WEEKLY. OREGON STATESNj TUESDAY; APRIU 3 1900. THE rilEKLY OREGOU ' STRTESWAH Published every Tuesday and Friday by the , j STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. 266 Commercial St, Salem, Or. I R. J. HENDRICKS, Manager. 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year," in advance..,;. $t oo Six months, in aldvance.. 50 SUBSCRIBRrtS DESIRING the JklV dters of heir papr chang-ed mast lUt the name of their foriner postofBcey: as . well as of the office to which they wish the paper changed. COUNTY TICKET. j irtrKX-tATvc--S. M. Foormss, of Wood burn; Henry k'ceoe. Sr., of Flay ton; C, I llutmu, of Scotia Mills; IT. J. N. Smith, of Palem ; Lot. L. Tearee. of Salem. . , : - Cotjctt Jvixi John n. Scott, of Salem. ; BHKSir.r Chas. A. afnrphy, of Salem. Rec'orokr J. H. Bolaod, of Jeffertoa. TitEJSt irta-A L. Downing, ol Sublimity. A xkexhor Charles Lembcke, of Butte il le. Bi-BTETom B. B. Merrick, Jr., of Salcra. bl rEEISTEKDENT OF SCHOOLS E. T. MoOIX'S, Of ' tSilrertoo. : " Co-shh-biokee i.V. Xccdbam, of Sidney. Coroner Dr. D. 1. Lane, of 8alem. '. Salem District Justice of the re ace. Jobs VT. Reynold ; Constable. V. C. If Into. For county judge, John II. Scott. He Las no strings on him. ' j j Prof. E. T. ' Moores w ill fill the chair 01 county school superintendent. ' j ! Hurrah ht the soldier candidate (of sheriff, Lieutenant O.as. A. Murphy! The people f Craw ford s-v iile. Linn county, want a creamery. E. S. Mars U-rs, a farmer Jiving in that neighbor! hood, would -furnish the milk of twenty cows, and he things a sufficient mum Lcr could be secured for a fair sized! creamery. It must be very humiliating to thj- legislative candidates to be tagged ;a belonging to this man or that, or somf faction1. The most of these stories ar$ purely imaginary, or oitencr mendat- cious. Hk only man who should b- 1 elected to the legislature is the one- h goo unpledged, excepting that he wilt do the be.-t he can.to serve his constij luciits ami his conscience. We. believ the live men who were nominated on Thursday arc of this sort tltat they may 4m -depended upon to do the right things as they see them, without fear or favor; and not for tlieir sole per sonal ends. ' I I f 1 ti i-.tnv iti.tt ti-irtw m r nirtiiii shall not put up a less competent an( deserving mare,' the 'Statesman hopes the Republican candidate for county clerk may be defeated at the polls. 11$ has given the county a -very poor " adf m ini't ration" rf that oflice. lie . has ucd it as a private snap tor hinmlfj. his family and his favorites. He agreed to the platform of the party in the last campaign, oro-mi.Mng a' reduction of sal aries. Then he lobbied in the legialatj ure against the 'bill, and threatened to invoke the ontstitution agairrst the re'f. duction, after it had been made by that body. Perhaps this is the best that can le had this year from the political wheel oi fortune.- Hut. lor tfhe iake of good lakh in. the public service, and for the sake of efficiency, let us hope for something better. Notwithstanding the frequent state ments of the Qregoman to the contra ry, wc are confident a large majority of the voters of Oregon are protection ists. If they are not, .they ! should be, will, our fruit and our wool, our-hops and our hides, and nearly all the pro ducts of our farms and ranches, need- Cleaning Once or twice vear the good home wife has a thorough "house cleaning. The bouse has been swept and dusted every day in the year, but the housewife knows that, in spite of vigilance dust tccumo bites in cracks and corners, and is only to be removed by j special effort. t ; It's the same way with the body. You -c- : .1 x- ii the ordinary precautions of cleanliness and health. Yet the body needs ; its special cleaning to rid it of the accumu lations of waste and poisonous matter which invite I disease. Doctor Pierce's Oolden Medical Discovery, taken regu larly once or twice a year, would save many a sickness. It purifies the blood, strengthens the stomach, and cleanses the bodyof poisonous accumulations. "Last spring t hmi a severe attack of pin. tnonia. which left -me with a tiH crmo-H mmA - also left hit lungs ia a eiy triad eonditkm. writsa John'M. RuiweM. Kaq., of Breot. Cherokee Nat., Ind. Ter. "I had ao appetHe and was so weak I eontd scarcely walk. Mv breast was ell so with runmng anret. f (tot two bottles Ir ISerce's Golden Medical IHacorerr, which I tTlirre sared mjr life. I cannot express my eratititne you. I am able now to do very good work.'. , '.": f , j Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, in psper ewers, sent free Oh receipt of 21 one cent stamps to pay cost of mailing onfr. Address Dr. R. Y, rierce, Buffalo, N. Y. ing protection; to 'say nothing of our labor, with an ocean with its cheap freights joining our country to -the Ori cnt, teeming -with laborers who , can live ori 5 and 10 cents a day. By a means,' Oregon must have protection, and or people must show in every way that they desire to maintain the system that has made this nation great and prosperous. There ' are j :rbi-s but these must not be held to con demn'rhe whole system1 - 'AG ROW I N G Dl VN G E R. AH but eight per cent, of our foreign trade is carried in foreign ships, re marks 4he New York 'Mail and Ex-press- of the 3d. To that 'enormous ex- tent , mis country is ; ocpenoent uporr foreign shippings. Should Great -Brit-atn become involved K a war with any Jot the powers of continental Eu rope as at any trme she may war rates of insurance would immediately double, if not quadruple, the cost ci ocean transportation. Ertgrand s trans port service for the Transvaal war has MUch'cred considerably this winter with our; shippers. The vast and expanding commerce of the United States is in- rhe.'uns2ble and defeoseless condition of trttcr dependence upon the carriers of its political and commercial rivals. In itich a possrble war, ships -would dis' appear iron tne sea, our commerce would pile up on our wharves and stagnation in trade would follow. That we have escaped these possible disasters for thirty-fiVe years is no assurance of continued immunity. It is fallacious to believe that the wholesale transfer otf British tannage to a neutral flag would be permitted by ahy great nation with which she was at war. Ships so transferred -would be liable to seizure and their cargoes to confisca tion or lorig detention. The foreigr commercial interests of tflie nation have grown- too great to re4 main longer dependent upon- the peace of Europe. We possess the materials, the skill, the capital and the commerce for the construction of a great mer chant marine of our own. Nothing is lacking but Congressional action to inaugurate a policy that shall rapidly relieve us from the humiliating position of dependence upon foreign shipping for our foreign- carrying. The stability given to our foreign1 trade, under the care of our carriers, would cause its en orr.ious and rapii and 'permanent and prosperous expansiom There is nothing the country mt urg ently needs as a great mercantile ma rine. The Mail and Express conchides: ""Congress should heed the wishes of the people, the' solicitation- of great commercial and agricultural organiza tions, the need off the nation- and pass the shipping bill at once." Either this- or a discriminative duty in favor of 'American bottoms. The latter being at this time impossible, we believe, with the Mail and Express, that the shipping bill, in its amended form, should be passed. THE PA N-A'M ER 1 OA'N CONFER ENCE. The proposed Paw-American Con gress to be held in the City of 'Mexico during the summer and autumn of 1901 is an enterprise deserving of encourage ment. The interests of the several countries on the American continent are mutual, not antagonistic. Wc sec it reported that the people of some of the South and Central American repub lics have been led to believe to the con trary, and it; is essential that this mis apprehension should be removed. Whilcj it is clearly to the advantage of the people of the United States to se cure the, largest possible exchange of products with their Spanish-American neighbors, it is not to their advantage to engage in an effort to absorb Spanish-American territory hy conquest or otherwise, and no considerable portion of the American people favor anything of the kind. 'Our "venture in the West Indies was undertaken in the interest of oppressed humanity, but with our sister republics we have and can have no quarrel. The interested agents of foreign trade are said to have busily fanned the flame of suspicion in those countries for the past year or two. and the de cline of our exports in South ami Cen tral America indicates that this anti Amerrcan propaganda has not beers without effect. The first ajwl supreme effort of those reprcsefJtirrg, the - United ' States at 'Mexico should be to counteract this impression1, and this should be followed by a ' practical movement to create the conditions for increased trade with our neighbors. We should first assure ,onr neighbors that the United Statesr is not a natiow of land (grabbers, - and then we should establish steamship lines ad furnish the practical condi tions for an exchange of our products for the coffee, sugar, hides, rubber and other Spanish-American products. ' Acquaintance promotes trade and commerce, and conference and prox imity promotes acquaintance. A corr ferc nee between the chief commercial representative Of the principal Ameri can republics will te the best possible meat of promoting better comniercial t elation 5, and a better place than the City of -Mexico could not be chosen in nhrch to hold it. Mr. Wrightman will no doubt make a very good chairman of the central committee. -He should have the. hear ty snpport of all Republicans, in - tin dertakmy sttcli a thankless task. THE ONLY ONE. : One of the planks of the Democratic p!a6fornT should be and probably will be a plain-, frank, open declaration fa-vor -of the construction of the Nicaragua canal. It is as plain as any thing can be that railroad influences are strong enough to prevent the Re publican parry -in power from takm-g up and carrying forward his great national work. At present rt is being made football of by Congress- Sor the purpose of throwing dust in the eyes of the American people. There is really" no imentioin of giving the matter favorable attention, -with a view of commencing nri worlc at; an. early day. The rail riad trust is unalterably opposed to the tonstruction of the canal and its agents in Congress are pulling the wires' in such a way as to make the people be' lieve t'liat Con-gress means to do some thing in this connection! w-henv in fact it is the furthest from its deliberations. " 'Pendleton East Oregorwan. ; One of the planks' of the Republican platiorm in 1896 was "a plain, frank open declaration in lavor ot the con struction of the 'Nicaragua canal;" and this is the only unredeemed pledge of that platform. There is work of the son inz .ast tjrezontan aescrfDes m Congress now; but it is by no meants confined to the Republican) members And flie bill may yet be taken-up at the present session and passed. Senator McBride is very anxious to have this done. If not, the representatives of tlhe party in -national . convention as sembled will no doubt repeat the dec laratron, and the project cannot be much longer delayed, even with the assistance of the railroad lobby. The other members of the Oregon delega iion are aiso lavoraDie to the measure and they will do all poss?bIe now and in tle future to push it forward. The people of- Puerto Rico arexall ing for a settlement ot the tariff ques tion one way or the other. They are not particular whether they are to have free trade or pciy the very small duty of 15 or 25 per cent, of the Dimgley rate, but tfhey want a settlement. . The peojrfc opposin-g the house bilh are us ing every possible subterfuge to pre vent a settlement and prevent a vote. thus continuing the uncertain coredi tions now existing in; -Puerto Rico, de lerring a settlement and intensify ing in dustrial conditions. A month's delay with the present 100 per cent, duties in force is equivalent? to extending the house bill nearly seven months. Who are the frictwl-j of Puerto -Rco? The ones who want to settle the question collect this very small; duty largely from the wealthy purchaser of sugar and tobacco, to be used for the benefit of the people of the island until they cart organize a legislature and provide other means for taxes and thirs settle industrial conditions, or those who are making a political football of this Pu erto Rican bill, at tho expense of the uerto Rican&v and are, continuing" ex-. sting uncertainties, . with the idea, as Senator Mason states, "that they think t will result in doing trothing? Geo. D. Goodhue is making a great success of rhe Oregon Poultry Jour nal, the montWy paper he habeen pub- i&hing for several years. His issue for March is just out and mailed. It has circulation of 2000 copies, ami is now beyond question' the leadin-g poultry jourrjil of this coast. It is- published a Salem., and -has been printed here most of the time since it was started. A-man named Jeff Davis is. a candi date for governor of Arkansas, with certain prospects of election. LA GRIPPE ts nowreapfDga rich b arrest. Medical statis tics compiled by the best pbysiciaaa of. tbs vorld show that aver sixty per cent of tbe rases of acquired CONSUMPTION are due to LA ORIPPE. There are slss other points of weakness. Refer to tbe numbers on tho chart. Study each one care fully. Familiarise yourself with them. If yon have an attack of LA GRIPPE besln the use of HIIDYAJI as soon aa tha acsta symptoms bars sobstdad. HCDVAX will bring about tbe restoraUos to perfect health. . 4 ... The Parts Affected Are: 1. TMB ftUCOUS flEnBRANB UNIMO TNE BACK PORTION OP TMB NOSEIt bs- eoraes Inflamed and thickened, and a Cbronls Catarrh is the result. RCDYAX will reduos the inflammation, and leave the maeous maas- braoe 4a a perfectly healthy condition. f THE EAR DRUM) TUB MUCOUS, MEMBRANE OP TUB EAR. It becomes inJ tamed and thickened, tiring rlss to almost total deafness. II 17 D YAM win pn rent ths spread of the Inflammation. The drum will not be aAVetad and hearing; will bo unimpaired. ' S. CHRONIC TONSIUTIS. OR CHRONIC SORB THROAT From ths same cause aa too two preeedl&s. MUD Y AS will prsTsat its 4. WEAKNESS IN THE HE ART. -H CD. YA9f will strengthen ths heart Berree, aqnallsa ths eireslatioa of blood, and cans ths baaxV seats to become atronf and rectxlax.' i A WEAKENED CONDITION OP THB LOWER LOBES of THB LUN05-Bt7D YAM will causa ths Imn ttssss to bsooms strong sad healthy. r. tXIMBXOO, OR WBAK BACK. II CD YAM will atrangthsa it almost immediately. - 1 II CD YAM will curs all of las sboTS symp toms and lea re your wbols system la s perfect condition of health. 60 to yoar druggist at see and procsro packac of HUOVAX for 60 cents, or six packages f or $2-60. "- It yoar drmnrirt does not keep it, send direct to ths nrilTAK BB1IRD Y COIIPAXY,fa Fraoelaco, Cat, Raroeonber that yon can consult tho fit: It YAM OOCTORK FRKE. Call and aeo tho doctors. ; Ton may call aad see them or writs, ss yoa dealrs. Address Hudyin Reiuc-Jy (oropADjr Csrssr Stdttm, Marktt mn4 CUim Strtttw, 5 I 7 FRANCISCO, CAU ' . MEMORIES OF BERIAH BROWN Editor Who Was0" a Friend of ,Gree!e - i and -His Contemporaries. - Beriah (Brown, who died recently , in Anaconda. Monti ot rjneumcr.ia, wa at one time one c4; the bestknown cd itors in the United States, and had personal acquaintance with all the prominent men of 'his time irbm -Maine to Calitomia-' says the A,meago inter Ocean.,- For two years he and Horace Greclev were room-mates at the i61d Graham -House in New York, and both being men of. sharp; wit and" differing opinions, their debates -were constant ana neitner ever succeeaea in convmc ing the other of the error .of his ways. Thev never had t aj personal quarrel and when their "ways separated they kept p a correspondence -until Mr. Grcelev s death, iirdwn had the great est respect and admiration for Greeley .' i .at .-..sr. and tnougnr ne,wa me most, inaciai igao'e worker lie! had ever known-, "I never went? toi bed so late. h said, "that I did jnod leave -Mr. Greeley studying., and I 'never got' up so early that I did-not ;-find him reading or writinsr. - " 1 ," it -I Lewis- Cass, the famous 'Michigan politician, was another friend of Brown and had such a high regard lor mm a to establish him in the newspaper bus mess at Niles, in that state. T -vm a IT 13111 I7"- n L-! t r " Ti sT-rs- James Buchanan, Stephen. A. Douglas and 'Horatio ieyfliour -were au close personal friends ! off iMr. 'Brown. For more than- twenty hyears -Mr." iirown was identified wHhj the political arid educational interests of -Wisconsin and during that tsrrie he ran for con gress against Johr F. Potter, later known as "Bowie j Knife," owing, to his choice of bowiei knives .when chal lenged by iReprcscn-tative Roger A wa s r rryor ot Virginia, j In 1855 Mr. Brown retired to pri vate life and -begani the building' of a railroad from Alilwaukee to toupenor with the expectation of pushing it throngh to the Pacific. The main work slipped through 'Mr. Brown's hands, but he received $60,000 in sec ond mort-srajrej -bonds, which he took to New York? ipd jsold- to -Helmbold, the "Buchu" man. at par. -Mr. Helen bold gave him a check -for the amohnt and sent it by a boy to have it cashetl. The boy returned I m a lew minutes saying that the bank had closed its doors. Then 'Mr. j Helmbold hurried over to Jersey Citi where he arrived rive minutes alter the bank had closed and this was the beginning of the great panic of 1857, when) every bank in the city closed its door. In 186.2 Mr. Brown moved to Cal ifornia. and when Lincoln was killed. his office, - the Democratic Press, was sacked by a mob. land a priceless li brary of 20,000 volumes, which he had been years in collecting tor the pur pose of writing a political history of the country, was piled up in the street and ourncd. f In 1867 .'Brown went to -Seattle and ssued the 'Dispatch the first daily pa per in that city. .Mr. Brown made a creat ficht' against? the Northern Pa cific when it selected Taconva as the terminus of the road. That Eastern nvestors kept away and that Jay CJooke arid the Northern Pacific went into bankruptcy arej matters ot history. 'llrown was several years past the fourscore point, and although his hcar- ng was ; detective, his mind was keen. and he was interested in public affairs to the last. He was an honest man arid, though he -made enemies, they re spected him. j ' There Is more Catarrh in this rrction of tlie country than all other; diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to he incurable. For s erdat rnanv vears doctor" pro nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment. Drononnced it incurable. Sci ence had proven catarrh to bo a constitntiona' disease, and, therefore:, requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon- K nl. It acta diraetlY on: the blood and mucous urfacesof the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Bend for circulars ana testimonials. Aaaress. F. J. CHfclNKT A CO. , Toledo, O w-Boid by Drumrists.j75u. -. Hill s Family Pdls are the best. THE PHONOGRAPH IN WAR. n ; English Inventor's Scheme for Soldiers Who Cannot Communi cate by Letter. iMr. H. Goldsmith -Whi.tton has a new idea. . Hie is -going to -utilize the honograph in modern warfare. The X-ray and the wireless telegraph" arc both at the front, why not the phono graph? . My idea is this, r he said. Soldiers and their friends; at home can only communicate by letter. . How different would it be if they cculd. get the. very oice ot their relatives.- though 7,ooo miles apart. I 'If the scheme is adopted a person who, has a soldier f friend at the front will only have to (go into one of the fcdison, company s depots and talk into riiachine. The three-minute talk is recorded on a wax cylinder, which is so light that three of them can be sent to South Africa for! nine pence postage. The company guarantees that they will not be affectedcy ny climatic changes and they can be saifely packed. I propose to sail on rnday lor South Africa, taking with me a supply of cylinders and aj recording machine. shall be at one camp -myself and have representatives at the qthers. The sub scriber in England can send taut the cylinders containing his messaxe either to me or to the individual "soldier to horn the greetings are addressed. The soldier will ony have 16 bring the Cylinder to the machine and, he hears the fond tones of rmjoved ones at home. The charge will be five shil- ngs for three minutes conversation, am paying my ojwn passage out and do not desire toi make anything out of the idea. I atn proposing, there- ore, to charge merely such a stmt as will cover the cost; of carriage and es tablishing the sysjem at the various camps. .. ;: ; - - tlhen the same idea can be w-orked rom the other end. The soldier, ill or well, carr send jhis -message jn the same way. I understand that at one of the hospital ships there - is already recording machine; but tny attention s to take it right up to the front At the field hospital, (just behind the tir- ng line, the dyingfor the Wounded sol- irr will be able to ocak into the ma chine a .few wordi thai may hereafter be very precious ' io his friends. -After u. no letter can ; convey - the tender ness, the human interest, which clings rctmd the voke ot those we.-love. " "I shall, of course, Vcek . the help jnd approval' of the commanding of ficers t the front land I anticipate that shall have no trouble in gettintr to (he front. The apparatus required is so light that no dtnlc!ty, 'of transport will affect me," London Star. . j - i i j . : - - Fine printing. Statesman Job Office. COLOR'S FIGHT WITH TAMMA- s ; NY. . A single-handed heroic stand against evil and corruption in high- places awak ens rhe enxhsTasm-pf New York work mgnre. yust'as ''.th? resistance of those three. "Roman-s at the bridge oyer the Tiber- hasvawakened the. enthusiasm of all-men sincc'-Syracuse Post-Stand--; ard. . . -. " - " . .J It is. not surprising under such cir- j enmstanecs that x Mr. Coler finds him-! seM the most popular men of the hourj with the decent people of New York j and at rhe same time the most unpop-j ular of men wtth theing which put I him - on its ..-ticket, toits 'own sorrow and lisconffiture. -Baltimore Sun. ! The politicians may distrust and hate him, but the people have confidence in him, and they will see to it that Tammany treachery ' is powerless ' to hurt him rf,-for instance, he should be, even against his Will, a candidate fr the office of mayor of New York next year, Brooklyn Times. i Not so fast, Mr. Coler. You car('t shake off the people so easily. Yoiiri record shows you to" be just the sott of man needed in public life and the people have a way of keeping an eye on such mien. They may want you for mayor, and if they do, we are ot the Opinion that they will keep you away from Wall Street. Harrtord F"--. If any " Tammany sacherr -mes around and warns him that h put ting his official place in jeopay he can snap his fingers and say he prd-r poses, to do his duty regardless of ev erything except the public's welfart. The trouble is that Mr. Coler's unwill ingness to accept office again -will -in crease the popular desire to secure hfs continued services. Providence Jour nal. - Z M&& PROGRESS IS CERTAIN. Railroad Stocks Have Risen to a Re- unarkable Height. . j "New York, tIardi to. R. G. Dun fit Co., will say "tomorrow: ( The progress toward better things has been unmistakable It was a year ago that the frenzied -speculation in in dustrial stocks reached its culmination. with prices averaging higher than at an time since, while railroad stocks. after some dechnc. rose $1.18 per share higher in September, and after a fall in both, which ended in December, hate now risen $8.35 per share to the high est point ot the year. 1 he advance dur ing the past week has been remarkably vigorous, and with more public sup port than before. i The failures for the week have been 20.1 in the United States against 194 last year, and thirty-three in CarTada against twenty-six - last yeai THE BEST PRKKCK1PTIOH FOR MA LABIA. Chills and Biliousness is a bottle of GROVES'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. It is simply Iron and Qui nine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. Price 50 cents. TO COOK DRIED BEANS. When cooking dried beans add a gen erous pinch of soda to the water. The beans will be tender in an hour or less and their flavor will not be impaired. The same is true of boiled caAjfoage. beets, onions and tough meats, in boil wik a ham, always parboil m soda wa ter, then take it out and wash and scrape well; add clear water ami con tinue rhe boiling; The ham will be much more sweet and tender cooked in- this way. i NOT BECOMING. "Chicago has reached that toint of development where she has resolved not merely to dcty ttie hated Briton, but to ignore his existence lo Chicago nern-eiorin. mere ts no sucn. place as K-ngian-d. area wie young cmcagoan iis riot even to be taught that England ever was. 1 "English history has ben ruled out of rhe curriculum of the Vnicago public chools. Only American- history is hereafter to be admitted. It may be presumed that England will be men- toned incidentally, in the coutsc of the American history, but only as Spain w mentioned, as a meddiiiiir foreiirner that -got the worst of it. ; The comprehensive ideas that the young Ohicagoan will thus obtain of the origin of American in-stitutions and of the historic evolution o"f the world in general, it . is unnecessary to dwell upon. Jrsot even in the politics 01 the wild and wooly West has there been a riwre brilliant triumph of ignorance." Philalelphia Times. It is not -becoming for a Pennsyl- ania newspaper to refer sneerin-gly to the "iolitics of the wild and wooly Vcst.'! There has been nothing out here to compare with' the fiascos in the political affairs of that state in the past dozen years. ? TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- ets. All druggists refund the monev if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa ture is on each box. , 25 .cents. J HARM DONE BY ORATORY: "And above all things." said the la ther in advising his son, ldo not make a stiidy of oratory." i "Why not?" asked the boy. j "Because," replied the old gentleman, "you never can tell what harm it may do you. If he had not been fof hi oratorial girts -Mr. -Bryan might eve now be a revered and valued, citizen oi Lincoln, Ncb."Chicago Post. j Fine printing. Statesman Job Office. a I, i 1 i - i It is stated on the authority of those who have undergone 1 th experience, that people buried in an avalanche hear distinctly every word uttered by thcjse who are seeking them, while . their most strenuous shouts fail to penetrate even a few feet erf snow. I . I nasal g ata n nu ' In all its stages Ihsrs should be cleanliness. El ji Cream Balm claoM-s. soothe and heals the diseased, Bncmbraoe. It enres catarrh and drives away a cold in tho bead quickly. . ; - Creams Balm is placed Into the nostrils, spreads over tbe membsno sad ts absorbed. Belief ia im mediate sad s ears tallows. It Is not dryingdoe not prodiee sneezing. Large Size, Meant SC Drug gists or by snail ; Trial Size, IS centa by mail. ELY JS ROTHXES, M Warrea Street, h'ew Tork. O NE GOOD WOR D ' i - ' FOR INDIANS, "Indians make good witnesses arid they stick closer , to facts than white" people." 1 x This-statement was made by Judire 0, P.-Shiras of the United States dis trict court of northern iowa to a Chi cago Record reporter. He speaks from his experience in trying many cases in j which Indians were concerned or an- j pearcd as witnesses. . He was ap- ! pointed during the administration of President Chester A. Arthur and has uvm vviniiruaiy njrtiir vvuu in. niS own district and- within the Eighth United States judicial district, which comprises 13 srates and three territories, i'' This federal district, leaving out ' the state 01 rveniucKy, is larger than 1 all the territory east of the Mississippi river.: . .;''!; 1 . ,. Speaking of his interesting experience' in coming in contact with the Indians iitjcourt, he says the red .man or wo man is generally accurate. His ob servation was general. 'He says: "Ask a white man if he was drunk on a cer riin occasion, he will try to wries?V ovt of., it, but rhe Indian will come out with a yes if he was. On one occa sion a lawyer asked a squaw if she un-T -dcrstood the nature of her obligation in giving te.stimonShe answered that she had taken a 'strung word to tell the truth and she. would do -so. Sh(f was asked to define the difference be tween the truth and a. lie.Xwhereunon she said: "The truth is the truth and a lie is a lie; they are different and you can't make them alike.' i "You will remember that someXsix years ago an Indian named Plenty ' Horses was being tried in Sioux Fa!ls for the murder of Coloner Casey of the United 'States army. One- of the wit nesses brought in by the government was American Horse. . There had been a Messiah craze among the Indians, and a religious phase had been- injected into the trial. "In the examination of American: Horse he was asked what he knew about religion. There stood near by a small table, which the witness drew near him. He placed his finger .on the center of the tafblc and drew, a circle about it. saying: 'This is what the red man knows about religion;' then he drew- a larger circle, saying that t the white man lcnew that' much more. Mov-." ing his finger around the outside of the larger circle, he said: 'Bcvoml this the red man knows as much. about the. coming of a 1Messiah as the white man.' -- '. Judge Shiras says the Indian makes a good juror, in which capacity he may sir after reliivtiishing tribal relations. He says, too, that lie 'has comc in con tact -with some -good Indian lawyers. I . "I think," said he, "there is a mis taken idea, about the red man having been generally mistreated by the gov ernment. The facts show : that they . are the richest people per capita in the whole country. The trouble is that they have a poor idea of the value of money, and spend it recklessly. In dians will walk clear across one state iirto another to draw their amMi.iijes and in ZX hours after gefting the mon ey they will have gambled every cent of it away before they will leave the ' vicinity and then Walk back home to J do the same thing over on the next pay -day. ':;-.. "It is astonishing to see the meth- , odi adopted by an intelligent red man to tget away with his money. Amon-g 4 other things he has a weakness tor :a . certain kind of amusement known as the 'merry-go-round.' Recently on? rit these concerns got permission to set up one of its machines on. a reserva tion Wilhin mv circuit. The bucks would gather about the contrivance , and to the tune of a steam-tUrncd or gan -would ride the whole day. - They spent all the money they had and pawned different article's to get more for the same amusement. " , "During the last- few years flic wo men took a great craze for wearing - bhie bathing suits trimmed in white braid. The traders are said to have' disposed of a lame nuantitv of this toggery, the squaws wearing the-in all the tim tirtt J iworn rnt . alii-n thir would buy another suit." I NEW TO-DAY. NOTICE:--The French Goidejn Waimg Compound, tlie washing preparation in the wxrld. is being ,in troluced throughout Marion, cmitiityi by G. Sommers, of 'Silverton, Oregon. Samples gladly furnislwd on medica tion. - 4:t-w'ti. EVERETT M. HURD ' M. D., D. M. D. : DENTIST j Rooms 6 and 7. opposite Po-rfoffice, upstairs. SALEM, - OREGON. NOTKOE -Is hereby given that at 10 "o'clock a. m., on .Saturday, the four teenth -day of April.' -loootliere will - be a meeting of Fruit Growers IkM athc city hall in Salem, Oregon, for the-purpwse of organizing a subor dinate association in order to pro mote the work of the Cured Fruit A's&ociation of the 'Pacific Nortlhwc-rti Wtn. GaHoway, of Oregon City, pres ident, and J. II. Fletcher, of Vari couver. VVasfiington. vice presidentr ami other eminent fruit grower of the . Pacific, Nort-hwest will address .the meetmg. ' I. urge every fruit grower in reach of Salem that ex pects o have dried fruit to sell this rfall to foe presertt as the workings .of the association will be explairied-n every detail. tCharHe Ivong, director of MaTion county for the C. iF. A. of the Pacific "Nor tibwest .tw-dtf. f ..DIAMOND.. Have you had a Free sample of our own make of -Baking Powder? , " DIAMOND BRAND " Remember, we guarantee'every. can that we put out to be absolutely It is .to cents a pound can. you wnl save 20 cents on every pound can; and that is worth .saving. - Penny saved, is penny made. Money , is refunded il you have no success with Patronize home industry. Fresh Toasted coffee every day. YOKOHAMA TEA STORE Phone 2412. 'Free Delivery,