Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, February 16, 1900, Page 1, Image 1

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VOLi 4S NO. 52. :-
?fi ill - ii . til sw si i w". i : .. - T ' "II t . . i!
' vv:TTn-.iv,; .".v-:,.-;r-r .
Lord RobcrtsVArmy Invades the
iCrange free State
;earrml KItrlirner ! Ormnixlnc th
Trmnport Serrlce nd Forward
In j Xecdcd Trorp.
LONDON. Ftb. 15. (Thursday,
'4: a. ra.):. The Iritih army, for the
fiTiti lim since the war beRan, is it) si. 1c
the iioer frontier. Lord Roberts, with
at least 40.C00 infantry, 7000 cavalry and
150 guns, has tarnei the Magerfontein
lines, before wlifch the British forces
have been encamped for ten weeks,
anxl with half of his corps he is already
operating on: Free State territory.
' ; A 'battle lias not yet been fought, but
gained. The relief of Kimbcrley is
within rr.eMirablc reach, ami the way
to Blocraffintein is appreciably easier.
The dispatches of Lord Roberts sketch
Lord Rit-rts' three days' work. The
Xrward movement ,bcgan Monday,
when ' Colonel llannay set ouf with a
briead of mounted infantry from Ram-
1 mail, on the Riet. eijht miles from
Jacobsda!. the fiocrs supply basis. On
i if onday, Ceneral French, with a cav-
, ialry division, seized the crossing of the
Riet riven at Dekils Diilj':, south of
J;i.-b-idal. : a'iJ titthifcn miles east of
Honry." Netk!oof. 1 He skirmished
with thf ijoers an I cleared the way for
o.coo inifentry. wh followed across
tn Tuc.Liy. with his three cavalry bri
Kades, anjji the hor?e artniery.
Cicucral f French rode to Modder, riv
er. a ' distasic of twenty-five miles, and
took three fords with the high ground
beyond the jrivcr, arl five Boer camps.
He had a fcw casualties in the brushes
. with the Rocr rorse. . General French
has now fixed himself in General Cron
je's maini line of communication with
IJlocmionscin. and .20.000 infantry, with
sevcnly-tfio guns, are being pushed
tip trtist'pirt him there.
I.Orl linlMTt-i Hienafrh wirftl from
inside the Free State and on the Riet
river, left him Wednesday' . morning.
His advajnee has not been opposed by
the Boers ; in force. Their patrols
melted away as the British moved for
ward. The Boer army is likely to be
felt in a - day 6r two, and a battle is
conscijuen Jy imminent. As to what
forces General Cronje has now at his
disposal, and as to where he propose
making a I stand against the invaders,
no one rere. j connected with the war
office, ktows I anything.
The I forces, immediately at the dis
posal of I Lord Rolerts are placed at
50030. Onite possibly Lord Roberts
has lo.ccn or ao.ooo more. It is now
realized thpt' the incidents aU Rcnsburg
have been seen out of all , proportion.
Merely skeleton lines were) maintained
there while; the troops were being se
cretly anil j rapidly concentrated on the
XI odder river, and beyond by rail, to
Immi's, ifliows that Lord Kitchener
has been; fully successful in organizing
the transport. He is now supposed
to bc d;wn the line sending forward j
more trotops, and getting togctWt more i
. . i, ,i c.. :i f
"mule wjeon trains are estimated for
each . divfision, -.so that Ixrd Kitchener,
who is tjeputed to have more skill than
a circusf titanager in handling field,
transporits, has immense labor in hand. ;
Imdonj Icb. 14. TheJ war office
has issued, the following message from
Lord Roberts, received this evening:
" Dikils ! Drift, Feb. 14. 8:to a. m. r
General j French left this point ftt 11:30
yesterday morning wirti three 'brigades
ot cavalry, horse artillery and mounted
i !
Just arrivetl at tho
New York
Laces; Embroidery. Ribbon, Table Linen,
I Crash and a Full Supply of all
. Kinds of Notions and
7 Hosier'.
New line ofladics' tics.
now lttto of cents' summer shirts. Neatest stvles you can find. Don t
1 .... 1 .4:., ;n co nnr line. Wo save you money ou
everything you buy. Salem's "one
j E. T. BARNES, Prop.
j. ) .-J ,r -.... v-;-; v d .' v;.v v( ' v-vf:
V J - 1 ' '
infantry including 'cevcra! colonial con
tingents, in order to seize the crossing
of the ;Modder about twenty-five miles
awa. He reports by dispatches, dated
5:35 p. m. that he had forced a passage
at Clip Drift and has occupied the hills
north of the river, capturing three of
the cnemy'slaagers with their supplies,
while General Gordon .of the Fifteenth
hussars, with his brigade, who had
made a feint at Rondeval Drift four
miles west, ! "has ; seized it and holds
the drift between it and Clip Drift, to
gether with two more laagers. General
French's performance ! is brilliant, con
sidering the excessive heat and blind
ing dust storm, which raged during
the latter part of the day.
"Owing to the rapidity of his move
ment. General French met with but
slight opposition, his losses being
small. Lieutenant Johnson, of the
LnniskiUen dragoons, is the only of
kJL rP?rted severely wounded.
"The sixth division was last night on
the north bank of the K; w-...
, . . . . . - . - - - - . nam"
. vai urut, and is moving to support the
j cavalry. The seventh division is here,
,and will go on this afternoon.
"Foar officers and fifty-three men
; had to be sent, last evening, in return
ing wagons, to the Tailway line, pros
Itrtited by the heat and exhaustion."
London. Feb. 14. The total British
casualty returns, tin to tonlcht
Otlicers killed, 152; wounded, 1477
missing. U2. Men killed. 1477
wounded, 5050; missing, 27. Other
fatalities reported, 563. Grand .total,
Labor Leaders Ask That Justice B
Done the Islanders.
New York. Feb.
Eduardo Conde, Puerto Rican labor
leaders, who arrived bere from that is
land a few days ago, have issued an
appeal to this government on behalf
of the workingmen-of Puerto Rico,
j The delegates, who have ."established
headquarters in this city, declare that
! the working class of their island have
been reduced by reason of the war. the
hurricane and the action of this eovern-
ment since the storm, to a condition of
extreme destitution. They declare that
unless action; is aken soon riots will
occur throughout the island, as the poor
are desperate from their st:(Terings.
To get justice, say these delegates,
is almost impossible for the poor, and
Jaws clieifly result injuhe disfran
chisement of the laborers. Of the is
oco.ooo inhabitants. 600.000 are absol
utely paupers through no fault of their
own. The workinsrmen demand a
radical change in the government of
the island. ' They ask that the follow
ing ordinances of Governor-General
Davis be annulled:
First That the laborers on the pub
fcc work shall get more than 25 cents
per day for eight hoars work..
Second That only property-holders
and taxpayers shall j vote Jfnd those
who can read-and write.
Third That these tax payments pt
at least $t shall be paid before a vote
is cast.
The workinjjmen also ask that the
ordinance iforlwdding appeals from the
decisions of the tribunals be abrogated.
They also want a general market for
imports and better schools.
San Francisco. Feb. 13. The Unit
ed States cruiser Philadelphia lias gone
to the Mare Island navy-yard for an
overhauling. As soon a?i she is ready
for sea again, she will sail for Samoa
with Commander S i Schrocdcr. the
new governor of Tutuila. on boad.
On" his arrival he will relieve Captain
B. F. Tilley. who is now acting gov
ernor of the latest addition to the pos
sesions of the United States. Tutuila
is the island on which is the harbor of
Great Actress: "That's an atrocious
,wir,;ti ic that tht lwt vou can do?
l is. there no way yon.can improve upon
ltr suggest someining.
Photographer: 'Malam, you might
permit your understudy to. it for you."
1rnii!iW two Yarvl3 loilST.
Sec our
price cash store-
British J forced to Retire trcm
the Colesburg District.
Iredietioi, Tbat Grnerml IlallcrWlll Make
Another Move la Few Dsys, Are
SIsde In London.
LONbON, Feb. 14- (Wednesday."
4:20 a. 1m.). The hews of the day is
the enforced retirement of the British
from -the Colesburg district, under a
heavy Boer pressure and probably af
ter brisik fighting. Thus, at a time
when-Lord Roberts is apparently able
to push his army into the Free State,
the Boers make a counter stToke , in
unknown but seemingly great force,
not far (from the vital line of the railway
connecting De Aar and, the Orange
river, j 'Military observers do not re
gard (his as more than a menace.
Nevertheless, the news produces n un
pleasant impression here, r
Genejral French had menenvered the
Boers iout of Rcnsburg in December.
On January 1st it was reported that he
could take Colesburg in -two days with
reinforcements. These were sent, but
the Boers were also reinforced. Sice
thtn the British lines tjave been ex
tended; east and west, so that'll
opening of this week they constituted
a great horseshoe twenty-five miles in
length. The lines were not continu
ous, bjjt all strong positions were held.
General French, when he joined Gener
al Roberts, took most oi his. cavalry.
Generil Clements was left witji the in
iantryj to hold the Boers in check, but
Commandant Dclaney, with a double
turning movement, has compelled the
British to concentrate at Rcnsburg,
besides , threatening Roberts' commun
ication. The Boers mastery of the
district Tias caused a spread of insurrec
tion, but this no doubt will be prompt
ly suppressed, as large British forces
are available not far away.
Indications as to General Buller's
immediate intentions are contradictory.
One informant, who has intimate rela
tions with the war office, predicts a
movement; within the next day or two,
A numfoer cf correspondents, who have
been with General Bu'ler, have gone
to Durban for a few, days rest under
the impression that nothing is to be
done immediately.
The war office has directed the eighth
division of 10,000 men to prepare to go
London. Feb. 14. -A dispatch s to the
Daily Mail, from Rensburg, dated yes
terday, says .
There has been hard , fighting " for
some days near Colesburg, the Boers
making strenuous efforts to outflank
the British left. The enemy occupies
strong positions from Achterlang
through Potfontein, to a point five
miles south of Jasfontein.
Fighting at the outpost camps has
been very severe during the last few
days. Yesterday the Boers attacked a
position, of Worcesters to the south
east of Colesburg. The fighting con
tinued al day and after dark it was con
sidctcd necessary to withdraw to Reus
berg, j Opr lusscs are not yet known.
On the left the West Australians,
Wiltshire and Berkshires had hot
fighting. but held their .positions
against l(ing odds. - The Boer losses
were considerable. Owing to the
growing difficulties experienced by the
cowboys ip reaching the camps, all the
latter werd, vacated last night, and the
troops withdrew to Rensburg, The
Boers are burning the farms of loyal
ists, but the latter have contrived to
get away with their stock.
Proposes to Secure His Rights1 Enor
1 mous Value of the Big Concerns
I Plant and Business ,
PITTSBURG Pa., Feb. 13 Henry
.Prick .filed' a bill in equity today, in the
court of common pleas of Allegheny
county, against Andrew Carnegie and
the Carnegie Steel Company,' limited."
pisaySng for a decreef that the pretend
ed transfer of his interest in the com
pany Is null and void, andtthat he is
still owner of all iudi interest, and is
entitled in every lawful way to repre
sent and act for the same. . '
In case the defendaants refuse the
offers made by the plaintiff, and shall
refuse to allow him to participate in
the management. Frick asks for a re
ceiver to take charge of the Carnegie
Steel Co.. Limited, lit also asks: that,
in case the affairs of company ;rre
wound up on account of Carnegie's
alleged fraudulent conduct.! that : he
(Carnegie) shall he 'compelled tdmaie
Kood to the plaintiff all losses incur
red in such dissolution of the firin.
Frick was manager from l8oi to Dec
ember. 18901, and Carnegie owned
y.cr cent of the company. j
The net profit of the firm for .-.the
year 1870. -were $21.00,000. In .Novem
ber 1800. .Carnegie estimated the net
profits for 1900 at5-to.ooo.ooo. and Frick
then estimated tbem at S42.ooo.ano.
Carnegie valued the entire property at
over $250,000,000, and avowed Iris abil
ity. n ordinarily prosperous times, to
sell the property cn the London mar
ket for $500,000,000. In May 1899,
Carnegie actually received in cash, and
still holds, $1,170,000, given himas a
mere -bonus for his ninety days op
tion to sell1 his per cent interest in
the steel company tor 5 157.950.000.
Frick' six per cent on that basis
would be -worth $16,238,000. Fnck
no;v ..alleges he was at head of this
enoniiously successfl business, where
by' a't least in part he made for Car
negie these enormous ' profits and
valfues; that Carnegie suddenly and with
malevolent intent towards him. in Dec
ember 1899. arbitrarily demanded his
resriernation as chairman, and this with
out any reason except to gratify Car-
negc s malice- r nek. in the interest
of iharmony. gave hrs resignation and
subsequently, on the nth of January,
1000. Cam eeie demanded oi Frick that
he I (Frick) should sell to -the firm his
interest in it at a figure which would
amount to less than . one-half of what
this interest is fairly worth. Frick re
fused to sell at that price, but offered
to i sell, and three men were-to value
th4 interest soldi Carnegie refused
iVatliinrtnn. Fel. IX. In the Clark
contest today the ' most interesting
'testimony of the day was the state
ment made by Wm. McDermott, one
of Clark s friends, to tne enect mai
Clark had made him a present of $5000
after his election to the senate in piy-
ment of McDermort lor 11 is. services
in thf ontst' He also testified that
he: expended about $Jooo in tbe gov
ernor's .and senatorial elections. The
major portion of this money tiatl leen
received from Clark's son, but the wit
ness contended it was all spent for
legitimate purposes.
Washington Feb. ix. The house
rimmitifp on interstate and foreign
commerce today decided by a vote, of
8 to 5. to rctort a 1'aciiic caoie 0111
along the lines or the Sherman Din, ae
iVitintr hv s to 8 the Corliss nrooosi-
tion for a goverrm,cnt ownership.
Omaha. Neb.. Feb. 11 It is rumor
ed at Union Pacific headquarters that
Union Pacific will not. after all, aban
don its 'agencies in Portland and other
coast points in the Oregon Railroad &
Navigation Company's: territory.. All
ticket agents have been dispensed with.
but agents of the freight department
have not been relieved, and the general
opinion at headquarters' is that .they
will not be, though tlibse high irt au
thority are non-committal. The! fact
that changes have been made in Butte
in both departments. . and at other
points in the " passenger department,
lends color lo this story.
! New York, Feb. I.VA dispatch to
tint Herald from Port of Spain says:
The revolution under the leadership of
General. Hernandez in Venezuela is
gaining rapidly. The revolutionists,
under Generad Medina.attackcd and de
feated the. government troops under
General Corina. near Coro. the capital
oft! the state of Faicon. The capital is
being held by the revolutionists. At
Port Chichininrichi. which is near
Puerto Cabcllo. a battle has taken place
between the govern 'men' troops and
the rebels, resulting in ; a victory lor
the revolutionists. This engagement
. - . r
has created great excucmcm in i wcr
tCabello particularly among the for
eign residents. . . ?x .
Is the day for
Bring the boys to tii today we will
driss them up in $6.oo,r$5.oo, $.oo or
$3.00 suits for $.48. 1
1 . -
Special Today
Never nund the no it will be all
right next kunrmer.
Cope Tcdjy and Come
Early, this Is! a Rare
Opportunity, j
-- 1 1K1 .1 ' urn - ' " I
; V - . ; . - A. :- :V:;V :f T. -
Chandler's Bimetallic Resolution
Was Badly Defeated
Tbe Finance 'Committee Offered
Amrodmtot- A Hacked toy the
Dtnmnitif UemlN'n.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 14 Through
out its session today the senate had the
finam ial bill under discussion, i After
2 o'clock the dcb?c proceeded under
the lo-minute rule, and at times Ix-camc
'spirited and interesting. Late in the
aitcrnoon a test vote, indicating ap
proximately the 'majority for the pass
aee of the bill, was taken. -.Chandler
offered an amendment to authorize the
president to appoint comnTissidners to; The report oMliq committee on na
any international bimetallic conference tional organization was unanimously
thar might be called, ani it was defeat-s adopted. M. L. LocWochI, i f PennsyJ
ed by a vote of 45 to 5. vania. wasunaniniously elected presi-
Thc Chandler proposition out of the dent' of the national organization,
way, the discussirin proceeded on the Franklin I Wciftworth, of Chicago. r was
amendment brought in by the. finance, chosen secretary; C. T.-Bride, -of Wash
committee, providing that the prov-is-; irRton. IX C, was elected treasurer,
ions of the bill ire not intended to and W. B. Fleming, of Kentucky, fin
place any obstacles in the -ayi of in- ancfal secretary. .
trnatifuijil liime triliKni. 1 he . lemo-!
cratic senators arraigned the rcpubl!
cans for reporting' the amendment, de
riarino ihev wcrt! insincere, and tnat
the proposition was intended to hood-
wink the people and to . catch yd:cs.
rio vote on the amendment was reacii- I
ed. The final vote oivthc amendment
and bill will be faken some lime to
morrow. I 3 j. - - - 1
The vote on Chandler's -amendment
was as follows:
Yeas Allen, Bate, Berry, Butler,
Chandler, Chilton, Clay. Cockrcll,
Culberson, Harris, 1 Iciifield, Jones
rArk.V. Tonp l NTovi. Kennv. ! XirF.n-
ery, Martin, Money, Morgan, S Pttf is, It is understood that Mr. j Bryan is
Rawlins, Sullivan,; Teller, Tillman; TurV anxious that his party shall' take the
lev. Turitcy 25. j - - field, announce, its platform and pre-
"NoesAldrich,. Allison, Burrows, ' Pare-lor the -national convention before
Caffcry, Carter, Clark (Wyo.). Cullom, political rivals declare their cam
Davis, Deboe, -Depcw, Elkins.' Fair- P'KT intentions..' He is particularly
banks. Forakcr, jFoster. Fryc, Gall.n- anxius to-anticipate -the . action of the
ger, Hale. Hanna. Hansbrcugh, 1 fa w-- populst party, which he fears may be
cy,- Kean, Linrtsay. I.oJkc. A-lcUridc.
MeComas, McCuiniber,- McMillan, Ma
son. Nelson. Pcnfose, Perkins, Piatt
(Conn.), Piatt (N. X-) Proctor, Ross.
Quarlcs, Sewell, Shoup, Siniin, Spoon
er. Thurston, Vest, W:arren, Wctmore,
Wolcott 45. .
Effort Made to fOffsct Bad Effect of
Partisan Resolution Adopted at
Tuesday's Meeting! ' '
CHICAGO, I-"ifb. 14. Stormy scenes
characterized thej sessions of 4 he -national
antitrust conference, prccftlrng
final adjournment tonight. The-di n
ax came nvhen Delegate' Joseph Parker,
a middle-of-the-road populist, surprirtd
the conference wiith -a resolution pledg
ing the delegates to vote for no party
that does not stand for government own
ership, and the principle of direct leg
islation. .; The democrats interpreted
The SnoW Can't Stop lis, Neither Can We Stop; the Snow, But
20c fascinators . .
All colors in Wool fascinators special
to close joc. i
it ' '
j 40c fascinators
50c and Toe Qualities in all colors
special to close; 40c.
22c j Wool Hose
' ? -- r ""'""' "
A hOsi&tliat iselli for . 35c in niost
storfrs. Special 22c. -
I2c Wool Mittens 1
Ladies fine wool mittens tic and up
we guarantee the yuality.
50c Silk Lined Mittens
We think this the best value ever
shown in Salem. ' , " . r:
75c Kid Mittens Uned-
Here is a mitt that will stand' the
racket th- are dresscy and tough
wearers. ;
95c Boas Worth $1.50
.A special line of feather boas form
erly sold for' $io, special 95c to closed
Botterick's Patterns and Fashion Plate's for March Now In.
tfeis as an attatk on V, J. Bryan, and
were -on. their feet in an instant to
block the movjement. A score oi dele
gates took the floor; and all tried to
talk at the same time;"
"You must (not stifle free ypcfxli
here," was shouted., "Everybody nixt
be heard" "nvad the warning that came
from delgate$ in the gallery. - Chair
man Moriett was in doubt as to whaV V
do. Disorder reigned for ten minutes,
and then Chairman Monctt temporarily
adjourned the lconvention. -
A stroncr attemot was made at the
conference today, to offset the partisan
eireci 01 me -(resolutions auojMcn yes
terday,' denouncing the pending cur
rency bill. Frank S. Monett, pcrman-
i ent chairman lof the; conference, made
1 a speech iti which he aeclarca the pur
pose of pubhje ownership ot public
utilities was being carried on in the
republican party, as .-well as by the
democratic party-.
"In tle republican Northwest," said
he, "sixty-five per cent of the public
utilities are owned by. the public, where
as irt mainy southern democratic states
les-s than five per cent are so owned.
I would remind the convention that
Ohio. Which is the state of the presi
dent, .is" also the home of the Sherman
anti-trust actr 'If we have . Attorney-
General Griggs,-we also had Attoriicy-
Gencrat Olncy.
.Bryan Wants the Nomination-as
I as Possible. 5 ;
New York, Ftb.. r.v A special to the
Herald from Washington 'says:' Ilcfore
Mr. Bryan left Washington Saturday
hv held -;an. important" conference with
some of the. democratic leaders and it
was decided, that the democratic na
tional convention should be held prior
to the republican and popult j conven-
. Ku,, l" P""""' inuisoain wunn
may. injure his? cause.
Mr. .Bryan did;" not-.confine -his con
sultations while . in Washington with
the free-silver democrat, but talked
with some of the shrewdest and most
influential members of the gc!d stand
ard wing fd thef party. It jis known
that he held a secret conference with
formerVenator fGorm.111. aijl it was
after consulting, Mr. Gorman that Mr.
Bryan impressed upon his Ijricuds the
importance til holding thcij conven
tion at a date several weeks, in advance
of the republican convention.
Nothwitlvtanding the assertion by
members of the democratic national
committee that at a r(cccnt conference
at" Chicago it; was -lec)dcd to hold the
convention in Milwaukee. Wis.,' there
seems to be aildi$po.sitipn'-tr " rescind
that action. M3isruri rcreentativcs
declare Kansas j City will v. rct t lie
prize from " Ucw York. Milwaukee,
Chicago or any lother city. ;
- ..... . , I i
. New York. Fjcb IS R'4ind Rcrd.
the actof, who "yesterday submitted to
second operatiofi, was rio!rtcd today
to be resting cjinfortably. j
; Blankets r "
This is our slrong litild. our blanket
department, is fvcry complete for tliii
time of the ytir and our values arc
better than evef before. . '. 'Marysville.
and Salem mills goods also strong lines
from three other popular mills. Call
and see them.
We can
1 sh!v
a!I the
more nuiiti in a mm-
ute than all the rest of Sa
cm can 111
all direct
a dav. Our purchases' are
from the factories and we ruaraptec a
l etter cpiilt for the money than others
give. -. -
Men's Wool Gloves
At popularf pficcs, so thick the frost
can't bite thmnigh them. :
,. . 4 , r ' ' 1
Men's Wool Sweaters
New line jult in call and i
thenfj: I"
-Men's! 'Wool Shirts
Extra va'tiirsj in wool overshirts for
cold - weather! : f
L4 1 :
Menfs Wool So
Keep your J tors -warm with our extra t
heavy wool aoxj. 1 1 ,
1 S '
. - - i - - - -.- - ,
it J . ! ...