WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, TUESDAy APtvIL 3, 1900. OH THE MARCH .Roberts' Move on Pre toria Begins. j.; The Report of a Bloody Battle Ii How kxpretcd Dallj-More Troop? Ordered to Be Sent Inland from Cape Town. . I f lONDOX, April i. (Sunday, 4 a. m.). The war otrice issued no t art her wwj tonight, ami a iew dispatches re cti vetl from the seat of war, fararjth evidence of .having heer delayed by, the crflior. -According to a special dis patch front Pretoria, dated yesterday, Lord 'Robert has conKiienced lm' ad vance northwa-rd-. The dispatch rays there are daily skirmishes, and" that a big -haitle is imminent. Tfiw, however, may refer to the ojKralion preceding tlie engagement at Karro Siding, which ha appanmtiy cleared the way as wtll a secured m advantageous position, whence the next operatkms may; be conducted. . ( Tucker" division is nOwstrorvgly c cupying a Boer camp at Karro Siding, wtb the way cleared" to Brantfort, winch. i reported already evacuated. ',' Orders; fcave heen received- at Cape "Txwn for the eighth division to oe disf tnrfarked and sent north, immediately o: it arrival. . ! ' : ROBERTS REPORTS. ! Iindoa. March jr. The "war office 3a po-ted the -following dispatch from Roberts,- dated Bloenrfoniein, March 30th, evening: j H "Keprt point to the enemy's hav ing itrandiort ami proceeding in J -northerly direction. The casualties in yesterday's engagement were 'more nu merous i Han at first refiorted. Ofikers killed, two; wounded, eight. Rank and file; killed, ten; wounded, 159; niissing; thrre." ' ; JOUBERT'S SUCCESSOR. 1 New York. March 31.- (A dispatch to the Herald from Pretoria say : Gen eral Lmiit Botha has lieen appointed : to succeed General Jotibert as commander-in-chief of the Transvaal force. ACTIVITY Of RUSSIA. rR.L IS ATTRACTING GREAT 'ATTEN TION IN EUROPE. If fa Ttlitr,-,t i Tl. (rr ti TitrrirYc of Enforcing 'Demand Made : on Turkey. ' i i , i . !' ' . !i : ; , -IX)N DON. (March .It.Tlie Russian activity has heen the international Itact ,r for the week, and diplomatic func tionaries attached to the cott of St. James are asking themselves: j "What does it all mean and where will it end?" I The Russian ambassador strides bland- - a a - iy. ana assures nis dear mends ttiat it oceans "nothing, absolutely nothing." but just the same, speculation ii acute. There are many men. of fair standing and tolerable knowledge of internal under-current s. who are wilfinjr to say that war between Russia and Japans has now come within measurable distance. But the Associated Press learns that no such view is laken by the British foreign office, which, during the recent troublesome times, has sized up the in ternational situation with wonderful correctness. The next few weeks rnay. perhaps, bring up a tremendous war scare, but the salient fact remains that Japan is not ready for hostilities. ' As Jar as Great iBritiatt is concerned Russia's military -rather than navel ac tivity is chiefly interesting.' The! for eign office is devoting careful investi gation to the warlike preparations oc curring in South Russia. There seems no longer to be any doubt that Turkey, for her tardiness to r.raect Russian , demands regarding railway concessions, is being mertaeed by her northern neighbor, and many sign point to the fact that Russia ;in tendOto settle herself in the northeast of Csia Minor unless Turkev trives ,irt. ready a quarter of a -million of Rni- M3-n troops are maintained on those borders, while the Black Sea squad-on is Teady for business at a moment's notice. To what extent the British moral assistance can be- given to Turkey in withstanding Russian demands is the question which is. at the present moment, occupying Lord Salisbury's attention to even a greater extent than the South African war. In view of the troubles of Great Britiarr in South Africa, it is more than probable ( that 1 urkey will meet the demands, and that Russian troops will he withdrawn At Bed Time I take a pleasant herb drink, the (next morning I feel bright and my com plexion, is better. iMy doctor j says it acts gently on the stomach, !livr and kidneys, and is a pleasant laxa tive. It is made form: herb vand is prepared as easily as tea. It is called Lane's "Medicine. All drug gists sell it at 25c. and 50c. Lane's Family Medicines moves the bowels each day. Jf you cannot get it. send fir a free sample. Address. Orator , -F. Woodward, Lt Roy. N. Y. !,SM '-'" ; S I.. CHILDREN (AS SLAVES.! ! Method-'of the. New" York Juvenile (Asylum Are . Questionable, j ; New York. March 31. -The Herald says: 'Demands will be made on the Stale Board of Charities for -an- investi gation of the New York jTivtmle asy lum's methods of indenturing;' children left temporarily in its Charge Three cases have been discovered where child ren who had been surrendered to the asytum for two years have been inden 4red to Western farmers for the entire period of their minority. "White slav ery that rs -what it amotms to." declar ed Michael J. Scanlan, counsel for the 'Society f St. Vrincent de Paul, wlio is invest) gating the case of Joseph Billoti, whose three children, two girls and a boy. have lieen apprenticed In Illinois untd ,they became of age, despite the lathers protests -. I 4 . ' ' 'Mr. Scanlan say lie ftas learned it is a common thing orj the a-um author ities to disregard the temporary, sur renders anj the protests of parents' in jending. diUdren out of the state to wirk. on farms umil thry become! f age.: . i-. yy. i .-v"- . v CIVIL SERVICE DAW. 'Amended hy.rhe President So as to Tix. the Age Limit, V" 'Wa-liington, (MarcSt .3i.-The Presi cert has amenled the civil service law so' as to autiiorize the Civil 4 Service Commission, acting in accord witfo the lieads of the fhrpartments interested to fix maximum age limitatioa 4ith re spect to entrance to positions for wnich such maximum age limkatioffrs are not now fixed by the civil service rules; and in ' addition" to the" ajre limits already fixed in that sectkniJ the rule, he has fixed the -age limits! for 'apprentice in mints ar.d assay offices": ad 18 to 24 years for "'keeper, a-ssi-stam keeper and officer of lightships in the Hghthouse." at 18 to 50 years; for "matron and a itar matron" in the Invlian service, at 25 to 35 year, and for "observer in the weathtt- 4areau service" t at 18 to 30 years. ! , .'. y Soldiers and sailors wha were granted preference under section 1754 revised statutes, are already exempted from all age -limitations as such. V THE PARIS EXPOSITION. i J 1 - . EFFORTS TO SECURE T!IE CLOS ING OF AMERICN EXHIBITS. On Sunday, Is Agitating the Mind cf 1 the Authorities Frenchmen ; Are Not Pleased.- r PARIS, March 31. The Inportant quesu'on, whether the American and British section of the exposition shall be open Sundays, came up this week, engaging'the serious attention of both the American and British commission ers, upon whom pressure is being brought to bear by sections of their respective countrymen to close their ex hibits. 'United States Commissioner General Peck's mail has brought a 3jig batch" of protests on this subject. and .the commissioner finds himself in a dilemma, as the closure of the American section, on what wall be the most pop ular visiting day of the week, certainly will not meet with favor from French men The British commissioner has received an official intimation from his government, to go as far as possible toward conciliating the religious feel ing on the subject. i The American commissioner intends to close the bureau on the Sabbath, and Commissioner General Peck will con sult with the French authorities with a view of coming in some arrangement which will reconcile the susceptibility of his own countrymen with the French expectations, and "with the custom here, which makes Sunday a public holiday. The exposition authorities say the Unti ed States would he quite within their rights in closing their exhibits on Sun day, but that is would he regarded as a very unfortunate decision.- Sunday is always the greatest Jay of the week, and shuttling up the American buildings would debar hundreds of thousands from "viewing -what will undoubtedly be one of the most interesting and impor tant exhibits. EXTRAVAGANCE CHARGED. New York, March 31. The Trans port Sunvrier started on her voyage tor Manila, with troops and supplies, to day; Congressman E. II. Driggs, of Brooklyn, after a thorough inspection of the transport, declared; that the charges of extravagence and lavish ex penditure, of money on the Sumner were true.. AT BUENOS AY RES MISS BESSIE LORD WHITES FROM ' ARUKNTINK REPUBLIC. Telling of IIf Trip sod tbe Strange Van tomdn That t'ar-inaj Und- Tbe Heat EiccuIt. Miss Grace Carter, of this city, is ia receipt of a icttcr from Miss Bessie Ixrd. daughter of ex-Governor W. P. Ijord. t'he present American" 'Minister to the Argentine RepufbUc The lettfr was written soon after the arrival of the famity in Buenos Ay res;, where they are nowpleasarrtly located, and where Min istcT; Lord has entered upon his duties as Ui? oip.omatic representative of the United Statics G-ernment. ; Through the kindness of Miss Carter the States manirs permitted to gKe its readers a few excerpts- from the letter, showing some! of the customs prevailing in that faraway country, as follows: "We have arrived in-Buens Ayres at last, reacliing -here on February 4th. The day was very-hot. the hottest tlsey 5ia fiiad here in thirty years, out. for tunately. we arri-ed rr the evening; as it was. we witnessed tlte thun-ier and ItRhtnin-g. which is vxTy severe here. On that day 280 persons were stmstfuck, ahout 79 dying irom the effects ''When we left W'ashlngtoit we pailed for Europe on the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse. a very large and commodious steamer. 'We spent two days- in Lon don, England. We visited Westmin ster Alibey while there. We took the sleamer (Mark for South 'Amertca. spending twenty-three days on ithat boat, besides six days on another. We landed in one of the Spanish ports! and m rhe Canary Islands on the wayj "The customs- are very strange here. A girl of a respectable- family cannot go out on the street without an escort. Sh- walks either bet wren- her father and moi'her. or in front of her nwther; I have not been out of the house for three days until today, when- I went bi cycle rding. The girls do not ride bi cycles much bere, and ride in the parks only, .s " '.'''.'-'- "When a person dies here, all of their relatives, no matter how distant, wear mourn-ih, even the children- 3 and 4 years of age, and" instead of wearing crape veil from the back of the hat, they wear it in front 01 the face. : The hearses are very beautiful, and I know you have never seen -such, grand funerals. Ev erything is black. d can scarcely de scribe them. "Everything is expensive here, and the house rent is very high. Fruit is not good and we have very few vege tables. I have not told anything about the cky yet. but it is a .very beautiful place; the streets are narrow, hut Jthere are very' beautiful park. -The sdiools are not very good.-;;;-;;."-;1-;v. "v r, S ENT TO PRISON. V- - - : t ..: i ' ; ;' V. : Chicago.' .March 31. Robert Borger, partner of E, S. Dreyer. the banker, re cetly convicted of embezzling, was to night found: guilty and sentenced to an indefinite term in the penitentiary. The specific charge against Borger was, re ceiving funds "for deposit when he knew the bank to be insolvent. ' TWO ADMIRALS. San Francisco, (March 31. The steamship Hong Kong Maru, which sailed Hhis afternoon for the Orient, carried as passengers Rear Admiral Kempff and Rear Admiral Remey. Keni)fT will relieve ; Admiral Wat&an. and Remey - will take charge f the ships on the China and Japan station. RUSSIAN DEMANDS. In Korea Are Such as to Provoke the : 1-' Japanese.- : -.;. London. March 31. The Times has the following from Seoul, capital of Corea: 'M. Pavloff. the Jvussian mfnis ter. recendyfdemanded from Corea the cession of a coaling station to a Rasr sian steamship company at Atkinson Point,; commanding iMesampho harhor, and to prevent a counter-claim by Jap anese of the neighboring area, he de manded that Corea should not alienate in any form any portion of Kojedo island to any other power. Yesterday, at an. imperial audience, for reasons not given, but surmised, M. Pavloff modified his orignal demand, asking instead of Atkinson Point anoth er site within the treaty limits of Me sampho. Thns demand is unobjection able. 3 At the same time, however, he insisted on the nonalienation cf Kojedo. His action indicates that Russia claims the reversion of the island, which is of high strategical value as commanding the Corean Straits, and is bound to pro ycke Japanese "opposition. - A COMMERCIAL MUSEUM. To Be Started on the Pacific Coaf ' Great Benefits Expected. San Francisco, SMarch 31. -Dr. Wil liam P, Wilson, director of the Phila delphia commercial museum, ami Wil liam Harper, chief of the bureau of in formation! of the 5ame institution, have TeaJhcd- here from the East for the- pur poce of fending their advice and co operation t othe promoters of the Pa cific commercial museum. Dr. W'ii.-on and Mr. Harper are en thusiastic over, the pro.-pect of seeing a commercial museum smarted on the Pa cific coat. and make the unqualified predict iort that, with gonl management, it will accomplish a world of goo-r for the commerce of the country, ansl di vert much of the trade of 'Australia and the Orient to t'he Pacific coast. CIIIEf JOSEPH'S WISH. ASKS THE GOVERNMENT TO MOVE HIS TRIBE. The Nez Perces Wish to Be Sent t the Wallowa Valley in the State of Oregon. ' WASHINGTON, March 31. Chief Joseph, x5f the Nez Perce Indians, lo cated on the Colville reservation in Washington, has filed -with the commis sioner ot Indian affairs a petition to re moSe his band to Oregon. Chief Joseph says that he desires to be lo cated in the Wallowa valley, at the con rluence of the Grand Ronde and Snake rivers, near the Seven Devils mountains. The commissioner of Indian affairs to day said, if the Wallowa: district was not too thickly settled it might be practicable to grant Chief Joseph s re quest, but he feared that condition? would not permit this action. THE KENTUCKY FEUD. Indianapolis, IntL. March 31. It f believed by prominent Republicans that Kentucky Democrats are here waiting for a favorable opporturKty to take -Charles P. rinley. ex-'secretary of stat of Kentucky, and carry him to Ken turkv to be tried for conrnlicitv in the Gthel assassination1. Fin'ey is knowty to be in concealment here, living at the residence of the sheriff, part of thr coun'y ia:l here. Republicans say any nch effort will be resisre.l. and that if the two factions meet, there will un doubtedly be bloodshed in this -. ty. FOR BANK NOTES. i Washington, March 31. Owing to the enactment of the new financial law Secretary Gage has sent to the house a request tor an appropriation for 7.807 500 sheets of distinctive paer, for th rational bank currency, to cost $41,826. THE LION OF SOUTH AFRICA iGejv Pieter Arnodus Cronie. called "The Lion of South Africa," has the reputation of boing not only a brave pofdier. but one on the ablest of living strategists, says- tffoe Pitts-burg OiToni-cle-Te'iegraph. His life, like that of Pits'sdent 'Kruger, has 4wen kvoted to the "service of his country, both in mili tary and iri civil 'officers. 'At the out break of the present war General Cron je estaibli.-Jied the siege of Mafeking. permrrfg i!p there the British force un der Colonel . Baden-Powell. He soon took command 4" the Boer forces at Kim3Kr!ey. and with tllne exception, of his flying trfp to General Joibert . at Ladysmirh. he has-been) on the ground theire ever HsmceV -General 1 Cronjc is decrJbed- as a laical Boer in appear ance, a man & undaunted- courage, an excellent marksman. : COKE OVENS. Consul Win slow, at Liege, Belgium, says that there are three retort coke ovens in use im his district that are adapted to the treatment of the by products. They vary in size, owing to the amount of volatile matter con tained in coal, from : 30 feet long, $Vi feet high and 14 inches wide for coal containing from 15 to 17 per cent of volatile, matter to the same length and height and 19J-S inches wide for coal containing 2Sjer cent or more of vola tile matter- The cost of erecting one of these ovens in Belgium, with a ca pacity of 1200 tons of coke -per year, is about $i8.vt. They are . said to be easily charged ami emptied. The coals tl.it are coked in his consular district contain 16 to 21 per cent of volatile matter, as against 36 to 35 per cent in the United States. Fine printing. Statesman Job Office. BILL IS READY ' :V-" .- r -y V-'v; tl-'-'- 1 Puerto Ricaih Measure to Be Debated And Passedi by the Sen ate jSoon., Fairbanks, of Indiana, Opposes His CelJeagne, Attracting llueh ; v Interest. t WASI 1 1 NGTON, March 31 So far as the committee in Charge of the measr ure i cpnerned. rlie Pdertp Uican bill was: completed toid ay wisli ; the except tioii of two amendmems wliich end'r tori hail requested should lie over until Afonflavs The fir?51 two days' debate on the bill witHegirt at 1 a clock Moi kiy. At 4 "o clock luesday aJtcrnooa the vote will be taken on fhe pending amendments and ifrill. ; ! A feature of today's session Wasi the exhaustive diseusi.jon of fhe pending rneasurei, hy Fajibanks 6f Indian. Particular interest was mnPfested !y senators, on bosh isides fi the chamber. in te speech, in vjiew of thje attitude oj "Fairbank's colleague, Beveridgc. He slpc)ritVi vigoroully and unequivocally the pendiiTg measure. A POLITICAL DEBATE. Wellington. March 31. Tlie house today finished a hard 'week's work by passing the fortifications axpropiation bill. Not a sing'4 amendment vas of fered, and the bijll passed as it came from the committee. I carries 093.43R.' 'A three hours' political debate was precipitated ljy the general ioliti cal "speech made hy Shattuck of Ohi-.. many members on both sides being drawn into it. J a ACTION S NEEDED. San Juan. Puerto Rico. 'March 24. Untir the tariff question iJlsettlcd. busi ness in Ptrcrto Kico will remain at a statndstill. -The laboring classes are on the verge of starvation; there is wcrk for them to do. hut the planters, who need their" ?ervicf.s are without , fuu'Is with which to employ them. People here say "let t'he tatrift be settled either by a freie trade biljl. or the' 15 or 25 per cent bill, and he!fecl?ng of tmcertainty will be raised, trade will 4c revived and Puerto Rico will boom." REPORT OP TAXES COLLECT Ey HY TIE SHERIFF UURI XJ THE PAST SIOJiTU. Atuonnt Tamed Over to Treaarer Veter .1 m terday First toro-uver for tli V ear of 1899. (From Daily. April 1st.) 'Sheriff Frank W. Durbin j-esterday made his first turn-over' of rax . moneys coHect-cd since thie assessment roll lor IS(X1 came into hi-s hands, the !r-por: sho-wng that $9759Li6 has Mean collected and this-aamount i -was paid tyver to Treasurer A; L. Downing.. The assess ment roil was received by rlie sheriff on March 7th. an;d as coHections were slow tor a lew dayrs aft-er that date, until the fact that they j were payable became generally known. the amount rccetve! Kr the first mo-nqh is--very satisfactory1. the amoum so cotiectea is apportion e.l. among the various fumls as .shown in the statement as civei wiow; State, county and1 -state school. $8225 ie City of Salem 508 42 City of WxIbtTrtn. Poll.. .. .. .. i. . SiK-eial sbeep tax;.. Genera sbetp tax. iSchool district No. School district No. School district No. School district No. School-district No. ScTjooI district No. School dijtrict No. Srhtfol district 'N(. School district 'No. School district No. School di strict No. School district Nd. School di-sfrict 'No. School districi No. School district No. SS 00 1 1 12 SJ2 3- 5 10. 12. M 24. 48. 7i. 103. 104. 1 33 14 49 5 33 21 8 42 n 91 460 46 ' . t 35 132 80 2 60 89 16 50 5 5 .15 t8 24 57 05 : 7 30 29 30 ' 7l ; 3 .V 7 65 Srhool district N School district N Solrool district 'N. 116. School district 'N. ttS... School district 'N-o. 121.. School district Nd 123... . Toul ?9759 6 HIIST OfTIKDIR PL$RD, , John Aslem. Charged With Riding os a Bicycle 'Paah. 'PeaIed Guilty and Pay a $10 Fine. (From Da ly. April 1st.) Jolm Aslem, of 'HayesviHe. ' was yes-r tftf itrt ori a jwarrarit charging htm with injuring a otcycie.patn toy naing; there tt;on. . Tle compjaint was filed by 1L c ueairy. ot vnmawa. v j 1 rd tlx. Pm II ' A tAinvn m-etA- afternoort, wlienj Ihe pleaded guilty to inecnarge aiw wjs tinea sio tne mm- ! . f - 1 ' !, . M - imum nne wmcn? ije pasOi 'I I'm 1 hj fire i".-otf1 rmr lion m Marion coanty for the offense. A mimber of persons have been arrest ed, charced witrn the misdemeanor, but owing to the lackjof sufficient evidence, it was impossible to secure a com-Ic- DON'T COME UNLESS CALLED. Bishoo Vincent! "drv the- m,' srratulations of lh'ip niih'ir fnr th uric words , he addressed the other day to me young , men ot tne University qf Dnvf C T-nirr Vine f A " become ministers.!" he advised, "unless you have a special call and special tab ents'for that profession." j On Sunday morning, when too many; of us must iisit.ii iu bcriuuns; oy men,' wno snouia have'btcn lawyers or miners or farm- ers 1 or merchants," Bishop' Vincents words apjeal ".with double force. - Uur ing the remaining six. days of the week we are able to endure; with a fair de gree of equanimity the thought of the public imperfections of the misfit min ister., One of the saddest spectacles presented to the view of man is -a brother, exalted perhaps by divine love atyii filled with love of s his fellows, haltingly an"d blindly endeavoring . to point the pathway to a better life, which he himself does not clearly see, or, seeing, is unable to find language to adequately describe. In the ministry, as in every other profession, only a modicum of success can lc the portion of those who are unfitted to be the teachers of the peo ple. Energy and industry may win far them some .. degree of recognilron. Theatrical methods may attracf the sensation-seeking crowds and so ac complish a great popular success, but neither the misfit nor the play actor is a great or lasting moral power. HETTY GREIvM- .GROWS GOS SIPY. 'Mrs. Hetty Green, the famous w'oman millionaire, . is again in Boston, - con sulting lawyers. In an interview she evprCssed some candid opinions about lawyers, doctors and poor relatives her own in particular and discussed the Molineux case, the Paris extposi tionjand Jay Gould's claim to fame. She said she -was tired of lawyers, and t believes that when a man cheats another too bad ,'the Texas ..policy should be pursued: shoot oft a leg or two. or blood-letting. tl propose to live as long as I can." she said further. "I've been sick, and theyij tried to frighten .me into thinking I had pneumonia. There are 700 rc!-atives-vof nfine now waiting for me to die, but 1 "don't intend to die n'sht awav." After declaring that she wouldn't go to, the Paris exposition for anything in the world she switched onto- the Moliqenx case. She called the Union club of New York a poor one. and said unrepeatable things about Mrs. Roland iMolineux and the ro.ooo' ton many degenerate women in New York. "It makes me laugh." she said, "to think of Jay Gould's name beinc in scribed on a roll of honor in the Tem ple Fame. Why, they can't do that jf they try.1 The people whom Jay Gould has fleeced would tear it down and all the other names would want to be draped in crepe. Mrs. Russell Sage makes me tired by the wav she ,is putting Helen Gould forwari and talking to her about 'her dear father If Helen ever wakes. nr to know what kind . of a man her father was .niong men it will be a sad day for her.' . THE -BRITISH COLORS. All colors- are made- of the purest silk, and they measure three feet nine inches broad by three feet deep, ex clusive of the frincre. which is about two inches deep. The f-taff to which the f cord is attached measures cighi feet seven and a half inches. The cords and tassels are of crimson and gold mixed. An orphan bearing the rather unique r.uirre oT 1 iitfs Elmer Nicholas Lyrcn te touml a- home w.r.i a c-hari 'able woman in ibis c;v. After Ins other little wants "have been aite ulcd tc. h pa tit through'. Ii;e migat - ie n-.acic smoot'her arid- pleasahter by the elimin ation of ilie TuLts Elmer from his name. Inte- Ocean. THE CYCLE IN THE WAR. Several motor cycles are being used in So.uth Africa for patrol and scout ing work. Each is capable of noing thirty m iles an hour and as the Trans vaal veldt ia specially suitable for rapid motor" traveling, good work is being accomplished with the aid ot these machines. SIZE OF LONDON. London is twelve miles broad one way and seventeen the other, and evcpy year sees about twenty miles of new- streets added to it. TO BE GRADUATED FIVE-.CAND1I1ATR.S fok noNons is TV.' V. MKUICAL CULLCUE. Commeneement Kzrrrlne Will lie UId In the Flrat Methodist Clinrelt on Taenday - Kvenlnf . (From Daily.. April 1st.) 1. On Tuesday evening next, at the First Methodist church, will occur the annual commencement exercises of tlie Willamette University medical college, and il.so the nurses training department. On tins occasion a class of five young gentlemen- w-ill be up for graduation 'iKJllOrs from the medical 'dmnrtrnMrt arsd one young lady, Mary M. Myers, irom me nurses class. T:re crnrliistfc ar (,:n T ' -V n dtrs, E.G. Kirby. J. H. Robnett, F. IL Brown, and F.. R. Bowersox. Tlie class has selected as a motto the appro priate quotation: "Vincit qui se vin cit." " - i The program of exercises which" will r 1111111119 nil iThe Best and Safest f I ; Family Medicine i 1 ' FOR ALL t BHioas and Nervous Disorders ; ( Sick Headache, Constipation, T Weak Stomach, Impaired Di- eestlon. Disordered Liver and r Female Ailments. v : The World's Hedicine:: Aioad SmU Exceeds 6.000.00O Boat.' ' 10 ceau mad 25 cents, at all drag stares. ' j Beeehsm's Pills hare the largest sale of ' njr l'roirietary Mediriiic ia the world, aivi 1 thiA litts iu-n &diuved . ' T Without tbe pubTicaUoa of testimonials T begirt p4nvptly at 8 o'clock; ''ii a fa'- PraycrRev. John Parions. " " ; j I MusicIiistrumi.i fiT. 1 Address- lh P. 11. D'Arcy. So!o Mrs. Ilsllie l'arri-h-liin-'f s iiQ.T.vcrruig di-rts Prfi hi W. C ' Haw'cy. ". .. " M-llit.iic- Instrumental. - r. , f - Charge Ut cbDr. W. J. William son. '. .'.- - ; .; jS-olo .Mfs. llailie I'arrish-HingtL I Bcr?ediction'. '.. j. i'Four ushers have been selecied f?(:tn t.e junior .'members of the college.-v-z ' J Rex Byars.. R. RUmgo, Walter llru-je, 'X. iC. Tamiesie.. 1 : ' .'. :: COMPELLED TO PAY A LIFE INSt'UAXCfc AKSOCIATIOX M A K US. A N KFl'ObT i To Avoid 1'aylns the Two lVr Ctut T j 'i on its iteeelpts, Hetfiilrrd by ' '. I ' the Ore con I-jt w. ' ...''. 1 ' - Recently, the Bankers Life Ascia--iio:i. of. l)es iMoines. Iowa, fi-lt-d iu statsrr.eift whli State Treasurer Clu. S, Mct: sl.' wir..g rhe amoiin; of b'ui--;' tk-ss transacted ih Oregon during the yfitr iHijij.' aiM asking 'that 'the associa-' tion be relieved .from 'paying the 2 per ctriT iax oft the r.-t rt-ceip!?, oti the .ground that, it rs a mtuual assurance sv cicty. and as sndi cm unvler the hta". of fraternal and mutual lcm-fit c iu'cTiit, tftus iK-tag relieved by. law from- paying . the tax. " ' '. -''. Mr. Moore -siAmitted .he matter t .Attorney Gewral U. R. N. BLic'Jtiiiiii ';ir srr opinion. .'and that gentleman yesterday made a reply to the tre.ivar j's inquify. 'He holds, in effect, that, the B.-Uikcrs Life; Association r ni ex-' etv.p: from paying, the tax. as i-t is tti v.'har ttrtler the law is conskjvred as a 'fraternal or mutual benefit .a-sociation. . u'r.d the )TH :-;ons . th it 1:n? t jv.t rtvcr it claim. Tlie a-- o.-iatitn .will, j -therefore, be omrjx-i'ed t pay the tax. pVovidtd by the stattttc for foreign iti si'r.ircf companies .doing busln-i-vs in the state t trcgn. iThe state treaesnrcr U in m-etpt of ityc fir-.j payment on account f .fhe S- shite tax. owed by M.ithnomah couiu. ';1k reniiltaivc rect-iv 1 . . $i'5.rt. -.fhile- that county's -total tax is i), .556.50. T'he treasurer of YamlHIl county a!sn sent in $3000 on account' of tlu' iS-) tax; being the 'first "..payment rceivul. Yam'hi'd's total indditeilnv.ss ht tli.it year was $30,007.08. The .same officer forwarded $166.85. 4cin-g. the int-reit-'hn? 011 accoriiTt of the deliir j'ier.i tax :.pr the" year 180S." ; " ' i OASTOEtLa.. Bears tbe S? VC3 NtlT3 Ex$t CLASTIC GOODS s- AT HALF-PRICE. If yon nfu to mlq ' Vatir tM KK an4 OKMIK Kl.kF'TU MHMhrlk.Vlll ASO I LK KU1fc HS KHL, hlOl.l.K OK IUK- irnt iiiiio, eoitriMt, HlMtl.lil. Wiikt OK 1 1 atK, rUito rtiur Mrut. I i f Ipl'l as4 , itlaU numlwr of liHrtu woutiU luHiy or 1 limb kl h letter s hown la ftcMiAbruu r. v.-wnifiuik rrrj Hwrtt fmk rklr rllt rUI. miarrintpv mrrtxt - Bit joii 00 not tlrj It. jvrfetllv nii(atrt4'i7 una ;iii n nMt othci-H jret touli tUe lrtr' f.r. rettirn .t our exittrnsc uhd wi juill refund jrolirmoury. OUR SPECIAL PRICE J'-J"" rlA.I Ifci.i. uwiinv. ' ' ll.lr Inrciar, ' s I, tft-Oll; Ik! iere, H I. t'-."; A ! (. ii.Uti koee l.prinfr. C tmU, t.(t kaee cap. U la . Ji.xwi carlrr alwkla. I K, J.MI; mm ImW, e tm k. aj.oot aaklei. a tot. l.ont aM.HBti.ai krt. Km, tin., tnrnu tLurrir UUOOHw OSSU-IHIIULIUSH. Herein I TTa ! Wrtit HviffHtrtrr. jia,U cf iMtft llala threat!. luttrr. (.,-! witu proteeiei! riiliber thread, 14 bielara a-Ma, ft. Ut; lOIrkai, i.lit It laefcra. t:.iO. Wrft tor kurj-ery Oa'ol. cua. SEARS. ROEBUCK 6 CO., (tne,), CHICAGO. ILL, 5Fwn Rn cehts- va. I j a MrswrrK this m, nal aewill Violin Ontflt I tJia3i-.-. I u. 1. n!jc 7.ana"-l i.n. Thta vtolla i i . J tr iirn C t'j -xu:iilnathfi a. ahaiaa Mra4laHaa J!al, uiac7 of old vxmI. enrti innil back and aides, top or aeaitoneil pine. khwi'iK 1-wle. UHl lor vl,Uim,era ll,M aiili puHilaif, Urtt aM rmmr M.fc4 lrlaaiiac. IHIS ISA IIGUIA3 58.00 VISUM, tMtIf"Uy HnOhel. liiKbly (Hli-iu ffttf umv aaJlt. Complete with a iaalae Itrarfl wmd Ianc l aw, i atira art af alrlaf, a aeal, a, II aua ataMa eaae, larre aleea af raala, aji4aaeafiaa ae tmmmum m a laxirartJaa itsaka paMUknL llll HJ tlHI .HI .(rul raproas ofliee. and If found asartly a reirentiiaMl th realM aaraaia aa rwf saw ae aeanl af, av the ex preaa ascent S3.7S lew thaiocent deoalt,r.a earraeaarr-, aaa taa aatat K yaara. SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFER. ZtlZZIto. fall aa wUlRfee aaa lattered Hayrraaara akart, hfc-h ran I adjnated i-y any violin Hhout ciiaiiicinir taa Inatra id nt and a IU prove a valuable amide l. befinif ra.and we will alao allow the inxtrtimeia to be returned altera rtsya' trial tl not found entirely aatlaf.-attory In rery rvwnert. SalKf aellaa aaraater4 ar aiaaey refawlra la faU. Afl drets. SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. OnOChlcago. ISaaBS, aUEQLCk A CO. are tk.r.agHy reliahla.tiar.a HAIR SWITCH FREE ON CA8V CONDITIONS. Cat thi ad. oat and mall to a- (lend a amall Mmnl, of ywneliair.ruteioaetotaa luott. H HO BOkkt I we Will make and end too hy mall. potiU,a fmi illlB SlallTAU aaaa eaaakaaTla- II 111 1st U tWITCH. aa eaaet awUk, iuaJe " If . . .. i . u ..am, e.laMl human n '' a lone from eel acted bam tM oenoea, short stem. We will Inelwe ta packar with Swltrb. enflUdcnl jatatra . to return It to If net aerftvtly aatWartarj, bat if found exertly reoreaenled snd moat etraordlnary alne end yoei ' to keep lt.Ukr aead a.l .May ewM itiiriwTiit okdkiis run s aiTi" At Sl.a SatM amonir your fileoda ana end to aa wtafcea aay aaaaey. wa to -- k i . nA mAw eaceial Plaae le Sfleea eaya, aaa a Hewhai - write te-eUyrorrKKKPULJiltMOt r KB. AUmm, Ladies Hair Emporium nwM T.8ISMD50CENT3 tlVJ"- ' aead faa aee erleWalrd La HI Nii Villa", ay waalee La Barte Aaarrieaa made I nalraexn t of ftreat beauty, perfeet rosewood flnlali. '"f biarhly pollened. Ilandaomely Inlaid amnad oumf hole and w.lakd atrlwe ka keak, a-", keead top adaa. r'lnirer board awuntt.-ly fret ted with raixed freta, lalaM peari aaaUlaa fat taliaeaee. klfcl LAK s0.l 1 1 K. '"" aaa aweet tonea, rorntMiea floniw - an ara aat ef k-U aaamy aleel airiara aa nttaekle tai'ieqlue aaa wbics tcatrnsa any one hnwtoalay. kXaSISI IBS eriTAE at yaer "PJ eVe and if fx. nd enactly a revrr'n! and tbe prtateal aarraw ae ae "," heard ef pay th exprexa e'ent 3.t- leas He, ar S3. It aad ntna ekanr and tbe eootnlfcte ontlit M imirt. Batialao- tlon Kuuauletd or money refunded In flt . ! SPECIAL PBtlKluSI OFFER, "..i.i w. .t eta in fail we will (rive s letteree aw, Chart. It fa an accurate raid, bavin all Sou. : aod Bate la full view, and em be to any fraitar without etanjrimr '? ' . ebarpa amn. vitn ane nae oi tua wiienoa irnrr - 7 ' one can learn to play witliowt the aid of a u-arir. Write for tree mm teal inatrnmentxnd lanoantona , rWalorne. tTwytklaa at laareX wtotlrmit erWea. 6EARS, ROEBUCK A CO., CHICACO (jktll, kokJUAK CU. are Ikaraatjfciy ratlaale. 4uar.. I Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or. Cet farm paper. Issued week!. a Jrcir V i. " 1 -rrar ,i,o j ' I to la paid for M days after teeld If I if V a krf ect I T a 1 1 faetryjinl r a '" . -i S laaaaUeh wa m4 j-m fr r V f I W.tenaeaOetaa.,wlaSa'atoea, , i i