Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, February 13, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Watches at Your Own Price
We have a lig lot ol second-hand
watches which we will sell at hi most
"any old price." .
They have been accumulating for
years and we roust get our money out
wc will sell you a good time piece
for from $r.oo tip. -
Have some fine movement, also
gold filled cases among this lot.
Some Rlaces .
.... V ; ! V ! : f " : ' - ';; ' - ':ri- - ' -V: 5 .
Worth Seeiinisr
For Sale or trade
160 acres in the neighborhood of Sweet Home, in Linn county;
80 acres good saw timber, balance open land; about 10 acres in
cultivation. with fair house and barn, and nice bearing -orchard
mixed fruit: -school close by:; good wagon road; saw mill and
Hour mill in short distance: Will sell cheap or will trade for Sa-
lem suburban property. If ,
Nice little home
15 acres half a! mile from- Roscdale, nearly all irr cultivation; ' two
acres mixed fruit; good frame house, good barn -and good well. '
This will be sold cheap and on "good terms- r. I . 1
153 acres
Gose to railroad Matimi; situated' in Yamhill and Washington,
counties; 100 acres in' cultivation, balance in pasture; all; fenced;,
good house of 7 rooms, new. This is a. splendid place, on the far ,
famed Wapato lake. . $30 an acre.
, '...). )
$30 an acre
Sixty (60) acres of rich Ijottom and beaver dam land - on Lake
Labish; half of it in cultivation. This is w-ell worth $50 an acre.
A big investment
We have a body of city property embracing some 15 blocks most
favorable located that we will sell in whole or in part. This offers
a splendid opportunity for investment. There is $10,000 for the
right man in five years' intelligent handling.
. - : !.' 1 - . i - ; !
Salem 1
0 1
Up Stairs: in the Statesman Building.
All men who are worth calling men
like to wrestle with difficulty, j 'f it
does not lie in their way, they go out
of their way to find it. There is no ex
citement in ease and safety, and, with
out excitement of some kind, we should
all fust, body and soul.
- 'i - ' -i : .
Is m forerunner of eoniomptlom. It bad
f the blood. Tb symptom r quiUnuio
roua nd ar reiilljr discerned, j It th
progress of the dUeas U not checked death
from consuniptloa or tome ether disease) la
loevltabte. Ill DTAN will check It prog
rasa, lit D VAN mill enrlcbt the blood and
taake tne patient strong. HVDYAN la a
vegetable ratnedr,
harmless In u effect.
It contains no Iron to
catte the teeth to de
cay. If yoo a re ku Sor
ing you should take
HCDT A7f now and
then note the chsDge
in your condition.
Study your symptoms
carefully. These are
your symptoms. Take
I1XDtA.1V now and
taey will disappear.
IT CORITANT beadache.
HUDYAN, by iu action oa the blood, will
equalise tb circulation of blood and the
headache trill disappear. . ' -
XTES. HUDYAN will cause the rins to
disappear and make the eyes bright.
nricb the blood and canto tho eheeka t
bedae bright and rosy.
The heart becomes weak and there la a eon
aunt sinking feeling- .round it, BtDTAK
will make the heart alrong and cans It to
beat regularly, and the alukXug foelinc will
sUsappaar. "7- ' ":7; "" ' ;
5. T2si.iwa or; wsioirr ! nr
TIOIT. HUDYAN will cans the food to
be properly digested. Improve the appetiUand
tallevo eonsapaUoa. BCD TAX wiU reliere
all the aboTe symptoms and make yon well.
BUDTAN ta tor too. After you are eared
Wl other woman what HVDTAN has done
tor too. : ' HtDTAIf can be procured from
drorfUta lor COo.per package, or six packages
tor fXXX If ycrar druggist does not keep ft
end direct to ZTudyaa Bomody Co., aa
rrsnclsco. Call pon the HXDTAJf doctor.
Consultation ta free. Yon may call npoa tha
doctors at wrlla, as yon desire. AJ Jrcss ; .
Ce. AtMktea, Market aad CUie bv
BARR, . '
118 State Street, Salem
The prince rides up o the palace gates
And his eyes with tears arc dim.
For he thinks of the beggar maiden
sweet, j
Who may never -wed with Jitm. '
For home i9 where tiie heart is, .
In dwelling great or small.
And there's -many a splendid palace
' Thats never a home at alb
The yeoman comes to his little cot
With a song when day is done, ; -For
his dearie is standinfr in the door
And his chikh-en o meet him run.
For home is where die heart is, i
In dwelling great or small,
And there's many a stately mansion
That's never a home at all. '-
Could I but live with my own sweet
heart, i i,'
In a hut with sanded floor.
I'd be richer far than a hoveless man
With fame and a golden store, f
For home is where the. heart, is.
In dwelling great or small.
And a cottage lighted by lovelight
Is the dearest home of alb.,
George Ilorton-
Onions are a kind of all-around good
medicine AS whole onion- eaten at
bedtime will, by the next morning,
break the severest cold. Onions make
a good plaster to remove inflammation
and hoarseness. If an onion is mashed
so as to secare all the juice in it it
will make a most remarkable smelling
substance that will quiet the most ner
vous person. The strength of it in
haled for a tew moments "will dull the
sense of smell and weaken the nerves
until Sleep is produced frorn sheer ex
haustion. It all comes from one prop
erty possessed by the -xmion, and that
is a form cf opium. San Francisco
The following is given in answer to
several Inquirers: ,
One pound tobacco ' leaves.
One pound sulphur. 1
Five gallons water.
Boil the tobacco in the water and add
the sulphur while hot. : Apply the-
ltquid with a sponge as hot as it
can be borne, rubbing it well into
the hair. One application will kill all
the live lice, but not the eggs. : Conse
quently, several applications may be
necessary to entirely relieve the ani
mal of the pest. - -l
hti?st, the Commercial street imple
ment dealer. is an expansionist in vari
ous amslications'of the term, of which
fact he is now giving a practical de
monstration. He is having his coiily
arranged, office enlarged for the more
convenient handling of his -growing-trade.
- '
Many Hnndrcds of Ieoplo Uathored li
: . That Clty-Riteaof tuo Knicjhta
of ly thlas. . v
; C. A. Murphy, Prof. G. W. Jfr.es, L.
R. Stin?on and Jordan Purvisre went
to Silvertonpn Suntlay, to attend the
last sad rites over the remains of Chas.
Menier, a member of late Company
M, Second Oregon volunteers, who
d;ed from the effects of fever in;r;Manila
'Ukien serving -with the regimenfj in that
far-off country over a year ago. The
remains were; returned to his hjome by
the government, arriving lastf week,
and on Sunday -were laid to res.by the
Silverton lodge of the Knightsj ci Py
thias, of; which organization (thei di
seased fwaa an honored member.
. Many hundreds of people hatTath
ered to do honor to 4he deceased sol
dier, an excursion train from Portland
having brought up a number of visitors
from that city, as well as the (Aurora
and Hubbard lodges'of the Knights of
tK Iii-ie :i f fttl : m n n v .. Tnem'Ser ' of
A J ' ." --J '
the dead; Veteran's; regiment. The fu
neral services were held on the' school
knnu irrntltlilc ' tllr : tinC "tlO hall
large enough to hold the crowd. -Music
was furnished by the band, while a
quartet furnished several choice vocal
selections.: -Grand Chancel oil Ken
nedy! of the grand lodgj. Knights of
Pythias,' of Oregon, delivered fan impressive-address.
- - - '
When ' the march to tne grave -was
taken vPt it was found that over 150
rmSipri r,( tfiA Pvfhian etrAjpr Avere in
line to" escort .the remains to their last
resting place. At the graveside Capt.
J. M. Poorman delivered a brief, but
most impressive aaaress, auer, wnicn
the remains 'were consigned to the
crave with the beautiful rites of the
order. ' . : ' : '. ' V
It all happened at one of theme pleasant
aea side resorts,. where life ia comedy from
day to day and tragedy has no place. She
just stepped on the raft which she thoug-ht
was moored, and in pure idleness f mood
fell to rocking: it from side to aide. Bat
the raft was not moored. Her rocking: had
slowly dislodged it from the aand, on which
it was grounded, and when she turned
aroand, she was afloat and the shore a rod
behind bcr. She cried for help and waa
heard by a lonely fisherman who sat at
Rome distance on the beach mending hia
nets. How slowly be got up. How slowly
be tramped across the sandy shore. And
she was drifting, drifting, drifting ! " Save
me" ! she cried, "aave me"! a the old
man came to the water's edge, The griz
zled mariner raised his hand to the side
of his mouth and cried hoarsely, "Walk
ashore "1 f .
That's all there waa of it. She was still
in shoal water. All she needed was the
timel v word of instruction aid advice.
; But suppose it had not come ? Suppose
she had not heeded it? Was there no
danger? The open sea, a frail. raft, ana a
frailer woman ! '
The woman on the raft i a type of hun
dreds of thousands of her sex who are
drifting into danger. Up to a definite day,
they have been enjoying lifej in perfect
security. Then, in a moment a sense of
impending danger comes. They are at the
mercy of disease. Every day increases tha
danger. ; They are drifting, drifting, drift
ing. Then cornea the cry for help. To
thousands of appeals there has come the
answer from' Dr. R. V. Pierce, chief con
sulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. V.,
" wa ts ashore! walk' Ashore ! I
You are still in the shallow waters of
disease. You can still get back without
more than inconvenience Uf the lana of
health behind you. All yam need is just
the right word of advice -and common
sense instruction in time, and the grip of a
helping hand. That isjust what Dr. Fierce
oners to every one Buffering!1 from disease ;
timely, health restoring, life saving advice,
practical help. It requires some confidence
to take advice when your wn senses are
against it. The woman on the raft conld
not see the bottom of the roily water, and
the land looked so far awry; So the woman
in disease can't see how she can be cured,
and recovery of health . seems hopeless.
And, perhaps, the very disease that has
begun to threaten her is consumption, that
dreadful disease regarded by millions aa
incurable. Her local doctors perhaps say,
" we can make your suffering a little less,
but there's no hope." j
1 Does Dr. Pierce claim to cure consump
tion ? That question isn't worth arguing
Look at the record. : Take a case in point,
' Here la -a man (or woman) with a hacking
cough, a hectic flush, night-sweats, great tmi
ciattoa or wasting of flesh, spitting of blood,
ahortneaa of breath and all the other symptoms.
After every remedy and every local physician
has failed, he, aa a last resort, takes "Golden
Medical Discovery " and the ooush vanishes, the
Cheek get back its natural color, aleep becomes
sound and refreshing, the spitting of blood
Mops, flesa and muacles become firm, weight
increases, and life goes along in quiet aad conip.
fort to the full limit of the three score yean
and ten. a -!
' Bnt may be it wasnt consumption after all
May be it wasn't. You kno it was something
that waa attacking the very Citadel of life, and
it was something that was cored by the use of
Dr. Pierce's Golden Media Discovery. And Dr.
Pierce is curing such "sofuetltings" right along
Willi a record -of over a quarter of a million
eases, and not more than three per cent, of
failures. ' --- " : i
' One fact, at least is wetl established. That
the "Golden Medical Discovery" does cure
weak lungs, bleeding fromiluny. obstinate,
lingering cougha, laryngitis, 'bronchitis, throat
disease, and kindred auectkms of the air pas.
aagea, which, if neglected or badly treated, lead
np to Consumption, can no longer be douWrd
in view, of the many thousands of well estab
lished cures of such cases reported by the most
trustworthy citizens. Many of these cases have
been pronounced consumption and incurable
by the best local physicians before the suner
er commenced the tine of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery. Whether the doctors have
errea ta tneir tudrment ta tnese am
a cases or no is net tor aa to acooc. -
T. G. Imboden. of Decatur, Mo., in
an address delivered before an associ
ation of stock breeders, gave his ideas
as to beef cattle points as follows:
"There is ho one; breed : fcf beef cat
tle better than a?l others under all-circumstances
and coaditions.fi. ?r
The t rouble with cattle from the
butchers" 'standpoint is too big shoul
ders, giving the forequartef s too large
a proportion to the rest of the carcass,
"The muscles that are exercised the
most are the. toughest; for1 this reason
the inside two-thirds, of tike round ; is
good, while the outside third is not so
"A thick, mellow hide not a hard.
harsh hide denotes, more clean meat
than a thin hide.' A straight back, well
sprung rib and widih of loin indicates
a large amount ot , tne ; nign-pricea
meats, in i the. carcass. . 1 , V- . -:
The comparison of animals in the
show ring - is often so cjpse S that the
awarding of the 'prize turns on a very
small point, as a tie or a dimple in the
back, which cuts no hgnre! in tne use
fulness or profit of the animal.
"A typical beef animal , should have
a thicker neclc than the tlairy breeds,
the flesh should begin at the front; the
animal should have the greatest possi
bje thickness of flesh along the back
between the shoulder arid tho hips, and
the width of the hip shoull be carried
forward to the shoulders. il j
"The Angus are thickest-fleshed beef
cattle; their greatest fault: is too much
of a spread of the shoulder blades at
the top; they do not mature .quite as
quick as the Jlereords. jit would be
hard to tell which of the beef breeds
at .10 months old on the same care and
feed" would make the greatest gain.
"Young animals develop j muscle
along with the fat, and when fattened
young contain a larger proportion of
lean meat to the fat, and i are hence
more profitable to the butcher. The
first 1000 pounds put on al steer is the
cheapest, as the: animal is ' growing ,as
well as fattening, and thei jcost ; of in
crease of weight increases:, with the
age." . -;
Griffith: the 21-year old soil of lion. L.
C. Griffith of iMacleay, w-as taken sick
with appendicitis Friday -while i attend
ing tuie state agricultural;) college at
Corvallis. Carl's brother! Dr.; L. F.
Griffith went to Corvallis Friday night,
and accompanied hint to Salem j yester
day afternoon. Young Griffith is at
the home of his brother near the asy
lum and it may be necessary for him
to submit to an operation. , .
Scope of Instruction Given at the
Institutions -- The Extent of the
Plants-Moody' Plans; in Bn tiding:
Them The Seheme ;for Keeping1
Them in Existence.
Northfield, Mass., Feb. 3 When
one, travels down the Connecticut val
ley, he notices a group of academic
buildings within the shadow of the
Northfield hills. A little further on
he sees another group of; jsimilar buifdy
inys, icrciicu metier un inn, mm : .
first he thinks fhe&e to be. the same
cluster brought again irito view by
a curve in the road, . But! they are re
ally separate schools. Hie group first
noticed is the Northfield . school for
girls, and the other: at a: safe distance
of three miles, is the Mount llernjion
school for : young men. (These are the
famous schools founded y D-wigtit L.
Moody, and were his especial pride.
At Northfield, too, are tif Id the sum
mer conferences of Christians, which
have . received -wide attention.
'Mr, 'Moody's avowed object -in start
ing the schools was to "give a Christian
education to those who otherwise could
not afford ft. ; At the j girls' school
there are enrolled 370 ptipils. and at
(lie young man's, 413. j Mr. Moody's
death caused anxious solicitation ai To
what would -become of I the schools.
Kvery effort is : being maide to niake1
their foundation; secure.; j To this end
a whole army of helpers is being rallied
all over the world. The first purpose
is to raise a -Moody metiiorial . endow
ment fund of $3,000,000 to carry thfcm
on after the manner of their! presttit
management. ; There hasllieen pledged
already $50,000 byv one I person, and
many other .largesubscriptions jire
expected soon: At a meeting held! in
New York recently, at which the
trustees of all the schools, including
that - in Chicago, 'were Represented it
was voted unanimously f to continu"
the work of education j just as it - had
been done, carrying on the schools
and the summer conferees after he
present method. At this meeting fan
advisory committee was! appointed f to
have charge of the endowment fund,
the interest to make up the deficiency,
which results from charging only $100
for tuition when the cost is Stoo. Mr.
Moody persistently refutsed toStwrease
the tuition lest by o doing he .should
turn away th; very young men and
women he -wished to-helo. ' t
The Advisory Committee is com
oosed of William E. i Dodge. laraes
Talcott, Morris K. s Jesup. Anson"
t'helps stokes, 1. W. AlcWilliams, U
Willis James, : John S. Kennedy and
Ira D- Sankejr'of New York, John
Wanamaker and John H. Converse of
Philadelohia, iCynis McCormack and
E. G. Keith of Chicagb. Charles A.
Hopkins of Boston, and Francis Whit?
of Baltimore,; with power to add to
their number from the1 cities of the
United States arid Canada. From these
were! chosen as a: finance committee
Messrs. Talcott. Jestm ?nd Stokes. Mr.
McWilliams was added' to the com
mittee as treasurer of the fund. '
The estimates for ic6o,j based on
the treasurer's report of te last school
year for the running expenses of both
schools, are as follows!: ; , ? r
Mount "-Hennon -f-faluation of
grounds and buildings, '$6,517. Run-
ning expenses Salaries, boarding stu
dents, etc., $81,437; income from en
dowments and invested funds, $1180;
royalty on Gospel Hymns, $5,257;
raised by donations, $2766. j. s
Northfield Seminary Valuation of
grounds and buildings, $373,722.! Run
ning " expenses Salaries, . boarding
stodents, etc., 71440. Receipts 4Boar
and tuition of students, 32,514; income
from endowments and invested ! funds,
$3,5li; royalty on Gospel Hymns,
$5-257: sundry other sources, f 3.087;
raised by donations, $27,071. -
From these hcures it will be! seen
that $27,000 is needed for both. Mount
Hermon and JNorthfield, seminaries for
running expenses. 1 ernaps no better
idea can be given of what these schools
are doing and are striving to; attain
than is told by two graduates,' bhe of
Mount Hermon and - the othe -; of
Northfield, in sketches -which w?re pub
lished as prize sketches recently in
the Northfiehi Echoer. Every inipil is
required to work at least one hour a
day,: and all the work except the,1 sever
est manual labor1 is done by : thean; A
nv student enters Mount Hermon
fully expecting to 1e hazed, and jis sur
prised to be heartily greeted with of
fers of help bv the older pupils. I Then
he is further surprised that the hones
ty pf all is taken for jjranted. Mqney
for j-stamps is left -without fear at the
fiublic letter-box, and doors a re. not
ocked at night. That there iaf little
time for loafing can be seen from the
daily programme. The pupil his to
rise at 6 a. m., and in fifteen minutes
a student, who is officer of the floor.
tnakes a tour of the rooms to see that
all ! are up. For twenty minutes there
is silent time for private devotron
At: 7 , o'clock comes .breakfast in the
large dining hall,; a separate building,
with long tables, the boys doing the
vbrk, . including baking and waiting
under the direction of a hired' cook
Tw'enty minutes, is given for breakfast,
after which beds are made and rooms
cleaned.!- Between 7:40 and 11:50 a. in
are study and recitation periods. At
11:55 come chapel exercises lasting
about half an hour. At 12:30 is din
ner. At 1:20 comes work time, which
lasts until 3:20 p. m., and then' study
or - other duties until 4:30, when the
time until 6 o. m. is given for recrra
tiori. At 6 o'clock is supper, devotion
bsing held just before the meal, and
atf 7 there is study for two hours. Clas
prayer meetings are held at 9 o'clock
xn inursdays. from 0:30 to 10
o'clock is evening silent time, and
St 10 p. m. lights are out and rliere is
inspection bv the floor officer. In few
.educational institutions does the - dem
ocratic spjrit' prevail so largely.!' ,-.
A certain youth with aristocratic
ideas and dress was met one day by
one in authority and suddenly re
quested to go and catch a pig that had
broken bounds. He obeyed and was
soon seen running round after the
sauealinsr fugitive, holdinn its hihd
'legs, and his cuffs having slipped from
. .
am own wnsts were aaornmg. tne
legs of the captive, much to the jamuse.
ment of ' the onlooker. The work
which the students have to do consists
of farm workr milking and caring for
the cews and there is a large' herd
of cleaning and caring for the horses,
feeding pigs and chickens, making
butter and sawing wood, driving
teams, garden work and caring for
the lawns, , also sweeping, mopping,
care of furnaces work in the dining
room and kitchen and laundry and
work in the. blacksmith, carpenter,
paint and harness shops and in the
canning establishment, which kas re
cently been started for canning- the
farm fruits. But the boys have time
for sports, baseball, football and ten
nis, although they are not allowed two
debating societies and a strongYoung
Men's Christian Association, tljtc stu
dents doing much Christian, work in
surrounding places. .
At Northfield is the same kindly
welcome . to the new students.: The
first thing a girl docs, of course, is to
inspect her room, and in a jiffy with
the mysterious art of woman she makes
suit of bare floor and walls a coscy and
wetty little apartment where she reigns
supreme all her days at schools. Lpkc
her brother she has to work ani hour a
day, but only such as is a woman's part.
The daily programme is similar, ex
cept she has what the boys dojnot, a
fine gymnasium. ' In summer are de
l:ghtful walks, tennis and rowing on
Wanamaker Lake, named f&r John
Wanamaker of Philadelphia,": Who has
contributed liberally to the 'schools,
and in the winter there is prime coast
ing on "rippers" pushed and; steered
by girls, and .skating.
Of the pupils at Mount llerrnon 130
came from Massachusetts, lot) from
New York, 63 from Connecticut,! 11
from Illinois, California has two, rep
resentatives. England five, Japan four,
Norway and Sweden one eah, and
about every country on the globe has
one or more representatives. The same
iroportion at Northfield Seminary
lolds good. Many came from the farm
ing district around Northfieldj. it was
these young men and women jthat Mr.
Moody had in mind ; when be estab
lished the schools. He saw nil around
him, not only all over the cojuntry on
his travels, but. tight near his home at
Northfield, young men sndf"" women
who were suffering through poverty
for lack of education. It was to his'
mind waste material that ought to be
1ut to use. Many at Mount-, Hermon
lave worked in store's : ori already
learned a trade. One-fifth fi the stu
dents enter some form of Christian
work. At the seminary candidates for
admission must be at least 13 rears old,
and at Mount Hermon one yar older.
At first Mr. Moody required ithe bovs
I to be only 14 years old, but finding he
h?u raauc a mistaKe ne raiseq tne acre
i uinission. vanaiaaies iorj tne first
form are required to pass an examina
tion in arithmetic, grammar,' geogra
phy, also history spelling and writing.
Each school has its own principal and
full corps of teachers t
A full and thorough couf si of study
in the English Bible was o6e of the
chief aims. in founding the M0unt Her
mon and Northfield schools. This
study, therefore, holds a central , place
m the curriculum. Every student ,has
two period! of Bible study! iri class
each week. He may increase this num
ber by taking two courses at-the same
time, or by electing Bible as one of his
daily studies. The Bible itsflf is the
text book. Other books are used as
helos, but never as substitutes for it
Full outlines are furnished ti the stu
dent in connection with each - course,
analyzing.the books and topics studied,
with questions to guide thought and
investigation and wfth reference to li
brary help. The results of private and
class study aie put by the 'student into
orderly form in notebooks or interlined
Bibles. In the advanced classes tonV,
are assigned to individual sludents'lor
$Iecial study, and the results are pre
sented sn class reports or essays. t
Collections of photographs of Pales
tine and of paintings representing Hi.
ble scenes .arc used to ; illustrate the
teachings, and stereopticon lectures are
introduced. The teachers aim to make
the student think out the truth for him.
self and applys them in his own :life
and in Christian work. J
There are four regular course ot
instruction, iclassical, clentific, L-uin
scientific,; and elective. 'Much attention 1
is paid to music especially vocal. There i
has been started also recently 'a train
ing school, the students fjecupying The
Northfield,4 the hotel - which is only
open to, guests in summer. At Cliioa
go is another school, known as n the
Bible Jifstitute. "
The seminary at Norjhfie'd is at the
head tf "the long village street; wiihin
the pre"cincs are the house, where Mr.
Moody 'l was born, the house where he
died, and Round Top, famous ; cone,
overlooking miles of beautiful country,
where he is buried. The Recitation
Hall, the Talcott Library and the kin.
ner Gymnasium form the center of the !
group of seminary buildngs, .3
around is; a very large lawn, which is
kept carefully trimmed in, summer.
Mr. Moody thought i it was too; bad
tliat men should have, to work so! hard
in the hot weather caring for the lawn,
so he bought a donkey which dos the
mowing and at oth'er times drags hap
py children around the village streets.
Recitation Ilall is a fine, ..substantial
'building provided ""with, a Mintef of
convenunt ciass-rooms, and contain
ing cheiijeal, physical m and bounical
laboratories . for practical work.!
chapel occupies the center of the j sec
ond, floor, and the rooms at the fright
and left are so arrranged that'lhe whole
Of their floor can be thrown into- one "
room. The Talcott Library wai the
gift of James Talcott. It is built ol
granite with brownstone trimmings
and is finished in oak. There arejabottt
5V400 volumes belonging to the library,
which are made seniceable by the
card ', catalogue and Dewey system of
classification.. The Skinner Gymnasi
um, opened in September, 180K, was
the gift of William Sk:nner o Hoi.
yoke. Tlie lower floor contains" a
bowling alley, a swimming tant. dress
ing room, lockers, bath rooms ( and the
directors room. The gymnasium prop
er is too feet loner, so feet !T; nn.l
32 feet high. A running tracl is sus
pended from the roof, and thefroom is
well equipped with the most approved
apparatus. Within easy walking dis
tance :are the homes of the students.
The Frederick Marquand Memorial ,
Hall, the gift of D. W. McMilhams, a
resident legatee of the -Marquand es
tate, accommodates eighty pupils.
cast and Weston Hall, the latter
the gift of David M. Westo. give
room for 100 others. Besides the'.. hulls'
are other smaller" buildings.; "-including '
Hillside, Revell, Ilalton and the He'
sey Moody cottages which f furnish
homes for families of twentv-fitte "or so.
The buildings are warmed by iteam
or furnace.lighted by gas aml're s'-p- .
plied! with water pumped from spring
reservoir. ' 1
The buildings at Mount iferaion are
on a j hill with a splendid' view, f . Here
Recitation Hall, built of brick .and
three stories high, contains beside the
recitation rooms, thel library and read
ing rooms, offices of the principal, and;
rooms of the Good'Government Club
and . Student Volunteers, also fa 'ar'ure
lecture room. Silliman Scienclc Hall,
given ty Dr. H., B. Silliman, 4 niem
ber of the Board of Trustees, ip given
up to the work of the scientific depart-
ment; on the upper floor are tjlic cah- . '
inets of mineralogy, geology abd nat
ural history. On the second ifoor are
laboratories for physics and 'clifcmistr)-.
a lecture room, and on first llpor lab
oratories for botany, zoology aiid phvs-
lology, lecture rooms and a fcicntihc .
library. The new chapel, a birllid:iy
gift to Mr. ooly from his frtends in
England and America, is ncariiie coiir-
pletion. It is XieautifuHy sittlated
an elevation overlooking the Connecti
cut valley. It is built of gray granite
and will seat 1,000 persons. pwiK'''
nome, named in memory fl Mr.
Moody's j grandson, is the iffiVinary
Crosley .. IlaH and Overtoun lall are
the dormitories and will aeco&imodate
300 students. Overtoun .Hall. was giv
en by I -or d O.vertourt of lingSand anl
Miss Helen Oould presided at "the lay
ing of the cornerstone. . There are also
three cottages accommodating 'between-
twelve and twenty-one students : each
and the rest room in two large farm
houses remodelled front the orinmif
buildings. The dining hall . is a larjre
brick" building with seating capacity '
for the entire school," and at one en-1
is a small dining room for'the teachers.
When Mr. goody's house was de
stroyed in the Chicago, fire of i7i he
came to his former home at Northfield
to livei His experience in Chicago
had given him a taste for school work
and he -soon formed the idea of siart
ing a school here. In .1878 with H. X
F. Marshal he bought sixieen acres
of arm land and buildings and thi? next
year 'fifteen acres morf: on which the
first recitation building was raised. 'In
1S79 was built the first brick buihlg '
for 100 girls at a cost of $6.000., The
school opened on November '3. 1H7Q
with twenty-five girls who were taught
and lodged in Mr. Mooly's -houses;. 'n
1883 there were 144 pupils and' in th
tenth year 274 boarding pupils and 18
teachers. In May, 1881. the school'-
Mt. Hermon was opened, Mr. Moody
chief helper being Henry F. Durant,
founder of Wellesley College. -J- When
East Hall was about to be opened Mr.
Moody and somej friends were one day
walking over, the . house considering
what would be the .issue! of the work..
Mr. 'Moody took his Bible and opened
it to Isaiah: ! -."'.- .p. " i. : 7
"This," he said, "shall be the motto
of the school: j - " .
"t the Lord do keep it; I will water
it every ' moment; lest any hurt it, I
will keep it night and day."- Sun,
; ' Tor Infant and Children.
Tha Kir. j Yea Han Alajs B:
Bears the
Sign&tnre of