Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, March 02, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Boers Who Lamented the Early De
mise of a Successful Ancestor.
The English have governed in South
Africa -lor..- too yevs, driving into the
desert the Dutch who wish to be inde
pendent, says .the Youths Companion.
But ihe strange Boer race which is
not 'exactly Dutch but a strong mixt
ure of several races, including almost
as strong a. mixture of French Hugue
not blood as of the blood of .Holland,
and including also a dash of German,
English, and Scottish always comes
uppermost in the affairs' of the colo
nies.'. , . - -.. - t V
At this day, the Alncanders, or
Dqtch-spcaking colonials, bear sway
by virtue, of their majority : in Cape
Colony itself. An Austrian traveler,
Iferr von Jlubncr, tells why this is so.
The Boers love South Africa, and
have no desire to live anywhere else.
They have taken deep root in the soil.
They have completely adapted them
selves to the climate and conditions of
life. They live to a great age, and great
families of children are born to thm.
Ilcrr von Hubner visited afamily of
.Trench Huguenot origin, Huro, by
name, which was in, mourning for the
he?.d of the family. The family had
mostly asembled on- account of the
, - "
' crowd.
How many descendants did Herr
Hucro leave?" the visitor asked.
. ' 1 1 . 1 t - : n . i
jic iwu 111 an, was inc answer,
"bur there are only 211 living now.
"How did he happen to dicri
inai is wnai no one can ten, tney
answered, shaking their heads. He nev
er had a sick, day in his life, he never
took to bis, bed, and he seemed to drop
off a'l at once. It is a profound mys
tery." -
."But how old was he?" " i
' "Only oj. '
No such English-speaking patriarchs
as this are found. The English aban
don the country as soon as they can;
if they must remain to complete the
making of a fortune, or to earn a live
lihood, they send their children "home
to England to be educated.
The Boers of French origin are proud
of it, and even call themselves French
Bwiiiciuiics, nicy co noi ?pcaK a
word of the French language. They are
as completely assimilated to the Boer
nationality as any European emigrant
in the second generation in America is
to purs. r i '.
'Motor cycles may be as common on
the streets of New York in a? few
months as automobiles are now. With
in a year- they may rival the present
style of bicycle, in popularity in this
country! that is, it the claims of motor
cycle enthusiasts, who are in apposition
to know of -what tkey speak be verified.
motor cycle experts who are in this
country be fulfilled, self-propelled
wheels; will be sold in this city, 1 before
inany (months have . elapsed, fof $200,
and possibly for less. Gasolene will he
the .motive power. The machines will
seat one person, but mayi be built for
till mm
At Cost, But
The stock is rapidly diminishing. I
had fully expectetl that I misfit le able
to clean up by March 1st, but it takes
a little mors time. Hoflgever, I've
made a tremendous clean up of things
in the seven weeks since commencing.
Had another large purchaser from an
outride point yesterday. A few more
deals like that will take big ends f the
(tock. " Have; two jnore in prospect
; Don't delay your coming if yon want
to get a bargain. You'll not offend im
by looking. Come In and take your
time, we're glad to have 3ou. Every
thing is. plainly marked and you'll bo
aura to find things you need, all at cott.
; There are many good shoes left. Lots
of ladies' 2ltto 3.
t Lots of men's 9 to 10.
Exact cost on these means money to
the purchaser.
Some ladles' good purses, ;
Some ladies' fine handkerchiefs.
' Borne flue manicure scissors.
Some fine Chlaa pieces and a lot of
other things you can use at exact cost
and in some cases less. r
1 , I
307 Com
We nave just received the irrstru-
. merit represented by the accompanying
cut. inn is a wcrraenci macnicc
With it -tre'eaa test eyes without ask
in? 'the patient a single question and it
does the work accurate. No guess
work with us -when -you have your eyes
tested bv this wonderful instrument-
Call and see us even if yoa don't
-want glases, try the new instrument and
see our new optical parlor.
118 State St. . Scientific Optician
two, and their weight wHI be, less than
seventv-live pounds.
Charles Jarrott and C G. Wridgway
are the motor experts who have made
tee predictions noted above, and the
termer now has a model ot one ot tne
new machines on the way to this coun
try. This machine, he says, is built on
lines similar to the lines of the bicycle
now in vogue, excepting that some cf
the parts are made heavier, to stand the
added weight of'the motor. "
(The; latter, of two and a half horse
power capacity, is placed at one side
of the rear ' wheel, and is balanced,' by
a "gyroscope," or enclosed fly wheel,
on the other side. The machine is said
to be! capable of attaining a speed of
forty miles an hour and of climbing any
grade that a strong cyclist, unaided,
can climb. Pedals are attached to the
machine, and may hi used at the rid
er's pleasure. j 1
( Wheels of this style, it is stated, will
be built by several cycle manufactur
ing cjoncerns in this country. Other
concerns arc preparing to compete in
the new field with both motor bicy
cles and motor tricycles. Many advan
tages1 are claimed for the latter over
the former, but their cost will be
! By : way cf demonstrating the effec
tiveness and speed cf the new class of
vehicles all kinds of road records, and
particularly city to city roads, are to be
attacked in the spring ami early sum
mer. J It is also probable that Amer
ican made motor cycles will be repre
sented in the famous Bordeaux-Paris
race and other foreign motor contests.
Among riders of Ajperican machines
abroad will be HenriTournicr, Charles
Jarrott, C G. Wridgway and possibly
E. C Bald and "Tom" Cooper.
i The first of the: . motor cycles of
American make are expected to be on
the market early in May, if not before.
Many cyclists win ; regard these new
machines much in the light of an exper
iment, notwithstanding the claims made
for them. New York Herald. 4
, For Infants and Children.
Tli3 Kind Yea to Atajs BcsgM
Boars tha
Signature cf
i We should do everything we can for
othep, if orrly to dissipate the thought
ot wroat they omit to do for us.
f If; we hope to instruct others, i says
Coleridge, we should familiarize our
wnjninds to some fixed and determin
ate "principles faction.
f No great deed is done
I By faltcrers who ask for certainty.
'George Eliot, "The Spanish Gypsy.
j ; - j . .1 -
Men always consider women unjust
to them when they (fail to deify their
"Weaknesses. ;
j O
lh8 Kind Yra Haw Alrsys BcS
Not For Long
Bikes and Sundries
I will have to sell ray sundries at
regular prices fronl now on. I will
have the new lines in in a few days
and this compels me to put regular
goods back to priced for, you know, I'm
going to carry wheels and occestorie3
this season anyway. All balance of the
stock goes out ;
i We trust to on bo able to tell you
that the TIUBUNK stock will be In.
I It's hard waiting fur wheels when
you're all ready to ride, but it'll pay
anyone to wait for a Tribune. It's the
wheel that runs so eaay and has such
elegant frante lines. It fits you. Tri
bune riders are an enthusiastic set. You
can't stop them.
The Iyer Johnson
A shipment of thrse left the faetorv
"on the yth of Febtuary. They should
have been in some days ago. xou may
look for them anytime.
See tho sample we show. Compare
it with auy of the $35 wheels shown
anywhere and (f you're "auprejudiced
you'll admit that it's the wheel of
wheels for
' : '"' : ' - - "... ' , ..' .
Because it's Iver Johnson's best, and
Ivtr Johnson only makes the best
goods. Ask .a repair man. -
al St. I
Ilead Office Will Be In Salem -Tte
Association Yesterday Accepted
' An Order for 500 Bales. , ,
James Winstanley, of the executive
committee of the Oregon Hopgrowers
Association, yesterday gave out the fol
lowing statement: .
"After consultation with the resident
directors of the5 Oregon Hopgrowers'
Association at Portland, the executive
committee has decided to close the as
sociation's office at that place. The
samples and office supplies will be con
solidate with the baiem omce.
The association's .work will, hereafter
be conducted from this point under one
"The sales committee accepted an
order for 500 bales of hops this morn-
msr at a better price than could be ob
tained for some time past. The asso
ciation also has received inquiry from
several parties desiring to place larger
orders. ' .' . . . -.
"The Eastern market seems to be
stimulated, so that the association may
reasonably expect to effect considerable
saies in the. near future.
"Twine has . already been contracted
for and contracts for burlap and other
supplies will shortly -be made.
"(Signed) " r 'J ' ' : ' "
: "Executive Board, O. H. G. A."
M. L. Jones, of Brooks, president of
the association, and G. W. Hovenden.
of Hubbard, a member of the board of
directors, were in .the city yesterday,
returning to their Monies on the bhasta
express during the afternoon.
Tersest Single Payment on Itst Tears.
, Ilasiness Made Yesterday Five
Companies Settled.
(From Daily, 'March 1st.)
t The tax l on insurance companies,
now being collected by the state treas
ury department, is brinjrink consid
erable money into the state school
mnd. tfeere are fifty-tour fire insur
ance Companies doing business in the
state, a large number ot life companies.
and several plate glass, employers' lla-;
biiity, and guaranty concerns, and all
ot these are required to pay a per cent
on ttftir net receipts. The general
agents' or stite mansgers of these com
panies are required to make a sworn
statement of their business to the state
insurance department, the amount of
greis reecipts, the premiums returned,
tne losses paici, and the net business;
on the latter amount the tax, to be paid
into the school Jund, is to be comput
ed. This statement, the law requires,
must be niea during the month ot Jan
uary following the year for whica it is
made, and the tax must be paid before
aiarch I3ih. Most ot the . cornoanies
doing busincHs in the state have al
ready made their payments, but some
few are still to be hea:d from. Amone
those paying yesterday were the fol
lowing. th largest s;ne!e Davment. thus
far received. be;nz amone them:
Mutual Life . Ir.si'rance. Company, of
iew York uross receiDts. 5i02.427.ro:
losses paid, $2-.45.Q4: net recerots. ?76.-
97185; tax paid. $1539.44.
Merchants Insurance Comoanv
Gross, $17,187.40; returned premrams.
?53So-50: losses paid, $2418.9!; net re
ceipts, S9387.92; tax, $1.87.75.
Standard Life and Accident Insur
ance Corr.nanv Gross receints SS-rR'i
69; Josses paid. $2812.04: net receipts,
$5973-75: tax, $119.48.
the Thames & "Mersev Marine In-
suranice Company, Ltd. -Gross receipts
$5704-72; 'returned premiums, $;7.48;
losses paid. $54; net business, $5682.74;
tax, $113.65.
ihe United ; States Fi
Company Gross, $7756.46: returnprt
premiums, $1227.78; losses paid, $1786.-
KX3t net receipts, 4742; tax, 94.84.
-r,".V" "S;'n, y.1
iwrsciay. Aiarcn 1, igoo. to the a ife
of John Lee, the Chinese gardener,
a daughter. , .
SVVAINB At the family home in
South Salem, Oregon. ; -Wednesday.
I cbruary 28, 1900. at 3:50 p. n., A.
Is. Swainc, aged 78 years, of heart di
.sease. .r h
DF.NCER. At his farm home near
Liberty; south ,of Salem. Wednesday
aftcrmxin, February 28, 1900. of
Bright disease', Jacob Dencer, agei
about 42 years. ;
CUPP.At the familv home. fiv
miles north of Jefferson, 'Wednesday
February 28, 1900, of typhoid pneu
monia, Hobart, the 3-vear old son
oi Mr. and Mrs S. T. Cupp.
LA BRANCH. At the home on north
uiign street, iliursday morninjr,
March i, Krx, the infant son- of Mr.
and Mrs. Felix La Branch.
SAVAGE At the ' family home In
West Salem, 4 Oregon, Thuncay,
March t. 1900, at 8 p. nu Miss Bertha
E. Savage aged 28 years. 6 months
and 13 days, of tuberculosis. :
Deceased was a TorMiIar v-nnntr Av
- - , - 1 j r-i " v. j ,
and bas numerous friend in thi -;
About two years ago she iwas graduated"
as a nurse from.the Salem Ilosnitnt
trainincr schooL . Ahon? hat tim. x.!i.
became ill, and gradually sank, in spite
01 me enorts 01 ner pnysicians anjl a
lvoted fsrai!v. tmril' 3-i- lfm;e e';n.
dicated above. ; AhrtUt -two lrvonrtie urn
her father preceded her to the better
land. 1 he tuneral will be held to-mor
row 1 5at!T.llv 1. at I tv in In-mnf
will, be bed in Rural cemetery, south of
irus cny. .
Vhat Can
f.,UJ-: :'.'-.: .---.-, -j :r -.-- . .- . --. ., . ... :- - ,
'.' "'. : .'. " -, :"' -'-'' .5.'" t ' ;' i : ' : ' "
' Especially when ycM must hiivo tho article. At FlilEDMAN'S
I NEW RACKET you can buy a suit' of clothes irorth $6 for $4, or a " '
; " worth $250 for 91. 5, or a pair of lace curtains worth for $2.50, . I
f i ? or a pair of French worsted hose worth COc , for 25c, xr a yard of
f - tablecloth worth 50c for SOc. In fact, those who have a little money ' ' j
can get more goods for it at Friedman's New llacket than a.ny .
; . where else in the county. ! h ".
, What can you Cud at Friedman's New Racket? - .. ,
Nearly everything in the drj'-goods, clothing and hat line, from ;
a rubber coat to an umbrella. , -, i : : ' !.
; Corner State and Commercial streets, Salem, Oregon. v -
"7: ' '-.-y, . , f ... " j " . .v J, . ' f-i.:,: ' j
: : : r 1 : " : r ' : " r T
1 riTo nr nnnn! niininr nnu nnnno
1 111 x 1 ir 1.1
l.uiu ur uuuujj unuiuL uii uuuuu .niu. uiiulu
For Less Than Wholesale Cost. ' j
I am closing out tne nne dry goods ana snoe stocK iormeny Willis'
Bros.' and I am selling lots of goods for less than, it cost "Willis Bros.
than cost.
I i vix COO gUUUO. OXXiXOf V CX V.C UO, XXXXXXXC, cuiwiuiuuiica, nu-
bons, corsets, gloves, hosiery, underwear, etc., at cost and less than
cost. ' j , -;- " ,
1 Auction Sales will continue Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 'A
aiternoons ax x o ciock.
ISADORE G-REENBAIJM, 1st Door South! of the Postofiice.
Iii the ofuTnarjr course of events we
may expect a -laste of March weather
about next JMbnday or Tuesdayj as the
finger ends "of the oppressive weathe
which visited the Middle West on Wed
pesday. But it will not come to, us
with the dreary and famishing accom-
panimcnts lvhich characterize its visit!
to such a place as Chicago. At, the
vorst, it will be tnly a blast of cold
rain with a possible mixture of sleet
in the vartey, while the higher eleva
tions may get a parting, flu fry ofisnow
to carry off the remainder of the win
ter's deposit that m2y be still in the
mountains,! thus clearing the way for
an early and comfortable spring. Of
course, this; visitation may not come at
all, because Weather prophet Pague,
bo long a loyal resident' of Oregon, has
been transferred .to the East and may
not allow the storm to come across the
R.ock:es, but even if -it should, ! there
are no chills or horrible, fears iff s con
teplating it in advance. " f j
But to think of a city like Chicago,
sitting upon the shores of a great lake
and open to its sweeping gales; buried
upon short notice under a foot of jsnow;
the thermometer crawling into the-ero
bulb, brings up a-flood bJ thoughts as
to the misery, discomfort ' and actual
suffering which must necessarily Result.
It brings up also a feeling of pity, for
the unfortunate denizens of such I a re-
gion, and it ought to suggest a feeling
of thankfulness that we are situated in
a country that knows no such hard
ships, rto such dangers and no such
tribulations where we can move and
work in the open air every day in the
year with safety and comfort; where
the birds can sing, and the flowers can
bloom, and the children can play jthe
whole year through' without interrup
tion. Verily, Oregon is truly blest.
Sears tis
, S Z C3 2cX jZ X. .
1 lha Kind too Hat Marx Bma
Rev. Joseph Parker, the eminent
English preacher, cqnfcsses that ;n his
youth the sound of the name Van. Die-
men's Land now known as Tasmania
powerfully affected his imagination.
It was to him. as it has been to many
youngsters, an appallingly mysterious
place, but in time it lost its evil sug
gestion, and he tells how this! came
about in his recent book: "A Preach
er's Life." At a Methodist meeting in
the. north of , England the people had
been singing a hymn in which the line:
We- arc marching through Emman
uel's trround," occurs, and at the close
of the hymn one good old man, whose
emotion wa!T in excess of. his intelli
gence, fervently ,; prayed: "Grant that
whetj this life is over every one of us
may have a cottage in Van Dicmen's
land." The poor man somehow ! got it
into his head, by some law of . mental
association which no 'one can fully ex
plain, that Emmanuel's ' grounds and
Van Diemen 5 Land were practically
one and the .same. Youth's Compan
ion. , .-; -j:-i -
Tha Kffid Ym V.rn KYmn Bcti
Mother I'm snror?rd
Couldn't yoa tell he was eoinz- to kise
you? . . ,
Daughter Yes. ma, but there' was no
nn trtr mf In t?t rfnt him n.t k
knew it already. Philadelphia 'Press.
No man's spirit was ever hurt by' do
ing his duty; on the contrary, one good
action, one temptation resisted and
overcome, one sacrifice of desire or in
terest, purely for conscience sake .will
prpvc cordial fof weak and low spir
its w ucjona wnat tnauigence or di
version can do for them.-i-Palev.
You Not Get
11 11 1 1 ni 111 r 1 in 1 unmix
. j I , V;: J , ' S "-
. . t
AN EXPLOSION. An explosion J
of giant powder took place at the Ster
ling mine recently, doingj damage to the ,
amount ot several hundred dollars; ac-
corning to iouiimn uregon papers.
Thd Sterling , mine is one of the most
important placer mines Ion the coast j
and uses over one ton of giant powner
each month in its operations. 1 The
ponder that accidentally exploded at
the'j-mine Thursday had been froren and
was being "thawed out" I The Sterling
mirie, wrhich is owned by Si. E. Ankeny,
of ugene and Vincent Cook, of Port
Ian has been working tcf its full capac
ity for some time past, fits lucky pro
prietors anticipate a vefry good clean
mine employs twenty-sixi men. and has
its water sunolv from a ditch 26VS miles
in length, with a capacity jef 2600 miners
inches of water, that was built an outlay
of $100,000. .The work at this mine
is in active operation iir nine or 'ten
months out of the year,
and day.
running n:ght
R. M. Wade & Co. recently installed
in tbeir large, implement house in this
city, an electric elevator which greatly
facilitates the handling of fnachinery
and the moving thereof from one floor
to another. The elecatior is operated
by means of a 7li horsje power" motor
and is capable of carrying two tons.
It U a most decided improvement over
the hand. power elevattpr it displaced,
and in its operation is very sfmple.
.The oldest Daughter lef the Revolu
tion,; Mrs. Sarah Dorin 'ferry, who
lives with her granddaughter in
iwa a soldier ot tne revomuon ana u e
head of a prominent family She rode
in almost the first railroad cars, and
' ' . , " 1 ; : .1 :
. . s.M, ,
Khft?A"e ar i bin"
is.itt-nener is a kltou iuikwm, ma
I home with (colloquial rabic. j and bis
J advice to newcomers in Kgj-pt invar-
iaililv was to endeavor, first 01 to
pick up the current 'calk in thte streets
and cafes. j '
ipma, is an uer wi n-.s-rj,.i, .... nt husbands and lathers.
horn at Pembertoni N. J., beptem- ; ,, . hen in the battl for
26, 17?;.. Her fathet Stacy Doran. istcnce. the .A. O. U. W. will
she remarked. while rmibg. in an auto-j s p DiSIxCATED. About 4
mobile carnage rcceiKljr t at J k Tuesday afternoon. N. ,M.
seemed a fulfillment e WW Mother . , d ;w?10 iivcs about three mtle-
SlMntons prophecies: Carnages Avith-T F Fruitland road.
out horses snail go. i
ij, ;r,,iu,j " " -v J V ' pH a! trrrihf blow
among (the common piople -it value j f X
is, to say the least, questionable. Ac- rt,J1L,tBri ,
A' t.- 1,,, i,:,r,cti ;fA thought that Mr.
.-f.. .-.!.. thnf- trtr pvprvr av list :
riirti iiiv. 11c kxz liiauv 111111nv.11 vjmi.. i ,
We are now carrying Dunne's Solitl Sprays, and have the best spray
pump on the market.
Our stock of seed is corapltte and
SAVAGE & REID, Seedmen ,
322 and 324 Commercial Streets North of P. OJ
For Money
mx punro
iiijii niir r
( ; : : .:::;. :.. "., y ' .' ;.' ;
s, c STOffis; m. d:
Proprietor of .
The stores, (two in number) are lo
cated at No. 2.15 and 313 Commercial
street, and are well stocked with , a
complete line of drugs and medicines,
toilet articles, perfumery, brushes.
etc, etc., etc.
Has had some 25 years experience In
tfce practice of medicine and now
makes no charge for consultation, ex
amination or prescription.
of Wililam Burbee, deceased,: and the
heirs ot Edward Arnold, deceased, have
cich received $2oboJ the amount of the
pojicies carried by these two men in
tHe Ancient Order of United Workman.
Mr. Burbee was a member of I'rotec
tion Lodge No. 2, ot this city; he was
dfawned in the latter, part -of January,
nfar Junction City, while employed as
alteieplicnc lineman. Mr. Arnold was
almeraber of Valley Lodge No. l8, also
oj this city, and died on January 2)h.
While the receipt of the money cannot
dn ,be rcrnem-bercd'wi
, , .-.
J sustained a. dislocation of the left) hip'
-! besides being very severely, bruised
( ... j 1
wniic .removing siumys irm ins lanii.
Ijeiver onlhe stump pulller brcjke
M..v, , v .. --n . . - - -- - --
on the left hip, bad
member. Tt is not
Learned has sus-
twined , any internal injuries and
rio serious results will follow.
j Every ultimate fact is only the first"
of a new series. Emerson.
pairs Ladies'' fine kid shoes nar- ,
toes; sizes 3 to 7 all EE to close ;
I i
ith gratitude by
j out quickly at .1
Great 'values on all lines. , ;
Salem Shoe Store
, . Next Door to Ladd & Bush Dank
we can furnish any amount either!
or retail.
1 .