. " WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1900. r - - 1 : r : : r h ri, ri' Sons of thsCnrei CTI A rues W. TI VP ETT, Tippecmnoe, lad. Curmt of Paralysis. ; '-; ::' i - : . JOEL SHOEMAKER. v . Morttt iklma, Wub. Cured of Locomotor jUazia. - Mr. M. C. WHITE, - . ; Maeon.'W, Va. ' Cured of Paralysis. Mrs. HAR.P.IET BEGOLE. ! YpsUaml. Mich. CVred of Partial Paralysis. lira. EMILY SEAMAN. U. iMWlttbt, liuffalo, IT. Y. Cured of iVcmw Prostration. '-. r : Mr H. T. SALISBURY, 11 e'uUelt Ht, pM-wtucket, B. X. 0rf 0 Xjtcomotor Ataxia. VL N. WAESEH, . Mlnden.Neb. Curtd of Paralysis t, I JAMES 81IELTOX. ' ;- Boarboo, Ind. i Curod of Paralysis. . ;r ; - :iH: i-. ::-: :' O. IL SNYDER, ! Lawrence, Kan. Cure 0 Creeping paralysis . : I is Mrm. MIXXIE FIEDLER, ! . neaeaat, Iowa. Cured of fSU Vitus' Danes. The above are a lew cases from bnadreds cored fey Dr. WtUIama' link PHI. If jroo area aerroua aaSerer. writ, a - -... - BEEF IS SCARCE. : Pendleton- 'East Oregonian. There Jias probably never before in ' the last five or six years been such a scarcity of beef cattle as exists in this county today. By beef cattle is meant Mock fattened and ready for the mar ket. Local- butchers say that it is .al most a impossibility to secure w,hat they wish for the home -trade, andj as a , consequence, there is now a very email imruint r.f 1 rc c Kf tliinndl from this tqwn. Prices range, from 6 to 7 cents per pound, live 1 weight, wKtch is considerably higher than hns lnn paid in several years, yet it ii . almost an impossibility to get enough to supply the demand at those priced, And yet the end hi not in sight, butch ers and buyers are claiming that it will only be a matter of a very short time until prices; -will take another ad vance. :. S ' While ; sheep and hogs on foot are bringing a fair iprice. it as much easier to fill the demand, and butchers expe rience tio great' difficulty in securing what is needed for local consumption atrd also for shipping. The farmer who rmw ow'm a few head of hogs or a beef or two is a ; very fortunate individual, indeed. The time is drawing neat when the successful farmer will be he who raises a little of everything, and jdoes not confine his efforts to j any j one single product Then, for instance, if wheat be low, .lie can dispose of a few hogs or a beef, and manage to hold on to his wheat until better prices prevail. SEVERE WIND STORM. The Dalles Ch rohicle. 7th 4 ' W.m- Vanbibler. who is out at al' - times of the night with his milk wagon says the storm of Monday nijjit wa the most severe he has ever encoun tered in The Dalks. compelling . him at ne time to Itop his horse arid ge out of the wagon until its furor ceased It seems that the storm was genera' as a Spokane pajer says: "For eagh hours J.is night a terrific windstorm raged all overcastern WasJiington. I increased in vfolence until its velock? was over thirty -miles an hour. Even wire, conniecringi Spokane with the out wde world was prostrated by 2 p. m tWest of the mountains liijr wres east .. .,. , , west, norun ami soutn went own oc- fore I-o'clock and news report wert shut off at that hour. Telephone line were serihnly interfered with in Spo k.in aruf there were hnv connection able to commoniratc with "central.' E Ihe wind was Hnm We soutnwest IVdcstrians on Ihb down town street.' found loconKitiofV difticult: It wa; warm work making one's way befort the fierce 'gak. hile traveling (with the gale ib was still more difiimk to pre vent a record breaking gait." I' ROBBERY. . I I Forest Crov Hatchet. - i A strange tory of robbery comcjf from j Cedar Mill. ; Two ked nsWn armed with revolvers, entered the firm-house of Vendel Scherchell last Saturday evening, ami, after binding the farmer and his hired man. pro ceeded to rob the fliouse. taking ""ly $40 and an old revolver. Mr. Sclver cliell thinks the robbers arc acquaint ed wkh the neighborhood, rfor when Vthey had; concluded th tying of the two mcni he remarked to them that the aged wife was lame and could do them no barm, and one of the assail ants aid, I know it" o dne to the thieves has been ftiven the officers. Several months ago the sanre partie were robbed of over $100 under sim ilar orewmstances. . At that time Scherchell hnl over $1000 ii ihe, house, secreted wkhin a few feet of the money found byithe rcJibers. " -i M , i.:.'M :;. . ij NEW j CREAMERY. , : i j Forest Grove Times. The: creamery at . Buxton blew its whistle for the first time, showing ti was ' ready for business. Monday. There is -wide and rich catrle rainre in that section and the creamery will re ceive a good quantity of milk and the peopte correspondingly laree returns. A thousand pound of milk was re ceived the first day. i , . i No man can answer for his own val- or or courage till he has been in dan- ger. -Rochefoucauld. i . Severe Nervous Disorders That Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale" People have cured ob stinate cases of locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, and St. Vitus' dance, is the best evidence that they will cure 1 lesser nervous disorders, because the principle in the treatment of all nervous dis eases is the same. Nervousness is a question of nutrition, ; Food for the nerves is what is needed and the best nerve food in the world Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 1 for Pale People Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pile People are never eeid by the eozaa or hundred, bet always In pack ages. At all druggists, er direct tram the Dr. WH tiams Medicine Comaanr. Schenectady, N. T.. 60 cents per bos, 6 boxes $2.50. ' ATHLETES AT MT. ANGEL Fred Fontaine Gives Some Interesting Notes About the College Located There. Fred J. Fontaine, of ts city, who is attending the Mt. Angel college, furnishes the Statesman the following notes concernig the movements of the students at that educational institu tion: ' - 'A five hundred yard straightaway track is being built near the college. -and will be utilized for training pur poses lor the coming held day. , Athletes are longing for springtime when they can commence training for the various field day eventt. Major Hodgkin was a welcome vis itor last week. A Spanish class was started last week with a good attendance. This class is in charge of Rev. Father Urban, one of the most accomplished linguists on the coast. y ? ' The typewriting department received an addition of three new Remington, latest improved models. , The Christie debating club, which meets every Friday evening, debated last Friday on "Resolved that England is carrying on an unjust war in South Africa. The negative' won, although sentiment Itere is entirely with the Boers. CONTRAST OF OCCUPATION. Youth and ambition turn a Mind eye to material obstacles or. at least they used to. writes Edward Bright in the Illustrated American, f Hawthorne nought nothing of doing his own iousework (washing the dishes and ooking) while his wife was : tending ler new-born child. These were char ning. almost Arcadian days. Of one f them Mr.- Hawthorne 1 gives a de ghtful picture: ; "For the world's eye care nothing; but in. the profound heltjcr of this hrmie I would put on laily a velvet robe and pearls in my hairj to gratify my husband's taste. This!' is a true wife's world. Directly ifterj dinner my lord -went to Athe laeiffln; and when he retarned he sat eadjng Horace Walixle till he went aut io the wood-house to saw and KpUt .vood." The whole of the Hawthornes" ife jup to Nathaniel's departure for Livea-pool is summarized in this con rast! of occupations. SAD NEWS Letters, received y the . Statesman yesterday, brought he sad news that Fred Bowker. a young man well known in this city, a son of W, F, Bowker Sr.. formerly of ?a1effli, but now residing in Sissons, California, was instantly killed, at Hay Creek, Oregon. 011 February 2d. He as: tlriving a load of feed to a ranch near Hay Creek, when, the horses ran may. throwing him ti the ground, in iuch a manner that the wagon wheels nassed over' his neck, Crushing out his ife. 'I The unfortunate ! mart, who was but 2.; years old, was highly esteemed, and his sudden death will be a sad shock to his many friends. ' Wfio is rich? She that is content. WIto is wise? She who learns from everyone, ; i , . Whjo is powerful? She who governs her passions. 1 I Fine Printing. Statesman Job Ofiice. CLASTIC! GOODS Ins AT HALF PRICE. ir timnt ma to make to nar KB ud HKa lui'TM tMMilMlarMMtltliMK AB tS V tSHfniS VPiftK, tiLLsa a rut k Tn iiaBo, wnwKi. jtsioUAb wfcfcMi a Itkoa, tt wear M(M. nt(M n km, ! mube or tnelw nnl body or limb ti aarh ltilwwln .-ti, and wad to mm trHh oaf An- KTHUirtMI. WwUBk tJ ynoM to orir iro m rry km (Mb irttat rlaMl it X, not end it perfclv V -Jl I J , (otUfariory anl 1"1 t mrmd 1 i - 9irm frt l prlo t-r. 1.,4 pt4 Irtum at emmvMmmmA we 1U IvVv! 0 SPECIAL PBICESZ' fN4 1W 5 iir A . tet.se, i-rf fl .-wk umrn. c m 1 e.o th. iL-Sr,.A e.ot - aalsa. a S. sea. kaW, C W SS-eet aaktah A ta C. TS. ssTbo rjUCi a CO- ttae J, CH.CACd. 1U. .. . ..... ...i rheeMsul AAtsT rwOTtll VhLii FOE COUNTY EOADS SrPEKVISOES APPOINTED . COCXTT COURT. BT THE ClyeleTax for 1900 Levied Teeterday fcherilTa Cnupcnutloa Uaslted to fa Ceata. (From Daily, Feb. 10th.) Several important orders were made by the commissioners court.- at its ses sion yesterday, one of which, especially, being quite unejxpecte! the appoint: meat of road supervisors for the vari ous districts in Marion county. The court holds lliatt while the new law provides for the election of road super visors at the June election, but , does not provide for tihe filling of the posi tions for the five months preceding that time, it is the court's dutv to fill the places immediately, in order to have the roads and bridges of the various districts properly . cared for. Other counties have taken the same course, and efforts will be made to enforce all the road laws, through the newly ap pointed road supervisors until such time as these officers will be succeeded by ; those properly elected. An order was also mad? levying the bicycle tax ior this year, and the sheriff instructed to collect the same, his compensation being fixed at 15I cents for each wheel. The petition oil Thomas Potter and others tor a bridge across Lake Labish jwas favorably considered, and the bid r - . -m. . e - a 01 j. t Aicoyt asking 120 tor tne construction of tfie bridge, wis accept ed, and the contract awarded - to him. He was also given the contract for mak ing a needed 613 in the county ; road three-quarters ofja mile south of .Che niawa, at an agrieed price of $27. The county curt authorized Judge G. P. Terrell to contract for the manu facture of election booths, to supply he new precincti in Marion county. The court ordered that an indirect index be prepared for the circuit court cases, and Counity Clerk W. W. Hall was allowed $30 toward paying for the work. 1 In the matter of the bicycle tax for Marion county, the court entered the following order: "On this day it is ordered by the ctmrt that the leyy on bicycles in .Mar-; ion county Icr the year 1900 shall be $1.25 each, as provided by law,,and it is further ordered that the sheriff of Marion county,? Oregon, may retain a fee of 15 cents on each tax collected and said sheriff is hereby directed to collect said tax Jn the manner provid ed by law for the same." The order fori the appointment of road supervisors made by the court, reads os follows:! . "In the matter of the filling of va cancies in the offices of road supervis ors. Now on this day it appearing to the court that there are vacancies in Marion county, and . that such vacan cies occurred by the .re-districting of the road districts! of this county at the January term. 1900, of this court, as required by law,j and it appearing to the court that under the law it is k duty at this termj to fill such vacancies occurring during , the month of Janu- ary. 1900. I . "It is, therefore;, ordered that the fol lowing named persons, who are resi dents of their respective road districts, be -and they are hereby 'appointed to the office of road supervisor for the road district set (opposite their names, and in which they reside, until such time as thei" successors shall be elect ed and qual.fy in the manner required by law, viz: j No. 1 Aurora Albert Kraus. No. 2 Hubbard, J- R- Jordan Sr. No. 3 ButteviHe, Wm. Bents. No. 4 Champoeg, John Scollard. No. 5-St. Paul, Sam J. Kerr. No. 6 Fairfield, Geo. B. Miller. No. 7 Gervais, John Bv Varfdalle. No. 8Woodburn. W. G. Walker. No. Q -Monitor, J. D, Simmons. No. .10 Mt. Angel. P. K. Johnson No. 11 Scotts Mills north, Charles Heintz. No. 12 Scotts Mill south, C W. Roberts. fio. 13 North Silverton, west, Julius J'lsher. No. 14- North iSilverton, east, J. F. Da vi No. 15 South Silverton, J. Hinkle. No. 16 Howell, John Johnson. No. 17 Brooks, E. K. Shaw. . No. 18 North Salem. H. T. Bruce. ; No. 19 Eiiglewood, J. E. McCoy. Nu 20-j-Prospect, A. A. Burton. No. 2ir-ast Salem, II. J. Work man. .. .-- . v No. .22 MacleaV. E. Hartley. No. 2A Silver falls. C. J. HuIlL No. 24 Sublimity, Adam Burns. No. 25 Aumsvillle. F. L. Pound. No. 26 Turner.! N. W. Silvers. No. 27 Yew Park, Wm. Clark. 'No. 28-r South Salem. B. F. Hall. No. 29 Sidney,; R. O. Donaldson. No. 30-1-Jefferson. M. E. Richardsot: ' No. 31 Marion, S. RusselL , No. 32 Staytonj A. J. Richardson, ; No. 33 Mehama1, J. W. Irwin. No. 34 Elkhorni T. L. Pope.: So. 35 Horeb, !R. G. Pierce After auditing and allowing the fot lowing bills on the road and bridge ac count, the court adjourned to- meet again at 9 o'clock ithis morning:' t Clmd. Allwd. r. Kicnards.,.. . . 50 . ..." 4 00 .... 8 30 .... 4 87 29 29 .... J SO .... 2 25 . . ... I SO . . . . IO OO ..... 2 40 .... 2 l6 I 00 13 43 . ... 22 25 ..,.64 31 .... 21 62 .... 5 9 IS 50 $ 6 50 . 4 00 4 IS 487 29 29 Contd 2 25 Contd 10 00 ' 2 40 2 l6 - I OO 13 43 22 25 64 31 21 62 5 00 8 IS 50 6 00 10 17 1 50 40 00 22 21 5 54 25 00 4 So Albert Morns ... ,4. 4. i. M. S. Norton i.. Thos. Holmzn .. B. I M. Dimmick.. E. S. Longacre. .. A. H. Damon..... W. N. Grubb D. C. Howard. ... A. B. Hudlcson.. R. M. Wade...... John Schwab . . . . C. W. Stege. Franz Nibler ...i I. Brown & Son; L. D. Kelly J. E. McCoy ...4..... John Naze . .. ..i... R. W .Tucker. J...... Sidney Power Co..... W. P. Collard.i...... John WiHs ....jU..... A. Hill & CoJ. ...... V. ; Wattier & Sonl.. . John Scollard ....... E. M. Gaylord. ....... Wm. Miley .J. 6 00 10 17 1 50 40 00 22 21 S 54 25 00 4 5 - . 1 i- rca the ceeavest. Farmer . Requested to Promptly No tify II. ( B.i Thielsen of the Num ber of Cows Whose Cream . - ,1 Tliey Will Contribute. Xow that T. S- Townsend. of Port land, has decided to establish a cream ery in' this city, the responsibility of the farmef- ia this connection has just begun, but ' Jiudging, from the remark able interest that has been evinced on the. plan isinie it was first suggested, leaves no room for doubt that the farm ers will not ' faithfully and readily dis charge whatever responsibility they may assume. : : '.' Before returning to Portland on Thursday 1 afternoon, Mr. : Townseml requested j that the farmers, residing within ten or twelve miles of Salem, should leave their names together with the number f cows whose cream they can supply Sor. the creamery and the distance they are located from Salem, with Henry: B. -Thielsen, secretary of the Salem' , Chamber of Commerce. Mr. To w1! send is anxious that this be done at the earliest convenience for he will visit the city within a few days when he. hopes to be able to gather some idea of : the amount of cream that will be available -'for his plant. At the same time he desires to make arrange ments with lical parties or farmers for the collection of the cream,, His plan is, to establish circuitous routes among the farmers for gathering the crea.n, each route to cover about 28 miles. Mr. Thielsen. tire energetic secretary of Salem's icommercial organization. labored faithfully to secure this. institu tion for i Salem and he is naturally pleased with the result of his efforts which have borne fruit so quickly. -He said yestefday afternoon that the success of the movement was made possible by the hearty co-operation of Salem's grocery men, eadh of whom personally worked amrjng his farmer-customeri and aroused a wonderful interest in the project. '; Mr. Thielsen. is confident that with; such loyal co-operation, many more manufacturing institutions, tor which there lis a wide field in Salem, can bsecured. ?' AT THE DALLES. Says the Chronicle, of The Dalles, in its. issue of February 7th: "If the order of the Artisans were not benefited by the ad dress of Rev. G. W. Grannis in its behalf last night at the Congregational' church, it would be unaccountable, for a more effective and fascinating, speak er would be hard to find. ' While lcav irig out not a jot .or a tittle of the facts necessary tq a thorough understand ing of the workings of the order, he clothed therein such an attractive man ner that the triteness of the -bare facts and figures was lost and the audience was interested throughout. Mr. Gran nis is witty iand at the same logical. The audience should have been much larger to do justice to the speaker. I ONE SIGN OF GREATNESS. A ) l believe the first test of a truly great man is his ltumility, says Ruskin. I do not mean by humility, doubt of his own power for hesitation in speaking his opinion; but a right understanding of the relations between what he can do and say and the reft of the world's sayings and I doings. AH great - roer not only know their business, but usu ally that they know; and are not onlj right in. then main opinions, tut they usually know that they are right ir them--only jthey do not think mucr of themselves on that account. Arn olfo knows that he can build a good dome at Florence; Albert Durer writes calmly to one who had- found fault with his w0rfc, "It cannot be better done;" ,Sir Isaac Newton knows that he has worked out a problem or two 'hit' would have puzzled anyone 'else-only- they ,do not expect their fellow men, therfofe. to fall down an d wor ship them. .They have a curious - un der sense of powerleissness. feelinp that the greatness is not in them, b'u through thefn they could not do or tx anything else than God made them. And they .see something divine and God-made ill every other man they meet, and are endlessly, foolishly, in credibly: mefciful. The slightest mani festation of 1 jealousy or self-complacency is enough to mark a second-rite character of; the intellect. ' TO REGISTER GOATS. The Na tional Angara Goat Record Associa tion filed articles of incorporation ii the county ' clerk's office and in the state department, yeiRerday. The as sociation proposes to engage in the establishment, maintenance and publi cation of 'a' record of Angora goats. The principal office will be located in Salem. ! The capital stock i fixed at $5ory dividcid into fifty shares of the par value off $10 each. J. B. Stump, j. B. Early jand Henry B. Thielsen are the incorporators. -4 " ' Thirty-six foreign vessels having an aggregate tonnage , of 57,5S6, met with disaster in jAmerican waters last year. i 4, tf 9 w y w v 9' 0ZI S PI LLS For Biliova and Ncnrous Disorders, such as J ti s, Bleaches en the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, 1 'ni rWMm ami! all Mwww mmA TmKL 1 r lag Sea-aiioas, etc These ailments ell ariacI r from e disordered or abused coodttioa of the J L wuiiMt. . It, ,f.Er. J r BamC hsusi'm Pill taken ss directed, III j r quicklr restore Females to complete health. They 1 r promptly rcraoee say obstrectioa or imsularity I t Weak Seos-JBC. Impoired Dtestlen. Stdt HmrlsChr. Disordered Liver, etc they act like aorc a fear doses eriJI srerk ere. V ders npoa the Vital Orcaea ; Streagthcaiea the r Maacalar System, rraiormi the leag-ioM Com- 4 ehrxion, brinelac back ffce kere edce of Appeiite, 4 V and anmhts vifh the ftmmmmmrf mt Mmmttli 4 S in m as aim mrrrCMl mm or up of the human i y franc. tor tti rowing ot levers they are specisUr -4 y rseoeaed. These are " facts " sdiaitacd by thou- 4 i eseds. ia sll classes ef seclety. aed one of tna 4 t beet guarantees to the Nermna and Debilitsted 4 I is ehat Bmrndtmrrr'm Pillm hsnrm thm 4 r Lmrommt mJm of mrry Rmrmn MmmU- 4 fr ebeet mm thm WosHti. TTiim ttmm, mtimlmwmtl mrltttetsrt tttm mini mat I am e r f tmmlimmmjxf. thm fact bminn that A r amommmmf'mf'aJmrmommmsmmmm'thstnM' 4 Bcccham's Pffle fceve for asenr years teea the 4 r popular family medicine urfcerever she English 4 r laaguas is spokes, and the aeer stand wiutoag 4 r a rhrai, .: -.. r llKaMisil3Stl.ItlIIanriawi. I f Aaunai saia sooOO Ixxzaa. CHAM nj r ar 1 inu ana rain in idv oionKut awk nnwKnct j r Giddiness, Fulness and SwelUnf after nwsls,Dis- 1 f.sinesssnd Drovsincss, Cold Chills, Flush in r of j r lj . t , : c 1 . t ..4. i 4 r-l ot h o r's Sfo ry of a by 's 0 u ro Of a Most Distressing Humor by the Cuticura Remedies. , When our baby was a week old, eczema appeared on die top of her hfh V i t Nv Hi ,IS. ' av r and My oldest boy, age nine years, was troubled with sores on different parts of the body, especially on the leg, about twenty-four In all. They were about the size ot ja five-cent piece, and would fester very much and eject a pus.. They were jrery painful. After my above experience with the cure of my little girl vfith CunccKJk Remedies, I did not bother with the doctor in this case, but gave him the Ctticcka, treatment which completely cured, him In fouriweeks. Mrs. E. BUTLER, 1289 3d Ave., S. Brooklyn, N. V. Sleep for Skih-Torfur&rJ Babies Am Rest fok TTkkd Mothkks Id a warns bath with CxmcvAk. Sosr, and a single appll. eatioa of Cimcua. tMnttnetit, erreateKt of emollient skin cure. This treatment, asltet In tbe severer easee by Citticcra Rksolvext, to cool anI cleanse the blood, affords in. stent relief, permits rest for parent and sleep for child, and points to a speedy, permanent, and economical core of torturing, dtaflpurinfr, ttriang, burning, Moedinjr, scaly, pimply, and crusted skia and scalp humors with loss of hair, when all else fails. Sold tbrouirhout the world. Complete External and Intekmal Treatmkxt. Price, Tim Srr, S l.as t . or, Ctc0aASOAp,2V5CCTlccRAMntment,fiOcCtJTicnRA Rkholvrnt. Bon. Potte Duua and Ciiem. Corp., Pro pij., Boston. M How to Cure Every Kind ot Humor," free. . Save Teste Hate with ', tags of OtrriccaA, pureat of emolUeala end Ktueteat of akin eurtta.' Tl' etrople, I refreahiop, and lnespenstee trestatsnt will clear the eealp nod hair of eruata, aeales, and dandruff, soothe irritated and Itching surface, sUinulsle ths hair follicles, supply the roots with energy and nourishment, and tasks. the hair grow on a clean, wholesome scalp when, all slse falls. J A LOST TRIBE OF ESQUIMAUX. They Live on an Island in Hudson Bay, and ' Make Homes of . , Whales Skulls. . The strangest aniliropological "find" recorded in the iast decade , of the nineteenth century will soon be an nounced by the Ahnerican Museum of Natural History. j.It as nothing less thanthe discovery, on a lonely island in Hudson bay, of a lost tribe of Es quimaux a community which has been without intercourse with, other representatives of the humans species for centuries, and w'hose members ftever saw a white man until ) a few months ago. They are still in ithe Stone Age, knowing o metals; they grow no plants, and their houses are. built of the skulls of whales. The home of hj Strange - tribe, which seems to have been cut off in some unknown manner from the rest of the world ever jso long ago, is on Southampton Island, at pice of -water-girt terra firma nearly as big as the state of Maine, situated at the north end of Hudson bay. Apparently the people have dwelt r there ever since pre-Columbian tin'ies, and today they live and subsist in exactly the same way as they did then. Having been isolated'for so long a period, it is nat ural that they should exhibit many peculiarities most interesting to the student of , ethnology, and these are illustrated by a uperb collecuon ot utensils, weapon of the chase and oth er objects, which, through the agency of Dr. Franz Boas,' has been fetched to New York tri a whaling Vessel and deposited in th4 (Museum of Natural History. . j The houses of skulls above men tioned, more properly described as huts, are built by putting together the great jaws of right whales, which arc covered with skins. In the middle of this primitive dwelling is an flevated place on which ! stands the inevitable stone lamp chief; essential of - every Esquimau household. Indeed, the whole life of the family may - be said to revolve about this lamp, the inmates depending upon it for their very ex istence. Without it they woyjd be unable to occupy 'so frigid arid other wise' uninhabitable a region. It is employeti for lighting, heating, cook ing, melting snow, drying clothes and in certain arts. Yet it is notliing more than an open dish of whale oil or seal oil, with a wick of dry moss staked in fat. i '. , J. The whale is the chief means ofj sub sistence of this- ttrangc peopled who hunt the mighty cetacean in skin boats much bke those tised by other Escui n.ux. It is iront the x- wlrale 'that the wlvalebone of commerce is "ob tained, and this material they use in a variety of surprising ways, making even their cups and buckets of it by bending it into rounded sharies and sewing on the bottoms. iMany of their implements i are 'of . whatebone, and from the ame stuff they manu facture toboggan-like .sleds. They make sledges of pairs of walrus tusks for runners and ieer antlers for cross pieces. It would ibe hard to find more daring hunters than they are, the seal, the walrus and the wary caribou contributing" 4o their game bags. The tribe comprises only fifty-eight! individuals, about equally divided as to sexes. Its members speak a dialect peculiar to themselves and quite un like that employed by other. Esqui maux. A strait" about thirty miles bread separates Southampton- Island from the western shore of Hudson bay, where there is a cjplony of Esquimaux, and once in a very long while it freezes clear across-i Thii happened, it is said, seventy-five years fa-go. and then a-few banters came over from the island to the mainland, where they were much surprised to encounter other human beings like themselves, having doubt less imagined thait they were the only people in existence. This is now a tra dition , with the ' natives on the main land, who say ! that the strangers brought two sledges with them. Aut went away againj and never returned. Neither before nor since has any news come from the lost tribe. ; , On Southampton Island there is no soapstone. which among the Esqui maux elsewhereSs the favorite material for pots and kettles; hence the people of the lost tribe 1 are obliged to make head and spread all over her scalp, face, and forehead, forming one mass of sores. You. can realize how much she must have suffered, when she scratched at times till the blooil ran intermingled with water. Our family "doctor's, treatment' proved ineffectual, aa the disorder, instead of abating, developed more. We then stopped all medical treatment, and com , menced with Ccticcrx Uemkdiks. Wre used the CencrBA Resolvext, Cuti- ct-RA Ointment,1 and Clticcra Soap, all : traces of the eczema disappeared, the skin and scalp were left perfectly clear ; smooth, and she was entirely cured. I ' Mas. E. HUTLEK, una shampoos of Cutk-I'RA Soaf, and light dress. such receptacles in rectangular shapes out of slabs of limestone glued togeth er with a .mixture oT grease and deer bkod. In the same way they manu facture their lamps; and this fact is an other evidence of the proloaiKfd isola tion of the community describrd, inas much as Esquimaux, where they can obtain no soapstone in their own neighborhood, will pay any - prjee to get it from some other more fortunate tribe. Someu'mes they will make trips lasting several years in quest of this material, which- is of rare occurrence, and not cf ten - discovered., in- pieces large enough for tamps of pots. The hunters of SouthamptHi Island arm their harpons with tlint points, and their arrows- Irkewise. Tliey make these points by, chipping the flint with one instruments. In tlicar i hunting pouches they always carry a number of fresh arrowhead's and spcarleads to provide for emergencies. Of course, never having seen a white man. until recently, and having been cut off for centuries from alj communication with other tribes of their own people, they are pot acquainted with tobacco--a. weed, of which the Esquimaux' in gen eral arc exceedingly fond. Neither do. they possess any article whatever that has been inlroducd into America sine; the' landing of Columbus. Tjc they obtain" by means of the fapiiliar bow drill, which is such an oldicontri-ancc that it "was commonly used in- ancient Egypt. - Both sexes were jackets of deerskin . and combination boots ; and trousers of bearskin.Bostori Trans cript. -. ' - j Eli AUTHORS FIRST SOLD. ITIONS Vrh icago Inter Ocenn, "oth. Or 'Monday and Tuesday Ta lot ov fjntjeresting books wtne j sold at ijie auction rooms of 'Bangs & Co., No. 93 Fifth avenue. . Among other lwioks w.ld'were a nunler of iKipling first editions, "The Department; Ditties" in the original -till paper coyer as is sued by the Civil ami Military Gazette, Lahore, 1806 sold for $60; fiie "School Boy Lyrics," printed for private for circulation (Kipling's firct book), sold for $60: "Soldiers : Three," for $40; "Plain Tails Frtwn the Hils," for $f.K "Wee WUlie Winkle," for $14.50: 'l he Week's News," thirty-tliTee j numbers of thirty-six, -11 that were issued each number containing a long story signed by Kipling, for $go.,5. j The first irditrohs of Robert Le-wi Slevenon srld as follows: 15lack Cn yon dr Wild Alventures ui the Far West," $; "Travelers Willi a Don key in tbe Cevennes," $17; "A Martini Elegy for Some Lead Soldiers." $i.?-So Faster Damien," privately printed, $17. . Tennyson's "The Cup." printed for the author in iKfti, a first edition went for $280, and his "Carmen 1 Secular," for $138. Neither of these? editions had ever been' sold before at auct'on in this country. George Mcrclith's poems in the first and only edition, which is very rare, brought $60. The first edition ; of Ruskin's j "Modern Painters"' was sold for $65; , "The Seven Iamps of j Architecture." first edition, brooght $20', and the "Stones of Venice," three volumes, $45. Cliolly Yaas, scvewal yealvs ago I fell. deeply in love with a girl, but Aie wejected me made a wegular fool of me. . : ' Molly And you iever gof over 'it? -Tit-Bits. i - Zf1.8E.IP 5Q CENTS SA: f mm4 WSrM La SaKTA ! Ill I f im, C. O. a., aahj' ..'."' itlaa ia. uafuianuii fnjMt ittr umem .t it tuntr. rrf-t tweawi BnUh, er rat hurhl- Hrhly poitatuHl. Hand.omcl j InUld arooinl auuad hvlaaud lalaiS rtrta. la Wa, arilalatS mmmms mm aaaa, t tntrernord mfirurntly f rt Sad witl. raMad trr, Iaa4 pari pnltl. Mm. VuMm. A Bh4t LAS .M TM. r.rl ..I )M rwwl ton-0. 1 .nilvfrwl rwi'frU vita .m rm ami ea aaallty atMS atrftraa a4 a la.ia. aiini'iiiiiii. Maw arUMsay moc-imm mnj. on. h"r i alar. " ? : - Risaiis td urmm mi n ? Sli. . and if found .uv-tlfaa reprwatwt and 4h a"atal aarvala jm ar aa. r Saaad 4 pay thexpa amnt a, 6S taaa Sue. ar SA.IS an. nw aaara-. d thai eofnptM. outlit ft yx'rn. tati.rao. Una 11 MUM ar nWT rnqiriM 10 lull, SPECIAL PREMIUM CFf EB. S.SS eaato tu full w. wtil a, UiMt llaarSae tkHC It Is M aerurut. ruWi., baTinx all (.-, H t atkarpe awl ata la full fle., nt an b. aaallf a. laxtwl to any awltar without ctw tim iuotro aaeas. With the ciae ot I M lel!Tl ti hrrxart any on. ean w to py wittiout th. alii ut m. (U-sr-tacr. W rxtm t'tr (muwi leal 1n.tnim.ttt and flannand 'inra. eatalam.. &9991khm at Sia.al wti ,al. fuliii. A SEARS. ROEBUCK ACO..CHICACO f ' UotMiAJf. At CSV an lairiaaaly ralnat.fcar. r