OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCOCOCo - - ! - ISSUED IN., f 8 I 8 SEAU-WEEKLY SECTIONS ft Ml - t TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. (A ocxxxooooooooooooocoot VOL. 40. NO. 2. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1000. FIRST SECTION EIGIIT'PAGES - - -; j j - Z ' - " . it m rOR DEFENSE i ; Boers Hasten to Oppose Roberts' Advance in force. 1 A STRONG ARMY AT BLOEMFONTEIN Crttije C.allant Kaiatenee Gives tbe Fcd t ral Time t Prepare for Struggle ' Flghtlvg at Ladysmith. I LONDON, Feb. (27 (Tuesday, 4:20 a. m.).- The.. Jioers; are assembling an army near Bhjemfontein, with which to dispute the invasion of Lord Roberts. This intelligence comes from Pretoria by way of Lourctieo Marques. The commands arc described as "hastening t'roni all ipurttTS of the two republics." No estimate is rinide of; their mim bcrs, but the withdrawal vi Boers from most of tiee places where ..they have been in contact with the British, except the district near Ladysmith, may raise the resisting force to 30,000 men. This figure; assume that; the Boers have bc iwicii (.0,000 and 70,000 men in the! field. The gathering of this army across the path of Lord Roberts gives significance to General Cronje's steadfast defense. He has engaged a corps of Lord Rob erts tor ten days now, and whether he is relieved or not, I' he has given time for the .dispersed Boer factions to get together' and to prepare positions to receive the advance; 01 the British when Cronje is overcome aid Lord Roberts moves forward. It is difticfilt to conceive that the Icrs are strong enough to take the offensive and' to rescue General Cronje from his prerario'is Situation. The war office has nothing after mid night to indicate his collapse, and he may hold o::t' for a few days. General. Duller on Saturday faced the last and strongest position of the Boers who, bar his way to Ladysmith. The strenuous fighting indicates a battle between armies, rather than a rear guard's action in protecting a retreat. I'M Thursday and Friday he lost forty three officers, killed and wounded, re presenting probably a total loss of 4rom 400 to 500. "General White's guns worked Saturday upon the Boer posi tions, and a hrliogram from Ladysmith reported, that, the Boers were retreating an.1 th.t larger rations were being is sued iu view j of the fact that relief was at hand. ; Noshing has be ?n heard ffrom Mafc king since February 12th. Theyiiiove ment on the; veldt, away from the rail way, is becoming increasingly difficult for large bVlics ot troops, as the grass js burned iijjl. General French has to ' agon forage for his hordes and even the infantry; finds the long marches harder than .lefore. as the forage for the IramjmrKanimals must be carried. Tliis rcp.iire.i " t he j formation of garri soned depots. The ordinary' campaign ing season -is over, and the: sickly -Rea son for both men and -horses lias el in.. ' j I ; , STUBBORN j RESISTANCE. .-London, . Fib. 27. Winston Church Ill, in a disimuh to the 'Morning Post, from Frere Camp, dated 'Sunday, -says: "The idea! that the Boers are raising Kidneys, Liver and Bowels ClEAnses the System r, EFFECTUALLY overcomes Isrti '.rfi:, (AUr?TGYRV'PG- tf-K.'1' Acts gently on the the siege of Ladysmith is premature. The advance is being pushed in the (ace of the most stubborn opposition and oL heavy loss. ' President Kruger's grandson is among the Boers killed." Churchill theai proceeds to describe the heavy fighting last Friday, in which the EnniskiHens approached within 500 yards of the sumrait of the rocky Boer position and then gallantly charged in the face of a hail of bullets, f He says: T'After repeated attempts, I however, and having lost heavily,- they recog nized that they' were unable to prevail. 'Nevertheless, they refused tb retreat, but lay down on the slope, oehind a shclfer of walls The Connaughts and Dublin fusilcers were sent to their sup port, but the light taded and the night closed in before the main attack had developed." ' , . MANY BOERS. London, Eeb. 27. A dispatch from Paardeberg, dated Friday, to the Times says that several thousand Boers are hovering in th?t neighborhood. GALLANT FTJSI LEERS. Ixjndon,1' peb. 27. The Times has the following from Pietarmaritzburg, dated Friday. February "2jd: "The Dublin fusileers have again dis tinguished themselves -by volunteering to take ilroeblcr's Kloof, which they did. This gallant battalion, which be gan the campaign 850 strong, can today be said to muster on .parade only be tween roo and joo of its'l original mem bership. ; ; . , 7 BIG PROFITS. Kimberley, Feb. 24 Cecil Rhodes. presiding at a meeting of the De Beers Company, delivered a tspeech which was received with enthusiasm. He an nounced that the year's profits of the De Befcrs Company amounted to .2, 000,000. I lAHY CASUALTIES. London, feb. '26.- The war office to day issued an additional list of casual ties, sustained by the P'ifth brigade un der General Bullr, on February 23d ?.nd- Z4h, which includes seven officers killed and wounded,- and one missing. General Buller's death list contains the names, of lieutenant-coloncls-r Thackery, of; the First Royal Ennis lviilcn fusileers; Stillwcll, of the Second Royal Dublin tfusiicers. and " Thorold, lit the Royal Welsh fusileers. . U An additional list of the British cas ualitici at Paardeberg, February 13th, is announced, and gives a lieutenant and eight men killed, ; one lieutenant and seven men missing, and thirty three men wounded. HUMANE TREATMENT. "T London. Feb. 27. The Daily Mail has the following dispatch from Paar deberg,. dated Sunday: ""There arc about 4000 beleaguered in General Cfonje's camp, exclusive of the losses he lias hitherto sustained. His wife is nt wilh him. although there are wo- irten and children 111 the camps. , The Boer position is now almost .exclusive ly confined to the , rivef bed.! The en emies arc entirely at our mercy, but Lord Roberts is treating them with the greatest consideration, from motives of humanity." POSTOFFICE. ROBBED. Independence,- Feb. 26. The postf ofliec was broken into yesterday hiorn- ing alter 3 o clock, and over . $fjoo wa? secured ', the amount of cash was $212.9.5 and stamps. $400. An entrance was made-bv. taking out a window-Dane in a rear room, and then a panel of the door, thus 'giving' admission ' to tne of fice. The ools were stolen from, a blacksmith shop in town. A hole was drilled in the oiitsidc doof ff the ouice safe, just above the handle, and the hole in the inner door wa made ust above the combination lock, and pow der was used to blow the safe open. A THEATRE BURNED. Loftdon. Feb. 26. The Grand thea tre. Islington, iwhere Henry Irving' and other actors bavc been in the habit of givjing .provincial tours, was, gutted by fire this morning! ". Arson is su.-pected. The theatrical ' properties and ward robes' were lost, r , j -;.' RELIGIOUS CONGRESS. Green Bay. Wis., Feb. 26. A State congress of religions is being held here today, and will continue until Alarch 1st. Most; of the rrligionstof the sftate are represented.. There is: also a Woman's auxiliary , meeting. TOO MUCH BOY AND TOO FEW ( " : POTATOES. . One of t'nc maddest; wo:nv:i in ihi city is 'a don-townj barding-honsc mistress who has wasted screril ,days in an effort Jo find a -certain huckster Ao worked a shrewd swindle on her. She bargained with lurr for fourteen bushclsrot potatoes,; with the under standing tliat he was to -put them in the cellar for her. . The rarrful house--we counted Ihe two-bashcl : bag se-n of them ami paid the man ir that number. ? A short trnic aftc he huckster k-ft a s neighbor notifieaher that during-the potato transaction she had seen a small boy crawling "out of the "froftt cellar window. ' Jin invsstiga t'inV! irow ths. : there wne ..!; .ten (..'..Li,. ; i,.nnnri ind that on two occ?s;ons the hy hd been Jrarncd down cellar in the bag bv.the htfrkstcr, and had thcnVlimbcd out of the wm Jow and back to- ;r.r -ayn again f repeat Use .vr.JH.--j;o:on jaurnau Conimcrce has ei the mark of selfish- CRONJE HAS The Most Gallant ! Brought , LONDON, f eb. 27, (Tuesday9:57 A. IW.)---!t Is of fi- $ C cially announced thai Cronje surrendered "with 1 his whole, k j force, unconditionally, at dawn this morning. J J ABOUT THE TREATY President and Cabinet on , the Hay-Pauncefote Agreement THE BEST ARRANGEMENT1 POSSIBLE lis Rejec tion Will IntciTvre With LkIhU' tloo Farorable the Ilulldlnic' of the Canal." W vmnVOTON. Feb. 26. It mav be stated as a result of careful inquiry, ; ttmf tti. tirpcijlfrit f and- cahinet are t unanimous in their , support of the j llay-Paunccfotc treaty; that they all j consider its provisions the best now ! obtaiirable. and that there is no inten-f tion of withdrawing iU If the treaty now before tlie senate is rejected, in the opinion of tlie adniinistration, no legislation can be had for the building of isthmian canal except through repudi ation of the CTayton-Bulwer, compact- ARMOR'S WILL. Chicago, Feb. 27. The will of the late Philip D. Armour Jr. was filed for probate here today. The instru ment disposek oif property valued at 000,000, OneMhird of the estate is left to the widaw and two-thirds is given in trust for two surviving sons. LAWSUL TRIZES. Washington, Feb. 26. The U.; S. supreme :ourt today oeciaeo. me na val prize money cases, involving the seizure e the iir.tisn steamer .iMuna and the Spanish steamer 1'anama, on r.!,n ilnrin? the Soanish war, holding that both were lawful prizes. A FOET DEAD. V Vnrk. Feb. 26. Richard H over, the poet, professor of English litcta- ture in liarnara onege, is uia-i this city of apoplexy, aged 35 years. , A BRITISH-WARSHIP. ' - J Ti : -v TT1. TUe- TtrititVl warship learns steamed into the harbor jesterday. saluting me ions as f.i.c passed up the bay. and .dropped anchor. The; Icarus is on the way to Esqui malf. wh?re she is to be given an over-hntiiin-j- Iwforr- she ioins the North Pa cific scnadron. - . Copper Colored : Thprtjja cmly one care for Contagious Blood Poi8on--the disease which baa completely baffled the doctors. They are totally unable to cure itLud. direct their efforts toward bottling the poison up in the blood and concealing it from Tiew. S. S. S. cures tho disease posi tively and permanently by forcing out every trace of the taint.' . - MS, . 1 1,1. A LmJMa VI A K UI ' Vbicli was in apota a flmt, lit aftrwrii "Thekentan broke ontinto BorrK, and it ta rnj to imagine the aafferinfT I endaid. Bfor I be came eonrlneed that the doc tors eoa Id do no pood. I had speut a handrvnl dollars, which vu rcaJlj thrown away. I then tried Ttrloal paJ meiUi-inm. tvat tner aio i n' ' im.M - 7 When I had finished taj s V f - - boM t - B. - was rreatiy iniproTen the rwrnlU The Urxm red eptptchea on mj ehet be(?an to rrow palr fn befora lon disappear enUrely. 1 nRlneo mr lost weifttat. Vcm9 ctrontrer. and mr P" netite rreay improTed. I aoon entirely well.and my skin a elar as a pie of Klart. H. V. Ktkh, 100 Malberry SV, Newark. H.3. ' Don't destroy all possible chance of ture by taking. the doctor's treatment of mercury and potash. These minerals cause" the hair to . fail out, and will wreck the entire system- ' .' - is'rtTBXLT Ttostabijb. and I the, only Wood remedy guaranteed toconiaia no potash, mercury, or other mineral Books on the disease and its tre mcnt mailed tree by Swift Specific Com pany, AUaaU, Georgia- i'J Vs ai V-r't. fi-i.' 'iO'-U.- t.-J." i ' .-"'''" ' Splotches . v. t s s feifl w&iMm Kara VAVW.WA'AW.WnW.W.W.VM . SURRENDERED Defense in History to a Close; j 1 HAD LIVELY TIME Senators Tillman ant1 Spooner Locked Horns Yesterday. THE HAWAIIAN BILL DISCUSSED Property Qualification of Voters for Mrui-Ix-ni of LrUIatjiro Struck Oat IJttlo Proy TVn Made. WASHINGTON,! Fe1. ao.-The consideration of the .Hawaiian govern ment bill brought out a lively, discus sion in the senate today. be( ween Till man, democrat of South Carolina, and Sfooner, republic? n of Wisconsin,, in which- theNiormcr admitted that the ballot boxe.f had been stuffed and negros had been Shot doAti in the South to maintain white domination. An amend ment was made to the bill, striking out the property quiiiyficationi of voters for members of theegfflattire, but little other, progress was made. ! ' ' - . DAEV TESTIFIES. Washington, Feb. 26. In the Clark contest ; today, Marcus. Daly testified that so far lie had contributed between $.30,000 ;and $s,otx for prosecuting the contest.! 4 Daly gave figures as o the number of men employed by him in various parts of the statc making a total of almost 6000. ' SCHOOL i REFORM. Chicago, Feb. J6. Chairman John McLaren, of the Citizens' Educational Commisison of 106, called . a mass meeting to be hil at Central Musk Hall this evening. Needed reforms for Chicago's public school system were considered. The cpmmisison is com posed f taxpayers parents and teach ers, and was organized by the civic fededation to study the public school system ; with a view of recommending to the proper authorities the legislative and administrative preforms deemed de sirable.! . ..-.-! lJ . AN ELECTROCUTION. Sing Sing, Fcbt 26. Antonio Fer raro. the Italian f murderer, awaiting death here, will go" to the electric chair tfos week, the supreme cxnirt having refused; a new trial. Although the, de cision was made i in January, Ferraro was not mpde aware of his fate until ten days ago. This was done to pre vent worry!. ! i HEAVY FIRE LOSS. Montreal, Feb. 26. The Theatre Francais and nearly the entire block on St. Catherine .street, between Sri Dom iniqur and Cadioiix streets, was burned Uvis mrning. Fivebusiness properties were destroyed besides the theatre. The loifs is about $100,000 ' CARTER'S CASE. Washington, Feb. f The suprerm; court . of the United States today denitfd the application of Captain Ober lin Carter to bring his case into that court. ,! There was no written opinion. i A Thousand Tongues ' C6utd not express "the , 'raplure of An.iie: E. Springer. ; of IIJJ Howard St.,. Philadelphia, i Pa., when ihe found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption had; completely cured her trf a hacking cough that Jor may years had made life a burden. All" mother rem edies end doctor cuid five, her no help, but she sayi of this Royal Cure "it-soon removed the. pain- in my chest and l;can now iletp sotm-lly, some thing j I can scarcely rcreenilcr doing icfore. I-feel likfr; sounding its praises throughout the Universe'." So will ev ery onejwho trie Dr. King's New Dis covery for ' any trouble of ,lhe Throat, Chest, or Lungs. Price 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles 'reo at Dr. Stone's dreg stores; every : botitle guaranteed. SOLDI E RS' CLOTI II NG. Sari Francisco, Feb. 26. Upon the request of Major Oscar 'F. Long. Quar termasfer. United States Volunteers, Depot Qwartetmiaster in this city.,; a board o survey inct in. his office today. to examine irttoL-report upon "and fix the respdnsibilrtir for an alleged de ficicncy of clothing and equipage shipped by Major Long to the tjuar terrnaster at -Manila P. L, and for de ficiency to quartermaster's stores re ceived at the depot "in this. city Irom various posts. ' V AGAINST DEWEY. Washington. ' Feb. ,26.-Thc United States yurt of claims today rendered a decision on the claim of Admiral Dewey for pri.c money, on account of the destruction of the Spanish fleet in Manila, harbor. The court decided against the admiral' .contention thai the enemy's" force., was superior to his and awarded him 9750. jv.L- M I N TJXO R k E RS YIELD. Des Moines, Feb. 26. Tfie Iowa Mineworkers and the (Minnesota Mine-i operators Association met in joint conference today to consider the sched ule lor the yvar irom April 1, iqoo. Tne prospect of trouble is greatly diminish ed by; this action; j ' V 7,1 IN N.EW ORLEANS New Orleans, llt.. Feb. 26. Tliou- sands are pouring into the city. : Seven hundred newspaper people- are here. and the Oregon idelcgatiun's hYadquar ters are crowded. The convention opehsi Thursday, j . J !" . - . - ..- . . , . 1 1 j RobbejJ ihe Grave. 'X J ( A startling ineident. of which ' Mr. John ! Olirer of lliiladelphia. was the sirbjcft, is narrated by hint as follows: I was 111' a most drcadiul condition. 'My skin was almost yelftw, eyes sun ken. tongue coated, pain Icoirii.iually in back 'and sides, in? appetite- gradually growing weaker day by; day. ' ihiec physijeians had given m up. Fortu nately, a Inend advised trying 'Electric Bitters;' ami to my great joy and sur: prise the first bottle, made a decided improvement. I C'intiniicd their use for riiree; weeks, and am now a well man. I know they savrd my life, anl robbed the grave of another victim." No one vsh(Hi!d fail to try them. Only 50 ets., guaranteed, at Ir. Stone s drug -: tores. A GIFTED GIRL. Cahtious 'FaHicrSon, ' has " thi joung woman jioii want to marry any uouiicsiic aeconipusnmenrsr - . Infirtuated YoutliDomeftic. accom plishments? Why, pop, she can make Welsh rabbit toi beat the band! Indi anapolis Journal. .. T 1 -. ' ., .- . 'V : ; v:- An Editor s RiiTe Saved by Chamber- ' hun's Cough Remedy. ' During the early part of October, l8gf1y I contracted a bad cold which settled on my lungs and was neglected until I fcred Ithat consumption ' had appeared in ani incipient state. 1 I was constantly coughing and trying to ex pel something t which I could not. I became alarmed and -4 after giving the local doctor a trial bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and the result was immediate improvement, and after. I had used three bottles my lungs were restored to their healthy state. B. S. Edwards, Publisher of The Re view,' Wyanc, Jll. For' sale by F.' G. llaas, druggist; WHEN TlfE DAY TS DONE. Whoever kcejis an ojven ear ' For tattlers will be slire to hear i The trumjt of cJntention. i . . ' Cowpet. There shall nc?cr lie one? lost good! 'What was fhall live as beiore: The evil is null, ir nbug'ht, is siknee ! Hiiplying somid : ' What "WTas goq hall be gool, with, i; for. evil, jso inucl good more; On the earth the broken arcs; in the heaven a-, perfect rind. . j , 4-Robert Browning. Senators Taliaferro of FWi'da, Har ris of Kansas andf liindsay of Kentucky arc all Virginiknsi by birth. The first named is a descendant of Ro)rt Talia ferro, who carhe Ifrom England in 1656 and settled in i what is now (J range county. VirgmSa.1 :- '..-;; -r" f 00 oes In speaking about Scott's Emulsion j for children, you should not forget that it con tains limp and soda, just what the child must have to form strong bones and good teeth. 1 It's this forming time you want to look after. Growing bodies must have an easily digested faL Just think how much of it there is in milk, as cream. Sccirs Emulsion is even more easily digested than cream.' ttfs surprising how chil dren thrive when given it : - Don't keep the children living on the edge of sickness all the time. Make than strong and rugged; plump and! hearty. Scoffs Emul sion of Cod-liver Oil and the Hypo-, phosphites of Lime and Soda will do this for them. 1 At U irar 5 sad ft 00. nc-w Yora.. ( f " S1""V t 1 it HAVE AG Mm Republicans o Congress After a long Conference DECIDED ON tl'ERTO RICAN BILL The Hmira la Intemtfd Only tor Tuinpn rary l e Tl.a Island la Jiaaluua x 1 ."for Frea Trade, J WASHINGTON. Feb. 20. The ircneral debste wm the Puerto Rican tariff bill was today-extended until to morrow night. Interest centered in the conferences, which were? going on among the republican leaders in their efforts to compromise their dilerences on the bill. ; , J . At a coherence of the, house repuU licans. tonight, assurances were given that -the president believed the measure constitutional land would approve it if it came to himj and art agreement was reached to limif the operation of the hill to i w vears and to reduce the duly imposed by it from -5 to 15 per cent of the American tariff. As a result, the repiddican leaders claim that the bill will have the support of all republicans except four McCall of Massachusetts, Littlefield o Maine, Lorimcr 01 iin nois, and Cnimpackcr'of Indiana, and thai this loss will be offset by the af firmative votes of the opposition. They claim the passage of the modified bill is. certain. i - S After the conferlincc adjourned at It. o'clock. Chairmafr Cannon gave out the follow ing statement of the amendments agreed upon byt the" confc nice: "The confererlec requested the ways and means conniiittce to olTer an amend ment to the bill as follows: fAmend the title to make it 'an act, tcniporarily to, provide' revenue for the island of Puerto Rico and for cither purposes, and to add the following sections: jj " 'This act shall be taken nnd held to be provisional in its purposes, intended to meet the pressing, present need for revenue for the j island of Pierto Rico, and is not to continue in? force after March vi,. igoz'f " "These amendments wcrc adojtcd with a practical "-unanimity. 'Another, to reduce the duty impose by the act from 5 to 15 p:r cent, wasl adopted ly a votei of 105 to H. A further amend ment is to be offered by the ways and means committee to 4irakc jit clear that no double1 duty is imposed; Hhat the payment of. one internal revenue is the total tax on importations;' One hun dred and twenty-live; republican mem bers attended the conference. WANT FREE TRADE. Washington, Feb. 26. Secretary vf War. Root today ent to lie senate a ktter from General Davis,' with a peti tion' from -Puerto -'Rican citizens, ask ing, for free trade with j the United States. In the letter . General Davis says: ; '.-..; - - - - , :' "In ny frequent rcport to the de partment I hare fully- stated- the gravity of the indtistjrial situatioin. I canot, I in any words j at my tomniand, over state the urgeney and grayiy f the in- Jitstnal conditipti,; now existing 111 i'uerto Rico.' j . IlEECHAM'S PILLS lor Stomach and Liver ills. . 0 SHRINKAGE OF Til E pEAD 5 SEA. The level of) the Dead sa is steadily falling on account of the large , volume of water trilmtary to it which is now absorbed by jirripration enterprises. The ca was formerly much larger than at present, as is shown by th old beaehe stretching at various altitude', around !he whole bavin. Since the nriddle of Hie century iv level hasbern very slow ly rising' till quite recently, but now it s falling again. - j The phenomenon is not due to nat causes, bill to the steadily increas ing quantity 4 water that is taken from 'he Jordan river for irrigation purposes. There are other smaller t.frcains flow ing into the. sea. and theyi too, qre be ing utilized -by the' increasing iiumler f farmers,- who arc diverting all the water, they can get to the) lands and nrc relieving the monotonous! aspect of the former arid and lifeless region with many; verdant fields. h The latest travelers say that some of the salt deposits covering the bottom of the lake may now be seen above the waUir in the shallower places and near the shores. ; This is a new aspect in ad dition to the, deposits of salt crystals that have a'rways been observed on. the snores.-IJut even though this desicca tion go steadily on, it will take a long time to dry up the waters, for it re quires a sounding line over l,.?oo feet long to touch the bottom in the .deep northern part of the basin. J HE WAS REM EM P, fcR ED. "Yes terday at the University, Contractor W. D, Pugh of tJie new Science Hall was presented with a line diamond ring as a slight token of esteem from the work men who have been employed on the building," says the Eugene Register of Saturday. "A. C Woodcock in a few well chosen words tendered "Mr." Puh the lovely ornament who responded expressing hi appreciation A the gilt and of the pleasant personal relation that have obtained during the construc tion of the edifice." s