., and
Warner, ill.). Iw-ld a! conference ant'
'derided r.nt to recede from their formei
iiitSf;it. j-
Effort of Imerviewet to Secure Ex
pressHns ReKarJu His Course
Are Unavailing.
rill LADBLPl I L April 5 The
secnl' and last t-rclufstfal concert, in
ail of tfve families i i shliers an-1 sail-
ors who were killed
islands, was given at
Muic tliis evening.
in the Philippine
the Academy of
ITlit; overshadow-
ing teature - ot Hie
occaskm was the
presence of Admiral bnd Mrs. lewey.
Vrter the concert. I Admiral Dewey
granted an interview, nearly a tkij'en
!tvv.-paeT tiien. j'He said he was glad
ti n-ceive reporters. ut adtkl that lie
had milting o say. At this moment
Mrs. Ucwey jorntul lier husjiaml in tiie
iti cjtKn rKra, jand
her. lie said : .
after introducing
"Mr. IX-wey will
talk," to which
tie renlkil. -with !a sniile:
"The admSral lia$ a mind of his onm;
he thinks for hirjtNelf"
"Are y l correctly reported to be a
nenKK-raJ'r'the ilmiral was asked, and
w'ier 3 ik r 1 trt's: besta't rn, . he replied:
"Yes, I ttilrki I t in-wer that..'. Yes,
I am a iJenrocrat-" j
"If, the Republicah nominate Mc
K'"'ty s -?d thej IVmocrats nominate
B:.ii hj- the presidency, would you
rt:n .:i. Un..tt:':jyr' j
-"I 'won't answer that.
"The I)em-cratic. convention at H r
risburr has entlorscii I3r"an or
picsklcnry' wai suggested by one of
tle reporter, to which the. admiral re
plied: "PeniKylvanU trualiy go Re
publican, 'doesn't it?"!
Several" question., in quick succcs
Wni, a to any -?onterenrr-twe n htm
Mi GroTcr C3tvc:and, William C
Whitney, or any thr rxtlitical men of
prominence, were ansvyered vvith the
wmt phrase: - I , ! - - :
"I came here to attend the conrt.
Two Cases Reported on Mareh 25-h"
The Cleveland la Safe.
Honolulu. March 3a via San Fran
cisco. April -5. Two cases of ftlagtte
ere report etl March 25U1. Since that
date no cases have appeared- :
Word has reached here that the dis
abled steamer Cleveland reached Ilde
safely on Marcb 28th. A disrtance ef
. o miles wa made under sari in ten
kys- - ! I .-!: ' i : '
The Reniaires j of Thomas Tucker
Discvereil in the Cascades Lost. '
While i Hunting.
The remains I of ; Themas Tucker,
of Portlanl. wlto was lost in a blind
ing snow storm in the Cascide moun
tain alwmt nin vear avo. were found
a few lavs since on tbe headwaters of
Rock crrek. in the southeastern por
tion of Xfarion eountv.
While Mr. Tucker, was hunting in
the Cascade" mountains ii the Santiam
district, he disappeared "d a long
search for brn was fruitfcyj. no trace
bemZ found of the unfortunate hunter.
Speculation was rife at the time, and
scores of theories were advanced as to
the cause of the man's disappearance.
nrn"jr his acquaintances being so
rncharitoble as to ugge$t that Tucker
nad dthberately left the country, rbev
er t-o return, these idle tongues , sug
gesting all manner of reasons for this
course on the part of the lost maiv
After an extended search for Mr. Tuck
er, in the mountain reg-kan where he
was la? known to have been, it wns
decided that he had perisrhed, and that
remains would probaljly it be found,
ur.less by chance. : Tlis hrjpe has at
last been realized, the- remain having
been discovered by a prospector, a fe
days ago. on the headwaters of Rock
Creek. The body was brought to the
nearest railroad station, and was sent
to Portland, on Wednesday, For inter
ment. AVhen the remains were found, identi
fication, was had by former acquaint
ances of the deceased, who recognize
the remnants of wearing apparai found
on the remains, and the accoutrements
had by the deceased when starting on
his iznt hunt nine years 3go. Deceased
was lost during a Winding s-now storm,
and it is probable that he froze to death.
Bull Pen's Warden Testified
Strike Investigation.
in the
Washington, April 5 -At the Courc
d' Alene investigation, Warden Coak
Icy of the "bull pen", at today's aftcr
nixm session, statetl that at no ti ne
w-as the servkre of a priest or a minis
ter denied to the prisoners, as had
been charged. He denied that the
troops trad used such harshness toward
one Johnson, an inmate, as to make
him insane as was charged. He alst.
took up the various other charges itt
connection with the "bull pen", and
explained or contradicted them. Dur
ing his entire service in charge, he
said, he never saw a soldier" use the
bayonet or 'mliilge in theats, profanity
or abuse toward any prisoner.
Member Went to Hall' Kerry Dnriac the
0y to Inspect Road and Urldern
Xeedloa; Repavlra.
The Marion county commissioners'
court held a brief -session1 yesterday
forenoon, at which time a large num
ber, of. bills Were audited and allowed.
lurir.ig the afternoon the court hell
no session, but went 110 to Hall's Ferrv
t insject some county bridgoi and
ruais, iooting alter improvements
where they were much needed.
The court will convene again nt 0
o'clock this -morning. The bills-auditi.il
yesterday were:
iRoad and Bridge.
C. W. Stege... .$11 46
ltewlev Bros a 10
$Ji 46
4 10
- 35
John iM. Payne........ 2 35
Monitor Trading Co. 73 00
73 00
Caprtal Lumber Co...
A. J. Basey
2 50
2 80
2 40
2 40
2 OO
2 OO
f t So
3 00
5 -
3 20
2 OO
2 so
2 80
2 40
2 40
2 OO
2 OO
6 8d
3 00
5 20
.1 20
2 00
A. 1 'McAtee
I). L. Green
H.. F. Smith..,..
I). I). Coffey.........
T. De Ijtng
B. B. Herrkrk Jr. .... .
C. W. Pugh
A. L. Beckmr
W. P. Massey........
Oliver. Beers .
Postage Account.
W. W
Hall $ 4 00 $ 4 00
G. W. Jones. ......
F. W. Durbiiii. . 4 .
G. P. Terrell.,...
I 25 1 25
5 00 5 00
. I 50 1 50
3 00 3 00
.....$62 57 $fa 57
J. H. -Roland .
F. XV. Durbin. .. .
Otto Hansen
-$5- 00
$52 00
61 50
Geo. F. Rodgers 6t 50
Jury Account.
Westacott & Siolz. 4 00 $ 4 00
A. W. IiFolIett 200 200
B .B, Herrick Jr 18 40 18 40
JohnRosscll 700 700
J.N.Davis........ 9 5 9 So
T. V. Walt 7 50 7 5
Clerk's Account.
E. J. Swafford. .. . . .... -$2 00 $62 00
Stationery tccoiint. .
Ro .s" E. Mores & Co. .$17 45 $17 45
Statesman Job Office. . . 76 95 76 95
Statesman Pub. Co " 2 20 2 20
Patton Bros. .......... 35 85 35 5
Geo. F. Rodgers....... 31 5 3 S
Henry Tajte 2 75 2 75
t Bicycle Account
A. J. Basey $ 3 5 $ 3 5
Rebate Account.
John Knig'ot ...... ... $30 X7 $30 17
Pauper Account.
E. A. Pierce.... .,.....$15 5 $5 5
Clerk's Account.
E. J. Swafford., I62 00
lem Building & Loan Associatjon- yes
tcxtlay bronglit a foreck-jstire surt
against Danier Shaffer and .others.
Judgment is asked for $500 and interest
at 8 per cent front the date of suit, and
for $6.40 paid on account of insurance,
and for $V attorney's fees, and the
foreclosure of a mortgage 00 a part of
kt No. 2. in block No 26, Salem is
prayed for. .The TOOrtgage ! tr 3 dated
September 4. jSoli -Charles. L. Mc
Nary is attorney for the piamtirt. ,
BUSY TI M E- Sheriff F. AV.
Durbin and deputies had a busy time
of it. yesterday, with the many farmers
who called to pay their taxes for -the
year 189a -Many of the recerpts writ
ten during tlw clay were for smalt
amounts, but the day s collections ag
gregated S957-6Q- l i
"It's best to 1 lay, your egg before
you've cackled." A Poet.
Platform of Washing
ton Republicans
Favors EenominaUori ol
Delrrates to the National Convention
Are Chosen Ex-Senator Wilson V
j Was Turned Down.
ELLENSBURG. Wahf. April 3.
Th itate ReI!:can convcnt:or .met
today, elected tight delegates ami as
many alternatives to the latkjnal Re
publican convention, insiructtd them to
vole for McKinley for President, adopt
ed a platform and adjoined alter a t wo
houTs' session." The afternoon session
of the -convention lasied just 35 min
utes, the temporary orgs-iizsition having
been made jicrmanem. '
Kight delegates to the natknal con
vention, chosen by acclr.;n.-itkn, ,are as
follows: Levi Ankeny, Walla Walb;
Dr.. Simms, Cowlitz; E C Neufehfer.
Kings; G. H. Baker, Klickitat; j M.
Asfhton, Pierce; X. B. CotTman. Lewis;
H. -S. Conmjr, Skagii; J. Hayfield,
Whitman. ? .'
The alternates' are: J. W. ."Bean,
Kittitas; L. A. Kertney, Adams:' C E.
Coon, Jefferson; J. S. Mtirs, Ferry;-S.
G. Gosgnove, Garfield; E. ; Baunx'ister,
Asotin; M. E: Hay, Ucoln; SA. S.
Lin!say. Chtlan.
Mount, of SjKkanc, when that' coun
ty was called tor the pevsetftatkm of
candidates, made a brief but animated
speech, in which he adroitly referred to
the turning down of Spokarte. but
pledged l"o'al support to the party, 2-r.d
a big Repullicanj joiajority . : His speech
was well received. . .
'The platform says:
"We endorse in its Urcty t"ie oa
:trktic and in'.elHgn aduiiini-iratkm"
of 'President ;McKink'y, and instruct
the -delegate's .seated bv this conven
tion, to cast the vote of. tits- tatc of
Washington for his- rcnoii nation. We
endorse the course, in congress, of
Washington's Republican! senator. A.
G. Foster, and Washington's two repre
sentatives, W. L.i Jones -and TV W,
Ci'shnian. .
"Vre endorse the action of eoirgTess
in having enacted ifito, a Jaw the exiht
ing gold standard, ami oppose the free
coinage of silver. We congratulate the
v-ountry upon the fact ths-t the present
Republican congress; has removed ih-e
immetary tuestion frvnn the ic'aim ci
thrtibt and uncertainty nto that -f set
tled law.
"We adhere to the doctrine that the
territory acquired as; Che result of the
war with Spain is umler the eonipkue
control of the government of the Unit
ed States, and subject to such jaws is
congress may, from time to time, enact.
We favor the prompt establishment of
such permanent govejrnnKnt in this
newly acuired territwy as will pro
mote civilization, education and com
merce. In tin? formjatkuv of such a
governirnent. we advocate tlie home rule
principle. We npjnse any backward
step tin the subject of expansion."
T1V turn down f ex-Senator VVikon
was the sensation, and it he only one, of
the con-vent ion. The ami-Wilson
movement became apparent early yes
terday, and it increased in intensity as
the day advanced. The sotrthwestern
candid-ites were emphatic in declaring
that Wilson could have nothing. Pierce,
Walla Walla and Whitman swung into
line with them solidly, while King wa
divide-!. Some of King's men held oat.
urging, it not god polit-cs. Caucus
ing went tin all night, and still King
held off. They were then informed
that, unless they caanve forward, they
themselves would be shirt out and jive i
no delegates. The same fight that was
made on Hopkints had been alo w'tge i
against Hughes, of King, wbo. was an
acknowledged Wilson man. . Before
morning rhey dropped Hughes, an I
when the threat to down NettfeMer.
King's other candidate, wa made, lh?y
weakened, and at 8 o'clock the -combination
that had been worked upon so
long was completed. When Spokinc
saw that their friends in Kings could no
longer stay by them, they withdrew
Hopkins, and the slate was quickly
nn-t-e up. ' . ,
Harriiburg, Pa., wpril 5----The Dem
ocratic state convention- tnet hcre to!ay
to nominate candidates for auditor gen
eral and xtigTesTnen-at-large, and to
select eight dlegates-at-large to the
Kansas City convention, to support W.
I Brvan for President. They are bound
hv five unit rule, and cannot change to
any other Presklential aspirant unless
it be so decided by the majority of the
delegation. The following ticket was
nominated: Auditor-general. P. Gnt?
Meek; congTessmen-atdarge. Harry E.
Grimm ami N. M. Edwards. On the
money question the platform says:
"BimetaHism is favored, as- tending to
make permamnt the prosperity of the
country and freeingrjus from the power
of the money trust." w 4
Naval Appropriation Bill Provide for
Swift Cruisers. , i i
Washington. April S- The naval ap
propriation hill as reported to the
house, provide or two battle-ship of
about I3v5ooons, and" to have the high
est practicable speed, to cost, exclusive
of armor and armament, not'exeeeding
t.6oo.ooo each; three armored cruisers
of about 13.000 tons, to cost, exclusive
of armor ani armament, not exceeding
$4,250,000 each, and three protected
enui-sers. of abotH 8000 toos" to cost
exclusive of armament.-not exceeding
"sj'.SGO.ono each: i Tie maximum, cost ot
thje ships herein authorized.: exclu.vive
oil armor aad armantenV wili be $28,-
330.000. lsiis the largest naval pro
gram ever Sinmiitted. .'The best -.rmor
o5tainadte is recom mended.; The sum
oij o6.i65s recommended1 for the
Puifet Sound naval vtatkn.
No; 336. B.; P. U Elks helf! the an
nual electkjri of officers at the regular
meeting last night. TIe best of gooJ
humor prevailed, and; throughout the
evening there was but ic regret , vcic
eJ. and that; wasj thcAl' a ceriain mem
lxir of the lodge declined rhj office- of
chapjaki. ct the close ; of the lodge
meeting, refreshments , were erved
and a social hour was enjoyed. Eol
loiwitrg are the officer chosen- toi pre
side over -tliis. one of Salem's .most
ptpnlur fraternal order: - Dr. W. D.
NcNary. exalted ruler; Dr. J. N- Smith,
esteemed leading kniglit; 11. B. Col
bath, esteemed loyal knight; M. L.
Meyers, esteermd lecturing knight;
Eid. N. Edes. -secretary; E. Cooke Pat-j
tcjn. treasurer; Jtjhn ' Van; Wagiter.
tyler; Thnjas Holman. trustee; P. II.;
D'Arcy, -grjind representarive. ' i
Quariier. a native of republic of Swkz
TfhrttKl. and Peter. Graber, a farmer sub
ject of she republic of 1'rar.ce. were
yjrsWrday admitted to full citizenship
b County Jmlge G. P. . Terrell.
1 J ,
Much Anxiety Tclt on Account c,l the
lmpcmung water r amine at
LONDON, Apr. 6 fEriday. 5 a. m.
The was office issued .no news yester
day, ami lrttle was allowed to come
through from correspondents at Blocm
fntein. As usual, whenever' there is
a-y chck in the. progress in the Boer
campaign, the war office is being sev
erely censured for fanlihg to maintain
the necessary , supplies of re-mounts
,for the army. 'Muoli anxiety is felt as
tj the water supply, despite the state
ntents. cabled home, that there is no
'klar of a water famine. Considerable
oissatisf action js beginning, to be ex
pressed here at the unaccountable de
14 v. both at Bloemfontein and in Natal,
wfhich enaMes fire Boers to recover
from the de moral izati oh caused by
Lord: Roberts' formcfraptd movements.
! A HOP S.VLE- R. A: Crossan was
in Turntr yesterday where he purchased
43 bales of hops of fair quality from L.
C. Cavanagh, paying therefor 5. cents
per pound. ' f
Trust Those W1h Have Tried.
j I. suffered -from catarrh of the worst
ltiil ami never ' hoped for cure, but
Ely's Cream Balm seems to do . even
Chat. Oscar Ostrom,' 45 Warren Ave.,
Chicago. III.
i -fr .. ,1 r '- , 1. : ,
M llirill i .1141 1 11, 11 kw- 7lv
b-nl 1 coirld not work; I usel Ely's
iTeam isatm anr am entirely wen. v.
C. Clarke, 341 Shawmut Ave., Boston,
Th Ttalm vloo-s not irritafp or eanse
sneezing. SoKlby lruggists at 50 cerHs.
or maiktl tiy F'.ly Brothers, sf W'arren
Meeks Doctor, niy-wife has the lock-
i Doclor That's bad. I'll hurry
ground to your house at nce and see
tvhat I can do to relieve her.
I Meeks Oh, there' no hurry about
jt. Drop in the latter part of i?ext
week if you ain't toj - biisy.--Detioit
jFrce PreI. ,'
I Fine printing. Statesman Job Office.
! When dizzy or drowsy take BEE
lha Kmd Yaa Haw Jlars
Thl Is the Seventieth
Each lady
the confirmation
A Beautiful Line
for Waists
Pcau de Soies
TaiTetb III
Corded ,Satn
; Grenadine Stripes ' !
Silk ' Poplins
Corded, gathered and -puffed
effects: i
' Stripes,
conventional designs etc.
s Exclusive st)-lei. i
- ' '" - ! -
The New Marlowe Hose
the best idea of the age, fastens in front
cf the corset by a veTy simple and sub
stan4a! device. . Ask to see it 25c, 33
and soc all colors. ! -
, Very papular, three colors,
newest cut, 15c, 20c, 22c. Ladies
m "i ' m N 1 ' "
25a New line of lace3 and embroideries. Ribbons ot every de-
. . ' -- ' - L -
scription. Everything in the store is mark etl at bottonvp rices. As
we do absolutely no credit business, we have no losses to account for.
Thai's one reason why. we can afford to sell reliable goods for . less
moaey than other merchants.
"Wo are doing a, big business in shoes and clothing. Its Ikv
cause our prices are right, and the
hosiery, underwear and a full line
goods. . . ' . -' '
The New York Racket
Salem's One Fi ice Cash Stora.
For a few days only. Call at once
Men s Tan Bluchcr Cut. reduced
Men s iatent 1-eather Urcss bhoe,
Men's Vici Kid. Heafy Sole, Kid Lined and Tip, reduced from $350.
Men's Vice Kid, Heavy Sole, Extension Edge, Calf Lined, reduced from
350. ' .1 - .
Men's Vici Kid Flain Broad Toe, Kid Lined, Heavy Sole, reduced from
$3-50. . ,
Men's Box Calf, Goodyear Welt Latest shape, reduced from $3 .50.
Men's Full Stock Calf, Goodyear Weltt Beacon Toe, reduced front $3-5
Men's Full Stock" Calf. Goodyear Welt, Boston Toe, reduced froin $3 SO.
Men's F"ult Stock Calf, Goodyear Welt, Cambridge Toe, reduced from
, 94 STATE
v Wc have secured a fine lot of true Loganberrie tips, from Gus Fren
ii'd near Fairgounds. They are a cross between jhe .Blackberry and Red
Raspberry and are the largest and finest and most prolific berry extant, color,
dark red. . - ;
These berries are propagated by
SA VA GE & REID, Seed men
322 and 324 Commercial Street, North of P. 0.
2&6 CommerclMl Street. V
Anniversary of the Dedication of
is nefv looking forward foiEatter, . with
eerennonic ii her best atrirei .
for Faster
Check, Plaids, ;
. Dr. Dclmcl's Ucea Mesh
Dress Shields
odorless, cool, and washe perfectly.
We will give the World away
June 11th
get a coupon with each 50X . purchase.
. . ;
HS,.; ii;Ll-i .-'ti;l;
only 3Sc. Ladies chain purses,
new Empire back combs, jeweled,
; ' -
goods give satisfaction. Shirts, hats
of ladies and gents furnishing
."' .'.-.' I
AT $2.35
as we only have a So
of a she.
from 53-5-
reduced frohirr5o.-
Mr. Freniard, and are guaranteed true
the first Mofmon Church.
a view of attending
That Caster Suit
. and fiat
Don't Jet the ladies out shine you
on Easter Sunday, rpmienibeT that a
week from Sunday, everybody wears
their best clothes; to church. AND
to us and let us fit you out.
;' . ' '' -.'. J . .'" . .' 1
A Bargain
we are showing two pieces of serge
45 inches wide all wool new today, at
the special price of 58 cents a -yard.
a fancy ribbon 3'A inches wide in the
very new shades 25 cents a yard.