Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, March 02, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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: ' i s ' " i .". f
Ltiv.At 'LtSsaxrcil Cy
- i-jfO.feifiiO b
LONQONiMarch :imfWj
0:45 a. m.). His frkiany-ammncd
by the war office fXat Ladysnrfta ha
teen relieved by Ve&nH&rMtdrtT$
BuUer's colurhr '
London, March TRur-fday.1; 45
a. m.).-C-eneral "uirej!9; dfst.-ict
uctOJX11ff.,Iwte' bOl.bnngs
the rescue of Ladysmith nearer, Lut
the warj&ffice intmiatedjlate last even
ing that the-tmmedlateanriouncemehf
of -relief nee not -be expected. The
goings to and fro at .midnight; ci the
officials and messenger, suggested that
important news had been -received, jlf
this was the case. Lord , Lansdowne
obviously desired to sleep on it before
takjeg the public into his confidence.
As his message reveals. General Boi
ler's successful .attack came after the
hard fighting of 'Friday, and it was im
provised and its execution begun dur
ing the armistice 4of Sunday. In pro
posing, the armistice, the British cora
niander t, stipulated that, both , sides
should be free to move, bat that neither
Should do anr . shookina. He was
therefor within his' privileges in im
mediately beginning to transfer, his
troops. , General Buller's tidings come
weighted with his long list of casual
ties. His Josses, in the lour attempts
to .get General White out, aggregate
400Q. ; -, . . -..
Ladys.nith is .in desperate straits.
Charles Williams, the military expert.
... t t . u:u .... .u--:..
says jic iciirui.uu vcijr iik" uiiu;,
presumably that of Lord Wolseley, that
" ''General White's force is almost at its
last gasp." ..,-,-',".. . ;;.
"This is "not,, so much, , says Wil-.
liams, J"on account of any lack, of pro-"
visions or of ammunition, neither of
which is yet exhausted, as, because of
the. poisonous waters of the Klip river,
and the evil effects of the heat en the
terrain in which the garrison must re
side. ? The watt of the Klip river is not
available for drinking and to boil it is
impossible, because of the scarcity of
fuel. li is thick with putrid animal
matter. Tea made of it has a suspendr
cd fibre, something like beef tea. It it
caused by' the sewage ' from the Boer
camps." ; ;.:,-. - , ., -.. ,
There is no authoritative indication
Jet of what Lord Roberts will do next,
t seems likely that a -branch railway
will be built across the veldt, to lessen
the difficulties tff the transportation.
oners seem convinced that when the
: British get to Pretoria some foreign
power will intervene. It becomes
, more evident daily, that the creat ne
cessity in the successful conduct of the
supply of horses
London, March I. A dispatrh to the
Daily Mail, -from Pieter's station de
scribing the twelve days continuous
fighting of which the attack upon rail
way by the Royal Enniskillen, fusileers,
was one or the supreme moments,
"The Enniskiuens joined the column
immj-iuui uiutcrs. inty nave
five left. That tells the tale. No
maps, no penned account, can give an
idea. of. the difficulties of these .hills
and ridges. To add to the difficulties,
the, tropical rainy season set in today.
General BuIW and hit .faff fir :trtti.
ally living the private's life. ' There
has not been even, a tent to cover the
commanding generals. ; '
m London," March 1. Winston Church
ill, in a dispatch from Colenso, dated
Tuesday, says: . - . ..; , . .
"The condition of the wounded, who
were uutended on the hillside on Sun
day, was so pairrful that General , Bui
lei sent a t flag, of .truce . U the entmy,
And it was arranged that throughout
Sunday the military movements should
continue . on both sides, but there
should j be . no shooting. This tmce
terminated at diislc. Th tht.r
resumed a furious Wiuske try. attack on
the British, left. The attack i was . re
pulsed.... Fighting - continues vigorous
ly. , .We shaJl soon see who caa stand
'bucketiJlg, lest, ; the Briton: or the
Boer." , ,. . ; .
- Up to thi morning, the ; total tram
ber3of caiualtiea waa ijj4 of whiah
'2ji0 were added daring T the last fort
n'Sat. . The , casualties are ' Classified
thus: Killed, 1093; wounded, 6838;
missing, 3174; disease, 8ja
' , . - 1
Btherts the Boer$ Arc Strengthened
- f by Cronje Surrender.
New Yorfc,V Feb. .aS.The cWoriJ
publishes the lollowing sUtement, by
Gereral Miles: : ,., . , ; ,
"Cronje's surrender was expected and
it was all that could be. expected when
a force of 4000 holds out for over a
week against a. force of 50,000. Voa
will cbserve that, the first reports said
General, Cronje had force oJ nooo op
posed to the British, but, only 4000 sur
rendered., ,-Wbat became of ihe ether
5000? The importance of - thesurren
tlcr under such circumstances enly illus
trates, th lighting valor of this ha-.dful
of Doer patriots. The effect of Cronje's
5 irrecder will be to strengthen rather
than weaken the . Boer- patriots' cause
in this War. . ... -,.s
"We cannot but; help admire those
lioers, . ne matter where our lympa-
&ies ,nayr"4e.J '-la injr po&Itioii it would
not -be diplomatic for-me-to say-to
much, bat whoever is in the xight, we
must admire the 4000 patriots who stood
off (at ten days 50,000 of the. British
I Loadon,.. Feb. 28. A dispatch Irom
Arundel, say the British trpopshave
again"; occupied ;' Rensburg. ,. ',
" 1 1 : i ' i
CSpeTowPi ?tonday, Feb.' 35.-There
ire now 600 prisoners at Modder river,
maii of whom7uxrender-d .Fryajr -and
Saturday. They; are ; kept 'guarded be
tween yire .fepcesl , .j
L ? ,i-i-t'i"i :. .-, - - ''-u,t 1 .111 ,
gresssnan Campbell, principal counsel
for the proseetitiotr. in ftbt Qark ' else,
was on 'the' stand daring life greater
part pfthe day before the senate com
mittee on elections.,. He said that while
Jie had attended " the 3 primary confer-,
ence jof he friends -of Clarlcwhich re-j
salted ' in the anti-Dalyv campaign, he
had nor heard tnuclvof thetalki having
gpne to sleep. ' He had jrivett-tlfe Clark
people- no formal notice when he de
cided to lUiscontinue rhils allegiance to
Oarkjl anf htf did not become unfriend
ly to Clark until he becamedisJatisfiqd
with his campaign methodsT
Chicago Street t Traffic Suspended by
I tne wintry earner.
9 crrv - urn
luiw.hnnnii tr1a'v 4iv Il hravie2t fall
of snow ever , recorded bv; the local
weather bureau. In the 24 hours end
ing" tonight at- midnight, 1 1.4 inches of
snow! fell, and the effect was disastrous
on travel and traffic. Street' tars were
blocked, trains stalled, and many acci
dents; were caused Dy storm. t .
Chicago. -Feb. '38. A dispatch to the
Times-Herald rom Des Mo:nes Ii-i
lays:1 After an all-day discussion, the
Hughes Anti-Free Pass bill lacked one
ote of passing iri the house. Various
attcrripts had been made to kill theb.ill
with iameiidments' and by . the indirect
means of paying" it on4he .table, ' Vi s
I The morning votes iti'aicate 1 that th
bill would pass, but dunhg the noon
Recess several memberi changed their
rninds and voted "no on the final roU
call, i No " motion to reconsider was
made!.' : 1V .'" ' . '
Currv. one of the train robers whn vn
engaged in the Wilcox, Wyoming,
hold-up oi the Union Pacific last June,
wheri soniethmg ( like $30,000 was. se
cured, was shot and killed by officers
near here this .morning while resisting
arrest.- '" ' '
I Washington, Feb. 28. Aldrich called
up the conference report on the Fili
pino: bill aiid the conference bill. After
;Aldrich's epcplanation of the conference
report of Ithe 'Filipino , 4ill, McLauren
addressed the nate "on the Philippine
question, itie strongly advocated the
retention ot the islands.
:;.' ' " -; , ; "
1 iew York. Feb: 28 G
ment prevailed in cotton circles, today
on me neavy ouying, largely tor 'Jiu
ropean. account. . During the morning
prices for old-crop options advanced
irom 12 to 17 points, making the high
est prices sipce 1895.
I NEW YORK. Feb. aaA special to
,the Herald ifrom Washington says:
AH chance of saving any of the Span
ish armored ! cruisers sunk off Santia
go has goriel Word has reached the
navy department that the Chrrstobal
Colon, which was pnshed on the beach
by the tmiser New York after the bat
tle with Cervera's -command, has slid
into deep water. The department krag
ago gave up the idea of saving the
Chicagor Feb. 28. A banquet .was
tendered ty "tne Odontology "society,
of Chicago, at the Victoria hotel, last
night to Dr. Morton Smale. Dean of the
Dental i HosDi'tal of London, and Dr.
E. Lloyd -Williams, also of that insti
tution, who are makincr a tour of . in
spection through the dental colleges of
the united states under- the authority
01 tne ttntisn government. -
' Salt Laic City, Feb.- 28.-Th state
democratic -convention, will- meet to
morrow, . or the purpose of nominate
ing a candidate for congress and to
elect, delegates to the national convent
ion. The .state republican convention
will meet friday.- u
- New , t York! Febu , a8.--Ex-Maypr
Grant was today appointed temporary
receiver of the Third-Avenue" Railroad
company, by Judge Lacombe, of the
United States court. i
i Chicago,. Feb. 28.--A special to thi
Record from t Joliet, - Ilk, says: Six
hundred of " Joliet'a leading citirens
gathered at the opera house last night
and organized for thel fight in: behalf
of the extension of the sanitary canal
it a ship canal from Lockport to; the
Mississippi river. The plan f sending
a large delegation . to Washington to
secure, if possible, an appropriation fcr
the ship canal was aproved and a com
mittee appointed to select the Members
of that i delegation, i h This- committee
will report during the coming week- v
St Petersburg, Feb. 28. The news
papers here outdo the rest of. the con
tinental press in bewailing Cronje's de
feat and in. violently abasing Great
Britain, : They declare the . Transvaal
hi fullv demonstrated iti rieht'to com
plete political independence, with an
outlet to the sea- They- snggeat that
the best helpfor the Boers would be to
cfeate a diversion against Great Britain
elsewhere and maintain it is j the duty
of Europe o incerrene and J end the
most infamous of the wars ? England
has ever waged for predatory purposes.
Anaheim: Cat. Feb. ' 28.Tas. Pach-
stcin and W. R. KrebsJ who have ar
rived her from the Santiago mountains
reodrt that there have been many earth
quake 'shocks in that section since last
Christmas, being very severe on. Jan
uary 2id and February 2d. No serious
damage is known to have been done, as
there are few habitations, ihere. . .'
I New York! Feb! V'-aS, An outlet to
'Montreal has been secured fcy the Rut
land Railroad Company,, by the pur
chase of the United Counties railroad.
The United Counties, railroad .runs
fijom Iberville to Sorel.puebec prov
ince, a distance of; sixty-six miles. Be
sides it has running powers over the
Ktontreal &E tlantic railway. , . ;
J: , ' " " IN- ?9QQ.
Siy, Eagle,'1 -.p;,
Ain't we great? i . .,'
Ain't we.j-eally immense? ;
AinVwe. the greatest'',,..
That ever happened?
From. yourt lofty perch on ,
The palladium of our, liberties . .
Sweep your piercing eye around
The wide horizon and see for yourself.
There , is nothing like us '
On earth, ,.),.'',' """','.,'.' .
And we are getting more different
Every. minute.; ,1",
By Jiminy Christmas,
I had no jdea when I started in . .,
With this country , . "...
Where we were coming out,
Why, you hadn't more than .
Got out.'of.your shell, . ,
And nowyouf i wings .' ' , '
Spread from, the clustered Antilles
To the solendors. pf "jfchc Orient;
And when yoti scream.
The echoes, hurtle found the world
And principalities, and powers . .
And decayipg dynasties
Take to the tall timber..
And the. Flag; ' . ,. wJ ,
Thfe glittering and glorious .'
Star-Spangled 'Banner, '.. , , .. v
Which Europe .thought; was merely
A'dishrasr. . '. '. '
When" I first swung it to the hreeze,
Is now tlve -
Blooming bunting of a boundless baili-
-i ! ' wick.
And the Fourth of July?
Well, say, Eagle, ,
It's going to be the
Birthday of half a world.
Of wltich I am Father df the best part,
Ana stepiatner to. theTialance.
You can roost on the ridge pole
Of the Greater Republic
And scream a lung out, ... . ;
Buf it won be so much as a murmur
To the way I feel, t . ' ; .
This very minute,
And handicapped as I must, be.
Under the circumstances, .
I'm with you in spirit. Old Baldy,
And every, time you flap your wings
And scream, .. . ,
I burst a button off.
That's the. kind of an expansionist I am,
Ana it you will put
A Star-Spangleid girdle
Round the, world,
I'll tie- a knot in it
That will stay tied, ;
And don't you forget it
Go On your spread. Oh Eagle,
And Star-Spangled Banner fly high;
I'm with you forever, and wish you
A perpetual Fourth of Tulv. ,
William J. Lampton. in New York
: sun.
,. The most manifest sign of wisdom is
continued cheerfulness. Montaigne. '
A contract has been signed by
Maitre Labori. who was counsel for
Alfred Dreyfus during the trial at
Rtnnes, to lecture for 13 weeks in the
United States next autuirm. , l ?
mander-in-chief, when on a recent tour
ot inspection. aJong the. coast, narrowly
escaped drowning at Quiberon. . In
the dark and the fog he walked over
the quay, and fell into the sea. His
aide de camp and 'orderly sergeant at
once plunged in after him and succeed
ed in bringing him to land. . ' t i
u Art interesting engagement is iw
nounced from, Florence that of Count
Ugolini delta Gherardcsea, one of the
finest old' Florentine names,-and men
tioned by Dante in the "Inferno" to
Mdlle. 'Wrangdl. a daughter of Baron
and Baroness Wrangell (nee Princess
Gali trine)- of Florence. Mdlle. Wran
gell is lady-in-waiting to the Empress
of Russia. ' 1
In Austria - a man and worn in are
supposed -to be capable of conducting
a home of their own front "the age
of 14.- . f'-:;- w U: ::44- . i ' -
In Turkey any youth and maiden who
can walk properly and can understand
the necessary religions service are al
lowed to marry. .:, y -'1- ,,:'-'
'" ;.- n ' ill'., ' , . J .
' Tom Gould, who was once the keep
er of : the most . notorious dive in New
York.' is dead, and ha died , in poverty
and, obscury, a victim, in a large de-
rrmj n f 1)1. m . 1. ! . t. t- - 1
pandered. After.- his glory hid de
parted he oecame a: salesman - for $ a
whisky :. manufacturer. : and recently.
when asked by a fnend how he was get
ting along, he replied: "I am sellin
w.hisky by the -barrel - and - buying it
back by the gUss."tHV ; ) . i?
-'Home is sometimes thought: flat" and
dull and. too often made so, just from
the want of rexotnizinsr -what tt standi
for, Ti The love,, the fidelity, : the forbear
ance, the sch-sacrifices that !; are nour
ished by family life are among the rich
est possessions of humanity. -
Reflection increases the rigor of' the
mind as exercise does the strength of
the body. ' s s ; - , 1 - " - -
The Situation la 1876-7 in the Palmetto
State was Like That in the ; 'Bhie
Grass State a Present in Some re
. spects-Release' of a Stat T?TOia Its
i Turmoil. I
,-rvV.i-. i.I v.
4 i
(Columbia, S. C. Feb. a--To South
Carolinians -the struggle for political
ascendency in . Kentucky 'the conflict
bet ween jniKtafy; and J civil; authority,
the stated society where every ; man
H a self-enlisted soldier armed and
waiting the signal to engage ia Woody
work,: is perhaps more .realistic, than
to the people otf any other , common
wealth n the union. r While the result
ia this state in.' 1876 was in several, re
spects unlike the political mix-up in
Kentucky there is a remarkable par
allel in certain lines of procedure." Al
though nearly .a' quarter of a century
has elapsed, the two4 chiefs of the con
tending forces survive Hampt6n and
Chamberlain now osv the. same sid of
the $o!ikal fence; Judge A. C-Haskell,
chairman of the democratic exec
utive eommittee in that campaign,; dar?
ing and' dashing, now , a Columbia
banker; Gen. John . .B. Gordon ' of
Georgia,1 a picturesque figure bearing
the moral support, of Georgia democ-
racy ana "giving: ms persoun uMiwiai
aid these and many others then' "most
erfve 'are living. Few can recall all
of the most; stirring incMents in. that
vkal period in the-state s history, wnue
the yodnger generataoni save irl ; .the
general ' results given in histories, is
in4gnofance of the details, '-r ; . .
After-a memorable campaign 'when
the "red shirt was the badge of dempc
rarv. durintar which' Gen.' Wade HamP:
ion. In opposing Gov. Daniel H. Cham
berlain, for e-eieotion. : addressed - meet
iriirs in every county, the election) was
hfckl 01? Nov. 7th; Thef canvassing
board, composed -of the state Orhcers,
three of whom were caftdidates for Re
election, ' met the following week ; to
ranvass -the returns.. On the lace of
the returns, Hampton had a maiority
of 1,135 OTer Chamberlain and AV. D.
Simpson, democratic candidate for
lieutenarrt-povernor. had a majority of
iJO oven bis opponent, i With the ex
ception of Gen. Johnson Hagoodj who
as 1 catrdidate for comptroller-general
received, a majority of over 200 votes,
the returns. Showed the republicans had
won all the other offices, by from 7
'A iftn votes. :i ,"K "
It, was 4:he province of the house of
representatives to -canvass the .vote tor
governor and .lieutenant-governor, but
before sending the returns to that body,
ihe canvassing board threw out the
entire vote, in Edgefield and Laurens
counties,, heavily, democratic, alleging
frauds and intimidations!. t his; gave
the state to Hayes for president and
Chamberlain for. governor and - made
the house of representatives republican,
divinig.that party, fifty-nine, members to
fifty-seven for he democrats, there be
ing "no election," for eight members
tram Ldgeneld and , Laurens. , . :
The contention of the democrats was
that ; the state . board, of. canvassers
should only act ministerially on . the
face of fhe (returns and send the Vote
to the legislature. . Had this been done,
the members from, Edgefield and Lau
rens, taking their 'seats, oft the prima
facie vote, would have given the demT
ocrats control of that body. But the
state board held that it had the fight
ltd decide as, to the fraudulency of elec
tions in any county; then the appeal
could be taken to the house., s,.
While the matter was beiiur discusseJ
by the " canvassing board, .members of
the democratic executive ... committee
went before ' the supreme court, a re
publican body, and obtained a writ; of
mandamus requiring tne returning
board to count the; Edgefield and. Lau
rens, vote. The' board, notified, it is
supposed. 'of this, action, declared the
result, -throwing out those two coutv
ties, and adjourned sine die. me su
preme court thert issued warrants
against all the state officials on tne re
turning board for contetnpt of court
There was some doubt as to whether
the warrants would or conld be' served,
but Sheriff Dent,; although republi
can, did -not hesitate to, go witft.. Loi.
A; C dfaskell when called on at wid-night-
Together they visited the
homes of the several officialsaroused
them in some cases by throwing small
stones on .'the windows, made the ar
rests and took them to tail. Two' days
later United States Circuit Judge Bond
arrived in Columbia. On the repre
sentation , that the state officials had
been imprisoned for counting the con
gress vote, he ordered they should be
transferred from the custody of the
sheriff to that of the United States mar
shal. , This was done and the prisoners
Immediately released on ? their sown
recognizances. ; , and the case . ended.
The supreme court, failure td carry the
point with the returning board, ordered
the. clerk s the supreme court to issue
claiming seats from Edgefield and Lau
rens, saying that or tne tace ot tne re
turns they had been elected. ,. ,
I In the' senate there "were eighteen
republicans ' and ? twelve r democrats.
Gary of Edgefield, Todd of Laurens
and "Max well 'of. Anderson - weret not
allowed to take the 'oath as 'senators!
An.important queKkr that; had -weight
with (President, Urant - iwas raised by
fhe; democrats. They s asserted that . if
thfey stayed Out of the house the repub
licans could 1 not muster a 1 quorum.
The constitution provides? that t the
house should be composed of 124 mem
bers,, a majority of whom should con-
srtute a quorum, w-hichi would b 63.
The Republicans claimed 'a majority, of
the members elected would be thequo-
ciimjand that only, n6 mambersj had
been elected.1 of whom 59, a : quotum,
were 'republicans. i .:; .'..!.",:
, lAt thUtitne , there were, nearly three
iul! reeirnents-twenty-seven comDan-
les-of United 'States trooos in South
Carolina under command of Brig.-Gert"
Thomas A. Kuger, whose headquarters
wete in. Columbia: Col.:,H. L Black
wa also "stationed "here. . The; legisla
ture was to meet at noon on .Not". 28th.
aad the Miight - before, at the request
of Gov. Chamberlain, a force ' of . sol-.
tier as sent to the state house, tak
ing possession' of the building. . At
the hour ! ineeting ' the democratic
members of - the house, Avith the con
Jested Edgefreld delegation in front,
CoL John Q Shepard, since governor
tf the state and at present a state sen
ator, being chairman of the delegation,
marched by two - from Carolina -Hall
to Xhe : state hous.e.iGen. Hampton; Col.
Haskell , and other members- of the
execntive committee bringing up "the
rear.. It was decided that if the Edgefield-
men were, cot -admitted none of
the members-would -enter. The guard
at the outer' gate admitted the body
but:. the. procession was halted at the
door of the - hall of 1 representatives.
The ; Edgifield delegation;, presented
their certificates , from the . supreme
court to' the officer of the guard, stand
ing at the; door and .he refused to ad;
mit them.; The democrats'-retired-1
Carolina hall; where the Wallace Hotrte
was organized by 'the election f Col.
William H. 'Wallace, speaker. The
republicans- meantime Jorgani2ed what
was known as' the Mackey . house,' E.
W.' M. Mackey of Charleston being
elected speaker.. .
Two days later.' aftelr an. understand
ing' with 1 Gen. ; Ruger that he would
take no one from the fiocr of the house
or interfere except to preserve ofder.
Go!. A. C Haskell proposed to the
nterobers of the Wallace1 House to take
them into the' hall of representatives.
They ! agreed to follow hint and ohe
hour before the time set for meetjng.
the body, headed by Col. Haskell and
Col. James L,iOrr, again marched Ito
the state hotise.; Col. .Oxr is now one
i c4 the , largest c'otton manufacturers "In
the state. - A man ot., towering iorm
and intrepid, he was well chosen. On
reaching the ; door it was found that
the military guards had not yet been
pbsted. 'A deputy . United States mar
shal 'and r the I negro sergeant-at-arms:
were on guard with - the doorkeeper.
As that official readied to take the first
e rd-ficate handed - him to examine.
I-askell and Orr threnv the doors open;
trje sergeant-at-arms was twisted by
the neckr the leaders made braces ! of
tlelr bodies, and held the doors open
wiile the democrats rushed into the
hill. At noon the republicans cane
Irl and there was' much confusion.
& Ickey-'went on the rostrnm and or
dered Wallace to jvacate." Wallace. kn
a jshow of violence, called on Sergeaht-a-Arms
iBrown to protect the speaker.
Tpat official iwent upom the rostrum
atld held 'Mackeyl under his, pistol.
Tfie republican speaker; who had got
tep possession of the gavel,, sat by the
democratic speaker. - He was warned
that a number- of men had been as
signed the duty of killing him at the
fitst hostile move made . by any. re
publican. In the confusion of entering
the hall the democrats had neglected
toi appoint a doorkeeper, so the repub
licans held the door while the demo
crats had the sergeant-at-arms and
many deputy sergeant-at-arms, Gen.
John B. Gordon being one of them.
pFor two days and nights democrats
arid republicans lived in the hall, eating
arid sleeping there. On the evening of
thie second day, -Gen. Ruger. throtigh
his staff officer. Major AIcGinnis. no
ticed Speaker Wallace that after !2
o'clock the following day he would not
permit "the democratic members from
RBgefield and Laurens on the floor.
Wade -Hampton. John B. Gordon and
AJ C Haskell Immediately sent a joint
letter to Gen. Ruger. of whicrrthe fol
lowing is the concluding paragraph
lTf ma ; rtrtv 4v t"lif1 tin
' r r j . ....
your honor as'' a mart and your char
acter as : a soldier to maintain your
olfedged position of non-intervention.
The democratic members from, Edge
field and Laurens are entitled to their
scats by the judgment of the supreme
court of this state, and we have advised
them to remain- in that hall until re
moved by your troops, that the issue
may be made .in thi centennial year
ofj American independence whether we
hive" a .govenrment of law. as consti
tuted by the .courts, of, centralized des
potism, where, the only law is force.
Lit the American people behold the
spectacle of a brigadier-general of the
army seated by the side of Gov.' Cham
berlain in a room in the state house
and issuing his orders to a legislative
body peaceably assembled in one of
the original ' thirteen commonwealths
of this Union." . ' .-
jt is said that on the receipt of this
letter Gen. Ruger wept. The threaten
ing action , was not, taken. On the
same evening wild rumors were afloat,
arid information was brought the. dem
ocrats', headquarters that Hhey were to
bei entrapped. The "Hunkey-Dory"
cldbs of Charleston, several hundred
strong, composed of stevedores, wharf-
men and thugs, were, Tt iwas related,
to be brought to Columbia that night
and smuggled into offices and com
mittee rooms in the. state housev The
next day.i one by ,one, the, republicans
would withdraw and when they had
all retired the doors would be opened
arid the terriers, turned in on the rats.
Then, the soldiers would clean the hall
of; the living and dead and the Mackey
nouse wouia .resume ,ks meetings.
'Messeneers were auicklv sent out to
every corrjer of the state, and in a Very
leir hours'between three thousand (and
five thousand armed democrats were
inS Columbia. ' ' Itwas decided id swear
in 500 . assistant sergeant-at-arms to
cope with the .Hunkey-Dory" men.
Bad ores .were orinted and whil.ihv
wre being issued, to. the men at head-
qqarters the democratic V legislators
were seen issuinur from the state hoimc
Tears of ', chagrin were, shed by some
wis desired above'all things' ' to keep
tne peace, ana a - conflict .. with i the
Hunkey-Doriesnt seemed imminent, a
vote .was taken and all but seven i men
agreed to withdraw.; There i: toi this
day great s doubt , as j to whether there
wis-j a , single .member of the ; Charles
ton club ia Columbia. .. , ,(,
The -Wallace House returned to its
quarters, and it beingreported that
President Grant, said he would Tecog
nifce ; the, bouse that , got sixty-three
members, the democrats ; soon won
over, six republicans. When President
Gtant was approached, hq said his, dec
laration had been that he' would recoit-
aiie no house with, less than sixty-three
members,, but he, would. .rsot recojfnize
this house..' Having' a majority; the
Wallace House then canvassed the' re
turns ' and declared -- Hampton i and
Simpson, the gubernatorial ticket, elect
ed, At this, time Hampton was recog
nized as governor 'by the 'supreme
court, the question coming before 'that
body through . a ardon Issued, by
Chamberlain 10 a negro. ine supreme
ktir ,mm 4h"n -omoosed f Onel-Tfis.
tice Moses, and Associate justices Vil-
lard and Wright, the 'latter a negro'.'
Simultaneouslv " Chamberlain and
HamptdiKis'Fied af doits, i "That from
Hainptwn wasirecpgpijedlfiy the su
perintendent of the penitetiitiary ; the
other refused. The negro pardoned
by Chamberlain iiao a writ 01 nateas
corpus taken out on his behalf, and on
that the supreme court : made its de
cision. (The state bank also refused to
honor Chamberlain's warrants.
- Chamberlain was inaugurated on
D)ec 10th, taking the oath of office be
fore a notary public, and by, so .(doing
losing his rights as a hold-over gov
ernor. -iOn 'Dec- :t2th Hampton J took
a I double oath, to be on the safe side,
before Judge T. J. Mackey and Trial'
Justice J. Q. Marshall. After levying
taxes, the Mackey House adjourned.
"Phj. Wr r s-mt llnnc. alert ainiirnH K.
fore Christmas, having called: for 10
ptr cent of the taxes." which was
promptly -jpaid to 'Hampton. It also
elected ) Gen. M. C. Butler United
States senator.' ' -" . '
. Troops ..remained , quartered in the
state house, all this time, On March
23d R. )'B. Hayes sent a duplicate let
ter to Hampton and Chamberlain, in
viting jthem to .Washington $p con
vey; their, views-of "impediments to a
peaceful and orderly organization of a
single 4nd Undisputed state government
iii South ,. Carolina, and of the best
methods, of removing them. It is
earnestly desired to be able to put an
ena aSj syeeuny as possioie 10 an ap
pearance of intervention of the military
authority of the United States in the
political derangements which affect the
goverhrnent and affect, the people of
ioutn juaronna.. ,
sine icomestanxs went 10 wasmng--
ton. oen, 'iiampton saia Jtnat an ne
he pledged that no violence would be
use d against Chamberlain or any other
republican officials, and that the con
stitutional rights of all classes would
be respected. Chamberlain declared
his inability 'to maintain .'his rights
without: the trcvps. At a cabinet
meeting held soon after these inter
views if was decided the troops should
be withdrawn front South Carolina on
April toth. That was the only action
tauen py Air. .tiayes; e oju not.' as is
pOpulfly supposed, recognize 1 ajnp
fon a9 governor. On April 10th
people of the state, saying, in substance.;-that
it was .useless for hhn to
continue the fight without the support
of the jtroops; he was confirmed in be
lief of fhis rights, but was deprived of
the power of enforcing them. He did
not' criticise the president for with
drawing his support, but prayed God
the,; future -.might 'show that tie had
acted wisely.
The ItMackey: House collapsed. The
democrats agreed to take back those
members who apologized. . Most of
them did so; a few, including Speaker
Mackey. refused, and were expelled.
Ah extra r meeting of the legislature
was called for April 24th. While
ueuu-uov. vJCarcs, a.iieKnu, -was man
ing a speech in the senate, contending
that he had the. right to hold the office
by right, , Lieut.-Goy. . Simpson took'
t wtwm iix 11. hiiii swiur ass Lin cc . 1 cr n r.j i a 41 i 1 1 .
BAntnc -Vi rvc f-r-tvnn fourl ln snn- '
tested, before the republican majority ,
realized what was being done. So
after a sftruggle of five months the re
publicans witnarcw unaer protesi,
leaving the democrats in the offices.
' . ' ,. TUDE.
It appears that there was a story back
of thei fervent defence of Secretary
r, . . 1 - f ' . I- . 1 .1
Vage iAir. oioicy miuc in tne nouse uic
other day, although 'Mr. Gage had no
suspicion of the fact until several days
afterward, and was not even aware that
he had, ever known Mr. Sibley, says the
Washington correspondence of the New.
York Trfbune. Itj seems, however, that
the latter once lived in.. Chicago!; and
1 'it-?- t :
ocgani iiis uu!iness career mere , aoout
thirty jyears ago, selling oil for a Penn
sylvania refiner. It so happened one
day that he nee-led $1,000 for immediate
ori his! emnlovers. but the Conk rnnntv
bank, 1 where he kept , his account, re
fused to cash it for him, and would ac
cept it only for collection, which . at
that date meant several . days', delay.
Having; an immediate necessity for the
money, Mr. Sibley took his draft tb the
Fi-st National bank, which then occu-
oied the Corner of tnf'and Wachinor.
toh , sireets, and. told his story to Mr.
Gagei the cashier. Mr, Gage asked a
lew questions, and then said:
V I truess we can take chances on van.
Although I never saw you before, , I'll
back imv, judgment of vour hnnstv hv
giving you the money' .
Mr4 Sibley deposited his draft, got
the cash, attended to his business, and -Mf.
Gage never saw him again until a
iew days ago, when he came into the
treasury department, introduced him
self and told this story in explanation
of;thefSpeech he made in defence of Mr.
Gagei. ; ,, t ( -,;:. , .
s fl hiave been waiting .thirty years for
a chance to get even with you," . he
said, fand was, glad .of the opportunity
offered (me, in ; the house the other
day."j ' ,.-;,. -.-.. ;. -- :
; Mn Gage does not remember the in
cident, but, Mr. Sibley, although he . is
now la multimillionaire, says he ha
thbuht ofjt every time he has beard
tyi years. ,. f
: Kf'nr Wiii:m - c n..ti... ...1. -
died Tin Auburn, N. Y., a few days ago :
at; the age of 84. studied law in the i
fict of William H. Seward, with whom
Major iBeardsley'' oldest brother was
at I that time associated. He was post
tnlster of Auburn at the age of 25, held
mc omce cm Dresiacniaa.1 rimnr ri rne
detnocratic ticket in 1852, and for many
yefcrs was conspicuously identified with
the banking interests of the city in
1- ' 1. l; 1 . IT. 1 f . . ,
wiiiii ire ntu, itc Tiaa a nana in 1 c
organizing. the Grand 'Trunk railroad
ofj Michigan, and was treasurer of the
Merchants', 1 Union , Express . company
before its fusion with the American Ex-'
press company. ! '
mah'that is -compelled to' work
cares not how badlv his work is done:
but he" that takes off his coat willingly
arid rolls up his sleeves cheerfully, and
sitigs while he works, is In right carn-
' t ! : - ' - -
Without love there !s ho knowledge.
Carlyle. -