Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, March 13, 1900, Page 1, Image 1

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VOL.140. NO. 4.
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III 11:11 III . I
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lord Roberts Mislead
ing the Boers.
The Powers Are Asked to
Germany Declines as She Is Not Con
cerned la the Conflict-United
States Appealed to. i
LONDON, 'March -(Tuesday,
4:20 a. m.)-f-"LoTxi Roberts i making a
very rapid j advance, and he is again
misleading the "Boers by continuing to
advance southward instead of through
the, flat country due east , of Aasvogfel
Kop. He will probably seize the rail
way south of Blomromein, and, a'though
another battle id possible,1 it is more
likely that the Boers are only endeav
oring to delay his advance unril all the
lulling -stock'! of -the railway and the
Mores ami 'troops - from .the Orange
tiver district can be gotten away. The
Daily News quotes Whitelaw Keid as
saying in a private letter:
"I give you hearty congratulations
on the changed aspect of the war. It
is an immense relief to us tall, as well
a to you." - j "
'"This view," 4ays the. Daily News,
"is welcome, as expressing with in un
usual measure of authority, the'cnlight
ened public feeling in the United
States." . J- ' . . i , .i .
Except in the case of Gertmny, the
replies of the powers to the Boer ap
peals for intervention arc not yet known
publicly here, but it is quite certain that
Austria-Hungary , and Italy will. decline
tohnteriere. and there is no apprehen
sionthat anything will come cf the
overtures of the two republics. All the
morning papers take the line that the
govermiK-nt will decline to open 'nego
tiations with the : Boer republics, ex
cept upon a basis of complete surren
der, and will alsti make it perfec:ly clear
that nothing-in the shape .of foreign in
tervention I will be tolerated.
Parrs. March i3-- (Tuesday, 6140 a.
to.). The daulois publishes the follow
ing from I-omkm: "According to good
otnhority. fpr-esident Kruger and Presi
dent SteyH have not' made a formal
proposition of peace, but have asked
the British government, through the
.United-Stat-.s J,he ctndition it would
accept foe the opening of negotiations
o the basis -of the independence of the
republics.! President Kruger is alleged
to-have said tliat he would accent iie.li
atidn, hat the United States govern
ment, in transmitting this com -.mini ra
tion, took care to declare that it d.d
not assume the responsibility for the
initiative in niediatior "
The London; correspondent ..f M.itin
say: "I barn that United Stat-i Am
bassador Chae received, last eycnir.2,
a lorfg and important cable from the
United States, relative to South Africa,
which he! will communicate today to
Ird Salisbury."
I - - i
; Durban March 12. The Transvaal
having appealed to Germany for medi
ation in the 'war wirh Great! Britain.
Germany , has replied that she declines
to interfere, as she is in rw way con
cerned in the conflict.
Tt if 9rn -Marrfc 12. It is beamed
front a reliable! soirrce that President
Kruger. through the consuls at 1're
toria, ha4 appealed for intervention of
the:Kreatlpiwers in fhe Transvaal war.
He ha 1o appealed to the go-ern-rrfents
of -Belgium, Holland and Switz
erland, j ; . ':- J : -' . ' '
not Acceptable. -
Washington,' L March 12. There is
reason to believe that the United States
government is using its! good offices to
restore peace wiwmi ?.
and fhe South
has not taken
iAfrican republics. This
i chi-v of oroffered
mediation. That would be distinctly
repugnant to Great Britain. aa. ac
cording to the! rules of internattonal
law, which has-without excef. on. gov
erned the state department in the past,
could not be volunteered by t.te United
States, ! unless it was known to be ac
ceptable to both parties to the war.
But the United States might very
properly serve; as an intermediary to
transmit an appeal for peace and tejrrns
upon whicli peace can be seaired. I ne
United States has successfully served
in this capacity in the past, notably m
the interior of China Chinese war. and
it is believed her good offices m this
line are how being extended. It,,.be"
licved it' is well founded that Adclbert
Hay. United States consul to' Pretoria,
ha been the instrument for transmit
ting to the Brit teh government through
the mdium of rhe state department "and
Ambassador Choatae, an inquiry from
Pit sklents Kruger and Stcyn asto the
terms upon which the war can be end
ed. The facts in the cae will be fully
developed in a day or two.
Washington, (March 12. Lord
Pauncefote called at the -state depart
ment late in the afternoon, and spent
, a half hour with Secretary .? II ay. If he
was - made .;! acquainted with the
tenor i of I any communications
relative W to i eacev f that niay
have come 4rtm Pretoria he gave no
' sign of the fact. The officials of the
state dcparlment also maintained a
reserve, repecting this subject, that was
impenatrab'e and all that could
4tained Trom f them was
the i injunction to await thedevelop
mer.ts of. the next twenty-four hours!.
It is surmised from that, the department
s restrained from a discussion of the
subject by a regard for diplomatic pro-7
pricties. . -' : '
, Venters Vleit, (March 1 2. The Erit
rh . forces which,.; since -the fighting at
Dreiforrtein. have been marching rapid
ly hitlier, have turned the Boer posi
tion. Our cavalry are ahead. The
Boers were reported this morning,
about 12.000 strong, with eighteen guns
in position, on a range of kopjes com
manding the road to Bloemfontein,
which is fifteen miles distant.
Officers of the Island Appeal for Help
.. for the Natives. ;'
NewYork.March j 12. Accompanying
the report 01 Brigadier-General Davis,
governor-general of Puerto Rico, in
regard to the situation in the island, is
a report nrade by Captain II. S. Bish
op, of the Fifth cavalry, s stationed at
Manatee, in which he makes a strong
apnea! for food.
Captain Bishop states that the press
ure for relief supplies is greater today
than it was before the hurricane. The
sugar industry will give employment to
only a few, leaving the balance of the
poor class without any occupation or
means of support. In some sections
they are beginning to raise sweet pota
toes, but in the center, of the island, or
the coffee district, there i- nothing fof
fhepoor to eat. Bananas and plan
tain will not be ready for from two to
four 4 months. If the rations are not
continued. Captain, Bishop states, there
is almost certain to be an outbreak of
lawlessness and an increase of illness
and the death rate. .? He says he had
hoped to reduce the! rations, but reports
from all sections of'the district indicate
increased destitution. ;
-General Davis states that such of the
coffee-planters as could have cleared
up the rubbish and weeds in their fields,
having no money to pay their hands,
have laid them off. ; Workmen and
their families, lacking money to live,
are drifting into the towns, demanding
food. General Davis asks for a second
shipment oi 500 tons of rice. Codfish
and bacon, in usual proportions, to fol
low the 500 tons to go on March 16th.
Neither Side Is Ready to Initiate Hos
tilities Governor Taykir Will
Remain in Frankfcrt.
FRANKFORT, Ky; "March p.
The situation in Frankfort tonight
shows a radical improvement from that
of twenty-four hours ago.. The pitDiic
excitement, worked ttp to the highest
pitch by the arrests of Secretary of State
Powers. -Captain DaTis and others ac
cused of complicity ' in the assassina
tion of Governor Goebel. and by ru
mors anwng the republicans that the
hastily organized ifiilitia of Governor
Beckham was to attempt to take pos
session of the state hsUdings or arrest
Governor Tavlor. and among the dem
ocrats that the state militia would at
temot to arrest Gvernor Beckham
died awav almost entirely, when jt be
came evident that neither side had any
intention of initiating hostilities. Nev
ertheless great uneasiness still exists,
especially among the republicans. Gov
ernor Tavlor has been urged, by sev
eral republican leaders, to remove the
seat of government to Tmdon for the
present, where lie would be safer from
possible arrest, but it is understood he
has refused o take such action.' and will
remain in Frankfort Until the federal
cours have finallv passed on the dis
puted governorship,
Louisville, March 12. W. L. Ilaze
lipp ' wa$ arrested this afternvHn, on a
charge 'of conspirarcy. Hazelipp is al
leged to have leen implicated in the
plot to assassinate Wm. Goebel., lie
is steward of the Central asylum.
Frankfort, Ky.. Marck" 12. The be
lief, among republicans, that attempts
will be made to arrest republican legis
lators in connection-with the assassina
tion of Goebel, has resulted in several
members leaving town. The demo
cratic officials refuse either to confirm
or deny the accusation, and the reports
that such warrants have been issued,
althought it is admitted more arrests
will take place within a few day.
It is asserted that Taylor is being
urged to move the executive offices to
London, where he will be safe from
possible arrest, but that so far he has
refused to entertain the idea. Both
houses of the legislature met in the
state house this morning. In anticipa
tion of a possible attempt by the state
troops to prevent the meeting, quite a
ctcwd gathered around the state house
square, at the hour of the meeting, but
members of the legislature were allow
ed to meet without molestation. The
squad of militia, tinder Lieutentant
Peack. who were started lor I.omfn
Saturday as an escort -for Secretary of
State Powers and Captain Davis, re
turned to Frankfort this morning, Out
s;de of this, however, no reinforcements
arrived, and it is stated now that no
more are expected. ;:i
... '., pmm- V "
A House to House Examination to Be
Made in Chinatown.
San Francisco, March 12. At i spe--s-i
t;r, f the board of healtli, held
I. .ai ,rc-vk -
to consider the plague situation, there
were present besides the members. Or.
Kinyomv federal quarantine officer;
Dr. GasaWy.of the United States ma
rine hospital service, and Professor
Armstrong, of the University, of Cah-
fomia. Klnyotm rf p0rted that all of the
animals at the quarantine station on
Angels island, which Were inoculated
whh virus Iroro the body 01 the China
man iwho el p; red a few days ago tinder
suspicion a circumsfiances, had died,
w4ta the exteption of a monkey, and h
was in a dying condition. An autopsy
on the rats and guinea pigs showed
that they 4ad "developed symptoms f
the genuin bubonic plague. After dis
cussing the matter, the board decided
that the Chinaman who died at iooi
Dupont street, had been afflicted with
the plaguef A request was made for
too volunteers - im among the
members 4f the, medical profession to
nake a housetto-house examination.
and aid the board in thoroughly fumi
gating ana cisintecting the entire Chi
nese quarter. . -i ?
A quarajitine was not declared, but
the board adjourned at an early hour
thb morning o j meet at .noon today,
when action was Jtaken. The board has
agreed that the work of inspecting
Chinatowii wirh a view to improving
its sanitary condition shall be begun
at once. The section will be -districted
and every! day, until all danger is past,
every house will be visited and every
occupant inspected. Reliable Chiaese
will be detailed to accompany the phy
sicians anil the police will fender what
assistance: they can. These Chinese
will be supplied for the work$y the Six
Companies. Until another case of
plague develops, Chinatown- wilt' re
main free from nuarantine. but oeoule
are requested to have as little com
munication as possible with the sus
pected district, j When the Chinese
learned of the action of the board of
health there was an exodus from China
town of ithose who are emoloved out
side of the district which may again be
quarantined. " . !
On Americanr Frontier the Subject cf
.Congressional Inquiry.
Washington. March 12. Representa
tive Suiter, of. New York, today intro
duced toe following resolution: - :
"Resolved, etc.. that the secretary
of war is hereby directed to inform the
. . . , .
nouse 01 . representatives, as eariy ;as
possible? what fortifications Great Brit
ain is erecting, constructing 'and corm
pleting, ialong the northern froniterjOf
the United States, especially at Puret
sound and other places on the Pacific
ocean, contiguous-to the state-of Wash
ington and the District of Alaska." !
t ,. .. , .
J A Monster Devil Fish
Destroying its victim, is a type4 of
Constiriation. The power of this mur
derous j malady is felt on organs and
nerves and muscles and brain. There's
no health till it's overcome. But Dr.
King'sNew Life Pills are !a, safe and
certain! ctn. Uest in the world lor
Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels.
Only is cents at Dr. Stone's drug
store?.! .. v"-"'.- ",
A Democrat Unseated In Congress
On a Party Vote.
. : " i"- 11.1
A Brother of the Snceessfnl Contest'
ant Excluded by the Speaker i
for Interfering.
WASHINGTON. .March 12. Today.
for trie second time within ' a week, a
democrat was unseated by the house,
and ja republican seated in his pla,ce.
R. A. Wise W39I given the seat huh ,
rn UrrmwMl lv W. A. Youne. from
the Seond Virginia district. f
i . . - . . ' - V
rrpvious to taking tne vote, jonn j.
WicA ! Vrk foranerlv a mem-
bcr pf. the house irom Virginia, and
who lis a brother of R. A. Wise and his
utoiinrv in the case, iwas excluded from
the hall by Speaker Henderson, on "a
protest of the deriiocrats. that he was
abusing the privilege 01 noor, 10
u . .ntiiini hv the rule. bv inter-
tferirfg wih the debate upon the case.
I lie vote was exceedingly cjos-e.
Whije none of the republicans vtrted
with the democrats, enough were ab-
Sentjand unpaired to reduce tne repinm
ianmajority upon the final vote ronv
sixteen, the normal majority, to seven.
The urgent deficiency' bill, carrying
$1,430.5 wa passed. j;
: . ,1 ! -.
V Gold! "Gold! Gold! !
Tjie latest El Dorado is reported to
be; on Nome City Beach, Alaska.
Thousands of people are hastening
there, many of whom will return! bro
ken Sin health. Of what avail is j gold
when health is gone? Guard your
health with the best of all medicines
Hoitetter's Stomach Bitters, and you
will! always nave true" health. The Bt
tersf are for people who- have, abased
tlieij- stomachs, or are naturally weak.
It vfill. regulate the bowels, stir up the
liveL invigorate the kidneys, and, ab
solutely cure indigestion, constipation,
malaria, chills and fever. It is a nat
ural tonic, absolutely free from dan
gerous narxotics. 1 1. should be takeq
at the present season, to protect the
system front sudden I cofds and mala
rial - attacks. It's a good medicine; to
keep on nana.
- Tiaroma. March 1 2. Senator Turner
...j,.. th,t fn P.ran will make
five speeches in thisstate. as follows:
Walla waiia. Jiarcit .-y""-Jklarch
30th: Yakima. March. 3 1st:
Seattle, April 2d, and Tacoma, April 3d.
; Oh. well has it been said that there is
no grief like the grict whicn noes hoc
speak. Longfellow. , j .
Sheldon's Paper
This Week.
Sensational News Will
Be Barred.'
Market Reports and Telegraph Sews
f Cut Down and Partisan Poli
M tics Prohibited.
TOPEKA, Kans., 'March 12. "The
mvn purpose of the- paper will be to in
fluence its readers to j &eck first the
kingdqm of God;"
Rev. Charles M. Sheldon, w.ho today
assumed editorial and business control
of the . Daily. Capital, wrhich he will re
tain one week, will'make this announce
ment in his editorial leader, outlining
his policy, tomorrow mdrmng. The
Capital during ihis time will be a'
"newspaper," the word "news' being
defined by Mr. Sheldon as "anything
in the way of current events that the
public. Ought to know, for its moral
and spiritual development." The pa
per will be absolutely non-partisan, and
partisan political news will be given
scant notice. .! .
All editorial and important local mat
ter will be signed by the writer. There
will be no Sunday paper, but instead a
Saturday evening paper, suitable for
Sunday reading. "May, God bless the
use of this paper to the glory of His
kingdom on earth," says Rev. Sheldon
in concluding his leader. The first
item on the first page, tomorrow, will
be a prayer written by Bishop John M.
Vincent, of the Methodist Eniscopal
church. , ;
Editor Sheldon went to the office at
8:jo this morning, and will be on duty
until the paper goes-to press at. 3
o'clock tomorrow morning. At,!!
o'clock he met the local force of the
paper, and gave out the assignments lor
he day. A page will be devoted to the
local news, and leading features for to
morrow will be reports of the temper
tnce. j revival and anti-cigarette meet
ing.! Sheldon instructed the police re
;Hrter that in case of. a murder or oth
er crime, to write the bare statement
or-facts. If he had space to spare, in
stead' of following it rtp V-ith the usual
detatf, he) would go into, a discussion
of the causes leading ui to the crime.
Uuriiig the conference the sporting ed
itor remarked that there, would be a
bowling contest at the Y. M. C. A
rtwims tonight. '
"I think, said Mr. Shehbm. "that
that is good, clean sport. You may
print it.'' T
The dramatic erUtor asked for in
structions about theatres.
' "We rdrall not want anything of that
kind," ( Mr. Sheldon said.
One pagyhas been reserved for tele
graph news, 1 which ordinarily occupies
three times that space.
The market reports will be cut -down
from four columns to one; - Ml quota
tions in stocks and bonds, grain op
tions and other matter involving trans
actions in future have been consigned
to hCj waste basket, and only actual
cash prices!. of grain, produce, etc., will
be 'quoted. ;
A notable feature Ot the paper will
be, thei merliod of handling advertise
mcnls. They will be banished from the
news !and editorial pages, and will be
buncheu in places resened for them.
All parent medicine ads. arc excluded,
nd the familiar corset advertisements
bf magazines,1 accompanied by cuts.
have sought m' vain tor space. ',-Ao re
tail ids. from Kansas City or other
out-of-town tradesmen will be accepted.
Mr.' Sheldon holdsng that this would
be injustice to the home merchants.
The $20-uit-of-clorhes-for-$i4-75-5tyle
of advertisement, is also barred.
f'There shall be no smoking in the
editorial rooms. That is the only ruie,
regarding office habits, I mve given
out, ; said Kev. tshetdon.
Discovered on Siberian ' Coast OppO
i site the Cape Nome District.
Seattle. March 12. Two arrivals tt
Daw jsoii City, from Cape Nome, who
left jthe . latter place eight days aiter
Carl Knoblesdorf and C. D. Campbelk
tell !a wonderful j story of what is
claimed to be the richest find made in
the north. The new field is 100 miles
from Nome, and reports of its ?abub
lous; wealth were being passed from
mouth to mouth at Nome 'whea ; the
latest arrivals left there on December
iS'.hJ-yReports of wonderful strikes en
the Siberian coast, opposite Cape Nome
were being received. It was reported
thati the SSierian earth was literally
filled with various- metals. A great
rnsh from Nome to the new fields will
cqmmence as soon ai the weather will
permit, :; v ' ' ---
-! . 11 r .1.
Snow Slides Do Great Damage on the
ii j Canadian Pacific :
: Vancouver. . B. C. March 12. No.
overland train has arrived here since
Saturday, all traffic being suspended by
rod ana-snow slides in. the ifiterior.
Heavy snow slides are reported from
the I Selkirk mountains, . carrying down
trees and immense rocks, sweeping
away the Cutband truss bridge, 150 feet
fciwr. between Bear creek and Six Mile
creek. From Sandon comes the news
of even a more serious disaster. A
landslide at noon demolished six houses
in the lower art f town, fjurymff- one
of the tenants. 'William McLeoL Three
other occupants of the dwelling were
striousiy injured. ,
Portland. -March 12. D. P. Thomp
son was today elected school director,
defeating J. P. rinley.
A Scliooner Wrecked" on the Shore of
That Bay.
Astoria, March 12. News has reached
this;city from Tillamook ot the loss of
the schooner Lala and Mattie. which
has been wrecked at the cnouth of Till
amook Bay. Just how the schooner
came to go ashore is not stated' in the
meager dispatches thus far received, but
it is presumed that, while atteiiting
to cross out .of the harbor, she was set
in shore by the current and ran onto
the spit. - '.
The steamer Harrison was at Tillamook
at the time, and Captain Dodge passed
a line to the schooner as she was being
driven toward the spit. The weather
was very severe at the time, and the
line parted, so that TT was impossible
for the steamer torender further assist
ance. : ' . . '-.
The Lila and -Mattie was 6f 106.58
tons gross register, and was built at
Albion River. Cat-., in 188S.' She is
owned in San Francisco and had been
engaged "for some lime in carrying
lumber between the Bay-city and Till
amook, ,
It. is thought the vessel will prove a
total loss, as very heavy weather has
prevailed since she was driven ashore.
"j Cold Steel or Death.
There is but one - small chance to
save your life and that is' through1 an
operation," was the awful prospect Set
before Mrs. I. B. Hunt, of Lime Ridge, j
W is., by her doctor after? vainly trying
to cure her bf a frightful case of stom
ach trouble and yellow jaundice. He
didn't count on the marvellous power
of Electric Bitters to cure-Stomach and
Liver troubles, but she heard of it,
took seven 'bottles, was wholly cured,
avoided surgeon knife, now weighs
more and feels better than ever, lt'si
positively guaranteed to cure Stomach,
Liver and Kidney troubles and never
disappoints.' Price 56c at Dr. Stone's
Foraker Threatens to Introduce n Bill
Giving 'Puerto Rico a Terri-.
torial Government.
WASHINGTON, March 12. The
senate chamber and the adjoining
room,s today wcrjr the scene of conflicts
of opinion which found, no place in the
congressional record. The basis of
disagreement was Senator Fraker's bill
providing a form of government for
Puerto .Rico, and only the republican
senators participated in it. The con
troversy grew out of the efforts to have,
the .bill amended. There are some"
senators who hold that Puerto Rico.
f should be left in the hands of the war
department. Senator Forakt-r; as chair?
man of the Puerto Rkan committee,
met a proposition cf inactivity with the
declaration that, if it was persisted in,
he; would not only drop the bill before
the senatej entirely, but would ; intro
duce as a substitute fOri it a measure
providing for the organization of. the
islam! as a territory,' giving it all the
officers and all the privileges and im
munities of such territories as Okla-
homa. New Mexico and Arizona, mak
ing Puerto Ricansfull-lledged citizens
of the United States; and establishing
a complete free trade between them
and the United ' States proper. Fear
was feU by the advocate of the tariff
that uch an amendment could be pass
ed with the assistance of the democratic
free traders. Senator Foraker himself
is wedded to the bill under considera
tion, and on account of this prcdilec
tioiv he , decided, after conferring with
almost every one of the, republicans, to
allowl matters to drift for a ft w days. .
j ! A Night of Terror.
"Awful anxiety was felt for the wid
ow of'the brave General Burnham of
Maehias. Me., when the, doctors said
she could not live till morning" writes
Mrs. S..H. Lincoln, who attended her
that fearful night. "AIL thought she
must soon die from Pneumonia, but
she begged for Dr. King's New Dis
covery, saying it had more than once
saved her life, and had cured her" of
Consumption. After three small doses
she slept easily all night, and its fur
ther use completely cured her." This
marvelous medicine: is guaranteed to
cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Dis
eases. Only 50c and $1.00. Trial bot
tles free at Dr. Stone's drug stores.
From Pcosecuting Boycotts Against
Chinese -Heavy Damages.
't- Butte, Mont.i March- 12. Judge
Knowles. of the United States court,
today handed down a decision in the
noted Chinese boycott, which has been
rending in the courts for several years,
le made permanent . the injunction
against the tabor union ami labor lead
ers, who had for years . prosecuted a
boycott against the Chinese and all
employers of. Chinese. It is under
stood that the claims for damages will
now be presented to the federal govern
ment by the Chinese minister.
IMPROVING. Frank S. Dearborn,
who has been confined to his bed with
typhoid fever for the past four, months,
and whose condition at one time occa
sioned some alarm, is improving nice
ly, and he is now able to m up in bed.
His recovery is now but a question of
time,, but it will, of course, be neces
sarily slow. The family and the hun
dreds of friends. are much gratified with
the favorable, turn hi illness has taken.
Salem's rustling real estate man, carries
the little finger of bis left hand, secure
ly bandaged, the result. of a mishap
that befell him yesterday morning. A
horse he was leading became "fractious,
and in its efforts to get away the-little
finger became entangled in the rope
and the bone ! was fractured. - The in
jury was treated by Dr. W. II. Byrd.
but Fred is not in the slightest degree
incapacitated from selling a farm or de
sirable residence- property. He. can
still talk.
; It is very hard to stand idly by an J
see our dear one suffer while awaiting
the arrival of the dctor. An Albany
(N. Y.) dairyman called at a drug store
there or a doctorto come and see bis
child, then very sick with croup. Not
finding the doctor in. he left word for
him to some at once on his return. He
also bought a Uxtl jS Chamberlain
Cough Remedy, which he hoped woulJ
give some relief until the doctor slwunl
arrive. In aiew. hours he returned, ray
ing the doctor need not conic; as the
child was urucJi better. The druggist.
Mr. Otto. SeruW, says the family ha
since recommended 1 Chamberlain's
Couglt Remedy to their neighbors and
friends until lie has a constant de
mand for it from that part 4 the coun
try. For sale by F. G. Haas, druggist,
Salem, Or. 4
About 3 o'clock yesderday afternHn. a
heavy stock train. mirtluKiuml, passed
through Saleln. Tlic train, which cotr
sisted. of twenty cars, we 1 1 tilled with
cattle was drawn by two engines. In
quiry at the depot failed to ascertain
from what section, the cattle had been
shipped nor the destination of the ship
ment..! '. !! ! 1 ; 1
usual weekly deposit for the school
savings bank, were made at the several
-ity schools yesterday morning. , The
deposits aggregated iio..t5- and Avere
apportkmed among the scIkmiIs as fol
lows: t-.ast. $17 751 1-iiKxMn, 13.74;
Park. ''$. 53: ' Central, S0.0K; North,
$2.20; Polytechnic, 15 cents.
' A Frightful Blunder j
'Will often cause a horrible Hurn.
Scald, Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arni
ca Salve.: the best in the world. L will V
kiil the pain and promptly heal it. Cures
tUl bores, rever rores, Ulcers, lfoiis,
Felons, Corns,- all Skin r.ruptions.
Best Pile cure on- earth. Only 2$ cts.
a boxi Cure' guaranteed. io!d byj 'Dr,
Stones druggist..
City "has one less saloon. G. L.. Neal,
who "far a year past conducted a liquor
house on Commercial street, yesterday
chofed. his place of business. wand ex
pects to engage in some other busim-st
vocation, j '.',
A. R. Dc Fluent, editor ofjihe Jour
nal, Doylestown, Ohio, suffered for a
number of yjars from rheumatism in
his right shoulder and side. He says:
"My right arm at times was entirely
useless. I tried Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, and was surprised to receive re
lief almost immediately. The Pain
Balm has been a constant companion ,
ff mine ever since and it never fails."
For sale by F. G. Haas, druggist, Sa
lem, Oregon. .! "'.... .
The remaiirs of Lymart Kelsy, a pri
vate in late Company M., Second Ore
gon Volunteers, reached Corvallis yes
terday and will be given burial today.
The deceased died on the island of Lu-
Lzon during the I'hiiippine campaign.
Being a member of Company M.. Kel-
scy was quite welt kmwn by the mem
bers. of Salem s company K., w ho speak
highly of hlnfv Prof (. W. Jones had
intended going to Corvallis) to attend
the funeral but he will be prevented oil
account of a severe cold he has! con
tracted. " i ."'':'-".' r
i . Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures
painful; smarting, nervous feet and in
growing nails, and instantly takes the
f ting out of corns and bunions. It's
the greatest comfort discovery of the
age. Aliens l-oot-tase makes tight
or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain
cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired
aching feet. Try it today, Sold by
all druggists and shoe stores. By mail
fof i 25c. - in stamps. Trial package"
FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted Le
Roy, N. Y,
9:30 o'clock last cveningr a stranger at-r
tempted to enter the residence of v. u. !
Ilaai on East Chemeketa street near
Twelfth, street but he was frightened
aay before he had succeeded in forc
ing the side doofopert, at which he
was working. Mr. Haas had not re
turned home and the family having re
tired, the house was darkened., hence
the would be burglar deemed it an op
portune time to make his visit. 1 lie
members A the family, however, were
icon aroused, and putting in an appear
ance, tfie stranger disappeared. A
telephone message called Policeman
Skipton to the Haas residence, but a
through " investigation of the premises
failed to disclose the whereabouts of
the ; designing burglar nor reveal the
identity of that individual. This is the
third appearance of a would-!e-burg!ar
to enter residences w that immediate
locality during the past week, but none
of his visits have proven successful
thus far. He will probably continue
nuking these nocturnal visitations until
the reception of a contribution of cold
lead will convince him that his com
pany is not at all desirable. '
Why devote all your time reading
about the Boer War .-and the Gold
fields jof Alaska? There are other
matters of vital importance: you may
make a trip East, and will want to
know how to travel. In, order to have
the best service, use the Wisconsin
Central Ry.. between Si. Paul and Chi
cago. For rates and other information,
write Jas A. ' Clock,, General Agent,
Portland, Oregon. tf d w.
Liver Complaint
cured by B EE-
Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or. f.est
farm paper. Issued weekly. $1 a year.