VEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN. TUESDAY, AFRII; 3, 1900. GIIOWEuS Of PRUNES HAS PAID IN FULL mariox cocirrr obchakdists to MEET IN SALEM. Coa Terrace Will Ma Held la City Hall om 8a tarda j, April lth-T Pool Their late rests. : . ' t ; i (From iDailr. March .list) A meeting of thcprune grower of a . . 1. . .- a Marion county nas neen cauea Jor bal urday, .April 14th and will be held in the city hall. , ? j i The Imeeting! is called by Charles ong, who represents Marion county on the board of directors of. the Cured rruit .association or tne facihe North west that was organized -in Portland eany last 111 on in. -The object of the meeting is in co.n The meeting w ill 1c held in co 11- lormauon 01 local associations reeo-n-meirdcd by Uie board oi directors of the onnwesiwssocianon. 1 tic iruit grow ers sf Marion; county -will be asked to fiool their intercut thi vrar -;.t. association, If order that the associa tion may prove an effective agency iii iioiMHK ui me fcrop it is nccessarv that 75 ier cent of the nm-i, i trolled, and it H with a view of explain-' ing ine situation to uie growers of Mar ion county that i large majority ,f the n may be induced fopoil their interests with the association and dispose of their crops to I letter advantage than they have been able to- do in recent years, that this meeting is called. WAS FORMERLY Of SALfM. J.- Luhrman Who Killed His .Part , tier at Sumpter Spent Last Suui : titer in the Capital City. It has been learned that J. G. Luhr man, who is under arrest at Baker City, for the -murder of his partner, V. 1. XVciman at Sunrpter last Monday even ing, is the same individual that V,cnt last Summer in this city ar?d was such a prominent figure in baseball; circles. Before 4caving this city last fall -Luhrman told some friends that Sumptcr was his destination and 'that he pro posed to engage in the restaurant and lunch counter business. He-said he would conduct the sam in" a large tent under the .name of the Cape Norn loarding house, i This news is con firmatory oi the i general supposition here that -Luhrman formerly resided in this city. - Concerning the latest developments in the case the JJaker City Democrat 01 the 28th! inst, contained the following: - "An Jnquest over the remains of V. P. Wciman killed At Sumpter Monday evening by J. G. Lurhman. was held last evening, District Attorney White gfivg to .Sumpter on yesterday after noon to conduct the hearing on the part of the -state.; "Cj A. John-i yesterday morning was srrnmoned by j the defense to go to Sumptcr and, also left for that place last evening, i i "Persons coming fronv Sumpter yes-; terday say that Luhrman has from the first refused to make any statement re gardingTlhe killing and to all who questioned said it would be time enough to talk when the case came to trial DANGEROUSLY ILL.-The in birmation readied Salent yesterday that F. M.'Bewley, a fornfer resident erf this ' ciryj was lying tlangerotisly ill ir Port land, .suffering; frpm an affection of the heart, and inn'orm-ation -was asked a to the i whereabouts sof bis relatives. The orly known relatives' of the old gen tleman a brother is said- to be in the mines in Southern Oregon, but it is . wrj known at wlwt particiriar point. Friends of rhe sick man are anxious to sveurethe address of the brother, for t he j purpose erf him. ! communicating with Nr,RW OITIZIjNS. Tliree foreign ers were yesterday made citizens of the Ignited States ibV Coumy Judge G. P. Terrell ami they! are now full-fledged American" citizorw. The gentlemen who thus changed their allegiance weTr August Fawlriclt. a native rf' Russia: F.ete iFortter; of Great Britain, arrd Wm.. Baxter, of Knglamk All three oi the gentlemen at once recistered as voters, antl will i exercise- the right 01 free born Amcrit-aifs at the next ejec tion, by casting a free man's ballot. TWO PATI F.KTS Two insane pa tients were received at the asylum yes terday, for treatment. Mrs. Carrie Martin, aged 44 years was bought down from Silver Lake. Lake county by the 4:14 Shasta express, and, Andrew Pet- r romm Acts oentlv on the ICidneys, Liver and Bowels Tleanses the System r, EFFECTUALLY wa iw nrnt m.irKrrtV . i rtnpiMiibniki. ICIAL t fftCTS Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness. ' and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc, which ex- j pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of any other leavening agent. ' Made from pure, grape cream of tartar. OVAL BAKING POWDCR CO., NtW YORK. crson. aged .S7. came uo -from Portland last night, being escorted by an officer irom .Multnomah county. (MANIA FOR .WILL-MAKING. An Old Woman Who Had a Distinct Method in Her Madness. "Several years ago," said a New Or leans lawyer, dialling about queer ex periences i r his -profession, "a woman died in this city who to my certain knowledge had made at least twentv- five different wilis. Oi course, there are people m- fhe world who' have a mama for will-making, just as there are manias in other directions, but there was a distinct method in this woman's madness. She made her -numerous wills for the deliberate purpose of exciting cirpidtty and Then- prohtmg by it, and n the tn'e story of the curious complica tions growing out of that policy could be written it would form an astonishing chronicle of greed and duplicity. To begin wit'h. she had a couple of pieces of improved property worth perhaps $6,000, and, a lot of personal belong ings, which were mere junk ami rub bish, but which she valued at a fabu lous figure. 'Between the two she was reputed to be worth from- $50,000 to $60,000, and there was much jealousy as to prospective suctessron among a lot of distant relatives. The old woman's plan was to take up her quarters with some particular set of her kin and make a will in tbeir fa vor. Neidless to say, she would be treated with every consideration, but she was very irascible, ami invariably got into a quarrel in. the course of a few months-, and moved somewhere else, where the same programme was reoeated. -She ipent years in migra tions of that sort, going Che rounds of her relative several times and , camp imr temporarily with numerous per- sotral friends. Whein she finally died t was found that ber last authentic wwl left tbe coveted property to a niece who had shown her scarcely any attention at all. and the wail of rage and disap pointment that arose was something simply terrific. I dare say she engen dered more family bitterncs wfaen she was alive, precipitated more-rows, and was in-strtiim-ntal in causing a greater number of people to stop speaking when they passed by than any other orre person in the parii. This was an extreme case, but it was by no. means unique. 'Almost every lawyer in town who has a large general practice could cite instances where jndicfnis will making has kept old age surrounded by affectionate VoIicitudc." New Or leans Times-Democrat. CROWDS FLOCK TO HEAR HIM. '' 11 in - y ivf,. Tnoc tJ Vv.ifla is the "father of the Senate." and when he speaks hi; . r . . 1 I - voice lias tne souni ot ani oracie. 11c w regarded as one of the ablest orators in public life and one of the rarest. !Ie makes a speech only about once in two or three years, and when he, takes the floor the Senate chamber is always ...-.lA - Tli TalIri ar- fifltnl with people fron towm officia-ls of the gov ernment ami other -puDiic men, anu members of the House of Representa tives come over in large numbers. His last grtat specdi. made in 1804. is ad mitted to have been the ablest argu-mi-iit ever delivered on the silver side of the financial question. Itwas a mentiiorawle occasion, one 01 mc kvh eents in the history of congressional debates. The Senate chamber never held a larger audience either' on the floor or in the galleries. Lvery news paper correspondent in town was at his dok and every importam newspa per in the country printed the speech verbatim.: , If Senator Jones should announce a spcecb vporr expansion I believe the Senate chamber would be as well filled a it was when he spoke on silver six years ago. whkh suggests a change has occurred in public sentiment. Kansas City Star. SHAKING HANDS. A "Scientific Custom. Dating Back to the Beginning of Time "It is said by ancient astrologers that shaking bands is a. scientific cirtom which dates back to the beginning of time. There rs all the difference m the world between the various modes of s-baking the Wand of stranger or friend as to the resulting impression obtained by and through ibat operation, con i?ciously ' or unconsciously'" sad a society woman at a s4ect afternoon tea yesterday. "I ctaim that the results depend upon the proper position taken by the two hands tlasped. although a mere touch will tell much. We sbalce hands in order to form a connection between u wbich will result in tbe ex change of planetary vibrations which notify u wbether we have met a fneni or oe Few people go into such an exact scientific analysis of the reasons, but perhaps think that they do t be cane other people do it; fhat it is the ct'stom f the cotmtry, or becanse the person met offers the hand. It remain U indisputable fact, however, that we form likes and dislikes npom 1 touching the hand of stcang and th?1 "'e?1 ships or dislike often start at that point, whetlrer we realirC it or not.; Tbe ex change of impression H rong at the moment of contact of the pa' m. ft makes tis unhappy to touch some peo ple, arid we will not if we can help it. "The niost effective handshake is not the close clasp in all cases, although it may be in many, but Varies according to the sizes and tsbapes of the two hands which clasp each, other. How ever they may meet, there is one spot which is the magnetic center of the entire being the mount of the sun. speaking from' the standpoint of palm istry which lias, tbe most direct nerve contact with the brain and also most direct blood connection with the heart, and is, therefore, called the "ring fin ger" with the magnetic pole at its base. "The physical and mental strength are there united in the strongest mag netic center of the body. If, the two hands thus clasped are placed with their magnetic centers in close con tact, no matter where the rest, of the palm' may be, I insist that there is a strong magnetic current established be-1 tween these two hands. ! "It may be intensified in cftect if the; mounts at the bases of the other fin-i gers also be brought in contact withs each other, thus bringing the minor magnetic poles also together. Then, if live third, or 'ring finger, curfs around tne mount ot Venus astrological ly sit-; rated at the base of the little finger. above tbe heart line, and traversed by i thumb extends across the back of eacb friend's hand to the knuckle, at the base; of tlie 'ring finger.' clasping tbrtse chief; magnetic poles the more closely, the! law of magnetism is carried out to com plete perfection, the effects are most pronounced, and we enjoy the pleaur-i able int-erchamze of vibrations., whetheri we know tire 'whys ami wherefores' or not. j "In all prcjtiability. werh not care; why we only know thaHwe enjoy the! handclasp." 'New York Tribune. j The Latest War News. The latest war news is eagerly sought! after, ,To some it brings bappines-s, a?j they read of valiant deeds ccon-j plis'hed, while to others, the same mes-; sage brings sorrow., when they note; the deatb or capture of their loved ones.j There is so much sorrow and, suffer in jj throughout our own country by thosi who have been captured by that great) enemy Dyspepsia. For thi. however,! there is a remedy and" that b Hostet tcr's "Stonrach Bitters, which also cures indigestion. coni nation ' bHkntsnes' nervousness and insomnia, and as 'a.' preventive for malaria, feer anl agu1 it is unequalled. It bas a recorrl o fifty. years of cures to back it tip and! a trial will convince you that your cae is not incurable, as you will fii4 after taking a few doses your stomacl wilt be strengthened. j Governor Mount of Indiana has ii his wife an efficient helper. Sbe as sists him in the arrangement t hii iotcs for speeches and attends berse! to the filing of his large collection o newspaper clippings. In Olaen limes People overlooked tbe importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with transient action; but now that it is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently overcome habitual constipation, well1 informed people wi'l not buy other laxatives, which act for a time but finh ally injure the system. Buy th genu ine, made by the California Fig Syrup Co. All our possessions are as notbing. compared to health, strength, and a clear conscience. Hosca Ballou. Over-Work Weakens j Your Kidneys, Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. AH the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. i ne moneys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or impurities in the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. ' j Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex cess of uric acid in the blood, due to nerlected kidney trouDie. i . Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart fa over-working In pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through veins and arteries.! It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all constitutional diseases have their begin ning In kidney trouble. j If you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmerfs Swamp-Root the great kidney remedy is MHm It Ktajwia the hicrhesi for its wonderful cures of tbe most distressing cases and Is sold on its merits by all druggists In fifty cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out If you have kidney or bladder, trouble. Mention this paper wnen wriung 11. miujb & Co., Blnghamton, m. i . ' COLCMBI COCjrtTS STATE TAX IS : ': SETTLED. ' rint Om of tba CaaU to ataka Its rtnal layaeat oa Acvaaat of. tbo 1899 . ; (From Daily .March 31st). State Treasurer Chas. S. Moore yes terday received the fall amount of the state taxes owed by Columbia county. on account 01 the Icry of lJSof). being $oi.t8.4,v This is the first county to pay up in fu!l,for 1890..- Columbia was also the .first one to pay the full amount of the 198 tax. : i The state treasurer also received Jackson county's second -installment of state taxes.On account of the levy for the year 1 81 The amount so receiv ed was $4000. Jackson county has now paid $8000 on the 1809 state tax, leav ing a balance still due f $13.22.13. The counties that have paid thus far are: ' : -v' ' . : ' ' Benton. . J ... . .$11 .650 00 Columbia. ..... 9.138 43 Jackson......... ..... ..... 8,00000 Klamatn.. . ..... .. . 2,25000 Josephine. . . ......... 2,250 00 The following insurance companies yesterday bled the annexed statements and paid their state lax in the treasury department: Palatine Insurance Company, of Man chester, England Cross receipts, $19.-47i-5i; premiums returned, $2.555 7; losses paid, $6,910.32; net receipts, $10, 005.51; tax. paid $200.1 r. Fidelity & Causality Company of New York Gross receipts, $5,740.53: prem iums returned, $9958r losses paid, $918. 37;net receipts, $4,722.58;. tax paid, $94-44. ; ' : ' - UMATILLA. CAN DI DATES. A telegram, received here yesterday from Pendleton brought the ion that L. B. Riocder ami T. J. Kirk had been nominated -by the republican; tor the legislature, and Lot Livernrore for clerk. Mr.; Reeder was a member of tiie last legislature.' .and Mr. Kirk re presented his county in the legislature in i88r). MARRIAGE BY FORCE. Indians of Tierra del Fuego Take Ad vantage of Their Strength. Dr. Frederick A. Cook teHs of a little-known race of aborigines in an article in the Century JMagazure for 'March on "Tlie Giat .Indians of Tier ra del Fucgo," whom hevisited on the Belgian Antarctic expedition. Of their marriage customs he writes: Marriage, like almost everything Ona, is not fixed by established rules. It is arranged and rearranged from time to time to suit the convenience of the contracting parties. Women. gem-Tally, have very little to say about it. The bargain is made almost solely by the men, and physical force is the principal bond of 'union. For ages the strong est bucks have been accustomed to steal women from neighboring tribes, and from neighboring clans of their own tribe. The Onas. being by far the most powerful Indians, have "thus been able to capture; and retain- a lib eral fifpply of wives. A missionary Who ha been in constant contact with these Indians for thirty years has giv en it as his opinion that a plurality of wives is entirely satisfactory to their peculiar emotions and habits of life. The relation to: one another of the women who possess' but one husband in common ill the family wigwam is of niovcl interest. As a rule they are no more jealous than arc tbe children of a civilized home circle. The principal reason for this is that the several wives are often sisters. A young, man takes by force, by mutual agreement or by barter the oldest daughter of a family. I'f he proves himself a god hunter and a kind husband. the"'wiie persuades her sister to join; her wigwam and sharr her hitbarHrs affections. Frequently, when a girl l.s left an- orphan, -die is taktn into a family and 'trained to be come the supplementary wifc of her fienefactor in after 'years. In the hut eath wife has her, own assigned posi tion, al-way resting in exactly the same pot, with alt of tier belongings about her. The wealth of the household is not common to all the occupants. Each woman has her owrn basket of meat, fragments of shellfish, her own bag with implements, needles, sinews and bits of fur. and each, wife has her own assemblage of children. Tlie work of tbe man is strictly lim ited to the chase. He, carries his bow and quiver of arrow. and hw eye is ever on the horizon for game; but he seldom stoois' to anything like manual labor that is not connected with the ac tual necessities of the chase.' He kills the game, but' the wife must carry it into camp. It moving, the" women take up all of their, earthly possessions, pack them irtto a huge roll, and with this firmly strapped across their backs, they follow the unincumbered lead of their brave but u-njjailant fiukbamts. Thus the women carry day after day, not only, all the household furniture, but thp children and the portable por tions ot the house. The women car tainly have all uninteresting detail and the drudgery of life heaped ifpon- them, but t'lrcy seem to crijoy it. Irp defense ttf the; men h should be said that they are worthy huibands. They will fight fiercely to protect their homes, and they will guard the honor of their wo men with their own blood. It is 4 crying sin of the advance of CbriiTtiah civilization. that this red man of. the far South -should be compelled to lay down hrs lite at the feet of the heartless pale ffaccd invaders to, shield, the honor of his home. ' . .. . George A. Houck, 3 the well-known rancher and : goat breeder, who is 11 terested in the forming of-a pool of the mohair grown in ; Benton and Lane couties, stated to a Guard reporter this morning that the project is re ceiving favorable consideration among gcat men. ,Mr. Houck expects to have al! the mohair placed in the pool at the two -shipping places designated. Eugene and CorralJis. so that he can guarantee to purchasers the delivery of fhe product as well as assure the growers that their money wilt be forth coming. The sale will be made April 7. -Eugene Guard. ' J Ex-Chief Justice Edward M. Pax iVjnj oi Pennsylvania has erectel a home far aged Friends W the friends' quarecTly meeting of Buck county. Pa. One room he. has reserve! for hintself in case he should need it in his old age. .. - .Prajer secures" ihe divine 'indorse ment to the checks-of fith- St a a Corteim tkai Har Pata VtaM rUirlb Blrihaf lat C1UM How HIa Cub Aftar The sacrifioe of a woman at the altar of motherhood is cot an un usual event, but bow unnecessary audi sacrifices often are will be : aeen from the; following interview with Mrs. C. R. Simmonds of 140 R. I. Mrs.1 Simmonds, whose lax gTocer 01 rawracsiex, says . Mr. C Ji. Simtmtmd. 'When ny child vu born on April SS.1KI0, t suffered nch an oseoa. atva loo of hlood that I waa nucrly nroHtratexl aad had no Ktrcnstti 1 whatever. fMood potaonlaa- aet In aad my Ufa was daapalred Of by two ;': of U prominent physicians of this rlty. Btor-my mwrlue 1 used Ir.WlUlams' rtnk Pills ror Pale IVopIe , with good results tn boUdtnc up and purify In ray blood and when the ! doctors fav me up, X decided to give the pills a trial, although the case was deepen ate. "My husband bought aomeoffhe pills and by tbe time I had taken , three boxes I had gained eo much strength that I was able to leave my ' bed for tbe Brat time In two months. 1 continued taking the plll and I la another month oouid go about as usual. My appetite was good, the : eotor remraea to my cneeas sna 1 "I very gladly recommend Dtt to anyone afflicted as 1 was." Sobsertbed and sworn, to before ISKAL - IUOXAI W: tt08I03i jrotary JIHHta. Dr, Williams Fink PUls for rale People expel tmpnrltlea from the Mood, and supply the material for rapidly rebuilding wasted nerve tissues. It hss performed hundreds of almost miraculous cures in severe cases, many times after doctors had given np hops. DR WILLIAMS' Look for this at trademark IB ilV 3 II JJ WILLS 11 n ci$ every package. EOPLE DR. WILLIAMS MEDICINE THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Its Great Progress) During, the, 140 Years of Iu Existence. The 'British musenni was established a haSj century before the library of Congress, aid had a a foundation three considerable collections already lorni ed that of Sir Robert Cotton, given to the nation by William III. fiity-lhrec years before; the Harleiam. also in the custody ot tne nation; ani tne coiec liott of Sir Hans Sloane. purchased in 175J at a cost of Wit'h in four years there was added- the old Royal library, founded byi HenTy VIL, the gift of George II. In 1759 the nuiscimi wasoeied Av-Uh 8o.xio volume of printed books and j pamphlets, among them material ehrmicles, chartularics, original rolls aril icharts. ami other mamiscripts -of inetjuiniable importairce to the student of 'Ejn'glish history. For the 140 year succeeding it has, from tinne totime, received otber .great siccial collections, fwhich . kiiiRS ami noblemen and otherf wealthy private col lectors have freely turned over to it as gifts to the nation:!! Tlie - Royal lrbrajcy of George III., thf gift (in- iA George IV., 70.000 -volumes, whose cost had been $050.ogp: the Greenville .col lection. 20.000 volumes. upon which - the donor had expended near $300,000, arwl innumerable smaller or less costly ac cumulations the ldwards. Birch. On slew. Banks. Cracberode, Edgerton, Art'iTd-ch The total value of girts to the m! in all departments during the twelve years froni 1823 to 1835 al"-ne was estimated at $2,000,000. To expend great s'.tnis on 4noks. manuscripts, gems, marbles, ceramics, to be known as a collector defying, conijieti.tioiv iit the chosen field, ami. at the acme of a reputation, to turni rver the exquisite whole to tlie use of the notion. ajfjHrirs to have become itJf the proudest fad of the British connoisseur. The inuscum begai'r itirmcdiately. and for 140 years has contSmtcd unitvter ruptedly to recerye the iK-ntbts of ac cessioivs from the cfqiyright law of Great Britain. Its regnlaT appropria tions for the purchase of books, already 1,000 a year in the .beginning of the century, ivbenr vainer were trivial, be came in, 1845 C10.000 a year, and for the past forty-bnir: ytars have averaged at least thatvsum ycaTJy.. 1" addition it has had numerous special grants for tfie purchase of ; nofailile colfeciionis thrmvn siKl.leny - upon, the market the grant, for instance, in- 1878, of .45. 000 for the purchase of the St owe man uscrrpts. Herbert Putnam in the AD Ian-tic. ' SAD CASE OF A -BRIDE. (Of the many interesting and even startling features of the wedding of the step-daughter -of th mayor yf Phil adelphia, reported in the World with a fulness proportioned to its impor tance, the most interesting and the most startling is the wedding presents. 'Four grand and three upright pianos have been sent to her as wedding gifts. She must find a placf on her sideboard for forty-nine cut-glass fruit bowls anl sixty-three pickle dishes. She must set im three parlors! to hold the three complete suits of drawing-room furni ture sent to her' by inconsiderate per sons, i Then there arc nineteen solid : silver table .services to invite burglars, and there are one hundred and twenty-three oil paintings which she must hang upon'her -walls whether they pelase her eye or not. ! What is the poor j girl to do wfl'th seventeen plate-glas mirrors, seeing that she does.t contemplate fhe. set ting up of a shoo? AVbere is she to bestow the one hurn'red amrt two sail and pepper boxes orjthe fmir hundred nd fifty-six other piece of silver? She will be compelled to hire a -man to wind op the ninety-eight clocks' forced upon ber by merciless frierwl. . Her nine music Jboxe may perhap come in han dy if ever their givers come in a btlnch to spend the evening. She can set them, like the guests fat -Mr. Bob Sw yef' s- bachelor party j each to playing the tune it know b4t. '-with excellent and revengeful effect.! - Btit what about the seventeen pie knives, the thirteen1, china dinner sets, the sixteen china bf-eakfa-' sets, the eleven fish sets, the tbree hundred and twenty-six pieces of j bric-a-brac, tbe twenty-eight silver toilet sets ;and the twenty-seveni flower fases? ' I there any reeourie but an auction? Arfl that would't 3p gooi lorn." New York World. j r Senator Iloar a few day ago intro duced a petition asking for the elimin ation of that clause Snr bills' relating to the PhiHppirees whicb limit the ristfit of suffrage to males. - He gravely re quested that tbe petition be referred to f) lis ' f?&sZt rainea rspiaiy in weignt. Wlluama' Pink Pills for Pale People ataa. C K. SutxosTDa. me this CTth day of Aornst, lSpa, INK 8 Sold by all druggists, jfo cents fr box : six boxes, row i ALE o ai AC COMPANY, Schenectady, N. Y. 1 , . - . . -"tliecommittee on) our largest acquisi ion.'. The presiding ofllce seemed to have no difficulty in understanding Mr. Hoar's remirk, for! he referred thejnat--tcr to the -Philimune committee. as . ! 11 in m a A FULL CI RCUS IN M IN I'ATURE. Tlie children in Kokomo, Ind., are going to see a niiniaturc circus. Every actor in the iww circus is to lie a liliputian. T,hc hole perfopmance i Vo be on a miniatrire scale. ; Tbere i not to be a full sized-person or animal in the show. . .The whole world " has been gone over for acrobats, horsemen, jugglers an-d other performers who arc tiny in stature. Tbe collection is now. almost complete, and includes baby el ephants, baby 1ears, baby girafTes, all itex-prcssrbly fascinating to childrem Dens, chariots, ca'ges, baud wagons, ears and other necessary equipments are being consl meted i for the new circus, which will go on the' road one of these liv- i iiri-ni m.i.fiv latt.niese have been engaged as j performei's, as it bamwiis that the cleverest Jaoanese per-. formers are almost always tiny. The others are cbildrei). dwarts or mulgers. Instead of horses of the ordinary size, patwns of the new eirciis will see Shetland pomes, .bitfros awl b;vby ze bra The largest; elephant wi!lbe but 41 inches tall. A baby camel and a baby hijipojiotanius will be two of the greatest wonders of the show. This extraordinary performance of the tiniest creatures in creation1 will be closed i with a s-pvetack; 'New' York World. T f 1 1 E -1-1 G E( CU R E.' If the following fact were not vouch ed for by a highly distinguished physi cian. Dr. G. Lcgiuv it would be per-i 111 I !5;ri Jit. I'f lVKlt infill ,13. air lion sueuested by iiin-drv- of the ni.irvel- iiih Vures" in- vogue in, the -Middle Ages. 'Dr. Legue waW put oil the track of his curious discovery by one of his patients, who informed hi 111 in the most casual manner, auftl as if there were nothing extraordinary about the statenKtrt. that; -she had tried th "piR eon' cure" for nieningitis and for the first lime with limited Kttocess. . Dr. Legue had to confess- his etitire ignor ance of the cure in fiiiestioh and to ask for an explanation of it nature. It ai then revealed to him that in tin-? scep tical age. and in Paris, of all place in the world, there are 'ieiIe. who believe in" the Cjfticaciousness, as ja remrdy lor certain maladies, of elic ' blood of a frevhly-killcd pigeon. The head of the patient to be treated is, shavel, ami thei the breast of the pigeon U rippxd opeiv by the "operat or," and the warm and bleeding Carcass immediately applied to the bared skull. The btlicvtrs in this cruel and sense less cure itnagihe that all fever drawn out of the body by tbe hot lifejiood and the uivcriiig. llesh of the pigeon.. The extraordinary thing is that faith in the cure H widespread, and reconrc to it frequent. Dr. I-gue, who has thoroughly im-estigatctl the matter, has been able to obtain the address of a s-T.rm in fhe central markets at whkii rKHhing the is sJd but live pigeons kstined to this tfangc purjse. The btrs4ness done it so Jwisk that the late proprietor, M me. Michel, has been, able to retire, after making a small fortune. Her MicctTssor declares that the igeoii cure is considered a wn-ereign remedy for influenza, since the appearance of whicli sbe has been unable to meet the deman that ha arisen' for birds. They are also used, it keew, in cases Tof typhoid fever; but in this jnManec two pigeona are necessary, and they are ap plied tthe feet of the patient. Pall iMall Gazette. Snmnif rp at night what thou has.t - -done by days And in the morning what thou has td -: - do, : .J ; - ...... Drcs.s awl undress thy soul; mark tlie ' decay . . ' And growth of it;iif, with thy watch, that too . -1 "- . ... . . Be down, then windc up both; since we Shall be Most iwirely julg'L made thy accounts agree. " . i Three Gernf an tcamshj lines tuch at Morocco harbrs; and nearly all the exprt business is done by them. Some German newpaner arc already look ing forward to a future partition of that country by i -European govern ments. jDr. F. Apery of Constantinople, a well known scientist. say.s that he can clear ship ami ware'HoiHes rati by the. use of carbonicacid gas, whidi, be ing heavier than air, -would sink to tlie bottom and suffocate them. The ' most important work for the present is that ior the future.