Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, March 02, 1900, Page 1, Image 1

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    , -ISSUED IN.. O
, s. j c EACH ' . . ,,
VOL. 49. NO. 2.
ij ti it i it: i . vrns. a
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f : ' 4
Band of Luzon Rebels Ambushed
i by American Troops.
Genentl Otis Report the Opening pt the
l&mp'aPorU "dS Reaamptloa fof
r rad jWllt Tbm.
i i ; ' '
MnML..A, iviarcn 2. Hrnaay, 9 a.
ct.). Colonel Anderson, with the
Th:rty-c:ghta infantry,
mploying the
53ji:rgents own tactics,
has ambuacd
Vn-n'raw npjr : Iiatan?ri Thr-ktiyh
;tiWl Colonel Anderson
earned that a
ccrxlmicnt of insurgents!
would pass a
certain road. He posted his Soldiers"
cn.iccaleu among: the trees lining; the
ro.id, an J when 0c enefr.y arrived, the
Africans vollejyed, killing twenty-
mvt miurgei
cipluring sev
-. insurgents, j wounding thirty and
-vcxair j
Wtaihington,- March t. Three cable
apes, irom general vtis,, were re-
d at (lie rir depirtmcnt today,
message states that since the re
opening in c nuniercc, of the isl-
jjrt, t.T.fico tons fi hemp and
bales of tobacco s had been re-
I at Manila, and that large ship-
nu'htis ot the counmo'iitiei named will
sw.a be ntade ih he Unfted States and
othfti countries.' ?Tlte fact that General
Ot's his not reported, any. military op
erations since taa departure of General
Bites expedition1 to Southern Luson,
to cdniplet'e the ; Jan ot opening the
,!jcnip .-ports in thtj tftiarier, is accepted
!' the wif uepartiKcnt officials as an
,?ni!ica.t:on that th campaign is pro-Rrc.-'ng
sitifacipril and that our
Jorces have' not itnet with any serious
nnos;tion tv tnei msurccnts in tne re-
ent movements i : ., ; ;
i cneral Ot s if expected to return
t? the United 'Sta'Jcii, on leave of abpnee
Htxjn- after the arifial of the Philippine
vnimiii'sion. Gticral McAnhur will
flM'uic temporary command - of - the
military forces when Otis leases,
Contested Election Case Is Forced on
. Congressi - . . f
Wayh:r.tton.- IMarrh I - The demo
crat scored theit- first I victory of the
so's-na, in the house today, on the mo
tion to take up lhe -contested election
cae of Aldrich-Rijll?insirom' the. fourth
Ala!ama 'district.!- f Oh two separate
votes, the democrat? tth the aid of
two rrpub'-icanfMondell. of Wyom
ing, ard H. C. Smith, of Michiffan
heat the republicans on a question
of consideration. f ' j '
An agieemnti vt4 mtde to consider
-f 1 1 1
They'll stand the test for the hardest wearand the styles are right
ri: v : uj-to-date ; 'I ':
The New York Racket
1 L.L. t:
. 1 1 4i ij ci t ri irrri 1 11 1 1 1 1 u 111 iu
stvle, quality and pricel-TJrrr! oriKmal "Racket pricey enable
sell the best quality ofttoods at prices that bring; reliable mercnanuise
' within tlw? reach of all. Don't waste money on poor goons, iou
get tho best at lowest possible prices at the j j ' 1
75c S
Ladies B?ack Did, Strap Sandal with
Buckle and Bow (like cut) at.....-75c
I.adus' Serge Congress Shoes at...75c
Mioses Black Kid Stra-p Sandal at...75C
Misses Tan Oxford Ties at 75c
: t
the Loud bill relating to' second class
ma3 matter on March 20tt.
Redding, Cal., March i.Of the eight
miners who were imprisoned by y ester
s cave-in. in the "Iron Mountain
mjne, four, who were resetted, have
died from their injuries. ? All hope cf
rescuing the remaining four alive has
been abandoned. The dead are: David
E. Row A. Cavanauffh, B. Casti!!on
and Alfred Oatcs. The four Mill en
tombed arc: J. McBrcom, R. McCalliop,
-V. VanBuren J. Gates. , i ;
Nenv York March i-Prof Arthur C.
McGiffert of Union Theological- semin
ary whose views are the subject of an
attack by one group in the Presbyter
ian church has decided to withdraw
and will "now seek fellowship in the Con
gregational denomination. ,
. Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder: It cures
painful, smarting, nervous feet and 'in
growing nails, and instantly takes the
sting out of corns and " bunions. It's
the greatest , comfort discovery of the
age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight
or new' shoes feel easy. It is a certain
cure for sweating, callous and hot. tired
aching feet. Try it today. ; Soid by
all druggists and shoe stores.; By mail
for 2$c. in stamps. Trial package
FREE. Address, Allen S. Oimsted, Lc
Roy, N. Y.
Former 'Bull Pen" Prisoner; Tells of
His Experiences, t .
Washington, March t. At today's
session of the congressional, committee
to investigate the Idaho mining troub
les of last year, Edward Flanagan, jus
tice of the peace at Mullan, related his
experience. He said he had nothing
to do with the riots qr the blowing up
or the mills; that he was arrested -wtiji-out
warrant and heldln the bull ntn"
for 87 'days. Here, he testified, the
treatment was brutal and inhumar.f nd
the food" was not fit to cat. He also
gave with much detail instances cf "al
leged cruelty..; ; , )i .
Portland. March 1. Wheat, Walla
Walla, 52 a 53; Valley. ' j
Chicago, March 1. Closing figures
were: May wheat, OsAftfiaHc; corn.
MHM74c; oats. WiMc; jfrk.
?io.S; laM, $5 85;; ribs, $582..
Some Sound Suggestions to ; Singers
Froni'Mme. Gadski.l
Be natural in vour pose.
You will never get the best,!,ffects
from j-onr voice if you take a tense at
titude while singings or if. you keep
yoiir muscles straiped and your nerves
tense. " j
What the doctors call relaxation
must come, and! hen you relax you
r,n fit nlmnst ani eustbiner in
ti as - " . -u.
us to
will feel very fatigued. Whereas if you
had scng as you walk "or stind you
.would have no fatigue at all.
'The voice does not flow so sweetly
when the muscles of the throat are
drawn tight, and the chest does not give
,out its 4e5t tones , when you have
squared your shoulders too far back.
Teach yourself how to let go on your
muscles. ;' " ' --' ." :. .. j-'
You don't know what !ari lekcellent
help it will always be to you, 'riot only
in singing, but in everything else.
' Smile, be pleasant, laugh, if , you can
and use your eyes. i ! " i
You are not goingf tc kill any one.
You are not intent upon; some dreadful
deed, and yet, I assure j you many
young ladies look that way as soon as
they begin to sing. j
There are certain difficult cadenzas
that need -a certain figures and move
ment of the head, that even a great
artist in acting will have! to give but
she will make the expression cm her
(race natural and not as if ishe were run
ning at you to frighten you.
A singer must open her mouth, very
wide, and of'en twist it a' little at the
Corners, but she can leatn to do this
without a bad effect, and you who
know the musical part of singing should
learn this physical part at once.
Do not fix your eyes with a stare on
nothing and keep that stare up through
out the whole song. Look at the people
you are singing to, look 'at your music,
pr. it'ydu have none, look down at the
accompanist and then at your audience,
all' iri a natural way, as if you wcre talk
ing. , 9.
Don't get exejted over your highr
notes and the runs, because: if you d0
you will not do them half so well and'
your audience will see what an effort
it is for you to sing, and they will not
enjoy it as much.
Behind your piano have a mirror and
whenever you practice look at yourself
m the mirror.
You will not like your looks when
.sing-ng, and so, little by little, you will
.'earn to smile and to nod ybur head
,ind" to give a meaning to your words.
li you have (been singing a long time
and have never done this Jbet'ore, then
try it at once and see how you look
when you see yourself ih the mirror
.singing. . ..
Don't stand as if you were waiting
to be shot, with your shoulders drawn
high and your hands twisted together
and your arms behind your back. '
. Don't throw your head so far back
that it gives a strained look to your
Don't swell the muscles -up in the
neck and over the chest.
It is impossible for the concert singe
to take any other attitude than the con
ventional one, I suppose, holding the
music vvith one and and looking out at
,lhe audience. But" the singer in a pri
vate house or in the familv Circle, if she
feels she cannot stand qhietly. and yet
naturally, may take some attitude which
will give her an-easy oose.
v or instance, she may put her arm
on the back of a chair, or lay her arm
across the piano and lean ;, little against
;t. inese things will help hei to keep
an easy position.
If you find tnat you cannot sing even
one song through without rettim?
hoarse or the throat getting tired, then
you have not learned, to place your voic
Go to a teacher and see to it that 4he
tones are properly placed before you
sing rmtch. There is something wrong
?f you get hoarse. A properly placed
voire. used naturally, should last
through some vtry long and hard sing-
ng witnout snowing the leait siza 01
fatigue. Madame Gadski in the' New
lprk World.
May Locate in Wyoming, fl a Cat
tleman Says They Must Behave.
The Mormon church of Utah is said
to be looking for a site for a colony in
Wyoming. Thomas R. Hannaford. a
cattleman of Cody, who is 'stopping at
the Seattle, says hei understands vhat a
Mormon colony will be located in that
state. ;
"Two weks ago," he said, "twelve of
the prominent officials of the Mormon
church arrived from Salt Lake - at
Eagle's Nest, a short distance from
Cody. They made a thorough exam
ination of the land3 along the Shoshone
river, and expressed themselves well
pleased with it. Before leaving they
said thev fiad decided to locate a col
ony of Mormons there, and that they
v.-ould come front Utah and Idaho'.
"We have plenty of land in Wyo
ming, and will be glad to have a Mor
mon colony. We can? make them be
have themselves and ' won't have to
elect one of their number Jo congress
to get evidence to convict,".! they
should violate the Jaw."--ScattJle P.-I
An inspector of schoolf -,ha , feceo
giving in the Humanitarian a selection
of the leading "howlers"; of his ac
quaintance! The shrewdest of all- the
answers came 'from a very small boy.
who was asked to give a text which
forbade a man to marry two wives.
Without a moment's pause, he replied :
No man Can serve two ..masters.
London Household Words.
X ' '
' Weary Wraggs WTien a lad gives
me a. meal I alius say: "May your
shadow never grow less."
Frayed Feeter When a lady gives
me a meal I alias s'ay, "May your pho
tographs alius need as little touching
up as dey do at present.' and git a quar
ter in addition. rack. . - j . x
An angry tibmaa - is ' yindictive be
yond measure, and hesitates I at noth
ing in her bitterness. J. Pctit-Senn.r
Patriotic Excitement Is Whirling
Throughout Great Britain.
Jofibert Saved II U Artillery When Aband
oalns the Slee mt Ladj mlth AVUI ,
Ief end Pretoria.
LONDON, March 2. (Friday, 4:30
a. m.). Brjtohs feel that they a-re liv
ing in the presence of momentous
events.. Tornados of patriotic excite
ment arc whirling through the cpuntry.
Even the dullest soul must have been
stirred ; by the emotions of yesterday,
and London's 6,000 000 were , raised to
a high -pitch of . patriotic exultations.
It was a wonderful sight. Old men
have nothing in their memory' with
which 1 to compare the day. Some
likened it to Lucknow, other talked cf
?the fall of Sebastapool. It was a time
oi singular abandon. The usuai con
ventionalities of society ceased tcon
jr.ol and every one knew everybody else
a'l joining in smiles. Lord Lansdowne
Chose the psychological moment to an
nounce war estimates exceeding 61,
ooo.ooo, and rather stalled the public
y unfolding the program of the, war
Otlice to send out, in addition to, the
30.000 troops now afloat, 56,000 fresh
soldiers, -Lord Roberts. will ultimately
have a force of a quarter of a million.
I An order has rca-ched Woolwich for
Construction of 224 new. guns from 3
pounders to 12-inCh guns. Of 1 these,
I40 arc to be naval guns. Already
25.000 workmen are employed at the
arsenal, and 3000 more will be engaged.
Tliese decisions to send out more troops
and to increase (the home armament
meet with universal approval,
j The Boets seem to have gotten quite
away from around Ladysmith without
losing a gun or their baggage. Van
Reenan's pass is .only about twenty
miles from Ladysmith. The enemy
jihad artillery in action Tuesday, and
(they utilized probably both railroads in
retreating, sending the heavy pieces to
Pretoria, and the lighter ones iiito .the
Free State. Dr. Lleyds says that Gen
eral Jonbert is assembling' 30.000 men
at Wcmoerg, seventy miles northeast
of Bloemfontein. Colonel Albrecht,
according to a dispatch from Paarde
bcrg, affirms that the Boers have 75.000
men left. , Whether Lord Roberts is
at Bloemfontein now or not, he doubt
less wid soon e dating his dispatches
there and using that town as jus ad
vanced base.
Lord Kitchener's mission is tb com
bine the forces under Genera's Clement
and Gatacre? and to iatvance along the
line of railroad to Bloemfontein. Since
the imddle. of January, in Ladysmith,
horses have been half arved, and are
altogether too weak to drag guns or to
c?rry ammunition. These half starved
animals Hvese . carefully saved for food.
Emperor William," Emperor Francis
Joseph and King Humbert have tele
graphed congratulations to the queen.
London, March 1. In the house of
commons,; today. Sir Joseph Powell
Corset SaM
to attract special- attention
to our spring line of W.-.B.
corsets we will offer any 'of
our $1.25 values Monday
only at ;
98c Each
An Enterprising firm In Chicago
orce sold $20.00 gold pieces fortune day
only at $10.50 each, just for an adver
tisement; tbey cold stand the loss for
the sake of the ad. Jast so with these
Our Joss Is your gain. "
ilave you seen our silver collars at
2 for 25 cents they are the latest. shapes
and people say they wear well. ;
! 50c and 75c Puff Ties
Hedaced to 35c
No better styles hown in Salcra.
Bring .
the boys
to us and
we will Co
tbe rest
for less
than any
cne else.
Boyi .
tii!4L4Il, Ull4U(;i4U St.iClll IV H4I
ofiice, announced that General , Cronjc
and his family would be placed on
board the flagship at Cape Town.
London, March I. The army esti
mates, issued today, shW a total ex
penditure of 61.490.400, an increase
over last year of 40,882,100. - The to
tal number of officers and men is placed
at &30.4OO, art increase over last year of
244147.- .-- ;! -- :- .' " . -
London. March 1. In the house of
lords today, the secretary of sfate for
war. Marquis of Lansdowne, said:
"The two recent successes will not be.
made the pretext for a relaxation ol
ou efforts During the month of
March, 4hirty-eight ships, carrying a
totBl of 2S.600 men. will sail for South
Africa. During the following month,
17.F00 men will be ready, for whom
shijs have not yet been allotted."
Taardeberg, Feb. 28. It is under
stood that some 7000 Beers afe con
centrating on the British front. The
British cavalry is in. touch with them
to jthe eastward, and skirmishing began
this morning.
Kimberley. March 1. Lord Roberts
and General . Kitchener arrived here
today. . 4 !
" London, March 2. Until midnight
Lonidon gave itself up to the wildest
expressions of joy. From the Mansion
House to the West End all the leading
thoroughfares were constantly paraded
by; cheering crowds, intcrmittingly
, bursting into patriotic songs. Bands,
t niarchin!? thronch the streets, assisted
j with strains of jubilation, and the same
extuiant notes were to be heard at
every place of public gathering through
out the metropolis. At all the music
halls patriotic songs were t?ivcn, the
people rising and joining amid scenes
of unbounded enthusiasm. One strik
ing feature of the rejoicing was the
great number of American flags inter
twined with the British. From every
part of the empire there is-a constant
fntjux' of telegrams, describing the re
joicings. Great rejoicings arc reported
at Malta, and also at Gibraltar, where
an; effigy of President Krugcr, in
chains, was paraded.
The propcEcd and inevitable increase
in the strength of the army will; demand
a corresponding increase in the strength
of hceorps of cadets at the West Point
L - t II .J1 ....J.-nffi..
j ercd, and even when the temporary war
force :s reduced to the peace establish
ment a lack of company officers, will
impair the efficiency of the service.
To meet the new necessities three
sources of -supply will be . available
promotion from the ranks, appoint
ments from civil life and assignment to
active duty of graduated cadets.- The
first must be maintained in the interests
of fair dealing, discipline and efficiency;
the second should be utilized only in
exceptional circumstances, and the third
will be insufficient.
Realizing all this, a bill has been in
troduced in the wnate extending the
number of cadet appointments so that
tht- corns shall consist of or.e from
'each congressional district, one from
Is no easy task, but our rapidity in
meeting the demands of the people is
startlK- The styles of this season arc
now being offered for ale. -
Ve have the latest in every thing
that's gool, and ou- values are balanced
bydow prices.
Brings change of styles; the patterns
may vary but little but the appearance
differs greatly from last year styles.
We have some extremely new things in
men's suits and topcoats. Just in.
each territory, one from the District Of
Columbia, two from eaeh state at large
and forty irom the United States at
large, ; Tiis , increase, in , the number of
appointments "at large" will enab!e the
prasident to select the sons of meritori
ous officers of the army and navy who
have no fixed residences and such other
amibifious hoys as hare no-local politi
cal icfiuence.
Evert after allowing "for the average1
percentage cf failures to complete the
coarse, this measure, or some one,
fraSned with similar intent. '.will- make a
sensible and necessary addition to the
crmy, and ought td become a law, nota
bly "when the additional appropriation
will be modest m, character.- New
York Herald. '
She is a charming widow, pretty,
bright and light-hearted. She was a
charming young woman before she
married Mr. Blank and moved away to
live in Georgia. Her. married life was
most happy, and the death of her hus
bciid was a great lofs to. her, but she
lxre. up under it. .After the funeral and
a general packing up of things she re
turned to her o'd home. Tlic day
after .she arrived there she wes met on
the street by one of. her very sojemn
faced friends, who intended to give
her a cluster of that sympathy that
makes one; feel as if the sympathizer
had ihrown somerhing at and on the
"sw.pathiree." ! ' - .
lO'h. Mrs. Blank!", said the solemn
one, "I am so gla l you are so well."
"!Ves.' answered the widow, ""I am
as ,-swell as I can be, I -was never ill in
my life you khow." .
''And. Mrs. Blank continued the sol
emn one in mJrc ;sclemn tones, ."I'm
glad to sec you so happy,"
"Why, yes. Yes, I'm very happy. You
know it waf not I that died. It was Mr.
Blank. " Memphis Scimitar. .
A jackrabbit sausage, factory is to be
started, in Kansas,' in. order to utilize,
the . heavy and yearly .increasing crop
of this, creature.
Mary Yeomans, an EngHshvvomnan
now living in CalHornia, tnakes money
by' catching butterflies; She had some
knowledge of -the different Varieties
when she, went to tbe Pacific slope. One
day a flock of pansylike butterflies hov
ered over her -for a moment, and then
(lew up the mountain side. She Ihought
she recognized ararc and valuable spe
cies only . known in the higher Alps.
She. followed these honey-loving bean
ties tip the moumrain anil captured a
goodly f "mbcr of-them. She painted
a fac simile'of one in, water colors an J
sent the sketch to London. The re
sult was an order, tor twenty-five of the
bejterilies, for wliiclr jfc received $575.
Miss Yeomans has a nursery for bee
tles in her cellar. Dr. Le Fontain. who
came from France to s:ujy 'tho. insects
and was enthusiastic over her enter
prise. Miss Yeomans-finds a great de
mand for beetles as well as for butter-,
flics. Woman's Journal.
j '"Kiose new people next door are no-,
body in particular."
fffow do you kfiow?"
j "They- try so hard to look like some-
; body n " particular." Indianapolis
i Journal. V f . - '
Twice-a-week Statesman, $1 ) a year. .
The bike, season, is coming and like
all -things coming, one must prepare
ones self with bike clothes.
Our sweaters arc the goodly ind and
our prices are reasonably low. ,
25c up to $3.00. ChildsV
, Sweaters, $1.50
Something extremely ftcw and novel
ih wool with silk stripes high colors.
, -. -. ..'' .i ' - . '
' Who Iqves to ride his cup of happi
ness' wilf Ie fiiltd to the brim when1
decked out in one of our new suits.
A new line of correct patterns and
cuts just in. '
$35.00 BIKE
We have one worth $30.00 V) model,
good as new now. Come and see it.
f' if