Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, March 09, 1900, Page 1, Image 1

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VOL. 4fJ. NO. 3.
v y i 1! I J ! !
.(jJ ivIUilyli'J 4:11 LlAili
British I Cavalry After
the BoeiArmjv
Kepublics jMake Peace
Terra Not Considered Satisfactory In
Loudon 4 Kroner Delivers a
Sermon In Bloemfonteini I
LONDON, March 9 -(Friday, 4:15
a. m.j. ine ISors appear tot have
ojade no stand whatever, except that.
while in retreat.
they twice repulsed
General French
I cava! r with rifle fire.
As no report ha
4een made of the
capture f prisoners, the-eriemy prob
ably pot away wkli rlkir entire force.
General French iis still following rhem,
am! keeping: hefcwfecn them and Bloem
fonteini J ''" i "
The evacuation1 of the northern dis
tricts of Cape Colony is no w nearly
nnnp!rt. Tlw J$ritih are in posses
sion; tf the railr ad crossings."
Military; critics comment on the dis
couraging news rom 'Mafeking. Col
onel Uadcn-PowL-lI seem to be in
K rave need of cutside help, otherwise
le would not hallow the correspond
ents to send -out information respect
ing the distress of rhe garrison.. Tlic
je-adi ii!mcn oi some higher, com
mands is taking place. General White
is to k to Slorinberg to take supreme
command f General Garacre's divis
ioa anil the: tenth division now in pro
gress cf formation, which will be un
der the immediate command of Gener
al Hunter, Sir Gxorge Vhks chief of
staff. : -
The Daily News makes the follow
ing announce nKfiit:
"ft was r:imrcd .in London yester
day, and we haj-e some reason foi he-
the two republks made informal and
unofficial vrtTs of nc"ace on the nr-
cedkiK dayj LTpfortunately the condi
tion suggested) were of such a char
acter as to; prctludc the possibility of
their leading to any result. Terms,
which might hive been' gladly acccpt-
,ed bcio-rc thei wfar, in order (to avert it.
arc ' iinoossibltr iaftcr the . war. with all
hr sacrifices it! has entailfd." j
i ; j - I
Tjadysm'th, March 8. The Boers are
entrenching at f Biggersberg. Scouts
report that alt Natal Dutch farmers
1iave tied from the surrounding coun
try. ' i' I : : f
Pretoria. March 8. Secretary of
State (Rett has issued a -war bulletin.
saying the! Boers are not discouraged
by the rcvcres ami will hgM to the
death. Gererat Dewct is'now in com-
maTKl of the Boers north or"the Modder
river. PreKidtnt Kroger has gone to
B'oemfonteiit. presumably to settle the
difference! letwcn the Transvaalers
and the : Free Staters,
A special dispatch frm Bloemtontein
.says that President Kruger, address
ing a crowd oi people, said : "
"Although CJod is testing ourj eo
i!e, my mrsorraL opinion is that the
limit of t lie test is nearly reached. If
the rcoiIe are sustained by faith in the
time of adversity, God' will toon turn
the tide m oiir favor. .If we have
strong fa it 1 1 in God. he will surely de
liver j The liml of deliverance of
'Men times is! the same God now."
The fpecoh of the venerable ; presi
dfrt broi?ht tears ti the eyes of men
anl womcit a:;fce.' .- 4i '
Fighting is 'proceeding at Mafeking.
All- outside1 forts, except one, have
Ik tii taken by the Boers.
WA? A 55t!f"F.5v5iL .
Osronteiln, -March 7. 'Lord Roberts
ntovcmcnr today again surprised, out
witted and ott-maneuvered tle Bcrs,
w?xj tied alntost wiwiout nnng a snoi.
The nlani of ! latt'e was as follows:
tlrnn r"r!vtit1 'division' extended
along the! north bank; General Tucker
held the center reserve, and the Guards
origade had the center advance; Gen-
... . .... 1
era! Keiiy-Kenny s oiyion was oraer
ed to nnke a 1uige flanking movement
on the Bert kit. iolkwii;r General
t'rii-h who was instructed ! swing
arond the rear. Every movement
i4 admirably executed and entirely
sneccssful; When ' 4at seen General
French was pursuing! flic enemy vig
r.iV i If i t4 mated the Boers
number 14.000, all of whom arc now in
. a . ... I 1-
, 1 . .. -
The Ex-Presidcnt'Will Not Be a Can-
1 ! oidat-e for Oflice.
In'I:aitajxlis. Ind.,r March 8.
$ti iliit afternoon savs:
It iis stated by intimate friends of
Gc$eral Harrison that 'he. is chagrined
that his name: shoukl le so freely used
in the newjpapers of the country in
cicction with the j public questions
now under consideration. His friends
tys he has not the slightest desire to
re-enter politics. A gentleman 4io is
' near trie lormer presiacni wscu una
siatement today! s
' Yon r.iav sav that, if Harrison had
any thorght j of re-entering politic,
which he . has not. he would not make
h' rc-ap:carancc by crijiciring the ad-
i , , ' "
Pan's. March 8. The famous The-itrc
Francais has been destroyed by -fire,
TIe fire broke out about noon, but was
ot discovered immediately, and the
theatre was burning furiously before
the fire brigade, got to workV Even
then the appliance were-quite inade
quate to cope with the conflagration,
and by 1:30 p. ra. the entire building
was a roaring furrnace. The dense col
umn of smoke rising from the fire at
tracted crowd's from all parts of Paris,
the Theatre Francais being regarded
as a national mstiution.; The theatre,
which is the home .of the Comedie
francais, was only -reopened a fort
night ago, after, having been renovated
for rhe cxposittojj throng expected to
visit Paris during the year.
Tacoma, Wasli., March 8. Aborrt 10
o'clock this morning. Frank Sprague
shot and killed 'Mrs. Guy T. Gale, and
then killed ihimself, at -Gale's logging
camp, about seven -miles from Tacoma.
Sprague arrived here Sunday from
Cross Fort. Pnn., where it w claimed,
he met Mrs. Gale and was a suitor for
her hand before she married Gale last
November. ' Thrs morning: Sprague
went to the Gale house. Gale was in
the Woods at rhe time, but- went to
the hot'se on an errand, and was in
formed by Mrs. Gale that Sprague was
:nsi4e. Mrs. Gile re-entered rhe house
and was afwlce shot by Sprague. Th
victim staggered out of the house and
died in her husbandfs i arms. , Sprague
fhen shot hinrself. - ,
. , .
Lewiston. Me., .March ' 8. .Martin
Riley and Joe .Mullens are schedule!
to meet in a 15-round bout before the
Maine 'Athletic Club tonight. ; The
fight, no doubt, will be a spirited one,
as the New England light-weight
championship rests on the outcome cf
tlris 6attlc. i
Tacoma, March 8. -The state fish
commissioner's forthcoming annual re
port -will show that the salmon pack
ol Washington, last year, was 1,032,100
cases ot salmon, valued at 54.s00.00.
and the out put of fresh, saked and
smoked fish brings the total value up
to $5, 130,00a s
New York. March k 8. Dr. Tracev.
register of vital statistics of the Health
department, says that there has been a
arge increa-se in the. number of deaths
from grippe and pneumonia in the last
week as compared with the same week
of 1890. t-,? .
New York, March 8. The Society
of American Artists opened their 22A
annual exhibition at - the Fine Art
building today. It will continue open
until Friday. .
Manager Iheo. II. Wllro Refused to IJI-
; raise th Company riana WUI
If olabIjr Rebuild.
Theo. B. I Wilcox, of Portland, man
ager of the Salem Flouring Mills Com
pany, accompanied by -M. W. Hunt.
rcurescntative tor rvordykc & Marmon
Cfmfiany, flour mill builders, of Jnd
ianapolis, Indiana, were in the city yes
terday between trains, returning to
I'ortland on the dhasta , express last
evening. When seen by .a Statesman
reporter. Mr. Wilcox Tcfuse to discuss
Jfce connany s plans ami declined to
state positively ; wnetner or ot tne
company would eventually replace the
old mill. He said as manager ot the
corporation he had come to Salem for
the purpose ot looking over tne neia,
ascertaining the ed for the replace
ment of the mill and the jprooanie cost
of doing so. The company will now
figure on the expense ot a new mut
and will doulitless reach a final con
clusion in the matter within a very tew
days. 1 ' ; -i
While in Salem. Mr. Wri!cox visited
the company's property on Mill creek,
took .measurements of the same and
gathered other information pertaining
to the mill corrspany 5 imsinessinieresrs
and its possessions in the Capital City.
It w 1 orobnhl be definitely known
witnin a very cw u,ivs uimci vi hui
- . C I ...1. t. M,
a new mill will te iui ai tnts point,,
but the atwarances would indicate an
intention on the part ot tne company
of so doing. i- . .
Eugene Guard: i :
. Winm X'onland. t aged alout -Tl
years, today appeared at the sherifTs
of!"ie and said h wanted to go to he
State Reform school, as he cotud not
berood in Eugcna It will be reme
Uret that some time since sentence
upon hint was passed during good be
haviqr. He will iprcAably be taken be
low tomorrow. si ,
A niG MATOR4TY. Will ' H
rtirr well and oleasantly known
ihrrtiihout the Willamette valley as
newspaper man of marked ability, was
Tuesday elected councilman-at-
r in ihe citv of Seattle br the sec
or.d largest vote received by any can
didate cn the ticket. His majority was
8y greater than, that of the mavor. He
has been city comptroller for the rast
t , .-,r tr Parry was city editor
,n-;fv Statesman : in the latter
part of 1S8S. just before going to Scat
tie. ;
, . - 1 -
iSTVTE TAXES. Benton county
yesterday made its, second payment on
account of the state taxes for the year
1809. amounting to $460. Tlie tirst
. ' . r .r.Trt was made several
weeks ago. No other county has thus
far paid state taxes lor ibor.
. , ' '- -i t , I -. .; - I ' I
Puerto Rican Measure
in the Senate
Southern Member's Gen
erous Words.
Attitude of the President Explaiued
by aHemberoftbe Cabinet No
; -
Change Oecnrred.
formal discussion of the Puerto Rican
tariff and civil government bill began
in the senate today, anfl continued nn
interruptedlly for four afid at half hours.
The principal speakers were Foraker,
in charge , of 'the measure, and Pettus,
democrat, -who spoke igainst th bilk
Pcttii congratulated tac president on
iihe position he had talvcn , in ,his last
annual message, favoring free trade
between the Uned States and Puerto
Rico. j.. ; 1 j
"No sordid politician's fingers ffad
been put in the ink of that message,"
he said. '"The president was. honest
and sincere when he distinctly advised
free trade between the United States
and the island of Puerto Rico. . Thoagh
he may -desire a re-election, tie was a
brave soldier, and is an able and gen-
cro'.ts man. 1
Washington, MarcW 8. A member
of the cabinet tonight igave oul the lol-
owing atifhbnrative statement: t
. "There has been wide misaonrehen-
sion of the Puerto Rijcan tariff bill, of
the attitude of the president, of ttie
action of congress, and of their rela
tions to each other. The criticism and
concern which have come irom ' well-
mcaiving quarters aref due, almost En
tirely to a mjsundcrstinding of the rtal
facts. '
''Tlie' attempt to represent that there
ias been a disagreement between die
president and congress is wholly un
founded. There have .been no essential
differences between them. "The recom
mendation' of the Drcsident and the
house bill in their purpose and effect
amount to the samei thing. The preS?
went, in his .annual! message on -December
4th.- urged that the cwstoms
duties on rhe trade between Puerto
Rico and the djnited States be re
move-!. f
"W'liat the president Dronoscd was
that the United States should offer the
largest and most generous measure of
help to the distressed and suffering isl
and, and he 'Iras never wavered an m-
starrt in the object lie sought.
The partisans who souaht to nut
t'lie president and congress in the hole
have, perhaps, uncos sciotksly, slug a. pit
;or tncmselves. 1 hey will hnd that
they have taken a bosition vhich will
estop them from cairying oat the policy
thaft we have proposed for the disno-.
sition of the Philippines. It is enough
tor tne present to ay that our conten
tion .that the constitution does not by
us own lorce exren ovei the new pos
sessions without legislative action, is in
harmony with the genera! tenor of ju
dicial action from f the acquisition of
Louisiana down to (the present time.
Washingtoh. -March 8. The house
unseated Gaston A. Robbm-s, demo
crat from the Fourth district in Ala
bama, and seated in his stead William
F. Aldrich. the republican," who has
three times been a! contestant from the
same district, on tihe eround of frand.
and who is now given his seat for the
third time by a republican house. Ihe
vote was strictly 4 party one.
A new rule was brought in to set
aside the day sefiions on the second
awl fourth Fridays each month lor
pension legislation. 'Tlie rule limit
the debate on each bill to. ten m:rntes
on a side, but this; provision was with
drawn upon the assurance, of Richards
son, the minority. leader, :-hat his side
of the house would not indulge in fili
bustering. - I '
Tyc jiouse cortrtnittce on marirj and
fisheries today, by a vote ,of 10 to 3,
ordered the shipping subsidy bill re
ported. Grosvepor summed tip the
results by saying ' the committee had
agreed to amendments in the senate
bill, also to a few other new amend
ments., On the final vote all republic
can members favoured the bill as amend;
ed, and aa democrats opposed ' it ex
cept Chandler, wflio did not voteti The
btevens anti-trust amendments were
agreed to. .
That a Japanese Vessel at Port Town
send Quarantine Has a Case
In San Francisco. j
gcon-Gcneral yyman. of the manpe
hospital service. ! upon being shown' the
difpatch siaiing ithat it wa denied that
members of the crew of Japanese
steamer NanyojMani, which has been
detained at Diamond Point, Washing
ton, were suffering from the plague.
said that facts are. that the steamer ar
rived at Port Townsend, quarantine.
January 3th. having had two cases cf
sickness on board cn route. There
was on death! at quarantine, and it
was fud to hare resulted Irom bubon-r-
plague. There were aho a number
of cases of 4eri-berL The steamer has
leen thoroughly tlisunfected and re
leased. The passengers and crew who
have, been held in quarantine will be
released, but those who have been in the
hospital -will . still be held.
Surgeon Gassoway, in charge at San
Francisco, hafs reported to General
Wymari" the glands from the suspected
case of plague there were submitted
to the local health authorities, and an
examination is being made. He de
scribed the quarantine regulations in
force there, and says the situation thus
far is apparently well in hand. The
antecedents of the suspected case jave
not asyyet been ascertained.
The 1 surgecn-genera! states that a
quantity of anti-pest serum, which he
has recently imported from the Pasteur
Institute in Pasis, is already in the
hands 'of the marine hospital officers
at San Francisco. 1 lie has sent an
additional quantity lor use in this emer
gency.?; I
Washington, March 8. James R.
Sovereign continued his testimony in
the Coeur d Alene: case today. Owing
to Representative Lentz'-s absence in
New York; Representative Slayden,
of Texas, directed the examination,
and the cross-examination was partici
pated "in by all the members of the
committee, "Mr. Sovereign testified
that the Miners Union was not respon
sible .for the publications written by
him, which had been introduced as evi
dence.! .Tlie "crossrexa.iiMnation took
Mr. Sovereign over' the exciting events
attending the blowing tsp oi the Bunk
er Hill concentrators, and. the witness
was made tci recite in minute details
the circumstances of the affair. In the
main, . this was an elaboration of, the
direct I testimony previously given.. He
said the masks worn by the men 'were
ordinary cloth with holes cut out for
the eyes. ;
Columbus, O.. March 8. A special
to the Dispatch, if rom Toledo, says;
The English petroleum syndicate of
Lcndon. the foreign branch of the
Standard Oil ..Company, is reliably re
ported to have closed a gigantic denl
in the Ohio oil field. The company
absorbs te Cudahy comtbinaton of
Chicago, and the Manhattan Oil Co.
The consideration Us understood to be
. .. j j ;
LARGE FARMi SOLD.-mAs referee
in the partition case of the, Walling
heirs, J. R. Shepard. of Zena. yester
day sold to WVn. M. Toner id F. W.
Peaslie the Walling farm of 394 acres
in Spring valley for $ 7,00a
Residence of Rev. II. A. Ketchum Was
' Burglarized oii Tuesday Even
jirig Secured Some Money.
Some time Tuesday night the resi
dence of Rev. ILiA. Ketchum, pastor
of the First Presbyterian church, at the
corner of State and Church strefets,
was entered by burglars.
The burglar - wai a very considerate
individual and even in his criminal
workevidenced good training, evident
ly being opposed to taking everything
his victim might possess for he took
only $0 out of a purse containing $30,
leaving the remaining $10 and the purse
in the room. A finely engraved pen
knifc! which .had ibcen presented Dr.
Ketchum by members of his congre
gation, and a splendid magnifying
glass and case were also taken, while
a valuable gold watch in the same
room j was left undisturbed.
How the thief drained admission to
the house, is a mystery to the family,
whifhi is csneciaJl careful at all times
Ifo seethat rhe home is securely bafed
to such intruders. J, I lie tact mat .not a
window nor a doon had been forced,
confirms the supposition that the burg
lar entered the house during the even
ing and secreted fhimself in the build
ing until hc family had retired wncn
he executed his work without fear of
molestation. TheJ. unwelcome visitor
left the, building tfirough a door which
was' unbolted from the inside.
Tofay is the 37th Anniversary of the: Battle Between the
Lady's High Grade World Wheel j
Will be gven away June llth to the holder of the
lucky coupon. You are entitled to a coupon with every
50c; cash purchase. Ask for it. - ;
New Silk Waists
Elegant silk and
satin waists re
ceived today
corded, plaited,
puffed, tucked, etc.
Very new styles.
New Today
Fancy hosiery, 25c, 5()c, 75c. New
: Ladles' Tailor-Made Salts
Nothing to compare with them in
Salem. $7.50 to $30, sure to fit you.
Perales 10c up to
20c per yard.
Silver Collars
for 25c
nr. Wslcno
- a
bosom. :
Anjihing you want in tho shirt line. jPrices are the very lowest.
The New York Rackdt
Ladies' Black Kid Strap Sandal,
Buckle an Bow (like cut) at.....
Ladies Sejge Congress Shoes, at.
Misses Black Kid Strap Sandal at;
Misses Tab Oxford Ties at..j...
-I ' ' '
I 1
. !
1 .
We are now carrying punned Solid Sprays, and have tho best Pi)rny
pump, on the market.
Our stock of seed is complete and
VAGE & REID, Seedmcn
322 and 324 Commercial Street, North ot P. O.
2ttt Commercial Street.
AW4Y Jl'XE llth. .
Get a CoopM With Every
- Boy3 ' '
We Cap the
Climax u
Wtth rxir
jr.- e
pi Se
spring ca
them in
New Today
Boys suits j just received.. Correct
styles at correct prices. " ' (
New Hats for Spring 1900
Stiff hats, round tops, crushers and
Fedoras ju4 opened. Our white
crushers are beauties. ,
Dress Shirts
Work Shirts
Best waTfJhirls j'ou can find. Those
4oc nnd oUc 1 lines can't bo boat. NVnt
silk front negligeo shirts Coc nnJ TOc
Newest styles in colored dress skirts,
TOc and 95c. I-xtra good unlaundried
dress shirts, 45cr long or sliort
wo can furnish any amount either
or rciail. -
Merrimac and the Monitor.
Gent's High Grade World Wheel,
Will also be given away June llth. Get a coupon with
every 50c casll purchase. You may be the lucky
one. '. - ' ' ''.!
Lovers of the Silent Steed
Will7 get' their every wish fulfilled jit
! our store.
'Suits, Pants,. Caps, ttc.
Hose with patent elastic tops no
i more garters.