Weekly Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1900-1924, February 13, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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    WEE1CLV OHEGON b L A 1 LiMAi, l u wurt i
A lw LoU Hat Bees gold Vmrlmg th
'! ' PmI Wk Etr Mid BaglUh
Market Report
(From Daily, Feb. nth.)
. Local dealers m hop have very little
to say these, days, regarding the move
ment of the 1899 'stocks.' One of these
gentlemen, who jvas yesterday seen by
a representative of the Statesman, said
that during the past week a Jew--lots
had been sold is this vicinity ! at 5 to
$y2 cents, bat that inquiries for hops
were few and the market arid prices had
not changed any lie expressed him
self as hopeful, however, believing that
' in a short timej there would: be a better
feeling in the market, and jthat higher
prices would prevail.
Lupulin, writing in the Mark Lane
Express, of London, under j date ol
January 22d, in discussing; the ; Euro
pean hop market, says: ;i . I
Although the course and condition
Kit tne juorougn iwy uw
undergone any important change dur
ing the -past week, there ar not want
ing signs that the firmness ot growers
in resisting the pressure of merchants
is producing an effect to the advantage
of the former. The healthy j demand
existing at the time of my report a
week ago has been strengthened and
somewhat developed, with- the result
that the advanced prices now quoted
are much more easily obtained. Col
ory hops arc getting scarcer, and any
. growers whose holdings "are of this
character need not hesitate to ask more
money for their stocks, as it I is quite
clear. that .merchants will be ready to
"yieldif : quotations are not too start
ling. , j i j
A brewing journal says I that while
the position of the trade is highly un
satisfactory, the severe tussle between
growers and consumers must soon be
decided in favor of the former, whose
determined stand against prices which
. they deem to be unremunerative must
almost immediately make them ruler?
of the market., This testimony from
an observer in the opposite camp , if
satisfactory and encouraging, and I
agree .with his remarks, only taking
exception to the .suggestion that the
unremunerative character-of the pres
ent prices is at all open to discussion.
' There is no possible doubt that recent
rates must have brought heavy losses
- to growers, however prolific jtheir cropr
may have been. Therefore, for self
protection, as well as for the general
credit of the industry, growers should
harden their hearts against j persuasion
in the contrary direction, and definitely
refuse to sell unless they can see some
profit, which point of view will neces
sitate further important advances upon
the figures now current. . j. j
v "The I weekly evidence of j the board
of .trade - returns proves that we havr
no reason to dread any influx of for
eign hops. Since the opening of the
, year.the. figures are substantially: lower
than during the corresponding weekf
nf Outward shipments of Eng
lish as well as continental hops; con
tinue to some extent, The tendency
of the whole course of events, therefore.-points
definitely to higher values.
I do not hesitate to repe4t that the
control of the English market is in the
hands cX English growers, and tht the
will only have themselves to blame iJ
they do not take full advantage of their
excellent position.
Valentine Loewi. of ; New York, in
the Producers Price Current, nndci
date of February 3d, says: f I
:!;.'.." 'I j Bales.
Receipts- for week. ..'. jj ... I ..!.. ! 1,815
Receipts from Sept. 1 I. .. ..70,313
Exports to Europe for weik. .. . 1,307
f.xports trom ?ept. I ...... J ... .36,121
Imports for week.
. -
Imports from Sept. 1 . ; . .. L :. . . 4.6
.... v
ni)oai me same innuences mat have
controlled the market for some weeks
past are still present, and there does
not seem to be material change either
in. the volume tif business of the range
of values. The brewing trade keeps
itp fairly well, considerable flot being
delivered on 'old 'contracts, j and some
new sales making every day. (There is
undoubtedly less interest on the part
of exporters, which is probatory due to
the difficulty in obtaining" the desirable
qualities7: if the hops were better ship-
Frrs would certainly take more of them
radically nothing done between deal
ers; not much stock ? is -offering1 and
those who need additional Supplies go
into the interior to . secure , them.
Choice hops are already quite scarce.
1 here are few or no high grade! state
left, and scarcely anything in the way
of Pacific coast hops are worth! over
13c. except Sonoma. few of wbich
are still bringing 13Vift1ft4c.il The bulk
of the remaining lots from all sections
are valued at fn-xx, while some "poor
lots can be had for less. A mole rate
quantity of stock has been j purchased
in the interior during the week at from
5f tor latter extreme, i London cables
a firmer market, and we are advised
that the recent sharp advance on the
continent has induced some s of ' the
English hop factor to send, back "a
quantity of the German stock: that was
i mported early in the season:, j ,
State, 1H90, per lb. .. .4 .... J.;..". I dxi
State, rtyj. good to prime. .('.. .106a 12
State. 180a common to fair.;.. ., 5W9
State. i8g8 4.:..'. 9
Pacific coast. i8r. choice. . J . . tyrf 14
Pac Coast, tSqo. good, to prime. torn 12
Pac. coast. 1800. common to fair is(n 9
Pacific coast. 1898 i.',.. 510
5tate and Pacific coast, old olds. a 5
; , ' j - i . j-
Three $len Sentenced; for Committing
: . Election Frauds.; ;
Philadelphia. Feb. . lo.-Samucl R.
Marklcy, Jamc Hogan 4 and -Frank
Taylor, alias fierce. -wcre ; today sen
tenced to imprisonment for two years
in the Eastern penitentiary, land to pay
a fine of $500 each for frauds prepe
trated at the November election. They
were election officers, and were recent
ly convicted of stuffing a ballot box
and making fraudulent returns of the
votes cast.,-. . " . :
sBad Effect of Eight-Hour Law in
British Colombia.
Nelson, B. C, Feb. 10. All the of
ficials and men of the Hall mines, num
bering over 300, received notice today
that their services would no longer be
required. The shut-down' is owing to
the effect of the eight-hour law inir
alyzing the mining industry of Koot
enai. ; , .r :.
Rossland B. C, Feb. ia The Ix
Roil mine ceased shipping ore today,
and discharged 160 men, retaining about
300 for development work only.i The
Nortbport smelter, will close. -
, New ( York. Feb. 10. The weekly
hank staemcnt: 1
Surplus reserve, decrease. .$ 2.973.700
Loans, increase ............ 21,151,400
Specie, increase ........... 3,264,500
Legal tenders, -decrease..., 520.800
Deposits, increase 181,169,600
Circulation, increase ...... ' 165.300
Banks now hold $27,897,575 in ex
cess of legal requirements.
Killed by the Victim of His Murder
ous Instincts. :
Hopkinsville, Ky., Feb. io Today,
at Cherry station, just across the Ken
tucky line, Jim Gordon, a negro farm
hand, cut Mrs. George -Rollins throat
with a butcher knife. Her screams
ere heard by her husband, who shot
the negro twice and" beat out his brains
with the iun. Mrs. Rollins died.
Berlin, Feb. 10.-! Influenza has at
tained an enormous spread throughout
Germany.'. In Berlin there is hardly
one family without sufferers.
San Francisco, Feb. to. A cable
gram from the city of San Salvador,
Central America, states that the city
has been visited by a serious fire.: The
total loss is estimated at $1,000,000.
; Working Night and Day.
The, busiest and mightiest little thing
rhat ever was made is Dr. King's New
Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated
globule of hearth, that changes weak
ness into strength, listlessness into en
ergy, brain-fag into mental : power.
They're wonderful in building up the
health. Only 25 cents per box. Sold
it Dr. Stone's drug stores.
Brownsville Times:
Fred Brookman, who has a reputa
tion as a butter maker, has completed
arrangements for the establishing of a
first-class creamery in our midst. It
will be; located on the vacant lot just
north i ot Wm. McLiod's residence.
Work will commence oil its construc
tion at once and soon Brownsville will
be shipping another manufactured ar
ticle. Let t he good ' work go on. The
milk from more than 250 cows has
been pledged, and still there are others
to be heard from. We may expect
more than four hundred in the near fu
ture. Mr. Brookman guarantees to pay
Albany prices, and will , pay cash every
month after the first month.
The Star cheese factory will begin
operations as osual about the 1st of
April. 'Mr. B. F. Child informs us
that he is now fitting up the old tan
nery butldng where he will have am
ple room for his cheese business this
When Station Agent Smith at Clats
kenie arrived at his office vesterday
morning he found that burglars had
entered the' A. & C. depot during th?
night and blown open the company's
safe. -Nothing of value was secured,
however. The section tricycle was
found missing and it is. presumed that
the burglars made good their escape
by ckining dow nthe road on this.
There are two singular points in con
nection with the affair, namely; the
fact that a railroad safe at an im
portant station was broken into with
out anything of value being secured
and. second, that there has been no
evidence as to the direction the men
took. No trace of the tricycle has been
found and no one has yet been discov
ered who had seen it pass on the road.
Sheriff Linville was'promptly notified
of the occurrence and' immediately set
a watch for any suspicious-looking
characters in this city. Up to a late
hour last night, however, there was
nothing discovered to indicate that the
burglars had come this way.
The Abolition of Prison Lockstep.
To the uninitiated the Jockstep is
an interesting performance. It orig
inated from ihe necessity of handling
large bodies of convicts as. compactly
as possible. Each man's hand rests up
on the shoulders while his knees fit in
to the backs of the knees of the man
before liim. This necessitates a -short,
shuffling step, and swaying ; motion,
which it is claimed seldom leaves him.
For this reason its" abolition is urged.
This demonstrates the power of habit.
Another habit hard to get rid of is
constipation; but there is a remedy
that will cure this, as well as dyspepsia,
indigestion and biliousness, and that
is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. It is a
magnificent tonic for the whole sys
tem, purifying the blood and improv
ing the appetite. Try it.
Steeves, formerly a resident of this
city, was recently elected mayor of
Huntington, Haker county, by a large
majority. The many friends of 'Dr.
Steeves in this city will be pleased to
learn of his success in his new home.
The: doctor is resident surgeon for the
Oregon Short Line and the O. R. &
N. Co., and enjoys a lucrative practice
in his profession. He is an alumnus
of Willamette University, having been
graduated in the classical course in
i9t. .
j . y :
C. t. Mlaton. f the 8tateia, Koilfied of
.' Hli rtfcer' Demise la ImAlm
A. J. BfnU, of Cheasws.
Death entered the household of. five
families in this community, since, Sat
urday. Ettie C. beloved wife of J. H. Flow
er, died at the family home. No.; 548
Chemeketa. street, in this city, Satur
day night, aged 36 years. ... . '
. The deceased was born in Ontario,
Canada, in 1864, and subsequently re
moved to Iowa, where in 1882 she be
came the wife of J. H. Flower, who,
with five small children, survives her.
In 1891 she came to Oregon with her
husband from Sioux City, Iowa. : ,
Mrs. Flower - was an active worker
in the; Epworth' League church and
temperance societies, and had a wide
circle of friends in Marion and Yam
hill counties, whose .. sympathy is ex
tended to the bereaved family.
Funeral services will be held at the
house at IO o'clock this morning.
Rev. John Parsons, of the First Meth
odist church, will officiate, and burial
will be had in Lee Mission cemetery.
C. ! D. Minton, pi the Statesman
force, yesterday morning received a
telegram from ' Muncie. Indiana,; an
nouncing the . death at that place, at 4
a.m. (Monday) of his father, John Min
ton, aged 79 years, io months and 10
days. Mr. Minton's decease resulted
from complications, arising from la
i The deceased was a native of Athens
county, Ohio, but resided for 43 years
in Indiana. He Was a prominent Meth
odist nearly all his life and was the
mainstay of the church of that denom
ination, which a located on his farm,
he having donated an acre of land for
that purpos?. ;
I The deceased is , survived by a wife
and seven children, two of whom, viz;
C. D. , M inton and E. C. Minton, re
side. in this city. The other children
are:' W. T. Minion, Mrs. Lillie Tay
lor,' and Mrs. Mary Snyder,' all of Mun
fcie; Dr. Nettie E. Hammond, Los
Angeles. California; and Mrs. Anna
Amos, Topeka, Kansas. '
; 'Mr. Minton returned on the 1st ins t
from a hurried trip to see his father,
whom he left considerably improved,
but succeeding complications resulted
in death as herein stated. Mr. Minton
will be unable to attend the funeral
and burial. ' . . " ' '
After a 'nrotracted illness occasioned
y a lung affection, Andrew J. Bagnell,
, . , . . 1 c T J
a lormer siuaeni at ine swim inuian
Training school, of Chenuwa, died" at
that' institution yesterday morning.
j- The deceased was aged about, 2 1
years. HeV was formerly student ; at
the Chemawa school, where he served
as assistant disciplinarian. He was
very popular' among the students and
h very capable and valuable assistant; to
the officers in the management of the
school. He recently went to Safita
Fe, New Mexico, hoping the climatic
change would prove beneficial to his
health, but he failed to improve and
returned to Chemawa.
1 Funeral services will be held at the
school this forenoon, conducted .by
Rev. Burdette. Burial will be had in a
neighboring cemetery.
John R. Trembath, a prominent
menrter of the Oregon City lodge,; B.
P. O. E., died at the Oregon hospital
for the insane, in this city, on Sunday.
He was aged 30 years. . "u
The remains were prepared for burial
and forwarded to Oregon City yester
day morning, where they mill receive
interment under the auspices of , the
Elks. ;
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Bailey, corner of Eighteenth and Trade
streets, in this city, is saddened by the
death of their bright and winsome little
daughter, Gladys, aged two years. The
little one died on Sunday..
Funeral services will be held at the
home at 10 o'clock this morning, con
ducted by Rev. T. H. Henderson, of
the I Central Congregational church.
Burial will take place in the I. O. -O.
F. cemetery. The bereaved father is
past master of a local A. O. . U. W,
lddgc. and the services will be attend
ed by a number of the members of that
order in this' city. . .
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J.
H; Edwards, who reside on the Petty
john farm, south of this, city, died on
Saturday and was buried in Rural
cemetery on Sunday afternoon.
-t- '
Hayesviile and Lab&b Literary So
cieties Have Friendly Tilt
' An Excellent Program.
The HayesviUe and Labish literary
societies met in joint debate Saturday
evening. February ! 10th; at the Hayes
viile school house, the question for dis
cussion being: "Resolved, that th
Farmer's life is pTeferable to that of
the Professional." f : , .
A short prdgram which was both
entertaining and Instructive, preceded
the debate and Was made op of the
talent of both societies, as follows:
Recitation Aliss" iMcMunn. .
Mu vie Mr, and Mrs Chas. Poiser
and Mr. Egbert Pruitt.
Reading Lloyd Reynohls.
Recitation Lawrence Madis. , :
Reading Wm. Powers. -
SongMiss Edna Knight. ;
. Recitaion 'Eunice "Miller. -'
Music Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Potser.
- The debate immediately ' followed
and the the contestants on the respec
tive sides as follows:
Affirmative (Labish) John Knight,
J.'A. Looney, Miss iMcMunn. M. :No
watney. jBertLooney, Leon -Girod.
Negative (Hayesviile) ML Cleve
land.. Mr. AVestleyJ Mr. King. F. Roy
Davis, Mr. Jorgensen. Lloyd Reynolds.
The speakers on both sides handled
the question very ably and after a some
what lengthy and Spirited, yet friendly
tfebate the judges iessrs. Madis;
Silas Fletcher and Wm. 'Powers, after
,l1ihM-aion. decided the question
in favor of the negative by ? two vdtes,
against one tor tne amrmauve.
f :. : :
The average value: of Lcows on the
Brighton (Mass.) market of late has
averaged about $40; a good sized herd,
say thirty head, would fee valued at
$1200 at the above rate. For $1200
about 300 good,' serviceable ewes for
breeding " hot-house lambs can be
bought.. V Cow stables are just the
thing for sheep, , of course with parti
tions, etc, removed. The food that will
keep one cow will keep ten sheep, so
the expense J of keeping thirty cows
and 300 sheep is about i equal. At - a
moderate estimate c the lamb and wool
of each ewe will bring $8, or $80 for
ten ewes. This is far better that the
returns for the average New England
cow. As to the. 'labor part of sheep
rearing, theic is no milking, milk ped
dling or can cleaning. j.
Sheep are putin the fold in Decem
ber. One m.M can look; after 300 and
attend to fifteen cows .'too, and lie
down or rest in an easy chair in the
fold half the time and read papers, with
lambs skipping all about him for the
fold is always ; warm,' kept so by heat
emanating from the sheep,; it being more
trouble to keep the fold cool enough
than warm, enough even in zero weath
er. Iri going to and returning from my
country seat, and seeing dairymen driv
ing cows to or from; pasture, then re
turning home and looking across one
field from my desk window and seeing
a peaceful flock of sheep grazing . or
laying in the shade, which had grown
hothouse lambs last winter, their own
er at home on general farm' business,
with no thought of the heep only to
salt them once in a week, the contrast
is so great the' differencef is unmeasur
lble. -Dr. Galen Wilson.;
The Woolen Mills at Union to Begin
Operations in a .Short Ttime
Manufacturing Soap.
I TheTRepublican, of Union, Oregon,
in its last issue, announces that the
woolen mills of that; place will begin
operations in a few days j under the di
rection of J. P. Wilbur, formerly, of
Salem.; who has been, appointed super
intendent.! Mr. Wilbur isi well known
in this city, where he was for a long
time a ; trusted operative -in the Salem
Woolen Mill's. The Republican says:
The Union Woolen Mills will resume-operations
the 1st of March.
This was the statement made to a Re
publican reporter by President Eaton
when asked about the matter. In the
meantime; the machinery and everything
about the factory will be placed in first
class condition in preparation for a
protracted run. j
"The? manufacturing! departments
are to be under the supervision of J.
P. "Wilbur, who has i been engaged as
superintendent by Mr. Eaton. Mr.
Wilbur is a man of many years of suc
cessful -experience as a woolen manu
facturer and will' no doubt meet every
requirement of the Union mill. The
new superintendent arrived from Salem
Thursday and at once took -up the work
in his new position and will have every
thing in readiness at thei time appoint
ed for the resumption Off operations' in
this important institution.
"New machinery has been received
t the mill for manufacturing of soap,
which is largely Used in scouring wool
and woolens. Heretofore .e factory
has purchased all soap used,- but now
this will be made right there, thus af
fording a market for a large amount of
tallow which will be used in the man
ufacturing of this soap.1 jThe mill still
has on hand a small stock of a superior
grade of blankets made by this mill,
but these are 'being gradually closed
out; j It is the intention qf the manage
ment to make a run on high grade
woolen blankets than whttch no factory
in the country makes a jmore superior
article. The mill will j give employ
ment to a latge number -of people, es
tablish a large pay-roll and be of great
benefit to the city and county and ev
erybody will be pleased j to -know that
operations are to be resumed so soon.
following paragraph appeared in yes
terday's Orcgonian: "The boring out
of the Spanish gun captured at Manila
has-been completed at the Willamette
Iron WqrkSj and 128 pounds of borings
are the result. This is enough to make
medals for all thq Second Oregon vol
unteers, i and some over. General
Summers is considering the idea of us
ing the surplus to makei several thous
and trophies, in the shape of lapel
buttons, to 'be sold for the benefit of
the monument fund. Ifr is not every
one- who can wear, a medal made from
the Spanish gUn. but many would like
to have a bit of it as a souvenir, and
in this way quite an addition might be
made io;the monument fund."
IN PROBATE. The final account
of Alex; Thompson, administrator of
the estate of Jane McAlpin, deceased,
came t'p for hearing in the probate
court yesterday; and County Judge G.
P. Terrell approved and allowed the
account, and ordered that the adminis
trator be discharged tad his bonds
men exonerated. ... .T1m final account
of Mary; P. Caviness, executrix of the
last will and estate of F. P. Caviness,
deceased, was also examined, allowed
and approved, and the executrix or
dered discharged.;
TO DAWSON. Jos. Vint left yes
terday afternoon for Dawson City.
Mr. Vint spent last season in the Alas
kan territory ' and has ' been in this
community for several days purchasing
a drove of large dogs for the Alaskan
trade. He was accompanied by about
six large dogs, which will form" a nu
cleus to; the drove, a ntfrnber of addi
tional canines bavins been purchased
in the metropolis. ,
for some time past an inmate of the
M anorl COUntV OOOr farm -wa vttctr-
r? examined as to this sanity, before
County Judge G. P. Terrell, and was
committed to the asylum for treatment.
ir. wruce s 03 years old. Deputy
Sheriff B. -B. Colbath took the old man
to the asylum last evening.
EL:1 1 1 - -3
....... ........... -
for infants
Castoria Is a Jiarmless substitute for Castw OQ, Pare
goric, Irops and Sootliluff Syrups. It is "n
Contains neither 0ium. Mori"". or Uier alrtic
iiur Troubles and cures Constipation, It reffuLates tlio
Stomach and Uowels, firirinff besvlthy and natural sleep.
The ChUdreu's lanacea Tbo Mother's Irtend. j
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bear? the
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Pound Celebrate
the Anniversary Amid a Happy -Company
of Friends.
Aumsville (Or.) Icb. 12. "Shady
Lawn," the -well known and hospitable
home of Mr. and 'Mrs. F. L. I'ound,
J near this place, was the scene Ij of a
pleasant assemuiagt 1 nursnay, j-eru-ary
8th, being the twenty-fifth wedding
anniversary of the host and 'hpjstess.
The day was dismal and gloomy, out
side; but inside the spacious and artis
tically decorated home was heard the
merry voice of youth and the more de
corus conversation of middle! J age.
They recalled many pleasant rcminis
ences of the, past and, with jet! arid
repartee, the hours were very agreeably
whilcd away. j
Covers were laid for thirty- iii the
long dining room, which was djecor
atcd with ferns, moss and all that 'Ore
gon's woods can give in such) lavish
profusion. The centrepiece waij com
posed of many different species of
mosses in various hues, the' cover was
caught up with-clusters of Oregon
grape, the gleam of silver and china,
the bountifully supplied ta'hjc, made
such a feast that even the epicureans of
oM might have desired being present.
The chcf-dveuv.rc of the dinner was the
brides' cake, snowy white and relieved
by! silver letters containing the dates:
"1875-1100 Twenty-fifth Anniversary."
Just before the first course was sqrved.
Rev. Gittens, in a few wellj-clkosen
words, re-married the couple whose
anniversary all had gathered to 'cele
brate. Congratulations and best wish
es .for another twenty-five years j of a
petfect union were indulged! in,
after which all did "ample justice to
the viands served before themj J The
course were served m an houtj aiid a
half. 'Mr. and Mrs.; Pound -wjer the
recipients of several remembrances . in
accordance with the silver-bedding,
custom. . i. ' T
1 ii '' h i
Pendleton East Orcgonian: J
A number of wheat raisers havej dis
posed of a considerable ; amount, f
wheat to the Pendleton roller (mills
since the-middle of Jast week.! It has
all been of a select quality, " and. - iit
some instances, the price paid; is. said
to have been as high as '45 and 46
ccnti per bushel, according to the qual
ity of the product. Most of the wheat
has been brought in by farmers north
of town, and Saturday was probably
the heaviest hauling day. j It was given
out; at the mill that the bulk of the
wheat brought in was some that' was
contracted for during the harvest! sea
son. The sellers said the price wn$
between 40 and 46 cents, but that lonly
a limited amount was brought np at
that price., Just cxactly: the . amount
purchased by, the mill could riot be as
pertained, but there -was not a suffici
ent quantity to cause any great flurry
among wheat men. Should there .Jtapt
pen to be a genral demand for wheat
at 45 cents, a great manyjwho are;now
holding on would no doubt dispose of
a large amount. Helix parties sayd that
very little wheat has been sola there
since harvesting. Hearing of the "price
being paid by the mill here, a number
tried to dispose of fheir holdings at a
similar price, but the mill refused to
take any more than they had already
contracted: for. 'While the riiajrrity
are anxious to sell their wheat as soon
as possible, they will not do so at
prices now being offered by local rlcal
crs. They say the market is bound
to raise, and they will hold on as long
as they cah. j ;
Ashland Tidings: j
The rush for timber lands ' in the
country cast, of Ashland keeps up, and
serves to recall the large sied limlwf
land boom of a few years past. An in
cident which took place1 at Iakevicw
last week shows the anxiety to obtain
timber land in the section of country
tributary to the Klamath; river. Two
timber land parties Arrived in Iake
view, after a ncck-and-neck race from
Klamath Falls, and filed on , seven
tracts of timber land about 10 miles
west from Klamath Falls, and near
Buck lake. One of the parties was
from California, and got 12 hours the
start of the other, which was an Ore
gon party, but the latter, won with fly
ing colors. The Oregon party con
sisted of H. H. Van VaJkenberg ' and
wife; R, II. 'Mcllmois and Mrs. K.
Taylor, all of Klamath Falls. The Cal
'forn ia party consisted of J. 1 1 ay worth
and Mike Gillis, of Pecard, Cal.. and
Andrew McKee, of Ruby, California.
The California party (had seen the. Ore
gon party surveying the lands, and
started ot to head them. off. but the
Oregon people "got wind f, their pur
pose 13 hours later, and, although
composed half of women, by traveling
day and night and making a dash
passed them on the road and were first
to arrive at the land office.
and Children.
Signature 01
Over 30 Years.
The local market quotations yester
day v?re as follows:
Wheat 42 cents at the Salefn Flotr
ing Mills Co.'s, office.
Oats -:S and. 30 cents (buying). ;
Hay Cheat, buying $8 to $850;
timothy. $9 to $10.
Flour 7S and Jo cents per sack.
Mill feed Bra -4. $14: shos, $15.
Butter 7i ai.l 20 cents, buying.
Eggs xzYx cents, "cash.
Poultry Hens. 7f, 8c. per pound.
Pork Fat. 4C gross. S!ic net.
lJecf Steers, 3J4!;c; cows, 3
3J4c; good heifer, 3V4C .,. " '
Mutton Sheep, iYtZ on foot.
Veal yC dressed.
Potatoes--C5(i"30 cents. '
Apples 80 cents and $1.50.
CULVrER. At fhe Hansen home in
-'.South Salem, Oregon, Friday-even-irjg,
PVbruary O. lono, to Rev. and
Mrs. Frank B. Culver,! of Little Falls,
Washingto.i, a son.
-home -of C, XV. r Hcllenbrand. on
Court street, Salem. Oregon, Mon
day,. February 12. 1900, at 5:30 p. m.,
Miss Mary'. Lv Brosig to Llewellyn J.
Daveniort, Justice of ! the peace 1J.
A, Johnson officiating.
. Baker City. 'Saturday, February 3.
iqoo,. MUs Olive Robertson, of Stay
ton., this county, to J. W. McCul
. . loch, of Baker City. -
The. bride was born; and raised at
Stayton, this county, and was for many
years employed at the asyluin. The
groom was formerly located in this
city,' where he was associated with the
late Judge Shaw and M. W.;j Hunt, in
the legal profession. ( j j- ,
The many friends of the , couple in
this, city extend congratulations and
best "wishes. ': j
Mr. and Mrs.McCulloth will reside
in Baker City. j
De VOE. At jthe homf in East Sa
lem. Saturday.- February, 10, 19110.
at 1 a. m., Mrs: Emily DeVoe, a'ed
73 years, . 1 1 months am) 10 davs, of
- paralysis brought on by friiglit.
Deceased was a native of Ohio, and
leaves a husband and two children to
mourn her demise. Funeral! arrange
ments will be announced in tomor
row's issue, of the Statesman.
WETH MAN At the home! of her
son-in-law. -Th'os. R.i I'unk, seven
miles southeast -of Salem; ajt 5-iv in.,
Thursday, February 8. hxi, of oM
age, Mrs. Hannah Vycthnian, agtd
. 85 years. . ';
The deceased was an early pioneer
of the. state of Ohio, where she resided
until about nine years ago, When she
camp to Oregon. 1
BENNETT. At ttie familv Iresi dehre
corner of Liberty and; Wilson btreeU
South Salem. Oreiron. (Saturday,
. February 10. 1000. it
3 ;i
.. J.
JJennctt, aged 66 years, of heart dis
ease. . ' ; .:"...' .
Deceased was born ir Trcmont, Ill
inois, Ocloler U5, 1833. He came to
Oregon in i88t, settling ne;ir -SaJem,
arid has since been a itcsident f this"
city. When a mere boy he united with
the. Christian church and evei after re
mained a consistant member, always
ready to assist in upholding the prinv
ciples of religion as set forth in that
church. He has been Ian,' invalid for
the past two years but iis iliness only
took a serious turn on Sunday hist when
he -was confined1 to his bed and
gradually prew worse until his demise
as stated above. He leaves an ased
wife, -who has. Wen his faithful liie
partner; one son. E. A Bennett, of l-a-
Ctnter, Washington, and otic
Mrs. R. V. Jones, of Aatoria
S. C. STONE, M. D.
Proprietor ol
The stores, (two :n number are lo
cated at No. 235 and 333 Cnirnercuj
ttreer and are well stocked with
complete line of drugs and
toilet articles, perfumery,
etc., ctc etc.
T r f, A ...... vrwrTence Ia
fVi rrarfir tt mttirrf land 110
makes no charge for consu
amination or prescription.
itation. tx-
v -