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About Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1900)
VOLJ 49.-NO. 7. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, AVRlh 3. 1900. FIRST SECTION EIGHT PAGES V A HARD BLOW Boers Ambush British Supply Train Was au Awfiil Spectacle of i War. I ! EDglitdi Commanders Criticized for Ignorance of Enemy's Prcs ! ence near Headquarters. LONDON, April 3 (Tuesday, 4:50 a. m.). Tlx; lauvt ntws from the front adds little to the public knowledge fctf the convoy disaster, in which Colonel Broad wool !ot a - number of guns while retreating from his advanced po uion to tho wattr works seventeen mill north ;, of ; Bloemfontein, and where h:s force was literally cut to pieces by the; Boers, wfoo were con cealed in a spruit, and opened fire on the British force from three sides. No credence is given to the reports diat fhe Boers numbered between 8000 and in r) men. The general belief is that there cmM not have been more than halt that .number,: but the mere fact that ever th many as ha'f could have been collected so. near headquarters, witlwn-t a knowledge of the British coniman-ders. provokes much uneasy criticism. The dieter is regarded as a direct result of the inability of Gen eral French to cut off the commando oi General Olivierj and the other com matxlocs. -when escaping Jrom. the Or ange river. -A tory. published last evening, of the rr-cjrpturc of some of the uns, looks '-ooubtful. ... . 1 he report tlmt it he Boers are mi- Yng in the vicinity bf Taunga' and Klip- bm . i conhr.nK'd; Lord Methucn s dilucu'.ties are s apparently increasing. ,IIe has Brcr laagtrs or guerilla oarnls i m thnc .kk-s' of Bum. amtj he will ire bliged to wabohj carefullyLjjh-s com municatroii with the Orange -"river. AWFUL CARNAGE. Aoril 1. (Sunday). ' Bus'hma-ns Kop, - I he Boers who! were hidden, in the spruit, when tiiei Br;-ti-it guns w-cre captured, were conian-Jed by Reichmann a German-American. The Boers re tired this morning where they discov ered the British scoufc. Following the scout of General French's cavalry di vision to the scetie of tlie battle, the corrc-jmubnt witnessed one . the most terrible spectacles of the war. Worses an-1 hitman bodies were lying tovihtr. with wrecks 01" wagons, food ami forage. Everything told of a ter rible tale of surprise ami carnasre. It would be inKi-s hie to conceive any thing more ingenious than the Boer trap, and live. onJy wonder is that a single mnn escaped. The Boer posi tion, .whWt :. protected by a partially constructed, railway ' embankments cn ?'Mel the entmy to pour, in a galling fire on three sides 11s well as a double -:cr of fire in front. . FLUMER RETIRES. r Pretoria. April U. Carnonading was agiin beard in! the direction A B-and-fort Saturday, and it is stated v'lnt fi girt ing occurred Saturday around Mate king. It is aMcd that Colonel Plum rr's c Jiimn was jforced to retire with loss. No detail 'have been received. TO AID BOERS. Washington. April 2 Wcbskr Da vis, assistant svefctary of the interior, has resigned to go on the lecture plat form in the interest of' the Boers. .He ayst ; I , . "It is purely a matter of sympathy on my part. I Mini to South Atrica un prejudiced, visited both armies, saw iinich of the Britib soldiers and-iico-pie. and also imidi Xf the Boers. After -eeing What I tli!. I made tip my minJ that tl muse of the1 Iocrs was just. I believe the Br will win.. dJ.ivis w; asked what course he would have i1e people of this country pursue in ordcf- tt assist' tlie Boers, lie rep'ied: ' i , , , - "Wo iltoidjilc the world kirow ha such an uuhojy jwar slrould stop, and sttp at once." i - WAS DROWMD IN K DITCH. EightccenrMonths-iOId Son ct iMr. and Mrs -C C Robinson Meets Death by Drowning -Fu-ncral Yesterday. Ulr. anjl Mrs. C C Rcbinsonk wbo reside near the Tumcf road east cf the Southern, Pacific Company's "passenger depot "in this cHy. are distracted wKh gtief over the'drth on Sunday. y fV cidental drowning, ': of their : chdd, Charles Hearst Robinson, an unusually bright little fdlovr, aged only nghteen inotrJv.: -- ' She rtly , before 11 o'clock the Itttle fellow was missed -from about the house and a! search i was rnstttuied. About an hour later the body cf the jifile fellow was J)utkI in the bed of a ditch which runs pst the bouse ami at a point abniv., reds frrm be lew the house. There was about two feet ct water in the ilitjh but the stream v.-as very svrift and the lad couEd not keep fating which accounts for his drowning. -' - ; ' i- j: v-"- .- '.-V Funeral services were held at the heme at 2 .-lork yesterday afternoon conducted by Rev. II. A. Ketchuni. The remains ?were given burial in the 1. O. O. F, cemetery. UNCHANGING PRINCIPLES OF - ! WAR. !. Although most remarkaWe changes have been wrought in the appliances of war and the jthestructive forces, the principles of warfare remain the same. NotwnhAarKling the use o the steam engine, the telegraph, the telephone, t.: SKitostat, the balloon-, wirekss teleg raphy, the long-range rifle and high power guns. t3e rapid-firo and machine guns, smokeless powder and high ex plosives all are governed and . con tio.led by , the same general principles of grand tactics and s-trategy that gov erned irther armies and controlled the destinies ol notions hnndrcdis of years ago. The skill and genius of the com mander and ibe fortitude of the troops win victories in the present age no less than, irr the wars of former time 3.Ma-ror-fkneral Nelson A. Miles in Frank Leslie's -Popular 'Monthly for March, COLLECTED I MARCH. Receipts of the State School Land Department Paid to the Treas urer Yesterday. 5 j t . During the month of March the state land department collected $12,475.02. oh account of the several 4unds handled by that oilVce. and the amount vas yes terday transferred, by Chief Clerk M. L. Chamberlin- to State Treasurer Chas L. Moore. The moiiieys so collected and paid over bclonged-to the following uinos: School principal ...$10,856.79 School interest .. ........ 1,204.08 Agricultural eollege principal. 271.00 Agricultural- college interest. 13.15 Swamp lan4 .... ...... .... 40.00 Total ...... $12,475.02 Glorious News Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Waiita. I. T. He writes;: "Four bot tles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of , scrofula, which had caused her great snffering for years. Terrible sores woukl break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help: hu-t .htr cure is complete and her health rs excellent." This- shows what thousand-s have proved that Elcct'ric Bitters is the best blood puri fier known. It's the' supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, nicer, boils ard running sores. It stimulates liver, kidney and bowels, expels pois ons, lx'ips digestion builds 'up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by Dr. Stone, druggist. Guaranteed. DIED IN D4WS0M CI1Y. Charles AW Watts, of Albany Passed Away in the Geld 'Country News Received Yesterday. A telegram, received in this city yesterday from Seattle, conveyed the s,ad intelligence that Charles W. Watts, a well known book and job printer of Albany, died ir Dawson "CTty.'in the Klondike gold fields, a few days ago. Deceased is wefT known throughout the Willamette valley, having lived in Albany for many years, where he con ducted a printing office. He went to Dawson in the fall of j8o8. and was en gaged in business there during the fol lowing year, coming op1! in the spring of 1800. iLast fall he aeain went into the gold region, bavin? disiJO-scd of his business interests in Albany. His family consisting of a wife, son and daugliter, reside in Albany, and this news is a sad blow to them. Mr. Watts was a member f several of. the prominent fraternal orders, carrying lite insurance in two or three of them. Remarkable Cure of Rheumatism. Kctrna, Jackson Co.. W. Va. About thretr 3-ears ago my wife had an attack r-f rheumatism which ctniiix--l her to her bed for over a'month and rendered licr unwble to walk a ste; wi'.hmit as sistance, toer lindis biing swollen to doi1b!e thejr normal izc. Mr. S. Mad dox imsistcd m my usinsg Chamber lain's I'ain Balm. I purchased a fifty rent bottle and used it according to the directions and five next morning she walked to breakfast without assistance irt arty manner, and sbe has not had a similar attack since. '.V ' B. Parsons. For aale by F. G. Haas, druggist, Sa Vem. SHERIFFS SALES. Sheriff F. W. Durbin5 yesterday sold two tracts of land on executions issued out of the circuit court. One was in the case of Portia and Sylvia Knight, plaintiffs, vs. J. E. Alexander ct al., defendants. The ac tion was brought for $42.50, and the land involved was sold to R- J. Flem ing for $56.50. In the case of Rena S. iles vs. Royal S. Wiles, execution for costs, $66.05. the land involved was sold to Mrs. Sarah L. Stinson for $59- . i I. : THE SAVINGS BANK. The pu pils ofr Salem's public schools have by no mean lost interest in the savings bank ibat was recently established in connection with the city schools. Ev ery Monday morning' a 'very -substantia deposh is male in tlx bank. Yes terday's deposit . amounted to $.o.54. contributed by the various schools as follows- East. $16.43; j Park. $4-7o; Lincoln; $3.73; Centrals, $3-63; North, 22-, i- ' - ' ' : lie Fooled the Surgeons,' All doctors told Ren4ck Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O.. -after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistuta,. hes would die nn'e?s a costly operation -was per formed; but he enred Jiimself with five boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on Earth, and1 the Ixrst Salve in the World- 25 cents a box. Sold by Dr. Stor.e, druggist MORTGAGEE'S SALE.- The ware houses owned by E. E. Mc Kinney & Co ar various points m Manon coun ty ere yesterday sold at the courj. house, at Mortgagee s sale. Sheriff Dur bin acting as auctioneer at the request of the creditor company. George Steel, of Portland, purchased the prop erties, for $30ooiti ;T - THE COST. Judge Georje II. Bur nett yesterday decided the motion to retax the cost in the case of L J Davenport, vs. Fred Dose. The curt found jiwlgment for coMs. amounting to $51, against the plaintiff. : r ' THE CASE ARGUED Kentucky Cocrt of Appeals Has the Governor's Qaarrel BEFORE IT FOR C0NSIDLRETI0N Military .Aothoritlrs mt the Opt tut IVniiU tbeShriefTat FrmnkTort to Futrr tbeUallUlDs. LOUISVILLE, Ky. Apr. 2. Arguments in the gubernatorial cases were begun before the vourt oi ap peals today. The decision will prob ably be reached the latter part of the week. A CONCESSION. Frankfort, Ky. Apr. 2. The mi'i.a-y authorities today notified . Sheriff Suter :hat he r his deputies may enter ..he capitol grounds kT the purpose of serving processes of a civil 'natt:!. but that they will not be permitted t serve any papers of a criminal nature. HAS RESIGNED W. P. AViilia ns. deputy clerk and stenographer cf the supreme court, who recently went east to visit bis familj. yesterday telcr graphed his resignation to the court, having accepted a position as. stenog rapher in the land department at Wash ington. J. W. Reeves was appointed deputy clerk and stenographer to suc ceed Mr. Williams, having temporarily filled the place since the lattcr's ab sence. iMr. Wiliams is an expert in h,is line, ami will doubtless ioon take high rank in the department in Wash ington, to which he has been assigned. THREE MORE BOARDERS. Constable D. C 'Minro yesterday ' ar rested a trio of hobos who were sub sequently arraigned before Justice H. A. Johnson on the usual cbarge of tres passing, and given the customary n tence in the county jail, where for sev eral days t'liey will be the guests of Landlord Durbin. Try Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder to be shaken into the shoes. Your feet feel swollen, nerv ous and hot, and get tired easily. If you have smarting feet pr tight shoes, try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and makes walking easy. Cures swollen, sweating "feet, ingrowing nails, blisters and callous spots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain ana gives rest and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores for 25c. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy. N. Y SALE OF 400 BALES HOP tiKOWEKS ASSOCIATION 18 M IK ING SALES OAILY. ' New York Ituyer Is Figurine for tho I'ur rhane of m Ten Carload Ixit 0er I'rtxlurt ton (Juration. M. L. Jones, president of the Ore gon 'Hop Growers' Association, was in the city yesterday for a few hours, re turning to Iris" home in Brooks on the Shasta express yesterday aiterenooit. Mr. Jones says the association yester day made the sale jt 400 bales ot hops set 5 and 5'A cents. The associatiMJ has an inouiry from a "New :York buy er for ten car loads. President Jones says that a great ma jority of the growers that ate working their yards arc of the opinion that they pick only such part of the 1900 crop as there may appear to be a demand for, believing that to be the most effective way of strengthening the market, and maintaining remunerative' prices. Asked what he thought cf the prop osition of Geo C. 'Breener. the Cali fornia grower, for an. organization of the growers of all the hop growing states o the country -with' a view to regulating the problem of over-production, as it was outlined in Sunday's Statesman. Mr. Jones said he con sidered quite possible the organiza tion of such an association. . "I think fully pinety per-cent of the growers in Oregon would become members of such an association, provid ing the -af her three hop growing states would join in the ritovemcnt." During the month of March, the shipment of hops from Salem vms mt as large as for the preceding month. The shipments last month did not ex ceed i6 carloads, while for the rnonth of February a carload was shipped daily. A revival in the shipping bus incss is expected dor the current month, in fact a carload, each for Sunday and yesterday have been shipped already and it is predicted the snipments for the month wilt exceed those of the sea son for any single month. There are not as. many bops stored in the Southern Pacific Company's warehouse in this city at present as there has been lor several months, there being a noticeable decrease in the receipt of baled hops from out side points The mold is not spread ing any more and the bops so affected are being treated. In fact several forces of men have been working in the ware house on the damaged bops every day, Sunday included for three week Each force, consisting of three men. is able to handle 25 batees in a day but the work is very irksome ; - ; FOR TEN YEARS Sheriff W. D. 'Bradiordj, of Washington icounty, ar rived in! Salem 4a st night, having fi charge Charles 11. Thompson, tinder a ten years sentence to the'penitenti ary lor larceny. Thompson was re ceived by the prison officials and placed in a cell last night. i THROUGH A BRIDGE Freight Train oo a 1 Washington Railroad Is Wrecked. A BRAKE MAN SEVERELY INJURED The TrMtlo Gave Way Carry Inj; Twenty Car to (lie tialch Helow-Some ' ' i ! , Mlracaloaa Eacapca. SPRING-DALE. Wash., Apr. 2. larly this morning a northbound freight train on the Spokane & North ern railriobjl, consisting of an engine and thirty-one cars loaded with gener al freight, went "through i a. trestle et Sheep Creek, a half iltile north cf Springdale. - ' L Chas. . DupJap, the head brakeman, was sevefely injured, two ribs beifig I roktn. j I he remainder of the train crcsv csdancd with a few bruises. Four tramps .-itcaling a ride, miraculously es- caied sencus injury. The trestle is, 350 feet long and forty feet high. The engine and one ca had reached the northern approach when the big trestle gave -way, carry ing twenty-crs to the gulch below. The caboose and eight cars 'remained on the sou -hern approach. ; Not a timber of the trestle was left in place. Brakesian Dunlap jumped on the low er side And rolled down the bank. The rest of the train crew jumped on the upper side and were not hurt. The wrecked; cars caught- fire, and were burned with their contents. . - Trtfjt Those Who Have Tried. I suffered from catarrh of the worst kind and never hoped lor cure, but Ely's Cream Balm seem to do even th;. O-sear Ostrom, 45 Warren Ave., Chicago;. 111. I suffered front catarrh: . it got so bad I eotfld not work;: I used Ely's Cream Halm and am entirely well. A. C. Clarke. 341 Shawmut Ave, Boston, Mass.. The Balm does not irritate or cause sneezing. So' by druggists at V ccms, or mailed- by Ely Brothers, 56 Warren St.. New York. : A WATERY GRAVE. :A:toria. Or., 'April 2. -Hugo' Lind tstrom and Warren Roljinlsoh, son of Well-known residents o this cjty, 'are surposel to have been drowned Satur day night, the boat in which tbey left down the river having been foojid .bot tom upj today. PRICE OF SALOMON. Asikria. April 2. :At a meeting of the Fi.-bermen's Union, Ionian, 4he jrice ot raw chinook salmon, at che opening of the season, was established at 0 cents per pound. VISITED SCHOOLS. rrof. J. If. Ackernlan, superintendent of public instruction, has returned from Eastern Oregon. While in that -section he attended 'the annual three days' meet ing of the Inland Empire Teachers Association at Baker City aid visited the public schools at LaGrande. Baker City. Athena, Mikoh ami Weston, and'the normal school at the last named place, finding the schools, as a rule, in a nourishing condition. At La Grande; on last Friday he .attended the dedicatory exercises oi the new pub lic school building. Thi structure, just completed. Prof. .Ackerman says, is modern in construction and is up-to-date in every respect, the lights, fur nishings and interior arrangements be ing equal to any school building in the state for its size. ' A Life and. Death Fight. Mr. W. A. Ilines of Manchester, la., writing of his almost miraculous es cape from death, sajs: "Exposure after measleS induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Con-sumption. I had IrequcM hemorrhages and coughed n-ight and da-; 'All my doctors said I must soon die. Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Cot sumption, 'which, completely icured me. I would not be without it even if it cost $5 a bottle. Httnlrcds have used it on my rccommerKlation and all say it never fails to cure Throat. Chest and Lung troubles." Ttegular size 50c and $1.' -Trial Cxottlcs free at Dr. Stone's drug stores. HEALTH REPORT. Dr. J. A. Fulton;' heahh officer at the port of Astoria, yesterday filed hit owarterly report in the ofnee of Gov. T. T. Gecr. The report -' shows that twenty-seven vessels 'entered that port ' during the quarter ending March :31st,.- all of which were boarded and inspected by the health officer, and in- everv case a clean ImII tf hcaMh was issued, as all the vessels were in i a good sanitary condition. : In almost every m'hborhood there is some one -whose life has been saved by Chamberlainr Co?ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rdnsedy. or who has been cured I'd chronic drarihoea by the use of that medicine. Such persons make a ioint of teMmg of it whenever op portunary offers, hoping that it may be tftc" meam f rat-rng other . lives. For sale by F. G. Hais; druggist, Sa- DECADENCE OF HOME LIFE. It ii difficult to attempt to maintain that one own motherly instruction and the subtle influence of a quiet pre serve are a greater good. And if. now, the cJdcr brother and sisters follow the father oat after dinner, if even the mother puts on her hat, who can blame the young children if they go, too? The servants have the city house eve nings.- A double day is the New York day The first tenVhours are for going to iwork, workm and returning - to dine and dress. he second egmcnt is for ??oing abroa It vanes in leneth according to the the individual. hysical endurance of neraily this second dayf within the daN ends tn the small hours of the next Where is the bonne life el such a Vound? Think heaven, many of us remember the loadstone of a gentle mother's chair! New lork Maw and Express. DIED SLDDIMY ATMcMIVYUlC. A Five Days Ilncss Clauses tlie Death Of Mrs. J. 11 Henderson ot ihi City mineral !, Today. , Mrs, J. H. Wenderson. of this city, aiel very .sudaenly at J.MCMirmvine at 9 Ojclock Sundiv morning. Death was caused by a severe anack of jiennwnia sufverinduced by weakness of the heart. On Saturday-, Mansh i-ftlu Mrs. .Hen derson went to 'McMirmville to attend the little son of hersister. Mrs. Wm Campbell, who was quite ill. On the fallowing Tuesday she was aken ill and ler daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Barnhart. sent for. Mr. Hendcrson, wilio a position at the asj lum, was called was has to McMinnville on Saturday, but even at that time Mrs.: Henderson was 'not considered dangerously ill. At 8 o'cibek Sunday morning, Robert Hen derson, a son, received a telephone message to halter to thje bedside of his sick mother at the earliest possible moment, butliedid not reach McMiim vill until an hour after the spirit had taken its flight. j . The deceased- was a voman posses-sing rare traits of dliaracter. She was a loveablc character, an affectionate wife ami! njother, and a sincere Christian, evef'making the world better and brighter for. others. In fact, it "was while ministering to the -wants of a patient sufferer ifcat she was afllictcd w.iWi the fatal illness. The deceased waj a devont member of the First Uap tistj church of this cityjand Kev. Ron aid; McKilSop. tflie pastor, went to Mc Mirtfnville yesterday to j officiate at the funeral Which will be held today. The deceased was the daughter of Jucige and Mrs. Laughary, of 'Mc'Minn villje, old Yamhill faunty pioneers. Boil; survive her. .Besides a husband, fc!ie) leceaed leave one daughter ami a tm. viz: "Mrs. Myrtlie Barnhart ami fo8crt Henderson, both' of Salc-m. The latter is employed in t3c job oflicc de partment of the "Statesman and has the syippa'tlry of the wlKle force in this his hoiiir of greatest bereavement. Funeral services will fie held in Mc MijivnviMe, the old hoing rf tbe deceased, at 110:30 o'clock this norning. Burial wiljl be had in the McMinnville ceme tery. tA great many ofj the friends of thel deceased, residing iw this city," will attend the? funeral. I The Best tn the 'World. We 'belkve Chamberlain's Cough RcSitedy i the best in I the world. A lew weeks ago we suffered with a se vere cold and a troublesome cough, and having read their j advertisements ii our own and oilier papers we -purchased a bottle to see if it would ef fect us. It civred us !efore tlie bottle was more than half uscdj It is the IksI medicine out for colds. and couglvs.--Tltc Herald. Anlersortyille, Ind. For sale by F. G. Haas, drUggist, Salem. IS NOW IN TROUBLE II. G. McKlnley, Timber Land Lo cator, Arrested. HELD FOR A HEARING IN ALBANY la Charged TO it h Making Fraudulent Loca tlona Claim lie la IMiif Prrwcni d by the Northern 1'acl lie Co. Horace i G. McKinley, an extensive timber land locator and well known here) in Salem, is in trouble with the gtjvernment officials. ' lie was ar rested in? Albany yesterday concern ing which, the following dispa'tch was last night received .frc-m Albany by the Statesman: i - "H. G. i McKinley the well known timber land cruiser who has been lo cated in the Cascades- during tnc paE several mionths. was arrested here to day on a charge of defrauding the gov ernment by (hiring men to take up claims with -whom he ihad contracted to purchase their claim. lie was ar raigned before, acting United "States Commissioner L. II. 'Motntacue. and was held inxiond to await exarw nation April 10th. McKinley says it is mere ly the Northern Pacific trying to down him in their infPrset and that he will come out all right." - A ; McKinley is. a former Salem boy but of recent years has been in the cm ploy of a syndicate of timber land lo cators of Wiconsiri. lie . has spent evrral months in the ( state making hfs headquarters in thisjeity at 'the Wil lamette and traveling pp and down the valley as his business made it nec essary. ; . In connection with , fa's work. (Mc Kinley had in his employ a number of young -men of this ckr -and it is feared if the charges agairret him are substan tiated it may place his colleague in rather . embarrassing positions. In behalf tA these young men. it is to be hoped that-Mr. MerCinlcT has been,eh gaged in hcrorable w'ork and that he may be able to adsfactorUly convince the government authorities of the un truthfuHesi cf the charges. MANY TEACHERS GOING TO - PARIS- It is estimated that at least 4000 American stehool teachers will attend the Paris exposition ; T THE SENATE Paerto Kicaii Bill Is .Debated. The Joseph Simon Opposes the Measure - thinks the Enactment of It Would PJaee Oregon in the. Doubtful Colnnin, Politically, WASHINGTON, April 2 The ad vocates ud ojponc:iis of the Pueito Rico tariff and government bill wagevl a vigorous war, in the senate today, for more than seveir hours. The final vote 'on "the bill!, will be taken late to morrow afternoon. j -, In a brief ,sieechi Senator Joseph Simsjn, of Oregon, declared that he ould vote against tlieneasurc, and while Ise disliked to separate from the majority on thei repirfdican ide of the ohambcr, be felt fully justified in his course. He was assured, however, lie said, that the pooplc "of Qrvgon wcrv entirely in accord .with him in iM)s mg tle measure. They were, lie taid, earnestly in favor of Iree trade terwcen Puertxj Rico and Unrteit Slates as a mat ter of good faith. He lid not think the enactment of elue bill into a Jaw would cause the loss of the tstatc to the Republican party, "but jf tlnre is any one act passed by ibis eongressjt'u, will endcr it doubtful. thi4 i the one." Simon was proceeding to elaborate. He said free trade had irct-n promised to the pcirjyle of Puerto Rico, when- lie was iinerruptcd by Foraker, with this iuestkn: "What single pledge or promise lias bet'tt made to he . pcodc of Puerto Rico which is tntf kept in this bill?" Simon was about to, read what Gen eral Mile, had Announced to the isl anders in his proclamation, wuen For akef took the :words out of his mouth, so to say, reirtarking tliat flic pending measure was ierfcctly i in line with the proclamation'. j SpOoner called attentiMt. to. tlie fact ihat, I in any event, even if Geneial Miles1' promises had not been ket. his proclamation wa In no sense biiKling upon congress. i - Simon toxk the ground that the pro posed act was a serwuts party bvundyr, as well as a wrong in itM-if. He main tained that the peojc of the island were under our flag, and therefore ft sIi'Ufld not be hekl for colonial exploitation. Tit; assertion of our pwer to levy the proposed tariff was in violation -of a tacit,; but welt: j undcrtfnl agreement with them, and he could notj therefore, give it, his support. THE! war: tax. Washington;, April 2- A possible re duction oi the war taxes was foresha dowed ii a re solution adopted by the house, today, calling upon the Mulc tary of the treasury for information a to the probnble -surplus, that tlie exist ing revenue' laws .would create during the coming fiscal year. The resolu tion was presented by 1'ayneV floor leader of the majority, j : Under a suspension of tle rules, bilH were passci to open to! settlement 4Ht,J 000 acres in the Fort Hall Indian reser vation, and 2.500.000 acres in Oklahoma,- by satisfying agreements with the BannKkand ShoKne Indians ami Kiowas, Comancllies and Apaches. THE SEX ATE ROLLED, Washington, April "it. 'Member of the senate committee on 1'tierto Rica tofay made a poll of the (-cna'le on the Puerto Ricart bill. They estimate a majority of seven for tlie bill. ELECTIONS HELD YESTERDAY. UTAH SELECTS A TO ERIGIIAM II. SUCCESSOR ROBERTS. Republicans Make Great Gains in Mon tana Chies They Capture the i Helena City Council. SALT DAK E CITY, April 2. In tlie election today,' for a mtmW of congress to acceel iirigham II. Kb erts. King, democrat, was elected over Hammond, republican-, by about ,2000 majority. REPUBLICANS WIN. ; Helena.' Mont., April 2. In' rlie ran nicrpal election bla,y ithe Rep"''''c3in ticket, beaded by Iviwartls' for mayor, was elected by a larget majority. The fRepulilicans also elected six of tlie seven, aldermen. EVENLY DIVIDED. 'Anaconda, 'Mont., April 2. Tliree Democratic and three Kcublican aldcr rrtcn were elcctetl today. V BAIJACE OF TOWER. -Butte. Mont., April 2. The Dfmm crats elected five out ol rlie eiglit alder men, today. This is a:loss of two for the Icmocrats, and makes the city council a tie, with a Democratic mayor. For Morbid Conditions take BEE CHAM'S PILLS. MANY IMMIGRANTS. New York. (March 31. The Hamburg-American line steamship Phoen icia, which arrived today from Hamburg and Boulogne, brought 2,038 steerage passengers, v . ... In